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The Dream

"A Japanese exchange student discovers herself through a very naughty dream"

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Author's Notes

"I decided to announce that most of this story was Yuko's dream because I didn't feel like I could make it seem believable and then hit the reader with the "reveal." That gave me the freedom to write with some more unrealistic elements and incorporate some of those typical dream scenarios into the story."

Yuko walked briskly down the hallway of her school with her feet barely leaving the ground. Her gaze was directed mostly downward, but just far enough ahead to keep her from charging into the other students. As she reached the appropriate classroom, she found that she was the first to arrive. That was not an unusual occurrence for her as the other students frequently chatted and milled about in the hallway.

Yuko Sakinaui was seventeen years old and a senior at a small, private Massachusetts high school. A native of Japan, she was roughly mid-way through a nine-month exchange program in which she would attend school for the entirety of her senior year. Although she was nearly fluent in English, her bashfulness prevented her from making any real friends other than Grace, her American “sister.”

She nervously waited for the other students to arrive. It was the first day of a one-week sex education class that the school offered. Yuko was surprised that her American family had signed her up for the program. Her natural parents would have never allowed her to attend such a class.

Growing up in a very traditional, male-dominated, Japanese household, she was not allowed to have any involvement with boys. Even the couple of school dances that she was allowed to attend were heavily supervised. She was ordered to keep so far apart from her dance partner that it looked more like they were locked up in a wrestling hold than slow dancing.

As a result, she was very sexually naive. Being a young woman who was “of age” she knew what the process was, but was eager to get any more information so that she would be prepared one day.

As the other students started to arrive, Yuko knew that something was off. There were both boys and girls attending the class. The school usually kept the different sexes strictly separated for anything that could potentially be controversial.

The presence of the boys made Yuko begin to panic. She wondered why Grace hadn’t arrived yet. She scanned the room repeatedly, wishing that she would magically appear. Finally, one last figure appeared in the doorway. To Yuko’s dismay, it wasn’t Grace. Instead, it was Mr. Watson. He was Yuko’s history teacher and one of the youngest instructors on campus.

Mr. Watson was a tall, handsome, fair-haired, young man. He was still in his twenties and had an athletic physique. Apart from being a history teacher, he was also the boys’ track and field coach. Since the track team consisted of both young men and women, there was both a male and female coach. They practiced on the same field and attended the same events, but the students were still kept mostly separate, including riding on two different buses to those events.

Yuko had developed a crush on Mr. Watson, making the situation even more uncomfortable for her.

“Where in the hell is Grace!” she shouted inside of her head.

Mr. Watson closed the door and immediately headed to the desk. After a brief moment to log into his computer, he turned on the projector. An image of the female anatomy in intricate detail was displayed on the screen. It was immediately followed by a few comments from the students. He rose to his feet and started to explain the contents of the diagram, starting from the top and working his way downward.

After a couple of minutes, Mr. Watson stopped speaking. He looked a bit perplexed.

“I think if this were more interactive, it would be more effective. Miss Sakinaui, please join me at the front of the room,” he casually stated.

Yuko loved it when Mr. Watson called her “Miss Sakinaui.” She was the only one of the girls that he didn’t refer to by their first name and she wondered if that meant anything. It was unlikely that it did, but she always wished that it had.

Then it dawned on her that he had asked her to go to the front of the room. He called her out several times as she slowly climbed out of her chair and shuffled to the front with her head down.

Mr. Watson towered over Yuko as he was well over a foot taller than her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her body so that she faced the class. She thought for sure that she would melt into a puddle on the floor as he gently touched her shoulders.

“The lovely Miss Sakinaui is going to be our interactive model for the first part of the class today,” Mr. Watson announced.

Yuko was so caught up in the fact that Mr. Watson had referred to her as “lovely” that it took a moment for her to realize the entirety of what he had said. The sloppy smile that she could not restrain quickly turned to a look of shock and dread.

She had barely digested his previous statement, when Mr. Watson added, “Miss Sakinaui, would you please remove your clothing for the class?”

Frozen in fear, Yuko didn’t move a muscle.

“Miss Sakinaui, please don’t make me have to send you to the principal’s office for disrupting this class.”

Even more fearful of getting into trouble than being shamed, Yuko started to slowly move her arms. She started to unbutton the jacket of her school uniform. Once unbuttoned, she wriggled out of the jacket and let it fall to the floor.

The uniforms for both the boys and girls were incredibly similar. There was a navy-blue sweater or jacket to be worn over a long sleeve white shirt with a tie of some description. The pants were also navy-blue, with the option of a long plaid skirt with black leggings for the girls.

“Keep going, Miss Sakinaui,” Mr. Watson encouraged.

