After weeks of waiting, the day had finally come! John and Beth were on their way to the ski resort for the 19th Annual Winter Wife Swap weekend. This would be the seventeenth AWWS event that they had attended. It was a really big event, and every year they had something new and exciting to offer participants. Last year, they had added an adult toy seminar where people could learn about and try out sex toys before actually purchasing them. They had tried all kinds of dildoes and vibrators and ended up purchasing a few new toys to add to their collection. John had a penchant for trying to fit the biggest objects he could find into Beth’s pussy. So, he was thrilled to have found a simulated big black cock that Beth had actually agreed to let him try. It was too big, but every once in a while, they would get a little high and he’d give it a go anyway.
This weekend was nothing short of amazing every year. Couples would come from everywhere to enjoy a variety of outdoor winter sports during the day. Then at night, they would enjoy fucking someone else’s spouse. Usually each night was a different partner, but occasionally people hooked up for the weekend.
There were also opportunities to take part in a gang bang, watch the latest porn vids, and/or observe a BDSM session with couples who lived that lifestyle 24/7. There were also the occasional threesomes and foursomes, which Beth really enjoyed! John preferred one on one, but he never minded being a good sport if his wife wanted him involved with a group. It was always a great time, and they were beyond excited to be headed there for some hot fun!
They were into the third hour of driving through a relatively heavy snowstorm, when the driver’s side front tire blew. John did his best to maintain control of the car, but they ended up sliding into a ditch anyway. Fortunately, his defensive driving skills had prevented a crash and they were not hurt, but they were out in the middle of nowhere with no cell phone service.
“We can’t just sit here waiting for someone to come along,” John said, concerned. “We haven’t seen another car in the past hour and we are another two hours out from the ski lodge."
Beth shivered, “What are we going to do?”
“Well, we have our ski pants, jackets, and boots. Let’s suit up and see if we can trudge through the snow for a bit until we find either a human being or a cell signal,” he suggested.
They opened their suitcases and changed quickly, before heading out into the storm.
After walking in the bitter cold for about 45 minutes, Beth spotted some smoke in the air that was likely coming from a chimney.
“Look, John, we may have found someone after all!” Beth said, excited at the thought of finally finding help.
“Thank goodness!” John replied. He certainly wasn’t old, having turned 47 recently, but he definitely felt every one of those years trudging through deep snow and frozen temps. His muscles ached and the chimney smoke was a sight for sore eyes!
As they approached the cabin, they saw a man peering through the window. Beth prayed silently, please be friendly. There wasn’t another cabin anywhere in sight, so there wasn’t much choice but to knock on the door, fingers crossed.
The door creaked as the man opened it. He looked to be a bit older than they were, Beth thought, yet he was quite handsome, in a rugged sort of way.
“Hi there!” Beth smiled, “Our tire blew out and our car ended up in the ditch back on the main road about 45 minutes from here. We were wondering if you had a phone that we could use to call for some road assistance?”
The man just stood there for a moment and said nothing. Then he seemed to realize how cold it was and said, “I’m sorry, where are my manners? Y’all must be freezing having walked all that way in this weather! Please, come in and get warm. I can start the kettle and make us all some tea.”
John and Beth looked at each other and nodded. The man seemed harmless enough and was offering warmth. They entered the cabin and tried to stay just inside the door so that they wouldn’t track snow inside everywhere.
“My name’s Sam,” the man said in a bit of a southern drawl, starting the stove to get the kettle going.
“I’m John, and this is my wife Beth,” John replied. We were headed to Allister’s Ski Lodge when our tire blew. I did my best to keep control of the car, but it was so icy, we ended up in the ditch. It looks like the car is fine, and we weren’t hurt, but there is no way that car is moving without the help of a tow-truck.”
Sam placed a tea bag in each of three cups and waited for the water to boil. He smiled and said, “Allister’s? Aren’t they having that Annual Winter Wife Swap this weekend?”
Beth blushed, while John said, “Uh, yeah, they are. We go almost every year. It’s a great time. Have you ever been? I don’t recall seeing you, but it’s a pretty big event.”
Sam smiled a bit wickedly. “I’ve heard about it, but I’ve never been. I don’t have a wife to swap,” he chuckled.
“So, about that phone?” John asked, suddenly feeling a little awkward.
“I’m really sorry, but my phone has no signal at the moment. The storm hit the closest cell tower this past week, so what signal I have been getting is weak, and hit or miss at best,” Sam answered.
“Oh, well that’s disappointing! Looks like we are going to miss out on the Friday night activities,” Beth pouted.
