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Fucked Straight

"She knew she was in trouble, but she had no idea what that trouble would bring her!"

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You've all heard of the program for juvenile delinquents called Scared Straight - where a group of troubled kids are brought into a prison and screamed at, berated, and terrified in an attempt to scare them into straightening up. Well, the following is a story along similar - but a lot sexier and more erotic - lines!

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Adriana, a 17-year old high school student, had been out partying at her friend Tina's house to celebrate the end of Finals Week and, as was often the case with these school blowouts, someone had brought in some alcohol. While she wasn't incapacitated, she shouldn't have been behind the wheel either. Her friend Amy had offered to drive her home, but Adriana had refused, knowing she'd need her car for work the next day.

When she first saw the police cruiser behind her, Adriana knew she was in trouble. She had unwisely tried to avoid getting pulled over by making a break for it, and at first, it looked as though she had succeeded. First, she took a sudden sharp right through the alley at close to 50 miles-an-hour, followed by another sharp left onto Fifth Avenue and then another quick left onto Adams Street and then around the corner and into her driveway sight unseen.

Or so she thought. Imagine her shock and dismay when a minute later a police cruiser pulled into her driveway as if they somehow knew who she was and where she lived. And that proved to be exactly the case, as the officer who got out was me, Robert Parks. Adriana moaned aloud when she realized what had happened.

"Please step out of the car, Miss Hernandez," I said as I walked up to the driver's side. "And I'll need to see your license and registration."

"Oh, come on, Robert, give me a break!" Adriana said, climbing out of the bright yellow convertible sports car. "What have I done this time?"

"It's 'Officer Parks,' young lady," I replied. "And you know very well what you've done. I've got you on speeding, reckless driving, eluding a police officer, running a couple red lights, and I hope that isn't alcohol I smell - you are not old enough to drink!"

Adriana moaned. Seconds later she was handcuffed and sitting in the back seat of my police cruiser.

"I've got you, Adriana. Dead to rights. This is an airtight case. It's all on the dash-cam."

Adriana Hernandez and I had met a few times - and not all of them were friendly social calls. While we were on fairly good terms personally, I'd had to see her in a more professional nature more than once. Adriana and her mother lived just down the street from me, and I had invited them to a few barbeques over the years.

Adriana's father had been killed in a car accident a few years back, and Adriana's mom did the best job she could in raising her. However, Adriana was sort of a wild child, she liked to live fast and play hard. So she had been a handful for her poor mother once she reached her teens. I sympathized with Mrs. Hernandez and so I tried to be a help to her with Adriana, giving her a male figure she could talk to if she needed and someone to look out for her when I could.

Adriana was your typical high school girl, with shoulder-length straight black hair, and a hot, tight, hard body that she enjoyed exhibiting in public with micro-mini-skirts and ultra-revealing tops. Her choice of dress may have had all the boys chasing after her, but it appalled her mom. However, she had all but given up trying to stop her from wearing them. Adriana liked being a tease, and her dress and behavior only added to the appeal. Adriana was certainly built for fun. At 5'5" tall and an eye-catching 32-24-34, she definitely had the tools needed for getting what she wanted from the boys!

I had met Adriana and subsequently her mother when I first came to the police force in La Presa. I had moved from San Antonio, a much bigger city because I wanted something quieter. I'd had my fill of "big city" crime and was looking for a quieter, smaller town where I could actually get to know the people there and build a rapport with them.

The first time I saw Adriana was when I received a report of a disturbance and came to the scene to discover it was a pool party the girl and her friends had held one summer day. I met with and calmed the neighbor lady who placed the call, then went to talk to the kids.

I got them to turn the volume down on the party, but I knew I would be back there before the night was over (and I was right). I also went to speak to Adriana's mother about both the noise and the trash that had found its way over the fence and into the neighbor lady's backyard. Adriana's mother ordered her daughter to pick up the trash and to apologize and the whole incident was closed, but the relationship between Adriana and I had started off on the wrong foot.

Another time Adriana's mother had asked me to help get her daughter out of a speeding ticket. I did, but I also suggested that Adriana's mother rein in her wild daughter, mentioning, in particular, the girl's drinking habits and especially her trashy wardrobe. That was when I found out just how much of a handful Adriana had been for her mother.

Mrs. Hernandez and I sat down and discussed her at length, and tried to come up with some ideas on how we could harness her young energy and redirect it in a more positive way. Mrs. Hernandez was trying to make ends meet as a cleaning lady, and she worked hard to provide her daughter with a decent life.

