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Project: NERD, Chapter 1

"He was a nerd in school, but a silly bet brought him together with the head cheerleader..."

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William H Kincaid High school is an average mid-sized high school with around 2500 students and a graduating class of about 510 students. Like all high schools, the students there have sorted themselves into various "cliques" and groups. 

There are the jocks–the athletic types. WHK has a top-shelf football team and a pretty good basketball team and wrestling team. Along with the jocks ran the cheerleaders who usually dated the jocks.

Then there were the Socs–the rich kids who think they are privileged because their families have money. They figure that they can buy an education and are more interested in image than intelligence.

WHK had its geeks–namely the Goth and Emo kids, oddballs that no one else wanted to associate with. These people were on the outskirts of society and kept to themselves in the shadows and quiet corners of the school.

Lastly was the nerds–the science and math-minded students at WHK High. It was this group that Theodore belonged to. 

He was the epitome of a nerd; from his slicked down black hair to his wide collar white shirt and black polyester slacks, his black oxford dress shoes, and three-point suspenders. 

To complete his ensemble, he wore the classic black plastic-framed glasses ("B.C." glasses) with white tape on the nose bridge and a pocket protector for his shirt pocket. Truly the quintessential nerd! 

Poor Theodore was always getting teased or picked on in school. It seemed like there was always someone in school (and at times several people) that were giving him a hard time.

He had lost count of the number of times he got pushed out of line for something, had his books slapped out of his hands, gotten shoved into a school locker or the girl's bathroom, or some such humiliation.  

Once while he was in gym class, a class he absolutely hated, some kids got into his locker and took his clothes and hid them in one of the school trash cans. 

Poor Theodore had to walk through the whole school in his gym shorts to get to the office so he could call his mother to bring him some new clothes. 

Naturally, no one came forward to admit they had done it, and his clothes were found the next day by a janitor taking out the trash. But the experience only added more humiliation to his already long list.

But unbeknownst to Theodore, his reputation and standing in the school were about to take a big jump up and his life would change drastically.

It all started when he was a sophomore in high school. He was at his locker getting his books for his next class, when a small group of students came down the hall. Theodore recognized them instantly. 

The big guy in front was Todd Peterson the star football player for the school. Draped on his arm was his girl and the head cheerleader, Kimberly Daniels. Flanking Todd on either side were his friends and fellow football players, Randy Phillips and Scott Carpenter.

Jocks, Theodore thought, Why do I always run into the jocks? Theodore and these jocks had a long history–and not a pleasant one from his standpoint. 

As they got closer, Theodore tried to not make eye contact, not make any unusual or obvious moves, just hoping that they were distracted enough to walk past him without incident.

No such luck. With lightning speed, Todd's hand came out and slapped his books out of his hand knocking them to the ground and scattering his papers and schoolwork all over the hall floor. 

Taking the cue, Scott stepped on some of his papers intentionally twisting his foot and ripping his schoolwork. 

"Oops! Gee, Theo-dork, I'm sorry!" he jeered. The group laughed and as Theodore sighed and bent down to pick up his books, Todd kicked them a short way down the hall. 

"Come on, Todd, I'm bored. Leave the nerd alone and let's go do something fun!" Kimberly said. This picking on the nerd thing was really getting old. At first, she thought it was funny–hassling this kid who dressed weird and who acted... well, nerdy. 

After a while, though, the novelty wore off as she saw that he was basically a guppy in a pool of sharks and couldn't or wouldn't defend himself. After that, she went along with it because that's what Todd wanted and she wanted to be his. 

She was into status and wanted to be with the "cool" kids. Being a cheerleader, it only stood to reason that she would have a jock as her beau and who else would the head cheerleader date but the quarterback of the football team!

However, this pick-on-the-helpless-game wasn't fun anymore. She didn't know if she was bored with it or just getting more mature and outgrowing the childishness, but she wasn't enjoying it anymore.

"What's the matter? This nerd deserves it. Look at him–have you ever seen anything so pathetic?"

"Leave him be, Todd. You are too cool to be seen beating up someone like him anyway. Let's go down to the diner and buy me something to eat. I'm hungry!"

Todd could see that Kimberly wasn't going to let him have any more fun at this nerd's expense. "Oh, all right. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were getting sweet on this worm!"

