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Caught In The Act, Part V: A Date With The Library

"Jack gets a job at the library, avoids danger, hooks up with a librarian, and meets her mom, again"

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Jack was getting sick and tired of looking for jobs that didn’t seem to exist, or were already filled by the time he got there. He scanned the want ads again one morning, hoping to find something, anything. Oooh. There was an opening at the library, at the circulation desk. He already had some library experience from when he was in college.

He could certainly check out books until something better came along. He reorganized his resume to feature his library experience, wrote up a cover letter, and sent it off to the email address.

He didn’t have a date for several days, and wondered if Aunt Peggy had plans. He found her in the backyard, putting seed out for the birds.

“Hey, Aunt Peggy. I just applied for a job at the library.”

“Good. You should get it easily. It will be nice for you. I think you’re bored.”

“I could never be bored with you around.” He grinned at her.

She threw a handful of birdseed at him. “You’re so full of shit!” He grabbed a couple of peanuts intended for the squirrels and lobbed them at her. She chased him around the yard until he ducked in the back door. She followed him in. 

“You’re such a pest. Ever since you were little, you’ve been a pest!” She was laughing so hard as she got the words out that she had to hold onto the kitchen counter.

“At least I’m consistent.” He came over and propped her up, holding her while she caught her breath. “You just relax. I’ll get us a cold drink.”

He opened the refrigerator and pulled out the pitcher of iced tea, got two glasses and ice, and poured some for each of them.

“Thanks, honey. You’re a sweetheart.”

“I know, he replied.”

“And a pest," she repeated.”

They sat in the kitchen and watched the birds and squirrels find the food. It was a happy yard.

“So, what are you doing for the rest of the afternoon?” Jack asked.

“I had no plans. Do you have something in mind?” 

“I always do when I’m near you.”

“Now you’re a horny pest.”

“You love it.”

“You’re right.”

They both laughed. Jack got off the counter stool, and kissed her.

“Want to go into the bedroom and while away the rest of the afternoon?”

They kissed again. She nodded. “Is it time for my spanking? It’s been several days.”


Jack was called for an interview, and showed up at the town library bright and early the next morning. He was to see Ms. Claxton.

“So, I see you have library experience on your resume. Exactly what did you do at your college library?” She had a stern look about her. Pinched face, cropped hair. He noticed she stared at his ass.

“I worked at the circulation desk, shelved books and other materials, sometimes helped out preparing new books for circulation, pulled materials for interlibrary loan, gave tours…”

“A bit of everything, eh? Good, a utility man. If you want the job, we can start you on Monday.”

“Wow, that’s great. Thank you, Ms. Claxton.”

He got out of her office as quickly as he could. There was a chill in there. He stopped by the reference desk to say hello to Mary Lou. She was a new librarian who he had met the previous week.

“Hi, Mary Lou. How are things going? I see you’re not dead yet.” She giggled.

“No, I’m not. But Ms. Claxton might just kill me yet.”

“Is she giving you a hard time?”

“She gives everyone a hard time. She’s an awful director,” she whispered.

“Hmm. Sorry to hear that things aren’t perfect in paradise. Maybe I could brighten your day with some jokes.”

“You’d better not get me in trouble. Save the jokes for when I’m not working.”

“When are you not working?”

“I’m off at 3 pm. Come back then, and we can get some coffee.”

Jack found things to do. He had lunch downtown, then came back to the library, and found a couple of good books. It seems he’d never run out of things to read.

“Finally. I’m off the clock. So, are you going to buy me a coffee?”

“I’d buy you a hundred coffees if you’re willing to listen to my jokes.”

They walked to the C-Spot. Mary Lou had a cigarette along the way. They got their coffees, and sat in the corner.

“So, tell me about the staff. I don’t like surprises.”

“Well, there’s Mr. Hurt, in the genealogy room. He’s an odd one. Nice enough but I haven’t figured him out yet. Ms. Rumphius and Ms. Trent are also reference librarians. They’re very sweet. It’s possible that they’re an item. Ms. Ellerhorst is the cataloger. She bites if you’re not careful. Ms. Treacle is the children’s librarian. I haven’t had much interaction with her. The kids like her though.”

They talked a while longer, until their coffee was finished. Then Jack asked her.

“Would you be interested in going out?”

“Jack. I have a rule that I never date co-workers.”

“Okay. Well, just consider it a compliment. We’ll be co-worker buddies, then.”

