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Bad Babysitter

"A horny, exhibitionist babysitter, a pool, three teenage boys...what could possibly happen?"

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Author's Notes

"It's been a long time since I relayed any of my real-life, sexual misadventures. So, here's a recent event, when some friends asked me, the worst babysitter ever, to look after their son. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It was hot, I was horny, and they had a pool. Let's just say that you shouldn't invite a horny exhibitionist to take care of your house while you're away."

The babysitter was stoned, horny as fuck, and dressed like a cheap slut. Yes, I was, especially the horny as fuck part. Calling my attire scandalous hinted at least some modesty. I was dressed for the weather, not the occasion. That is to say that, due to the oppressive heat and high humidity, I was barely dressed. My least-revealing article of clothing was my thin, spaghetti strap halter top. Tie-dyed in lavender and light green, it was made of very thin, soft, t-shirt cotton, just barely a step up from being woven from gauze.

Even worse, or better, depending upon your point of view, my short shorts covered less flesh than most ladies’ panties. Cut high and short in the front, my fringed, ragged, threadbare, black, denim cutoffs would have advertised the color of my underwear, had I bothered with wearing any. The back matched the front, with the added enticement of a few flesh-revealing holes, exposing an easy third of my ass-cheeks.

I wasn’t really babysitting, more like house-sitting. My friends, Angie and Josh, were in a bind due to a family emergency and needed me to look after their son, Adam, on his eighteenth birthday. Adam’s girlfriend of several months had just broken up with him—if discovering her grinding on another guy counts as breaking up—and his parents didn’t trust him enough to leave him on his own during his birthday weekend. It wasn’t so much that I needed to babysit the now-of-majority-age, young Adam; I needed to ensure that his parents didn’t return to a burnt-out husk that used to be their home. Angie was worried that he’d throw one of those Hollywood-movie, wild, teenage parties. At least they had an extensive wine collection, and, more importantly, their immaculate home had a pristine backyard with an inground pool.

Angie’s written instructions: “no wild parties; make sure he eats well; he can have two drinks since it’s his birthday; smoke your reefer outside, please,” sat in my “overnight bag,” a brown paper sack, with the rest of my things. My other things mainly consisted of a non-lined, tan-through bikini in purple with paisley designs. The top was quite skimpy, merely two little triangles and some string. The bikini bottom was a high-waist, Brazilian cut that was almost too slutty to wear in public, almost. I wouldn’t be wearing it in public, though; I’d be wearing it to tease Adam Masters and his friends to ensure that he had a memorable birthday. I also packed a long, white t-shirt, one of my husband’s, as a cover-up for the sake of false modesty, as well as the aforementioned reefer.

When I arrived, Adam was in a dour mood, filled with teenage angst. He insisted that he didn’t need “an overseer,” despite his parents’ decree to the contrary. When I climbed out of the car, all hot and horny, my hard nipples on display, my not-quite C-cup boobs swinging freely, he smiled and stared at me in lust. As I bent into my Volkswagen to retrieve my overnight bag, my firm, round, very-shapely ass sticking up and out, he was suddenly extremely enthusiastic about me hanging out for the weekend.

His lecherous leers were less than subtle; his father, Josh, stared at me with lust, proving the adage, “like father, like son.” I saw off my friends, assuring them that I’ll take excellent care of young Adam, and immediately followed her rules to the letter, just not in spirit.

“No wild parties doesn’t mean that you can’t have a friend or two over, Adam, so long as they behave themselves.”

He was most appreciative of that.

“Eating well doesn’t prohibit pizza. I’m a shitty cook, so I’ll be doing you a favor.”

Two hours later, Adam was finally enjoying his birthday. His friends, Allen and Mike, were outside with him, sitting at the edge of the pool, talking shit to each other, eating pizza, and passing a joint. I’d raided the wine collection, finding a little tin labeled “Mother’s Little Helper” hidden behind some wine bottles. It seemed that Angie wasn’t the conservative prude she pretended to be. My herb was better than hers, though, so I let hers be. I wondered if she knew her son had his own stash.

Adam was a fine, robust image of youthful vitality and hormones. His shock of wild brown hair gave him a cute but scruffy look that went well with his pale blue eyes and lean muscles. Because it was so hot, he had only been wearing loose, camouflage shorts and sandals. Being quite young, he lacked the subtlety of more mature men, being too obvious with his lusty stares. What he lacked in social graces, he more than made up for with his constantly-hard cock. Younger guys might not be perverted enough for my liking, but they get hard on command and have speedy recovery times. Every time I’d stretch, bend, or even move, his jaw would drop, his eyes would sear me with their horny heat, and his cock would jump to attention, swelling impressively in his shorts.