The crowd left Theodore to pick up his books and papers and he went on to class, late and with torn and wrinkled schoolwork, but at least he didn't get beat up or worse, humiliated.

When Todd and Kimberly got to the Munch Diner, the kid's local hangout, they found a table in the corner and he got her a burger and fries. 

"So are you?"

Kimberly stopped eating. "Am I what?"

"Are you getting sweet on that nerd? You used to like it when we hassled him, You laughed and mocked him too. What happened?"

"No, I'm not sweet on him! Eww! I am just tired of the same old thing. You, Randy, and Scott always giving him a hard time. Why don't you just leave him alone and find something else to occupy your time?"

"It sounds to me like you are feeling sorry for the twerp!"

"Maybe I am a little. He's never done anything to you, yet you are constantly on his case."

Then Todd came up with an idea. "I'm getting paid in a couple of days. I have $200 that says you won't have sex with the nerd!"

"WHAT? Are you nuts?"

"C'mon. $200.00. Do you know that new pair of shoes you've been going on about? That would get them with a little left over. I'll make it even easier for you. I'll bet that same $200 you won't give him a blowjob!"

"Okay, take me home! You are crazy, Todd Peterson!" She stormed out of the diner and got in Todd's car in a huff. She didn't say anything to him the whole ride home.


The next day, Kim was talking to Melissa Cartwright, one of her best friends and another of the cheerleaders on the squad.

"I can't believe Todd! Did you hear what he said to me?"

"No what?"

"He said he thinks I'm getting sweet on that nerdy Theodore Franklin. The one they call Theo-dork. He said he'd give me $200.00 if I would have sex with him! Or give him a blowjob! Can you believe that crap?"

"Well, are you?"

"Melissa! How can you even think such a thing! Of course not!"

"Well, stranger things have happened. Who knows, he might be a really nice guy. But whatever. If I were you, I would take Todd up on his challenge and give the nerd a cheap thrill. It would get you $200 and teach Todd Peterson that he isn't so cool he can't be replaced!"

"Yeah, but what about my reputation? I would be forever known as the girl who fucked the nerd!"

"Kim, you and I know that reputations in high school never last. Sure, you might be the talk of the school for a short while, but the next bit of gossip or the next scandal that comes along and you will be old news! 

"And who knows, you might become a hero for knocking down the high and mighty Todd Peterson and those super jocks he hangs around with!"

"So you think I should do this? Give that nerd a blowjob?"

"Not only do I think you should do it, but you should rub Todd's nose in it. Make a big deal about how good he was or how big his cock was or something. Really make him sweat. 

"If he thinks he might lose you to a geeky nerd, he will probably learn his lesson and treat you better. Like his girlfriend instead of some arm candy bimbo!"

About then, the bell rang and the two girls went their separate ways to class. But later that day, Kim got together with Melissa and the third girl in their little circle, Heather Donaldson.

"Heather, Melissa and I have talked about this, but yesterday Todd, Randy, and Scott were picking on that Theodore Franklin kid. I told Todd I was tired of it and he accused me of being sweet on him. 

"We got into a fight and he bet me $200 if I would have sex with him or even give him a blowjob. Melissa says I should take the money and rub his nose in it. But what do you think?"

"What do I think? I think your boyfriend is an asshole, to be honest. And yes you should take his money and you should rub his nose in it. You let him treat you like shit, Kim. Everyone sees it. 

"You are his groupie, not his girlfriend. He fucks you when he's horny and all the rest of the time, you are nothing more than a knick-knack for him. A trophy girlfriend. Something to show off so he can say 'Look at me! I have the most popular girl in school. Aren't I something!' And I think it's sickening, quite frankly!"

"Wow, Heather, I didn't know you felt so strongly about Todd!"

"Well, I have kept my mouth shut because he's your boyfriend. But I don't like the way he treats you. Or anyone else around here. He acts like he is the king and the rest of us are just here to serve him."

"Yeah, he is a bit overbearing. Okay, I will do this. But I am counting on my girls to back me up on this. If you hear any rumors being spread about me and this nerd, you squash them. 

"I am not in love with this nerd, I am not some loose slut that will fuck anyone, and I am not a whore who fucks for money, okay? I am doing this to teach Todd a lesson!"

The girls giggled and then the conversation moved on to other things. But even as the girls chatted and gossiped, Kimberly kept trying to figure out how she was going to pull this off. 