Yuko struggled to decide which article of clothing to remove next. The top edge of her cheeks had turned fiery red and stood out against her pale, white skin.

She untied her loosely-tied necktie and then started to unbutton her shirt. Tugging on her shirt, she freed it from being pinned inside of her skirt. As she removed her shirt, some of the students chuckled at her plain, bulky, white bra.

Yuko turned toward Mr. Watson, casting her gaze directly at his shoes. She hoped that he would end her ordeal. Instead, he stated, “You are doing great, Miss Sakinaui. Continue.”

Attempting to try to remove articles of clothing that were less revealing, Yuko kicked off her shoes and then carefully pulled down her leggings. She tried to manipulate her skirt so that her fellow students couldn’t see anything other than her legs as she pulled them down.

Mr. Watson told her to “keep going” as she unbuckled the belt on her skirt. She slid her skirt down, exposing a pair of thick, oversized, cotton/poly blend, white underwear.

“Nice panties, grandma!” one of the boys shouted out.

Yuko was embarrassed by her plain, unattractive undergarments. She wished that she hadn’t been too shy to wear the pretty underwear that Grace had purchased for her.


Several weeks prior, Grace and Yuko had gone shopping at a local clothing store. After picking out some American-style clothing for Yuko to wear when not at school, Grace grabbed Yuko’s hand and dragged her over to the lingerie section of the store.

Yuko was embarrassed by some of the sexier styles of underwear. She knew that Grace wore undergarments of that type, but didn’t think that she was “pretty enough” to wear something like that. Grace was a tall, slender, blonde-haired, teenage girl. She could wear almost anything and make it look good. Yuko thought that she looked like a young Taylor Swift but she had prettier teeth.

Eventually, Grace convinced Yuko to get a small, pink bra with some lacy edges, as well as several pairs of panties. Two of the panties were just small, playful, bikini underwear, one with bunnies on it, the other with kitties. The other two pair were silky and lacy pink panties, one was a regular bikini, the other a string bikini.

Yuko liked all of them more than she wanted to admit. She had put them on privately and looked at herself in the mirror several times, but hadn’t worked up the nerve to actually wear them outside of the house, yet.


Feeling completely embarrassed and humiliated by her classmate’s response to her, Yuko took one last scan of the room, still hoping to find Grace. When she couldn’t find her, she quickly unsnapped her bra, let it fall to the floor, and then pulled her panties down. She heard one of the girls say, “I guess they don’t have razors in Japan.”

As Yuko looked down, her straight, spiky pubic hair was jutting out in multiple directions. She did trim it but had never shaved it completely off, even though she knew that was what most American girls did.

But as she looked over at Mr. Watson, he didn’t seem to be disgusted with her appearance in the least. In fact, she had never known a man to look at her the way that he did.

Mr. Watson shook his head as if to wake himself up and quickly got on with the lecture. As he spoke about the external anatomical areas of the diagram, he would point them out on “Miss Sakanaui.” He brushed her long, dark hair away from the front of her body further exposing her slight, but soft, body. He wrapped a hand snugly around her right breast and squeezed it gently. His thumb swirled around her nipple and then her areola as he pointed them out to the class.

Moving forward, Mr. Watson slowly slid his hand down Yuko’s torso. Her body started to tingle and then made an involuntary twitch. She wondered if she had climaxed, but that didn’t seem likely. Whatever that sensation was, Yuko knew that she wanted more.

She stared at Mr. Watson, desperate to connect with him. Instead, he continued on as he presented every part of her vulva. He displayed her labia to the class, followed by a pinkie finger inserted ever-so-slightly into her vagina. Mr. Watson removed his finger which was visibly wet with Yuko’s sticky excitement. Referring to it as her “nectar,” he explained to the class that it was her body’s response to stimulation and it was providing lubrication for anticipated sexual penetration.

He added that a beautiful, pristine, young woman such as Miss Sakanaui would be especially likely to respond in such a way. As he licked her “nectar” from his finger, Mr. Watson responded as if it was the most incredible delicacy that he had ever tasted.

Yuko was still reeling from the fact that Mr. Watson had just said that she was “beautiful.” As he turned toward her and stared her down with his piercing, blue eyes, she realized that he wanted her every bit as much as she wanted him.

Mr. Watson began to speak about the clitoral hood. He started to rub that area of her body gently with two fingers. Telling the class that his intention was to “awaken” her clitoris so that it could be more readily seen, he continued on with increasing speed and pressure.