His two friends were a study in contrasts. Allen was a typical high school jock, quarterback type with perfectly cropped, short hair, medium-brown eyes, and statuesque muscles rippling through his body. His other friend, Mike, was a nerdy, basement-dweller type, portly, with a shaggy beard, an opulent face, and a little too boisterous in his speech and mannerisms. Nonetheless, I took great delight in teasing all three of them.

Exhibitionism has gotten me wet and horny for as long as I can remember. Since all three young men were of majority age and my captive audience, I teased them mercilessly. Bending, stretching, maneuvering myself so they could see down my halter, and dropping innuendo every time I went out by the pool had gotten me so horny that I was pondering fucking all three of them. Trying to avoid a friendship-ending scandal, I teased instead.

My buzz from the wine and smoke had my entire body tingling, my arousal adding incendiary fuel to those fires. My nipples were so hard that they throbbed with my pulse; my pussy was gushing gallons. The psychological effects of knowing they were hard for me were overwhelming. I love teasing, and they were the perfect audience, too timid and inexperienced to make a move and too smitten to be able to hide their reactions.

Remembering Angie’s allowing Adam to have two birthday drinks, I filled my wine glass with a lovely vintage white and filled a quart-sized plastic cup with booze. Her instructions didn’t designate what size the drinks could be. Mixing it a little more than fairly strong, a copious amount of Jack Daniels Tennessee whiskey and cola filled the cup. Holding both my glass and his drink aloft as I walked out, I paused behind some shrubs, just out of view, when I heard the boys talking about me.

“And those tits,” I heard Allen exclaiming. “There’s no way she’s wearing a bra, bouncing around like that, driving me crazy.”

“Yeah,” Mike added. “When she grabbed a piece of pizza and bent over the table, you could see half her ass, and the way her cunt stuck out all puffy. Dude, you gotta go for some of that.”

Adam laughed, then responded. “Sure, Krystal’s hot and all, but it isn’t like that. She’s a friend of the family. Besides, she’s married.”

“Well, if you’re not going to do anything about that hot piece of ass, I will,” Mike confidently professed. “The next time she comes out here, I’m gonna be all over that, really sweep her off her feet.”

I emerged from behind the bushes, making sure to exaggerate every step, so my tits bounced, hips swinging deeply from side to side. “Really, Mike? I’m ready, come on. Sweep this hot piece of ass off her feet.”

“Busted!” the other shouted. Mike turned fifty shades of crimson.

“I’m sorry,” he stammered. “I didn’t mean anything; I was just…”

“Locker-room talk, I get it.”

Just to tease, I stopped and stood between Adam and the other two. I bent at the waist, sticking my ass out just inches from Allen's face. My ward, the birthday boy, also had a great view. As I bent forward, his drink in hand, my halter gaped open, giving him a direct line of sight under my shirt, right to my bare breasts. His eyes were instantly riveted to my hard nipples. I just smiled at him, seductively.

“Your mother said that you could have two drinks to celebrate being a legal adult, but she didn’t say how big it could be. Here's your first one.”

He took the overfilled cup of booze as I deftly plucked the joint out of his other hand. Toking deeply, I turned to the other two. Their heads snapped away from gazing at my ass so fast that I thought they’d given themselves whiplash.

“I do have a nice ass, though, don’t I?” They sheepishly turned to me, nodding wordlessly. “Tell me, Allen, since you’re so close, does my pussy stick out all puffy?”

He made a gurgling noise that sounded like a truncated growl, but that was all.

I continued, straightening myself. “Oh, Adam, where can I change into my swimsuit? It’s so hot; look at me, I’m dripping wet from sweat. It’s just a tiny bikini; I hope you guys don’t mind.”

Adam took a second to remove his hand from its position of covering his erection, so he could point at a window. “Right there, that bathroom.”

I walked away, smirking at their communal groans.

“Did you see that?” Allen asked as soon as I was out of sight. “That sweet ass was, like, right in my face.”

“She has to be doing that on purpose,” Mike lamented. “I’m so hard right now.”

“Not at all,” Adam lied for me. “She just doesn’t see us that way. I mean, why would she? We’re nowhere near her league.”

“And she sure called you out on your shit, Mike.” Allen added. “she may be out of our league, but she sure loves to tease.”

