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Caught in the Act, Part IV: A Date with Charlene, or Maybe Not

"Charlene cancels her date with Jack, he saves the day, and oh yeah, there's Aunt Peggy"

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On Monday morning, Jack called Charlene to see what she wanted to do on their date.

“Hi Charlene, how are you?”

“Oh, I’m doing wonderfully! I’m glad you called. I was going to call you today.”

“Good. I wanted to ask you if you wanted me to bring anything tomorrow night.”

“About that. I think I’m going to have to cancel.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Um, let me just tell you straight out. I met somebody, and I would like to see him exclusively, at least for now. I hope you’re not too upset.”

Jack hesitated a moment. “Of course not, I understand. I like you a lot. I think you’re a really great person, but we’re not in love or anything.”

“You’re so understanding, Jack. Thank you.”

“If you need anything, just give me a call. I’m available for dinner or conversation too.”

Charlene giggled. “I’ll keep you in mind if everything falls apart.”

Jack closed the call, and sighed. Ah, well. He’s had three dates lined up next week and the week after. What did he have to complain about?

When he went into the kitchen, he noticed the dishes piled high. He put them in the sink, and added hot water and dish soap. As they soaked, he looked out the window. He needed to mow that lawn. While he contemplated, Aunt Peggy came in with a bag of groceries.

“Hello Jack. What’s up?” She sat down and lit a cigarette.

“Not much at this point. Charlene canceled our date.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Apparently she’s got a new love in her life, and she wants to concentrate on him.”

“Hmm. She didn’t tell me about it. I’ll call her.”

“Don’t be trying to change her mind about not going out with me. If she wants to, I left it open.”

“I wasn’t going to, dearie. I just want to know who this guy is.”

Jack washed dishes, while Aunt Peggy took her phone call into the other room. Things got silent.

Jack finished up, and put the dry dishes away. Then he wandered into the living room. Aunt Peggy was quietly weeping.

“What’s wrong?”

She sniffed and pulled the handkerchief away from her face. “Charlene is dating Hal.”

“Holy shit. I’m so sorry.” Jack didn’t want to think about his uncle with Charlene.

“I told her to keep away from him. He’s poison. But she didn’t listen. And it still hurts, Jack.” She began crying again. Jack came over to her and put his arm around her. He kissed her on top of her head. After fifteen minutes or so, she stopped.

“I guess there’s nothing to be done. She knows what she’s in for.”

Jack rocked his aunt back and forth. She seemed to calm down.

“Why don’t you go lie down,” Jack suggested.

“Okay. Come with me?” Jack agreed.

Jack held her in his arms, and stroked her head. He told her it wasn’t her fault. She was a good person. Everything would be okay. Eventually, she fell asleep. Jack quietly crept out of the room.

It was nearly dinner time when she emerged from the bedroom. “What’s going on?”

“I’m cooking dinner. It’s not fancy, but it will taste good, especially since you didn’t have to fix it.”

Aunt Peggy smiled at him. “You’re amazing, Jack.”

“No I’m not. It’s just spaghetti.”

She kissed him. “I’ll help with the salad, unless you’ve already made one.”

“Too late. It’s in the fridge.” She opened it up and saw a huge bowl, filled with nice veggies.

She sat down, and lit a cigarette. “You know, I think I’ve been smoking too much lately.”

“That’s because you’re not having enough sex.” Jack looked at her, and wagged his eyebrows. Peggy laughed. “Maybe you could fix that later this evening.”

“I will do my best to meet your needs, lovely lady.”

She beamed at him.

After dinner, they relaxed on the couch with decaf coffee. He thought of everything.

She talked about work, and her frustrations with it. She talked about problems with the house, and repairs that needed to be made. She talked about money. Jack listened with interest, and commented when he had an opinion.

Finally, she said, “Oh, Jeez Jack. We sound like an old married couple.”

“Well, in that case, maybe we should go into the bedroom and fuck like an old married couple.”

“Please, no! We should fuck like newlyweds!” Jack laughed at that, and offered her his hand.

He led her into the bedroom, turned around and kissed her on the lips. “Is that a reasonable start?”

“You didn’t carry me across the threshold, but it will do.” She pulled at his shirt, and began to unbutton it. “What would you like to do, Jack?”

“Anything your heart desires. I just love to be with you.” She snuggled against his chest.

“You’re so good for me. I think you understand me.”

“You’ve done your best to understand me, so it seems fair.”

She thought for a moment. “Tonight, I want you to be in total control of me. I don’t want to have to think or make decisions. You’re in charge. Tell me what to do, and I’ll obey. I need to be punished.”

“You sure? Okay. Let me get a few things.” He had spanked his aunt before, but never much beyond that in the punishment department. He collected what he needed, and came back to the room. She sat on the bed, naked.