Although Yuko didn’t feel much at first, the sensation soon started to intensify. She thought that it felt slightly ticklish for a while, but there was also a sharper sensation that arrived in waves. She let out a little squealing sound but quickly covered her mouth with her hand as she tried to restrain her excitement. Even though she was able to remain quiet, her “nectar” was increasingly present and was creating a very wet sound as Mr. Watson continued to rub her clit.

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Just as Yuko thought that she was about to faint, Mr. Watson stopped. He peeled back her hood and exposed her enlarged clitoris for the class. He licked his fingers once again as he referred to her as a “magnificent specimen.”

Then, he turned and walked back to his desk. He changed the image on the screen to that of a male subject. Mr. Watson announced that he was going to require a male subject for the next portion of the class. When nobody volunteered, he stated that he would take that role.

Surprised at what she had just heard, Yuko glanced over at Mr. Watson only to find that he was already removing his shirt. She was too timid to lock her gaze on him, but she would quickly flash a look and then turn away.

He removed his clothing quickly and proudly. Yuko looked over just as pulled down his boxer briefs, revealing a rather dainty, limp penis. She giggled nervously, not because she was mocking him, but because she thought that it was the cutest little penis that she had ever seen.

In addition, he was every bit as fit as she had imagined. It seemed as though he shaved some of his torso as the only dark hair on it was on his chest and some neatly-trimmed pubic hair.

Just as he had done with Yuko, Mr. Watson gave the class an in-depth look at his anatomy. Once finished, he started to describe how an erection works and how having one is necessary to gain penetration with a female partner.

“Get down on your knees, please, Miss Sakinaui,” he directed.

Yuko cautiously dropped to her knees. They faced one another so that the class could see. Mr. Watson approached her and she gently gripped his little nub with her thumb and forefinger. She leaned forward and took it into her mouth, but it barely went past her lips. She sucked on it gently, sometimes searching it out with the tip of her tongue.

As Mr. Watson casually continued to lecture the class about oral sex, Yuko could sense that his penis was getting both firmer and larger. She could feel it slowly creeping down the length of her tongue and filling her mouth until she finally felt it pressing at the back of her throat and cutting off her airway. With a cough and a mild gagging sound, Yuko backed away from Mr. Watson. Ribbons of thick saliva trailed from her mouth to his penis. She quickly batted them away as she regained her breath.

Once refocused, she could see that Mr. Watson's cock had grown exponentially. While it was now of roughly average thickness, it had grown to a length of roughly eight inches. She began to wonder if a first-timer such as herself would be able to handle such a challenge.

Like a true gentleman, Mr. Watson helped Yuko to her feet and thanked her for her assistance. Then he started to clear off most of the top of his desk. He asked Yuko to walk around to the front of the desk. When she did, he boosted her up so that she was seated on the edge of it.

He gave her a look that once again made her melt before saying, “Lie down, sweetheart.”

Then he invited the entire class to encircle the desk for his next demonstration.

Yuko slowly eased her back down onto the desk. As her head hung over the edge, her long hair dusted the floor. Yuko’s legs were spread apart as she offered herself to Mr. Watson. Her knees were raised high as her feet dangled beneath them, leaving her legs in a distinct “M-shaped” pattern.

Mr. Watson glided between her thighs and dropped to his knees. It was time for his demonstration of cunnilingus. His warm, wet lips and tongue felt incredible between her legs. Yuko could feel him concentrating his efforts on her clitoris once again. She struggled to remain stationary as waves of pleasure surged through her body.

As Mr. Watson rose to a standing position, he started to speak about different erogenous zones and encouraged the students to find out which ones their partner responds most highly to. He claimed to have already discovered one of Miss Sakinaui’s erogenous zones.

He placed his thumb on her clitoris and continued to keep it stimulated as he leaned forward. As Mr. Watson’s lips touched her lower abdominal area, Yuko let out an audible gasp and her head raised up as she struggled to not squirm around too much. As he continued to explore her “tummy” area with both his lips and the tip of his tongue, Yuko could feel that her “excitement” was beginning to exceed that of her ability to control herself.

She plunked the heels of her feet down on the edge of the desk and bridged her body upward as she let out a cry of pleasure. She struggled to hold herself upright as both her legs and torso were beginning to visibly tremble.

“Do you see how aroused Miss Sakinaui got in a very short amount of time, class?” Mr. Watson asked.

He directed one of the students to retrieve a condom from the top drawer of the desk. Once he had been handed the condom, he proceeded to give a demonstration about proper condom usage and the need to practice safe sex. He unrolled the condom down his lengthy rod and approached Yuko, nudging the tip of his cock against the opening of her vagina.

“Are you ready Miss Sakinaui?” he asked.

Yuko looked nervous but nodded affirmatively.

“You need to say the words, Miss Sakinaui,” Mr. Watson demanded.

