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Home Sitting

"A few humdrum days of housesitting for some family friends turns into something much more..."

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Tom turned off from the main road of the city limits as we headed out towards the suburbs. I had been with Tom for the best part of eleven months now. We had met at my friend’s birthday party, her boyfriend being good friends with him. We took an instant liking to one another and were attached at the hip for the entire evening.

That night, I pulled him away from the party as he stood smoking outside one of the bars into the side exit of a nearby restaurant. We kissed for what felt like hours and before I knew it, I was knelt down blowing him. He came within a few minutes. After we returned to the party, we couldn’t help ourselves and went back to my place.

As we approached our destination I checked my bag one more time, ensuring I had everything I needed for my stay. Tom turned onto a cul de sac and pulled up to the house I would be staying at for the next few days.

Fiona and Bruce, an older couple in their sixties, were friends with my mother, and incredibly rich. They had taken a short break trip to Sicily and had set off earlier in the day. I had been asked by them if I would mind going to occupy the house for them for a couple of days and look after their two £5,000 indoor cats in the process. Along with the small fee they would pay and the idea of a change of scenery for me, I decided to accept the offer.

Tom dropped me off at the house, which appeared more like a small mansion, and drove back into town for an evening meeting at work; he would be joining me the next day. I had never been there before but had met Fiona and Bruce a number of times in the past. Fiona owned a hair and beauty business where she met my mother. I was never clear on what Bruce did; needless to say, it must have paid well.

The entire house screamed expensive; everything from the TV to the wine selection looked pricey. The cats were immediately friendly and easy to deal with. In the kitchen, I found a note on the counter of the centre island.



Thanks very much for looking after the house whilst we are away, we really appreciate it. We have made your bed up in the guest bedroom with fresh sheets.

Please feel free to make yourself at home and help yourself to whatever you want. The cats are very friendly! The food and treats are kept in the cupboard by the window. Bruce has asked Jason to come around tomorrow at 10am to have a look at the taps in our en-suite bathroom, as they are not working properly.

P.S. Help yourself to any of the drinks in the fridge or wine cooler that you want.

Thanks again,

Fiona & Bruce.


Next to the note was £250 and a small box of chocolates.

Jason was their son. I had never met him before, but was greeted with pictures of him around the house on my way in. He must have been maybe eight or ten years older than me, putting him around his mid-thirties, and was married to a stunning blonde woman, according to the photos. I figured I would still be yet to meet him, as I would be out for my morning run around the same time he would be coming in the morning.

Time had spun on so quickly and before I knew it, it was nine-thirty in the evening and I had spent over three hours channel hopping, messaging friends, and had eaten the majority of the chocolates left for me. I grabbed my bag and made my way upstairs.

Snooping around the house, I quickly saw the extent of the place. Everything was exceptionally expensive, but in good taste. It was the kind of house you would see in a lifestyle or home magazine. I had a quick look in the master bedroom, where a massive ornate mirror was mounted against the wall above a long dressing table. Looking in the mirror I could see that my face was looking slightly tired. I pulled out the bobble that was holding in my ponytail and shook my hair out.

In the guest bedroom, I unpacked my bag and quickly got undressed. Naked, I darted across the landing to the main bathroom and grabbed a towel; even though I was alone, I still felt self-conscious about being nude in someone else's house; plus, this was the kind of house that probably had internal CCTV cameras, although I didn't know where they would be.

The bathroom was insane, with marble tops and a giant bathtub that had stairs leading up to it. The walk-in shower was next to the bath. I turned on the water, which heated instantly, and stepped in. I must have spent at least twenty minutes just stood under the hot water, it was so luxurious. I sang aloud without reserve, soap suds draining down my skin, and whirled around my feet as I washed and rinsed my hair.

Switching off the shower, I stepped out, grabbed the towel off the side and began to dry off and pat myself down. My damp hair rested on my shoulders as I inspected my body in the long mirror; my face was fresher now and my skin had a warm glow. Standing to one side, I took inventory of myself. My stomach was taut and somewhat toned. My breasts were looking plump and firm and my ass was looking particularly tight and lifted. My entire body was shapely and attractive and I couldn’t help getting aroused at how good I was looking at that moment. Even the decadence of the house was itself a turn on.

However, I resisted the urge to excite myself further. When my hair was dry, I wrapped myself up in the towel and stepped out into the hallway.

In the bedroom, I slipped into my silk nightie; it finished just a few inches shy of my ass line. I figured I could stand to be a little bit underdressed as the summer heat had been blistering all day. It wasn't a particularly low cut, but the shoulder straps were very thin and showed off all my shoulders. I went back downstairs to watch more television. According to the news that was now playing, it was nearing ten-thirty.

As I sat on the sofa with a glass of red wine, getting more and more comfortable, one of the cats suddenly rose from sleep and darted across the carpet, out of the living room door, towards the front door of the house.

Something must have spooked her, I thought to myself. I got up and followed her to investigate.

Just as I stepped out into the hallway, the front door cracked open! I jumped out of my skin and let out a slight wail of terror as a man entered the house. Equally startled, he murmured a curse word under his breath and re-thought his entry for a brief moment, pulling the door back towards himself.