The kettle started to whistle as Sam suggested they get out of their wet things and sit by the fire to get warm. Beth felt a little ashamed of herself for whining, when they were so fortunate to have found someone kind enough to take them in out of the cold.
“We really appreciate your hospitality,” Beth said, trying to sound more gracious.
“It’s my pleasure!” Sam said, “I rarely get visitors out here. It’s the least I can do. Not too many other choices out here in this neck of the woods.”
Sam poured the hot water into each cup and handed one each to the John and Beth.
“Why don’t we all sit by the fire?” he asked, trying to be a good host. “You can tell me all about these Friday night festivities you’ll be missing while you warm up.”
Beth was a little stunned by Sam’s conversation suggestion, but John thought, why not?
“Well, Beth and I like to go to the welcome party that kicks off the weekend. It’s clothing optional, so we usually go nude. We didn’t the first couple of years, but Beth has such a rocking body, that it seemed silly not to show her off,” John explained.
Beth felt like she was turning six shades of red, listening to her husband explain their wife swap weekend activities to a total stranger as if it was the most normal thing in the world. They might have been discussing cruise ship excursions, he was so calm about it.
Sam sensed Beth’s discomfort and said, “We can talk about something else, if you’d rather. It’s just that I don’t get out much, so I often find myself living vicariously through the very few visitors I get each year.”
Beth relaxed a bit and said, “No, it’s fine. I mean we certainly aren’t shy once we get there. At least not after being regulars to the event for all these years.”
She continued, “So, on Friday nights, we attend the kickoff party nude, as John mentioned, and then we get our booklets that list all of the activities that will be available for the weekend. After that, there is usually a bonus activity offered before the choosing of the partners. Last year, the bonus activity was a little out there, but it turned out to be a lot of fun and led to some pretty hot sex.”
Sam raised an eyebrow, “Oh? Tell me about it, Beth.”
Seeing Beth looking a little shy about explaining last year’s snow games, John chimed in instead, “All the women, who wished to participate, laid down in the snow while the men who wished to join in used the snow to tease/torture these women. I chose to just watch, but Beth laid down in the snow while a couple of different men filled her pussy and her ass with snow. Then they took turns eating her and making her cum a half dozen times. Talk about making my cock hard! She chose one of the men who was playing with her for her fuck buddy for the night and I ended up choosing his wife, who had been played with as well. It was something different than any of us had experienced. We actually started with a foursome before breaking off to separate rooms. Beth’s fuck buddy was hung like a horse and fucked all of her holes a couple of times before the night was over.”
Sam felt his cock twitch and saw that Beth’s eyes had noticed. He saw no point in pretending to be modest. He smiled at Beth and chuckled to himself when he saw her shiver. Score one for me, Sam thought.
Then he turned his attention back to John and said, “So do you spend the entire night with the fuck buddy? Or do you return to sleep with your own spouse?”
“It depends,” John answered. “We’ve done it both ways.”
Beth’s eyes had wandered back to Sam’s crotch, and this time John noticed. He smiled to himself as he, too, saw the impressive bulge in Sam’s pants. Maybe they could salvage this night after all. He leaned over and whispered in Beth’s ear. “Do you want to see that bulge minus the pants, baby? Do you want to play with that cock? Feel it in your hands? Maybe even in your mouth or your pussy? Do you want him to fuck your tight ass with that monster cock?”
Beth felt the heat of his suggestion wash over her entire body. “Yes!” she answered out loud.
“Yes, what?” Sam asked, looking a tad confused.
John chuckled and said, “We were wondering if you’d be so kind as to help us create our own private version of Friday night festivities here in your cozy cabin.”
Now it was Sam’s turn to blush. “I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I’d love a go with your wife,” he said slowly, “but I don’t think I’d be nearly exciting enough for your taste. I’m mighty flattered, though.”
Beth smiled and said, “We need to find some way to repay your kindness for taking us in. We don’t have to do anything more than what you are comfortable with, Sam. But I’m willing to bet it gets pretty lonely in this cabin all by yourself. At least let me give you a blow job. I’ve been told I am amazing at sucking cock.”
Sam hesitated a little, “I’d be an idiot to pass up a chance like this, and I’m no fool. But I gotta ask, John, what do you get out of all of this? I’m pretty sure I can make your wife happy; I still have some moves, even at 65, but I don’t think I can service a man. Nothing wrong with that, mind you, but I don’t have the natural inclination to touch you and I’d hate to disappoint you there.”

John smiled, “You don’t have to worry, Sam, I don’t swing that way either, most of the time. I’ve been known to play along if the partner I have chosen wants a little three-way action and if she desires a little man on man. But for today, I’d be just thrilled to watch you fuck my wife and make her happy!”
