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A Good Man's Just Reward pt2

"Husband wins, babysitter learns"

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Her little pussy clasped at the word fuck. "Yes Ron, please fuck me."

Ron nudged her into the house and shut the door. His gaze was even hotter. There was one more test he needed. He took the back of her head by her hair and tipped it back. His intent was plain in his eyes. She parted her lips in anticipation.

My husband kissed the babysitter. His tongue (oh, god, that wonderful, evil tongue) laid claim to hers.

Laura had French kissed before, but the way Ron made her feel right then was a revelation. He pulled her body to his. He took control of her entirely. Her legs went weak.

The kiss lasted longer than her boyfriend usually lasted altogether. When Ron finally released her, he picked her up as if she might faint.

Yeah, I know. Wasn't going to happen. Ron and Laura have slightly different takes on a few of these details. She really liked the kiss and enjoyed being lifted into his arms. He thought she outright swooned.

Holding her in his arms, he looked around her family room. "If you have no objections, shall we use your parent's room?"

Laura smiled weakly. "Oh yes, that sounds like fun."

I said before that my man is slender. When he carries me like that it's always a bit of a struggle. Of course, it's mostly a joke when he does it anyway so it's fun.

When Laura told me about Ron carrying her up the stairs to her parent's bed, it was a different kind of story. She's such a little thing.

He felt powerful to the babysitter. So confident. The feeling didn't end when he set her down in her parent's room. He stood behind her and pulled her body against his. She wiggled eagerly in his grasp. "Ohh, Ron I can feel you. You're hard already!" The firm tubular lump against the small of her back was unmistakable.

My husband buried his face in her hair, against her neck. He drew in her scent and kissed the sensitive skin there in a way I've always found even more interment than tongue to tongue. "Ohhh." Laura sighed and softened in his arms.

Ron's hands found the snap of her jeans and undid them, drawing the zipper down. "I was wondering if these might just be painted on," he murmured into her neck. He caught her earlobe between just his lips and plucked it as he peeled them down.

He sank down along the back of her body as he lowered her pants. It was a bit of a struggle, in fact. Laura twisted and hunched, helping work the tight jeans down her legs. Of course, this translated into a movement of hips and ass that my husband found mesmerizing. He let loose of her pants while they were still bunched around her knees to grab the hard planes of her ass.

Laura bent forward, frantically trying to pull her jeans the rest of the way off while Ron molested her ass.

With a hop and a shout of triumph, the jeans were off. This was followed by a yelp and a giggle as Ron bit her ass through her ruby-red bikini panties.

He rose and spun her in his arms and laid another soul kiss across her lips. He swept his arms under hers and on cue, she hopped up into his embrace and wrapped her teenage legs around his waist.

He took four slow steps across the room toward the bed while their teeth and tongues clashed. He cock ached now, trapped in his slacks, but there were a number of things he wanted to do to the hot little babysitter before jumping to the finale.

He lowered her to the bed and stood tall between her legs. He swiftly unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off. "You know I want to see those tits, Laura. Take that shirt off if you want me to eat your sweet pussy."

She swept the offending garment off in a blink and Ron just leered at her tight, high-riding little hills. She had a pronounced tan line that was so cute against her healthy, sun-kissed glow and the deep pink of her puffy nipples.

Ron fell on her and inhaled one breast. Her hand clawed his hair and her back arched. "Ahhh... oh shit. That feels amazing." Her eyes squeezed shut as he sucked hard on her entire tit.

While he snacked on her delightful chest, he pulled her panties down. She had to close her legs as he did so and he had to abandon her tits. He kissed down her flat stomach and nipped the folds of her navel with his teeth as he worked the panties lower. She wiggled her feet out of them and spread her legs wide.

Ron paused a moment to rise and look her in the eyes. He gently pressed a palm to her mound and let her folds begin to spread his fingers. "Be sure to say my name when you cum." He smiled devilishly at her as he lowered himself to his knees and slid one long finger along her slick crease.

My Ron has lush lips for a man and a very quick tongue. The guy has sucked hundreds of climaxes straight out of my clit. Poor little Laura had no idea what was in store for her.

She was wet and fragrant. The tightly curled fur of her trimmed bush did little to hide her pink blossom. It was all dramatically framed by her tan lines.

