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Skinny Dippin

"The mountain water was cool, but I soon found myself very warm."

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The old mill pond had been our summer meeting place for years. The mill had been closed for years now, but the pond was still there. It made a great place to hang out and swim.

There was a big oak tree next to the water. We would tie a rope to the limb, swing out over the water, and drop in. Next to the tree was a large rock. It was over ten feet high and was perfect for diving off or just laying on to get some sun.

It was the summer of my sixteenth birthday. There were nine of us that made skinny dippin’ a daily ritual. Sami, Tina, and I were the only girls. My older brother and guys from the surrounding area made up the rest of the gang.

We had all known each other for years. Now that we were older, we began to take an interest in the opposite sex. Still, all the days at the pond were relaxing and just for fun, even though, on occasion, I did stare a little longer at the boys. I also noticed most of them watching us girls with a little more interest.

The county fair always comes the last week of summer. Most of the gang went to the fair. I wasn’t interested in looking at farm animals again so I headed for the mill pond.

It was the hottest day of the summer. I looked all around to make sure I was all alone. I slipped off my top. Looking around to be sure no one was there, I slipped off my bottoms too.

The water felt so refreshing. It made my skin tingle at first and of course, my nipples indicated it was a bit cool. I swam to the far side of the pond. Just then I heard someone walking down the gravel path.

I hid behind the old mill trough. It was Bobby Morris. I watched as he pulled his shirt over his head. He certainly was more mature than the other boys. The sun glistened off his chest. Suddenly the water didn’t feel quite as cold.

I felt myself staring at his body.

He looked all around. Then he slid off his swim trunks. His little turtle had surely grown up. Even the pictures in the sex book didn’t look like that. His cock hung partway down his thigh. I wondered how he was able to walk with a thing like that between his legs.

He dove into the water and disappeared under the surface. When he came up, his wet body looked even sexier to me than before. The water ran off his chest. His nipples seemed to be harder too, like mine.

I wanted to yell to him, but, I was naked. Even though we had seen each other naked hundreds of times, this seemed very different.

He swam to the opposite end of the pond from where I was. I saw my chance to get back to the rock and get dressed. I had hidden my clothes behind the rock in case anyone passed by.

I swam underwater most of the way. I guess Bobby had the same idea, because when I popped my head out of the water, I was looking right at him. I screamed. So did he.

We both burst out laughing.

“I didn’t know you were here, Molly.”

I couldn’t say the same to him. I didn’t want to say, "I’ve been here all the time. I was looking at your cock when you got undressed."

“I must have been over by the trough when you got here," I replied.

I saw him looking down at my chest. I forgot I was naked. He was staring at my tits.

“Those are new.”

I laughed out loud.

Before we could say anything else, we heard voices. We slid over behind the rock. The water wasn’t as deep where we moved to. I knelt down behind the rock. Bobby kneeled behind me. His skin was against mine. I felt a warm flush flow through my body. I had never felt a boy’s naked body against me before.

As the voices got closer, Bobby pulled me tight against him. I no longer heard the voices. I felt something between my butt cheeks. I didn’t want to turn and look. I knew it had to be Bobby’s cock. It was much warmer than the rest of his body. Knowing his cock was against me made my body tingle.

We stayed that way for a few minutes. His cock seemed to press harder against me the longer we didn’t move. I wanted to say something but I didn’t know what to say.

“I told you no one would be here. They’re all at the fair. Let’s go,” a voice spoke.

It was my brother’s voice. I don’t know who was with him or how many of them were there. We heard them walk up the gravel path. I was glad I had hidden my clothes under the rock.

Bobby stood up. As I stood up I turned towards him. I don’t know why but my eyes went straight to his cock. It looked much different than the drawings in our sex-ed book. It looked much nicer. It was long and smooth. His glans was separated from his shaft by a little valley. I caught myself staring and quickly looked up.

Bobby was looking at me. Our eyes met. I don’t know how it happened but the next thing I knew we were kissing. It wasn’t your everyday “hello” kiss. It was a full-on open-mouth kiss. Now my body was really tingling.

The longer our lips stayed together, the more I felt Bobby’s cock pressing against me between my legs. Just like the sex book had said it would do when aroused. I was happy with myself that I could actually arouse a guy. I loved feeling Bobby’s cock against my pussy.

When we stopped kissing neither of us knew what to say. He moved away from me. No longer was I feeling his hard cock against my pussy. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me. We kissed again and once more I had his warm penis pressed against me.

Bobby was closest to the bank of the creek. We continued kissing as he backed towards the edge of the water. Once there he lay back on the tall grass. I was lying on top of him.