Being Hispanic, Mrs. Hernandez didn't get many breaks, so I wanted to help out if I could. I started becoming an ad hoc male influence for Adriana. Of course, the very idea that her mom and I were "ganging up on her" to ruin her good times especially infuriated Adriana, and she'd made a point afterward to purchase the skimpiest clothing and wear it while trying to act even more like a little slut and a cocktease.

But little did Adriana realize the sight of her barely-covered body failed to distress me; in fact, just the opposite. I was impressed at what a fetching beauty the young girl was.

Now I had Adriana handcuffed in the back seat of my police cruiser as I sat in the driver's seat filling out a report. The list of charges I had on her was impressive. A conviction would put the girl in jail for a week with over a thousand dollars in fines. Money I knew her mother couldn't afford. And if the downcast look on her face in my rear view mirror was any indication, Adriana was aware of this too. Paying the normal bills was hard enough on Mrs. Hernandez, and this would only add to her burden.

"So where did you get the car, Adriana?" I asked her.

"It's a friends car. They let me borrow it, since Mom has our car."

"Is your mom home now, Adriana? Do you want me to knock on the door and get her out here?"

The misery on the young girl's face was obvious as she replied. "No, she had to go visit my grandma. She is sick and Mom wanted to see her. She won't be back until next Friday."

"And she left you here for the week alone? You?" I asked.

"Sure, why not? I AM an adult you know. Besides, my friend Becky and I were going to drive to Huntington Beach this weekend," she said, in a bit of a huff.

"Well, I think you'll have a little change of plans now," I told her matter-of-factly. "You're going to need to find a good lawyer."

"Oh, come on, Officer Parks," the girl pleaded. "Don't do this to me! Can't you give me a break? Just this one time! Please?" her eyes started to well up with tears as she spoke.

"Give you a break? Listen here, young lady, these charges are very serious!" I said rather angrily, as I stared hard at the girl. "You could have gotten yourself or somebody else killed driving like that! You know how I feel about drunk driving, and that's just the start of your antics tonight! What you did was criminally negligent! You deserve a fine and jail time. No doubt your poor mother will be stuck paying your fine, but a long overdue night or two in jail might be just the thing for you! You're a spoiled little brat!"

It was then that Adriana broke down completely, sobbing into her hands. I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the girl. At the same time I also noticed how beautiful and vulnerable Adriana looked. I reached over to brush the girl's hair out of her face, caressing it gently as I did. I really wanted to do something to help her. I was the closest thing to a father the girl had, and I didn't take that responsibility lightly, even when I was in uniform.

Adriana looked at me imploringly. "Please don't take me to jail, Robert, I mean Officer Parks. I'm terrified of being in jail and what might happen to me in there."

I met the girl's terrified gaze with my own. Yes, I knew exactly what would happen to a pretty little thing like her. The County jail isn't a good place for anyone, what with the hookers, drug addicts, child abusers, and other hard cases. And they would just love to get hold of something young and tender like Adriana! I ran my hand lightly down the girl's tear-damped face.

"No, on second thought, I don't think I'll take you to jail," I said, "But I can't let this slide, either. You need to be punished, young lady. The question is how?"

Adriana perked up as I spoke. "Yes, you can punish me!" she said quickly, "That's a great idea! I'll do whatever you want me to, Robert! I'll clean your house, I'll work in your garden, I'll..."

I gently touched the girl's lips with my fingers to silence her. "Shh... no, Adriana, I've got another idea. Yes, you will work for me, but not the way you're thinking."

I smiled down at the girl mischievously and licked my lips before continuing. "Here's the deal, take it or leave it. You know what I could charge you with, right? It's pretty serious. Well, I'll let you go free if, and only if, you agree to become my slave for the week your mother is gone!"

"Your slave? And you promise you'll let me go free? OK, I'll do it," gushed Adriana with a look of relief. "Thank you, Officer Parks! Thank you so much!"

"Hold on a minute, Adriana," I said, "When I say you have to be my slave I'm not just talking about working for me. Have you ever thought what being a slavegirl might entail?" Adriana stared at me confused. I smiled and continued explaining, "Slavegirls in ancient times were used in a variety of ways, such as satisfying the desires of their master. All sorts of desires. Do you understand what I'm saying?" I gently touched the girl's bare thigh with my fingers, then slowly began running a hand up the girl's slender leg.

"What are you doing?" Adriana began to exclaim. "Stop it!"