Ron began low at the base of her slit. That evil pink tongue that I know and love barely split her lips at all on the first pass as he drew it up along her crease. Laura shivered and her legs wavered, half wanting to close around his head, half eager to open wide for him.

He didn't make contact with her clit that time but he saw the little bump hiding in its shroud at the top of her mound. He chuckled and wedged his tongue in just a little deeper.

"Oh god," was all that Laura could say, her hands gripping the bedspread.

Ron's lush lips and clever tongue coaxed her petals open wider and wider as Laura's arousal escalated. Already he had her hotter than she'd ever been in her life. He was so much better than her own fingers (there was no point in making any comparison at all to a couple of fumbling boys whom's names failed to cross her mind). It wasn't that he touched places that she couldn't because she could and did. He touched her in ways she didn't know she wanted until it happened, letting her squeaks and shudders show him the way.

My husband really started digging in. He had his whole face buried in the folds of her pussy. Her feet found his shoulders and her body began to twist and grind on him. Her clitoris was centered on the bridge of his nose.

Ron gripped the tops of her thighs right against her hips and held her firmly against his face. "Oh god. Oh Fuck, oh god. This is...." Laura panted rapidly and hunched against his face while his lips slurped her juices directly from her hole and tongue dug against her walls.

"Oh god, Ron. I'm cumming!" She'd done as instructed, whether she remembered the instruction or not, calling his name and riding the hot climax over a cliff into roaring bliss.

My husband kept his face planted in her creaming pussy, lapping up her juices until she started to squirm away. "Fuck, no. I can't take any more. Feels like my pussy's going to jump off my body."

I'm not quite sure what that really meant but Ron insists that's what she said.

Ron got to his feet while she scooched up the bed and caught her breath. "I knew you'd say my name. I made you feel better than you have ever before, didn't I?"

Ron was feeling ballsy and who can blame him. He had the hottest thing in the neighborhood laid out naked in front of him and he'd just given her a hell of a tongue lashing, so to speak. Laura could only nod, trying to put her brain back into her head.

He began to undo his belt with relish. "And now we're going to see what you've learned about giving head."

Laura stared as my husband lowered his fly and then his slacks. He left his boxer briefs on. They were light gray and jockey length. The babysitter could plainly see his stiff manhood.

He rounded the bed, drawing closer to her. There was a small, dark stain of pre-cum near his waistband. She rolled once, bringing herself close to the edge of the bed. She'd regained some composure and gazed up into my husband's eyes. "I've never felt anything like that in my life. I feel amazing. And I want to taste you so bad." She grabbed his waistband and tugged it down past his balls.

What did her wondering eyes behold? Well, she told me she was very impressed with my husband but just between us, Ron is very average. He just tops six inches and I can get my hand around him pretty well. Though I doubt little Laura can. But he has a very pretty cock. Straight as an arrow, a bit darker than the rest of his pale skin and with a nice, strong head on it. I love to play with it to see all the different colors of purple it changes.

Laura had enough experience that she didn't try to do anything from an uncomfortable position. She tossed a pillow to the floor and slid down to kneel on it. As she did that, Ron kicked his shorts away and they were both completely nude.

Laura licked up his underside, breathing in his scent. "Chris told me she gave you a blowjob just before I got to your house earlier. Is that true?"

Ron's hands went to her hair. He'd later tell me that he didn't feel self-conscious at all talking about his wife while being sucked by a teenager. "Yeah. She was still swallowing my cum when the doorbell rang."

Her tongue circled the rim of his cap and then caught a drop of his lube. "I bet she's good. I bet she keeps you real happy." Laura squeezed his balls gently and the tip of her tongue toyed with his slit.

"Fuck yes. She can swallow every inch and loves to just let me fuck her face."

He's right, I love that. I love it when the man I'm with just loses control and takes what he needs. Some women say that kind of thing makes them feel like objects but I think it makes me the most important thing in his world and that's exhilarating.

"Let's see how much I can fit," she said. She slid her lips over his head and pulled him into her face.

Ron went up on his tip-toes, both hands in her hair but letting her control things. He didn't plan on losing control with the little teen.

Twice she froze and then backed off, fighting the gag reflex. His fat cap filled half her mouth all on its own and pinned her tongue down.

