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Mine. Yours.

"A Saturday Night Special"

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Sleeping in until almost noon on a Saturday. Waking up my first thought is of you. Turning towards your side of the bed, I remember that you planned on sneaking out early to go help Jake work on a deck project. Pulling my phone out from under my pillow to check my text messages. 

Reading your, "Morning, baby," and smiling. 

Texting you, "Good morning."

Laying on my stomach, pillow clutched to me. Closing my eyes, drifting as I wait for your reply. 

Opening my eyes and sleepily reading what you sent. "Baby, I made some chicken salad for your lunch. Enjoy your day relaxing and getting ready. I will be home at 6 for a special night. I left you an outfit to wear on your chair, in the closet." 

My pussy clenches, just reading the words 'special night'. My body stretches and I wiggle against the bed. The anticipation of what this inventive man would come up with had my juices flowing. 

Texting you back, "Smiling. Mmm... I can't wait."

"No touching," you reply.

"Pouting," I send. Only to receive a laughing emoji back. 

Sleepiness vanishing, I jump out of bed, hurrying to the large walk-in closet. Finding my tight pair of dark jeans, a brand-new black corset, and a jewelry box waiting for me. My purple high heels on the floor beside the chair.

Taking a moment and picking up the corset. Holding it against me as I look in the mirror. Black with a ribbon framing my breasts, I know it will look great on me. My mind whirls thinking of all the places I could wear this to. 

Shaking my head at the ear-splitting smile I see in the mirror. Feeling like a kid on Christmas morning, I set down the corset and lift up the jewelry box. Inside is a black collar necklace with a pendant.

Quickly, I turn to the mirror again. Slipping it around my neck, my fingers at the back, holding it in place as I look. The collar turned so the d ring is in the middle of my throat. Below it dangles a silver mandala flower pendant. So pretty. I run my fingers over the ridges of the pendant.

As I lift the collar away, my eye catches something on the back of the pendant. Bringing it closer, I see the word "Mine" etched into it. A word that never fails to make me wet. I can feel the dampness between my legs, but I resist touching.

Padding to the kitchen naked. Finding chicken salad in the fridge and my favorite bread on the counter. Sitting on the comfy sectional I switch on the tv. Searching for a movie, as I munch my sandwich. I find a comedy that looks decent, lay back, and relax.

When the movie ends, I realize I barely paid attention. My mind continuously thinking of different ideas, different scenarios, as I try to imagine the night ahead. 

Accepting that I am preoccupied, but wanting to enjoy my lazy Saturday, I go out to the walled garden. Sitting under the tree, in the chaise lounge, relishing the spring weather.

Petting the dogs as they come over and enjoying the sunshine. My fingers lightly drifting over my skin, teasing glimpses of what I hope to experience later. I spend the next few hours daydreaming. 

Realizing it's gotten late; I give the dogs a final pat and go back inside. Cranking up some music and playing what I think of as his playlist. A mixture of country, hip hop and rock n' roll songs that make me think of him.

Singing along to Gettin' You Home, I climb in the shower. I shave, scrub and wash myself head to toe. Getting out, I spread his favorite smelling lotion all over my body. Slowly rubbing it in as Body Like A Back Road plays. Enjoying the sensation and the smell.

Blowing drying the dampness from my hair. Hips wiggling to the beat of Do Not Disturb, I fuss with my hair until it falls just right around my face. From the clothes I can tell we are going out, so make-up is next.

As I open my makeup drawer, the door opens, and you walk in. Turning quickly, I watch you take the last steps to bring you to me. Dressed in jeans and a black button-down shirt, you are a sexy sight to behold.

You lean in to kiss me, my fingers latching onto the back of your head. Feeling damp hair, I know you must have showered and changed at Jake's before coming home. 

Kissing me deeply, passionately, I hold tight. Soon I am panting, and your lips trail down my jawline, to the spot behind my ear. Moaning and tilting my head for you, I feel my inner muscles pulsing. They jump as I hear you growl into my ear.

Your large hands around my waist, holding me steady. You set me up onto the counter, hands roaming over me. My back, my sides, my breasts, down my stomach. My hands bracing behind me, holding me arched for your touch.

Your hazel eyes taking in every twitch of my body. Hands flowing down the outside of my thighs, to the backs of my knees. Back up the inside of my thighs.

One thick finger dipping into my already wet folds, teasing my opening. Another dragging over my clit. Both of your hands working me over, I’m soon quivering with longing.

With a nip to my throat, you step back to rest against the door frame. Your eyes watching mine as I whine, slumping against the counter.

You make a twirling motion with your fingers and say, "Finish." 

Closing my eyes as I get ahold of my rising lust, sliding off the counter. Bracing myself on unsteady legs, turning back to the mirror. Picking up my eye liner.

A plea in my eyes, as I meet yours in the mirror, hoping. Only to have you shake your head at me. Releasing a long sigh, knowing you’re going to keep teasing me. Seeing the hunger on your face, gives me a naughty idea.