I quickly snatched the girl up by the hair and pulled her head back, "If you'd rather spend the night in jail with convicts and sex abusers, then let's go there right now! They'd love to have a pretty little thing like you to play with for the next few days. So it's your choice: who is it going to be, them or me?" Then I grabbed the girl's chin. "And if you go to jail, then don't forget you'll also have a hefty fine, a lost driver's license, and a police record that will stay with you the rest of your life. So what's your decision? Are you going to be my slavegirl or not?"

Adriana stared back at me in shock, then gulped and asked quietly in a timid voice, "W-what exactly would I have to do?"

I smiled and caressed the young Hispanic girl's face, then slowly ran a finger down her neck and onto her chest. "You dress and act like a little cocktease, wiggling that tight little ass and taking pleasure in keeping all the boys panting after you. Even with me, you think that you can smile and flirt and get away with whatever you want. Well it's time you learn that such behavior can come back on you. You are going to do whatever I say, and I am going to do anything I want to with your lovely body," I said in a husky voice. "This luscious body... I like the way it looks in those tight, skimpy clothes of yours. I want to see if you know how to use what you have been showing off."

"You wouldn't hurt me, would you?" she asked, cautiously.

"Well, if you mean permanently injure you, certainly not. But do I fully intend to spank that gorgeous ass of yours," I said leering at the young girl. "So what do you say? Do we have an agreement?"

"You are a policeman... I mean, isn't this illegal?" she said. She didn't need to remind me.

I looked deep into her eyes. "Look, Adriana, I could bust you right here, right now. I've got all the evidence I need to haul your ass in right now and make it stick. I probably should have already done it, but instead, I'm trying to help you and give you a break. Yes, I am taking a huge chance here, but I want to help you and your mom and try to straighten you out.

My shift ends in a half-hour. I'm going to unlock the handcuffs you're wearing and then I'm giving you the key to my front door. Then I'm driving back to the station to sign out for the weekend. I'll be back here in exactly forty-five minutes. Either you'll be long gone by then, which means I'm filing an all-points bulletin out on you for your arrest... or, you'll be in my house, bathed, totally nude, and wearing these handcuffs as my willing, submissive slavegirl. It's your decision."

With that, I pulled Adriana up and out of my patrol car, got back in it myself and drove away. Adriana stared at the patrol car as it made its way down the street. She was pretty shaken up by what had just happened and shocked at the proposal I had just made to her. I was suggesting trying to turn her into my personal sexual plaything. It was outrageous. But at least she'd be free... no, it was just too bizarre. And yet at the same time, deep down, the idea also kind of excited her.

I pulled into the station and checked out without incident. As I returned home, I tried to tell myself that Adriana was probably miles away by now, racing for the state line. Or maybe she was talking to a lawyer or another cop about what had happened. I was taking a big chance with this crazy idea and it could very well mean my career - or worse. I passed by her house and noticed that Adriana's car was exactly where she had left it. So far, so good. I pulled into my driveway, opened my front door, and a smile slowly crossed my face.

There, sitting on the sofa, totally nude and with her arms handcuffed behind her back, was my pretty neighbor, Adriana Hernandez.

"Welcome home, Robert," the girl said.

The girl stood up. I saw that her lithe body was trembling. Her C-cup breasts looked pert and soft and wonderfully well-rounded. My eyes devoured the young Mexican girl, surveying her up and down as she stood there biting her lower lip coyly.

"Turn around, my pretty slave," I said, "and let me see your pretty ass."

Adriana did as she was commanded, bending over slightly so that I could get a good view of her gorgeous derriere. I unlocked her handcuffs at that point so she could move her hands out of the way.

"God, you're beautiful," I whispered.

I stepped up behind the young girl and softly stroked her rounded ass, enjoying the silky smooth skin and sinking my fingers into her soft flesh. Adriana seemed to like the way my hands felt because she began wriggling that delightful ass in time with my strokes. My hand seemed to automatically be drawn to the crack between her cheeks and I softly brushed over her young tender pussy.

Adriana gasped in surprise and bent over further to give me better access to those lovely round globes of curvy flesh and the treasure between them. I stroked her a few more times, hearing her softly moan her response. Then I stood her back up, and turned the young girl around to face me.

"I'm glad you've agreed to become my slave, Adriana," I told her. "I've wanted you for quite some time. I have watched you in your skimpy little outfits and wondered what it would be like to have you here like this. And now you're all mine!" I then leaned down and kissed the girl passionately all the while exploring her body with my hands.

