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Hubby's Tales - Our Fantasy

"After telling my wife my sexual fantasy, it becomes our fantasy."

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I’ve had a sexual fantasy ever since Leeza and I were married. I never had the courage to tell her about until a recent shopping trip together. As we were driving they began talking on the radio about couple's sexual fantasies.

My wife asked. “What’s your fantasy?”

I was shocked and replied, “I’d have to think about that. You tell me yours first.”

“Ok, I’ve had this one quite a few times. It’s my favorite.”

“You have more than one?”

“Of course I do, don’t you?”

Before I could answer, she began telling me her fantasy.

“Ok, here goes.”

“You know how much I love to jog. Well, my fantasy takes place on one of my runs. I usually run the same route all the time, but this day I decided to change it up a bit.”

“I was jogging in an alley when it began to rain. I was looking for a place to get in out of it. Bill happened to be working in his garage behind his business so I decided to duck in there. Bill saw me and noticed I was dripping wet. He offered me a towel to dry off.”

“As he handed me the towel he picked a leaf out of my hair. As he did, his hand brushed my face and I became aroused. As his fingers passed my lips I kissed them softly. He knew I was interested in him continuing.”

“He brushed my hair back and kissed my lips softly. Then he slowly made his way down my neck. I knew he could feel my body trembling as he kissed me. He unbuttoned my top and pushed my bra up over my breasts. He began softly kissing them. Then he gently sucked my nipples in and out of his mouth. He bit them teasingly from time to time.”

“I was enjoying every kiss and touch of his lips on my skin. His hands moved lower and he slid my jogging pants and panties down to my ankles. I tilted my head back and leaned against the wall as he kissed his way down my body. His swirled his tongue in my navel as he passed it.”

“I trembled knowing what was to come and my body shook when his lips gently kissed my moist pussy lips. He moved slowly between kissing and licking my wetness. I rocked my hips to meet his tongue. I wanted him to shove it deeper and deeper inside my anxious pussy.”

“He grabbed my butt and pulled me tight to him as he plunged his tongue deep inside me. My body rocked and I could not control myself. I had orgasm after orgasm as he continued to pleasure me. When he had finished he looked up at me. I pulled his lips to mine and kissed him.”

I smiled at him.

“Now it’s my turn.”

“I unbuttoned his shirt and began kissing his chest. I was anxious to get to his cock and feel it’s warmth against my lips. My lips slid down his body, kissing every inch of his skin. I felt Bill's arousal and it made me want even more to feel his cock throbbing against my lips.”

“I released his cock from his pants and it stood erect. It was eager for my mouth to surround it. I began teasing his tip by slowly circling it with my tongue. Then I slid my tongue up and down his entire shaft.”

She smiled at me and could see by the look on my face I was totally engrossed in her fantasy.

“Please continue,” I implored her.

“Next I took both hands and slowly guided his cock between my lips. I took only his tip in at first. I gently sucked it back and forth in and out of my mouth. His body was shaking and his hips began to rock towards me. Each time he thrust his hips forward I swallowed his cock to slide it a little further inside my mouth. I closed my lips tightly on it as he pulled it back to thrust again.”

Oh my God, I was about to come in my pants listening to her tell her fantasy to me.

“Please don’t stop now,” and I begged her to continue her story.

“Before too long I had his entire cock in my mouth. My tongue was swirling all around his pulsating head. His body was rocking and I could feel his heart beating against my lips. His cock hardened with each thrust. I knew soon he would be pumping his warm cum into my mouth. I placed both hands on his butt and pulled him tight, allowing him only to make short hard thrusts.”

“As his body began to shake I knew he was ready to cum inside of my mouth. I held him tight with my hands and clamped my lips solidly around his cock. One long hard thrust and I felt his hot cum squirt into my mouth. Over and over he came as my lips surrounded his cock and squeezed every last drop from him.”

“I then gently released his cock and softly kissed his cum-covered tip. I looked up at him. My lips were covered with his creamy cum as I smiled at him.”