She knew that Theodore would be suspicious–she had been there for many of his run-ins with Todd and had laughed at his embarrassment and humiliation along with him. To suddenly turn and start liking him would be hard enough, much less getting him interested in her in a sexual way.

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She started imagining what it would be like with him. She pictured herself on her knees in front of him, his black slacks down around his white socks and shiny black oxford shoes, his goofy, bucktooth grin as he watched her take his cock into her mouth. 

The thought nearly made her gag right then and there but she had gone too far now to turn back. She had told her girlfriends she would do it and she couldn't back out. She had to figure a way to get this done and get past it.

Then one day the opportunity she had been looking for presented itself. Kimberly and Theodore had one class together and it just so happened to be a biology class. The assignment was to dissect a frog and label the parts, explaining the major systems in the body of the frog.

Kimberly was squeamish just listening to the teacher explain the assignment and she hadn't even seen the frogs yet. She didn't touch slimy things like frogs or fish let alone cut them open! This was going to be hard for her. But Theodore didn't mind dissecting the frog. He looked at it scientifically and didn't let emotions get in the way.

Later that night, Theodore was sitting at home watching one of her favorite programs on television when the phone rang. "Theo, it's for you!" his mom said, holding the phone out to him. "It's a girl!" she whispered as he took the phone from her.


"Hi Theodore, it's Kimberly. Kimberly Daniels, you know, from school."

"Yeah, I recognized your voice."

"Oh. Well, I was calling because I need some help and you are the smartest person I know. It's this biology assignment in Mr. Brody's class. I don't think I can do it and I would like your help. 

"Do you think we could maybe... partner up and do it together? I wouldn't ask except that this assignment is one-fourth of our final grade and... well I'm not doing so well in biology as it is. I need to get a good grade on this assignment or else I will fail biology and have to take it again."

"What about Todd? What will he say about you working with me?"

"Todd doesn't have anything to do with this. He isn't in our class and he can't help me with the assignment. This is just between you and me."

Theodore was no dummy. Kimberly had been present when Todd had embarrassed him dozens of times and laughed at him with the rest of the crowd. 

She had been in the bathroom when they shoved him into it and she had made fun of him just like all the others. Now she was calling him and asking for his help. He smelled a rat!

"I don't know, Kimberly..."

"Oh please, Theodore! Please! I really need your help! I don't want to repeat Grody Brody's class! Please!"

"Okay, I will help you. What is it about this assignment that you are having trouble with?"

"Oh, thank you, Theodore! I really appreciate this. It's the dissecting thing. Touching the slimy frog and all the... guts 'n' stuff inside. It's just... disgusting! Eww!"

Theodore smiled to himself. "Well, for starters, we will be wearing gloves. That will take care of touching anything. As for the 'stuff inside', we will be using scalpels, forceps, and other tools so we still won't have to handle anything."

"Yeah, maybe so, but still cutting open a frog is gross!"

"I will take care of the dissecting and sorting out the guts, then. You can do the labeling and chart the systems then–the paper part of the project."

"Okay, that sounds fine. I really appreciate your help, Theodore. Thank you. We can get together tomorrow and talk about this more if you want."

"Uh, okay I guess." Theodore still wasn't convinced this wasn't a trap. He'd have to be careful tomorrow.

The next day, Theodore went to school like usual, but today he was extra alert for Todd or any of that group. Fortunately, Mr. Brody's biology class was his second period so he didn't have to wait very long before the class he was worried about.

He made it into class without seeing Todd and settled in his seat. Theodore sat in the second row and Kimberly normally sat further back in the next to last row. Theodore was in his seat when Kimberly walked in. She smiled at him as she walked past on the way to her seat. 

After class, Kimberly made her way quickly to Theodore before he left. 

"Theodore, wait a minute!" He stopped before he got to the door and when she caught up to him she pulled him aside by the arm.

"I know we don't have a lot of time to talk right now, but why don't we get together tonight so we can talk about the project. I can come to your house or you can come to mine, it doesn't matter to me."

Theodore knew that Todd and his buddies knew where she lived, but they didn't know where he lived. So he decided to have the home-field advantage. "You can come over to my house then."

"Great, what's the address?" Theodore gave her the address where he lived and what time to come over. She wrote it down on a piece of paper and then she left to go to her next class. 