“That sounds fine.” She smiled, and said goodbye.

He remembered that he didn’t check his interlibrary loan request when he was there, so he went back before going home. “Hi. Is there a book waiting for me?”

The woman behind the desk looked at him over her glasses. “Aren’t you the new fellow who’s going to start next week?” “Yes, that’s me.”

“Hmmm. You’re a big one.” Jack wasn’t sure what she meant, but let it go. “Here it is. Due back in two weeks.” He thanked her and left.

Monday came around and he showed up ready for work. His supervisor, Ms. Bedelia, taught him how to use the circulation system. I wasn’t much different from his college library. Then she gave him a tour of the technical services area, where he would be doing some work. He met Ms. Ellerhorst, who seemed pleasant enough for the moment. It seemed like everyone was staring. Finally, they got to the staff lounge.

“You can eat lunch in here if you’re a brown bagger,” she said as she opened the door. Two people suddenly moved out of what appeared to be an embrace. “Oh, excuse me!” She shut the door. “Perhaps I’ll show you the room tomorrow.” He could swear that it was the two reference librarians that Mary Lou mentioned. 

He finished his shift at the circulation desk. Patrons were very friendly, and he smiled and chatted with all of them. “You seem to have a way with people, Jack.” Ms. Bedelia seemed pleased. “You’ll do well here.”

As he left, he saw Mary Lou sitting outside on a bench near the street. She was smoking a cigarette. It looked like she had been crying.

“What’s wrong, Mary Lou? Anything I can do?”

“I just got fired. I don’t have any recourse, because I’m still on probation.”

“Fired? How is that possible? What could you have possibly done?”

“I didn’t want to join their sex club.”

Jack was stunned. Sex club? Them? “Let me get you some coffee. Tell me.”

At the coffee shop, she told the whole story. “I discovered that nearly all of them get together and have orgies. I don’t care one way or the other, but they wanted me to be part of it. I don’t want to be involved with anyone at work, and told them that. They made up some bullshit about poor performance. Now I’m out the door.”

“That’s terrible. I’m so sorry. Do you know how this all came about?”

“Ms. Treacle told me that the director has been pulling people in and making them be a part of it. She threatens them with firing if they don’t have sex with her or anyone she chooses. Some love it, and most have gone along, or quit. I made the mistake of sticking around an hour too long. You’d better be careful, Jack. She'll pull you in too.”

Jack thought about it after Mary Lou left. What should he do?

He called Amy, who seemed to be an expert on the sexual goings-on around town. 

“Oh, them. What a bunch of assholes. I told that stupid bitch Claxton that rule no. 1 is always get volunteers. You can’t force consent from people. And you will always end up in trouble if you try.”

“You know Ms. Claxton? What should I do?”

“I know how much you’ve been wanting a job, but the place is toxic. I say get the hell out, unless you really want to have sex with all the people in that building.”

Jack considered that. Well, maybe a couple of them, but not the rest. “No. I guess I’d better quit before I get the ultimatum.”

The next day, he informed Ms. Treacle that he was leaving. “It wasn’t that little brat Mary Lou who convinced you, was it? I saw you talking to her.”

“That’s none of your business Ms. Treacle. Goodbye.” Jack walked out.

He called Amy, who told him he did the right thing, then Aunt Peggy, who was amazed at the whole affair. Finally, he found Mary Lou’s number and texted her. “Meet me at the coffee shop.”

She appeared in short order. He told her what he did.

“Good for you, Jack. It’s not a good place to work.” They sipped their coffee in silence.

“Well, now we’re both out of a job.” They sat, feeling like they’d been kicked.

“Do you know what that means? It means my rule about not going out with you doesn’t apply.”

Jack smiled at her. “So, what do you have in mind?”

“I’m thinking we both need to forget today for a while. Let’s go to the movies.”

Jack drove Mary Lou to the cineplex at the mall, and they picked out a movie neither had seen.

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The movie was pretty good, a fun romantic comedy. As they sat in their seats, a big love scene came up. Jack felt something, and found Mary Lou’s hand on his thigh. He didn’t mind. She began gently moving it up and down his leg. He didn’t stop her, but he looked at her and she had her eyes glued to the screen. 

Afterwards, they compared notes about the movie. When they went outside, she lit a cigarette. “Jack, do you mind if I smoke in your car?”