Sam thought for a moment before saying, “Or we could each take a hole, I’d sure enjoy trying that, if your Beth would be game.”
That was all Beth needed to hear. She started peeling off her clothes seductively and said, “How about I start by sucking your cock and licking your balls. Then when you are good and ready, you can choose which hole you want to fuck and John will take the other. Sound good?”
“Yes, ma’am!” Sam answered with a grin.
Sam stripped off his clothes and, to Beth’s delight, his body was fit and firm, despite being twenty years her senior. But when she saw his hard cock spring out of his pants, she was more than delighted; she went instantly wet.
John was pretty much in awe of Sam’s package as well. When he noticed Sam looked a little embarrassed by being checked out by another man, John said, “Damn, Sam! I’m thinking right about now that my ass is happy your cock isn’t looking to fuck it! Dude, there must be 10-11 inches there!”
Sam chuckled and said, “Well that’s probably the most interesting compliment I’ve ever had from a man about my dick. But there’s only about 9 inches there, give or take a half depending on how cold it is.”
John stripped off his clothes as well and made himself, and his 7-inch dick, comfortable in one of the chairs. Sam sat on the couch, while Beth kneeled down in front of him and touched his rock-hard cock. She looked up at him with her sweet blue eyes peeking out from beneath the bangs of her shoulder-length red hair. She licked her luscious lips and then bent her head down to flick the head of Sam’s cock with her tongue.
“Oh fuck, girl!” Sam said with a moan, “You’re gonna make me cum way too soon if you play with me like that.”
Beth just smiled and said, “If that happens, I guess I will have to suck you hard again!”
Then she took Sam’s shaft into her warm, waiting mouth and started sucking. His eyes rolled back in his head and he moaned while this sweet little slut made his cock hum.
Beth sucked and licked and sucked some more. She did her best to ease up when she felt him getting close, so he could enjoy this experience longer. But, when she managed to get the tip of it into her throat, it was more than Sam could handle.
“Aww fuck, baby I’m gonna cum!” he cried out, as he attempted to pull out of her mouth. But Beth wasn’t letting go and he shot his load deep in her throat. He watched with delight as she smiled at him, then opened her mouth to show him his cum on her tongue before she swallowed every drop.
“Ain’t no woman ever sucked my cock like that!” Sam exclaimed.
John smiled. Beth was incredible, he’d always known that. He’d watched her please many cocks over their 20-year marriage. But this one was different somehow. The cocks in their sex club and the ones at the events they attended were all well-used cocks. He’d bet that it had been a long time since Sam’s cock had seen any action. It wouldn’t have taken much to make him cum. But Beth gave him what was clearly the best blow job of his life. He felt pride in knowing that she had made him feel so good and had taken time to try to make it last for him.
Beth smiled, too. She had an idea and decided to just go with it, rather than ask John. She knew from experience, that whatever she wanted, he was always on board.
“Hey Sam, I was wondering if you’d mind if John and I just stayed here for the weekend. Seems like you have been living here deprived and we’d like to make it a weekend to remember for you!” she said, grinning from ear to ear.
John felt a twinge of disappointment that they wouldn’t be attending his favorite three-day fuck fest, but he knew that Beth would make it worth his while.
Sam said, “Oh, I couldn’t let you do that, as much as I’d be happy to have you both here all weekend. I don’t want you to miss out on your fun. I can help you dig out your car tomorrow when the storm lets up, and get that tire changed so you all can at least salvage what you can of your hot little weekend.”
John was suddenly very on board with staying. He said, “Don’t be silly, Sam. If we go there, I won’t get to fuck my own wife. If we stay here, we can take turns with her and make her our little slut for the whole weekend. Consider this your opportunity to make whatever fantasies you’ve ever had about sex come true. I will slip Beth’s collar on her and she will be our very own whore for the weekend. What do you say?”
Sam looked up at the heavens and said a silent thank you, then he looked down at his once again rigid penis. “I’d say I don’t need Beth to suck me hard again, as I appear to be already there!”
Beth pouted a little, “Honey, all of our toys are back in the car.”
John just smiled, “That’s where you’re wrong, my little slut. They’re all in my backpack right there on the table. I brought them along in case we could somehow still get to the lodge and had to leave our car behind.”
“You’re a fucking genius, baby!” Beth said, excitedly.
“That’s Sir for the rest of the weekend, slut. And Sam’s name is Daddy,” John said wickedly. “You good with that, Sam?”
Sam’s face lit up like a Christmas tree as he nodded. Then he said, “Come on over here, and lay across Daddy’s lap. I’m gonna spank you for being so naughty!”
Sam gave John a quick glance, waiting for approval, but none was needed.