Grinning, I lean into the counter a little more. Bending my right knee a bit and arching my back. Making my bare ass stick up more. Promiscuous coming on, body swaying to the rhythm, I begin applying my make-up.

Exaggerating the 'o' of my mouth as I put on eyeliner and mascara with slow, fluid movements. Oops, I dropped my red lipstick. Bending from the waist, I pick it up. Straightening slowly.

Giving you a mischievous smile over my shoulder as I come all the way back up. Opening the lipstick, leaning back into the mirror. Meeting your now smoldering eyes, stopping the lipstick an inch from my mouth.

Shaking my head slightly at you, I put the lid back on the lipstick. Wanting no lipstick taste between us, I place it back in the drawer and pull out a strawberry gloss. Gliding just a hint onto my lips. Knowing it won't last there long.

Moving into your arms, give you a hug. Resting my head on your chest for a long moment, feeling your arms tight around me.

Giving my ass a swat, you say, "Finish," again.

Stepping into the closet, I sit down on the chair. Squeezing my thighs together, feeling my excitement making me wet. I look and see that you haven't followed me. Quickly, I slip the jeans onto my legs. Standing, I wiggle them up, no panties.

Sliding the corset on, hooking the buttons in front. Hands behind me as I pull the strings tight and tie them. Battling the urge to pinch my nipples, I gently cup one breast at a time and adjust them. They nestled into the cups, tops overflowing, looking like a deep breath will make the nipples pop out.

Stepping into the deep purple heels, sitting down and buckling them closed. Picking up the collar, fingers rubbing the pendant. Feeling the engraved words on the back. Heart melting. Gently putting on the collar. A glance in the mirror showing a sexy, confident woman. 

Strutting into the living room to the beat of the Drumming Song. Seeing you waiting for me, no tv on. Facing the hallway from the sofa, watching. I pause just a step into the room. Reading your approval as your eyes caress every inch of me.

You rise and move towards me. Eyes locked with my eyes. I stay still and wait for you. You step in close. Almost, but not quite touching me. Your fingers rise to my throat and gently lift the pendant hanging from my collar. Continuing to hold my gaze, you lower your lips slowly to my lips.

Growling, "Mine," an instant before your mouth devours me in a devastating kiss.

One arm wrapping around my waist, holding me close. Your other hand slip between my legs, rubbing my jeans against my crotch. Panting with need, my hands locked onto your shoulders. You draw back form me, giving me a wicked grin.

“Not yet, baby. You have a long way to go.”

I whimper, knowing your words mean I will be tormented for hours.


Sitting across from you, enjoying dinner at my favorite restaurant. The look in your eyes and the touch of your hand on mine, keeping me wet and on edge. Chatting about little things, the back of my mind wondering what wicked things you are planning.

Leaving the restaurant, on the sidewalk, you stop. Pulling me towards you, my face raising, my body flush against you. Your kiss slow, soft. Teasing me. The honk of a horn driving past, a last swipe of your tongue over mine.

My eyes open to see you smirking at me. Blushing slightly, I smile back. Taking my hand, you guide me into the park next to the car. The lamp posts glowing in between the patches of darkness. Your hand entwined with mine.

Silently, at ease with each other, we walk through the park. Stopping often for featherlight, teasing kisses. For tantalizing nips and licks to my throat. My excitement drumming a constant beat throughout my body.

Completing the circuit around, stopping us back at the first lamp post. Under the light, you pull me in for another kiss. Fervently, tongues dancing. Your hands sliding down to my ass, squeezing. Your hard dick pushing against the bottom of my stomach.

Immersed in you, I hear the steps of someone walking past, and I don't care. I continue drowning in you. Rocking my body against you. You spin me around and press me into the lamppost.

“Don’t let go.”

I grasp the post. Your hand slides down into the front of my pants. “Thank goodness for stretch jeans”, I think, before I feel your fingers glide over my clit.

Flowing down, your middle finger parts my labia and slides into my cunt. Hooking into me, knuckle deep. Pressing, rubbing on the soft spot against my pubic bone.

The tip of that thick finger beginning to push in and out of my pussy. Holding tight to the pole in front of me, bucking my hips into your hand. Your mouth sucking on my collarbone, leaving a mark, licking it.  

With a groan, you lift your head, pull your hand out of my pants and step back. I press my body hard against the lamppost, mewling noises coming from my throat. Breathing through the hunger, collecting myself, I turn to face you. 

“Not yet,” you inform me.

Taking my hand again, you lead me to the truck and help me in. Climbing into the truck, sliding over into the middle seat. Buckling our seat belts, your arm wrapping around me as you drive one handed.

You drive away from our house, but I don't ask. Enjoying the anticipation and the feeling of the unknown, I snuggle against you. You pull into a honky-tonk bar. You don't like country music. I start to ask. You stop me with a brush of your lips.

Your mouth slides to my ear, "Shh…" you whisper.

Your mouth sucking lightly on my earlobe before you pull away. Head whirling with questions, I follow you out of the truck on your side. Sliding along your body as you help me out. Another teasing graze of your lips against mine as my feet touch the ground.