Theodore looked up and down the hallways for any signs of Todd or other traps, then went on to his next class cautiously.

That evening after dinner, Theodore's mom got ready for work. "You have to go to work tonight, Mom?"

"Yes, dear. Sally is out sick, so I am pulling her shift at the restaurant tonight. It's all right, it will probably be a slow night. What are you going to do?"

"Probably study a little and then watch some T.V. Don't work too hard, Mom."

"I won't, baby. Don't you stay up too late–you have school tomorrow!" She kissed him on the forehead, then left for work. It was about twenty minutes later when he heard a knock on the door. He looked through the peephole and saw it was Kimberly. She was alone, so he opened the door.

"Come on in, Kimberly."

"Whew, I thought for a minute I had written the wrong address down!"

Kimberly came on inside and they went to the dining room table where they could work. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"A soda would be nice if you have any. Or just a glass of water."

Theodore got them both a soda and came back to the table. "Thank you, Theodore. Mind if I take off this jacket? It is a little warm in here." Kimberly took off her jacket. 

Under it, she wore a short, red, form-fitting knit minidress with a plunging neckline down past her breasts which were displayed very prominently. The dress went down until it just passed her crotch and in the back, it scooped down to the small of her back. 

It was quite scandalous even for a party dress, but Kimberly wanted to get a reaction from him.

"Wow, Kimberly... you look..."

"Thank you." Theodore stood there staring at her for several seconds. He had never had a girl over to his house like this and Kimberly was making it quite an event!

They sat down and looked over the project. It seemed simple enough. Theodore would do the dirty work of dissecting the frog and labeling the parts. Kimberly would then write up a report on what they systems were and how they functioned. Together, they would submit their work to Mr. Brody.

There was just one thing that bothered Theodore at the moment. "Kimberly, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Um... do you... normally dress like this... to study I mean?"

"Do you like it, Theodore?"

"Well yes, it's very pretty. But isn't it a bit... fancy? I mean it looks like you are going to a party or something."

"Well, I wanted to make a good impression. I am at a guy's house after all!"

"Yes, but Kimberly..." Kimberly had put her red-tipped finger on his lips.

"Shh... just call me Kim." Kim's voice purred as she talked soft and low. She was pulling out all the stops with her seductive routine.

"O-okay... Kim."

"Mmm, that's better. Can I call you Theo? Theodore is such a big name." She moved to stand in front of him, between his spread legs and bending over with her hands on the back of his chair.

"Yeah. That's what my mom calls me." Theodore had a very good view down the front of her dress and he saw her very full and very impressive breasts as she continued to speak.

"Good. Now before we get started on this project, I just want to tell you that I am very grateful for your help. I know I don't deserve anything from you, after the way I treated you in the past. I am really ashamed of the way I behaved. 

"But in my defense, it was all because of Todd. I so wanted to be with him that I did whatever he wanted me to do, whether it was right or wrong didn't matter. As long as it pleased him I did it. 

"I finally found out that Todd isn't the great guy I thought he was after all. A friend of mine showed me that Todd Peterson is actually a jerk that uses people to get what he wants and doesn't really care about anyone except himself.

"That's why I called you and asked for your help in this project–I wanted to tell you how sorry I am that I treated you so badly. Yes, I do need to pass this class and I do need your help to do it. But mainly, I just wanted a chance to get you alone so I could apologize for my bad behavior."

She put a crooked finger under his chin raising his face up to look her in the eyes. "Please forgive me, Theo. I have been such a bitch and I want us to be friends."

Kim's little seduction was working perfectly. Theo was completely disarmed by her. He had told himself to be on guard and watch himself–he was prepared for Todd to show up at the door instead of her, and he was prepared at school to make a quick and hasty getaway if need be. 

But Kim's dress, her soft cooing apology, her charm... it was overpowering his defenses rapidly. He thought he had the advantage of being in his own home. But she was using his sense of security against him. He was losing the fight on his own home turf!

"I... I forgive you..." he found himself saying the words without really thinking about what he said.

"Oh, Theo, thank you, honey, thank you. It means a lot to me." Kim took his glasses off and set them on the table, then she pulled him to his feet and put her arms around his neck. She leaned forward to kiss him. And that was when the tide of battle turned!


Written by Master_Jonathan
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