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Hotel Hot Tub Hookup

"Sometimes you get more that you planned on, which can be a very good thing!"

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Author's Notes

"Let's call it "somewhat embellished truth", a mix of experience and fantasy, and I'll leave it to your finely-honed, Lush-trained minds to discern which is which. I hope you'll enjoy it and let me know by your 'Likes', 'Favorites' and comments. You may have noticed that I'm on a bit of a writing binge, part of it finishing things I'd started and then allowed to languish while I dealt with some personal things. I appreciate your support for my stuff, and hope I'm not overwhelming you!"

 We’d driven hard and stopped late, wanting to get to Wilmington, NC early enough the next day to get to the beach. Unfortunately, where we stopped, a Little League baseball tournament was going on and all of the chain hotels were booked solid. A friendly clerk at one of them referred us to a local, privately owned hotel, the Colonial Inn, that he said was clean and nice – and it turned out he was right.

We checked in with a very friendly Indian man; exhausted and mostly wanting to just crash, we trudged down the hall toward our room until we passed a door with a window in it that looked into a pool room. We paused and looked at it; for our road-weary bodies, the hot tub, in particular, looked inviting.

I looked at the sign before trying the door handle, which was locked. “It closed at ten, and it’s after midnight. Guess we’re out of luck. You’ll just have to give me a good ass massage.”

“I can do that – or I can go ask the owner if he’ll let us use the hot tub if we’re quiet. This isn’t like the chain hotels, so he might.”

“Trying to get out of massaging my ass? You must be tired!”

He smiled. “No, I’ll gladly do that too. You take the suitcase to the room and I’ll go check.”

When traveling, we always pack our overnight stuff for hotels in one shared bag to save unloading a lot of stuff at night and reloading in the morning. I took it on down to the elevator and up to our third-floor room, and Richard joined me there minutes later, key in hand.

“Nice guy, Frank Patel. He said no problem, but that we might have company; there’s a regular that stays here that uses the hot tub late sometimes when he’s here, and he’s here tonight. Frank said it was later than his usual, so maybe he decided against it, but he could still show up.”

“Oh. So do you still want to?”

“Sure, why not?”

“I’d hoped we might play a little.”

He laughed. “Horny girl! I was counting on it. Look, if he comes in, we can stop whatever we’re doing.”

“I guess – but our swimsuits aren’t in this bag, and I don’t want to go dig for them. I was planning on just wearing a towel down, and, you know…”

“Nekkid? I don’t think any guy would object to you being in a state of undress.”

I laughed. “Your favorite state in the Union. I guess I could just wear panties and a bra – or a T-shirt. Bras take forever to dry, and I don’t have one in here anyway.” Small-busted, I frequently go braless for comfort, despite having quick-response nipples. “You going to wear your boxers?”

“Sure, why not?”

“I guess I’ll do that then, but my panties are all on the tiny side. This calls for big granny panties that don’t become transparent when wet.”

He shrugged. “Like I said, no guy would mind, and Frank said we probably won’t see him anyway.”

So that’s what we did. I had a white Corona beer t-shirt that I’d cut off to crop-top length for beach wear, and I wore that and the only clean panties I had in the bag, a near-thong  – meaning commando tomorrow – while he wore hunter-green knit boxers that said ‘BOLTER’ on the waistband; the manufacturer, apparently.

We wrapped our towels around our waists and headed down, taking only our phones, room key, the pool room key, and a few dollars for the pop machine. In the pool room it was warm and humid, and only the underwater lights of the pool and hot tub provided illumination, the overhead lights off and pitch black outside the windows, but it was enough. The low hum of the pumps and filters and the seductive liquid sound of moving water was all that broke the silence, and after grabbing a couple of cold Pepsis we tossed our towels on a chair and slipped into the hot water.

It felt wonderful, the stiff muscles and sore body parts caused by a day of inactivity while driving 800 miles immediately responding, the aches and pains easing. Richard turned on the jets but left the noisy bubbler off, and the powerful jets of hot water worked their magic as we moved around, letting them hit different body parts.

I soon found one advantageously placed jet in the bench and centered myself over it. It would have felt even better if I was nude, the way we use our tub at home, but the tiny, thin band of my panties didn’t impede the impact very much, and soon I was developing a very liquid center of my own, my mild arousal rapidly growing. I closed my eyes, added a little finger action, and focused on the sensations created by the powerful jet, making small movements to best use its talents.