“Oh my God!” I said, recognising his face. “Are you Jason?”

“Yeah -- who are you?” He was quite confused.

“God, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to scream in your face! I’m Amy. Your mum and dad asked me to look after the house and the cats whilst they’re away!”

Jason rolled his eyes, finally stepping fully inside.

“I wish they would have told me that!” he said, laughing.

I laughed along and we moved into the kitchen.

Jason was fair-skinned, which made sense as his dad was Irish. His eyes were blue and his hair was almost jet black, cut not too short and was parted slightly to one side. He had stubble as if he hadn’t managed to shave for a day or two and was about 5’ 10” tall. I had no idea what he did for a living, but he was wearing smart navy-blue suit pants and a pink shirt that looked quite expensive. After a brief chat, I explained how I knew his parents and that it was nice to finally meet him.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Jason said, smiling as he leaned on the kitchen divider.

“Your mum and dad left a note about you coming to look at the sink or something? But, it said you’d be here in the morning!” I said.

“Ah, yeah, well I thought I’d be best doing it now. The wife is out tonight and I’ve made plans already for tomorrow.”

“Ah, nice one. Okay,” I said.

“... So how long are you here for?” he continued.

“I’m here for the next three days.”

“Ah okay, I see… Did you drive up here then or--“

“No, no, my boyfriend drove me out here,” I answered, cutting him off prematurely.

“Cool.” He walked towards the fridge and opened it, taking out a can of Coke. “Would you like a drink?” he asked.

“No, thanks, I’ve got one in the living room,” I replied.

“So, have you been together long, or?” he asked.

“Erm, we’ve been going out for just under a year now.”

“Okay.” He cracked it open and took a sip. “Oh! I should say, my friend's supposed to be meeting me here soon. He’s going to take a second look at that sink.”

“Oh right, okay,” I said, “Well, I’ll be sure to get out of your way whilst you fix it.”

“No, don’t worry, I’m sure--” Just then, the front doorbell rang.

“... That’ll be him here now,” Jason said as he went to open the front door.

“Seriously, I’ll get out of the way,” I said, following him to the doorway of the kitchen.

“No honestly, you’re no bother!” he insisted.

I leant against the door frame, feeling intrusive, and held my wrist, my arms resting over my front as Jason opened the house to his friend. I saw his toolbox before I saw him; the heavy looking green metal case gave way to a tall guy who looked more my age or maybe only just slightly older.

“Alright, Jason?” the guy said.

“Not too bad, not too bad!” Jason said, letting him inside.

He turned and looked in my direction as he entered, I could see his curiosity was pricked as he quickly scanned over me. A look of confusion glazed over his face.

“…Hello,” he said to me.

“Hi,” I replied.

Jason closed the door.

“Oh, Drew, this is...” Jason pointed lightly towards me for a split second before clicking his fingers together. “Amy!” he said.

Drew stepped towards me, swinging his heavy toolbox from one hand to another. Outstretching his newly freed hand, he reached out for a handshake.

I extended my hand whilst wrapping my other arm around my chest in an attempt to stop anything coming loose from my nightie.

Drew had a firm, but not too hard grip on my somewhat limp hand and shook it.

“Nice to meet you, Amy,” said Drew.

“Nice to meet you,” I replied.

Drew was about 6’ 2” with tanned skin; he looked to be mixed-race. His eyes were coffee coloured and his hair was light brown. He looked as if he had just come from another job.

“Amy’s a pal of the folks. Been instructed to look after the place whilst they’re away,” Jason said as he walked towards the two of us.

“Oh, cool, okay…” said Drew.

“Do you want a drink before we look at the bathroom, Drew?” Jason asked.

“Sure, yeah.”

“I’ll make myself scarce and get back to the living room,” I said with a quick smile.

The two guys went back to the kitchen. I went into the living room where the TV was still on at a low volume.

Picking up my phone, I could hear them both laughing and joking with one another; they must have been very close friends from the sound of things. I picked up my phone and started texting Tom to let him know that there were two men in the house that I didn’t really know, just so he knew. I was about to press send when I heard Jason call me from the kitchen.

“Amy?” he shouted.

“Yeah?” I replied, shouting back.

“Can you come here a sec?”

I hesitated for a moment, looking at my phone screen. I bit my lip. Then I hit the backspace button and erased the entire message to Tom. I threw my phone onto the sofa cushions, picked up my glass of wine and walked to the kitchen.

“What’s up?” I asked, entering the kitchen.

“Mercedes or Audi?” Jason asked.

I paused briefly, confused. “Erm, neither…” I replied, slowly.

“Oh, come on, you can’t get away with that!” Drew said sharply.

“Well, if you’re going to make me pick a car, it’s going to have to be a BMW!” I said.

The two laughed.

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Jason exclaimed.

We all laughed.

"Honestly... I've no idea," I said. "I really know nothing about cars at all."

"Yeah, fair enough," said Drew.

"Sorry, Amy. Just trying to wind Drew up about his car preferences," said Jason.