I had only just gotten started.

My friends’ spacious home was a split-level layout. On the ground story, entering from the back, the kitchen gave way to a dining area on the right, a master bathroom just beyond. Off the dinette, an open doorway revealed a pristine living area, a comfy couch in front of a television about the size of the average theater screen. Stairs, both ascending and leading downward, were at one end of the living room. I’d already ventured downstairs to raid the wine collection. The lower level held a nice rec room with a full bar, and racks of wine on either side.

Refilling my wine glass, leaving it on the immaculate, real stone kitchen counter, I hummed to myself as I headed into the bathroom to change, plotting all the ways I could tease my captive admirers. The bathroom seemed custom designed to facilitate my naughty impulses.

The door opened near a wall, some towel racks just beyond. Beside the doorway was an open shower, no shower door or curtains, and the counter, complete with dual sinks and a huge, vanity mirror, lined the far wall. The exterior wall, across from me, held a huge window that overlooked the backyard and the pool. The window was open, curtains pulled to either side and bound with matching curtain ties. As soon as I turned on the lights, thousands of lumens of crystal-white LED light illuminated the room, almost hurting my eyes. With the sun setting, there was no possible way that they couldn’t easily see into the room, in perfect detail, unless I closed the curtains.

Leaving the curtains open, to not disturb the perfection of those ruffled tiebacks tied exactly symmetrically, I teased my nipples in extreme hardness and walked to the middle of the room. Facing the window, pretending that I couldn’t see them, the three teenagers had ceased their chattering and turned to face the window.

“Don’t worry,” Adam said to his friends, oblivious to the fact that I could plainly hear him. “Those fucking lights are so bright in there that you can’t see outside. She can’t see us.”

They snickered and sighed, elbowing each other. My lust-filled, sadistic smile grew larger. Standing up straight, so my tits would jut out, a dreamy look in my eyes, I thought about how horny I was making them, making myself. My arms crossed in front of me as I dropped my hands down to the hem of my halter. With agonizing slowness, one inch at a time, I leisurely pulled the shirt up, over my stomach, revealing my rib cage at a snail’s pace. Hearing them jostling around and commenting got me so wet that I could feel the hot juice oozing out of my pussy, soaking my shorts.

As soon as I’d exposed the bottoms of my plump, high breasts to the bottoms of my areolas, I turned around to face the shower, my back to them. I wasn’t entirely evil; I made sure that they got just a glimpse of side-boob.

“Turn back, turn back. Oh please, pretty please.” I heard a hushed voice rasping from beyond the window. I let myself laugh at that.

Knowing that they couldn’t quite see my ass from their vantage, I bent over and pulled down my shorts. I straightened and turned myself, giving them another side-view glimpse of my boobs for less than a half-second, and retrieved my bikini. Tying the bottoms around me, ensuring that some of the very thin fabric was pulled into my pussy lips and that the back exposed enough of my cheeks, I held the top in my right hand, elbow bent upwards so that my arms and the top covered my tits from their anxious stares, and strolled past the window, delighting at their groans.

In front of the mirror, I held up the skimpy bikini top. The material was so thin that I could see my fingers under the cups. I didn’t buy it because it was a thin, tan-through bikini that showed your nipples when dry and became very translucent when wet; I purchased it because I liked the colors. I spent longer than I should have in front of the mirror. I was so turned on that the fabric brushing against my breasts sent tingling pleasure up and down my entire body. I spent a long moment caressing myself before I tied the tiny bits of sheer, stretchy fabric over my tits.

I turned off the light as I left, grabbing my wine on the way out. Pausing just short of the turn in the walkway that would reveal me to their eager, prying eyes, I smoked up a little and eavesdropped.

“See, dude,” Mike was excitedly saying, “no bra. I bet she’s so hot that she wasn’t wearing panties, either.”

“You need to get laid more than any man on the planet,” Adam teased. “Just chill out.”

“Hiya boys. Miss me?” I came out of hiding. “How’s that drink of yours coming along, birthday boy?”

“Umm, not even halfway through, yet. It’s pretty big and really strong.”

“Sorry.” The tone of my response was suggestive and playful. “I just like them big and super-strong.” I ruffled his hair with my hand as I walked around the pool, showing off my figure, and climbed onto the diving board. Of course, one cannot properly tease if they don’t limber up, so some stretches and bending were in order. Three speechless, eighteen-year-old boys stared at me hungrily.

