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Stranded for Christmas

"Andy's car breaks down on way home for Christmas breqk"

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Author's Notes

"This story is about Andy. Andy just turned twenty a little over a month ago and she is coming home from college for Christmas break when her car breaks down on the highway."

Chapter 1

It is about 8 pm and Andy is heading home from college.  She decided to go to school a few hours from home so that she had some freedom.  Her parents didn't have a lot of money so what little they did save went towards school for Andy.  This meant when she graduated from high school her parents had given her their old car for her to take back and forth to school.  It was an older car with lots of minor problems but it was safe and reliable...normally.   When Andy finished her last class for the semester she loaded her clothes in a suitcase and started to head home.  She had only gone about ten minutes before her car started to make some sounds that it shouldn't and then it just stopped running.  Andy was able to get the car to the side of the road but she didn't know what she would do since she really didn't know much about cars.


Once she was on the side of the road she put her hazard lights on for the car and just started to cry.  She didn't have any minutes left on her cell phone for the month and was hoping when she got home she could talk her parents into getting some for her.  She was stranded and had no way to call for help.  After about an hour, it started to get colder and Andy decided she needed to do something to help the situation. She knew she would have to walk or ask for a ride from someone driving by.  Just when she had gotten up the courage, she was startled by a knock on her window.  There was Mr. Franks, her English teacher from school.  He had seen Andy's car around school and he was heading home when he saw it on the side of the road and stopped. 


"Andy?? Is everything okay? " he asked


"No, Mr. Franks.  My car just died and I don't know what to do."


Mr. Franks was a taller guy in his late thirties with brown hair, glasses, and a normal build.  He was definitely not the mechanical type of guy and didn't know much about cars.  


"Andy, I was headed home and saw you.  Do you need a ride somewhere?"


"Well, I am heading home to Akron so I couldn't ask you to take me there but if you can take me to a gas station, I can call my dad or brother to come pick me up."


Mr. Franks thought for a moment and said, "Well, I don't live far from here and you are welcome to stay there and wait on someone to pick you up.  We can leave a note on your car and I can have someone get it tomorrow.  We can even take it to the school and see if the auto classes can fix it up for really cheap."  


Andy was relieved that she wouldn't have to take a ride from a stranger or walk far as it was starting to get dark and cold.  It was supposed to snow that night and she didn't want to get stuck in the storm.  Andy grabbed her bags and put them in Mr. Franks' truck and jumped into the front seat.  


After a short quiet ride, they arrived at Mr. Franks' home, a small house that looked to be big enough for a very small family.   Andy spoke up, "Mr. Franks thank you for your kindness and I hope I don't ruin your family's plans tonight."  As Andy said this she looked over and noticed that Mr. Franks did wear a wedding ring and she didn't know much about him outside of being an English teacher.


"It is okay, Andy.   I live alone and was just going to come home tonight, order a pizza, and maybe read a good book.  I don't know if you are hungry or not but we can share some pizza."


As Mr. Franks turned the car off, he said to Andy, "I know it looks small here but it is cozy and I have a warm fireplace I can start up while waiting on your ride.  Also, I do have a second room that you can sleep in if it gets too late or your ride can't come till the morning.  It is starting to get bad out already and we wouldn't want your family to have to worry about you."  Then Mr. Franks climbed out of the truck and grabbed Andy's bags and started for the door and Andy followed behind.


Once they were settled inside, Andy called her dad to let him know what happened.  She told him how she was at a teacher's home and gave him the address.  Andy's dad agreed that he would come get her in the morning as it was late and the weather was bad.  He was comforted that Andy had a safe place to stay the night and would be okay.


Chapter 2

After dinner, Mr. Franks showed Andy where the extra bedroom was and where the bathroom was.  He sat out some towels in case she felt like relaxing and taking a hot shower after the crazy night she had.  Andy thanked Mr. Franks and decided he might be right that a hot shower would help to take the edge off the night.


Andy grabbed some sleeping clothes and went to the bathroom.  It had a great big bathtub in it.  Like one of those old-time ones that had the feet on it.  And she just marveled at how big the tub seemed.  She started to run some bath water and noticed a bottle of bubble bath on the shelf by the tub.  She didn't think Mr. Franks would mind if she used some and took a good bath tonight.  She had never been in a tub like this before and didn't know if she would have the chance again.


Andy slipped out of her clothes and sank into the hot water of the bath.  This was amazing she thought to herself as every muscle in her body started to relax.  


