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Big Tit Teen Mandy And Her Driving Instructor

"A driving instructor is quite taken with his new student..."

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I will tell you the tale of how, as her driving instructor, I became involved with the busty blonde teen dream Mandy.

My name is Jake, and during the recent Covid pandemic had substituted my income by working part-time as a driving instructor. My regular daytime office job had been badly affected by the changes to the global economy the pandemic had brought about. Once the government furlough scheme here in the U.K. ended, my company drastically reduced my hours, and therefore my salary.

I had been a driving instructor many years ago during my late twenties and early thirties. Now I was in my mid-fifties, but my instructor license had lapsed many years ago. I retook all the necessary tests and filled out all the relevant paperwork, and then registered myself with a local driving school.

Setting yourself up as an independent driving instructor certainly meant you would keep more of the fees from students, but there was a lot more paperwork involved, and I only wanted to work occasionally just to top up my income. Working as a hired hand for a driving school meant I could work when I wanted to.

I had been working for the driving school for about seven months. I quite enjoyed it, as I only worked maybe one afternoon and a couple of evenings per week. I got to meet new people and help them gain their driving licenses. It was a good feeling, and a real sense of achievement when they passed their test, even if it meant you had now lost a fee-paying student.

I quickly got a reputation with the driving school for being an instructor who could turn around a student who had failed their test multiple times, into one who would pass their next test under my tutelage. It was because of this reputation that I came to meet Mandy.

I got a call from Celia, the booking administrator at the driving school, asking me if I was available to help a new student that had walked into the office that morning. Celia explained the student had been with several different private instructors but had failed her test three times already. Celia also told me the student had requested the lessons be in a small car, as she had struggled with a larger one before.

I had a Toyota Aygo, which was a very small car with a one-litre engine. As I seemed to have become the school’s go-to guy for students struggling to pass their test, Celia had decided that my car and I would be perfect. Celia had told me that the man that had made the booking was named Charlie, but the lesson was actually for his girlfriend Mandy. The lesson was booked for the next day at 3 pm.

I arrived at the address Celia had given me. It was a small mid-terraced house in a part of town many might term undesirable. It was a large council estate, where the police were frequent visitors if the local newspaper was to be believed.

As I approached the front gate, a man appeared from behind the front door.

“All right, mate. You the driving instructor?” the man asked.

“Yes, the name’s Jake,” I replied holding my hand out to shake his, “You’re Charlie, are you?”

“Yeah, that’s right mate,” Charlie said, shaking my hand with his large, rough hand.

Charlie was in his mid-twenties I figured. He was fairly good-looking, with a tall, athletic frame. He wore a blue work overall, covered in oil stains. The sleeves were pulled up to show off his impressive biceps. My first impression was he looked like a bit of a rogue, a charmer, but also someone you probably didn’t want to get the wrong side of.

“Yeah, Mandy, she’ll be out in a minute, mate,” Charlie explained, as he pushed past me to check out my car parked up outside, “This it then?”

Charlie was a little taller than me and had a slightly intimidating demeanour about him.

“Yes, I was told Mandy might do better with a smaller vehicle to learn in?” I asked.

“Yeah, well, she did struggle with the other fella’s car. But that wasn’t the main problem with him,” Charlie continued.

“Oh?” I inquired.

“Yeah mate, he was no good. Didn’t like him at all. Always looking at Mandy, you know?” Charlie said, his arms folded, “Looking at her, in that way, you know what I mean, mate?”

“I see,” I said.

I was rather intrigued to see Mandy now. What did this woman look like to elicit such strong feelings from this brute of a man?

I asked Charlie about Mandy’s previous history of driving lessons. He said she didn’t seem to have much confidence, always second-guessing herself, and dithering at junctions, not knowing what was expected of her. I realized then that Charlie had been going along with Mandy on her lessons, sitting in the back seat. It was the only way he could have told me in such detail what Mandy’s issues were.

I could see that Charlie was also planning on coming along on this lesson too, as he began to open the back door of my car.

