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A Sweet Surprise, Chapter 2

"The games continue... for the whole weekend!"

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The three of us sat down to a wonderful dinner–pot roast, with carrots, onions, and red potatoes. Karen knew I loved her pot roast–it is one of my favorite dishes she makes. And she did her usual amazing job with it, too. Karen is a fantastic cook and almost everything she makes is delicious. 

"So how was work today, girls?" I asked, making small talk as we ate our dinner.

"It was long and tedious! I am so glad it's Friday!" Karen said.

"You got that right. Nothing this weekend but peace and quiet and relaxation! I need to unwind and decompress from this past week!" Shannon said.

"Then that's what we'll do–no more talk about work or bills or anything else that's depressing or worrisome. We are here to have a good time and that's just what we are going to do!" I said.

We finished our dinner after that. When we finished, the girls ushered me into the living room while they cleared the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Then they came in and took a seat one on either side of me on the couch. I put an arm around each girl and they snuggled up close to me while we let our dinner settle.

If the day ended right then, I could have said I had a good birthday. But that was not the case. I had two beautiful, sexy, playful women with a lot more in mind for us that night!

We sat there on the sofa relaxing; Karen had her robe on (and nothing under I was to soon find out!), and Shannon had borrowed my robe and was similarly dressed. Me, I was just wearing a pair of sweatpants... we all figured there was little need to get dressed again if we were going to play some more!

Karen made the first move, letting her hand slide across my chest then down my stomach to the growing bulge in my sweatpants. She began rubbing the lump and it responded happily. Shannon saw Karen's hand and raised her head to look at Karen. The girls exchanged impish smiles and Shannon's hand joined in, cupping my nuts as Karen wrapped her hand around the shaft and began jacking motions, getting me bigger and harder.

"Looks like somebody is all rested and ready to play again!" Karen purred. She stood up directly in front of me and untied the waist of her robe, slipping it off her shoulders and letting it fall to the ground behind her. Then she dropped to her knees and, with her beautiful blue eyes locked on mine, she crawled cat-like the short distance until she got between my knees. Putting her hands on both my thighs, she gave my covered cock a long slow lick.

Damn, that girl knew how to tease me! No matter how tired I was from work or what I had planned to do, when Karen got it in her head to play, there was nothing I could do but join in–I could never refuse her. In my worst mood, when I was mad at the whole damn world, all she had to do is give me that little playful look and shake her tits or wiggle her ass and I was hers!

Karen reached up and began to pull my sweatpants down. "Kitty wants to play. Want to play with Kitty?" she said, the lust dripping in her voice. "Kitty" is her pet name for her play personality. Karen liked to keep her public personality and her play personality separate - she had something of a standing in the community professionally, and this helped her keep from letting anyone see her private side.

I raised my ass up a bit so she could remove my sweatpants and she saw that she wasn't the only one going sans underwear! "Oh lookee! A toy for Kitty to play with! Yummy!" she said, licking her lips. Karen lowered her head and in one long, slow, continuous lick, she went from my balls to the tip of my cock. 

"Ohhh fuck!" I moaned despite myself. I normally try to maintain some semblance of self-control, but this birthday surprise had me too worked up.

"You like that do you, birthday boy? Well, you just wait–we got lots more to show you, baby!" she purred. She licked around the rim of my helmet with the tip of her tongue before she aligned her mouth with the head of my cock. She parted her red lips and I saw my cock enter that warm, welcoming place.

Second only to her pussy as my favorite place to be, Karen was an incredible cocksucker and her mouth was nothing short of heaven itself. I'd had my share of blowjobs in my day, but none could even play in the same ballfield as Karen. 

Yeah, Karen was head and shoulders above anyone I'd ever had before and she was on her game tonight. Don't get me wrong–Shannon's mouth was amazing as well and I thoroughly enjoyed face-fucking her earlier. With these two knockouts here to please and pleasure me, I knew that this had to be the ultimate in birthdays!

I laid my head back and closed my eyes, surrendering myself to the feeling of Karen working my aching cock. Then I heard another voice from somewhere in the fog I was in. A woman's voice.

"Hey, I want to play too!" Shannon said. She had opened up her robe and I could see her amazing tits peeking out from between the sides wanting to get into the action. Shannon had an equally incredible double d chest, and Karen had often said the guys at work called her and Shannon the "titty twins". All in fun of course–everyone knew Karen was married and they respected both of them.