I could feel his cock pulsating against my legs. I kneeled over him and spread them a little more. I felt the tip of his cock was touching my labia. I had never felt that sensation before. It was incredible.

The more his cock touched me, the hotter I was becoming. I lowered myself downward. His tip pierced my lips and slid inside me a little. My body shook. I felt his shaking too.

He moved his hips upwards and pushed his cock farther into me. I responded by lowering myself more. I had never had sex before so I wasn’t sure of what I should be doing. For now, I was going with my natural instincts. It seemed to be working just fine.

I could feel my lips spreading to accept more of his cock. It felt like a muscle pulling. I didn’t mind the little bit of pain because I was having so much pleasure.

I saw a trickle of my blood running over Bobby’s cock. It didn’t upset me because I had read about it happening in our sex class. Bobby Morris had popped my cherry. I know that’s not how it was explained in the book, but it was the more common term used around there.

I kept lowering myself an inch at a time. Each time I could feel Bobby’s cock sliding farther inside of me. We were both breathing harder. My heart was pounding.

Bobby kept thrusting his hips upward. Soon his entire cock was inside of me. I sighed with relief that I could take all of him into me. I began pushing myself up and down. Each time I could feel his warm cock slide out to its tip and then back deep inside of me. The book never mentioned how incredible this would feel.

I could hear Bobby moaning softly. I know he could hear me. I couldn’t help it. I felt his cock begin to pulsate rapidly. His glans seemed to grow inside of me. I knew he would soon have his orgasm and shoot his load of semen inside of me.

His body was shaking wildly. I slid harder and faster up and down on his cock.

“What the hell are you kids doing?” yelled a deep voice.

Bobby and I had been so engrossed in having sex that we didn’t hear Mr. Williams. He was standing on the rock looking down at us.

I quickly pulled off of Bobby. He was unable to stop his ejaculation. His white creamy load of cum spurted out of his cock and all over me. I wanted to crawl under the rock. My clothes were hidden on the other side. I was caught there naked with Bobby.

“Is that you, Molly Benson?”

Dammit, he knew who I was.

“Yes, Mr. Williams. It’s me.”

I tried to move close to the rock so he couldn’t see all of me. Bobby was quickly gathering his clothes. He was lucky to have left them on this side of the rock.

“Boy, you get your clothes and get out of here.”

Bobby didn’t even stop to get dressed. He scooped up his clothes and ran off. I was there alone with Mr. Williams. Worst of all I was completely naked and covered with Bobby’s cum.

None of the kids liked Mr. Williams. Not many of the older folks cared for him either. He was kind of an outlaw. He had been in trouble many times with the law. His two sons who went to school with me were also very bad boys.

“What would your Pa think about this, Molly?”

Oh my God. He wouldn’t tell my Pa about what he had seen. My Pa was a good man but he had a mean side to him. If my brothers or I did something bad we would feel his belt on our asses. It wasn’t too bad unless he was drinking. He believed in the old saying, 'Spare the rod, spoil the child'. I definitely was not a spoiled child.

“Please don’t tell my Pa, Mr. Williams. He would be very mad if he knew.”

“Stand out away from the rock, youngin.”

Slowly I moved away from the rock. He stared at me from head to toe. I felt so dirty being on display for this creepy old man. I could see his tobacco juice drip from his mouth as he looked at me. He wiped it away with the back of his hand. How disgusting he was, I thought to myself.

“You’ve grown into quite a woman, Miss Benson. Your tits could be bigger but the rest of you looks real pretty. I bet all the young bucks are looking to take you for a ride."

"Yes sir. Uh, I mean I don't know, sir."

I wished now more than ever I could somehow crawl under the rock.

“You aren’t going to tell my Pa, are you?”

“Well, maybe I will and maybe I won’t. It all depends on you.”

“What do you mean it all depends on me?”

“Whether or not you do what I say.”

I felt my heart sink. What in the hell did he have in his mind? I didn’t even want to think about what he was going to say. Finally, I looked up at him.

“What is it that you want, Mr. Williams?”

He unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. It wasn’t fully erect but was still quite large. I found myself staring at it. It wasn’t at all gross and disgusting as I imagined it would be. He shook it back and forth at me. I knew what he wanted in exchange for not telling my dad.

"I'm going to give you something none of those young bucks can."

He slid it back into his pants and started around the rock. No way was I going to let that creepy old man touch me. I ran off through the woods as fast as I could. My clothes were still under the rock. I didn’t think about being naked, I just wanted to get away from Mr. Williams.

