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A Summer's Day

"A good girl explores being bad at a pool party"

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Competition Entry: Sizzling Summer Sex



My favorite teacher, Mr. Andres, had sent me a text this morning.

It read: “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”

A joke between us since I had taken his English literature class during junior year.

He was still on my mind while I sat in the back of a car. He had this image of me, one I had perfected. I was the studious, intelligent girl with ideologies and passions. His protégé, a college-bound aspiring writer, who’d go downtown with him and his friends to protest, picket or listen to poetry at the bars he’d sneak me into. I even helped him out during summer school, volunteering to help tutor his students.

Today, I said “Fuck all that.”

One of his students, Nadia, a complete dodo bird when it comes to school despite my tutoring help, but a popular and sexy girl, invited me to a pool party at a friend’s house. And I was going. No studying, no work, no tutoring, no chores, no goody-two shoes bullshit today. Today, I wanted to be just as crazy as Nadia.

I was pumped with excitement. The driver noticed me smiling to myself in the rearview and I gave him a smile back. I was squirming in my seat with anticipation of this party. I didn’t even know who’d be there. I had my cute sundress on—the yellow one with the pink flowers on them. I had my cute hat on—a straw one with a flower in front. I had my cute sandals on—the wedge ones I paid a lot for.

And no undies!

I bit my lip as the driver looked at me again. Was he reading my mind? I laughed to myself and he noticed. Ugly guy with a hairy face. How he’d freak if I flashed him right then and there. That’s something Nadia would do. My real friends are more conservative (in dress, I mean). Nadia is something else. I couldn’t even believe it when she invited me out.

I reached into my shoulder bag to make sure my cute bikini was in there and my sunglasses and to pull out my phone. I dropped it and had to reach to grab it. I could tell the driver wanted to look back and see. He asked if I was all right. I found my phone, sat back, and crossed my legs. His head jerked to the side, wanting to see my cross my legs. I could’ve done a Basic Instinct on him. But he’d probably crash. I texted Nadia.

“I took ur challenge and went commando! LOL. Feels soooo weird. But fun. Ha. C U soon.”

She answered back quickly: “The guys are here. Hurry. They’re fucking hot!”

“Ooh,” I said out loud.

“Going to a beach party?” the driver said.

“Yeah,” I said, pushing my hair back to talk to him. Then I jumped a little. “No, a pool party!”

“Okay. Nice. Nice. You look…ready for it… Good idea. It’s so hot.”

“Soooo hot.”

“So fucking hot.”

“In here’s nice and cool.”

“Not too cold, though, is it?” We were stopped at red light. He turned to look at me.

“Um, no…”

He was staring at my chest. What a bold motherfucker. I looked out the window. He was still staring. Green light, where the fuck are you? I uncrossed my legs before realizing I was doing it. I looked at him. He was grinning. I laughed at him and nodded towards the front window. He didn’t turn. Come on. I started tapping my foot nervously. What’s he looking at? My cleavage? Dirty prick. My nipples? Are they poking through the dress? My skin? What the fuck? I wanted to say something clever, maybe something about him losing a tip, but I couldn’t get the words out. My knees he was now staring at. I tapped them together. Can he see through this thin dress? Okay, now I was getting angry and was about to say something when a loud honk rang out.

He turned and started driving again. I exhaled.

“Hope you got sun lotion,” he said.

I sat back. My pale skin. Oh, my God. Am I too white? Will the guys like that? I’m not tan like Nadia. Should I have tanned first? I hate that tanning shit. I don’t do that.

“I mean, for your skin,” the driver added when I didn’t answer.

“Yeah, thanks,” I said abruptly.

“You got nice skin. Don’t get burned out there.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“You are fine.”

I dreaded the next red light. Sure enough, he turned around again.

“Look,” I started to say.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get you to your party quick. You’re just so fucking hot…”

I stared out the window smiling a little. I could complain. I could call his company. I could do anything to him really. But I looked back at him. I touched the left strap of my dress very gently. His smile faded. His mouth was agape. His eyes were twinkling. I wanted to laugh. I pulled on the strap a little. His mouth opened wider. Then he gulped. I looked down to see what I was doing. I pulled the strap down some more.

A barely audible sound came out of his mouth when he saw my breast. Round little thing with big pink nips. His hand moved. I inched back. Don’t touch, I thought. Just sit there and admire it. That’s what he was doing. My other strap came down. His hand was clenched in a fist and he was breathing hard. I grabbed my breasts gently. He bit his lips. I closed my eyes, squeezed my tits, and gave a long, “Oooooh.” I looked for his reaction. A pained look on his face. I couldn’t wait to text this to Nadia with a huge LOL.

