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Tink and the Mean Boys

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"I really like those swim team shots you did, but did you have to make Missy Stevens look so damn good?

Cam and I had spent most of lunch looking at my proofs and were walking back from the photo lab to pick up something to eat before our next class.

"Camera doesn't lie, baby. She is fine, top to bottom and oh, that bottom..."

Cam gives me a poke in the ribs that she probably thought was gentle, but one never knows.

"Hang on, Kis. Gotta stop in," she says, angling a nod at the bathroom outside the cafeteria.

"Mmmm, need any help... ?"

"Just wait for me, you fucking perv," she glares and pushes through the door.

I lounge back on the wall, watching the small mob of students river up the hallway, having enjoyed our school's fabulous culinary offerings while expending enough texting energy to power a small country.

The door of the ladies opens and Cam's head pokes out with a, "pssst," interrupting my meditations on Clothes Optional Fridays.

"Change your mind, baby?" I ask with raised eyebrows and a little tingle.

"Fuck you. Get in here. Now!"

I swing around and follow her in. She is at the end of the stalls, in front of a closed door with a finger at her lips. I move up to her quietly and frown a 'what's up?'

She leans in close and whispers "It's Tink. I got that much out of her. She's sobbing in there, somethings wrong, baby."

"'kay." I drop down onto my back, grab the bottom of the door, and slide in under. All I can see is the ceiling, but I feel shoes against my head.

"What's up, Tink?" I ask in a quiet voice, "Trying to get out of World History again?"

"G'way!" "Fucking g'way!"

"Can't, Tink. Cam won't let me and you know what she's like when she gets all twisted up. Sitting on my legs. Relentless," I babble, trying to thread with her and earning myself a kick in the leg from my girlfriend. There is a small quiet in the stall, then I hear a snicker above me.


Tink's face appears above me, red and drawn. A fat tear drops and splatters on my cheek.

"There you are. Can we talk, baby? Someplace besides here? 'Cause you're getting me wet and I'll have to burn these clothes now -- how do girls piss on the floor? I mean I get the guys, but what the hell?!" I say, wrinkling my nose.

The reversed face above me giggles and nods. I tap my feet and Cam drags me out and gives me an arm up. The door opens and Tink slips out, hugging herself into the corner of the room. She is a tiny girl, maybe five-foot-two-inches in her high-tops and skinny as a rail. She looks like she is ten instead of eighteen, with a perfect pixie face. Her hair is spiked, bleached white with dark blue tips this week, her clothes a cacophony of color and pattern.

I lean against the wall, not pushing her space. There is a clatter as three laughing girls pour through the door, their staccato echoing along the tile walls. Two paces in, they pull up short, seeing Cam, arms crossed and glaring. They fall silent and back slowly out.

"So what's up, Tink?"

"Boys... mean boys..." she whispers out, looking down, hugging herself harder.

"Who? What?"

She moans, shaking her head, her eyes screwed closed.

"You hide, they win, Tink. We all lose. You want to tell Cam she's a loser?"

Her eyes flick up, teary and red.

"No. Not her... anybody, but I'm scared, I'm..."

"Shit, girl. Do you think you're standing here alone? You need to tell and we're here to listen. We will help, understand? Now come on. Wash your face and we'll go talk."

"'kay. . . " she ekes out and shivers herself to the sink.


"You get everyone?" I ask Cam for the tenth time. We are sitting on a pile of workout mats in the gym storage room.

"Relax, 'kay?" answering me with a glare, thumbs dancing on her phone, "Maybe if you actually lived in the twenty-first century... "

"Hey, I like where I live and I like who I live with..." giving her cheek a soft stoke.

"You crazy bitch..." she whispers and turns into my kiss.

Our tangle of tongues is interrupted by the door banging open and a dozen young women coming in.

"Jeeze, get a fucking room or let's all get naked, right?" Nancy Paps gapes out with a wave of her hand. Cam gives her favorite pitcher a 'Sit down, bitch' gesture with a finger and watches her take a seat. The others shuffle about and slowly settle, some paired up, some alone.

"Ladies," I start, moving to the center of the room, "you all got Cam's text. And you all know Tink's not the only one to eat this sort of shit. I think its time we teach these little boys a lesson. I got a plan, but I need your help. Some of us are friends, some more than that, and some not at all, but I hope we can stand together and do this for all the girls - and boys - being tormented by them."