“Mandy!” Charlie shouted toward the house behind me, “Mandy! Come on! The bloke’s waiting.”

I turned back toward the house, but there was still no sign of Charlie’s girlfriend.

“I mean, I’m getting sick of her using all her wages paying for these lessons, you know what I mean mate?” Charlie told me, wiping his nose on the sleeve of his overalls, “But the lady at the driving school said you was the best one they had to get her to pass that bloody test, yeah?”

“Well, yes I’ve had pretty good success, if I do say so myself,” I replied, “I just wonder if I might make a suggestion?”

But before I could tell Charlie my idea, I heard the front door to the house slam shut behind me. I turned to see a vision of loveliness walking down the short garden path toward me.

Mandy was a young, slim, petite, blonde woman, maybe twenty years old. She was a very pretty, ‘girl next door’ type. She wore a fairly short black skirt, with a tight white blouse.

It was the tight white blouse my eyes were immediately drawn to. It was obviously covering one hell of a bust. Her boobs must be huge, and a small amount of a very impressive cleavage was also on show, which bounced and jiggled as she walked. Mandy had to bend down to open the front gate, giving me a better, if all too brief, look down her cleavage.

“Yeah, this is my Mandy,” Charlie said.

“Pleased to meet you, Mandy,” I said, shaking her dainty little hand, “I’m Jake.”

“Nice to meet you, Jake,” Mandy replied quietly, but with a smile and a real twinkle in her eye.

“Yeah, so shall we get going then?” Charlie said, starting to get into the back seat of my car again.

“Well, before we do, I just want to talk to you both about something,” I replied, turning to Mandy, “Mandy, has Charlie always come along with you on your lessons?”

“Yeah, of course. Every lesson,” Mandy said.

“And how is your confidence out on the road?” I asked.

“Well, Charlie says that’s my problem, you know? I don’t feel like… comfortable,” Mandy explained.

“Yeah, well, seeing that’s the case, it might be better if Charlie didn’t come along on the lesson,” I continued, “Often when a partner or relative comes along, the student feels some rather unwanted and unneeded pressure. Do you know what I mean, Mandy?”

Mandy nodded but said nothing.

“Wait, hold on. You’re telling me it’s my fault?” Charlie said, obviously annoyed, climbing back out of the car to confront me.

“No, no. It’s not your fault at all. But it does happen, and it’s proven that students often learn better when it’s just the instructor in the car,” I explained, “I’m just saying why don’t we try it, just for this one lesson, and see how Mandy feels afterward?”

“Nah, I don’t like the sound of this,” Charlie stated flatly, looking at me suspiciously.

“Honey, maybe he’s right?” Mandy piped up, “I mean I’ve had three different instructors, and failed that test three fucking times.”

“If you keep doing the same thing, you can’t expect a different outcome,” I chipped in.

“Yeah right,” Mandy said, moving to put her hands on Charlie’s chest, looking up at him, “Why don’t we try it, just this once, and see how we go? You know I’m sick of paying for more fucking lessons.”

Mandy had quite a crude tongue but seemed quite sweet too. Charlie continued to look at me suspiciously, almost accusatory. He was obviously the jealous type. I decided to defuse the situation by moving away to the other side of my car.

Charlie took Mandy to one side, and a conversation between them began, but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. After a minute, Charlie nodded to Mandy, and they both walked back to the car.

“All right, mate. We’ll try it your way then,” Charlie told me.

“Okay. I think she will get more from her lesson like this,” I replied, smiling.

Charlie then looked Mandy up and down.

“Go and get something to cover yourself up,” Charlie told her.

He then slapped Mandy on the arse, and she giggled as she made her way back toward the house.

“Now listen, mate. I ain’t gonna be there, but I don’t wanna hear about no funny business, you understand me?” Charlie warned me.

I simply nodded.

“I have her back here in two hours,” I told him and then climbed into the front passenger seat of my car.

A minute later, Mandy reappeared, now wearing a thick, bulky purple cardigan. Sadly it covered up her very impressive bust. She threw her arms around Charlie, kissing him. They then said their goodbyes, and Charlie again slapped her on the arse as she made her way toward my car.

