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How I Solved My Own Murder

"A group of random high schoolers who don't even like each other hiding out in school for an entire weekend in search of a secret sex cult that probably doesn't even exist."

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Competition Entry: Whodunnit

What you are about to read was written in a notebook found hidden in the lining of the anorak worn by eighteen-year-old Jennifer Charleston, who, in 1991, was found stabbed to death with a ballpoint pen through the throat behind the trash containers outside J.J. Gittes High School.

These containers had recently been chained and locked together due to incidents of vandalism. The young girl was found naked except for the coat, clutching a switchblade knife in her right hand.

A few pages of the book were torn, and large parts were rendered unreadable by dirt or moisture. What is quoted here is only the full and unchanged text that could be read without difficulty or risk of misinterpretation.

There are multiple references to photographs that were supposedly taken. Only one of those photographs was found and has been attached above.

The authenticity of the incidents mentioned has not yet been confirmed. The individuals involved, including the person the text seemingly identifies as the perpetrator, have all denied any involvement and knowledge. Without solid evidence, the murderer is still at large.

- - -

...when Jack, the last of us to climb the fence, dropped the video camera. So I was given the task of writing this, so we'll at least have some kind of record of what goes on. Jack brought a Polaroid too, but apparently, a bunch of pictures won't be enough.

But I guess writing down what we find is a good idea now. Even without a video, they won't be able to deny it if there are pictures and a detailed account.

If we find anything, of course, which we won't. I don't really believe any of it.

“Jen can do it.”

“Good idea. Give it to Jen.”

“Yeah. Jen writes stories all the time, she can write everything down, she writes fast.”

“You do it, Jen!”


I'll start with this most important statement: Jack's a dumbass!

Oh, and another thing: I know your secret, Jack. So maybe try to not be too much of an ass while we're here, huh?
In fact, I know everyone's secrets. So you all better behave.

Anyway. I guess if I had to put a title on this, it would be, ‘A group of random high schoolers who don't even like each other hiding out in school for an entire weekend in search of a secret sex cult that probably doesn't even exist.’

We all saw the book, so Craig didn't make that part up, but the note he supposedly found in it I'm not so sure about. How do we know he didn't write it himself? That would totally be a Craig thing to do. I mean, who goes to the library looking for a book on sex cults? The guy's such a pervert. And that's not even one of his secrets. Everyone knows that. And the fact that he's gay, everyone knows that too.

But I know something else, Craig. I know about you and Mr. Gerson.


I have no idea how Bethany got hold of the key. I don't think she stole it. I don't think Bethany could steal a rubber band from a rubber band factory on rubber band giveaway day. But she had it, and whoever she got it from probably gave it to her completely hypnotized by her charm and beauty. Whatever story she told to make them agree she needed it, however unbelievable, either sounded totally reasonable or just didn't matter at all.
Her smile alone could do that.

Shit. What if it's not the right key?

Well, whaddayaknow, the key works.


These hallways are a lot different at night. First of all, they're quiet, and they're never quiet during the day. Even if you find yourself alone, for whatever reason, like you're going to the bathroom or something, there's always the voices from the classrooms, the shouting from the schoolyard, or the rustling of the janitor's floor polisher from around the corner. So the quietness is probably the biggest difference, but there's something else.

It's like these hallways don't want us here. We're an anomaly now, alien invaders in a universe we don't fit in. School at night is an altogether different organism, and we're parasites. The walls, the ceiling, the lockers, they all want us gone. Even the pictures on the walls, teachers and students from long ago seem to whisper in tune with the humming of the fluorescent lights, “Leave us. This is our world. The night is our time. You shouldn't be here.”

And they're right.


Fuck you, Billy!

Billy interrupted me when I was writing, looking over my shoulder.

“What the hell is this?” he said. “'We're alien invaders in a universe...' What the hell does that mean?”

“You guys told me to write everything down,” I said.

“Yeah, when something happens. Nothing has happened yet. We're just standing here in the hallway. You're just making stuff up.”

“It's called 'Creating An Atmosphere',” I said. “You'd know if you weren't dumb.”

“Knock it off!” Craig said. “Let her write whatever she wants to, Billy. The more details, the better.”

I put the book away anyway and followed the others into the auditorium, where we were to 'hash out our game plan' as Craig put it.