"Oh fuck, your little mouth feels so good on my cock." With small hands and a small mouth, little Laura was making my man feel very large. Gagging on one end while still having enough room for short strokes on the other.

Laura felt him swell still further. Fearing he was about to cum she released him. He wasn't quite as close as she thought, but Ron didn't waste time explaining. With one hand in her hair and the other under her arm, he lifted her to her feet. His drool-covered cock slid around against her flat stomach as he covered her mouth with his and palmed one of her little chest-fruits.

"Can you taste yourself?" he panted half into her mouth. She moaned and nodded. "You think that tasty pussy's ready for my hard, naked cock?" Her feet shifted with anxious arousal and she grabbed his soaked rod and pulled on it. Both groaned into each other's mouths.

She fell away from him onto the bed. Her legs went up and out without any prodding and she said in the most sultry voice she could muster. "Show me what I've been missing."

Ron planted his tip against her entrance and gazed down at her body in fascination. It's not as if Laura was super tiny but the contrast with what he was used to was striking. He realized he'd have to go slow.

I have a confession to make. After two children (and a third on the way of course) and some very enthusiastic use of my furry treasure over the years, my pussy is a bit on the loose side. My hole is big and juicy and Ron swears up and down that he absolutely loves sinking into it. He's certainly pumped many gallons of cum into it over the years.

But as much as he loves going wild on my cunt, it was going to be a special treat to wedge his horn into something tight and fresh.

As wet as he had her, he actually didn't need to be as slow and gentle as he was. As I said, Ron's just average in the size department. Don't worry, he won't freak to hear me say that; he's a realist. So he wasn't noticeably larger than the couple of boys Laura had already been with.

But he did go slow and that's not a bad thing.

It was certainly a first for Laura. Those boys hadn't had the self-control to do anything other than shove it in. She'd told me it hurt when they put it in almost every time. But they hadn't prepared her like my man did.

The slow advance of Ron's naked cock into her slicked-up honey-pot felt amazing to Laura. Fellas, take note. We really, really like it when you take your time both to get us ready and to open us up.

When Ron's groin bumped her mound, Laura came a little. "Oh god oh god oh god. That's so fucking cool." Ron snugged into her, pulled her ass half off the bed. He wrapped one arm around her leg and spread his other out across her flat stomach.

That's been one of Ron's moves since before we met. I guess he gets some kind of stronger connection and sense of control out of it. He's told me that feeling the woman's body like that, sort of holding her between his hand as is dick just feels very natural to him.

Laura liked it. The tips of his fingers pressed into her abdomen and he slowly drew himself out. She grabbed his arm, her eyes big staring into his. When he felt the head of his cock tug at the inside of her lips, he quickly pressed in again.

Laura pulled against his arm and hunched her hips into his. "Fuck yes. Make me cum, Ron. Please make me cum again!"

"I love to hear you beg." He started a steady rhythm. "Take my cock little girl. Cream all over my naked cock and scream!"

She didn't start screaming right then, but my man worked her over magnificently. Relentless, firm thrusts into her absolutely soaking cunt. Rather than speeding up, Ron was subtly slowing his assault. Each jab sought to press deeper. He held her pinned to the bed longer each time.

Her young gash was creaming heavy for him, discharging thick and white along his shaft. Ron could feel her trembling at the brink. Now he pulled her up by the leg he had his arm around and lifted her ass high as he jabbed in deeply.

That triggered Laura's climax, and she shouted wordlessly. She bit her lips and pulled at her hair and went stiff, arching her shoulders to the comforter while Ron stood tall at the side of the bed with his cock held deep inside her grasping sex.

"You cumming, little lady? Does my cock feel that good inside you?"

"YES!" she cried out. Breathing hard, she let her back relax against the bed. Puffing himself, Ron lowered her hips as well and he popped out of her with a little spritz of her cream. They both stared down at his red and engorged member.

He stroked himself. "Holy hell, look at your girl cream all over my cock. How fucking horny are you?"

"That's your sperm, isn't it?" she asked, very gently tracing her pussy lips, exploring her open and engorged sex.

Ron chuckled, "Oh no sweet Laura. It's all you." He stroked himself tightly, making the head swell and darken even more. "See how hard I still am?"

Laura didn't say a word. She just stared at his soaked, raging cock and stroked herself a little less gently.