Mandy got in and closed the door, throwing her little handbag onto the back seat. After a few minutes of going over the controls of a car she had never driven before, she started the engine, and we pulled away from the curb. In the rear-view mirror, I noticed Charlie still standing outside his house, arms folded, watching us as we moved down the street, until we turned a corner and we were out of sight.

For the next twenty minutes, we drove around the local estate, where the roads were quiet. Mandy seemed to be okay with three-point turns and emergency braking. But when she came to junctions she did take too long before making her decision as to when to pull out. I gave Mandy some advice and pointers, and after more practice, she improved a little.

I then asked Mandy how she felt about going out of town onto the ‘A’ roads, where to keep up with the other traffic she would have to drive that bit faster. She said she was willing to try. I told her it was good practice, as the driving test examiners always took students out on those roads during the test.

We headed down the main high street, toward the other side of town.

“Oh, it ain’t half hot in ‘ere,” Mandy complained.

It was a pretty hot day, and it was getting rather warm in the car. At the next junction, however, a wonderful thing occurred. Mandy unbuckled her seat belt for a moment, so she could unbutton her cardigan and remove it, throwing it onto the back seat.

“Oh, that’s better,” Mandy said, as she put her seat belt back on, and drove forward again.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could now see a nice little glimpse of her cleavage, although frustratingly my view was rather obscured by her seat belt.

A few minutes down the road and I saw Mandy tugging at her tight blouse, trying to let some air in.

“Sorry, Mandy. The air-con’s not working,” I lied.

Thankfully we then stopped in traffic for a moment, and to my delight, Mandy pulled at her blouse again and then decided to open the next button down, to allow more air to her heaving chest. She then moved the seat belt from between her tits, to the side of her right breast. Now I had a much better view, even if it was from a series of furtive glances.

From the corner of my eye, I briefly caught the sight of Mandy’s breasts bouncing as we drove over a pothole in the road. This gave me an idea, two in fact.

The first idea was to get a much better view than what I could see in my peripheral vision. I had two rear-view mirrors installed on the front windscreen. The first was in the usual position for the student driver so they could see other road users behind them. The second mirror was closer to me, and was so that I could also see what was going on behind us.

I realized adjusting this second mirror would allow me to see right down Mandy’s amazing cleavage. But I didn’t want her to see me adjust the mirror, so waited for her to pull up to a junction, where she had to look to her right to check for oncoming traffic. As Mandy looked to her right, waiting for a gap in the traffic, I made my move and adjusted my mirror.

As Mandy pulled out into the next road, I now had a perfect view of her incredible bosom in my second rear-view mirror. Clearly, she had not noticed I had adjusted my mirror, as she happily carried on driving, looking straight on now.

For the next five minutes or so, I enjoyed the wonderful sight of Mandy’s gorgeous young firm boobs, or at least her fantastic cleavage. I could only imagine what she looked like topless, but it must be quite a sight. Whenever we went over a manhole cover, or bump in the road, her huge tits would bounce and jiggle inside her tight blouse. I was supposed to be keeping my eye on the road, but only managed very occasionally to look away from the mirror to see what was going on in front, before quickly looking back to secretly admire Mandy’s incredible rack.

I asked Mandy about herself as we continued along the road out of town, as I thought it would further distract her from noticing I was staring at her tits in my mirror. She told me she was only nineteen and worked in a cake shop on the high street. I got the impression she wasn’t too bright but seemed very friendly and charming. Mandy told me she had met Charlie when she was seventeen and had been with him ever since.

I decided it was now time to try the second idea I had thought of earlier, which involved taking Mandy slightly off the beaten track.

“How about going down some country lanes, Mandy? The test examiners often take students down them to see how you will deal with them,” I lied, “It would be good practice.”

“Ah okay, sure,” Mandy replied.

She seemed to be gaining a bit of confidence now, perhaps because her boyfriend wasn’t sitting in the back seat watching her every move.