But everyone just sat there, looking at each other, so I pulled out the book and my pen again.

“Can I write now?”

“Jesus,” Billy said. “What's there to write now? 'We're in a big room. It's a room that's big.'?”

“Nah,” I said. “I think I'll start with 'Fuck you, Billy'.”

I'm not even sure how it ended up being the six of us doing this. We're not really friends. We don't hang out or anything, we're just in many of the same classes. We're just the ones that happened to be around when Craig shouted, “Holy shit, guys, look at this,” in the library that day and we all flocked around him.

And we sort of connected then, I guess. Briefly.

Craig read the note out loud, or at least loud enough for us to hear but not so loud that anyone else would, and everyone gasped and laughed. And when he said, “We gotta get to the bottom of this. It's next weekend, we should camp out here in school then and check it out, catch them red-handed,” we all agreed.

I suppose that note will be part of this report, and whoever you are reading this now knows what it says, but just a quick recap: apparently the teachers are all in some kind of weird sex cult, and they get together here every first weekend of the month to fuck each other's brains out, and whoever wrote the note seemed to not be too happy about it or was having second thoughts or something and was hoping someone would find it and expose the whole thing.

And it's hogwash, of course, but it sounded believable and like it would be cool and fun then, like I was one of The Goonies, x-rated version.

But now, all it feels like is I'm breaking and entering school with a bunch of perverts and assholes.
And it's not just like that. It is that.


Right, this is the plan. Since the note just said they would be here on the weekend (actually, what it said was, 'When the first weekend of the month again shall come, to our lusts and depravities once more we succumb'), we have no idea if it's on Saturday or Sunday or both days or in the middle of the night.

We're going to stay until they show up, but we have to keep hidden at all times. We have to set up camp (a stupid phrase for just throwing sleeping bags on the floor, but Craig acts like he’s on some secret agent mission or something) somewhere far away from any of the entrances. But we also have to have some way to quickly know that they've arrived. If they come and do their thing and we're all sleeping peacefully, well, then we're either going to miss the whole thing, or they'll find us here.

So we'll take turns keeping watch and patrolling the halls, two and two, while the others sleep or do whatever, as long as they stay out of sight and away from the windows and doors.

So, basically, we're all just going to crawl around on the floors in the dark for two days.

I can't wait. Ugh.


...and now it's Jack that's pissed about me writing.

“Are you going to contribute in any way at all, or just sit there with your face in that book the whole time?”

You're the one who dropped the effin' camera, Jack!

So I am going to just sit here, and write something real slow, so I can piss him off more.

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
You'll never know this, Bethany, but you are soo fucking hot and I get wet just thinking about you.

Note to self: tear out this page and burn it before we get out of here.


We decided to use rooms 310 and 312 to stay in and sleep in because they're way up on the third floor, there's a door between them, and they're hardly ever used. Us girls are in 310 and the guys are in 312. So now we're here, in 312, sitting on the floor between the desks, and we're having, well, dinner I suppose you'd call it. I'm having a tuna sandwich. We all brought the food and drinks we thought we were going to need to get by for two days, and of course, there's a vending machine in the auditorium, so we're good. And we brought sleeping bags.

Billy has a big duffel bag, practically filled with food, mostly chocolate and snacks. No surprise there. Food is all he cares about, but he wouldn't recognize a broccoli if it jumped up and bit his nuts off.

He's always talking about how he is going to be some world-famous chef someday (it takes more than just deep frying candy bars, Billy), but if it was up to me, and if people knew what I know, he'd be rotting in prison.

“Do we really buy it? That every teacher in school is part of some freaky sex cult?” Sara said with her mouth full of cold mac’n cheese. Yuck.

“Maybe not every teacher. But a bunch of them, I bet even most of them. Remember what the note said? 'The job is good, the money's great, but to keep it all: Fornicate!'”

“It's kind of fucked up,” Bethany said. “Writing your confession in rhymes like that. Who could it be?”

“The money thing is interesting. Like, someone pays them to do it? Maybe there's some old, rich pervert behind it all, like in that movie. The dude in a wheelchair who paid people to have sex while he watched? But at least now we know how they can all afford those Porsches and BMWs.”

I have no idea what movie he's talking about. Probably some gay porno he's got.