Then I wondered what his other hand was doing down there. I could hear it the fapping. Oh, God.

Two loud honks woke us up. I quickly pulled the straps back on. I pointed to the street ahead of us. “Keep driving,” I said simply. And he quickly complied. He pressed on the gas but did it too hard to compensate for making the other drivers wait. The car lurched before he regained control of it. He was also moving about in his seat, still stroking his dick with his other hand. He was trying to look at me in the rearview mirror. I burst out laughing.

This was going to be a good day.

Outside the house, while getting out of the car, I was ready to text Nadia that I was here when I saw another text from Mr. Andris.

“’Thou art more lovely and more temperate.’”

Oh, ffs. Well, I guess you can’t text poetry with abbreviations and smileys. This was distracting. “More temperate?” Was he trying to tell me I shouldn’t be out here with Nadia? He didn’t seem all that happy about it when she invited me, yelling at us (at me for the first time every) to get back to work. Maybe he felt bad about that. God damn him. I want to party, not think about my good girl temperament.

“You must be, Analisa?” a good-looking, bare-chested dude-bro said at the door. The kind of jock I’d scoff at if he flirted with me at school. Today, though, I was someone else. I gave a nervous hello. “I’m Nick,” he said. “Slick Nick.” I liked his voice, manly yet babyish, trying to sound smooth. I liked his grin, all lustful and winking. I liked his body, all brawn and probably not much brain. The kind of fuck machine I could use all afternoon.

Nadia screaming “Ana Banana!” pulled me out of my head. She was there in her pink string bikini. She was holding a bottle of vodka. She ran to me and gave me a hug. The way she grabbed me pulled my dress up a little. I yelped and had to hurry to yank the hem back down. Nick saw something. He cheered. Nadia grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house. “We’re in the back. He’s got a pool!”

“Who? Whose house is this?”

“You’ll see. Come on!”

Nick followed us.

Two other guys were there.

“Rico! Ty! Say hi to Ana!” Nadia announced.

Rico, I didn’t recognize. He stood there in swimming trunks and sunglasses and nothing else, holding a beer. He raised it up to welcome me while dancing to some music, his bulging dick moving around in those trunks. Nadia embraced him as if they had already been in each other’s arms before I arrived. He was kissing her, nibbling on her neck and ear. Nadia’s free hand was all over him, even grabbing at his privates. I hate coming to a party late.

“Welcome, Ana,” Ty said, offering me a cup.

Oh, shit. Ty, I recognized. He went to our school. Ty was a basketball player. Last thing I needed was someone telling people how I was behaving today. He stood there in tank top and shorts. I took the cup he offered. “Hi, Ty. What is it?”

Nick came up to me from behind and slipped an arm around me. “Long Island Iced Tea. We’re getting fucked up.”

Ty went to Nadia and Rico who were locked in a tongue battle. He touched her hair. Nadia was still kissing Rico when she put a hand behind Ty’s neck and pulled him close. He started kissing her face, too. Good God, what did I walk into?

Nick was saying something to me about school or work or something. My eyes were glued to Nadia’s hands. One of them was still holding Rico’s cock over his swim trunks while they kissed. The other was on Ty’s chest. On his sides. On his ass. On his thighs. Ty turned a little so that her hand was now on his shorts. He was opening those shorts.

“Don’t worry about them,” Nick said. “Let’s go for a swim.”

The pool was a much-needed cool-off. I changed into my bikini but put a white T-shirt over it. We played volleyball in the pool, floated around talking about school and music and then favorite sex positions. Nick wanted to know everything about me. I still didn’t know whose house it was and Nadia was being secretive. Instead she wanted to know if I liked Nick. And she would ask right in front of the guys. They all joined us at the pool.

“I like him just fine.”

Nick swam to me. “Oh, yeah,” he said. He chased me a little around the pool. Ty and Rico were splashing water at Nadia who was screaming. She jumped out of the pool to get away from them. They got out, too, and chased her. She let herself fall to the ground on a blanket they had laid out next to a tree. Rico went to get more drinks while Ty got on top of Nadia, their wet bodies all over each other.

To make conversation, I asked Nick whose house it was. He shrugged and said some teacher let them use the pool. I couldn’t picture it being Mr. Andris. I asked what the person’s name was and he said, “Laura something. One of Rico’s teachers. Horny MILF likes to see half-naked boys running around her pool. Handsome boys with big dicks. Like me.”