I told her where to take go, and we soon found ourselves heading down a narrow country lane. It was so narrow in fact, that you had to pull into various lay-bys along the road to let oncoming traffic pass. It was good practice for Mandy, but in reality, I knew test examiners did not take students down here, as it was too far from the test centre.

After heading down the country lane for about ten minutes, and Mandy having plenty of practice pulling in to allow oncoming cars to pass us, I told her to pull into the left at the next layby.

I knew there was a dirt track here that ran through the woods for a couple of miles.

“Are you alright to head down this track, Mandy? It will come back out onto the main road, and we can head back into town from there,” I told her.

“Down here?” Mandy asked as she turned to the left, into the entrance to the dirt track.

“Yes, it’s a shortcut back to the main road. I’m just mindful of the time, we can get some more practice in the town centre before the lesson finishes if we go this way,” I explained.

“Oh, I see, good idea,” Mandy replied, smiling.

Mandy steered the car off the road, and onto the dirt track. We began to move away from the road, and soon the trees surrounding the track enveloped us. Mandy drove quite slowly and cautiously.

“Okay Mandy, so now what I want you to do is speed up a little, maybe to about fifteen miles an hour,” I instructed, “I want to see how you handle the vehicle on this type of terrain.”

“Alright,” Mandy nodded, looking a little unsure.

She did as I had instructed and sped up. My plan had worked.

The dirt track was quite a bumpy one, and at this speed, the car bounced and jumped around. Now I had the wonderful sight in my mirror of Mandy’s huge tits doing the same. They swayed, bounced, and jiggled as they reacted to every bump in the road. It was quite a sight.

I could feel my cock twitch and harden as I stared at Mandy’s bouncing cleavage. I began to imagine what she looked like naked and bouncing up and down on her boyfriend Charlie’s cock as she fucked him. I fantasized about what those gorgeous young firm tits would look like swaying underneath her as Charlie fucked her doggy style.

We then hit a large pothole in the dirt track, and I thought for a moment her tits would going to bounce right out of her blouse.

“Oh, that was a big one,” Mandy said, slowing down.

“No, it’s fine, keep it at fifteen miles an hour,” I told her, “Don’t worry this car can take it, and it’s good practice for you.”

Again, Mandy did as she was told, and increased the speed back to fifteen miles an hour, and I went back to enjoying the amazing bouncing big boobs show. We continued down the track for a few more minutes. Luckily I had been down this way before and knew we were still quite a distance from the main road.

I further fantasized about Mandy as I stared in the mirror at her incredible bouncing tits. I thought about how wonderful it would be to have her bouncing up and down on my cock, and bury my face in her huge bosom.

I was getting quite a hard-on now, as I thought about all the naughty things I’d like to do to Mandy’s amazing body. We suddenly hit another pothole, bigger than the last, and once again Mandy’s boobs looked like they were going to bounce out of her blouse. However, this time she noticed, and moved one hand off the wheel to cover her cleavage for a moment, as she slowed the vehicle again.

As she continued, I sensed she had now become conscious of the fact her boobs were bouncing around, and somewhat on display. She briefly glanced down at her cleavage a couple of times as she drove on, then glanced across at me, but I made sure as she did so that my eyes were fixed on the track ahead. I thought I had gotten away with it, as she seemed to relax a little, and sped back up.

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After a moment, my eyes turned back to my adjusted mirror, and the view of Mandy’s jiggling tits again. I thought I was back to enjoying the best show in town. But just a few seconds later Mandy turned to look up, directly into my mirror and gasped. Presumably, from Mandy’s angle, she could see my face and realized I had adjusted the mirror to look at her, and more specifically her huge boobs.

“Are you staring at my tits?” Mandy gasped, slowing the vehicle again.

“Er, no. No, of course not,” I mumbled.

“Oh, you are, you naughty boy,” Mandy giggled, playfully slapping my thigh.

I didn’t know what to say. I’d been caught out, but it seemed Mandy wasn’t upset about it. Quite the opposite.

“Is that why you brought me down this bumpy road?” Mandy chuckled, “To watch my fuckin’ tits bounce?”

Mandy giggled again.