“Oh,” Billy said suddenly, as he sucked pieces of his third Butterfinger out of his teeth. “I think I know who wrote it!”

“You do?”

“Yeah. I bet you it was Ms. Jorgenson in English lit. She's a poet, right? At least she makes us write that shit all the time.”

“Awesome!” Jack blurted out. “Ms. Jorgenson is hot. If she's here tomorrow getting it on, I'll empty a load in my pants faster than...”

That's as far as he got before Sara slapped the back of his head, making him drop his sandwich on the floor. Revealing your sexual interest in one of the teachers isn't really a good idea with your girlfriend sitting right next to you. But it did make us all laugh, even me, and watching him mumble, “Sorry,” as he tried to wipe the dust and dirt off a sliced pickle made us laugh even harder. He's always acting cool and tough and all that, being everyone's favorite quarterback, but he sure is pussy whipped.

Sara's got him by the balls. I bet she knows too. Why else would they be together? She was nothing before they suddenly hooked up. No one even looked at her, and now she's one of the cool kids. I bet she knows.

“The point is,” Craig said, “imagine if we could get pictures of them. They'll all be in our pockets forever. It'll be straight A's for all of us until graduation. Hey, maybe even some of that money as well, if we play our cards right.”

“Bethany won't need any of that. Already filthy rich, already straight A's.”

Oh, so that's where we're at now, huh? Talking shit about Bethany just because she's much smarter than you? At least she's not a perv like every single one of you.

“Yeah,” Billy just said. “How did that happen anyway, Beth? You were never that smart. Been sucking on the principal's tiny dick for better grades, or what?”

Asshole! That's it!


Damn, I should have kept my mouth shut. But he had it coming.

“Leave her alone!” I shouted. “Fat fucking... peeping Tom! Stalker!”

“Wh-what? What did you call me?”

“You heard me,” I said. “Yeah, I know about that. And I know what happened and why she went away to another school.”

“That's bullshit,” he said. “You cunt! I should...”

“Knock it off!” Craig said. “Both of you. Jen, that was just a rumor. Billy didn't do anything.”

“He did,” I said. “I have proof.”

“Bullshit,” Billy said again. “Fuck you!”

“Hey, chill out, you two,” Bethany said calmly. “Let it go, Billy, she's just messing with you, standing up for me. Aren’t you, Jen? You don't have any proof or anything, do you?”

She was sitting next to me, our knees touching even, and when she said it she looked at me, smiled, and took my hand, just hooking my pinkie in hers and just for a second, but I almost passed out.

I love you so much, Bethany.

“No,” I said then. “Of course not.”

“Good,” Craig said. “Shouldn't you be writing, Jen?”


“Just keep shit like this out of it.”


As if.

Billy is mumbling something, but the conversation is quickly turning back to normal things like they don't even care.

Fine with me.

Something about that movie again. Something about Mrs. Phillips. Something about the weather? Or beer?
I don't know. I don't care.


Should I call this 'Picture Number 1', or something? Jack got up and suggested he take a picture of us sitting here. He pulled out his Polaroid and took a few steps back.

“You keep the pictures I'll be taking, Jen. In one of those giant pockets in that fucked up jacket.”

That's me in the back flipping him off.


…the cards, but playing with his switchblade the whole time, like it makes him look cool or something. Sara got annoyed and took it from him, and then she tried to open it but couldn't get it to pop out.

“Hah. It's been broken for years but there's a trick to it,” he said. “I'm like the only one who can do it.”


Everyone is just bored and tired now. Jack is taking a bunch of pictures of us as if that was the idea. There's not really anything to do but try to get some sleep. We paired up, me and Bethany (yay!), Jack and Sara, and Craig and Billy.

Craig and Billy have already been patrolling the hallways for an hour or so. When they're back, in another hour or two, it's Jack and Sara's turn. And then it's me and Bethany.


Just quickly jotting this down. I'm here alone with Bethany now.

Sara just snuck out, when Bethany had fallen asleep and she thought I had too. I don't think Craig and Billy are back yet, so that's not why she left, so I'm going to follow her. Have to make sure I record everything that happens, right?


Okay, so here's what happened. I can't stand Jack. Freaking pervert. But that was actually kinda hot, and he deserved it, Sara. Good for you.