“Okay. Stand up.” She stood. He took a length of cord, and began wrapping it around her, trapping her arms at her sides. He made it tight enough to prevent movement but not too tight. “Amy taught me a few interesting things.” Peggy looked at him. The cord had a good long length at both ends still, and so he began wrapping it around her breasts, first one, then the other, and finally, pulled them both together with two last loops. Her eyes got wider. “Have you ever been tied up before?” She shook her head no. “We’ll find out if this is a turn on for you.”

Her breasts stuck out far more than they usually did. She had fairly large breasts, but they sagged a bit, so the size wasn’t noticeable until tied up. He gave one a playful slap. “We might be spanking more than one thing tonight.”

She looked at him and smiled. “Yes, please.”

“I’m going to put a half dozen cigarettes in your mouth. If you drop one, or spit one out, it’s going to be harder for you. Ready?” She nodded. He broke the filters off of six, and put them in her mouth. “Now, come here. You’re going over my knee for a good and thorough spanking.”

He bent her over his lap. He started with his hand, and gave her a few sharp smacks. She squealed with delight and wiggled, offering her ass up for more. He said, “I’m going to spank you with a hair brush now. It’s going to be rougher.” She nodded. He began, alternating on each cheek, slowly at first, then gaining speed. One, two, three, four. She began to squeal even more. He stopped for a moment, and felt between her legs. She was sopping wet. He continued the punishment until her ass cheeks were bright red.

“You can’t see this of course, but it looks like the sun came out.” She nodded. He gave her two more smacks on each cheek, then pulled her up. There were a couple of tears on her face. “You okay?” She nodded. “Shall I keep going?” She nodded. “Okay then, now it’s time to spank these beautiful tits.” She nodded. He brought out a twelve inch ruler for this part of the job. “This won’t hit as hard as the hair brush, but it’s going to sting.” She nodded. “Still got those cigarettes?” She nodded.

“Need some more?” She looked at him and nodded. He pulled out four more, and stuffed them into her mouth. “Half a pack ought to do it.” Then he began inspecting her breasts, which had become a bit redder from being tied. He gave one a tentative slap with the ruler. She flinched. “Okay?” She nodded. He began slapping her breasts in multiple places, all around the nipples, but not on them. A few hits on the left breast, then switching to the right one. She had her eyes closed. He told her, “Spread your legs apart.” She did so.

He put his hand between her legs, and felt the wetness. “You seem to be enjoying yourself.” She nodded. “More?” She nodded. He smacked each of her breasts a dozen more times, then put the ruler down. “I think that’s enough for the moment. I’ve got something else for you.” He reached over and picked up two nipple clamps. Big ones. He attached one to each of her nipples. She whimpered. “Okay?” She nodded. “Now for the surprise. He pushed a button on each and they started to vibrate. Her eyes opened wide, and she nodded vigorously. “Pretty good?” She nodded. “Okay, turn around.” She did as he commanded. “I need to smack your ass some more. Just stay where you are.” He picked up the ruler and gave her several strong whacks on each cheek. “Okay. Time for something else.”

He unwrapped her breasts, but left the clamps on. He fondled her, kneading her breasts to massage them. She grunted with pleasure. “Okay, on the bed, and spread your legs.” She sat on the bed, scooted over as best she could, and lay on her back. Jack took off the rest of his clothes as she watched. He decided to let her spit out the cigarettes. He didn’t want her to choke. “How are you doing?”

“This is amazing,” she managed to say.

“It’s going to get even better.” He pulled out a brand new bullet vibrator, bright pink, and slowly inserted it into her. She stared as he did. Then he used a remote, and turned it on low.

She flinched, and said, “Oh my god. That’s incredible.” He turned it up a notch, and she began to squirm. He left it in that position, turned, and picked up a wand vibrator.

“This one’s for your clit.” Her eyes got wide again. He turned it on and placed it on her sensitive flesh.

She whispered. “Oh my god.” She began to writhe as he kept up the vibrations on all four devices. She started breathing heavily.

“You okay?” She responded with a nod. He continued as she got more and more excited. Finally, she let out a little scream, and she came. She squirted all over the bed sheet. He turned the vibrators down, then off. He took the clamps off of her nipples, then gently removed the bullet vibrator from her vagina. “Are you done?”

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She shook her head. “Not yet.”

“Good.” He pushed all the devices aside, and grabbed a condom. He slipped it on, and said, “You’re flipping over.” She did. “I’m going to put my cock into your ass. Are you ready?” She nodded. He took a finger full of lube, and rubbed it around, then slowly inserted his cock. She gasped. “Okay?” She nodded.