“Well… er…” I said, struggling to get any words out at all.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell if you won’t,” Mandy grinned, as she began to speed up again.

To my delight, she then took one hand off the wheel, and with a sly grin, undid another button on her blouse. Mandy then unclasped the seat belt, and as it retracted back, I now had an even better view of her full, bouncing cleavage.

“You like girls with big tits, do ya?” Mandy asked, giggling again.

I nodded.

“You’re just like my Charlie then,” Mandy continued, “He can’t keep his hands off them.”

“I bet he can’t,” I replied.

Mandy laughed and reached over to briefly squeeze my thigh again. She looked up into my mirror and our eyes locked. She smiled sweetly, and I smiled back, as Mandy undid yet another button on her blouse.

Now I could see the top of her bra, which wasn’t quite covering the top of her areolae.

“Mmm, I like being looked at by an older man,” Mandy admitted, grinning.

“Really?” I said, still staring at her amazing bouncing bosom.

“Yeah, I get lots of looks from older blokes in the pub. I love it, but my Charlie doesn’t like it one bit,” Mandy explained, “But when we get home after some bloke’s being ogling me, my Charlie can’t wait to tear my bra and panties off and fuck me even harder. So, it must turn him on too, don’t you think?”

I nodded, smiling. Mandy was not only putting on a great show, but she was also obviously the type of girl that was quite happy to talk about her sex life openly with a total stranger. The thought of this young, busty blonde having her underwear torn off and fucked hard by her boyfriend was giving me a raging hard-on.

I wanted this dirt track to go on forever, so I could watch Mandy’s huge tits bounce and jiggle endlessly.

“Tell me something, Jake. Has your wife got big tits?” Mandy asked cheekily.

I guess Mandy had noticed my wedding ring, although it hadn’t stopped her from putting on a show for an older married man.

“Well, you could say she has a nice handful, but nothing like yours, Mandy,” I explained, “Your boobs are incredible. Your boyfriend is a very lucky guy.”

As she was being so forward, I decided I could be a bit bolder now too.

“Ah thanks, babe,” Mandy said, smiling sweetly at me, as she squeezed my thigh again.

She then blew me a kiss and undid yet one more button on her blouse. It was almost pointless wearing that blouse, as her whole bouncing bust, encased in that white bra, was now on show. I could clearly see the outline of Mandy’s nipples too.

We continued further down the dirt track for a few more minutes, as I enjoyed the sight of this giggling young blonde and her huge bouncing tits. I couldn’t take my eyes off them and wasn’t paying attention to what was ahead at all.

“Oh!” Mandy suddenly gasped, and she slammed on the brakes, bringing us to an immediate halt.

I looked through the windscreen to see we had come to a dead end. In front was a dilapidated old wooden fence, past which were more trees. To the sides and behind us were just more trees. Looking behind us, I saw the dirt track we had just come down.

“We must have taken a wrong turn,” I surmised.

I had been down here a couple of times before and I had thought it was just a single track that went back to the main road. But Mandy must have unknowingly turned off at some point, and I hadn’t noticed, my eyeballs glued to her bouncing chest.

“Ah come on, was this your plan all along, Jake?” Mandy said, giggling again, “To get me all alone?”

“No, no, of course not,” I replied, “My eyes just weren’t on the road I guess.”

Mandy giggled again. We then just looked at each other for a moment, and there was an awkward silence.

“So… what do we do now?” Mandy asked, grinning.

“Umm, well, I suppose you had better back up until we find the main track,” I said, nervously, unsure of myself again.

“Are you sure that’s what you want me to do?” Mandy asked, “Or would you prefer to stay here and have me take my bra off?”

Mandy grinned at me. I was speechless.

“Well, what’s it gonna be? Back to the main road, or tits out?” Mandy asked.

“Oh God, yes, take it off,” I whispered.

“I thought so,” Mandy replied, smiling, as she undid the last few buttons on the blouse and removed it.

She then reached behind, unclasped the fastener, slowly pulled away the shoulder straps, and let the bra fall into her lap.