I'm really turned on, and having Bethany in her sleeping bag next to me, in her white tank top that I can totally see through if I point my flashlight at her like this, isn't helping. Too bad Sara will be back any minute.

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Anyway, when I went out after her I couldn't see her or where she went, but I saw Jack sneaking into the room down and across the hall.

I tiptoed after him and looked through the glass in the door. They didn't say anything to each other, Sara just lay down on the floor and pulled her pants and panties off, and Jack crouched down between her legs and just stuck his face in her pussy.

The moonlight coming through the windows was really bright, painting squares of light on the floor, but the spaces in between were almost completely black. I could see Sara's face clearly, but Jack was just a dark blob. It almost looked like she was being eaten out by some strange monster creature.

He kept at it for a long time. She came at least once. I could tell by how she tilted her head back as her face went dark red and the veins in her neck bulged. I guess he's kind of good at it.

Then he got up and dropped to his knees again next to her. He pulled his cock out of his pants (it's smaller than I thought it would be, by the way) and held it in front of her face. She grabbed it and jerked it a little and even put it in her mouth, but just when it looked like he was going to come, she let go of it and turned around, and now she was on all fours and her upper body was in the shadows. All I could see was her ass sticking out of the blackness.

Jack got behind her and shoved his cock into her pussy and fucked her, but every time he sped up like he was about to come, she pulled away and wouldn't let him. That happened at least three or four times, and Jack was groaning and almost weeping, and when he finally just grabbed his cock to finish himself off, Sara actually slapped his hand away.

She stood up and pushed him down so he was sitting on his bare ass on the floor, and then she grabbed both of his hands. She just held one hand, so he wouldn't jerk himself off I guess. Then she guided his other hand to her pussy and stuck his fingers in, and she fucked herself with his fingers like that, standing over him, until she came again, and all he could do was just sit there.

And then she got dressed, and Jack looked like he was going to cry but he pulled up his pants too, and that's when I snuck away and came back here.

Ugh, I just read through that. This is turning into a diary no one else can see. That wasn’t the idea, Jen.

Even just reading it myself is making me wet. I think I have enough time to...


No, I didn't. That's when Sara came in. And guess what? I was wrong about her, she's just as crazy as the rest of them. She's gone now, but that was fucking scary.

“Oh, you're still up?” she said.

“Yeah,” I said. “Have to write down everything that's happened today before I forget it, you know.”

“Okay, cool.”

I decided to just ask her. I think I felt like we shared a secret now, I knew where she had just been and what she had done and I figured she knew that I knew, and she seemed to be okay with it. It was like we had just become closer and I could tell her that I knew Jack’s secret too and we could laugh about it. But boy was I wrong!

“Do you know about him?” I whispered. “Jack, I mean.”

“Know what?”

“Catherine told me herself. How she's caught him wearing her dresses. Putting on lipstick and stuff. He’s...”

Sara jumped at me, grabbed my hair so hard it hurt, and put her face so close to mine that our noses touched.

“Tell anyone and I'll fucking kill you!” she hissed. “He's all I have and that ends if everyone knows, and if that happens, I'll kill you, I swear I will!”

All I could do was nod. I'm still shaking.


I must have fallen asleep after all. I woke up when Sara was kicking mine and Bethany's sleeping bags.

“Your turn!”

She was still pissed.

Bethany and I got dressed and went out to the hallways to do our part in keeping watch. I don't think either of us thought anything would actually happen.

But this is kind of nice. We're just walking around, chatting. We both got a Tab from the vending machine and now we're sitting on a bench in the hall outside the...


Jennifer is hot! And has great tits! Mmmm.


I didn't write that! Bethany did.

She grabbed the notebook as I was writing. I tried to stop her. I actually kinda panicked. What if she read what I had written about her? But she only got to read the last pages, I think. That stuff about Jack.

“He actually did that?! Ew, what a pervert.” And then she laughed, and suddenly she ripped the pen out of my hand.

“Can I write something?”


I tried to grab the book from her again, but she used her body to keep me away, and then she wrote it.


We’re having lunch. I'm over here with Bethany, sitting on the desks in the back of the classroom, and Sara is with the guys by the teacher's desk. She and Jack are both giving me the evil eye. Pure hatred, like they both want me dead.


...learn to keep my mouth shut. Did you really need another mortal enemy, Jen?