"There's nothing wrong with a Merc!" Drew argued with Jason.

"Yeah, no, nothing, especially if you're not into indicating..." Jason said.

I laughed and looked down at my wine glass, almost empty. I fancied another one. I walked over to the wine cooler as the two carried on playfully arguing. Bending down at the knees, I opened it up and grabbed some more drink.

"... I'm bloody knackered after today," Drew said to Jason. I poured myself a full glass. "Been at it all day."

"Just have a drink, then before we look at the sink, there's no rush. I've got nowhere to be, Jen's out with the girls tonight... Amy, do you mind just grabbing us a beer out the fridge?" Jason asked.

"Bloody hell. I might be looking after your mum and dad's house but I'm not the living maid!" I said jokingly.

Jason laughed. “Okay, fair enough, let me grab them,” he said as he started getting up from the kitchen chair.

“No, no, don’t be silly, I’ll get them.” I turned and opened the fridge. “Which beers do you want?” I asked.

“Can we get two of those Buds off the bottom shelf, please?” he asked.

“Sure.” I bent down and grabbed two, without thinking. It wasn’t until I was clutching onto them that I realised what I was doing. The thought ran through my head in a millisecond. My nightie had ridden upwards; I could feel that my behind had been exposed. Not a lot, but just enough to have been visible for a split second. The moment only lasted an instant. I straightened up and put the beers on the side next to me. “Where’s the opener?” I asked, turning around, trying not to blush. I caught a glimpse of Drew, who was avoiding eye contact with me, his eyes fixated at an empty space with his eyebrows raised.

“Err, they’re twist-off caps," Jason said.

“Oh! Silly me!” I said. I turned around, grabbing the beers off the side, and placed them on the centre counter where Drew and Jason were sat.

“Cheers, Amy,” Jason said as he took the beers and passed one to Drew. They both pulled off their caps and took a swig. “Yeah, anyway, like I say, Jennifer’s out and I’m in no rush if you’re not, so we’ll just take a look whenever.”

“Yeah, I’m done for the day now so whatever,” said Drew.

I stepped back and took a drink of my wine. I felt kind of embarrassed and silly for doing what I’d just done. Part of me wanted to just get out of there and go straight home. I let things within me settle in for a few moments as they chatted together. I could feel my face getting flush but it quickly subsided. I carried on drinking, standing slightly awkwardly, not knowing whether or not to join in their conversation as they chatted away.

I found myself in a daydream all of a sudden.

“… Amy?” said Jason.

“… Sorry?” I said, pulling myself out of the standing daze I was in.

“I was just saying, what do you think of what Drew is talking about? Because I think he’s talking shit here,” Jason asked, letting me into a conversation I hadn’t been listening to.

I ended up falling into their discussions, joining in and talking about various things. I began feeling more at ease instead of wanting to just get away and curl up in a ball on the couch in the other room. Drew and Jason each had another couple of beers between themselves as we all chatted. I started to feel the effects of the alcohol beginning to happen. My eyes were starting to slow a little and my legs were feeling heavy underneath me as I stood at the countertop.

All of a sudden, I felt a chill. The temperature was beginning to drop, and my clothing wasn’t helping the situation. I felt a light shudder run through me. I controlled the shake without letting either of them know that I was getting cold.

I had drifted out of their conversation all of a sudden. I looked at the clock on the microwave; it was half-past midnight. I brought my attention back to the two of them slowly and noticed that Jason was eyeing me up slightly.

It was clear to me now; the cold had penetrated me so much that my nipples were hard. I was suddenly very aware of how exposed I was; they could practically see through my nightie. But my vulnerability made me aroused and I could feel my wetness starting to bubble up. I ignored the obvious and played dumb, taking a big gulp from my glass of wine. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Drew was looking me up and down. I knew I was looking totally fuckable.

I finished off the wine and turned around to pour another glass from what was left in the bottle on the side. The bottle was placed near the wall at the back of the counter; as I overstretched to reach, I could feel the back of my nightie ride upwards yet again. I knew they must have been able to see at least the edge of my ass cheek. The thrill burned into me like an electric shock as I poured more wine into the glass.

“How many of those have you had?” Drew asked.

I turned around again to face them and drank as I did.

“Maybe, too many,” I said, laughing slightly as I wiped my mouth with the back of my wrist.

“You’re clearly enjoying it, though!” Jason said with a wry grin. “Are you feeling it?”

“Yes,” I said with a laugh. “Definitely feeling the effects!” I leaned forward on the counter and felt my cleavage drop forward slightly. They both took a brief look at my chest.

“Oh, sh—” Drew almost exclaimed; he held his hand to his mouth coolly as he turned to Jason, whose eyes widened.

I laughed hard and leaned back again taking yet another long drink. Jason looked away for a second and laughed in disbelief.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, playing off my lack of sobriety. I wasn’t drunk, but I could tell they were into the idea of me being. They weren’t the only ones; I could feel a bead of wetness trickling down my inner thigh.

“Oh, nothing,” Jason said.

“Hmm,” I said in a not too convinced tone.