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The water was shockingly cold, at first, then refreshing. I dove in deep, touching the bottom before coming up, and swam around for a few minutes, enjoying the exhilaration of washing away the heat and humidity of the day. Eventually, I stopped and floated on my back beside where they were sitting. Their feet were still in the pool.

From that vantage, all three of them were taking turns staring at my rock-hard nipples, almost totally visible under the thin fabric, and my pussy, the lips outlined by the bottoms snaking up into my folds. The fact that all three of them were sporting hard cocks from my teasing was driving me insane. Because of my arousal, perhaps I was a little too heavy-handed with my innuendo.

When Allen was teasing Adam about getting birthday spanks, and he replied that he didn’t like spankings, I interjected with, “too bad. I enjoy a good spanking, myself.”

Allen asked me about my husband and what type of men I like. My response, “A hard man is good to find,” all while staring at his crotch, might have been a little too forward.

Taking a hand from both Mike and Adam, I climbed out of the pool about twenty minutes later. Scraping the water off my flesh with my hands, my now-aching cunt right at their eye-level, I whisked my hand down to my crotch and exclaimed, “Look at how wet I am.” Mike almost choked to death on his soft drink.

I told the boys that I didn’t want to catch a chill and headed back inside. Just to tease, I untied my bikini top as I turned the bend in the path. Barely able to restrain myself, I stopped and listened, thrusting my hand down the front of my cold, wet bottoms. My cunt needed some attention.

“She took her top off,” one of them said. My index finger found its way up my hole.

“That pussy of hers was sticking way up out of the water, you could see lips.” In response, I just had to run my finger up and down my cunt lips.

“Dudes,” Adam chortled. “Stop it. This is why you guys never get laid.”

This time, I made no effort to hide my nudity from their lusty eyes. With it fully dark outside, I’m positive that I was lit up well enough that my tits could probably be seen from space. Facing the window, I untied the neck and let my tits spill out. Their comments of, “oh, fuck,” “best tits I’ve ever seen,” and my personal favorite, “I think I just jizzed my pants,” forced me to turn away before I burst out laughing. Two quick tugs on the strings of the bottoms and I was nude, my body in sexual heat. I strutted over to the counter and just pulled the white t-shirt over my body. My skin was still wet, causing it to cling to the contours of my body. It was all I could do to resist the urge to wave at them as I passed the window on my way out.

“How old did you say she is, Adam?” I overheard. “No fucking way. She looks better than all the girls at school.”

“That’s because I’m a woman, not a girl.” The fact that my t-shirt was wet from me “accidentally” forgetting to towel myself off properly was not lost on them. They even forgot to pretend that they weren’t ogling my body.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Blackfeather,” Allen said. “You’re just not like anyone we know. You’re cool and hot.”

“Thanks, Allen. But, please call me Krystal. Calling me missus makes me feel my age. However, it’s late and time for you boys to wish Adam a happy birthday and head home.”

I weathered the boyish protests and eventually sent them on their way, making sure they left with hard cocks. The thought of them jacking their cocks to me had my entire body on fire. Seeing Adam’s empty cup, I took it upon myself to refill it, coercing him to come out and talk to me by the pool.

I laid back in a reclining lounger, my legs spreading sporadically, giving him a glance at my soaked pussy. Adam sat on the edge of the diving board, facing my twat, trying to not look like he was staring. The entire time, he held the cup over his crotch, attempting to hide his impressive erection. When he took a gulp, his free hand substituted itself to conceal his hardness.

After an undetermined length of time, broken only by him sharing his herb with me and a light birthday kiss on his lips, Adam told me that he had a great birthday but was tired and was heading up to his room.

“Well, goodnight, then. I think I’ll hang out here and grab some sleep.” As I spoke, I casually pulled in one foot, raising one knee. I could feel the night air on my bare pussy. He just stared and smiled.

“Ah, good night.” He scrambled off the diving board, his erection preceding him. “I’m going to play some video games…or something.”

I knew he was planning on “or something.” As he jogged away, I finished off the joint he’d left out, coughing a bit. As soon as I had downed my wine, a lovely semi-sweet white, this time, I saw an upstairs light turn on. Adam milled about a bit, turning on his TV, then the light flicked off. A bluish glow emanated from the television, turning everything else into shadows. As expected, the silhouette of his head peeked out, framed by the dim light of the television. There was no flickering or pulsating to the glow from the screen, signifying that it was on, but nothing was being played or watched. Of course, the black outline of his head in the window attested to that as well.