Shannon threw a leg up and over me and knelt over my lap. "C'mere John, have a little milk with your cake!" she quipped. She wasn't lactating or even pregnant, but I knew what she meant. She pulled my head to her tits and I began feasting on her creamy flesh and gnawing on her hard nipple. My hands, free until now, found their way to her hips and then around to grab her asscheeks. 

"Ooh, John, your hands are so strong! That's it, baby, squeeze that tight ass!" Shannon moaned. She ran her hands through my hair as I licked and sucked and chewed on her eager tits, my hands kneading her assmeat like it was bread dough. 

Meanwhile, Karen was licking and sucking on my cock like a kid with a popsicle. She pushed my cock up laying it against my abdomen so she could get underneath and began licking my balls. She gave each a few licks before stuffing me back into her hot mouth.

I knew that if I didn't take a bit of a break, that my nuts would explode and this part of the game would be over. "Girls, as much fun as this is, why don't we move this party to the bedroom where we have some more room to move around?" I suggested.

We all got up and moved to the bedroom then, leaving the robes and sweats behind. As soon as I closed the door the girls were on me, taking turns kissing me, trying to see who was the best kisser (I was smart enough not to commit to either of them!).

"Okay my lovelies, let's have you lay in your back with your feet at the head of the bed, Karen. Shannon, I want you on top 69ing her." I said. The girls giggled and got into position as quickly as they could. 

As soon as they started they began moaning, each one trying their best to concentrate on what they were doing although they were distracted by the other. I watched these two sexy girls going at each other like they were pussy-starved. It was fucking hot as hell!

After I had given the girls a little time to get heated up I climbed onto the bed and got behind Shannon straddling Karen's head.

"That's it, Karen, get Shannon's tight little pussy nice and wet–I'm gonna fuck her good. Want to taste her pussy off my cock?" I said.

"Oh God, yes! Please fuck me, John! Fuck my hot tight cunt, please! It's been such a long time since I had a good fucking! Please!" she raised her head and moaned back at me.

SMACK! "Get that face back down in Karen's pussy slut!" I said as I gave her ass a good swat. "I want to see if you can make her cum before I make you cum!"

I had turned our game into a fun competition and I heard both girls moan at the idea. Shannon returned to her work and Karen cried out as Shannon buried her tongue in her drooling pussy. Karen was doing a helluva job with Shannon's pussy as well. She saw me point my cock at the slippery pink hole and in one hard thrust, I buried my cock balls deep in her pussy.

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"OHH, FUCK YESSS!" Shannon cried out loudly as I sank into her. I immediately began thrusting in and out of her hard and deep, like there was a time limit on her pussy. It was all she could do to keep her mind on what she was supposed to be doing. Which was my goal, anyway.

After a few hard stabs at her, I pulled all the way out and shoved my pussy creme-coated cock into Karen's hungry mouth. She took me all the way down her throat, wanting to show me that she was just as good at deepthroating as Shannon was.

She didn't need to worry–I had already seen her skills on more than one occasion. But this was a competition, so it's understandable that she would want to show off a bit!

I kept my cock in Karen's throat until she needed air and then I pulled out to hear her gasp. I quickly plugged back into Shannon's pussy, hearing the same cry of joy as I did the first time. I fucked Shannon just as hard and just as deep, this time though, adding a couple of swats to her ass just to speed things along. 

The swats seemed to motivate Shannon and, in turn, she motivated Karen. We were all speeding towards a mind-blowing orgasm, it was only a matter of who would arrive first!

It would be Shannon who loses this contest although to be fair I did "cheat" a bit. With Shannon's upturned ass so deliciously poised in front of me, I wanted to see what she thought of anal play. I know Karen loves it when I pay attention to her crinkled little hole, either with my mouth, my fingers or my cock.

She is definitely a fan of backdoor fun so I wanted to see if Shannon shared her enthusiasm. So as I slammed my cock in and out of her slick wet pussy, I used a bit of her lubrication to smear over her anus and then I rubbed across the puckered opening with my thumb.

A low groan told me what I needed to know and when she raised her ass a bit towards my hand it was as clear an invitation as if she'd asked for it outright. I pushed my thumb in slowly since we hadn't really used any lube and I didn't want to hurt her. But I didn't have to worry, she accepted my thumb gratefully and I began fucking her ass even as I fucked her pussy. 

"Oh fuck! Oh, I'm going to cum again! Oh, John! Please Oh please make me cum!" she begged. This time though I would make her earn it!

