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The Ball Game

"Watching the Super Bowl with horny American friends while playing a drinking/forfeit game leads to a game of balls - as well as other things."

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Author's Notes

"Apologies to any (American) football experts if I got anything technical wrong!"

The Super Bowl, the biggest game on the planet.

If you’re into (American) football, at least. It’s not big in the UK, but it has been on TV here for ages and does make it into the news, even if there’s not that much hype. I have a general sense of how it works, it’s a bit stop-start at times, and there’s A LOT of ad breaks, but an invitation from some American friends to watch the game at theirs with a few drinks was not something I was going to turn down. I booked the next day off work – it effectively runs overnight here – and headed over. 

I’ve been friends with Chang and Zoe for a few years. Zoe is a professor in the English department, and we met through work. She’s the high flyer, an absolute risen star, did fantastic work and was accordingly promoted fast and young. Chang, her husband, is a translator between three languages and this has allowed him to work freelance as they chased Zoe’s career all over the world. They’re good fun, easy going and we share a lot of similar views.

I arrived at their flat with my bottles of beer and a bag of crisps – potato chips – as ordered, rang the bell, and was buzzed in. Their place takes up the top floor of a converted Victorian school building, mostly open plan and with great views over the city. Chang let me in with a handshake and a bro hug. He’s Asian American, a little shorter and thicker than me, but not overweight, more solid. A kiss on the cheek and a hug from Zoe, who’s a willowy redhead, with great freckles. She is hot, but as friends and colleagues, you don’t stare. Or you try not to...

Chang directed me to the couch and passed me an open beer as I sat down. The long build-up to the game was on, complete with what felt like an ad break every minute, and we spent some time catching up on each other’s news and views. Two beers in and not long before the game kicked off, we were relaxed and laughing. Zoe suggested a game alongside the game to make things entertaining.  

“Okay, here’s how it works,” she said. “We used to play a version of this in college with larger groups of friends, but with three of us we don’t want it to be too one-sided, or you could end up with one person completely smashed and the others stone-cold sober. That's not the plan! So we take turns, each person has to drink or take a forfeit each time there's a new set of downs - they make ten or the ball changes hands, so a score, a sack, or a penalty against the offensive team. You’re not allowed to refuse the forfeit or drink. At end of each quarter, we all drink deep, and the order changes at the start of the next one, so we go back the other way. The only remaining question is whether you’re feeling courageous.”

“Courageous?! By courageous, what do you mean?” I replied.

“Rich, we’ve known each other for a while, we’re great friends, we like you and trust you, and we wouldn’t be suggesting this otherwise. We could play the adult version – which means that anything goes. And there’s no safe word.” She winked at me knowingly.

The mood in the room suddenly changed, for me at least. It was almost as if the lights had been dimmed. They’d evidently been thinking about this. It was a mix of 'woah', but also 'mmm'. I looked at Chang, who looked back at me, relaxed and happy, smiling. I then looked at Zoe, also smiling, with a warm twinkle in her eye.

I took a deep breath. “Count me in. You’d better not chicken out on me!” I replied, pretending to be braver than I felt.

“Sweet, I’m pleased. We’re both pleased,” she replied back, nodding to Chang. “This will be a lot of fun. One other thing – you have to choose a team, Kansas City Chiefs or Philadelphia Eagles. If your team loses, there’s an added forfeit. Write it down, folded, and put it on the table.”

She passed me a pen and a post-it. I have a friend from Kansas City and wanted to be loyal, but I knew that their quarterback, Mahomes, was nursing a bad ankle and the other guy, Hurts, was on a roll. I wrote down Eagles and put it on the table. Chang and Zoe wrote theirs down, and then Chang picked them up and read them out.

“Zoe – Chiefs. Rich – Eagles. Me – Chiefs. Let’s see where this ends up!” I was wondering whether I’d been stitched up, but from what I could gather from reading about the match-up, it wasn’t a foregone conclusion by any stretch.


First Quarter – Rich, Zoe, Chang

The Chiefs kicked off. This was a turnover of sorts, supposedly, as the ball changed sides. As the guest, it was me first. “Drink,” said Zoe.

A few minutes later, the Eagles fumbled. Change to Zoe. Drink. This pattern continued for another few circuits, more drinks, and we were pretty buzzed halfway through the first quarter. At Zoe’s next turn, though, Chang changed tack. “Zoe, take off your panties and put them in Rich’s pocket.”

I wondered how much of this had been pre-planned. Zoe smiled, lifted her hips, and reached up under her long dress. I caught a glimpse of thigh – and ass – as she hooked the waist of her green, lacy panties and pulled them down her long legs. As she pulled them off, she looked me in the eye, she scrunched them up and then pushed them slowly into my pocket. I don’t think it was an accident that her hand pushed against my package through the fabric.

At Chang’s next turn, I ordered him to kiss Zoe. She did so, very lovingly, plenty of tongue. My next time, I was expecting (hoping for?!) a forfeit, but Zoe paused for a few seconds...and then ordered me to drink. Damn!