It was now showtime. I had spent hours teasing the boys, not only making them hot, hard, and horny, but I’d also worked myself into a sexual frenzy. Teasing and flashing always drive me insane with desire. His shadowy figure copied mine as I stood. I could see his darkened shape from about the thighs up. I stripped off the white t-shirt and climbed, nude, onto the diving board.

With my head thrown back to look at the stars, sighs escaping my lips, my hands caressed my thighs and stomach, then cupped and squeezed my breasts, fingertips grazing over my nipples. I felt so free swimming in the water under the moonlight, totally nude, knowing that my voyeur was frozen in place, lusting after me.

I climbed out of the pool, dried myself off once more, and sat back in the lounge chair, my legs spread and hanging over the sides. My hands moved over my nude body as I moaned, traveling over my engorged tits, pinching my nipples until I was panting, then racing between my thighs to slosh around in the wetness pouring from my pussy. Despite having been cooled off by my skinny dip in the pool, my cunt was hotter than a volcano, my juice running from it like molten sexual lava.

Adam lived up to my hopes. His shadowy figure was still standing in the window, haloed in the neon glow of the TV behind him. His torso leaned back and forth, slowly, his arm showing obvious pumping actions as he watched me.

“Yes,” I whispered to myself. “Jack that fucking cock for me.” I was so wet that I plunged two fingers into my cunt, fucking myself in time with his motions. My other hand tugged at my clit, rolling it between two fingers, pulling on it, and flicking it. “You’re a naughty boy, Adam, lusting over your babysitter. Fucking stroke for me.”

Matching his speed and rhythm, I sadistically waited until he was close to cumming before I forced myself to stop pleasuring my overheated cunt. I sprang up and briskly walked, still nude, into the house. Inspired by Adam’s behavior, I sought the TV remote and turned it on to a random music channel, just for the light. The couch was perfectly positioned for me. Laying with my head on the arm of the sofa, my feet were pointed directly toward the dual sets of stairs. Placing one leg over the back of the couch, the other falling to the floor, I had the perfect position to pleasure myself and hopefully provide a great teasing show. The only other thing I required was for my birthday boy voyeur to be bold enough to come and watch.

By that time, I was so fucking horny that I didn’t care if he wanted to watch me get myself off or not. I needed to cum. Hours of teasing had me ready to explode in a screaming orgasm. All the self-touching I’d done was almost like spending the entire day edging. Without giving myself any foreplay, I thrust three fingers deeply into my soaked cunt. I buried my fingers inside me, thrusting in and out, curving my fingers upwards to hit that sweet, spongy spot that always makes me cum so hard.

My self-abuse created loud sloshing sounds as I fucked myself harder, deeper, and faster. Moans, pants, and sighs joined the music of my masturbation.

“Yes, fuck me,” I begged the ether. “Feels so good. Aaah.”

Then, I saw him at the top of the stairs. Attempting to hide in the shadows, Adam was there. The glow from the television not only illuminated my nude body writhing in the throes of passion, but it also cast just enough light that I tell he was also nude, stroking his hard cock.

Seeing that young adult lusting over me, jacking his cock at the sight of me, pushed me over the edge. My hips flailed about, wildly; my thighs quaked in passion.

“Fucking fuck me, Adam,” I screamed. “I’m fucking cumming. Do you like how wet my fucking slutty pussy is? Do you want to taste me, fuck me? Fuck!”

I came with a huge, mind-melting orgasm that was so intense I nearly fell off the couch. I couldn’t stop moaning and undulating, screaming “yes, fuck, yes,” over and over.

I continued fucking myself through the after-tremors, into another orgasm, and beyond that. I’d forgotten to pretend that I didn’t know he was there. Instead of playing coy, I was staring right at him. Adam noticed, let out a startled gasp, and stumbled backward into the darkness.

“Adam,” I said sternly. “Come out here now.”


“Adam,” I insisted. “I know you’re there. Come out right now.”

He sheepishly ambled forward, his cock deflated, his head hung low in shame.

“Come here,” I demanded. As if he were marching to his execution, Adam slowly descended the stairs, taking the smallest steps possible to approach me. “Now sit between my legs.”

He did.

I began fingering myself once more, starting slowly, running my finger up and down my dripping slit. “Now lick my juice off my fingers.”

“Huh? What? You’re not mad?”

“You do know that I’ve been teasing you and your friends all night on purpose, right?”

“You were?”