"No. You've already had yours! You get Karen off then you can cum!" I said.

I heard a groan of disappointment, but she increased her efforts at getting off Karen. I could tell because Karen also voiced a new urgency.

Knowing now that her asshole was "fair game" I replaced my thumb with two fingers and really began fingerfucking her bum. This caused her once again to plead for release.

"John please! I can't hold on much longer! Please. please make me cum! I'll do anything you want just, please! I need to cum so badly! Pleeease!" she begged. I could hear the desperation in her voice and I knew that whether I said no or not, she was going to cum very soon.

I reached forward and grabbed a handful of her dark mane. hauling back and bringing her up off Karen's pussy and making her kneel upright. My other arm, which was once in her ass, wrapped around her to hold her back against me. 

"What do you think Karen, want to help me make this little fuckslut cum again?" I said into her ear but also so Karen could hear me.

"Yeah, baby make that slut cum! Make her cum so I can lick up all her sweet cum down here! I want to taste her as you fuck her silly!" Karen said. She really was quite a slut in her own right! 

I shoved the two fingers that had been in her ass into Shannon's mouth "Suck on the fingers that were just in your ass slut while I make you cum then!" I said. She took right to sucking and licking them, tasting her own ass as I plowed into her. Karen worked on her clit with her tongue and my free hand moved from her hair to her tit pinching and pulling on the nipple. 

"Mmmph! Mmmphh! MMMMPPHHHH!" Shannon screamed with my fingers in her mouth she poured out her juices, just as Karen wanted, smearing her face with pussy creme as she ground her pussy against her face and my cock. 

But Shannon's orgasm was just enough to bring Karen along with her and a moment or two after Shannon, Karen screamed out her own release.

Then with both girls panting and gasping as their orgasms left their bodies, it was time for me to join them. "Okay, girls I'm about to cum!" I announced. Both Karen and Shannon spun around and got into position to receive my gift. They took turns sucking my cock, coaxing my sweet cum from it until at last, I felt my balls tighten up and felt the load working its way out.

"Here it cums girls!" I said and I blasted the first spurt across both their faces as they knelt there, mouths open like little birds waiting to be fed. I shot the second and third spurts into their mouths then aimed a bit lower to shoot onto their tits. A couple spurts on their tits and I was about emptied. The girls licked and sucked me clean before turning to each other each licking the cum off the others tits and face. It was amazing!

The three of us collapsed on the bed and lay there spent but happy. I pulled my two girls close and kissed each one of them. "This has been the best birthday a guy could ask for, girls. Thank you both for this sexy wonderful present." I said.

We lay there for a good twenty minutes just feeling very close to each other. Then the girls got up wanting to clean up a bit and wash their faces. So I stayed there in bed waiting for them to come back. Soon they did and crawled back into bed beside me.

I turned to Shannon. "Did you say that you didn't have anything going on this weekend?" I asked.

"That's right, it's just going to be a quiet weekend at home. No plans for anything, why?" she said.

"Well I was just thinking that this has been so much fun, why not continue the party? You DID say you would do anything I wanted if I made you cum. And I have lots more ideas in mind for the three of us! For one, now that I know how much you like anal sex I want to try that. And Karen here has always said she wanted to watch me fuck another woman..." I said.

"You want me to stay the weekend with you? Is that what you are saying?" Shannon asked looking at the two of us.

"If you want. It'd be a shame to leave after having such a good time just to go to a lonely empty house." I said.

"I would love to stay the weekend and play! Oh, John... Karen thank you! You don't know how much this means. It's been a long time since I have had this much fun in bed. When Karen asked me about joining you I could hardly believe it! The last few days it's about all I could think about. And to be honest, it's been the stuff of more than one masturbation fantasy!

"Yes, I would love to stay and yes, you can do whatever you want with me. I will be your real life fuck doll, and I'm game for anything you two want me to do. If you want to watch me fuck John, Karen, then I will. If you want to have my ass, John, it's all yours. All of me is all yours, both of you. Oh, I'm so happy and so excited!" Shannon said, nearly in tears.

And so Shannon stayed the weekend with Karen and I. We played all sorts of games and had a wonderful time. So wonderful, in fact, that the three of us became regular play partners and we got together many, many times to play.

Sometimes it was just for the night, and other times she would spend the weekend with us. I got to watch the girls with each other and I got to have them singly and together. It was a wonderful arrangement for us all. It was the best birthday I ever had!

Written by Master_Jonathan
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