I was transfixed. Her tits were huge and utterly magnificent. They were full, and firm, and sat up on her chest so perfectly. She had stunning-looking nipples too, she was amazing.

“Do you like that, Jake?” Mandy grinned, as she began to play with her boobs, massaging and squeezing them.

I nodded, still marvelling at the size of her breasts.

“Well, honey, what do ya want me to do now?” Mandy giggled, a real naughty glint in her eye.

I wanted to tell Mandy so many things. I wanted to pull my cock out and jerk off over her tits. I wanted to get her in the back seat and give her a good hard seeing to from behind. But I froze, and nothing came out.

“Are you shy?” Mandy giggled, her tits jiggling as she did so, “Don’t be shy. Would you like me to come sit in your lap?”

“Would you?” was all I could manage.

“Course I will,” Mandy replied, grinning.

I pushed my seat back to make more room, as Mandy kicked off her shoes. She shuffled across her seat, lifted her feet over the handbrake and into my footwell, and then lifted herself over and into my lap. She then wrapped her left arm around the back of my neck.

“Hi there,” Mandy giggled, kissing me on the lips.

My hands moved to cup her wonderfully huge breasts. They were so firm, with quite a weight to them. I held her boobs in my hands for some time, simply admiring them. They were a true work of art.

“Naughty boy,” Mandy giggled, “I know what you really want. Come here.”

Mandy grabbed the back of my head and pushed my face in between her tits, and held me there. It felt wonderful, and I immediately began kissing, licking, and sucking on her amazing boobs. I gripped the side of her tits and fed her nipples into my mouth, teasing them with my tongue. I must have spent a good five minutes feasting on this busty teens’ incredible rack.

I looked up at Mandy, my hands all over her tits and her right nipple in my mouth. She looked down at me grinning.

“You enjoying yourself, Jake?” she chuckled, “I always wanted an older married man in between my tits.”

“Oh, Mandy. You’re incredible,” I told her in between mouthfuls of gorgeous young firm tit-flesh.

“Ah, thank you, Jake,” Mandy said, leaning in to give me another kiss on the lips, “You’re a very nice man too. Now how about I do something nice for you?”

Well, she had already shown me her tits and let me suck on them, I thought, but if she was up for more then I certainly was too. Mandy slid over in my lap to rest on my right thigh.

“Let’s see what we’ve got in here shall we?” Mandy grinned, her hand grabbing the obvious bulge in my trousers.

She unbuckled my belt, unzipped my fly, and reached inside, eventually managing to pull my fully erect cock up over the waistband of my boxer shorts, and out into the open air.

“Oh wow,” Mandy giggled, running her hand down my shaft, “You’re much bigger than my Charlie.”

I briefly thought she might be just stroking my ego, as well as my cock. But it seemed such a genuine reaction. I wasn’t particularly big, maybe just above average. Perhaps Charlie had developed all the muscles and the hardman attitude as compensation for a smaller-than-average penis.

Mandy pulled my balls out over the waistband of my boxers. She began slowly wanking my cock with her dainty little left hand, whilst she teased my balls with her right hand.

“Mmm, you’ve got a lovely cock, Jake,” Mandy whispered in my ear, “Your wife is a lucky lady, isn’t she?”

Mandy giggled again, as I returned to groping and sucking on her huge tits.

“Oh, Mandy. You’re such a fucking sexy, sexy girl,” I told her, my face jammed between her breasts.

Mandy giggled again as she continued to jerk my raging hard-on, her fingers and thumb lovingly teasing the head of my cock.

“I bet those older guys ogling you in the pub talk amongst themselves about how much they all want to fuck you,” I told her.

“Yeah, I bet they do,” Mandy laughed, making her tits jiggle on my face, “But I’m a good girl really. I could never fully cheat on my Charlie.”

I thought this was hilarious, but kept my amusement to myself. Here she was, topless, with an older man’s cock in her hand, with his hands and mouth all over her tits, but was telling me she could never ‘fully cheat’ on her boyfriend. I guessed what Mandy was trying to tell me was she wasn’t going to let me fuck her, but was up for having a bit of fun in the woods with me, at least as long as her boyfriend didn’t find out.