"Let's not put this off any longer," I told the girl, breaking away from our long, lingering kiss. "I promised you a spanking and I intend to keep that promise. Now upstairs in the bathroom in the top drawer of the vanity, you will find a large hairbrush. Go get it and bring it to me. Be quick about it, we have lots to do this evening."

She looked at me with a blank stare like a cow looking at a passing train. I don't think she fully grasped what I was telling her to do. "Go get the hairbrush now!" I repeated, more forcefully this time. My command shook her from her daze and she slowly went upstairs to follow my orders. While she was gone, I went into the kitchen and got the black plastic spatula I use when I make pancakes. It is made of reinforced nylon and it is nice and wide with holes in it for airflow.

Adriana returned a couple minutes later, still walking slow. I don't think she was so confident of her decision at this point. She came into the living room where I was sitting in a chair I had brought in from the dining room and stood in front of me. "Is this the hairbrush you meant?" she asked, quietly handing me the hairbrush.

"Yes, that's the one. I like the nice wide flat back on it... it's just the thing to use on a naughty slut's tender ass, don't you think?" I asked her.

"Please... please, Robert..." she said, taking a step back.

"Now you knew this was coming. I can't allow your actions today to go unpunished. If I let you off this time, what would you try to get away with next time?" I asked. "No, it is time you understand disobeying rules and laws has consequences. Now come here, young lady and let's get going."

Adriana stood where she was. "Please... I don't want a spanking" she said, "I'll be good, I promise!"

"I know you don't want a spanking. But you need one. Now be a good girl and come here."

She reluctantly went over to my right side, shuffling her feet, looking at the hairbrush and the spatula both laying on the table next to my chair.

I grabbed her upper arm and pulled her over my lap, pinning her legs with my right leg. I wrapped my left arm around her, tucking my hand under her right hip, holding her firmly on my lap. "You have needed a good spanking for a long time, now," I told her, as I caressed the curve of her buttocks. "Your mom hasn't been able to do it, so I guess the job falls to me now."

As I started to scold her, she interrupted me. "If you're going to give me a spanking no matter what I say, why do I have to listen you lecture me first? Robert, just get it over with, without giving me a lecture."

"You really do need a good hard spanking," I told her, continuing my caresses. "You get 'the talk' so that you can think about how naughty you've been while you're getting your bottom warmed."

I continued to scold her. When I finished, I picked up the hairbrush and gently patted her full round bottom with it, letting her feel the hard wooden surface. "Now are you ready to take your spanking?"

"Yeah, whatever, Robert. Just do it and get it over with."

I raised the hairbrush and brought it down hard across her full round bottom.


I gave her another stroke.

"Owitch! Oh, that hurts!"

"Spankings are supposed to hurt... that's what makes them effective!"

I continued using the hairbrush on her sexy plum butt. "I thought that you wanted me to get on with the spanking," I said as I brought the hairbrush down across the lower part of her full round bottom, just above her thighs.

"Ow! It hurts! Ow! I don't want a spanking."

I gave her another smack with the hairbrush. "I know that you don't want a spanking. That's why spankings are used to punish naughty girls. If I gave you something you wanted, I would be rewarding you instead of punishing you."

I continued to spank her, the smacks of the hairbrush echoed Adriana pitiful wailing. Her bottom was starting to blush red under the hairbrush and she squirmed after a hard stroke on her lower bottom.

"Be a good girl and lie still. If you continue to squirm and kick I'm going to spank you on your thighs", I told her as I brought the brush down across the tops of her thighs.

"Ow, Ow! Robert, I'll be a good girl," she protested as I paddled her full round bottom harder. "I'm sorry I was naughty. Ow! I've learned my lesson. Ow! Really. I'll be good. Ow! I promise."

I ignored Adriana's pleas. I knew I had to really teach her a lesson. This wasn't just bratty behavior, she had really messed up and I had to make sure she remembered this spanking. She had broken the law and endangered herself and others. I was spanking her to get her to understand the gravity of her actions as much as for a prelude to sex. In order to get her to understand this, I had no choice but to continue spanking her on her ripe, round, voluptuous posterior and her upper thighs. I did not stop until her full round bottom and upper thighs were crimson.

When I was satisfied her ass would remember this (if not her mind), I helped her to stand up. I looked at her sobbing, tear-streaked face.

"Now I want you to lie over the back of the sofa. And no rubbing your ass."

"I've had my spanking" she sniffled. "It hurt a lot and I promised to be a good girl. How come I have to lie over the sofa?" she whined.

"You have to lie over the sofa so that I can spank you with the spatula.

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The handle is too long to get a good swing with you on my lap."