“He smiled back at me. Neither of us spoke. I got dressed and continued on my jog.”

“Well, what do you think?” she asked timidly.

I thought, “Oh My God," I didn’t tell her that.

”Wow, that was quite a fantasy. I never expected that.”

“Why not, Michael? You know how much I love performing oral sex”.

True. Not only did she enjoy giving head but she is a master at it, a true artist if I must say.

“Ok, now tell me yours,” Leeza said.

“Well mine is a lot easier to tell you now that I’ve heard yours. I’ve had this fantasy for quite a few years but I just never knew how to tell you about it. My fantasy is for me to have sex with you while you suck another man’s cock.”

“Really, you would share me that way with another man? That sounds more like a fantasy for me than you.”

“We could make it a fantasy for both of us," I said.

She then questioned me about the fantasy.

“I guess you have it all planned out as to how it would happen.”

“No, I only imagined the part about us actually doing it because I never thought you would agree to it.

She looked at me, smiled and gave a little laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, honey. I've had the same fantasy for years, but I didn't want to appear too anxious. I didn't want you to be upset with me for wanting to suck another mans cock. I do wish you had told me this years ago. So, Yes. Yes. Yes. I'd love to do that."

"Damn, Leeza. I wish now I had told you a long time ago. I've been thinking about it for years. I can't believe you had the same fantasy."

“Well, I did. Now we have to plan on how to do this. I mean after all we have never done anything like this before."

"First of all, we can’t do it close to home because I don’t want it to be with anyone we know and I don’t want our friends or family to know about it. Then we have to find a place for this to take place and then we have to find someone who would agree to it," she said.

I said, “I don’t think that will be a problem; guys won’t pass up a free blow job.“

She smiled.

“I guess you are right. So how do we pick the guy?”

Leeza seemed even more excited about doing this than I was.

“You should pick the guy. After all, you are the one that is going to be sucking his cock. First of all, we have to figure out how we are going to go about it."

She smiled again.

“Oh, I've thought about how we would do it quite often. I just never thought it would ever happen."

My cock was pulsing in my pants knowing my wife had thought about sucking another mans cock.

"You never cease to amaze me, Leeza. So what's your plan?"

"Well, since we are on our way to the mall it would be a good time for us to shop for some sexy outfits for me to wear.

"We have to also find a place to go for our fantasy. I was thinking about a hotel with a bar or a lounge. That way we would have a room for me to get ready and a place to meet a man. We would also have a place for our fantasy when I meet a guy for us.”

I was so aroused by her enthusiasm for wanting to fulfill my fantasy I thought my cock was going to explode in my pants.

She was really excited planning the entire fantasy. I just listened and imagined how incredible the night would be. We arrived at the mall and began looking for something for her to wear. Each time she tried something on I was imagining how incredible she would look on the night of our fantasy.

We had met in High School and I always felt so lucky to have her with me, she was one of the hottest girls in school and she had aged very well. Her short blonde hair accented her beautiful hazel eyes and her mouth had a pouty look. Her sensual lips were very seductive when she chose to smile her ‘come get me’ smile. She had the most incredible legs, long, slim and sculptured. They were what first attracted me to her.

She would wear short skirts and cross her legs when she sat sideways on her seat to draw them up even higher, exposing her soft smooth thighs. Her breasts were large for her stature and she had the most incredible nipples. They seemed to always be erect and she knew just what to wear to show them off without looking slutty.

She tried on quite a few outfits and we settled on three that we thought she looked the sexiest in. She said I have some four inch heels so we won’t need to buy shoes.

“Do you want to stop at Victoria’s Secret to pick up some new bras and panties?”

“Oh, I won’t be wearing any of those for our fantasy night," she said with a naughty smile.

My cock jumped in my pants.

“You know you drive me wild when you say stuff like that?”

She smiled that sexy little smile of hers again.

“Yes dear, I know I do.”

She had a very naughty side to her that not many of her friends or family knew about.

We finished shopping and were heading for home when she told me she had one more stop to make. I asked where that might be.

“I want to go to the adult store and pick something up.”