Her slit was too tasty a treat to pass up. Ron went to his knees, brushed her hand aside and buried his face in her again, slurping her essence.

Laura's eyes went very big. She started to push his shoulder away but couldn't bring herself to do it. At first, she was too sensitive and the sensation too intense but some part of her craved the spine-twisting feel of it.

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Ron only spent about a minute glued to her flower before standing again. He hadn't yet cum himself, after all. "You ready to feel a man fill you up completely now?"

He took both her thighs and cinched her up against his jutting cock once again. He locked her gaze for a moment, checking for any hesitancy or refusal. Seeing nothing but dizzy desire, he sank into the babysitter until his balls nudged her hard cheeks.

Laura's arms were limp above her head. She tossed her hair weakly but swiveled her hips against his with more skill than she knew she had. "Fuck me again Ron. Please come in my horny pussy."

Ron has told me of his time with the babysitter more than once. It's definitely one of our favorite bedtime stories. Talking about it turns us both on a lot. But I do confess, I'm not without some jealousy on the subject. When Ron really gets into telling the story, the way he talks about Laura's perfect, nubile body is quite... avid.

Even lying on her back, Laura's perky little tits stood tall, wearing her tan lines like a mask. Ron has gone into great detail about the souffle-shape of her puffy nipples and how their delicate pink color deepened as her heart raced and her eyes rolled back.

Her perfectly flat and bronzed stomach has that sexy crease that extends above the navel.

Her dark bush was trimmed close to her mound, just thick enough to hide the hood of her tiny clitoris.

She has narrow hips but an even narrower waist. Every time Ron talks about how small she was and how she seemed to fit in his hands, my pussy drips but I also want to tear her eyes out for just a moment.

We only share this story alone in bed when we're feeling randy. My usual response is to take Ron as hard as I possibly can. To fuck my mouth and cunt on his cock like a desperate, possessed woman. Determined to remind him what a woman with skill, love, depravity and maturity can do for a guy.

I guess I can see how my husband might be equally eager to show a horny teen how good a real man can be.

Although he was very close to release, Ron plowed Laura with firm control. With his hands at her waist, his thumbs almost met in the center of her stomach. He moved the girl at whim, sawing her body onto his wild erection with finesse and power.

Her little breasts were so firm, they jiggled only slightly under the assault.

Discovering new instincts, Laura's hand went to her mound and found her little pearl. "Fuck me, Ron! Oh god, cum deep inside me." Her eyes were practically spinning and her entire body was aflame. "Christ! I think I'm going to cum again."

Ron grunted. "I'm going to shoot you so full your mom's going to be scraping cum off the walls for weeks."

I swear that's what he said. I know. Sexy but stupid. Well, and gross. And maybe not actually sexy. Goofball.

But that's about the time he did. Cum I mean, not the walls thing.

Ron stooped over, releasing her thighs and pressing his hands to be bed near her shoulders. Laura wrapped her teen legs around my man and ground hard against him. She felt him all the way inside her cunt. Deep. Deep and throbbing and hard. It had all been so slick and hot to have him naked inside her.

Ron huffed and tensed and pressed her to the bed and released the white dragon.

Yeah, he called it that once early in our relationship. I haven't let him forget.

The hot pressure, the surge of his release was more than enough the make the girl climax right along with him.

They came hard and messy and supposedly, like, forever.


I haven't gotten a very clear version of the story immediately following that climax. It's pretty fuzzy for both of them. Eventually, they wound up spooning quietly in the middle of the bed. Ron held her close, arm across her chest possessively. Laura couldn't keep her fingers out of her wet crease, toying with her sensitivity there.

Laura's phone buzzed and dinged. Neither of them responded. A minute later is buzzed again followed shortly after by a chirp from Ron's phone.

"Guess who." Ron murmured near the babysitter's ear.

"What do you suppose she wants?" Laura asked with a little trepidation.

Ron hesitated before answering. "I really don't know." He was a bit worried I might have had second thoughts. "For the record Laura, we've never done anything like this before. Chris set this up out of the blue."

"So then?" she asked.

Ron nudged her one way while he rolled the other way and sat up at the side of the bed. He reached down to his discarded slacks to pull out his phone. "We better find out."

Laura started reading my texts. They hadn't noticed the dozen or so I'd sent over the previous fifteen minutes.