"But it's not fair that I have to get spanked with the spatula too. I wasn't that naughty!"

"Naughty girls don't get to decide how they get spanked. Maybe you should have thought about this before you broke the law. Now lean over the damn sofa, NOW!"

Adriana pouted but did not argue further. She knew if she kept pushing, she would just end up getting spanked harder. She walked around the back of the sofa and leaned forward over it as I directed. She buried her face in the pillow back of the sofa, her dark brown hair flowing over the sofa like a dark chocolate waterfall.

Adriana laid over the sofa back with her legs together. The height of the sofa back made her stand on tippy-toes and pushed her full round bottom up high, emphasizing the round curve of her buttocks. I tapped her upper thighs lightly with the spatula. "Spread your legs, sexy," I told her. Adriana spread her thighs slightly. I gave her a light stroke across her upper thighs. "Wider."

"Good girl."

Adriana looked so beautiful like this, her legs open, a glimpse of her beautiful young womanhood exposed, her full round bottom presented for the spatula.

I raised the spatula and brought it whistling down across her upraised buttocks. The spatula left a dark red print over her already reddened cheeks. She took the first few strokes in silence. She tried to keep from crying like a little girl being spanked by her daddy... she didn't want me to think I was winning this test of wills!

I made sure that every third or fourth stroke landed across the tops of Adriana's thighs and I know it hurt so much. She was sorry that she had been so much trouble and even sorrier that she was getting a spanking. Soon her resolution to keep silent was forgotten and she was crying, the sofa muffling her sobs.

I put the spatula down temporarily and stood next to her. She looked very vulnerable, lying over the sofa, her full round bottom and thighs splotched an angry red. Adriana's shoulders shook slightly as she cried softly. I caressed her, running my hand down her back, over her full round bottom. Her skin was hot and I could feel the girl trembling from the spatula strokes. I caressed her and kissed her until she stopped crying.

I stood and picked up the spatula, moving to the other side of the bed. "I'm going to give you another ten strokes, now," I told her. I knew Adriana would soon be crying again and I felt slightly cruel comforting her only to continue spanking her. However, I wanted to give her a chance to catch her breath and I wanted her to know that I was giving her a hard spanking because I cared about her.

As I expected, Adriana started crying again after the first few strokes of the spatula. Despite her resistance before, she did feel like that little girl getting a spanking. When I stopped, she was crying hard and did not try to muffle her cries in the sofa cushions this time.

I stroked her hair. "Your punishment is over now, Adriana."

"Robert, my ass hurts so much", she said between sobs. "I'm sorry I was a naughty girl. I promise I'll be a good girl. Please don't spank me anymore. I've learned my lesson."

I stroked her back and caressed her full round bottom. "I know you're sorry my beautiful girl. And I'm sure that you will be a good girl. But you were a naughty girl and you did need that spanking." It was finally over and I softly stroked her back and her hair until she stopped crying.

"Now I want you to go back over the pillows and spread your cheeks," I told her.

Adriana lay over the sofa back again and reached behind her, one hand on each cheek and spread her buttocks as wide as she could. I moved behind my her and caressed her full round bottom and thighs. She felt my hands gently soothing her heated flesh and then slipping down a bit to her sex. I found my little slut was dripping wet! Her soft brown fur was damp and as I parted her swollen excited lips, she was soaked.

Adriana mewled softly as she felt me part her young pussy and I began gently fingering her sweet wet hole. I rubbed my fingers up and down her slit as she pushed back against my hand trying to raise her ass higher for me. I toyed with her, pulling slightly at her pussy lips and slipping a finger into her until I reached her vaginal opening. I didn't go inside her just yet, as much as she wanted me to, instead I just traced circles around her opening and then moved to rub her needy slit some more.

"Ohhh... she moaned softly. She began wriggling her ass as my fingers danced across her soaked pussy. I could see her trying to stretch her legs so she could give me better access, her moans and whimpers guiding me in where and how to touch her to make her hotter and more aroused.

Adriana was drooling and squirming and moaning as I fingered her hungry pussy. As I suspected the spanking had inadvertently aroused the young girl and lit the fires of her passions. Now she wanted more, she wanted me to feed that fire until it consumed her entirely. Which is exactly what I wanted as well!

After toying and teasing her with my fingers for a few minutes and listening to her go from soft mewling and sighing to panting and moans, I pulled my juice-coated fingers from her, reaching around and putting them in her mouth.