“Come here and give me a proper kiss, Jake,” Mandy told me.

I looked up from her tits, as Mandy kissed me. It was a nice long snog, her tongue flicking and caressing mine. We kissed like this over and over, as I continued to grope her tits, and her hand worked my cock. Finally, though, we came up for air.

“Oh Jake, you ain’t half a good kisser,” Mandy sighed, smiling down at me.

“You too, Mandy,” I replied, kissing her neck and ear, as my hands roamed over her enormous boobs, “I bet every bloke that you’ve ever met has been secretly thinking about how much he’d love to get his hands on your amazing tits, about how much he’d love to fuck you.”

“Oh, do you really think so?” Mandy chuckled.

“Yeah, you know it’s true,” I whispered in her ear.

“Oh Jake, you say the sweetest things. Thank you,” she replied, “My Charlie never tells me stuff like that.”

“What does he tell you then?” I asked, becoming intrigued about this young couple’s sex life.

“Not much, he just grunts mostly,” Mandy admitted, “And when he fucks my tits he just says good girl, good girl over and over again.”

“Ah, fuck. He has no idea what a lucky, lucky boy he is,” I whispered.

Mandy smiled down at me, and kissed me again, long and wet.

“Jake, I’m willing to do something nice for you, if you can do something for me?” Mandy whispered.

“Oh? What might that be?” I asked, intrigued.

I was already having the time of my life in between her huge teenage tits, as she slowly wanked my aching cock. If she was willing to go further, I was all ears.

“Well, it’s just I’ve spent so much money on my driving lessons already, I really can’t afford any more,” Mandy explained, “But I know I still need practice. I thought maybe we could come to some sort of arrangement?”

“What did you have in mind?” I asked, smiling, nibbling on her left nipple.

“I thought maybe you could give me a discount on the lessons? You know, a big discount?” she replied, grinning.

“I mean, it’s possible Mandy. It’s possible,” I told her, still sucking on her left breast as I groped the right one, “It just depends on what you’re offering in return.”

Mandy giggled and moved to speak softly in my ear again.

“If you give me that big discount, then after each lesson you can bring me back down here again,” Mandy whispered, gripping my dick more firmly, “I’ll get topless for you again, and suck and suck that big cock of yours until you pop your cork all over my tits. How does that sound?”

Mandy giggled as I nodded my head in between her boobs.

I didn’t want to lose money, however. I worked for an agency, who took thirty percent of the lesson fee. I told her if she paid what I would have to give the agency, she was still getting a seventy percent discount, then it was a pretty good deal for her. Certainly, it was a very good deal for me.

She seemed happy with the arrangement too, giving me another long, wet kiss.

“Come on then, darling,” Mandy whispered, “I’d better get to work, hadn’t I?”

She giggled again and began sliding back across to the driver’s seat. As she did so, I got a good grope of her fabulous ass through her short little skirt, something I had rather ignored until now, such had been my fascination with her huge tits.

“Oh, so you wanna see my arse too do ya?” she grinned, “Naughty boy. Changing the deal already!”

But it was clear she didn’t mind at all and began removing her skirt. Soon Mandy was on her hands and knees in the driver’s seat, wearing just a tiny pair of black panties, her huge tits hanging down beneath her. She moved her hands over to my seat to support herself, and then with a grin, her head lowered into my lap.

She took the head of my cock in one hand and began running her tongue up and down my shaft. Mandy grinned up at me from time to time, blowing me a kiss. She then moved to my balls and began licking and kissing them. But after a couple of minutes of this, I could stand it no longer.

“Stop teasing me and come here,” I told her, taking her head in both hands and guiding her mouth to the head of my cock.

She grinned up at me, as my cock began to disappear between her lips. Mandy’s head then bobbed up and down in my lap as she began to suck me, her young teen lips and tongue sliding up and down my shaft. It felt fabulous.