Who was I to argue with her wanting something from the adult store, I just smiled.

We entered the store and she began looking around. She stopped by the dildo section. After looking at the selection, she reached forward and picked up one up. It was about eight inches long, very thick and very realistic looking.

I almost choked as she reached for it and then began running her fingers along it. She held it to her mouth without touching it against her lips.

“This is the one I want.”

I nodded my head in agreement and we proceeded to the checkout counter.

“I want to be able to practice with this while we make love so I will have an idea of what it will be like to be sucking another cock while you are fucking me.”

I didn’t know what to say, I was just enjoying the fact that she was so into this fantasy.

“And I want you to have an idea of how it will feel to see another cock in my mouth as you fuck me."

“Sounds good to me," I replied.

We practiced that night with her purchase and I was even more aroused by seeing her suck that strange cock than I had imagined I would be. She seemed to enjoy it every bit as much as I did. When we finished she held me close and kissed me softly.

“Our fantasy is going to be incredible. I can’t wait," She whispered.

Needless to say I didn’t sleep much that night with all the thoughts and visions running through my imagination.

All the next day at work I was thinking about our fantasy and how eager she was to fulfill it. I think I had a hard–on all day. When I arrived home she took me by the hand and led me to the family room.

“I have something to show you.”

She led me to the computer and motioned for me to sit down.

“This is where we are going to make our fantasy come true.”

She said she had been online looking for just the right hotel and found a perfect one for us. It was not a particularly large hotel but it did have a nice intimate little bar in it. She was very excited as she showed me pictures of the bar and then of the hotel room.

I was becoming aroused as she showed me what she had found and the excitement in her voice is what really got me going.

“I really like this place and I made reservations for us for three weeks from now, if that is okay with you," she said excitedly.

“Wow, that’s great. Of course it’s okay with me.”

“Well it is your birthday in three weeks, so I thought this way I won’t have to go shopping for a gift for you.”

The next three weeks were full of lots of practicing for our fantasy night, and I was becoming impatient for the time to arrive. Leeza, on the other hand seemed to enjoy each session of practice more and more, trying new things with her new toy and also with my cock, asking each time, what I thought of her technique and if I liked it.

One thing about Leeza, she was a master at oral sex, always coming up with something new and always bring me to a mind blowing climax.

"Michael, do you think I'm bad for liking oral sex so much? Most of the other women say they don't really care to do it."

"No way. I love that you like it so much, and it shows. You are incredible babe, the best."

She smiled and gave me a long wet kiss.

“Thanks, I really love doing it.”

The weekend had finally arrived and we made the three hour drive to the hotel. Arriving at the hotel, we were led to a beautiful suite with an enormous king size bed. I looked at it and imagined what soon would take place on it. I became aroused with my thoughts.

“We’ll have dinner and then I want to come back to the room and get ready, I want to look perfect for tonight.”

“You always look sexy and beautiful," I told her.

At dinner she teased me by slowly sucking things off her utensils as she ate, giving me that sweet sexy smile of hers when she saw me watching her. We left the restaurant and headed back to our room. She gave me a long slow passionate kiss in the elevator and then whispered in my ear.

“I am going to give you a night you will never forget. I want you to have the best birthday ever, Michael."

As we arrived in the room, she asked if I would pour her a glass of wine. It made me think she was a little nervous about tonight because usually one glass of wine had her well into the mood and she had already drunk two glasses of wine at dinner.

I asked if she was okay.

“Of course, I just want to make sure I’m really in the mood because this is going to be a long night.”

I heard the shower and asked if she wanted me join her.

“Not just now, I will deal with you later. I want you fully loaded when our fantasy takes place," she said smiling, while squeezing my cock. She headed for the shower.

After her shower she went to work applying her seductive face. I watched through the crack in the door as she applied her make-up and fixed her hair just right, she was becoming sexier by the moment.

She looked fabulous even though she was wrapped in just a towel. She stood and sprayed her body spray in a few secret places.

“I am going to get dressed now and no peeking. I want to surprise you.”