There was a moment of silence before I broke the tension in the air.

“Let’s play some games! If either of you could ask me anything right now, what would it be?” I asked.

They both looked at me and squinted for a second. I could tell they were getting excited.

“Be careful though, you only get one each,” I said, smiling.

“What kind of question?” Jason asked.

Any kind of question,” I said.

Any?!” Drew countered.

“Yes… any. Can be about… politics, my shoe size, sex…”

“Sex, huh?” Drew asked cockily.


“Okay,” said Jason. “… What’s your favourite position, sexually?”

I took a sip from my wine and thought about it briefly.


Jason smiled and scoffed in disbelief and looked to Drew. I looked to him for the next question.

“…Do you like being treated like a slut? You know, dominated…” Drew asked forwardly.

I was taken aback and was briefly lost for words. Swigging the remains of my wine, I placed the glass firmly down and rested my hands on the kitchen counter, finally finding my voice.

“…I love it,” I replied.

Another silence permeated the room. I flicked my hair to one side and ran a hand through it, stepping back and leaning my hands on the counter behind me. My heart was banging in my chest like a kick drum.

“Why don’t you come and show me how you’d treat me?” I said.

Drew stood off the bar stool after a moment and walked around the counter to me. I looked up into his eyes as he approached.

“First of all, let’s take this off, yeah?” he said, reaching out for the nightie. He slipped the strap off my left shoulder, letting the silk flow off my body until it clung to just my midriff. My chest, exposed for them to see.

I continued only looking up into Drew’s eyes as he brought his hand up to my chest to cup my breast. His warm hand gripped at my fair skin and ran downwards quickly over the silk, towards my mound where he gently cupped and teased at my lips with his middle finger. I felt my face burning up with a deep blush and gave him a look so fuck-worthy as I bit my lip.

My wetness spread as he moved his finger over my creases through the fabric. My legs began to tremble and I bit my lip again, letting my eyes finally roll inside my head with pleasure. His hand reached down and pulled up the bottom of the nightie. His warm finger slipped inside me effortlessly and he then began to unbuckle his pants with his other free hand.

I looked back to Jason, who was still sitting, watching on. He stared at me intensely. My hands were still placed behind me on the countertop, my legs spread only enough for the width of Drew’s hand to fit inside my thigh gap as he continued to pleasure me.

His buckle was finally open, showing his white boxers underneath. I watched as his pants fell to his ankles; my eyes were drawn to the bulge pushing at the inside of his underwear.

He slid his finger out of me and brought his hand up to my lips. Parting my mouth open, he hooked the corner of my mouth abrasively with his two fingers and made me taste myself. I looked into his eyes and grinned, my lips curling around his fingers that still rested inside my mouth.

I sucked on them lightly; the taste was sweet.

“Fucking hell, you are dirty, aren’t you?” he said.

I blushed, smiling even more until a laugh escaped from behind my teeth.

Quickly, Drew pulled down his boxer shorts, revealing his large circumcised cock, and before I had chance to even think, he placed his hand on the back of my head and directed me down to the floor.

I was crouched, now eye level with his throbbing member. Drew took himself in his hand and with his other hand, still holding firmly onto the back of my head, began to guide his cock towards my mouth.

My pussy lips were gushing and throbbing hard. This was all so unbelievably hot. His cock was already topped with pre-cum. I went cross-eyed staring into the eye of his head as it came further towards me.

Opening my mouth, I let his wet tip in and immediately began to moisten his shaft with my tongue. Drew exhaled loudly and rubbed the back of my hair with his hand.

“Fuck, that’s good,” he said lightly.

My lips were sodden as I slipped my mouth backwards and forwards along his length. His cock was long and arched upwards; it pumped with intent.

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I placed my hands on his upper legs, steadying myself as I got more into my stride. I closed my eyes and felt as his cock ran across the roof of my mouth, down towards my throat. He passed my uvula and I jolted lightly, keeping my reflex down. I let him slide all the way down as far as he could go and met his pubis with my nose, holding him there.

“Shit,” he grumbled in awe.

I pulled him back and breathed lightly; a long trail of spit followed, attached to his head. I slopped him back into my mouth, looking up to him longingly as I did. I could really taste him now, sweet and salty.

Bringing a hand down, I opened my nightie further, letting both sides rest against the outside of my breasts. I reached down with my middle finger to circle my clit.

Drew had a real grip on my hair now and started to force himself down my throat before pulling out. I licked the pre-cum off the tip of his penis and looked over to Jason, who still sat at the breakfast counter. His hands clasped together, resting over his mouth as he watched. I winked and beckoned him to join with an inviting finger.

He stood up from the counter and walked around to us. Drew took a step back and began to masturbate as Jason unbuckled his pants slowly and took out his cock. Already erect, he guided himself towards my mouth until I reached out, taking over. I gripped hold of him and opened my mouth wide for his girthy member.

I could barely wrap my hand around him and struggled to fit him all in my mouth, only getting halfway. He throbbed and pulsed against my tongue and I struggled to breathe. I gagged hard and convulsed; he swiftly grabbed the back of my head and held me there. I convulsed more violently this time and pulled myself away from him.