Parker Peterson stands up with her arms crossed. "Kis, you know I'm in, wanna see them squirm, but there's gonna be hell to pay after. Need to know that."

"Probably for sure. Anybody needs to say no, that's cool, no shame."

"Sounds like fun, but gotta pull out," says Billie Bad, walking toward the door, "I get one more tick, I'm out of here and I got reasons to wanna stay now," her eyes flicking over at Jill Jacobs for half a second, who flashes her a quick smile and looks down. "You need anything, though, call me."

"Right, anyone else? Okay, here's what we are going to do..."


From the light and sound room at the back of the small theatre practice room, I can see the back of Tink's head as she fidgets nervously in her seat. She is sitting in the center of the front row, lit from above by a single tight spot, the only light in the room.

"Relax, baby, everything's set," I whisper in the director's mike, "you can do this."

She fingers me an okay, but I can see her hand shaking. A few more long minutes pass, then the side door opens and Johnny Baxter swaggers in, followed by his shadow monkeys, Tommy and Lenny Hopkins.

"Tinker Bell, Tinker Bell, Tinker Bell!" Johnny preens, stopping just in front of her, "Don't you look sweet!" smacking his hand down on the armrests, making her jump and squeal. Laughing, he moves back and lounges against the edge of the stage between his grinning sidekicks.

"So, Tink, what's with the text? You finally decide you need what I can give?" he leers, running a hand over his crotch, exaggerating its bulk.

"No," Tink croaks out in a strangled voice.

"Then what's up, bitch?

Tink gives her head a shake, finding her voice, "Ask you to stop. It needs to be over, done."

"Done? What done? Tell me what the fuck this is about or me and the boys are gonna get busy!"

"You done! And them! Done being mean, nasty, fucking assholes!" she yells back, jumping to her feet, her hands in fists by her sides, "Time to quit picking on people who can't fight back!"

Johnny, arms crossed, throws his head back and laughs. When he looks back down and leans forward, his face is hard.

"Just like that, cunt? Gonna stop just for you? You gonna make us? You, Tink? I don't fucking think so!"

"No, not me," says Tink quietly, suddenly standing at ease, staring him in the eye, "them," pointing over his head with a sweeping hand.

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That's my cue and I kick on the house lights, before heading down. Johnny and the boys spin around and see the sixteen girls who have moved silently up from the darkness at the back of the stage and now stand above them on the stage.

"Shit, Johnny!" Tommy lets out in a worried hiss.

"Shut up!" Johnny snaps, taking a step back from the stage. Parker, staring down at him like a cat with a cornered rat, cracks her knuckles, then looks right and left.

"Ladies? Shall we?" She drops to the floor, followed by the rest, circling the three toads and pushing them back against the stage edge.

Lenny tries to make a dash and squeeze past, but Connie Bates, our all-state six-foot-five center, grabs his head like an undersized basketball and effortlessly pushes him back. I move up and squeeze my way through the amazons and stand in front of Johnny, who is starting to look a little pale and sweaty.

"Johnny, Johnny, Johnny... what are we going to do with you?" I ask, shaking my head. "Tink gave you a chance, which is more than you would ever do. Guess we'll just have to teach you and your crew a lesson in humility."

"You ain't gonna do a fucking thing to me!" Johnny spits out taking a step forward with his fists clenched. "I'll kick your fucking asses!"

I raise my hands up, palms open.

"Hey, fair enough, stud. Take a shot. But I should warn you," stepping up close, so he has to look up into my face, "at least three of us poor little bitches have black belts and half a dozen more could bench press you without breaking a sweat. And this little sweetie," I add, nodding at Cam, "well, you don't even want to think about what she'd do to your miserable ass, if you touch me."

I poke a hard finger into his chest, "So, Johnny, go or no go? No? Then shut the fuck up!" and slap a piece of duct tape over his mouth. "Ladies, it's time to play dress-up."

The girls advance and begin stripping off the boys' shoes, pants and shirts. I pick up a bag and pass out replacements, sparkly hot pink spandex short shorts and cropped white tee shirts with the word PET in bold black on both sides.

Johnny puts up a last fuss, lashing out, but Parker calmly steps in front of him and he suddenly rises up on his toes, wailing into his tape, eyes bulging. After a long few seconds letting him dance, she lets go and his redressing resumes.