“No, go right ahead,” he replied. 

He drove her back home, which wasn’t far from the library. She sat in the seat, not moving for a minute. Then she asked, “Would you like to come in?”

Jack said sure, and he followed her into the house. It was a really nice place. He sat on the couch. He wasn’t sure what he ought to do, so he just waited. Patience is a virtue. Mary Lou came back with two drinks. She lit another cigarette.

“I hope you like this. I think it’s warming. There’s a bit of rum in it.”

Jack tried it. It tasted pretty good, and told her so. She sat on the couch next to him.

“I hope you don’t think I’m being weird or anything. But I want you to know that I really like you.”

“Well, I don’t think you’re weird at all. And thanks, I like you too.”

She leaned over and kissed him on the lips. “And I don’t want you to get the wrong impression about me. I didn’t refuse to be in their sex club because I’m a prude. If they had gotten to know me, and asked me nicely, I might have even joined. But they tried to force me, and that really pisses me off.”

“I understand that it would. Nobody wants to be pushed into a situation like that. Sex is great, but only if everyone agrees.”

“Exactly,” she responded, and kissed him again. 

Jack said, “I really like you kissing me. Would it be okay for me to kiss you back?”

“Of course.” She put her cigarette in the ashtray, and leaned in. Jack kissed her, slowly moving his mouth until it was open and inviting her to enter. She did, with a probing tongue. They sat there for a couple of minutes, exploring each other’s mouths, then slowly came apart. He enjoyed the smokey flavor.

“That was really nice. I’d like to kiss you in other places too.” She smiled, and began to take off her top. “How about anywhere?” He obliged, and worked his way from her neck, across her shoulders, to her breasts. She sighed. His tongue probed her small, pink nipples, and they began to grow harder. She cupped them and brought them closer to his face. He sucked each one, first softly, then harder. She moaned.

“So, what do you like to do?” she asked.

“I like all sorts of things. What I like best is pleasing my partner.”

“Oh wow! You’re my kind of guy. Well, what I like best is maybe a little kinky to some.”

“Well, hello Jack.”

They both looked to where the voice came from. Jack recognized the woman, and nodded.

“Mom! How about knocking before you come into a room!”

“It’s hard to knock when there’s no door.” Jack noticed that the entrance from the kitchen was open to the living room.

“Wait. Mom, how do you know Jack?” 

“We met at Amy’s house. Nice to see you again Jack. You look good with your tongue in my daughter.”

“Thanks, I guess. I’m sorry, but I never caught your name.”

“I know. I’m Natalie. I see you’ve met Mary Lou. She has good taste.”

Mary Lou stared at her. “You met at Amy’s? That means you had sex with him? Dammit, Mom!”

“I’m sorry, dear, I didn’t realize that you’d run into him or bring him home.”

“But Mom…” Jack sat back as this moment resolved itself. Natalie was Woman no. 3 at Amy’s little party where he was tied up and publicly masturbated by five very nice ladies. He wondered if she was one of the women who sat on his face. By the time his attention refocused on Natalie and Mary Lou, the argument was over and they were hugging. 

“I love you, dear, and I would never steal your guy.”

“I love you too, Mom. Jack’s not my guy. We were just getting to know each other.”

The two began whispering. Jack only heard a couple of words, ‘cigarettes’ and ‘together.’

Mary Lou turned her attention back to him. She walked up to him and placed her hands on his chest. “Jack, would you be interested in a threesome?”

That gave him a jolt bigger than any cup of coffee. “If you both want to, I’d be happy to be with you.” Natalie came over and gave him a kiss. Then she turned to Mary Lou and kissed her. 

“Jack, if you’re wondering, I adopted Mary Lou when she was ten. Our relationship never got sexual until she came back from college last year.”

Jack nodded. “A bit like my relationship with my Aunt Peggy.”

Mary Lou looked at him. “Peggy is your aunt?” She took a deep breath. “I’ve had sex with Peggy a couple of times. So has Mom.”

Jack chuckled. “This sure is a small town. It’s also amazing that we all seem to have a thing for cigarettes.” Jack lit one for Natalie. She inhaled deeply and smiled at Jack, the smoke curling from her lips. Mary Lou moved over to her and kissed her, inhaling some of the smoke. Then she picked up her cigarette, inhaled, and returned the favor. Jack came over and kissed each of them. He started to become aroused.