Craig keeps looking at me like he's going to jump me and beat me to death with a chair any minute now.

They were talking about the teachers and who they thought was going to show up, and from where Bethany and I were sitting I said, “Definitely Mr Gerson, don't you think, Craig?”

I meant to just say it to myself. I think.

He looked at me like I had kicked him in the balls, or something.

“How the heck would I know?” he barked.

I wanted to say something, but he actually scared me then. I wanted to say, 'Because I saw you sucking his dick behind the dumpsters. I saw you squirt all over his shoes as he fucked your face, that's how!' I wanted to say that, but I didn’t.

Jack roared. “Gerson? That fat slob? Haha!”

And now Craig is looking at me like he wants me dead too, especially when I pick up this book to write, like now.

Well, take a number, Craig.


I want to go home.


I'm officially an outcast. Just walking the hallways by myself right now. Bethany isn't the problem, not at all. Every now and then she sits with me, and we still walk together when it's our turn, and she seems to be on my side.

“Don't worry about them,” she said. “They're assholes and perverts, just like you said, but they're just scared, they won't actually hurt you, and we're out of here soon anyway. I don’t believe that note was real anymore.”

But she hangs around them just as much. She's with Jack and Sara now, Craig and Billy are somewhere patrolling the hallways, and I'm just trying to not be where any of them are.


Picture number… I don't know, ten or something. I'm keeping this for myself, though. The sun had just gone down, Bethany and I were alone in 310 again, and we were getting ready to crawl into our sleeping bags. Jack and Sara were on patrol duty, and Craig and Billy were in the other room.

I was feeling better because I was alone with Bethany, and we were joking and laughing like this whole crazy weekend wasn't even happening. She had the Polaroid camera for some reason, and suddenly she pointed it at me and took a picture.

“Please don't do that,” I said.

“Aww,” she said. “But why not? This one's just for me.”

“Here,” she said and gave me the camera. “You take one of me, and then we're even.”

I put it up to my face and through the viewfinder I saw her turn around so she was standing on her knees with her back to me, and then she leaned forward and pulled her panties to the side.

I almost dropped the camera.

“You... you want me to take a picture now?” I said.

“Yeah,” she said. “My gift to you, won't it make you feel better?”

“Uh, yeah.”

I’ll keep this with me till the day I die.


This is either the best thing that's ever happened to me, or the worst, most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me.

No, I thought about it and it's definitely the best thing that's ever happened.

Bethany was asleep, facing the other way so I pulled out the picture of her (I hid it in the lining of my jacket, there's a tear in the back of it), and then, well, I've been crazy horny ever since she did that so what do you think I did?

But I like spreading my legs wide when I do it, and that's kinda hard to do in a sleeping bag, so I drew the zipper down so I could at least stick my right leg out on the floor a bit. Then I lay on my stomach with her picture in front of me and I rubbed myself.

I was real slow and quiet, and thought about what she would probably taste like there (I kept thinking about pink Jelly Belly's, haha), and I did it for a long time just looking at the picture, and when I was about to come I turned my head and I saw Bethany looking right at me!

I froze and my heart stopped and I just wanted to die, but then she said, “Don't stop,” and I realized she was doing it too. So I kept doing it and then we both came, almost at the same time, I did first but mine wasn't even over yet when she did.
And then she just said, “Good night,” and turned around and went back to sleep.

It took forever for my head to stop spinning. It was still spinning when I started to write this, but now I think I'll sleep too.

There's no way I'm ever letting anyone read this!


They're here! I can't believe the whole thing is real and they're actually here!

We're hiding behind the bleachers, and, oh, I should write what happened first, just real quick. Sara woke us up, and at first, I just thought it was our turn, but she whispered, “Wake up, they're here! Wake up, they're here,” over and over and we jumped up and ran to the windows. The parking lot was full, like ten or twelve cars at least, and now Sara said, “It's them, they're here,” over and over. So we got dressed and went into the other room and the guys were just as fired up as we were.

And then we went looking for them. We didn't see them anywhere, but when we passed the doors to the locker rooms we heard voices, talking and laughing.

“They're heading to the gym,” Craig whispered. “Hurry.”

I was the last one in, after Craig, Billy, Jack, and Sara.

Just in time.