"See what kind of a slut you are? See how wet your little slut pussy is? Taste your sluttiness - go lick your naughty pussy juice from my fingers!" I growled. Adriana moaned and took my fingers into her mouth and began to suck them greedily. When she had licked and sucked them clean I knelt behind her moving her hands away. I reached up and held her cheeks apart myself, plunging my face between them and licking at her dripping pussy. I stabbed my tongue into her wet hole and licked up as much of her sweet nectar as my tongue could find.

Adriana lost her mind. "OHHHFUCCCCKMMEEEE" she howled as she felt my tongue invade her. She grabbed the tops of the sofa cushions, gripping them tightly as I pressed her hips into the back of the sofa. I licked and lapped at her pussy with long slow licks, short quick laps, and stabs at her hole using my tongue as a small cock. Varying my techniques kept her off-guard and drove her mad as I made a meal of her.

I worked Adriana until she was near to an orgasm before I suddenly stopped, leaving her hanging limp over the sofa and panting heavily. I stood up and grabbed the young girl by the hair, hauling her to her feet. Standing with her back to me I gripped her throat with my left hand and with my right I took a tight hold on her right nipple pinching it hard and lifting her up on her toes. She tried to grab my wrist to keep me from pulling on her nipple, but a little extra pressure convinced her it was better to keep her hands away!

"I want you upstairs and in my bed. I'm going to fuck you, girl!" I growled into her ear.

At this, I turned Adriana around towards the stairs and slapped her on the ass. The girl yelped and headed up the stairs, with me following closely behind her, again slapping her on her pretty naked butt as needed for motivation.

When we reached the bedroom, I told Adriana to climb onto the bed where she soon found herself handcuffed once again, this time to the headboard. The girl then watched with keen interest as I undressed, revealing my physique to her for the very first time. While I had seen Adriana in various stages of dress as she grew up - from her jeans and t-shirt look to her skimpy and all too revealing bikinis - she had never even seen me with my shorts off. I was either in uniform or in jeans and a t-shirt.

So she was very much wanting to see what she had gotten herself into. Being a cop, I had to stay in very good physical shape and I spent many hours in the local gym doing just that. As I took off my shirt and Adriana saw my well-defined chest, large biceps, and six-pack abs, she gave me an appreciative gasp.

But as impressed as she was with my upper body, her eyes quickly roamed south waiting impatiently for the rest of the unwrapping. I noticed her wandering gaze "You want to see the rest don't you, slut? You really are a naughty girl!" I said chuckling, as I took off my shoes. Adriana giggled and watched eagerly as I removed my uniform pants and dropped my boxers.

"Oh my god!" Adriana exclaimed as she saw my eight and a half inch cock for the first time, standing up proud and tall. Her eyes got as big as saucers as I walked up to give her a better look. She licked her lips subconsciously as she stared at me.

"That's right Adriana... you aren't dealing with one of your little high school boys now. I'm about to fuck you and stretch you wider and deeper than you have ever felt before. I know you aren't a virgin, but I'm going to fill that tight little pussy to overflowing!" I told her. With that I climbed up onto the bed, mounting Adriana, all the while kissing her all over. I ran my lips down the girl's face, neck, and shoulders, and then began sucking greedily on the girl's breasts.

All Adriana could do in return was moan softly. She loved the feeling of my hot kisses as I hungrily traveled slowly down her young tight and very helpless body. She was delirious. My lips then glided further down to her taut smooth stomach, soon arriving at her trimmed pussy. I roughly pulled the girl's legs apart, then began my final conquest with a number of soft kisses on and around the younger girl's pussy lips, the kisses then turning into licks and eventually nibbles. Then, without warning my tongue forced an entry into the girl's most private area. Adriana screamed in ecstasy as my tongue licked and sucked greedily on her throbbing clit.

After I had, temporarily at least, had my fill of the young girls sweet pussy, I raised up and moved up Adriana's body. I kissed her passionately, letting her taste herself on my lips and tongue. As we kissed, her lips parted and I took the invitation to slip my tongue from my mouth to seek out hers. Our kiss deepened, and my hand moved down to fondle and maul her tender breast. For a young woman, she was exceptionally well built. Not overly developed but well-endowed, her breasts were perfectly formed, firm and full, with hard little pencil-eraser nipples that stood proudly erect when excited.

Adriana moaned softly into my mouth as I sunk my fingers deep into her soft tit-flesh and rolled her hard nipple between my fingers, pinching and tugging on it. I left her soft mouth and moved my kisses down to those wonderful breasts, taking a nipple into my mouth and licking and sucking on the tender bud as Adriana arched her back, pulling my head to her and trying to get more of her breast into my teasing mouth. I flicked her nipple with my tongue and felt her shudder each time as the electrical bolts ran both to her brain and to her pussy simultaneously.