Your arm around my waist, guiding me inside and up to the bar. Our friend, Jake is sitting on a stool. Lean with green eyes, he shares my love of country music, but I'm still surprised to see him there.

Jake came into our life a few years ago when he worked with you. Jake and I have always flirted and joked around. Both knowing it won’t go anywhere and keeping it lighthearted.

Turning to look up at you, seeing you smiling at me.

"Baby, our dance classes don't start for another few weeks. Jake and I were talking about them and he offered to teach you some steps tonight."

I search your eyes. You know that under all the mild flirting, I think Jake is hot.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

Smiling broadly at me. Giving me a deep, passionate kiss, as your hands cup my ass. Just as I start breathing hard, you spin me to face Jake, pushing me forward.

Telling Jake, "She's all yours."

Blushing, when Jake looks me in the eye and gives me a sexy smile. Taking my hand, he leads me onto the dance floor.

I warn him, 'I'm probably gonna step all over your toes."

He laughs lightly, "It's okay. We'll go slow."

Jake takes both of my hands loosely in his, "First, dancing is all about matching your partners moves. I'm going to step back in time to the music and I want you to follow me. The beat to the two step is quick, quick, slow. Then we will try it with you going backwards."

He takes a step back and tugs at my hands. I step forward as he keeps stepping back.

He counts out the steps, "Quick, quick, slow," to me.

My eyes flow down his jean clad hips and begin to watch his feet. One of Jake's hands releases mine and comes up to touch my chin.

Tipping my head up, he looks me in the eyes and says, "Trust me. Feel me, follow me."

Jake keeps stepping back, I keep stumbling and apologizing. Mentally calling myself a dolt. I try to watch Jake’s chest and follow his moves, but I'm so nervous.

Seeing that I'm too wound up, Jake pauses and tells me, "Do you see him at the bar?"

I find you just to my left. Watching me. My eyes meeting yours across the room. Seeing the love there for me.

"He doesn't care if you learn to dance. He just wants you to have fun. Relax. Enjoy, laugh with me."

I look back at Jake. Meeting his eyes, I nod my head. He's right. I make a conscious decision to relax and enjoy. Tugging my hands again, we move forward again.

Guided by his soft, "Quick, quick, slow."

Watching his body, I hear the music for the first time. Allowing it to pulse through me, I finally begin to match his movements.

"Backwards," he says.

Laughing and shrugging off any stumbles, I quickly master backwards. The song ends. Pulling me in closer, Jake places my left hand on his shoulder and slides his left hand down to my waist. His right hand holding mine. Suds InSude Bucket comes on and we begin to dance. 

Feeling awkward again, bumbling about.

Closing my eyes, taking a deep breath, telling myself, “Ignore that it’s Jake, just feel the music.”

Listening to his voice, feeling his hands guide me, I relax and follow his lead. The song ends and I open my eyes to see Jake matching my big smile.

"I did it!" I squeal as I press against him for a hug. 

Feeling a tingle run through me as my breasts flatten against his chest. Squashing that feeling down, I turn and hurry towards you.

As I rapidly approach, I yell out, "Did you see?!"

You’re smiling and nodding from the barstool. I lean into your arms, pulling your head down for a quick, excited kiss. As I release you, you hand me my drink and I take a couple of deep sips. Jake ambles up and they talk small stuff.

I slide into the empty barstool beside you. You slide your stool closer to mine, so I can lean back against you. Your arm drapes over my shoulder and your fingers begin drifting over my collarbone. Sometimes rubbing my pendant, so you can feel the words on the back.

I keep sipping my drink. Your fingers dipping lower, onto my chest, tracing the edge of my corset. I can see Jake watching those fingers. I don’t want to acknowledge what you’re doing in front of Jake, so I close my eyes.

“Mine,” you demand quietly as you cup my pendant again.

My eyes open up and meet yours, my hand reaching up touch your hand.

“Yours,” I purr.

Smiling at you. Squeezing your hand.

“Mine,” I state firmly.

Bending, nipping my earlobe, “Yours,” you acknowledge.

Eyes drifting closed again, I lean back against you fully, following your lead the way I followed Jake’s on the dance floor. I block out the rest of the world and enjoy the feel of you touching me.

My hands gripping your thighs on either side of me, rubbing, clutching, as your hands resume playing across my skin. Time ticking by as faster songs come and go.

The DJ announces a slow song coming up. You ease away from me and I look at you. Smiling at me, you motion Jake to take me out on the floor. 

Jake’s hand pulling me to my feet and onto the dance floor. Hearing the opening bars of Doin' Something Right. I give Jake a suspicious glance, this is one of my favorite songs. He gives me a grin, as I recall him moving towards the DJ after I left him on the dance floor earlier.

Don't think of the details, enjoy the moment," I urge myself.

Both of Jake's hands on my hips. Mine wrapping around his shoulders. Still feeling sexy from your fingers, this time I relish my boobs pressing against Jake. He guides me in moving to the slow song. 