I dig into the bag for the final accessories, pink boa handcuffs, black studded collars, and long chain leashes. Cam gives me an eye.

"Billie. Don't ask how I knew." I turn back and look at our handiwork.

"Needs something... anyone got lipstick? Red? Perfect," and add happy face smiles to the boys' duct tape. "Tink!"

Tink wiggles up to the front wearing an enormous grin. Parker gives her a pat on the cheek and hands her the leads.

"Go, my child. Let them sin no more... and knock yourself out!"


The cafeteria is getting full and we hold back at the door, letting Tink make her entrance, her three pets walking in a dazed stumble behind her. She makes it about ten paces in before chaos erupts. She pauses for a second as hundreds of cell phones snap pictures, then continues on. She angles left and stops at a table beside Aljia, who is dressed in her normal plain black burka and thick glasses.

Tink hands her Tommy's leash and mouths, "Enjoy." Aljia answers her with a raised eyebrow and a wicked smile. Tink nods and moves away, heading right and finding meek and mousy Amanda poring over her Advanced Chem behind a planter. Books and papers crash to the floor as she jumps up, panic washing her face white.

"It's okay, Manny. He's for you," Tink says soothingly, handing over Lenny's leash. She moves away, then turns to look back, seeing Lenny on all fours, scrambling to retrieve books and papers from the floor, as his new mistress jerks his chain.

Tink turns to her last pet and gives the lead a tug, "Best for last, Johnny..."

She starts across the room to the far wall, a sea of laughing students, snapping cell phones, and staff pretending not to notice parting before her. She stops in front of Angeline. Black as night, with wheat colored corn rows, deep-set eyes, and breasts that could stop a truck, she is nearly three of Tink put together.

"Saved him for you, Angie... " Tink whispers, her eyes downcast. Angeline stands, towering over her. She takes the lead and bends, tilting up Tink's face, giving her a long kiss.

"Thank you, baby, momma never forgets," she murmurs, caressing her cheek, then turns to a cowering Johnny.

"Oh, got some plans for you, white sugar," she whispers ominously into Johnny's ear, her voice deep and lustful, "Gonna make ya sing and dance for me, baby and don't think it's gonna be over today. Oh, no, no, no. Not by a long walk!" She drapes the leash over her shoulder and heads for the door with a wave, Johnny lurching shell-shocked behind her, "Momma don't ever forget..."

Tink skips across the room to where we are all standing.

"BEST FUCKING DAY EVER!" she burbles, hugging herself and spinning in place, "Did you see that kiss Angie gave me!"

Cam and I look at each other with raised eyebrows. 'Who knew?' All the other girls are mobbing together, exchanging high fives, kisses, and a few friendly gropes. With whoops of laughter still popping up in the room, we slowly break up and head for our classes. It took three periods before the Report To notes caught up with us.


The waiting area outside Principal Chase's office is packed with the eighteen of us. Coach Jones, who was waiting when we arrived, has been in with Chase for more than twenty minutes and we're all getting stiff and sweaty in the tiny room. The door finally opens and coach motions us all down like it was a locker room at halftime.

"Okay. First, Mr. Baxter and the Hopkins will have some serious questions to answer, but that's for a different time. As for you ladies, here's the deal. Everyone gets a letter sent to their parents. All players get dinked two games, but not all at the same time. The rest of you, five days study hall. Last, Kistin," motioning me to stand, "as the self-professed leader of this escapade, you are suspended for three days, which you will spend with me in the gym - just in time for a thorough scrub down."

A groan goes out across the room, sprinkled with profanities.

"Ladies! Suck it up. It could have been a lot worse, now get to class!" coach answers sharply, panning the room with a glare.

We all move toward the door, but coach stops me with a finger, waiting for the others to leave. When we are alone, she leans close, a hand on my cheek.

"Good job, baby," she whispers and gives me a soft kiss. "Now go and don't be late tomorrow. Your ass is mine."


There are no overt sex acts in this story, though there is certainly sexuality in the plot and actions. I wrote this as a reaction to an incident involving a young woman I know in real life. The characters are drawn from my previous story about Kis and Cam. There is a link below and I hope you will give it a read, as well.



Written by kistinspencil
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