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My Birthday Morning

"Little did I know that my boyfriend and a mutual friend were going to make one of my dreams come true."

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Author's Notes

"This telling is part of a larger story inspired by the author."

I was a twenty-year-old college junior, living with my “boyfriend” in an off-campus apartment in Boston. I was learning so much about life and personal dynamics – I was (and still am) a free-spirit, willing to try most things once, and ready to repeatedly enjoy doing things I liked.  The past month or so in our apartment complex had been spent making new friends, renewing relationships with old friends, partying in true-college mode, and getting more and more immersed in classes. 

It was the morning of my birthday! Bob, our friend Bill and I had gone to a club last night. Bill lived downstairs with a few other guys that I was getting to know casually. On top of the dancing and drinking there was a bit of flirting and a good amount of dream and fantasy sharing.  Bob has had a few girlfriends, and the funny thing is I know them.  When Bob and I got together the first time, I thought the relationship was doomed right away because Bob was sleeping with the fourth girl in a very tight circle of friends, and I could only imagine that, apart from enjoying the thought of it when we’d all be together in the same place, he would feel like the “communal" or "group" cock. 

It didn’t work out that way, though – Bob is unusual and has said he doesn’t feel used.  He feels loved and lucky, and thinks that if we are all still friends in forty or fifty years and get together, he will look at each of us and remember great sex with everybody.  That is part of Bob’s fantasy – being shared by lots of women. 

The other part touches on one of mine – sharing his woman with another man.  I confessed, influenced by my fourth Bacardi, that being shared had been part of my dream life since watching YouPorn and PornHub when I was a young teenager just getting started on sex.  I always wondered how “entertaining” more than one penis would feel.  Bill was not terribly sexually active, just a few long term girlfriends.  I often had sexy thoughts about him, wondering how he’d feel moving inside me, how he’d taste, how he would treat me. 

By the time we were working on our fourth round of drinks, we were talking sexy talk and I could see both sets of eyes wandering up and down my body.  Bob got up for a bathroom break, and I could see his “tent” very clearly, and I could feel my own moisture seeping.  I knew what was in that tent very well, and I couldn’t wait to get home and take care of it. 

Bob came back, and when I got up to go to the bathroom, and my nipples were telling anyone who looked that I was having a good time.  As I got up, Bill’s eyes riveted on my nipples and cleavage, and I felt a familiar urge.  In the privacy of the bathroom stall, I had a wonderful few moments squeezing and pushing my clit, putting two fingers in my well-lubed pussy, and feeling like I was soaring into low-Earth orbit.  As I walked back to the table, their eyes locked on my body, and I made sure to smile at them, bending over as I sat to let them see just a bit more.

We drank and danced and talked the night away until last call.  Bob and I went to our place, and took care of all those pent-up feelings and desires – three times.  He told me that my birthday was going to be great, and that he had planned a few nice things for the day.

I woke early, as I usually do.  I slipped quietly out of bed, and went to the bathroom.  I emptied my bladder, and used my a finger to probe my vagina to “check things out”, and it came out with a nice smear of Bob’s cum from last night.  I probed again, bringing out a nice amount, which I promptly sucked off and swallowed.  It was still delicious, getting better with a little aging inside me. The taste and scent of semen has always turned me on and got me craving more and more.  I took one more sample and swished it around in my mouth as I slipped back under the covers. 

I was awake, on my left side, very aware of my nakedness and the open window, letting late October blow in with all its promises of the coming cold.  Sleeping naked under good blankets in a room of cold fresh air has always been conducive to great sleep, and also to rapid wake-up. But then, having your brains fucked out by your boyfriend before bed also helps.   

It's nice to have a bedwarmer on occasion – and on this occasion, I had Bob.  Bob was also naked, beside me, hand over my shoulder, gently (in his sleep) holding my right breast.  I was holding my left breast, could sense my nipples being touched and sending their happy signals back and forth between my breasts and clitoris, and deep inside my vagina. I could still taste his cum from my probing a little earlier.  I pinched and tweaked my nipple gently, and got back aboard that rocket to orbit. I put my hand on Bob’s, and pushed it tighter against me, and the feeling was indescribable; he was stirring awake a tiny bit and his fingers found my nipple and began to do to them what Bob does best – bring them to life. 