“Make my ass red please, Daddy. Punish me for being such a naughty little slut!” she begged.
Sam had just enough gray peppered in with his once dark hair to make him look suave and sophisticated. It was hot knowing that he could, age wise, be Beth’s father. Suddenly it struck John that this was their golden opportunity to fulfill Beth’s fantasy, at least for the makeshift Friday night festivities.
“Oh, by the way Beth, you can call me Uncle Johnny right now instead of Sir. Your Daddy and your Uncle Johnny are going to use you like a dirty little cock whore this weekend, understand?” John asked wickedly, as precum began to ooze out of the tip of his aching erection.
Beth was practically purring. But she wanted the scenario to seem more realistic, so she pretended to be reluctant.
“No, please no, Uncle Johnny! I’m your niece! It’s not right for you to have sex with me!” Beth said, embracing the role play that John had so cleverly set up.
Sam’s cock was ready again. He’d never once considered fucking his own daughter, but the thought of playing along with Beth and John’s fantasy was making him more aroused than he’d been in years! His wife had been gone for just over a decade and the only action he had seen since then was his hand. So, what the fuck? Why not?
Sam’s hand came down hard on Beth’s naked ass, leaving a red hand print.
Beth cried out, “Daddy, please, I’ll behave, I promise!”
Sam’s hand repeated the act, making the other ass cheek match the first side. “You’re damn right, you’re gonna fuckin’ behave! I’m gonna whup your ass and then fuck you like all them boys in town. Only, they don’t have a massive cock like your Daddy does. I’m gonna make you take the whole dang thing, you little whore!” Sam said, hoping he wasn’t going overboard.
John reassured him by saying, “That’s right Sam, you teach that pussy a lesson, and then I will teach her ass a thing or two!”
Beth was so turned on; she nearly came just from the thought of being used like that. She continued playing the reluctant, helpless daughter as Sam spanked her ass harder than it had ever been spanked.
“You’ve got Daddy all hard and horny. I’m gonna ram my hard cock into that slick, tight hole and show you what happens to little girls who tease a man’s cock!” Sam barked out the words, enjoying this scene more than he figured on.
“No, Daddy! You’re too big!!” Beth protested, though she couldn’t deny that she needed that monster dick inside her.
“You’ll take it, little girl, and you’ll think twice before spreading your legs for all the boys in town!” Sam said through gritted teeth.
Beth shifted her body in an attempt to get more of Sam’s huge prick inside of her. But there was no way the whole thing was going to fit. Still, she managed to accommodate most of it, bucking wildly against him as he fucked her harder than she’d ever experienced.
“Daddy, your cock feels so good!” Beth moaned. “Please don’t stop! Fuck me, Daddy! Teach me a lesson!”
The intensity was more than either of them could handle any longer. Beth and Sam both shook violently as their orgasms ripped through their bodies.
“Now, flip over and stick your ass up in the air, so your Uncle Johnny can have his turn, little girl!” Sam bellowed.
Beth complied. Her orgasm had been amazing! Now it was time to please Johnny. Correction, Uncle Johnny, Beth mused.
John spat on Beth’s tight puckered asshole and then stuck a couple of fingers into her dripping wet cunt to add some of her own juices to his saliva to lube up her ass. He positioned the head of his rigid shaft at the entrance to that sweet, tight ass. Then he plunged his aching cock into her deliciously tight anus and fucked her like a frat boy fucking a sorority slut.
“God yes, you little whore, take Uncle Johnny’s cock in your ass,” Sam said, encouraging John to take Beth’s sweet little backdoor like an animal.
Sam reached over and started rubbing Beth’s clit, sending her right over the edge. Her orgasm shook her whole body, making John unable to hold off any more.
“I’m gonna cum baby!” John shouted.
He pulled out quickly, cumming all over Beth’s ass and back. Rope after rope of sticky cum decorating her backside, while her asshole gaped open from such intense use.
It took a few minutes for everyone to catch their breath. Even Sam had been panting hard as he had been working Beth’s clit over fast and furiously.
An hour later, after they had all showered, the three of them sat at the table having some chili that Sam had fixed them all for dinner.
“I don’t know how to thank you both for the most amazing afternoon I have ever experienced,” Sam finally said. “I was feeling a little sorry for myself earlier. I’ve been celibate for a long time since my Mary passed away and a couple years prior to that, as she was ill. Then the two of you showed up, offering me the most erotic time of my sexual life!”
“It’s us that should be thanking you. We thought this snowstorm was going to ruin our weekend. But this was incredible and we look forward to spending the rest of weekend making whatever fantasies you have come true,” Beth said, wickedly.
“Well, hot damn!” Sam replied.