He let me pull away and I looked up to him with a grin as my eyes watered heavily. A tear ran down my cheek; I laughed and it echoed around the kitchen as I bit my lip. Drew stepped closer and rubbed himself against my face. I turned to him and brought both hands up, grabbing hold of both of them. Running my hands up and down both shafts, I shook my head, letting my hair resettle against my shoulders.

"What else you want to do to me?" I asked, looking to both of them as I rubbed Jason's pre-cumming tip around my hard nipple.

"I want to get a taste of you," Drew said.

He picked me up and dragged me to the other side of the counter, bending me over a bar stool. My legs were spread wide and my ass in the air. He crouched down and buried his face into my pussy, getting a taste of me, his tongue sliding deep into and around my wet cunt. His nose was brushing against my spotless ass hole.

I heard a faint noise coming from the living room. My phone was ringing. I knew it must have been Tom calling to check on me. The madness of the situation made me shake and I felt myself cumming immediately. My legs went weak all at once and I squealed in bliss. As my body shook, Jason approached us and reached his hand out to grab my tits. His fingers traced around my nipple and he nipped at them with his thumb and forefinger.

I felt Drew's mouth pull away from my pussy. Before I could turn around, I felt Drew's stiff head entering me. He pulled my lips apart with ease and penetrated my sopping wet walls, sliding straight to my G-spot. I moaned loudly this time, deep and guttural, as he started to slip in and out of me fast. He was fucking me hard. Jason grabbed hold of my head with both of his hands.

“Get your fucking mouth around me,” he grunted.

Jason stepped out of his pants and I moved my face towards his member. He parted my lips with his wet cock and started fucking my mouth. They were fucking me at both ends and I was loving it. Both going balls deep, their rock-hard cocks were driving me crazy. I could feel another orgasm approaching quickly. My moaning was muffled with Jason burying himself in my throat, and I came again.

Drew pulled his cock out of me and started stroking himself as Jason removed himself from my mouth and they switched positions. Jason pulled me up by the back of the arms and arched my back. He held me by the neck and kissed my shoulders. I threw my head back and rubbed my clit with my fingers. Then I noticed him fumbling around for something in his back pocket. I continued to pleasure myself. He brought out a little clear bag, filled with white powder and got Drew to open it for him. He stuck his finger into it, brought the substance up to my mouth and stuck his finger in. The taste gave me that familiar kick immediately. I hadn’t done hard drugs in years but knew exactly what this was.

It only took Drew a few seconds to cut some lines on the worktop. Jason slid his dick into my pussy slowly, his hand wrapped around my neck. He guided me towards the counter and bent me over, I sniffed hard. My brain was on fire. I bit down on my lower lip as Drew took a hit after me and rubbed his teeth with his finger.

“Let’s get upstairs,” Jason said as he pulled out of me.

He turned me around by the shoulders and planted his lips on mine, kissing me. His tongue slipped into my mouth. With my eyes closed, I brought my hand down towards his cock and gripped him firmly. Our tongues swirled around each other as he tugged on my nipple hard between the fingers of one hand and held my neck with a vise-like grip in the other. I bit down on his tongue carefully and pulled my head back; I looked at him and smiled with my eyes as he ran both hands around my back and groped my ass cheeks. He pulled them apart, almost slipping his finger into my crack.

With a slap on the cheek, he let go of me. I turned around and saw that Drew was already on his way out of the kitchen, heading upstairs. I followed, with Jason only a few steps behind me.

In the hallway, I could hear my phone ringing yet again. Before I could think, Jason slapped me hard on the ass cheek. It made me jump as I began to climb the stairs. He held onto my hips and stopped me from moving, I fell forward; my hands held on to the stairs in front of me. Now, bent over, Jason stuck his tongue into my wet pussy and licked me from front to back.

“Fuck me, you’re fucking sexy,” he said.

Smirking, I stood up and carried on up the stairs. At the top, Drew stood stroking himself.

“Where at?” Drew asked.

“In there.” Jason pointed towards the guest bedroom.

Drew dragged my bag off the sheets, kicked it under the bed and sat down in its place. He swung his legs around as I knelt on the bed and crawled towards him. He held onto his cock and stroked himself as I straddled his thighs and placed my hands on his firm stomach. I ran my hands up towards his chest and let my hair drop down onto him as I arched my back and brought my head down to kiss his body.

He tugged himself hard as I eased my face downwards and reached his member. His hand fell away as I wrapped my mouth around his tip and swirled my tongue around him.

“Jesus Christ…” he muttered.

I slid his shaft quickly up and down my throat a few times over before coming up for a breath. I looked up to his eyes, which were hanging in a moment of bliss and lust as I drooled a wad of spit down onto his rock-hard cock.

Quickly, I moved myself up and held onto his throbbing dick as I guided it into my pussy. I eased all of him deep inside me and started slowly grinding my hips. Throwing my hair back over my shoulder, I looked up to the ceiling and felt another orgasm approaching. Drew’s hands held onto my hips as I gyrated, then slid up and held onto my tits as they swung backwards and forwards.