As I lay there, feeling the cool October chill on my nose, and the warm hands on my breasts, I also felt a slight poking sensation, down by my butt.  Bob cuddled over closer to me, really spooning now, his right arm draped over my shoulder, holding me close.  He moved his left up and under my pillow and it emerged under my neck, and reached up and took hold of my right breast.   His left arm dropped down, still over top of me, and took hold of my left breast.  In this criss-cross hold (which I absolutely love, btw), he’s got a breast in each hand and his body and mine are lying tightly spooned, parallel, his cock growing, hardening, exploring, trying to find a place to get warm.  My birthday was underway!

He was holding my breasts so tenderly, and tweaking my nipples so expertly.   I could feel my vagina getting wetter by the second.  He was moving his hips around, and I matched his movements, all the while letting him pull me closer and closer in that wonderful criss-cross hold . 

His cock was fully awake, too.   Seven and a half thick inches were probing around, looking for a entry,  and my pussy waited and oozed my own juices.  I lifted my right leg a little, shifted my hips a bit, and felt one of my favorite penises poke around at my labia.   I reached down, lined his tip up with the opening, and he slid in.  He held me tighter, pulled me closer, and slid in deeper.  At this hour of the morning, Bob needs a little more stimulation or something – I don’t know – but he’s good for at least ten minutes of “wake up pumping” which I have always totally enjoyed. 

He kissed my neck, and moved his right hand down to my belly, rubbing my mons.  He whispered, “Happy Birthday,” and slipped in and out of me as he told me he had a great day planned. 

My mind wandered back to last night.  He and Bill got thicker than thieves just before we all went home, both of them laughing and smiling and looking at me like I was their next meal. He had me tightly against his body, with his penis going from a half inch to seven inches inside me, at a nice slow sexy pace.  It always feels good, but felt especially nice on that birthday as it filled that empty space, slipped in and almost out, and back in. 

I didn’t care if he were to cum right then.  I know I was ready to pop, and I know I’d be thinking about this wake-up all day,   As I got closer to my climax, Bob broke the rhythm and wanted to know if I wanted a cup of coffee.  Against my animal instinct, and because I love coffee, I said yes. 

“But I don’t want to get up, I don’t want you leave, I want you inside me all morning”

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“No one is going anywhere, trust me.  The coffee is coming to us.”

The bedroom door opened, and Bill was there with three foam cups of coffee on a takeout tray.  I was a little confused, seeing Bill looking at us, smelling the coffee and feeling inside me that Bob had not stopped what he was doing. Bill was wearing a robe, and a smile across his face that could win awards.

As he said, “Happy Birthday, Erin,” he put the tray in my nightstand, and dropped his robe.  He was naked, with a beautiful, big hard cock pointing in my direction.  And one more thing – he had a birthday candle stuck to it with some CoolWhip.  He picked up a lighter from the tray, lit the candle and walked right over to the edge of the bed.  I hadn’t moved, so I was still on my side, but had gotten up on my left elbow.  Bob moved the covers off us and continued to work inside me.  As Bill began singing the Happy Birthday song, he moved his cock to within an inch of my face.

Bob said, “We thought we’d help you realize one of your fantasies last night, just before we left the club.  Bill was up early this morning to get the coffee, and waited for me to text him that we were up.  His entrance was timed perfectly.  Now, blow out the candle, have some fun and blow the cock.  The day is young.”

I smiled and laughed, and moved a little forward, giving Bob a better angle.  I felt his thickness and heat slide in as deep as it can as I turned my mouth’s attention to the marvelous birthday cock an inch away.   As Bob pushed against that barrier deep inside me, I blew out Bill’s candle, and took his cock in my hand, running my tongue up and down its length, savoring the CoolWhip.  I felt Bob’s balls flop against my buttocks as I took Bill into my mouth, slowly and deliberately. 

Bob moved his right arm and grabbed my hip, pulling me close in and tight, and his feet intertwined with mine as he pushed himself so far inside that I thought he’d never get out.  I held Bill’s scrotum in my hand and probed the slit on his cock head with my tongue.  As I watched, I saw the first droplet of his glistening precum, and retrieved it with a deft swipe of my tongue.  He was sweet and delicious, and as I held his flavor on my tongue, I plunged forward, taking his entire length in my mouth. 

After he stroked in my mouth for a few seconds, I pulled back briefly, and said, “Bob, Bill… Oh my God!  You guys are incredible! This is wonderful!  I hope we can do this for a while – I want both of you in every way possible.”