Jack took two or three pictures as they came out from the locker rooms, the men from the boys' locker room and the women from the girls' room, and handed them to me, but the 'click-whirrr' sound from the camera made us all wince, afraid they were going to hear it.

Because our teachers and professors are all there. I mean, it's probably them. They all have masks on. They're all naked, but they have these white, dull masks on, with nothing but holes for the eyes and a big hole for the mouth like they're gaping. Or screaming.

This is so creepy. And disgusting. But hot too.

They're just standing around, talking to each other like it's just a dinner party or something and they don't even know they're naked.

Oh shit. They all suddenly started touching each other and stuff.

Yeah, here we go. They're all touching and fondling each other. The men are all getting hard-ons, and one of them just pulled one of the women away from the others and they lay down on the floor and started to fuck, him on top of her.

One guy just dropped to his knees in front of another guy and let him put his cock in his mouth. All I can see is his cock going in and out of the mask. It almost looks like he is face fucking a porcelain doll.

A woman is straddling another woman's face while she's jerking off two guys. One of the guys she's jerking off has another guy behind him, stroking him all over from behind and rubbing his cock up and down his ass crack.

There's one woman just standing there watching them and touching herself, and she looks familiar. That hair. I'm certain that's Ms. Jorgenson. Wow.

Ew, I think that's Mrs. Phillips licking some guy's balls. It could be Mr. Tanaka.

Another woman just walked in. She's naked too and with a mask on, but her mask is different. It's black, and there's no hole for the mouth, and she has a black hood on, the kind that covers your head and shoulders. None of the others have hoods.

She's just walking around among them, from one to the other. They all stop what they're doing when she comes to them, and they kiss her hand or her feet even. She must be the leader or something.

She walked up to the one I think is Ms. Jorgenson. They're talking. Ms. Jorgenson is shaking her head.

The woman with the hood left, after talking with some man. That's when I saw her tattoo. That could help us figure out who she is. On her ankle. I think it was a butterfly.

That man just took Ms. Jorgenson away. Everyone else is still busy fucking each other.

I'm sneaking out. Maybe I can find out who the woman with the hood is, and what happened to Ms. Jorgenson.


I'm trying to find...


I don't care about any of it anymore. They can all fuck who they want to fuck. None of my business. This is the best day of my life.

I didn't even realize Bethany wasn't in there with us. I was going to tell her I was leaving, but she wasn't there.

I found her outside. I saw her as she walked up the stairs to the second floor.

“Bethany!” I whispered.

She turned around and smiled and waved me to her, and then she took my hand and we went back to our room.

“That's the hottest thing I've ever seen,” she said. “Are you horny? I'm so horny. Please tell me you're horny too.”

And then we kissed.

She took off all my clothes and kissed me all over, and then she laid me down on top of her sleeping bag and made love to me.

Bethany and I made love!

She had to go to the bathroom. When she comes back I'm going to do to her everything that she...


No! No. It's her. It's Bethany. No no no no no!

I think I can get away, but if I don't... If someone is reading this, it was Bethany!

She came back, and she had a rope and Jack's switchblade with her.

“Let's play,” she said.

She scared me a little, but I would have done anything she said then.

“Aren't you going to take your clothes off at all?” I said.

So she took everything off. Maybe she did that so I would do what she said. And when she took her socks off, I saw her tattoo. A butterfly on her ankle.

My blood turned to ice and I was suddenly shaking all over, but she didn't notice, and when she came towards me I jumped up and pushed her as hard as I could. She fell down and I think maybe she hit her head.

I grabbed my jacket, and the knife too, and ran into the other room.

I wasn't thinking clearly and I just hid behind the teacher's desk, and then she came in.

“Jennifer. Oh, Jennifer. Come out, come out wherever you are. Oh, don't be like that. I just want the book and the pictures. I won't hurt you.”

I tried to get the knife to open, but it wouldn't.

“Just the book and the pictures. I can’t let anyone see that, you understand that, don’t you? And the others will keep quiet if I have a book with all their dirty little secrets in it, don't you think? And then you and I can be together. That's what you want, isn't it, Jennifer?”

I was almost tempted. But then I ran.

I'm hiding here under the stairs by the south exit. The trash dumpsters are right outside. She's somewhere here in the hallway, but if I can make it out the door I can push one of the dumpsters in front of it and block it and then I can get away.


Written by Toreador
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