I was deep into a sexual fantasy that would probably soon have led me to a climax when Richie said. “You’re getting a jet job, aren’t you?”

I opened my eyes to find him watching me, and I giggled. “Yes! How did you know?”

“I recognized the look on your face. Are you going to come?”

“If you’ll shut up for a couple of minutes, yes, I hope so!”

“Are you using it on your pussy, or your asshole?”

“Yes!” I laughed again. “It’s multi-talented.”

He grinned. “Excellent… Now let’s see if you are.” He stood up and stepped in front of me, flopping his semi-hard cock out of his soggy boxers and bouncing it off my lips. I opened and took him, eagerly, the sensation of his cock in my mouth only adding to my already exploding arousal. As he began to slowly fuck my mouth, I put the water jet and my fingers back to work on their task down below. In the back of my mind was the knowledge that anyone could look in the window on the door and see us, and although Richard’s back was to the door, what we were doing would be obvious. I was less concerned about the outside windows because they were heavily steamed up.

Still, as I got back into my fantasy, adding his cock in my mouth as another part of the plot, I forgot about all that and just enjoyed the sensuality of the experience. Anyplace public, even a quiet and seemingly safe time and place like this, always adds a frisson of risk, the chance of getting caught heightening the arousal… and then we got caught!

It took a moment for the sound of the door opening to register with us, both of us caught up in our pleasure, but when it did, we pulled apart so suddenly that his cock slipping from my lips created a low ‘pop’, like a champagne cork with a silencer on it! As I settled back into the bench, licking my now-puffy lips, Richie frantically tried to stuff his very hard cock back into his boxers.

 I looked up to see a middle-aged man wrapped in a towel crossing the room toward us. As he drew near, he said, “Hi, folks. I hope I’m not intruding, but when I asked Frank for the key, he told me you were likely already in here but might not mind me joining you.”

I smiled at him. “No, of course not! We don’t own it; it’s for all the guests. You’re welcome to join us.” While inside I was thinking about how disappointed I was about the interruption, I tried to be as civil as I could. It didn’t hurt that he was good-looking – not ravishingly handsome, but certainly above average! He introduced himself as Jonathan, or Jon, and we told him our names as he bent to shake hands with each of us, after which he stood there for a time, appearing uncertain about something. I guessed him to be close to fifty, or about ten years our senior.

Finally, after a bit of hemming and hawing, he said, “Look, one thing, and I hope you won’t be offended. I’m au naturel under this towel. I usually have the place all to myself this late at night, and I hate the cold water dripping down my legs from a wet swimsuit as I walk back to my room.”

Richie and I looked at each other, and he smiled and gave me a nod, so I said, “It’s not a problem for us if it’s not for you. We have a hot tub at home, and we always tub naked for that very reason, even with guests… Well, that’s one of the reasons, anyway.”

Richie laughed, and I probably blushed, although, with the heat from the tub, I was likely already red, so I hoped it wouldn’t be noticeable. Jon smiled and thanked me before crossing to a chaise lounge, where he set down a couple of things he’d had in his hands and stripped off the towel. I picked up on his nice, muscular ass right away, of course, but also noticed that he seemed in good shape. Not athlete-level condition, and not a bodybuilder physique either, but I imagined that he was likely an avid weekend warrior, or that maybe he jogged on nice mornings. He looked nice, healthy, and normal.

I’d caught a brief glance at his balls as he’d bent to drape his towel over the chair (And yes, of course, I looked there, and you would have too. Just admit it!), but now, as he turned, I got a better look at the whole package, which was also very nice - again, above average but not in any way remarkable, just healthy and normal like the rest of him. He was neatly and attractively manscaped, which showed him off to good advantage, his thickish, perhaps four-inch, not-quite-flaccid cock projecting gently over a nicely rounded, inverted heart-shaped scrotum, each egg-sized testicle enticingly defined. He looked like he was either en route to or returning from an erection, his cock a bit more full and with slightly more rigidity than a fully dormant one.

When I glanced up at him, I found him looking at me and knew I’d been busted ogling his junk. Surprisingly, I felt no embarrassment about that, probably because of our home hot tub experiences, so I just smiled at him. He stepped into the tub and settled in at ninety degrees to my right, with Richard ninety degrees to my left, which put me between them and he and Richard across from each other. It was a good conversational arrangement, and we chatted and got to know each other a little. 