Looking up at Jake, he’s different than earlier. His cocky grin is still there, but a yearning seems to shine at me. Ducking my head, ignoring it. Taking a breath, relaxing my body, easily following Jake in this slower pace.

I jump as I feel a hand touch the small of my back.

"I bet I can follow that with you," you whisper against my ear as you press close behind me.

Your hands settle above Jake's and Jake's hands slide down a bit. Part of me wanting to demand to know what they are doing and planning, but surrendering control and trusting you, I swallow that reaction and concentrate on being in the moment.

Beginning to move to the music, your hands rubbing up and down the sides of my corset. Pushing between Jake and I, so you can rub them over my breasts. Jake's hands start sliding up and down my hips. Behind me, your lips touch and tease the side of my neck.

As my head falls back and to the side, Jake swoops in and seizes my lips. Kissing me lightly, softly. The flood of sensation from two sets of lips and hands causing my pussy to constrict.

Moaning into Jake's mouth, his tongue darting into me. Teasing flicks, that retreat before my tongue can play with his.

Sexy bodies pressed on each side of me, we aren’t really dancing anymore, just grinding. I know we must be giving everyone a show, but it feels too good for me to care.

Your fingers have gone from rubbing up and down to sneaking from the sides around into the cups of my corset; fingers lightly pulling, stretching and pinching my nipples. Jake's hands are cupping my ass and pulling me close. I can feel his hard cock straining at his pants and me.

Both men lift their head away from me, their hands stilling. I become aware that the music has stopped, the next song is coming on. From behind me, you pick up my hand, spin me around and stare deep in my eyes. You smile at the glazed, sexy look on my face.

A few catcalls sound off as we step off the dance floor with Jake trailing behind us. Feeling a blush staining my cheeks but keeping my head up.

Reaching our seats at the bar. You keep me by your side as we pause.

"Thanks, buddy,” you tell Jake. “We’re going to call it a night."

Jake slides into his seat and looks straight into my eyes as he says, "It was my pleasure."

Something crazy overcomes me, I meet his lusty gaze and give him a bold, sexy smile.

"Yes, thank you. It was amazing."

From the corner of my eye, I can see your grin widen as you hear my words to Jake. Your arm comes around my waist, steering me outside. Helping me into the truck, "Stay here in this seat baby." You close the door and walk around to get inside.

Once behind the wheel, you lean over and kiss me thoroughly. My hands run over you. I want to scoot close, but you told me to stay.

I squirm in my seat and far too soon, I hear a click as you pull away. You fastened my seatbelt for me. You give me a smug smile, while I shake my head at you.

"You just need to stay on your side, while I get us home." 

Pouting, but settling back as you drive. On the radio, Lips of an Angel comes on and I start to hum along. Swaying to the music, which makes my thighs rub together, which leads me to give you a naughty look.

You’re concentrating on the road. Placing my feet up on the dash, about a foot apart from each other. My hands start caressing, rubbing up and down the outside of my thighs. Seeing you glancing over, thighs falling open, moving my hands to the inside of my thighs.

Slouching down in the seat, bending my knees more. Pulling my hand, with a long slow stroke towards me from my knee, along the inside of the thigh, sliding up to the waist band of my pants.

Fingers leading as I push my hand down along the crease of my thigh, feeling the crease of my buttocks before my hand slides back up to the waist band, then down to the knee. Repeating the motion, over and over again. Sighing deeply as my arousal continues.

Pulling up to the stop sign near our house. Finally, you look over fully at me.

Snarling, “Taste yourself.”

My fingers diving eagerly into my pants, sliding all the way down to the bottom of my pussy. Slowly, dragging back up, pressing lightly against my hole.

Gathering wetness, rubbing against my clit as my digits glide past. Pulling my hand free of my pants, fingers reaching my lips. Tasting my juice, moaning low and needy.

Hearing your, “Mine.”

My hand delving back in, collecting my nectar. Leaning over, lifting my index finger to your lips. Feeling your mouth drawing me in, pussy tightening as your tongue swirls.

Honking sounding behind us, I jump back and sit up a bit. You snicker and drive  the last block to our house. 

Stepping into the house, you close the door behind us, take me in your arms and spin my back against the wall. Legs parting you settle into me. Kissing me, overwhelming me. Your hands all over. Mine running up and down your back. Nails digging into you.

One of your hands hooks under my leg and lifts it. Your pelvis grinding into me into the wall. Squatting down, just a bit, you grip under my other thigh and pull it up to wrap around you. Both legs lock around your waist.

Your mouth, your lips, your tongue consuming me as I melt. My hands holding tight to your shoulders. Feeling your hardness press against me through our jeans. Humping each other.

Your hands squeezing, massaging my ass. My hands slipping around between us. Undoing the first three buttons of your shirt. Sliding inside, running over your chest, brushing against your nipples. You pull back from me and groan. 

Your hands under my ass, lowering me. My feet following your signal and sliding down, standing on them. My fingers playing with your nipples. Lightly pulling, stretching and pinching them the way you did mine on the dance floor. 

Your big hands coming up to still mine. You smile lopsided at me. 