Soon she appeared from the bedroom, Oh My God. I wanted to jump her right there. She looked gorgeous and more seductive than I had ever seen her.

“Well, what do you think? Do I look alright?”

I shook my head yes. I couldn’t speak. I think my cock was in my throat.

Her hair was brushed behind her ears to show her beautiful eyes and the reddest lips I have ever seen. Small diamond earrings accented her face and made it impossible to take your eyes off of her.

“I wore this because I know it is your favorite.”

It was a simple outfit that she made look super sexy. Her top was burnt orange and sheer with a deep plunging neckline. It was just sheer enough to allow you to see the shape of her gorgeous breasts. And oh yes, those sweet erect nipples were visible poking at the blouse trying to get out.

Around her neck she wore a single diamond that plunged to just between the top of her breasts, the way it sparkled in the light drew your attention immediately to it and of course to her fabulous tits.

The skirt was a short medium brown one that was about mid-thigh as she stood and so it did not cover any more of her incredible legs than necessary. It was loose fitting at her request because she said what she had in mind would not work with a tight fitting skirt.

And of course those four inch heels propped her firm little ass high in the air so your eyes could not leave her either as she approached you or walked away from you.

As she walked towards me, my eyes were drawn to her breasts, they swayed just enough under blouse just to say, hey look at me, and once you looked there was no turning away.

“You look more beautiful than I have ever seen you, simply irresistible.”

She smiled.

“Thank you, darling. I hope so. I would hate to strike out on our fantasy night.”

“You will have to fight them off in the bar tonight.”

She sipped at another glass of wine, her fourth one, as she said.

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"Okay now, here’s our signals for tonight.

“Signals?” I asked.

“Yes, I want you to know what is going on at all times.”

She began telling me of the plans for the bar.

"You are going to sit across the bar from me so you see my face and the face of the man I will be inviting to join us in our fantasy."

The bar was only some ten to twelve feet across so I would be able to see all that took place.

“Okay, I don’t know how long it will take for me to pick a guy, but I’m not going to choose the first guy who comes up to me unless of course I think he is the one. When he sits down beside me I am going to turn towards him a little so he can see all of me. I’m sure after some time he will try to put his hand on my leg and when he does I will slide one finger onto the side of my glass so that you know."

"After a little time I will uncross my legs inviting him to move his hand onto my thigh. When he does this I will slide two fingers onto the side of my glass and you will know he took the bait.”

The bait? I became aroused knowing ‘the bait’ was in reality my wife’s warm moist pussy.

Leeza continued with her plan.

“When he can’t resist any longer and moves his fingers to my pussy, I will put three fingers on my glass.”

I swallowed hard.

“You are going to let him finger your pussy at the bar?”

“Why not? I am going to be sucking his cock later so I think a little foreplay will be just the ticket to sealing the deal for him to join us later.”

“How much do you consider a little foreplay I asked?"

“Well, when I let him finger me to orgasm, I think that will be enough.”

She saw the somewhat shocked look on my face and said to me, I think I have to let him do that so he will know that I am sincere in asking him to join us.

She was right, again.

“You won’t have to tell me when that happens. I’ll just watch your face.”

She has this ever so sensual look that she gets just before she cums. I’ll know then he has fingered her to orgasm. A warm feeling flushed over me and I felt my cock throb in my pants.

I sat at the bar first and watched her enter the room and walk to the bar. I was not the only set of eyes on her. Most of the people in the bar had noticed her come in and were watching her every move.

Her breasts jiggled as she crossed the floor and she smiled so that you could see her pearly white teeth glisten between her full red lips. Her tight little ass drew lots of attention as she approached the bar and seated herself across from me.

A naughty little wink at me and I knew soon our fantasy would begin.

Several men approached her. Even a very young man who she seemed to be fond of, probably thinking this young stallion would be a very willing partner for us. But she shook her head no as he offered to buy her a drink, she was being very selective.

Soon a tall older man with dark hair and a bit of greying at the temples approached her. He smiled, she smiled and she motioned for him to sit next to her. She had selected her prey.