He began to thrust slowly, then faster, driving his cock deep into her ass. She whimpered. He could only control himself for a minute before his cock burst. He shuddered, then slowly pulled out. He took the condom off and set it aside. His cock was covered with semen. “You’re flipping over again.”

She did so, then he moved up and straddled her chest. He put his cock in front of her face. “Lick it all off.” She took it in, and made small swallowing sounds as she cleaned his cock with her tongue. “Now, I’ve got one more stop.” He moved down her body, back to her vagina. He began licking her, feeling her wetness as it covered his face. She squirmed some more, and as he drove his tongue into her, she yelped, and began to shudder.

He held on as she began bucking again, and soon another round of wetness flooded from her, all over his face. He brought himself up to her face.. “More licking.” She licked her own wetness off his face, and continued whimpering and shuddering. Finally, she calmed down. He removed the restraint from her arms, and let her stretch herself. “Well, what do you think?” 

“I think I love you.” They both fell into a long deep kiss.

Tuesday came and went. Jack had plenty to do. He finally got the lawn mowed, read the library books he had checked out, and checked around for job openings. He wasn’t discouraged, since it had only been a couple of months since he graduated. He’d find something he liked.

Wednesday morning, he got a call from Charlene.

“Could we meet somewhere?”

“Sure. How about the coffee shop on Front Street?”

He got there early, and ordered the coffee he liked. Charlene showed, and sat down.

“Want some coffee?”

“No. I need to talk to someone. Can you keep a secret?”

“I can. It’s safe with me.”

“I need to get away from Hal. He won’t leave me alone. He’s acting crazy, and I need him to stop.”

“I thought you and he were an item.”

“I thought so too. And I didn’t listen to Peggy when she told me about him. He’s horrible!”

“I could have told you that too. I really wish he wasn’t my uncle.”

“Can you talk to him? Maybe you can make him stop bothering me. I told him I don’t want to see him anymore, but he keeps showing up at my door. I don’t want to call the police.”

“I’ll talk to him.”

Charlene went home, and Jack called his uncle.

“Uncle Hal, we need to talk.”

“About Peggy? No way. I’ve got nothing to say to or about that bitch.”

“It’s not about Peggy. It’s about Charlene.”

“How’d you get involved with her? Never mind, through Peggy, of course.”

“Why are you hassling her? She said she wants you to leave her alone. This isn’t rocket science. If she says no, it’s no.”

“You listening to that crap Peggy says again? It’s bullshit.”

“You mean what Peggy and every other woman on the planet says? No means no. Back off and leave her alone. And get some therapy, Uncle Hal. Maybe a professional can get through to you.”

“Fuck off you little shit. I don’t need your advice.”

“If you don’t take my advice, you’re going to be talking to the police.”

Hal hung up. Jack went to Charlene’s house. He had a feeling he needed to be there. When he arrived, Hal was standing on her lawn.

“Uncle Hal, this is about the worst way to win someone’s heart.”

“She has to listen to me!”

Jack could see Charlene’s face at the window. “No she doesn’t, Hal. Please, let’s go down the block to the park. We can sit and talk.”

Hal just stared at him. Then walked to his car and drove away. Jack went up to Charlene’s door. “Are you all right?” She was scared and worried.

“We didn’t start punching each other, if that’s what you mean. I’ll be okay. I’m more concerned about you.”

She let him in. “Can I get you some coffee?” She lit a cigarette.

“No, I’m good. What do you want to do?”

“How can I make him go away?”

“I have an idea. Let me call Amy.”

Amy thought the idea was a good one, even though it might be considered a felony. Amy called a friend who called Hal and set the wheels in motion.

Two days later, Amy called back. “He’s taken care of. He fell right into my trap, and let his dick lead him right off the cliff. The ladies took care of him from there. I don’t think he’ll be bothering anyone for a while.”

“What did you do?”

“Let’s just say that you got the gentle treatment, and he didn’t.”

“Where is he now?”

“Last we heard, he was in El Paso, Texas, with Adrianne.”

“I didn’t get any names when I was at your house. Was she there?”

“No, I would never subject you to her. She’s mean. He’s, well, let’s just say he’s getting his needs met, but not in the way he would like. It’s an attitude adjustment. Adrianne is taking him to Mexico. He’ll be fine, just more than a little cautious in the future about taking on women in a disrespectful way.”

“You’re a genius. Thank you.” Then he threw in, “Mistress.”

She laughed. “We’ve still got a date next week. Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”  He ended the call.

He turned to Charlene. “I think it’s over. He won’t be back for a while.”

“Thank you so much. I owe you big time.”

“I was just glad I could help. You don’t owe me a thing. That’s what friends do for each other.”

“Are we friends?”

“I certainly think so. I like you, I enjoy your company, and we have some things in common.”