We told him we were on our way to Wilmington and perhaps Myrtle Beach for a few days of fun and sun and to visit old friends who had relocated to the warmer and usually snow-free climate. He told us he was a businessman – divorced - and that his company had a big warehouse and distribution center in town, and that he spent three to five days each month there training staff and monitoring the business, and that he always stayed here at “Frank’s place."

He had a nice smile and an easygoing manner, and we hit it off well and soon felt comfortable with him; being naked or close to it always seems to break down many societal barriers as well, something we’d noticed before. Perhaps that could be a key to world peace!

When I reached for my Pepsi to take a drink, he said, “Damn! I meant to grab one of those too and walked right past the machine.”

He started to get up, but I stopped him. “I need to run to the little girls' room anyway; I’ll grab you one. What do you want?”

He glanced over his shoulder to where the machines stood, the pop machine on one side of a door and a candy/snack machine on the other. The door was to the room where the pump and other pool mechanicals were, judging by the sound and the ‘Employees Only’ sign on the door. “They usually have root beer, but if it’s all out, Pepsi is fine. My wallet is there with my towel; just grab a couple of bucks out of that.” As I stepped out of the hot tub, I was very aware of how tiny my panties were, that they covered virtually none of my ass, and that they were probably transparent when wet – but he was naked, so…

I took some money and crossed to the pop machine, and only then, in the mirror on the equipment room door, did I realize that in addition to being small and see-through, my wet panties also were clearly defining a perfect cameltoe, wedged in my cleft and hugging my puffy lips. In addition, my nipples showed very plainly through my white, wet shirt… in short, I thought I looked even more provocative than being naked!

Once I’d gotten his root beer, I carried it back to him and then stood there for a moment as he looked at me the way I’d looked at him. His eyes lingering on my pussy gave me a rush of arousal, I’ll admit, and when I glanced at Richie, he just smiled and shook his head. He knew exactly what I was doing, teasing our new friend! I subtly pushed my hips forward and turned slightly, in the process parting my legs to give him a better view as I thrust my cunt at him – and feeling myself begin to liquefy!

In a ploy that was as transparent as my panties, Jon said, “You know, if you don’t want cold water dripping down your legs while you go to the bathroom, you could take those off too… Plus, it would make me more comfortable if I wasn’t the only one naked.”

I laughed. “Well, if it makes you more comfortable, by all means!” I stripped my wet shirt over my head, which did immediately feel better, and carried it over to drop on the chair by our towels. My back still to them, I slipped my soggy little thong down my legs, bending only at the waist as I got it down to my ankles and knowing exactly what view I was providing them, ass and puss on display! It earned me a wolf whistle from Jon, and when I looked at him, a smile and a shake of the head from Richie.

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Without further comment, I trotted off to the little unisex bathroom to pee. When I returned, I saw that Richard had completed the nude brood, his boxers lying in a soggy lump on the pool deck. I sat on the edge of the hot tub for a moment before sliding back in, parting my legs and giving Jon a chance to check me out naked as I had done to him. When our eyes met, he smiled, and I took it to mean he liked what he saw.

A few minutes later, all of us in the tub up to our necks, luxuriating in the comfort of it, he said, “I have a little confession to make. When I first got here, I watched the two of you from the door for a couple of minutes before I opened it. If you’d like to resume what you were doing then, it’s perfectly fine with me!”

I’d been sucking Richie’s cock, of course, and the fact that he’d engaged in a bit of voyeurism surprised me not at all – it also likely explained his semi-erection when he’d first dropped his towel. I looked at Richie. “Told you we’d get caught.”

“No, you didn’t. You had your mouth full.”

I laughed. “Oh yeah! Well, I thought it.”

“I don’t think Jon minded too much, based on what he just said.” Jon agreed, and Richie went on, “So if you’d like to continue what you started…” He scooted up to sit on the edge of the tub, spreading his legs to invite me between, holding his semi-hard cock in his hand, presenting it for my sucking pleasure. I took advantage, going to him and bending over to take his offering.

First, I sucked his balls for him, taking each big, familiar testicle into my mouth one at a time for a tongue massage. When I came up for air, Jon had moved closer, just to Richard’s right, and was masturbating, slowly stroking his rapidly growing cock and watching as I tongued Richard, licking his cock thoroughly – mostly for show – before taking him into my mouth. He too was rapidly hardening, and he went from very nice to extra special to marvelously magnificent in less than a minute, his thick, rigid cock filling my mouth, and soaking my pussy.