"There’s another present for you under your pillow."

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Squealing, I push out of your arms and begin to rush off. Stopping a few feet away, turning back to you. Stepping in close, one arm reaching around you. Grabbing your ass, yanking you into me, as my other hand guides your head down to me.

My tongue exploring your mouth. My lips leaving your mouth, trailing down your jaw. Watching your eyes, muttering as I lick and kiss my way down your throat.

"Thank you baby, for an amazing evening." 

"It's not over, yet," you grin devilishly at me. "Go."

Bubbling over with need, excitement, and love. Racing down the hall, into the bedroom. My hand snakes under my pillow and finds something soft. Rubbing between my fingers, I can feel the texture of lace. Pulling it out, I shake out a purple teddy.

Turning to see you've followed me.

"It's beautiful."

"No, you're beautiful," you tell me, reaching my side.

Taking the teddy from my hands and setting it on the bed. Turning me to face the mirror on the wall, you slip behind me and pull the tie on my corset.

Your fingers loosening the strings, my hands coming up and pushing the clasps together and open. You pull the corset from my hands and toss it towards the corner.

I giggle as it sails through the air. Watching in the mirror, seeing those large hands coming up to grasp my tits, cupping, squeezing them. Moaning with the long day of teasing. 

Your hands coast to my hips and move me to sit on the bed. Taking a knee, you lift my foot. I fall back onto my elbows, watching you.

Kissing my ankle, you undo the strap on my heel and slip it off, setting my foot back on the floor. You lift my other foot, this time nibbling, just above my ankle.

“Mmm…” I moan.

You slip off that shoe and set it down. Your hands tug slightly at the bottom of my jeans and you gaze at me expectantly.


I fall back, hands reaching for my pants, undoing them quickly and moving to the sides of my hips. Lifting my butt, I wiggle and shimmy them down over my hips.

You pull the bottom pant leg and it slides down. You repeat the motion on the other leg and my pants are off. I giggle as they sail through the air like the corset. You stand and pull me up to my feet.

Picking up the purple lace, you gather it and I lift my arms so you can slip it over me. Your hands glide down my body as it settles into place. I can’t see the mirror against the wall, you are between me and it. You smile at me, as you see me trying to peek around you.

You turn me around, so I face the bed. Not letting me look, you kiss my shoulder. Looking down, I can see my skin through the lace. There is a deep v of lace leading to a strap of satin just under my breasts. The satin has long ties, that you put into a bow behind me.

Your hands travel down, pressing the lace against me. Reaching my thighs, I feel you on my bare skin. Your fingers drift back up, under the lace and trace the line just under each cheek.

Moving around to the front of me, you turn me again, so I’m facing the mirror. Your hands rest lightly on my shoulders as you allow me to take in how I look.

The deep purple lace shows my skin glowing under it. My breasts are delineated by the deep neckline and the strap underneath. My nipples are clearly hard and sticking up against the lace, but they play peek-a-boo and aren’t clearly visible.

Eyes tracking down, I can see the triangle of my trimmed pussy showing through the lace. The bottom of the teddy skims the top of my thighs, leaving the tattoo on my thigh clearly visible.

I sink back against you as your hands slide down my chest and cup my breasts. Covering them and squeezing until I moan. Your right-hand trails down and picks up my right hand, bringing it up to your mouth, you kiss each finger and then my palm.

You lead me around to your side of the bed. You seat me on the edge and reach into the nightstand. Watching, I see you pull the soft restraints out. The tensing of my lower body rocks me against the bed. I quickly hold my hands out in front of me.

“Good girl,” you tell me.

I feel delight course through me. You slip the restraints on and tighten them.

“Lay back propped against the pillows.”

I twist into place, my feet against the mattress to help me scoot back.

“Leave them open,” you say as you place a hand on my knee.

As I settle against your pillows, I can smell your scent rise from them and I breathe in deeply. You lift my hands above my head, buckle them together and secure them to the headboard.

You reach into the open bedside drawer again and pull out the blindfold. Your hazel eyes holding my gaze as I lean my head forward for you. Darkness wrapping around me as you settle it in place.

Hands anchored over my head, laying back against the pillows, my legs drawn up a little with my knees apart. Hearing you cross the room, the door opening.

Listening to the silence, wondering if you’re getting ice like last time. Footsteps approaching me. Wiggling and bowing up for you. Feeling a brush against my lips, opening my mouth, my tongue reaching out.

Salty skin, a finger, pushing in knuckle deep. Licking, sucking at the finger. The finger withdrawing from my mouth and landing on the tip of my right nipple.

I can feel the wet seep through the lace. I arch up as the finger starts rubbing lightly back and forth. The finger returning to my mouth, wetting it again. You do as I hope and rub your finger over my left nipple.

 Only this time, you begin to pinch it lightly as your wet mouth covers my other nipple and sucks through the lace. Just as I begin moaning and wiggling in earnest, you stop. A whining noise comes out of me and you laugh, dammit.