Then I moved off the girl and said, "Turn over." Adriana immediately did so. Then my hands began to massage Adriana's back, moving slowly down to her lovely round derriere which I gave a little squeeze to eliciting a soft, low moan from her.

 "You know Adriana, I have always liked that lovely little ass of yours," I said, "That day I saw your pretty ass in that thong I knew I'd have to have it someday. And it looks like today is that day!"

I smiled as I caressed her well-rounded ass cheeks. The redness from her spanking was almost gone by now and while she was a bit tender to the touch still, my fingers were light across her soft skin. Just enough pressure to let her feel my hand and feel my caress. She lifted her ass to meet my hand and I gently ran my fingers and palm across her mounds. As I moved into the valley between them, Adriana's moans took on a new urgency and she spread her legs, raising her ass higher.

This time as I toyed with my young slut's pussy, I entered her, fingering her wet pussy and shoving two fingers deep into her. Adriana moaned loudly, feeling my fingers inside her and I smiled, as I began sawing into her hard and fast. She raised her hips up high and gripped the sheets as I plunged my hand into her.

"Ohhhhh Gaawwwd!" she said, her voice shaking from the force of my hand thrusting into her wet hole.

As I moved my hand in and out of her rapidly, I introduced one finger at a time until all four fingers were working her drooling slit. At one point I stopped for a moment, leaning down and my mouth locked onto the young girl's upturned ass. Adriana squealed aloud as she felt my teeth sink into her soft, silky globe. When I released her, she sported a nice tattoo of my teeth marks! I chuckled and told her "You are my property now... you've been branded!"

"Oh, it's wonderful!" she moaned softly. Adriana giggled and wiggled her ass in appreciation. Her hands remained handcuffed to the bedpost, and this feeling of being a captive slave added to her feeling of delicious helplessness. My kissing and licking of her manacled body had her moaning with unbridled lustful pleasure.

At that point, I got up and whispered into her ear, "I'm just getting started with you, my pretty little slut. It's time to play." I flipped her back onto her back again and Adriana looked down to see me kneeling between her spread legs and stroking my hard eager cock. "Yes, this is what I want now," I growled, looking down at the girl laying handcuffed on my bed.

"What are you going to do to me, Robert?"

"I told you I was going to fuck you, my pretty slut. And I'm not one of those young punk kids you are used to teasing and playing with. I am going to fuck you till you can't walk straight. I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk at all. When I am done, you won't be interested in 'boys' anymore!" I said. Adriana looked at my huge cock with eyes widened.

"I don't know about this, Robert..." she whimpered.

"Well, I do," I responded, moving closer. "This was the deal, Adriana. I told you that if I let you off, you would be mine for the whole week. Well, this is part of that. You have shaken that ass and waggled those tits at me for a long time. It's time I collect. Now, come on, spread those pretty legs and let's see if you fuck as well as you act like you do." I spread her lean legs and moved into position directly in front of the whimpering Adriana. I pointed my hard stiff cock, poised to enter the girl's awaiting cunt as I prepared to mount her again.

Adriana was more than lubricated enough and I slid slickly into her opening. Adriana gasped as she felt my cock open her up, stretching her young pussy wider than she had ever been before. I stopped just as the head of my cock pushed past her vaginal opening. I didn't want to hurt her, so I let her get accustomed to my size before proceeding. When I saw that she had gotten used to me, I began to press into her.

"Ohhh... Ohh, Robert... Oh God I can feel you... stretching me... soo much!" she moaned as she felt me slip deeper into her, an inch or two at a time. I pressed into her slowly as my cock opened her past anything she had previously experienced.

"Ohh Robert... please... you're too big! I... I can't... fit you!" she complained.

"Just relax, Adriana, you can do this. Just let your pussy relax and let it get used to me." I coaxed her.

"Ohhhh... Roberrrrtt..." she moaned as I pushed deeper.

Finally, I felt myself bump against her young cervix and I knew I was as deep as she could take me. Anatomically, this was her limit. I still had an inch or two left, but I couldn't go any further without hurting her. I'd had other girlfriends that I couldn't bottom out in either so I was used to it. Adriana arched her back a bit as she felt my cock deeper in her than she had even been penetrated before and stretched wider than any boy had ever stretched her.