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I splashed water in his face and then floated away. He laughed and started pursuing me. He got me in the corner of the pool and trapped me there. His hands started wrapping around me. Why should Nadia have all the fun, I figured. I cupped his face in my hands. He came in close. He stuck his tongue out. I stared at him for a second before licking it. Then sucking it. His hand pulled my T-shirt up. I started whimpering in protest but caught myself as he started French kissing me. My hands were on his broad shoulders. He took one of my hands and brought under the water. Right to his cock. I was nervous. I stroked it. He kept muttering “Yeah” into my ear. His hands were puling at the bottoms of my bikini. Down it was going. He pulled my hands away and started poking at me with his cock. My hesitant hands were on his big chest to push him away as I was getting overwhelmed a little, but he pushed in closer, my body on the wall of the pool. Someone I met an hour ago, and his hands were feeling me up, finding my pussy. I quickly turned around to get out of the pool but he threw his arms around me to hold me there. He was now pressing that cock between my butt cheeks. I wiggled around there, feeling that cock. Fuck the good girl, Analisa, I said to myself. Better yet, let her get fucked! His face was in my neck. I turned to kiss him. His hand was still digging at my pussy. This was too much. His other hand was trying to bend me over. His cock was nearly there. Just as he was starting to insert, I pulled myself out of the pool. Quickly so that he wouldn’t stop me. I yelled out something about a drink and hurried over to the table where all the bottles were.

I looked over to the grassy area where Nadia and the two boys were. Rico was relaxing on the ground. Nadia was kneeling on the blanket in front of Ty, her back to me. Ty was standing there with a hand on top of her head. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Nadia was sucking Ty’s dick. Rico’s hand was caressing her ass and then pulling on the strings of her bikini. Such a slut, I thought. I turned to see Nick who had also gotten out of the pool. He was pulling his trunks back up.

I marched over to him and grabbed his hand and led him over to one of the lounge chairs. I laid on it and pulled him on top of me. My bikini bottom was still floating in the pool. I lifted my T-shirt up and spread my legs open. He crawled on top, huge smile on his face. He nestled in between my legs, his tan skin against my pale skin. He massaged the tip of his cock against the lips of my pussy before inserting it. He anchored his hands under my shoulders and thrusted his way into me. I yelped at every thrust. My hands were all over him, all over his chest, his back, his ass, pulling him in harder. A nice echoey “Unh” emerged from me.

I could see Nadia in the corner of my eye. She had stopped her sucking to see what I was doing. How do you like that, bitch, I thought. Nick continued working me like a pro, positioning his legs to get a good thrust going. I gave a very long groan, hoping I wasn’t overdoing it. Nick’s cock slipped out. He was trying to get back in when I pushed him off of me. I then turned around and knelt on the lounge. I wiggled my ass at him to tell him to come back in. He jumped back in, pushing my back down a little and continued pumping into me doggy-style.

He pulled out holding his cock in a fist. I turned and grabbed him and pulled him to me. I took his cock into my mouth just in time for his ejac.

“Mm,” I said, while licking up the cum. “Yummy.”

“Save some for me,” Nadia said, jokingly. She was walking over to us, Ty following behind.

“You already had some,” I told her, pointing at Ty.

Rico was up, too, bringing a bottle and more cups from the table. Nadia laid on the lounge chair with me and turned my face towards her. I thought it was weird but I played along, taking her into my arms and playing with the string of her bikini. Nick and Ty were watching us. Nadia licked my face, licking up some cum that had dripped on my chin. She looked at the boys who were enjoying the show.

“I wish we could save some of this cum,” she continued joking.

“Make drinks out of ‘em,” I added.

“Hell, yeah.”

“Cum cocktails,” I said, loudly. What the fuck was I talking about?

“Make us some, Rico,” Nadia pleaded. “Please.”

“Cum smoothies, bartender!” I said.

Nick was stroking himself, trying to get another erection going. Ty was just looking over our entangled legs and nodding to himself. Rico was the one I hadn’t seen cum yet.

“I got your drinks right here,” Rico said.

“A margarita cum freeze?” I asked him.

Rico laughed and shrugged. “Just tequila.”

“Come here,” I said. “I need a chaser.” He came over to us and I grabbed at his cock. Nadia laughed in surprise. Rico almost spilled the drinks. Nadia grabbed them and put one cup to my lips. Yikes. Strong drinks, but I took a shot anyway, still holding firm to Rico’s hardening cock. After another sip of the liquor I laid back on the lounge chair and started spreading my legs open again. “Rico?” I said in a babyish pleading voice, rolling my “r’s” the way Spanish-speaking people do.