Hearing you walk to the bottom of the bed. Feeling the bed shift, as you crawl up onto it. Imagining the sight of you as you watch me. Feeling the mattress move as you get closer. I can feel you settling in between my thighs. The ones that I have splayed wide, presenting my pussy to you.

"Stay still for me, baby," you coax me.

Letting out a whimper. Taking a moment, a deep breath to calm me. You stay silent, unmoving, waiting. Feeling myself settle.

I nod my head and reply, "Okay."

Feeling your breath against the heart of me. Moaning low but staying still. The tip of your tongue flicking the right crease between my thigh and mound. You pause, but stay still.

Your tongue begins flicking slowly down. Moving back up, your mouth joining your tongue in teasing. You repeat your actions down and up my left crease. Panting lightly to prevent any moving. Your breath brushes my clit.

You praise, "Good girl."

I can’t help reacting to the words combined with the sensation. Pulling down against the ties on my wrists but managing not to move beyond that strain. You slide down a bit and lick all around my opening.

I can hear you humming as you enjoy collecting every drop of liquid that has escaped my body. Your mouth lifts from me, I groan with need. Moaning, almost whining at the teasing.

“Delicious. I love that you listened, baby,” you compliment. “You can move now.”

Arching against you. The words, as much as your mouth descending onto my clit, causing my womb to throb. Your tongue running up and down, feeling so good. On simmer for so long, I’m almost there. Rocking my body.

"Please baby," I beg.

Needing it so bad. Your mouth sucking hard. Almost there.

"Just a bit more," I whimper.

You pause and I let out a frustrated moan.

"What do you want baby?”

Knowing I need to answer you, but always feeling so reticent. Your tongue gently, barely swiping over me as you wait for my answer.

“Tell me,” you extort.

Giving into my need, begging, “Please, baby I need your mouth on my clit and fingers in my pussy."

As soon as I say it, two of your fingers slide into me, hooking up to hit my G-spot and begin pumping in and out of me. Your lips, your mouth attacking me greedily. Panting hard.

My feet flat against the bed, bouncing up to meet your fingers. My back arching tight as I begin to cum. Thundering in my ears, breath heaving in and out of my body. Long shudders rolling through me as your mouth continues sucking and licking me through my orgasm.

Your lips easing as I come down, my body going soft. Feeling your fingers slip out, your mouth swiping one last time before you slide back. My legs stretching out as I feel you lift from the bed.

Laying boneless against the pillows. You come around and unhook me from the headboard. Then unsnap the buckle holding the wrist restraints together.  

"Roll over, I want you on your knees."

Letting out a long sigh of agreement at this plan, I roll over and bring my knees under me.

"All the way down until your knees are at the edge of the bed."

I slide backwards until I feel my feet hanging over. You step between my knees, cupping my tits and pulling me upright. Once there you withdraw your hands, gently pull my arms to the small of my back and buckle my wrists together again.

Your hands slide to my tits again and you tell me, "Lean forward."

Leaning, your jean clad hips push against my hips, while your hands hold me steady until my shoulders touch the mattress. Your fingers tweak my nipples and your hips grind into me before you draw away.

Your hands smooth my teddy down over my ass. I feel the edge rubbing the backs of my thighs. But I know my pussy is visible beneath the hem. Your steps come around to the side of the bed, where I face.  

"What's your safe word?" you demand.

"Kumquat," I stammer out, then giggle a bit.

Thrown off by the demand for it in the middle of play, but the word always makes me laugh. Wondering what you have planned.

"Good girl."

I can hear the smile in your voice.

“You will use it if you feel it's too much. We can always change the scene."

My mind flashes to the time with the Hitachi wand. I squirm a little thinking of you using it again, but I nod my head.

"I need you to say it."

My heart melts a little knowing how willing you are to adjust your plans if I become uncomfortable.

"It’s okay if I use my safe word, you will change it up if I need it."

Your fingers trail down my cheek.

“Good girl,” you repeat. 

A ridiculous amount of pleasure rides through my body with those words.

You step away to the chair by the door, I hear rustling and I picture you undressing. Sitting in the chair as you take off your shoes. I hear footsteps behind me, I wiggle my ass just a bit for you to see.

Hands trailing over my hips, I feel my teddy being lifted over me, settling around my waist. A hand wandering across my ass and down my slit, rubbing my clit just a bit, before drawing back. One finger sliding into me.

"She likes two fingers curled into her G-spot," you say from the chair.

I freeze and push up, so my shoulders are barely touching the bed. The finger in me freezes too. If you’re by the chair, whose finger is in me?

I remember your demand for my safe word just moments before… we’ve discussed someone joining us before and I've expressed interest. I just never expected to be blind folded and surprised with it.

My mind races for a few moments, but I know you will take care of me. You have me and I can use my safe word if I need to. I sink back against the bed, trusting you.

Seeing me relax, I hear both people let out the breath they were holding. The finger resumes pumping into me but adds another and curls, just like you told them. Moaning with the feel and excited by the unknown.

Relaxing back, but curious, "Who is it?"

The unknown hand delivers a sharp smack to my right butt cheek. "Oh!" I exclaim as I jump.

