We met on a college trip. I was nineteen and inexperienced. He was twenty-eight with an Australian accent that just made me melt. I am a sucker for accents. We hit it off right away. We sat next to each other on the bus. We made sure we ended up in each other’s groups and we went on all the same excursions.
One night we were out at dinner and it was a fancy restaurant and we were there with our whole group. Nick and I ended up sitting next to each other at a large round table with a long table cloth. Nick placed his hand on my knee and it sent a shock right through me. I hadn’t felt anything like that before. I had made out with a couple of guys before but not really gone any further. Nick and I hadn’t even kissed yet but his hand was on my knee and we locked eyes.
I blushed. I felt like everyone at the table could tell the butterflies in my stomach and the tingling that was happening between my legs. All that from a simple touch of my knee. I pulled my knee away out of panic. He gently grabbed my hand under the table and gave it a gentle squeeze. I guess he sensed my nerves. He continued talking to everyone at the table casually, making jokes and goofing around. I hung on every word he could have been reciting the ingredients of a cereal box and I would have been enthralled by his beautiful accent.
It was clear no one at the table noticed the younger girl at the table completely smitten. The dinner came out and our hands parted ways so we could eat. Nick still found an occasion to put his hand on my knee. Who knew that simple touch alone could make me want him so bad.
Dinner ended and so did the required activities for the trip. We had free time and we could do what ever we pleased. Everyone went their separate ways. Nick and I decided to walk back to the hotel. We held hands and talked the whole way back. My mind was racing. I couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel.
The walk was only a couple of blocks. Nick walked me to my room and gave me a simple kiss on the lips good night. I closed the door and rested my head on the backside of the door. The kiss was great and all but I wanted so much more. Why didn’t I just make a move? Why did I freeze up? Stupid nerves.
About a minute later, there was a knock at the door. It was Nick.
”I had every intention of going back to my room but I just couldn’t.”
Before he could say another word I had pulled him into the room. I was not going to miss my second chance to see where this would go. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him long and slow. Our tongues explored. His hands found mine and he gently pushed me against the wall pinning my arms over my head. He began to explore my body. Paying special attention to my neck and right behind my ear. I was weak in the knees. I was tingly all over. I was so worked up I had to lean into him for support.
He planted a leg between mine and leaned in further. I could feel bulge in his jeans up against me I began humping him through our clothes. It was all happening so fast but I just needed more. He dropped my hands back down and began exploring with his hands. His fingers rubbed up against my nipple, tweaking it through my bra. His other hand was gently massaging my breast. His lips found mine. His hand trailed down my back and then up my shirt. He unhooked my bra fondled my bare breast. I could take it any more I need to get to the bed.
Just then my phone went off. My roommate was on her way back up to the room. Nick pulled away, with a kiss on the lips he was gone.
I turned off the lights and got in bed. I pretended to be asleep when she walked in. My head was reeling I had to process what had just transpired. My roommate took the cue and pretty much went straight to bed. I lay awake, replaying the events of the last hour, waiting for her to fall asleep. Once I heard her soft snores, I let my hands explore my body, running my fingers over all the places he had made feel so electric. I ventured down in undies. And began to work my clit. I was still so worked up that it didn’t take long to reach orgasmic levels I made sure to control my breathing as to not wake my roommate. But I need a release. Then I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of what would have happened if my roommate hadn’t come back to the room so quickly.