Bob said “We figured we’d take a brunch break in a few hours.  But we’re yours all day.  We have dinner reservations at your favorite steak house at seven tonight, just in case you need some meat.”

I mentioned it was going to be a day for great memories and beginnings. 

Bob knew I was close, and Bill couldn’t help but notice the moans stifled by his cock in my mouth.  I was tasting huge amounts of precum, and the taste was worth coming back for, again and again.  One more time, I took Bill out and looked at him, smiling, and told him to cum in my mouth.  He took hold of my head and held it while he glided his cock in and out.  Normally, I’m not a big fan of guys holding my head while I blow them, but this was a special case, and I wanted the whole experience.

Bob started tweaking me, and as he tweaked and penetrated, I held my legs close together, which allowed me to put perfect pressure on my clit.  His cock was as hard as a rock, and it was pounding me.   My engines were revving, and I was just about ready to go ballistic.  Bill had his eyes closed, and his legs were flexing and tightening.  I’ve given lots of blowjobs, and that told me that Bill was ready, too.  Bill’s balls were slapping against my cheek, and Bob’s were slapping against my butt.  I was lying on my side, being skewered on both ends for the first time in my life, and I knew that it was not going to be the last.

Bill suddenly stopped, and moaned, and then my mouth flooded with his special birthday gift. My lips locked onto his pulsing cock, holding it in place as it squirted against the roof of my mouth.   I started swallowing, and the cum kept on squirting, finally stopping when my mouth was about to overflow.  Bill relaxed, and I could feel his cock soften.  I angled my head up to look at him, his softening cock still in my mouth, along with most of his cum.  I let his cock slide out, but held it in my hand, letting him see his cum as I swallowed it.  I squeezed his cock from base to tip, getting out a few more drops, which I scooped away with my tongue.

Bob had slowed down a tiny bit, and when Bill was out of my mouth, Bob said he wanted to cum just like Bill had.  Bob got up, came around to the side of the bed by my head, where I was still leaning on my elbow.  His cock bounced as he walked and brought it to my face, and it glistened in the early morning light.  I opened my mouth, Bob slid in, and squirted in his birthday surprise. 

Both of “my men” were delicious, and both jumped back into bed under the warm covers.  I lay down flat on my back, knees bent and feet flat, legs spread.  Bob was on my left, Bill on the right.  I asked Bob to look in my nightstand for my little “mechanical friend”, and he found it.  I switched it on and slid it in.  Each guy started sucking a breast and nipple, and they took turns holding the toy, moving it in and out and pressing my clitoris.

I had a cock in each hand, and I lovingly squeezed and stretched and rubbed and stroked them.  I could feel them both start to respond, swelling a little, becoming a little thicker, filling my hand more than they do just after ejaculating. 

Bill came back to life first, producing a large semi that was definitely big and hard enough to “entertain”.  I turned over, up on all fours, and presented the target area to Bill. He slid in with no problem, since I was absolutely soaked.  I had felt many cocks get hard in my mouth, but usually by the time they get into my pussy, they are fully hard and erect and raging.  Bill was at semi, but growing, and the feel of him enlarging inside me was incredible.  As he grabbed my hips and worked his way around inside me, Bob lay down with his cock by my head.  I angled myself over to him, and brought him into my mouth.  It didn’t take long for him to start to harden, and I love it when a cock hardens in my mouth. 

Bill was fully up and pounding deep. OMG! What a day!  Bill’s balls were slapping against me, and my breasts were swinging and swaying with the rhythm, with my nipples feeling the delightful friction of rubbing on Bob’s stomach.  Bob began moving his hips up and down, using that motion to screw my mouth. 

We spent another hour or two in bed before getting up to shower and have something to eat.  I had to get to my lab to do a little work in the afternoon, and I think the boys took naps, because I promised them an evening to remember after dinner.

The next day I got in touch with one of Bob’s old girlfriends, Debbie. Knowing her pretty well from class and outside parties, I told her about the Bob's birthday gift to me, and how incredibly hot it was. She has had some threesome experience, but only with two men. She was very willing to try a threesome with me and a guy, and she thought Bob would love it. We started the ball rolling on a surprise threesome for his birthday, which was the beginning of November.  That will be another first for me.  In the meantime, Debbie and I had a little work to do.

Details to follow...

Written by ErinDcup34
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