“Fuck, I’m going to cum,” I said under my breath as my hips moved faster around his aching member.

Using my hands, I steadied myself on the back headrest of the bed and began grinding hard. Drew held onto my hips and slipped his hands around to my ass cheeks and pulled them apart.

“Oh God!” I shouted as I started to moan loudly.

My hair dropped forwards again as I looked down to Drew, who was staring at my tits as I reached climax. I groaned, exhaling deeply as I came. Slowing down, I threw my head back and scooped my hair behind one ear with my hand. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Jason was masturbating with his mouth open, staring at us.

I giggled, pulling myself off Drew. I spun around and squatted over him, slipping his cock back inside me. As I bounced up and down on him I rubbed my clit and stared at Jason. I licked my lips and looked him up and down as sultry as I possibly could.

“Oh yeah,” he said as he stroked himself.

I giggled again, bringing the back of my wrist to my mouth. Quick as a flash, Jason pulled me off Drew and turned me around at the edge of the bottom of the bed. He bent me over and placed the tip of his cock between my folds before bringing both my arms behind my back. He held onto both of my wrists with one hand and grabbed a chunk of my hair in the other, pulling me backwards towards him.

He started pounding me hard as he pulled on my hair like he was riding an animal. I started groaning loudly, my voice restraining rhythmically with every bounce and I felt my tits smacking down on my chest. Drew got up and knelt on the bed. Jason eased up and let Drew pull me down towards his cock. Pulling his shaft back, he grabbed onto the back of my head and guided my head down. I stuck my mouth around his balls and tongued them lightly as Jason slid in and out of me. I licked his flesh up and down until he placed his massive cock back into my mouth yet again.

“Oh fuck. I think I’m going to cum…” he said under his breath.

“Yeah, cum in my mouth,” I said.

“Oh God. Oh, FUCK!” he exclaimed.

Drew slowed and held himself steady in my mouth, holding onto my head. His balls began to contract and his cock pulsed a few times before his cum shot to the back of my throat and coated the inside of my mouth. Jason slipped in and out of me very carefully as Drew groaned. His member pumped some more and I closed my eyes, letting the last load of cum ease out onto my tongue.

Drew started to slowly ease himself out. My mouth was so full. I swallowed all his cum with a gulp and looked up at him as Jason picked up speed again.

“Holy shit,” Drew uttered.

I smiled. He ran his hand across my cheek before hopping off the bed. As he left the room, Jason pulled out of me and walked around the bed. He lay down and beckoned me to join him. I lay down next to him; he grabbed hold of my shoulder and turned me to face the wall away from him. He began slipping himself up and into me; slowly he started to fuck me.

Holding onto my ankle, Jason lifted my leg and I pressed my ass towards him with a mad, insatiable lust. He held himself inside me for a moment.

“I’m all the way in you,” he said softly.

“It’s so big… you’re so deep.”

He hooked my leg with his arm and pinned it back. He got closer to me and started smelling my hair; I turned my head and let it fall to the pillow, revealing my neck, which he started to kiss tenderly. Our hips gyrated in sync and he slipped his free arm underneath me to cup my breast. He continued to kiss my neck until I turned my face towards him.

He closed his eyes and so did I and our mouths met delicately to kiss. The sound of our smacking lips echoed through the quiet room as our tongues danced around each other. I heard a noise coming from downstairs, then heard something slam and realised that Drew had left.

We continued like this for some time, until Jason removed the pin he had on my leg and moved his hand down to my clitoris. We stopped kissing and I looked into his eyes as he circled his finger briskly around my spot. I wrapped my leg around his thigh.

“Fuck. I’m going to come,” I said as my breathing began to labour dramatically.

“Cum on my dick, Amy,” he said.

I was about to cum so hard that I was almost hyperventilating. Suddenly, Jason rapidly picked up speed and started to slide in and out of my saturated cunt.

“I’m gonna cum!” he said.

“Oh, fuck, yeah, me too!” I squealed.

“Oh yeah!”


“Fuck, baby.” Jason was slamming his crotch into mine.

“Cum in me. Oh, fucking cum inside me,” I exhaled with my last breath before an explosion of energy ricocheted throughout my body, from my toes to the top of my head.

Jason was grunting so loud in my ear as he came inside me that I didn’t realise I too was droning an animalistic moan just as loud as him.

What was probably only a few seconds felt like several minutes of orgasm as we both wound down and collected our heart rates together. He still rested inside of me as our bodies went limp and powerless. Our chests were heaving as our breathing began to deepen and find a natural pace. My eyes were closed. I couldn’t believe what had just occurred.

Jason eased his hand out from under me and released the grip he had on my breast. I arched my back without opening my eyes, allowing him to do so. His cock still pulsed inside me before I came around to the situation a little more and turned to face him. He was looking down at our genitals.

“Fuck me,” he uttered to himself.

“Well, I think I’ve already done a pretty good job of that,” I said quippingly.

He laughed a slight exhale and then so did I. We both looked at each other for a moment.

“Okay,” he said.