I took a long drink to calm my nerves and then watched as they chatted and smiled.

She swirled the straw in her drink and laughed at what he was saying, leaning over and touching his arm as she did. She was on the prowl, seducing her prey. Sometime later I saw her slide one finger on the side of her glass. His hand was on her leg.

Even from my distance I could see her incredible nipples poking at her blouse. I know he noticed them too because she touched her necklace and said something in reply to his remarks.

I imagine he was thinking about wrapping his lips around those hard erect nipples and sucking her until she came. I know that is possible because I have accomplished that many times. Her nipples were not only fabulous but also very sensitive.

She toyed with him a while and then I saw a second finger slide across her glass as he leaned towards her. That naughty sexy smile of hers crossed her lips as he made his move and I knew it would not be long until a third finger appeared. There it is, the third finger, he had reached her warm moist lips with his fingers. As her fingers slid on her glass both of her eyes closed for a moment.

She loved having her lips fingered. She got so wet and her lips would tighten on my fingers as she tried to suck them into her pussy, I was imaging all that as I watched the expression on her face become more serious. The sexy little smile was replaced by tighter lips that pursed and then parted slight again and again. Oh yes, she was soon ready to coat his fingers with her warm juices.

The pre-orgasm look had come to her face and I was so aroused knowing that a stranger was fingering my wife to orgasm in a public bar. Her lips closed tightly and then parted as she exhaled so as not to moan in pleasure for all to hear. Her body trembled a little and her beautiful tits shook as her orgasm continued and she smiled at him and grabbed him by the arm.

She leaned forward and whispered to him, he leaned back with a surprised look on his face, then smiled and nodded yes. She had asked him to join us.

I had wondered earlier if I could go through with this, but I had become so aroused watching my wife seduce a strange man, there was no turning back and all my concerns were gone. The fantasy would continue.

We arrived at the room.

“Michael, this is William. He will be joining us for the night.”

"Nice to meet you William, and thank you for joining us tonite," I said as I shook his hand.

“It's my pleasure to join you. You have the most incredible wife. I have never met anyone more seductively stunning than Leeza.”

“Thank you. She is truly very special indeed," I said as I kissed my wife.

“I am honored to be part of your fantasy," he said.

Leeza sat at the bottom of the bed to the right side with her legs dangling over the bottom of the bed.

“Anyone care to help me with this blouse?”

Both William and I unbuttoned her blouse and then slid it off her shoulders. Her breasts were heaving with anticipation and her nipples were more erect than I had ever seen them. William commented that her breasts were like the breasts men dream about, I could not argue.

We both held the bottom of her skirt and slid it down her long slender legs. Her pussy glistened with the cum that William had seduced from her earlier. I noticed he stared at her pussy and I know he was thinking how wonderful it would be to slide his cock between those soft moist lips that he had felt earlier.

Leeza caught his glance and smiled. "I have something for you too William," she said as she licked her lips seductively.

We both took off our shirts and then Leeza reached to help William with his belt. I unhooked my belt and slid my pants off while watching her loosen his pants and slide them down his legs. He stepped out of them and she massaged his cock through his shorts.

“Is this all for me?” Leeza asked.

I was so aroused that she was even talking naughty for our fantasy.

He replied, "All for you my dear."

She smiled and slid his shorts down his legs, as she did his cock sprang to full erection. He was rock hard and so ready. I was happy to see his cock was not as large as mine. She lay on her left side and reached for his cock.

“Honey, is this position okay for you to see everything?”

“Oh yes. It’s perfect.”

“Well then, let’s begin.”

I just stood watching, my cock was at attention and throbbing, as her hands slid along the length his cock as she pulled him close to her. She softly kissed his tip and I could see him tremble. Then she kissed along the length of his cock, first on the right, then on the left. As she got back to his tip her tongue gently licked it and then started the journey along both sides.

I could see his cock pulsating. I knew he wanted her to take him inside her mouth. She parted her lips slightly and took just his tip between them, gently sucking it in and out of her mouth.