They all went into Mary Lou’s bedroom, and stripped down. Natalie had large, saggy breasts that hung nearly to her waist, the nipples huge and pink. Jack came over to her and whispered, “May I?” She nodded, and he lifted her breasts, feeling the weight. He brought one up so far that he could lick the nipple without bending over. As he did, Natalie leaned her head closer, and began licking too. Mary Lou came over and joined in, the three of them working on one tit. Jack got hard. Natalie began to shiver with pleasure.

They played with her breasts for a couple of minutes, then Jack turned to Mary Lou. He said, “We can’t forget yours,” and leaned over to put his lips on her nipple. Natalie began sucking the other one, and she moaned.

Then, Natalie said, “Jack, we can’t forget your nipples,” and flashed him a grin. She walked over to the nightstand and picked up a pack of cigarettes. “Lie down on the bed, Jack. We’re going to go to work on you.”

Jack got onto the bed, and scooted to the middle. One woman got on each side, with a pack of cigarettes, and began stroking him with the pack, his shoulders, his thighs, his belly, and finally, his nipples. He gasped as the two packs ran over his nipples again and again. Then they took the cigarettes out and piled them on his chest. “We’re going to make a big mess,” Mary Lou said, and began pulling the filters off several. Bits of tobacco began to cover his chest and belly. They laughed as he watched and moaned. They rubbed his nipples with cigarettes, then fed him a few.

Mary Lou kissed him on the cheek. “Soon it will be my turn, and you can feed me.” He nodded and moaned again. Natalie took a couple of cigarettes into her own mouth, as Mary Lou did the same. There wasn’t any more talking, but a lot of moaning, as everyone stroked each other with more cigarettes and their fingers. Mary Lou stroked Jack’s cock, then took him into her mouth, along with the cigarettes. The wet tobacco formed a cushion that he could feel in her mouth. It made him crazy.

He came in a huge explosion, and let out a muffled cry. Natalie laughed as she fondled his nipples, and Mary Lou slowly let his cock go. She got up and retrieved a spit cup, and they all got rid of what was in their mouths. 

“I think we’ll need to do a bit of cleanup before you take care of us, Jack." He nodded, went into the bathroom, and rinsed out his mouth thoroughly. Mary Lou joined him, then Natalie. When they came back, Natalie lay down on the bed, and they worked similar magic on her. Jack began licking her pussy, already dripping wet. He recognized the aroma. She had sat on his face at Amy’s. That just made him hard again, and he continued to lick and suck on her labia.

He made way for Mary Lou to join him, and he watched as she licked her Mom. This didn’t seem like the first time, and he noticed the way her tongue moved over and into her. You can always learn more. They took turns gnawing away at her wet pussy, fingers probing, tongues darting, until Natalie began to cry out, then her whole body shuddered in orgasm.

They both moved up and held her for a little while, fondling her breasts and her belly, kissing her.  “Mom, you are so delicious.”

“Wow. That was great. The two of you make a good team.” They smiled at her.

“Now it’s Mary Lou’s turn. What would you like?”

“I want Jack to fuck my brains out.”

Jack laughed. “I’m not really that long.”

They had Jack lay flat, and Mary Lou mounted him. Jack thought it was interesting that she was just like Aunt Peggy and liked to be on top. It was okay with him.

She worked his cock back and forth, until it was hard, then drove herself down on him.

“Ooooh. That feels so good.” She began moving up and down, and riding him like a cowgirl in the saddle, wilder and wilder. Finally, she let out a yell, and came. She shuddered, and collapsed onto him. “Wow, Jack, that was fun! Can we do that some more?”

“As long as you want to. I’ve still got some steam.” She got up for another round, and came again. She climbed off of him and Natalie joined her at his cock. They both grabbed the shaft, and Mary Lou took him in. Jack didn’t take long, and came into her mouth. 

They crawled up next to him and formed a little cocoon around him, kissing him and fondling him all over. He relaxed and slowly began to doze off. When he woke a few minutes later, the bed was empty except for him. He found his clothes and put them on, then stumbled out into the living room. Natalie and Mary Lou were both there, having a drink. Natalie was on the phone.

“Peggy? Come on over and join us. We have Jack. We might give him back to you, in exchange for some sexual favors. Okay, see you soon.”

She turned to him, “Jack, Peggy is willing to negotiate. Have a drink and relax. This might take a while.”

Written by GKKlaas
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