Slowly, he eased himself out of me. I felt his cum trickle out from my wet lips and ooze to the crack of my ass.

“Wow, that’s a lot of cum,” I said.

“Forgive me,” he said as I laughed.

I ran my hand through my hair. My body was absolutely beat. I could feel my eyelids already slowing and weighing heavy. Jason looked at me intently for a moment and then brought his hand up from between my thighs, up my stomach and gently caressed my breasts.

“Thank you,” he said.

I smiled.

“Come here,” I said to him with a turn of the head.

Jason moved closer towards me and I kissed him passionately for a few moments. We parted and he stared at me.

“You’re welcome,” I uttered with a wink.

Jason smiled and rolled onto his back with a massive exhalation of breath. We lay there together for a while. Naked strangers.

“I should really get dressed,” Jason said.

“Mmm,” I muttered. “I should try harder not to get fucked by two strangers in someone else’s house.”

Jason laughed and looked over to me as I continued staring at the ceiling.

“You didn’t like it?”

“… I told you, I love it,” I said quietly.

“This is the craziest thing I’ve ever done…”

“It’s the craziest thing I’ve done… in a while anyway.”

Jason started laughing again and brushed his hand up to my chest again, running the tips of his fingers around my areola. I looked over to him.

“You’re so fucking sexy,” he said to me.

I grabbed his hand and slipped his finger inside my mouth, spinning my tongue around before pulling it out.

“Oh yeah?” I said in jest.

Jason smiled and shook his head in disbelief. He turned over onto his back again and so did I. We both stared at the ceiling.

“I should really get dressed,” he said.


Birds were chirping. My eyes were closed, but my brain suddenly kicked into gear and I realised that I had fallen asleep. I opened my eyes swiftly and let them adjust to the sunlight that was trying to penetrate through the closed blinds, the half-drawn curtains blocking out most of it.

My mind started to tick over slowly and the events of the night before streamed into my consciousness as if it was still happening. I found myself under the covers of the bed; I was clutching onto the duvet that met the bottom of my chin. I must have crawled under it in my sleep. I turned my head to look to the other side of the bed; not feeling another presence there, I figured that Jason had likely left after I had fallen asleep.

I was startled to see that he was in fact still in the bed with me, still asleep. He lay facing towards me. I looked up to the ceiling and my mind began to race.

What time is it? I thought to myself.

I had no way of knowing. My phone was downstairs and there was no clock in the room. I figured that Jason’s phone was probably downstairs along with his pants, in the kitchen. I thought about what to do for a second. I pulled the covers back carefully and got up out of the bed quietly.

Naked, I went out of the room and walked down the stairs. The cats were perched on a step each at the bottom, sleeping. I poked my head around the living room door, checking that the blinds were drawn in there, not wanting to be seen completely nude by any neighbour that might be able to see in. They were closed. I walked over to the couch, picked up my phone and pressed the lock button.

It was ten-thirty in the morning and I had five missed calls from Tom, as well as a message. I unlocked my phone and read it.


Hi babe. Tried ringing you a bunch of times but you’re not answering. Would have called sooner but went out with the lads after the meeting and lost track of time. I’m assuming you fell asleep. I’ll be round tomorrow about 12ish.



I left the living room and took a look in the kitchen. Jason’s pants were in fact still on the floor where he’d dropped them the night before, along with his shirt and boxers. I walked around the countertop and found my nightie. About eight empty beer bottles were on the centre island as well as some white residue. I picked up my nightie and threw it on over my head. A bleeping sound was coming from Jason’s pants as I was on my way out of the door. Stopping momentarily, I looked down. The sound happened again and I figured it must have been his phone receiving a text. I considered taking it out of his pocket and having a look, but thought better of it.

As I headed back upstairs I could hear a noise coming from the guest bedroom. When I entered, Jason was no longer in bed. Inside the en-suite, steam was filling into the main room and the door was open. He was taking a shower. I walked around the bed and sat down on the side I had slept on. I opened my phone back up and called Tom.

The phone rang a few seconds until he picked up.

“Hi, babe,” he said.

“Hello. Sorry I didn’t answer last night. I fell asleep like you said.”

“Yeah, I thought as much. Sorry I was calling so late.”

“It’s okay,”

“Like I say, we went out afterwards and it got too late.”

“It’s okay, honestly, don’t worry about it. So, you still coming about twelvish?”

“Yeah, I might be slightly later than that, got a few things to do first and I woke up late, but I’ll be round, sure.”

“Okay, hun, see you then.”

“See you in a bit, babe.”

I hung up the phone. Just as I did, the shower shut off in the other room. I heard Jason opening the screen doors. I didn’t know what else to do but sit there. After a few moments, he emerged with a towel wrapped around his waist. He stopped in his tracks, seeing me sat on the bed.

“Whoa! Sorry, I thought you’d taken off!” he said.

“Sorry to disappoint,” I said.

“No, sorry, that’s not what I meant. Just when I woke up you weren’t there and I couldn’t see any of your stuff.”

“Oh… yeah. Good point.” I stood up from the bed and knelt down, reaching under it. “I think your friend might have kicked my bag under here,” I said, pulling it towards me.