I did a double take when I glanced out of the corner of my eye at John; his cock had grown more than I’d expected, and was now beautifully thick and solid as he ran his hand up and down its hard, arousingly veiny length! He had a very nice cock, masculine and virile-looking, and it had a substantial bend upward, the shaft curved in a shallow C-shape so that the head of it pointed almost straight back at his navel.

The thought of what that curved organ might do inside of me – especially in certain advantageous positions - gave me butterflies! Richard was getting into it now, thrusting his cock between my lips, and I was becoming intensely aroused by that, as well as by our exhibitionism and the mere presence of two very obviously horny men that I had all to myself. Bent over Richard’s lap the way I was, I knew my ass and pussy were on display, right there for his pleasure, and I wished he’d move behind me and touch, lick, or fuck me!

I know it’s what Richard would have done if the roles were reversed, but Jon seemed satisfied with watching and jerking off, which seemed silly with me and Richie right there and either of us happy to suck or fuck him! It occurred to me that he might not be bisexual – probably wasn’t – but that still left me. It then occurred to me that we’d never told him it was okay to touch or to do anything more than watch, and I realized that must be holding him back. Such a gentleman!

To break the ice – and because I very much wanted to – I let Richard slip from my mouth and turned and took Jon instead, seizing the base of his thick, hard cock in one hand and cupping his balls in my other as I took him into my mouth, making him moan and thrust his hips upward. I loved the way he felt, the head of his cock somehow different yet still the same as my husband’s, spongy-firm and slightly slippery with precum, with a pronounced ridge around the rim at his corona. I think the head of his cock may have been larger – and his shaft maybe thicker, and definitely gnarlier-looking – but Richie was longer.

As I moved down his shaft with my lips, I thrilled at the way the ridges of his bulging, throbbing veins moved across my lips, pleasurable little speed bumps reminding me to go slow and enjoy the ride. I did, too, as I rolled the twin, firm orbs of his balls in my hand, luxuriating in the soft, velvety feel of the delicate skin of his masculine sack and the virility of his heavy testes.

The curvature of his shaft in this position was just the opposite of what I’d need to take him down my throat – a classic ‘69’ position would have been ideal - but that’s not my forte anyway, and I knew he was more than big enough to gag me, curved or not. Still, it might be fun to try!

As I’d figured, Richard did see the potential of my position, and moved behind me, rubbing his hard length in my cleft, and grinding on my hard clit. I was wet on the outside from the tub, and very wet on the inside from intense arousal, and when he lined up and pushed into me, I groaned with pleasure, even though he slid in easily in my slippery juices. Once he was deep, he held it for several seconds, flexing his cock in my tight sleeve, before grabbing my hips and proceeding to fuck me good and proper!

I came quickly, a cock at each end often providing that result, and I had to let Jon slip out of my mouth, holding his wet hardness against my face as I moaned and cried out my orgasm, gasping for air. When I took him back in, he was as hard as a quantum physics exam, and I sensed that if I wanted to, I could have him spurting down my throat in fifteen seconds or less!

I didn’t want that, though… well, I did, but even more, I wanted to see what his arched organ could do inside of me, so I slowed down and proceeded with caution. I enjoyed their attentions for another couple of minutes, carefully edging Jon and coming twice more myself, each time giving him a brief respite from my teasing tongue as I came, rubbing his veiny shaft on my face.

In this way, I was able to hold Jon off until I felt Richard begin to become tense and thrust erratically, and I let Jon slip out and told Richard to stop, pushing at his tummy with one hand.

“Stop? I’m about to come!”

“I know, I can tell, but I want to feel what Mr. Curvy Jon feels like inside of me.”

Jon said, “Oh, fuck yeah! I don’t think I’ll last very long, but…”

Richard obligingly slipped out of me, more than on board for me getting a pussy full of cream for him. “Nah, that’s okay, don’t worry about it – and come inside of her when you do; we like that.”

I smiled; he was right about that when he said ‘we’ because it was so true!

Jon said, “You guys are sure…?”

I replied, “Very, and I know just how I want you!” I moved up onto the rim of the tub and slid forward so that my ass was overhanging the water; then I lay back and pulled my legs up and apart, presenting myself to him. I knew I’d look used, from Richie’s attentions, clit jutting, my lips sex-slick, puffy and red, and likely gapping slightly open invitingly, and apparently, that appealed to Jon, because he smiled as he said, “My God…” before reaching out and sliding his fingers along my swollen and sensitive lips, making me twitch and gasp.