“Happy Birthday. Now, do you want to watch me finger my hot, dripping cunt, or do you want to stick that cock of yours in my mouth?” His cock immediately sprang to life as if it were spring-loaded. “How about both? Fuck my mouth while I make myself cum.”

I knew I shouldn’t do this. It was definitely overstepping the bonds of friendship to fuck your friends’ son. Knowing how taboo it was made it so fucking hot that I had to.

“Are you ….ah…sure, umm, Mrs. Blackfeather?”

His calling me by my married last name was too much for me. My body instantly went from building into another orgasm right up to ready to explode. I stopped fingering my clit long enough to grab him and pull him towards me until his cock was waving in my face. It was long, a little over seven inches, and thick enough that I wanted to feel it in my mouth, feel it pounding into my snatch.

I didn’t respond with words. Instead of speaking, my lips wrapped themselves around his shaft as I pulled him as deeply into my mouth as I could. I fucked him with my mouth, slurping and gurgling on his cock, moaning over it as I fucked myself.

My body was heaving, the heat radiating from my skin with such intensity that I felt feverish. My next orgasm unleashed itself with the fury of a tidal wave. I managed to keep my lips locked on his cock for maybe two crashes of ecstatic rapture before my moaning and cursing caused me to release the vacuum on his hardness. As soon as my mouth broke contact, Adam’s lance erupted with stream after stream of burning-hot, white, cum.

His hips bucked back and forth, one of his hands reaching out to the arm of the couch to steady himself. He ejaculated all over my face, in my hair, over my tits, and all over the couch.

“Now,” I said to him. “Lick my pussy until you get that cock hard again.”

“Lick it?”

“Yes,” I said. I grabbed his head and gently pushed him into my crotch. “Eat my fucking cunt until you get it up and can fuck me.”

He began, unsure of himself.

“A little harder,” I instructed. “Up and down, slowly. Yes. Like that.”

He got into the rhythm of it. My hands played with his cum, rubbing the jizz into my tits and nipples as he ate me out.

“Your cum feels so good on my skin. Now, stick a finger inside me, very gently. Ooh, that’s nice. Now slowly fuck me with it”

He did exactly as I said, quite the adept pupil. As soon as he was confidently fingering me while his tongue lapped up and down my slit, I was ready for more.

“Now run your tongue up until you find a hard nub. Stop. Right there. That’s my clit. I’m already horny as fuck, so you can be a little rough, but usually, you want to start gentle and take your time. I want you to suck it into your mouth with your lips, no teeth, and swirl your tongue over it.”

“Mmm-hmm,” he moaned over my clit.

“Jack that fucking cock for me. Get it hard so you can fuck me.”

His tongue wasn’t the most perfect oral I’d ever received, but even though he was young and inexperienced, he more than made up for it in eagerness. He soon had my clit buzzing to the point that I could feel it growing more engorged, harder, and more sensitive under his licks and sucks.

“Did you like watching me change into my bikini?” I asked as my hands grabbed handfuls of his hair and pulled him onto my clit tighter.

“How about when I was flashing you before you went upstairs to spy on me? Did you like looking at my cunt? I liked it.”

He grunted.

“Shove one of your fingers in my ass and fuck my slutty hole,” I begged. “Fuck yes, I’m fucking cumming on your face. Fucking lick me, you stud, fucking fuck my ass.”

My orgasm was out of this world. My vision darkened, my ears stopped working, and my body hurled itself in every direction, contorting into inhuman positions. He didn’t know to back off the pressure during my orgasm, so I had to push his head back.

“Now,” I said as I shifted position and wrapped my legs around him. “Shove that cock in me and fuck me as hard and deep as you can.”

He was young and his hormones were raging. I screamed in relief when I felt his hardness enter me, filling that emptiness. I pulled him deep into me with my legs, holding up my tits and playing with my cum-covered nipples to stimulate him.

Adam fucked me hard and fast, his face a mask of demonic lust.

“More cock, harder. Fucking fuck me. Fuck me like you own me.”

That was too much for him. Even though he had recently cum from me deep-throating him, spurt after spurt of his hot semen filled me. I wanted more, humping against him, pulling him deep. Adam had no more for me, though, at least not just then. His cock fell out of me with a plop, our mixed juices oozing out of my used pussy.

“I, I can’t believe that happened,“ he sighed.

“Happy Birthday, Adam. Now, will you do me a favor?”

“Yes, anything.”

“Pour me another glass of wine and bring it out to the pool when you get that cock hard again. I want more.”

Written by krystalg
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