“Oh, right,” said Jason as I placed the bag onto the bed. “I see you found your night-- dress, thing.”

“I did. On the floor in the kitchen, along with your pants, which were bleeping by the way.”

“Oh Christ, my phone,” he said with a sigh.

I unzipped my bag and pulled out a towel that rested atop everything else. I placed it on the bed.

“Listen, about last night—” Jason started.

“Stop,” I said, cutting him off. “You don’t have to say anything about it.”


“My boyfriend is supposed to be coming around here to spend the day with me in a while.”

“Yeah...” Jason said.

There was a brief silence as he looked at me, kneeling by the bed.

“I enjoyed myself last night,” he said with a wry grin. I smiled back.

“I enjoyed the fuck out of it,” I added.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

“You don’t need to say sorry to me. But you will have to explain to your parents why you didn’t fix the broken sink,” I said.

“Fuck! The sink,” he said. I started giggling to myself.

“Well, this just means you’ll have a reason to come back here… right?” I said, looking up to him.

“Yeah, I guess it does.”

I looked Jason up and down and tilted my head slightly.

“Are you going to get dry?” I said.

“I guess I am.”

Jason let the towel slip down, revealing his flaccid penis, and began drying his thighs. I stared at his cock, letting my eyes flit back between it and his gaze on me.

“I need to take a shower myself,” I said.

Jason continued to dry himself as I slowly undid my nightie and slipped it off my shoulders, letting it fall to the carpet at my knees. I turned my head to see Jason, still drying his body. His member became slightly excited at the sight of my naked body and began to jilt delicately. Our eyes met as I tipped my head back. I let out a slight sigh and brought my arms up to cover my breasts, hugging myself. I raised my eyebrows at him expectedly.

Jason dropped the towel as he walked a few steps and was stood looming over me with a fully erect cock. I turned to him and reached out for his member. Holding him at the base, I stuck my tongue out and licked his head gently for a few seconds, getting him nice and wet. Bringing my lips to a close around his tip, I kissed him tenderly. His cock flinched with every touch.

Jason placed his hands on his hips and looked down at me as I focused all my attention on him. I stroked his shaft slowly and filled my mouth with saliva before drooling out a wad onto his dick. Wrapping my lips around his whole cock, I slowly extended my tongue out and slid myself along his length. He groaned loudly as I took him deeper with each pass.

I pulled my lips off the tip of him and felt my saliva dribble down off my chin. Landing in a bead, it travelled between my breasts as I pressed them together with my arms. I placed my hands on my lap and circled my tongue around his moist head. I looked up to Jason, who looked down with a stern intent and exhaled a snorted laugh.

Quickly, I shoved him all the way in my mouth for a second and felt him hit the back of my throat. Pulling back my head, a wad of drooping spit bridged itself between his head and my lower lip. Sticking my tongue out, I caught it and lapped it back to his cock. I repeated the action a few times until the spittle gave out and spun down onto my left tit. The whole time I had my eyes up on Jason.

“Fuck, I’m close already,” he gasped.


I clasped my fingers behind my ass and began taking his length backwards and forwards slowly with a few light bounces. I could feel my tits bouncing slightly with every pass. I tipped my head back and opened my throat further; his cock was totally saturated with my spit. I pursed my lips tighter and glided along him vigorously.

Jason let out a sharp groan and started to moan repeatedly as I slowed my pace and held the tip of his cock between my lips as he began pumping his cum into my mouth. His hands began to clench uncontrollably. I continued looking up at him, watching the satisfaction rush to his face, his body in total ecstasy.

His orgasm slowed and his pumps began to subside. I started sliding my mouth backwards and forwards over his cock yet again as he flinched with a sensitive wince. His cum began to seep out from the corners of my mouth, falling onto my legs as I ran my mouth back off him a final time. I pulled my lips off him, keeping them closed and tilted my head back. Looking up to him, I opened my mouth to let him see how much cum he had just driven into me and swirled my tongue around it before closing it again and swallowing it all down.

He looked down in disbelief and smiled as I giggled naughtily, pushing what remained of his seed from the corners of my mouth onto my tongue with my fingers.

“Wow,” he muttered.

 “I guess I couldn’t help myself.”


Jason left some ten minutes later, after writing his phone number down on a piece of scrap paper. I hadn’t asked him what he was going to tell his wife, but he seemed anxious and rightfully so; it would probably take a very convincing lie to cover up what had actually happened between the three of us.

I showered as soon as he left, got dressed and readied myself for Tom’s arrival. Taking a quick inventory of the guest room, I realised that my nightie was doused in cum and spit from where it had rested around my knees just a few minutes earlier. I crammed it into the bottom of my bag.

Looking out the window, I saw Tom pulling up to the house and exit his car. Downstairs, I opened the door to him and let him inside.

“Hi, babe,” he said, kissing me on the cheek. “Wow, this place is incredible. If we weren’t so responsible, we could have some serious fun in this place with a few friends!”

“Oh, yeah,” I said, “could definitely have some fun.”



Written by spiralmouth
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