“Mmm," she moaned.

I knew that feeling. It would drive me wild when she did that to me.

She glanced at me and smiled.

I could see his head becoming engorged and growing as it slid in and out of her mouth. I started rubbing my cock up and down my wife’s pussy enticing a soft moan from her. I began sliding my cock in and out of her, tip only, in rhythm with her sucking Williams cock. He slid his hand across her tit and rolled her nipple between his fingers.

She looked up from his cock without stopping and gave her sweet little grin. She had both hands on his cock as she slid it deeper into her mouth, and then slowly back so that I could see his tip on her lips, just before it penetrated her mouth. She knew I loved that from all of our practising.

She glanced my way to see if I was watching. She saw my eyes fixed on her mouth and she then slid his cock deep back inside of her. I matched her, stroke for stroke, deeper with each one, and now increasing the speed of the stoking and thrusting. I felt a warm flow come over my cock as Leeza moaned and I knew she had cum. Another one on top of the first and I knew she was losing control of her orgasms.

I remember once when she came over and over again and was scared because she could not get her orgasm to stop.

William began rocking his hips towards her and his entire cock was now disappearing inside my wife's mouth. I shoved my cock as deep as I could inside her pussy and felt another long warm flow of cum greeting me. Her eyes closed as she moaned deeply.

I could see by the look on her face she was losing control of her orgasms, I looked at William and he was quivering and his cock was fully engorged and ready to burst. I was holding back from releasing my load of warm cum into her until I was sure we were all ready for one enormous orgasm. I think the time had come.

My wife anticipated that William was about to cum and she closed her lips tighter on his cock as it slid in and out of her, deeper and deeper, faster and faster.

My cock was doing the same with her pussy as I felt her body shake. He felt it too and together we released our hot cum inside her. Hers flowed as well over me, coating my cock with a warm river of her creamy cum. Our strokes were slower but continued for a moment as our cocks throbbed and unleashed every drop of their load. Her body relaxed as she felt the thrusts slowing.

As William drew his dripping cock from her mouth I could see his some of his cum slide out of the corner of her mouth and drip off her lip. Seeing his cum on her lips made me release one last spurt into her pussy.

As I slid my cock from her she moaned again, her pussy lips still clamping tight around me. Williams cock was covered with a mixture of his own cum and my wife’s saliva. Leeza was a swallower so I knew he had shot a large load into her.

He moved away and leaned against a chair.

“Whoaaa, I’m dizzy after that. You took everything out of me.”

She smiled at him and she licked her lips.

“I enjoyed every drop of you.”

She smiled that naughty smile of hers.

“You were sensational sweetheart.” I said to my wife.

William agreed.

“My dear, I have no words to express the ultimate pleasure you have given me tonight. I truly have never felt this way before.” he said.

My wife rose from the bed, her luscious tits bouncing as she did. Her nipples were still rock hard as she hugged William tight, pressing them against his chest.

“The pleasure was as much mine as yours. You helped us fulfill an incredible fantasy.”

A little more small talk while William dressed. Soon he was walking towards the door. Leeza kissed him once more and squeezed his cock through his pants.

“I’ll remember you always," she said to William.

“I will certainly never forget you my dear.”

He turned, opened the door and was gone.

Leeza turned and walked towards me. She was smiling that sexy little smile of hers. She hugged me and kissed me passionately.

“Happy Birthday, sweetheart.”

“It was the best birthday I could ever imagine, far exceeding any imagination I have ever had of our fantasy. You were incredible.”

“I’m so happy you enjoyed it darling. It was very special for me also. I loved every moment of it.”

"I’m going to shower," she said, walking towards the bathroom.

Pausing at the closet, she opened the doors and picked out two dresses.

“I thought you were going to shower?”

“In a minute, I was just thinking. Since our fantasy was so incredible tonight, which of these dresses should I wear for tomorrow night’s adventure?”

She hung them back in the closet as she turned for the shower, smiling naughtily.

"I’ll let you choose the outfit for tomorrow night, honey."

Written by Leeza
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