"No asking," you tell me from the corner.

But a naughty part of me whispers in my head, "Ask."

"Is it Jake?" Crack, that hand coming down on the other cheek. Expecting it this time, I moan with the feeling.

Chuckling from the corner, "Maybe, if you're a good girl, I will take off your mask in a bit."

Hands rubbing all over my ass. Soothing the slight red marks that I know were left by the spanking.

"Just tease her opening with your cock."

Whoever he is, he listens to you and runs the head of his dick around and around my slit. Nudging me, but not entering. He slides his shaft forward, slick through the lips of my pussy, until the head rubs against my clit.

His hand underneath pushing his cock against me. He begins slowly sliding back and forward. Bucking my hips against it, trying to get his dick to rub the right spots.

"Tell us what you want," you demand from the chair.

The man behind me stops rubbing along me and starts tapping my clit with his cock, his hand bouncing his dick between me and it.

"I want him to fuck me… Please," I whimper.

"Slide it in her slow," you respond. "Let her feel every inch."

Groaning with need, you know that's not what I want. The dick at my opening slowly enters me. When the head pops in, he pauses. My hips try to push back against him but with my arms behind me and his hand on my hip I don’t have enough leverage.

He continues to slip in slow, all the way. Pausing a moment as his pelvis meets mine. His hips give a slight slam into me, I moan in delight at the feel. Wanting more.

"Tell him, baby," you command.

I can’t quite bring myself to say it. He glides out slow and pushes in again just a bit at a time. Whimpering, begging with just my moans. But he continues slow and easy. I resist for another dozen strokes or so.

Giving in to the lust overwhelming me, I beg.

"Please fuck me hard and fast."

The dick in me pauses as I feel him turn to look at the corner.

“Unhhh,” I groan, waiting

"Fuck her hard with short, fast strokes," you order him.

"Yes, yes."

The member beginning to pound into me, just the way I like. Moaning, squirming, pushing back as much as I can to meet each thrust. Feeling my orgasm rise, my pussy flooded with sensation and pressure.

Exploding, sagging forward. Feeling that dick keep pounding into me as the waves crash over me. Sated for a couple of strokes.

The pleasure beginning to spread again. Rocking back into the motion, a bit slower now. He begins pulling almost all the way out and slamming back into me.

My pussy clenching with satisfaction at these full, hard strokes. I begin rocking back as much as I can. Urging him on in motion and moans. He speeds up. Using those short, hard, fast strokes to send me over the edge again.

Shoulders slumping into the bed from that last orgasm, I hear you moving from the chair. Your hand trailing over my cheek, down my neck, caressing the lace down my spine, touching over my bound hands. 

"Such a good girl," you whisper in my ear before nipping at my earlobe.

"Mmm..." I lazily moan.

The other man continues pumping slowly in and out of my cunt.

"I’m going to raise you up," you tell me as your hands grasp my shoulders.

I push my hips down against that cock, which lets me use my thigh muscles to help me up. The other set of hands hold steady on my hips.

You move in front of me. Your hands slide the blindfold off. Your eyes meet mine. I know mine are glazed with my past orgasms and the one building, as the cock behind me continues to pulse into me. Your hands flow down to my breasts, cupping and squeezing them.

"You're so sexy," you say right before leaning in to kiss me.

Our tongues meeting, playing, as your fingers begin rolling my nipples. Your kiss, your touch, light a fire in me. My body begins rocking. The man behind me follows my signal and starts to pound into me harder.

Breathless, panting into your kiss. One of your hands runs down my stomach, your fingers touching my clit and rubbing. You begin kissing down my jawline, the hand from my tits trailing up to brace my shoulder.

Steadying yourself and me as your mouth moves down and replaces your fingers at my nipple. The sucking, rubbing and pounding pour over me and I quickly tighten. My eyes locked on yours. Body going still for just a second before I spasm into another orgasm.

Boneless in their arms, they don’t let up for a moment. You switch to my other breast and pull hard with your mouth, your fingers continually rubbing circles on my clit, the cock behind me rocking into me. Pounding harder, faster.

I feel the man behind me start to lose control as he slams in. Even having just cum, feeling another one rising like a tidal wave, releasing a long moan of need as I feel him start to cum. His movements slowing, leaving me close again.

You pull away.

"Release her hands," you instruct before kissing me. 

Hands fumble at the buckle holding my hands together. The dick in me still semi-hard, but moving slowly as he focuses. I make it harder by bouncing on that cock, able to get a bit of leverage upright like this.

Groaning with need, sucking on your tongue. Chuckling, you pull back from me. Your hands slipping to my waist and yanking me forward, pulling me off the cock, bastard. 

You slip off the bed and move behind me. I’m still upright on the bed with my feet over the edge, ass hanging out. The other man comes around to the side of the bed and I look at him for the first time.

It is Jake. I blush and look down.

For the second time tonight, he tips my head up, looks me in the eyes and says, “Trust me.”

I nod my head at him.

He gives me a cocky, hunger filled look and tells me, “You’re sexy as fuck.”