“Uh, yeah?” he said.

“Fuck me?” I said, posing it like a question to be even more school-girlish.

He gave the bottle to Ty and came in a hurry to me. He pushed his stiff cock into my eager pussy. I nearly screamed when he did, and Nadia put a hand over my mouth. “The neighbors!” I think she might’ve said but I didn’t care.

“Ooh,” I said loudly. “Latin cock.”

Rico fucked and fucked and fucked me while Nadia would touch us—his ass, my tit, his back, my clit, helping to work us into an orgasmic frenzy. And she would kiss us both on the lips. Ty, fully nude now, was ready to go again with his cock erect. With Rico still pumping his wonderfulness into me, I gave a strict “come here” gesture to Ty. He pointed at himself. I nodded and gave the gesture again. “Come hither,” I commanded. I reached out towards his cock. “Gimme, gimme,” I said. He sauntered over to an already crowded scene. He went to the head of the lounge chair where my head was. “Feed me,” I said before opening my mouth wide. He guided his black cock into my mouth and I sucked and sucked and sucked while Nadia could only watch.

Wow. My pussy filled. My mouth full. My nipples pinched. My sweet spot flicked. My hand holding balls. And my other hand on a woman’s body.

Best. Day. Ever.

Rico pulled out in time to splash so much cum all over my and Nadia’s thighs and bellies. Ty took a bit longer but eventually squirted his love onto my and Nadia’s faces. Even Nick managed to get his cock going again but not as strong and emptied his tiny payload onto my tongue. From there, I slowly spit his milk into Nadia’s mouth. She showed the boys the cum in her mouth before coming back to me, and letting it spill back into my mouth. Nadia came back for more. I was ready to spit into her mouth again but instead swallowed it with a big gulp and laughed at her teasingly like a child who got a toy first. Nadia pooh-poohed like she was upset. The boys laughed.

Nadia grabbed a wet towel to wipe us off.

I passed out on the lounge chair, the liquor having finally caught up with me.

I woke up an hour later. The boys were gone. The party had been cleaned up. I was about to look around for Nadia, hoping she hadn’t just left me here in a stranger’s house. Instead a voice said my name. A voice I recognized.

Mr. Andris.

He was standing by the door. I immediately looked down. The T-shirt was covering all my essentials, thank God. No undies though, dammit.


I always called him Andre.

I was breathing hard, thinking I was in trouble.

I was stammering. “I didn’t know this was your house.”

“Nadia asked to use the pool with some friends.”

I couldn’t read him. “That was nice of you. I, uh, didn’t know you knew her like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like, friends, I don’t know.”

He was looking at me. I got up from the lounge chair. He was looking over me. He had never looked at me anywhere below the neck. Believe me, I’d know if he had. But he was looking at me now. I felt ashamed, like walking up to a father confessor.

“Yeah, I know Nadia,” he said. “Very well,” he added, cryptically.

I never knew this about him. I was always his good girl. And all this time, he knew a vixen like Nadia well enough to let her fuck in his backyard and his pool.

“I got your text. It was cute,” I said with a shrug.

“Glad you liked it. Thought it’d make you smile.”

“Whatever,” I said, looking around for my bag.

“Your clothes are in the living room. I think that’s your panties littering my pool.”

Shit. The boys missed that when they cleaned up. And fuck Nadia for leaving me here knowing damn well this was Mr. Andris’s house and that he’d find me looking all slutty in his backyard.

I scrambled to get my bag and get my phone so I could call or text Nadia and chew her out for leaving a girl behind. I was about to leave when he stopped me. “Analise,” he said, using the Frenchy version of my name he likes. He was holding my hand and I couldn’t look at him. I finally did.

“Be careful going home. See you tomorrow?”

“If I make it…” I said, thinking of all the liquor I drank.

“‘Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May’,” he said, a bit awkwardly. I gave a nervous laugh wishing he’d stop, not knowing what he wanted from me.

“Yeah…” I said, but something was happening in my stomach.

He wanted to continue the sonnet. But he saw the look on my face. “You okay?”

“Yeah…” I said again. “‘And summer…?’”

He tried to continue. “And summer’s lease hath all too short a date.”

“Right,” I said but couldn’t hold it as vomit started coming. He hurried me to his bathroom to throw up. I knelt over the toilet bowl while he sat next to me, touching my hair.

“Let it out,” he said.




Written by Blackbeards14
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