“Besides sex?”

“Let’s find out. How about if we just spend the day together, and talk, go places, and figure out where we are.”

“And then have sex?”

“Of course, if you want to.”

After the day together, they sat in Charlene’s living room. She lit a cigarette. 

“Well, do you still like me?” Jack asked.

“I think you’re great. I’d love to be friends. What do you think?”

“I think we’re friends.”

“Good. That’s solved. Now let’s go fuck.”

Jack laughed. “Wow, you don’t waste a minute.”

She moved next to him, and took a deep drag on her cigarette. She kissed him and blew the smoke into his mouth. He blew it out in turn.

“This is fun. Let’s go into the bedroom and see what we might discover.”

They moved slowly, trailing clothes as they went. By the time they were there, She was topless. Her breasts were perky, her nipples a lovely brown. He pulled her to him and kissed her again, then took a breast in each hand. She sighed, then smiled up at him. A radiant smile. They took off the rest of their clothes, and got on the bed, snuggling close. Just then, the doorbell rang.

Charlene grabbed a robe and answered. “Peggy? What are you doing here?” 

“I was worried about you, with Hal and all. Are you okay?” She hugged Charlene.

“Sure I’m fine. Jack and Amy took care of things.”

“Really? But how?”

Jack came from the bedroom. “It’s a long story.”

“Well, well. Caught you two in the act, eh?”

“Not quite. It was a close call though.” Jack laughed.

Charlene looked at Jack, then at Peggy. “Would you like to join us?”

Jack’s mouth fell open. He stared at Charlene, then looked at Peggy. Peggy had a satisfied smile on her face. “I’d love to, if it’s okay with you, Jack.”

“I didn’t know that you two...I mean...”

“Relax, Jack. You don’t tell me about your sex life. I haven’t told you all about mine either.”

Charlene asked, “Did I make a mistake, assuming that the two of you…?”

They both answered at once. “No, you didn’t.” Jack came over, and together he and Peggy made a sandwich hug with Charlene. She beamed her smile at both of them.

They went into the bedroom, and all stripped down. Peggy said, “Let’s give Jack a little show, shall we?” Charlene nodded, and pulled Peggy’s face down to hers. Their tongues met and they kissed forcefully. Charlene pushed down on Peggy’s shoulders and she dropped to her knees. Charlene spread her legs, and Peggy began lapping her pussy. Jack looked on, getting aroused. He came over, and kissed Charlene. Peggy turned to Jack and began licking the shaft of his cock. “Hey, this looks familiar.” She smiled and continued licking.

Charlene joined her on her knees, and took over. “You’re right, I recognize it.” Jack started to laugh. He suggested they go to the bed, and everyone climbed on. It became a free-for-all, with mouths and hands on pussy, cock, and nipples. Peggy took charge. 

“Charlene, how about if you fuck Jack.” She lay on her back, to let Jack get on top. He started to get up to get a condom, but they both said he didn’t need one. So, he slipped his bare cock into Charlene, and began to get to work.

As he pushed in, she moaned, “Oh Jack, that feels wonderful.” Peggy smiled, and went to get some cigarettes. By the time she got back, Charlene was crying with pleasure. She grabbed Jack’s shoulders, squeezed, and began to have an orgasm. Her spasms made Jack begin to come, and he collapsed on top of her, spurting into her. 

Peggy lit a cigarette. “Nice start. Let’s see what the old lady can do.” She handed Charlene her cigarette, and pushed Jack flat to the bed. “Now who’s in charge?” She grinned, and put her mouth on Jack’s cock, bringing him back to life. He watched her lick Charlene’s wetness off his cock as it grew hard again. Then she leaped onto him and impaled herself on the rigid tool. She rocked back and forth, moving to some rhythm in her head, getting wilder and wilder in her gyrations. Charlene moved to Jack’s head and straddled his face, her dripping pussy suddenly pushed onto his mouth. He tasted her wetness and his own semen. It was delicious.

Both women were grinding on him, and Charlene reached down to tweak his nipples. 

Peggy achieved orgasm first, and started a chain reaction. It was violent, her head snapped back and forth, and she looked like she was riding a bull. Jack responded by coming inside her, moving Peggy to buck even harder. Charlene came last, but not least, and brought forth a flood of liquid into Jack’s face. They all collapsed in a heap. 

Peggy lit two cigarettes, and passed one to Charlene. Jack watched her.

“How come you never smoke two cigarettes at a time? It looks really sexy.” Peggy laughed. 

“I suppose there’s no reason I can’t, except that the pack lasts longer one at a time. Your cigarettes are gone pretty quickly the way you shove them in your mouth. It gets expensive.” 

Jack agreed. Yeah, but they’re still worth it.”

Written by GKKlaas
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