"God, I feel... I feel so full!" she said. I let her get used to what I had given her, moving slowly in and out just about an inch until I felt her loosen up. Then I began slowly pulling out. Adriana moaned sorrowfully as she felt me emptying her, but just as the head of my cock neared her entrance, I reversed gears and pushed back into her, a little faster this time. I hit her cervix again and pulled out then back in, increasing my speed each time until she was able to take me without too much difficulty.

"Okay slut, now that I have you 'sized' are you ready for the fucking of your life?" I asked her.

Adriana was in complete lustful abandon by now. "Yes! Oh yes, Robert! Fuck me... fuck me with your big hard cock!' she cried.

"Call me Sir," I said.

"Ohhh...OHHH FUCK!!" Adriana moaned. But her moan turned into a loud cry as I began pumping hard, deep, and fast into her. She slapped the bed, grabbing up two handfuls of the sheet as I pounded into her brutally. I had promised the young girl a good fucking and she was going to get it! She opened her legs to let me in and I pounded her like I was drilling for oil.

"Do you like this, Adriana? Do you enjoy being fucked like this, fucked like the slut you have pretended to be? Do you like being treated like a little fucktoy?" The younger girl replied by making an uh-uh-uh-uh sound. I laughed as I continued to fuck her. I had spanked her ass good and proper and now I was giving her tight little pussy a similar thrashing.

Slap! I smacked Adriana's tits while I fucked her. Slap! Adriana yelped, "Ohh, FUCK!," as she cried in complete submissive ecstasy. I laughed and continued to occasionally slap the girl's tits while I pounded her pussy.

I brutally pounded into the young girl for what must have been a full five minutes before I heard Adriana's telltale cry, "Ohhh Sirrr... I'm CUMMINNGGG!!" and sure enough, she had no more got the words out when she flooded her pussy with her juices and they seeped out around my still pumping cock. She moaned and cried and thrashed around bucking and twisting as her orgasm coursed through her.

She panted and gasped for breath as I continued to pound her even through the throes of the most powerful orgasm she'd ever had. I kept my pace as her orgasm passed and she began climbing once again. She clawed at my back and then at her tits as the fire in her pussy raged out of control. A couple minutes later she was on the edge of madness once again.

"Robert...SIR PLEEEASE!!! Oh, my GOD! I'm CUMMMING AGAAAINNN!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. Once more she poured out her liquid offering, soaking herself, her legs and the sheet below her. But by now the tightness of her young pussy and her two orgasms had me on the edge of my own, so with one or two more hard thrusts, it was time. I quickly moved up the girl until I could shove my throbbing cock down her pretty mouth.

I made her suck my cock as I felt the first jet of my cum racing to escape. I held her head down on my cock as I shot jet after hot steaming jet of cum into her mouth and down her throat. Adriana tried to swallow it as fast as she could, but after the first couple bursts, she was overwhelmed. To keep her from choking, I pulled out and shot the remainder of my load onto her tits and face. When I was done I smeared the cum on her face with my cock, making her lick me clean afterward. I made her leave the cum on her tits for awhile and just lay down next to her, pulling her into my arms.

She lay there in my arms, sweaty, cum soaked, and panting, but happy. When she recovered enough to speak she asked, "Sir will you be doing this again?"

"Did you like that, Adriana, my lovely little slut?" I asked.

The young girl nodded back. "It was wonderful, Sir. You were wonderful... I never realized it could be like that," she said.

I kissed her bare shoulder. "Then yes I will be doing that more then. We're not through yet."

It was a wonderful week with my little slut and I took great pleasure in her, using every hole and showing her things she had never seen before. She loved everything we did too. She loved serving me and she loved being my slut.

When our agreed-upon week of slavery ended, there was no question in either of our minds that it would continue on permanently. Both of us wouldn't have had it any other way.

Adriana continued attending school, but she seemed more attentive and focused - less interested in boys and being the little school cocktease now. Her grades improved and she didn't cut classes anymore. Her mom noticed she seemed happier and even asked to do chores - something it took her mom a little time to get used to!

Adriana would come by my house every day after school and stay with me until her mom got home from work, which her mother wholeheartedly approved of since she knew her daughter would only get into mischief if she was left alone. On the weekends she would come over and sometimes spend the whole day with me.

Her mom didn't seem to mind, she figured if Adriana wanted to spend time with someone, a cop would be about the best choice she could make. I invited them both over every so often for a barbeque or dinner. I wanted to make sure mom didn't feel left out either. During those times we had to play down our affections but we both knew that it was only going to make the next time more exciting!

Written by Master_Jonathan
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