My hands moved from her head down to her huge dangling tits underneath, groping and playing with them. But without pausing her cock-sucking, Mandy’s hand moved to take my left hand from her tits and put it back on top of her head. Apparently, this busty teen slut enjoyed a man controlling how she performed a blowjob.

It was like a game, with the older man forcing the busty blonde teen to suck his cock. It was a game I was very happy to go along with. Occasionally Mandy would come up for air for a moment, saliva dripping from her chin. She gave me a big smile as I pushed her head back down to enjoy more of her sucking action.

With Mandy’s head in my lap, I couldn’t miss her stunning arse stuck up in the air. I moved my right hand from groping her tits to reach for her peach of an arse, slapping it. She moaned every time I did.

I returned to playing with her tits again. I loved the way they swayed beneath her as she sucked me. Mandy came up for air again.

“You enjoying yourself, babe?” Mandy giggled.

“Ah, fuck yeah,” I told her, “You like my hand on top of your head, do you, Mandy?”

“Yeah, makes me feel like a right little slut,” Mandy grinned, “My Charlie makes me suck him like that all the time.”

I forced Mandy’s head back to suck me again, as apparently, she was very happy to be treated this way. She continued to slobber and slurp on my dick, as I played with her huge tits some more.

“My Charlie says I’m getting quite good at blowjobs,” Mandy announced as she came up for air again, “He’s had a lot of experience you see, whereas I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing when we first met. But I’ve been getting a lot of practice since then. What do you think, Jake?”

“I tend to agree with Charlie,” I told her, forcing her mouth back onto my cock, “You’re a fantastic cock-sucker, Mandy.”

Mandy then attempted to deep-throat me, but gagged a few times, and had to eventually give up. But I appreciated her at least trying. I slapped her tits, and then her arse, as she came up for air again.

“You can call me dirty names if you like Jake,” she blurted out like it was nothing, “My Charlie loves calling me filthy names while he fucks me.”

These two really did have a very open sex life, I thought. Well, when in Rome.

“Oh yeah, suck that dick, you lovely little slut,” I told her, forcing my cock back into her mouth, “You fucking lovely busty blonde whore.”

She moaned in pleasure as I called her ‘dirty names’ as she put it. It certainly had a real effect, as I felt my balls tightening. I also began to pant and moan.

“That did the trick, didn’t it darling?” Mandy said, “Where do you want to come, honey? Between my tits?”

I nodded, and she shuffled forward, resting her upper body in my lap, and wrapping her tits around my cock.

“There you go darling,” Mandy said with a grin, looking up at me.

I grabbed her tits, pushed them tight around my cock, and managed to start thrusting as best I could in between them.

“That’s it, babe, fuck my tits,” Mandy purred.

I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer. This felt, and looked, incredible.

“Oh Mandy, you’re such a lovely, busty little slut,” I told her, as she grinned up at me.

“Come on, darling. Come all over my fuckin’ big tits,” she insisted.

A few more thrusts between her huge boobs, and I complied. The first shot of sperm hit Mandy on her lips, the second on her cheek. The rest pumped out over her tits. Mandy giggled in delight.

“Ooh, that’s a lot,” she said, admiringly, “You’ve been storing it up, ‘ave ya?”

I sat back in my seat, panting, catching my breath. Mandy sucked the last few drops of sperm from my cock.

She then shifted back into the driver’s seat, grabbing her handbag from the back. She took out some tissues and cleaned herself up, and then began putting her clothes back on. I too zipped up back to respectability.

“Now remember Jake, nothing about this to anyone,” Mandy told me with a smile, “It’s our little secret.”

I nodded. She leaned over and gave me a kiss.

“Now we had better get me home to my Charlie, hadn’t we?” Mandy said, taking the wheel and starting the engine again, “He gets terribly jealous, you know.”

And probably with good reason, I thought.

“Are you free next Wednesday afternoon, Jake?” Mandy asked, “I’d like another lesson, and then you can bring me down ‘ere and blow your load over my tits again.”

She giggled as she began reversing back up the dirt track.

I couldn’t wait until next Wednesday…



Written by Reddead2010
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