Behind me, your dick slides into my cum filled pussy. Deep, all in one stroke. Flames roaring back over me with that single thrust. I embrace my inner slut and lean forward.

One hand bracing myself as I lean forward doggy style, the other hand around Jake’s hip. Drawing him forward and into my mouth. Watching his face as he stares at my mouth sliding down his cock.

Swallowing him whole, tasting my juices mixed with his different, unique taste. My tongue licking every drop from him. His shaft beginning to fully harden in my wet, sucking mouth.

Behind me, your cock pulls out of me. My whimper turning into a moan as I feel your tongue swipe up my slit and begin rimming me. I begin licking and sucking at the head of Jake’s cock, a hand cupping his balls.

Wiggling my bottom at the feel of a tongue as it pushes into my ass. We stay like that for a few moments. Behind me, you stand and start pumping into my pussy with long sure strokes, while your thumb applies pressure to my rosebud.

Jake’s hands coming up to bunch in my hair. We settle into a rhythm, rocking me back and forth, faster and faster. That delicious thumb starting to ease in just a little, ripples of bliss coursing through me.

Jake pulls away from me. I question him with my eyes.

“I want to watch your face as you cum,” he reassures me.

He scoots back a bit more. His hand stroking his dick slowly. I watch his fingers pull on the head. It’s so sexy right there in front of me.

Behind me, you begin the thrusts that put me over the edge. My elbows on the bed, my hands grasping the sheets tight. I plunge back onto your cock. Meeting every movement.

My eyes switching from Jake’s hands and dick to his eyes. Letting him see my need. Looking into his eyes, seeing his approval and pleasure at watching me being fucked.

“Oh, god,” I groan as I begin to cum again. Collapsing into the mattress, I drop Jake’s gaze and just moan as shudders rack my body.

You pull out of me; my thighs relax back onto my heels. I feel them both moving around, but I stay where I’m at. Eyes closed, body pulsing.

Your hands touch my hips. Guiding me to slide back and stand up. Standing, I lazily open my eyes to see Jake laying on his back on the bed. His feet on the floor, with his butt close to the edge. I meet Jake’s eyes and he’s smiling at me. I see what they have planned.

“You can always use your safe word,” you tell me as your arms wrap around me from behind and your chin nuzzles my neck.

Turning I meet your eyes and smile naughtily up at you before I pull your head down for a slow, lazy kiss.

“Nope,” I tell you.

My body on a sexual buzz. With slow languid movements, I turn back to Jake and crawl over him. My dreamy eyes meeting his as I slide down onto his cock. 

His feet giving him the leverage to thrust up. Undulating my body as I grind against him. Jake’s hands pressing against my boobs, rubbing, caressing.

Hearing you behind me. Feeling the drizzle of lube falling onto my rear. Exhaling a long moan at the feel of your fingers rubbing the lube into the crack of my ass. Your finger applying pressure and squirming into me.

Rubbing the lube all around. Another finger slipping in with the first and beginning to thrust in an out of my ass. Relaxing on top of Jake, staying loose, focusing on the excitement.

Your hands moving away, as you step up behind me. Jake’s legs spreading wide, pulling my own open. I slip a hand between myself and Jake.

My index and middle fingers sliding along either side of his cock. Stroking him lightly, before they slide up and begin pressing, squeezing and tweaking my clit. One finger on either side of it, with my thumb pressing down against the top.  

Your dick presses against my ass. Steady, sure pressure helping to push past the sphincter muscles. A quick inhale as your head pops in. We all freeze as I adjust.

My fingers frantically wanking my clit as I relax again. Seeing my shoulder tension ease, you begin to rock into me with tiny prods of your cock. You slowly reach full depth, your hips against me and you pause once more.

Jake’s dick pulsating in me, my fingers massaging me. The ecstasy taking over, I grind against Jake again. You feel that signal and start to move. Slow, easy strokes in and out. I moan more, and push back.

You go faster. Short, hard strokes that bounce me onto Jake. Jake using his feet against the floor to slam into me with each thrust you give. In rhythm quickly, my body plaint. Each move releasing a moan from me, bringing me closer. Your thrusts speeding up, feeling you swell.

Looking into Jake’s eyes, I shatter. Body jerking with the waves of pleasure. You shoving into me hard, cumming deep inside me. Jake slams up into me, my convulsing box triggering his own orgasm. He humps up hard into me and shakes as he cums.

You slide out of me and lay on the bed beside us. Your arms reaching to help me off Jake, where I’ve collapsed.

I smile sleepily at Jake and tell him, “Thank you.”

Jake’s hands cup my ass and grind me onto his cock one last time.

“No, thank you,” he murmurs.

Sliding off Jake, he sits up and kisses my lips hard and fast with a good-bye kiss.

Turning to face you, sinking into your waiting arms. Kissing you lovingly, softly.

“Good, baby?” you ask.

“Mmm… the best, baby. Thank you,” I yawn.

Your arms tight around me. Cuddling into you, my head on your chest as I drift off to sleep.




Written by LadyAnne
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