I ran for a few minutes until I knew he wasn’t following me. I leaned against a tree to catch my breath. My heart was pounding. How did I manage to get myself into this? I stayed there for a few minutes and thought of what I was going to do.

“Are you ok?” I heard a voice ask.

I felt a hand over my mouth.

“Don’t scream. It’s me. Bobby.”

I was never so happy to see a friendly face. I wrapped my arms around him and started crying.

“What’s wrong? What did he do to you?”

“He didn’t touch me. I ran away before he could.”

I told Bobby what Mr. Williams had done and said. He held me close. I felt so safe in his arms. I forgot about being naked.

He took off his shirt and wrapped it around me. He was a lot taller than me so it worked well to cover my important areas. We sat by the tree. He had his arm around me and I rested my head on his chest.

He was rubbing my back. It felt so good. I forgot all about what had happened just a few minutes ago.

As he rubbed my back, I looked down. I could see his cock starting to grow in his swim trunks. The more he rubbed my back, the more it grew. I don’t know why but I slid my hand down and started to feel his cock through his swim trunks. It pulsed as my hand touched it.

I began to massage it the same way Bobby was massaging my back. It kept pulsing and growing in my hand. I moved my other hand down and loosened the string on his trunks. Sliding one hand inside his trunks I felt the warm skin of his cock greet me. I trembled a little.

Bobby was breathing harder now. So was I. I pulled up on his cock with one hand and slid his trunks down with the other. It popped out. It looked larger than before. I guess because my eyes were closer to it. I admired its shape and texture as I continued to massage it. It would pulse and jerk in my hand.

Bobby’s cock was fully erect now and as hard as the rock where I hid my clothes. Even though it was so hard, it felt very soft on my fingers. I stroked it up and down slowly. I had no idea of what I should do next. Bobby seemed to enjoy my stroking so I continued that for a while.

His cock was so warm in my hand. I loved the feel of it against my skin.

I found myself sliding down Bobby’s chest. I wanted to be closer to his cock. My pussy was becoming wet. I was feeling much the same way I did when his cock was about to slide inside of me for the first time.

I parted my lips and slowly slid them over the tip of Bobby’s cock. It felt even warmer against my lips than it did in my hands. It was softer too. I sucked his tip back and forth between my lips. I loved the feel of it in my mouth.

Bobby’s hand was now between my legs. I spread them open for him to feel my pussy. My body shivered when I felt his fingers touch me. I pushed my hips forward. I wanted his fingers inside of me.

As he slid them farther into my pussy I slid more of his cock into my mouth. We were both trembling now. Our first try at sex didn’t end so well. Hopefully, this attempt would be so much better.

He slid a second and then a third finger into me. I moaned.

I took as much of his cock as I could into my mouth. I slid it slowly back out to its tip. Then I immediately slid it back inside my mouth. It felt so warm against my tongue.

He moved his hips up and down thrusting his cock deeper inside my mouth. Soon we developed a sensual rhythm of his hip rocking and the downward sliding of my mouth. It felt much the same rhythm as when I was riding his cock earlier in the day.

I moaned again. I knew Bobby felt my flow covering his fingers. This orgasm was even better than my first. I rocked my hips forcing his fingers even deeper inside of me.

I was about to cum again when I felt Bobby’s cock began to pulse wildly in my mouth. I remembered that feeling in my pussy not so long ago. The tip of his cock seemed to grow bigger inside my mouth and his cock stiffened.

Just as I released another warm flow across his fingers I felt a gush of Bobby’s hot cum splash off the back of my throat. I moaned and gagged a bit. Bobby continued thrusting his hips upward. His cock slid faster in and out of my mouth.

Some of Bobby’s cum was running out of my mouth. I managed to swallow some of it just before I felt him cum again. I was better prepared this time. I didn’t gag. I swallowed it all.

My orgasms continued. I could feel my juices running down my legs. Bobby pumped a couple more loads into my mouth. Each one felt so warm and creamy. I later told my girlfriends it felt like warm pudding.

Bobby stopped thrusting. I knew he was done. Slowly I pulled my lips off his cock. It was starting to soften as it slid over my lips. I closed my mouth tightly around his cock and sucked off the last drop of cum as he pulled it from me.

I felt his hands slide out of my pussy. I knew they were soaked with my own cum.

I looked up at Bobby. He smiled at me. We didn’t say a word. He leaned down and we kissed.

I rested my head again on his chest. He leaned back against the tree and sighed.

I fell asleep feeling his heart beating against my cheek.

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Written by MtnMama
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