Before she knew it, Andy's mind started to wonder and she thought about how she was lucky that Mr Franks had saved her earlier from her situation.   She started to realize just how attractive Mr. Franks really was.  He had broad shoulders and had a great smile.  Andy started to feel her fingers run down her chest and around her size c breasts. She was feeling so turned on knowing she was enjoying herself in a man's home she didn't really know.  It sent chills of excitement up and down every time she rubbed over her now very hard nipples.  She started to pinch one of her nipples between her finger and thumb as she started to rub her now aching slit.   


The warm water wrapped around her while she rubbed up and down her tight slit.  While she wasn't a virgin she had only been with one boyfriend back in high school.  It had been prom night and she was so disappointed that her boyfriend passed out after only starting to have sex with her.  But tonight she wasn't thinking about prom, she was thinking about Mr. Franks.  A man that for sure knew how to treat a young woman.  She fantasized about him pushing her against the wall and pinning her wrists above her head.  How he would suck on her nipples and bury his fingers deep into her wet pussy.


Within moments, Andy was totally into her new fantasy.  She didn't hear the knock at the door of the bathroom so she didn't answer.  Mr. Franks must have thought that Andy had gone into her room for the night as the door to the bathroom wasn't locked.  He opened the door and saw the sight of Andy pleasuring herself and he just stopped in his tracks unable to move.  


Andy didn't notice her onlooker either as she started to slide two fingers into her now excited vagina.  She let out a moan as she entered.  Trying to imagine Mr. Franks taking her forcefully.   Her breath started to get shallow and heart race as her fingers rapidly went in and out of her body.  Just a moment longer and I will climax, she thought.  As she let out an, "Oh, Mr. Franks! You feel so good," she thought she heard someone else's breathing.  It had to be in her head as she brought herself to a great orgasm and her body went rigid. She opened her eyes to see Mr. Franks standing in the doorway watching her in the tub.


Chapter 3

As soon as their eyes locked in the bathroom Mr. Franks quickly turned away and left the bathroom saying how sorry he was.  But Andy just sat in the tub thinking of this grown man watching her.  How long had he been there?  Why did he not say anything?  Why didn't he join her?

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Andy felt ashamed that she had been caught doing that while being a guest at Mr. Franks' home.  How could she look at him ever again?  What if she ever had a class with him again??


Andy dried off and got dressed.  She slowly walked into the kitchen and saw Mr. Franks just standing by the counter.  


Andy bravely said, "Sorry about that, Mr. Franks.   If you want I can just stay in my room the rest of the night.  I promise I won't do anything like that ever again."


Mr. Franks looked at Andy with the softest smile and said, "You are apologizing to me when I was staring at you in the tub?  I feel like the biggest perv.  I am the one to be sorry here, Andy. "


As Mr. Franks started to leave the kitchen Andy noticed the large bulge in Mr. Franks' pants.  She was amazed how his pants were not splitting at the seams with the size.  She grabbed Mr. Franks by the arm as he tried to walk past her.  Their eyes instantly connected and it felt like lightning running through all of Andy's body.  


Before either of them knew what was happening Andy leaned in close and kissed Mr. Franks on the lips.  She couldn't go another second without making a move.  She was so turned on by Mr. Franks watching her she thought had he stayed she would have continued and had a second big orgasm right in the tub.   She felt the wetness run down her thigh as she was there kissing this man she just fantasized about only moments before.


Mr. Franks was caught off guard by this beautiful young woman that was kissing him.  Only moments before he was watching her call out his name as she fingers herself in his bathroom.  He had caught her doing this and she was still kissing him right now.  


As Andy kissed Mr. Franks, she ran her hand down to feel his bulge that he had in his pants.  She thought "he must be massive if this is what he looks like in his clothes.  Andy could not take it any longer and started to unbutton Mr. Franks' pants and unzip them.  She bent down to her knees and with the most innocent look she said, "Can I suck your cock, Mr. Franks?"


Mr. Franks couldn't say a word.  All he could do was manage to nod his head yes to this supple girl as she grabbed into his pants to bring out his hard cock.  While he was not the biggest he had seen in porn that he had seen he was a full 8 inches long and very wide.  He was told by his other lovers how he filled them up while they made love.  And now this girl was stroking his dick and he could feel himself getting bigger than he had ever been.  