“Please…fuck me,” she whispered in hesitated fashion.

Mr. Watson explained that Yuko’s hymen was likely still intact and that it may cause her some discomfort, particularly on her first time. Yuko sat up partially, bracing herself with her arms. Then she nodded at Mr. Watson that she was ready.

Wrapping a hand around each of her thighs, he thrust forward with one firm shove. Yuko bit her lip and her head rocked backward. Although it didn’t hurt as badly as she had feared, she also felt stretched more than she would have imagined.

Mr. Watson paused for a moment until she returned her focus to him. He resumed rubbing her clitoris with his thumb as he started fucking her. With each stroke, Mr. Watson's cock penetrated deeper into Yuko. He announced to the class that he was going to try to synchronize their orgasms as much as possible. He stated that because Miss Sakinaui was a very responsive partner, he felt that he could align them fairly closely. Then he warned the “boys” in the class that Yuko was “off-limits” and that she belonged to him. He advised them to find another partner if they wanted to engage in sexual activities.

Yuko was stunned. She couldn’t believe that Mr. Watson had announced that she belonged to him. While back home in Japan, she thought that she was a progressive woman and that such an idea was offensive. But, when Mr. Watson said those words, she didn’t receive them in nearly the same way. Perhaps it was because she had become quite smitten with him, but she liked the thought that she was “his.”

Although Yuko was experiencing some discomfort from penetration, the pleasure from her clitoral stimulation kept her mostly distracted from it. As she looked around, the other girls in the class were clearly envious that Mr. Watson had chosen her over them.

Sensations surged through Yuko’s body like electricity as her eyes pleaded for more. Sensing that her orgasm was near, Mr. Watson increased his pace and aggressiveness. Yuko’s legs flailed wildly to each side of him while her breasts bounced noticeably with each thrust. Their bodies began to “clap” together as he finally gained full penetration.

“Come for me, my love,” Mr. Watson implored Yuko.

But, suddenly he was gone. Confused as to what was happening, Yuko looked around to find that she was lying in her bed. It was clearly all a dream. She wondered how she could have believed that a scenario such as that could have actually happened. At the same time, she was frustrated that she would probably never have a partner like Mr. Watson.

She was so damp with sweat that her pajamas were clinging uncomfortably to her body. She found that the pillow that she had placed on the side of the bed had found its way between her legs. Her body was curled around it much like a dog humping somebody’s leg. So wet were her panties and the crotch of her pajama pants, that she wondered if she had urinated in her sleep.

As she pulled the pillow away, she found that she had rubbed herself raw by grinding against it for a prolonged time. She wondered how close to orgasm she had taken herself in her sleep.

Yuko decided to get up, shower, and put some clean clothes on. She stared at herself in the mirror for a while before stepping into the shower. Once inside, she scrubbed herself down thoroughly. Just as she was ready to turn the shower off, she grabbed the razor and carefully shaved all of the hair between her legs.

Once she had left the shower and dried off, Yuko grabbed the clothing that she had brought to the bathroom. It was just an alternate shirt and pants that she wore for bed, as well as a pair of solid white panties. She looked at the panties with disgust. Refusing to put them on, she wadded them up in her hand as she put on the shirt and pants.

She stormed toward her bedroom, closed the door, and locked it behind her. Quickly, she removed all of her clothing once again. As she opened her underwear drawer, she stared at her meager selection of panties, wondering which pair she would wear. Eventually, she decided on the lacy, pink ones with narrow sides. The pink bra was soon to follow.

She spent some time modeling them in front of the mirror, occasionally pulling down the front of her panties to reveal her smoothly-shaven pussy. Afraid that she would “chicken out” once again, she put on her school uniform. She felt both naughty and empowered just by changing such a small element of her wardrobe. It seemed silly, but she was proud of herself. It was one small step in taking control of her life.

The rest of the morning, Yuko could hardly contain her smile. She seemed re-energized, but nobody was sure quite why.

On the drive to school, Grace asked Yuko why she seemed so happy. Yuko leaned over and whispered into her ear that she was wearing the underwear that Grace had bought for her.

Grace giggled softly. She found Yuko’s shyness regarding her sexuality to be adorable. She reached over, offered Yuko a hug, and told her that she was proud of her.

Once Grace thought about it for a moment, she asked, “Sister, you don’t have a boyfriend, do you?”

Yuko responded, “No, not yet.”

The mere thought caused Yuko to smile and she had to look away.

As they arrived at school and were walking through the parking lot, Grace mentioned, “Hey, I think today is the first day of sex-ed.”

Yuko smiled, “Yes, I am very…excited!”

Written by SuccubusSlayer
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