He wasted no time stepping in and entering me, slowly sliding his entire length deep into me, his balls pressed to my ass… and oh my God! His thick shaft, with its pronounced bend, worked exactly as I’d hoped, the head of his cock sliding hard against the front wall of my vagina for its entire plunge. It felt astonishing, and it also felt like he was much thicker than he was due to the rigid, curved nature of his manhood. He pulled my legs up over his bent elbows, his hands on my thighs, and as he started to fuck me, Richard leaned in and presented his pussy-flavored lollypop for my enjoyment… and his, of course!

I knew I’d come again soon with them doubling my pleasure, but when it turned out that Jon knew exactly how to best work his unique cock, I exploded! He knew to take short strokes with only perhaps two or three inches of his length inside of me, thus exactly targeting that elusive G-spot with the head of his cock.

I don’t know why I said ‘elusive ‘ - perhaps because you see it referenced that way in women’s literature – but Jon had no problem at all finding it! It was as if his penis had been designed for this very purpose, and I came hard, my fingers flying to my clit to assault many of those same nerves from the outside. I bucked upward, causing him to slide deeper, but he quickly adjusted and began to batter my G-spot again.

I’m not sure if I was still coming or if I was coming again when he paused for a moment, whereupon I took over, my hips knowing just what I needed as I thrust myself onto his hard staff, my pussy clutching at him. Richie, seeing me come so hard, groaned with pleasure, and I felt him swell in my mouth, a sure sign that he wouldn’t last much longer.

I think Jon was on the verge, too, because he gave up on his shallow, artistic thrusts and drove deep, leaning in over me and forcing my legs back as he bottomed out, his balls slapping my ass. That move put his face about a foot from mine, and I watched his eyes follow my husband’s cock as it moved over my swollen lips and in and out of my mouth.

I felt Richie starting to lose it, his cock spasming as it built to his first spurt, and I grabbed it and slipped it from my lips, taking that first big squirt across my lips and chin and onto my cheek. I took the second the same way, part of it, unfortunately, going right up my left nostril… but that’s one of the hazards of taking a showy facial, which I’d done for Jon’s enjoyment, and it worked!

He groaned and slammed deep, and I felt his cock start to jerk and pump inside of me, his balls pressed to my ass while he held himself deep and spilled his load. I felt each spasm and flex vividly, perhaps due to his arching shaft, and I ground my hips upward and my ass against him as I came yet again.

After, as much of the pumping, spurting, and sexual sounds died down – leaving only my pussy clutching at him with delicious aftershocks – Jon bent and kissed me, cum-slick lips and all! I still didn’t know if he was bisexual, but as he licked and sucked Richard’s cum from my face – thankfully, before it could run down into my ears or hair – it was apparent that he was not cum-shy when it came to another man’s load! I do admire that quality in a man…

We eventually all separated, groaning as sensitive organs were touched and tantalized, and the two of them slid back down into the hot water, spent. I sat on the edge and smiled at the way they both stared at my messy pussy as Jon’s cum leaked out of me.

Richie said, “Hon, you’re dripping into the hot tub.”

“I know – so are you guys, probably. Seeping, at least, we just can’t see it!”

Jon laughed. “God, you two are fun!” He glanced worriedly at the door; a good time to think of that! “Fuck, we’re lucky we didn’t get busted. Frank would have probably banned me for life!”

I smiled. “Or joined in.”

He grinned. “Maybe, huh? Should we take this party to one of our rooms and continue?”

I looked at Richie and he shrugged, but I knew what he meant. Reluctantly, I said, “We’d love to, and ordinarily we would, but we still have a long way to go tomorrow and want to get an early start so we can get in some beach time. So, with regret, we’ll have to pass.”

He was disappointed but took it gracefully. “I understand. Hey, listen – can we swap phone numbers and stay in touch? I feel like I found some new friends, and who knows, maybe we’ll find ourselves in the same part of the world again one day.” Of course, we’d brought our phones with us – we’d have felt even more naked without them!

“I’d like that! We’d love to see what other tricks your magic cock can perform.”

He laughed and looked at Richie. “And next time, dude, I plan to suck that big cock of yours. I’ve always been curious about that...”

Richie nodded. “You’ve got a deal!”

We swapped numbers and kisses and parted ways. I could feel his cum running down my legs as we rode the elevator up to our floor, but once in our room, Richie threw me on the bed and cleaned up every trace, making me come yet again – who knew janitorial work could be so rewarding?

We were tired the next morning as we again headed east, but nothing a few days of sun, surf, and sex wouldn’t cure!

Written by Wet_n_willing
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