Andy slowly stroked this large cock in front of her and some clear precum started to come out of the tip.  She started to lick the underside of this cock and picked up the tip to taste this fluid on her tongue.   Mr. Franks let out an audible moan but nothing else was able to be made out other than fuck and damn.  Andy took the head of his cock into her mouth and started to give Mr. Franks a blow job.  Each time she would go down she would try to take more and more into her.  About half way down she started to feel his tip start to touch the back of her throat.  She held there for a moment to relax and get used to the feeling.  She started to try to push him in a little deeper.  She started to feel her eyes water a little.  Then she felt a hand start to push her head deeper on Mr. Franks' hard cock.  She pulled back with a gasp and saw Mr. Franks with his head leaned back.  She went back to see how far she could get him in her mouth one last time.  She was able to, with a little helpful hand, get almost all of his cock in before starting to gag a little.  She pulled her head back and a little spit was left between her mouth and this amazing cock.


Mr. Franks was hard as a rock now and now wanted more.  As he looked down and saw Andy on her knees he reached down and lifted her to her feet.  He pulled her shirt over her head and immediately started sucking on her perfect tits.   Andy hooked her thumbs on her shorts and thong and pulled them to the floor.  


Now this young twenty-year-old was naked in Mr. Franks home.  A girl that just weeks later was sitting in his class.  He knew this would be frowned upon if anyone ever found out but at this moment he didn't care.  All he wanted was to fuck this girl till he exploded.  


He reached around and picked Andy up by her ass and carried her over to the table.  Leaning her back she spread her legs open and all he could see is how dripping wet Andy was.  He had to taste her.  Her wonderful sex smell was filling the room. And was driving Mr. Franks into a frenzy.   He leaned down and kissed her small patch of hair about her drenched pussy.  His tongue running down one side of her slit and back up the other.   Andy put one hand on the table to steady herself while the other on Mr. Franks' head to pull him into her.  Mr. Franks continued teasing Andy's body by licking down and then running his tongue around her tight butthole before licking back up between her wet pussy lips.  He brought his hand up and slid two fingers into her dripping wet lips as he started to suck on her now engorged clit.  


Alternating between flicking her clit and sucking her clit was driving Andy crazy.  Then Mr. Franks started to move his finger inside her firmly on her spot he started a relentless attack of her insides.  Her body started to tense up as she knew she would be driven to a massive orgasm at this rate.  Faster and faster Mr. Franks fucked her with his fingers till Andy exploded and squirted her fluids all over Mr. Franks' face and shirt.  Rush after rush of warmth was taking over Andy's body and she hoped it would never stop.  


Before long, Andy's body started to go limp after these enormous orgasms ravished her young body.  Letting out a deep sigh Andy looked down to Mr. Franks and said, "Fuck, that was amazing but I need to feel you in me right now. Please fuck me!"  Andy growled.   


That was all Mr. Franks needed to hear.   He stood up and finished taking his now drenched shirt off and lined his hard cock up with this woman's opening.   He slid the tip up and down her wet slit to get her juices all over him so that he was well lubricated.  He slowly pushed the tip inside Andy.  She let out a gasp and Mr. Franks asked her if she was ok.  Without responding Andy slid down the table to take in as much of this cock as she could.  She was so tight and he as so big but she was determined to get the fucking of her life.  


Taking this hint, Mr. Franks slammed his cock as deep as he could inside of Andy's wet pussy.  He could feel her walls gripping every inch of his cock.  As he would slide out to the tip he could feel her body trying to pull him back in.  Just before he would slip out he would jam his dick back inside of this wonderful pussy.  It had been a long time since Mr. Franks had been with someone else so he knew it would be much longer.  He started to pound in and out of Andy at a relentless pace.  Andy started to tense up and felt another orgasm building.  Mr. Franks said, "I am close, where do you want it?"  Just then Andy's body started to shake and she screamed out cum inside of me as she started to have her body rocked by a violent orgasm.  


Mr. Franks, feeling Andy's body start to shake, couldn't take any more as rope after rope of hot cum shot deep is this waiting pussy.  Filling her up deep and driving through his orgasm to a new level that Andy had never felt before.


Mr. Franks' legs started to shake and he leaned over to kiss Andy passionately on her lips.  His softening cock slipped out and their cum started to run out of Andy's pussy.  Andy reached down and with two fingers she scooped up some of the cum and licked it off her fingers.  


They both knew this was only the start of their time together.


Written by CrazyWriter
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