At her next one, though, Chang ordered her to unbutton my shirt. She did it very slowly, and I could see as she leant across me that she wasn’t wearing a bra. I couldn’t quite see her nipples, but very nearly. This was getting hornier.

At the next go, I was in a bind. I didn’t quite know where the boundaries were, and didn’t want to push theirs, they were kind of in charge somehow. What to get Chang to do? I went for what I thought was a safe (ish) option. “Chang, play with Zoe’s right nipple – for twenty seconds.”

Chang reached across, slipped his left hand into the slit in the front of her dress and did as he’d been told. Zoe leant back and pushed her chest out, sighing gently. As he took his hand away, I could see the outline of her hard nipple through the fabric. The heat was rising further.

End of the first quarter. The scores were even, and we all took a deep drink.

Second Quarter – Chang, Zoe, Rich 

First go, touch down, Chang's turn. “T-shirt off!” I barked! He laughed and obliged, lifting it over his head and dropping it over his head behind the sofa.

Second, Zoe’s. Drink.

Third, it was me. Chang ordered me to take off my trousers and socks. I did so, slightly self-consciously as I knew I had an erection and a pre-cum stain in the front of my blue underwear. But this was the game, no refusals allowed. I took them off, and both Chang and Zoe were watching my groin closely as I did so.

Zoe then ordered me to touch her left nipple, forty seconds. I reached into her dress and cupped her breast, rubbing my thumb over her nipple. She was a handful, maybe a B cup, and her nipple was hard as I teased over the top and all around. She bit her lip as I was doing it, and my cock was straining in my pants.

Chang ordered Zoe to take his trousers off slowly, maintaining eye contact. She lifted herself off the sofa sensuously, knelt in front of him, and ran her hands up his thighs before undoing his belt, button, and fly, before pulling them down. I wasn’t the only one with an erection; Chang was wearing boxers but there was a clear tent there as he lifted his hips to let Zoe pull them off.

I ordered Chang to drink, unsure of a good next move, and Zoe did the same of me. Chang followed suit, and I took a big swig from my bottle. The second quarter ended, Eagles leading. Halftime show!

Third Quarter – Zoe, Chang, Rich

We had a while during the mid-game entertainment to draw breath and catch our thoughts, refresh our beers, eat some snacks, but what we really wanted was for the game to restart. The ball game was a good one, pretty tightly matched, but our attention was much more on the happenings in the room than at State Farm Stadium. The game had become a sideshow for us. What mattered more was the tension, the fun, and the turn-on.

The third quarter started with a kick-off, so the ball changed sides, but the receiving player, having made good ground, was tackled and fumbled. This was two quick changes. Zoe stepped in for the first. “Husband, show us your cock and balls.” Chang did as he was told, lifting his hips and pulling his shorts down. His erection was average length but quite thick, circumcised, and almost clean-shaven except for a patch on his lower belly. He was sticky on top, so I wasn't the only one. He tucked it back in and lowered himself back onto the couch.

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Then it was me, Chang’s orders. “Your turn, Rich. Stand up and show us what you’ve got.” There was no turning back at this stage without losing face (and I didn't want to stop now), so I stood up, turned to face them both, and exposed myself. I was pretty hard but not quite so much that my foreskin had been fully pushed back yet.

“Mm, nice”, said Zoe, eying my package. “And uncut, too.”

The next drink or forfeit was Zoe’s. “Open your dress, touch yourself,” I ordered, feeling more assertive. She lifted back the two sides of her dress below her waist and opened her legs. She had such beautiful skin, lightly freckled, and a closely shaven pussy. She licked one of her fingers slowly and placed it between her legs, rubbing it up and down the slit a few times before licking her wet finger again. She sat up again but left herself uncovered.

We’d crossed another line, it seemed, and we followed this with three orders to drink, to mark the occasion, and perhaps pluck up a little more courage.

It was Zoe’s turn again. It felt like the air was thicker and heavier than when we'd started. I’d gained a little more confidence in the break, it felt more equal now. “Zoe, get naked. And do it slowly.”

Zoe stood in front of the TV, legs slightly apart, and the TV made the fabric almost see-through. Swinging her hips slowly from side to side, and looking confidently at Chang and I, she undid the belt that was holding the two sides of her dress together, which made them swing apart, exposing her belly and pussy. She reached inside, crossing her hands and cupping her tits inside the dress, squeezed them a few times lasciviously before slowly withdrawing her hands to open up the dress and then let it fall backwards over her shoulders. She was so beautiful, smooth and pale, with tight, pink nipples pointing forwards.

She sat down just as the third quarter ended. The Eagles were still ahead, but only by six points. It was anyone’s game.


Fourth Quarter – Chang, Zoe, Rich

Chang’s order to me was to take off my pants and stroke my cock and balls for thirty seconds. I did, and they both watched intently as I slowly rocked my foreskin back and forth with one hand, and rolled my clean-shaven balls with the other. I had to take it easy so I didn't come.

My order to Zoe was to take off Chang’s underwear using only her mouth. She took her time, looking closely at her husband’s tackle with a kind of hunger and kissed it as she went past. Now we were all naked. Both of us guys were as hard as wood, and Zoe was evidently wet, you could smell the sex in the air.

Chang to me: “Rich, on your knees. I want you to lick Zoe’s pussy until she moans. However long that takes.” I got off the sofa and turned my back – well, my naked arse – to the TV. Zoe lay back flatter and presented herself to me. “I’m going to hold it in, so you’re going to have to try hard, buddy,” she chortled. 

Nothing like a challenge. I started off gently, first smelling her musky cunt, kissing her labia from top to bottom and back again. I pressed harder, opening them so my mouth was between her lips. She tasted fucking divine, creamy, womanly, horny, pure sex. Chang and Zoe were watching me with smiles on their faces and I looked Zoe right in the eye as I licked her entrance, running my tongue around just inside her. She bit her lip, but didn’t moan. I transferred my attentions to her clit, first drawing a circle around her nub before flicking it over and over. About a minute of this and she twitched and let out a groan. “Damn,” she laughed, “I wanted more!”

Zoe’s turn. “Sit on Chang’s cock, facing the TV, and rock back and forth until the next change”, I said. It was a long set of downs, the Eagles were advancing upfield, and scored at the end. It was even now, and the clock was running down.

Zoe was almost disappointed to get down, and at the next go she ordered Chang to stroke my cock for a minute but not to let me come. They swapped places on the sofa and Chang held my now throbbing penis in one hand, and squeezed gently, running his hand up and down,. It was hard not to let go, but he seemed to have a good sense of what I could take, staying away from stimulating my head.

The game – actually both games – were approaching their respective denouements but there was still a few minutes to go, with the Chiefs now desperately heading upfield, the game was tied. There was a turnover. “Rich, I want Chang’s meat in your mouth, and you can’t let go until I count to thirty,” Zoe ordered me.

Chang moved along the couch slightly and pushed his hips forward so he was sitting on the edge. My mouth felt a little dry, it was nerves, but I leant across sideways and encircled his head with my lips before pushing down a little further. This was the first time I’d had a cock in my mouth, I’d always wondered what it would feel like. I was curiously smooth, hard, and soft at the same time. And sticky – I could taste some pre-come.

Zoe was watching the TV and counting really slowly, and Chang was gently pushing his cock into my mouth and slightly back again, not fucking my mouth exactly but certainly making sure the edges of his cock head got some friction. I could do nothing but hold there and wait until she hit the thirty.

“Twenty-eight, twenty-nine…..wait for it…a little longer…honey, that is SO hot, I want to hold that picture in my mind for a moment more…and…maybe…oh, yes, here we go, and…thirty!” Zoe cackled. “Rich, that was great! And guess what, while you were looking at my husband's balls, there was a penalty flag and the Chiefs became Super Bowl champions, baby!!! I think that deserves a drink all round, don’t you? Chang, do the honours?”

Well, that was that. Chang returned from the kitchen with his wet boner still proud and three chilled, open beers. We toasted the game and the Chiefs' victory. The usual fireworks and ticker tape were all over the TV. At the same time, I was wondering what the loser’s forfeit would be. I didn’t have long to wait to find out.

Zoe made the announcement. “Rich, your forfeit is this: you have to make all three of us come – us both with your mouth and hands. Me first, then Chang, and then you have to wank yourself off for us, standing in front of the TV – but we’ll help you.”

There was no getting it out of it – a dare was a dare, and this felt safe now. “Okay. Let’s get to it,” I laughed. “Zoe, present yourself!”

She duly obliged, sitting in the middle of the sofa with her legs open. Chang sat to one side, kissing her, and I got to work. I lapped at her, and pushed two fingers inside while I tongued her clit and sucked on her pussy. Chang was playing with her nipples and before long I could feel her clenching around my finger and I held my tongue flat against her clit while she came against me.

Now it was Chang’s turn. He knelt in front of me and I hesitated. “You don’t have to swallow, just take it easy,” he said. I assumed the position, on my knees, and he guided his cock back into my mouth. Zoe was watching avidly, touching herself, and this encouraged me.

I cupped Chang’s balls with one hand, fondling them gently, and did I what I hoped felt good to him. I sucked hard, and managed to get about two thirds of him in, and then worked back and forth, trying to stimulate his helmet with my tongue and lips as much as possible without gagging. It took a while, and my jaw was starting to ache, but finally he pushed my head off and grabbed himself, spurting his come into the air where it landed on the carpet. I could see his balls contracting as he emptied them.

“Man, that was good. Right, your turn, dude – let's see your load.”

I did as I was told, stood with my back to the TV as the commentary and celebrations continued. I was incredibly hard and horny, and as I tugged on myself for them, they both approached me. Chang started stroking inside my thighs, all the way up to (and including) my balls while Zoe kissed me on the mouth. It was too much to take, on top of around three hours of build-up. With a grunt, in fact many grunts, I came hard, spewing globs of jizz into the air.

The Super Bowl might be fun, but this was possibly the greatest game on the planet.

Written by QuickeningPulse
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