The messages ranged from "Did you cum on his mouth?" to "Is he inside you yet?" to "Can you deep throat him?"

"Looks like she's really into this," Laura said.

Ron just grunted. I'd texted his phone a bunch of times as well but they were much simpler. He showed the string of messages to Laura.

~Do her

~Do her

~Do it to her

~Fuck the hot little bitch

~Fuck her tight little teen slit

~Fuck her

~Just fuck her hard

Laura blinked. I certainly was succinct. The phone buzzed and another message popped up.

~Cream her fucking pussy!

Ron took the phone back and tapped out a response.

~Keep your knickers on. We're catching our breath.

The phone buzzed again immediately.

~Tell me you came inside her.

Man and girl exchanged a look. Ron asked softly, "Want to show her your fucked pussy?"

Laura picked her own phone back up. "Use mine," she said and lay back on the bed. Spread her legs and teased her folds open.

The photo Ron sent me from Laura's phone made my ears burn and my mouth go dry. She was blossomed open like an orchid, the thin, dark hair of her pubes doing nothing to hide her pink, swollen mound. She glistened. And looked well fucked.

Her face was well out of the shot. Laura's not a dummy.

I responded to Laura's phone.

~That pussy's been well fucked.

A little time went by. I didn't know if Ron was getting dressed to leave or they were in the shower together or he was eating her cream pie out or what.

Eventually, I got another pic.

It was my husband's proud, upstanding cock. Laura's small hand was wrapped around the base and her upper body was visible between his legs. The head was pressed to her little cleavage, the slit glistening with recent bubbles of lube or perhaps the babysitter's saliva.

My Ronald's excited helmet was nearly as big as one of her firm titties. He looked ready for action.

Very shortly thereafter, another pic. It showed only half his rod and curtain of hair as Laura took him in her mouth.

Laura described it later to me. It was the first time she'd tasted herself. She'd never had the luxury of time in her furtive humps with her boys. Ron said she hummed and slobbered all over him, getting very excited playing with his stiff member.

I was torn with the desire to be there with them and see more and the excitement of my husband being alone with the teen.

They sent only one more pic. It was a good five minutes later before I got a shot of my man's cock half buried in her pink lips from behind. One hand clung for purchase on her hard little ass. Laura's back curved down and away, her spine defined by light and shadow. Her head was bowed to the mattress, face still hidden.

Her hands were tight fists. The picture was rather blurry, to be honest. The couple was not holding still for it.

This is always one of my favorite parts of the story. Ron fucked her right through one bed-pounding orgasm and didn't slow down. The teen was going crazy beneath him, clawing the covers and babbling nonsense about shattering into little pieces. She was again trapped between the over-sensitivity of her sex and the absolute need to experience more. Her ass was all over the place. One moment Ron was ramming her directly into the bed, the next she was up on her knees and grinding against him.

After my little gulp-and-go before dinner and leaving one load in Laura already, Ron was set for the long haul. Or he would have been if not for the little issue of gasping lungs and burning legs.

So he did the sensible thing and put the hard-bodied teen to work. He laid back on the bed and pulled Laura aboard and within seconds she was hunching and grinding on top of him, racing to another educational and mind-expanding climax.

And not long after that, another.

Though she was soaking wet, she was still the tightest thing Ron had been inside for a very long time. While she shuddered through that final orgasm, Ron wrapped her in a tight embrace, one hand on her ass, the other pulling her head to his shoulder. His hips jabbed upward at her, fast and rough as she came hard.

He filled her with more of his thick white essence then, face buried in her hair and hips arched and an animal groan of release.

Laura lay on my husband for a very long time after that, her throbbing pussy dribbling around his softening cock, both breathing hard and sweaty.

Eventually, Laura said softly, "Thank you."

Laura felt more than heard his deep "Hmmm" of contentment and he said, "Thank you too."

By this time it was past midnight. I'd fallen asleep on the couch in our home, I think. I had some very vivid dreams. Those dreams eventually woke me. I checked on the kids and got myself to bed where I gently petted myself to release while thinking about my husband and the babysitter.

The night wasn't over for them. They showered together, each exploring the other's body in great detail. As you might imagine, Ron's cock did not rise again for quite some time. But there in the master bath in the home of the babysitter, amid her mother's cosmetics and father's razor, Ron had her hoisted onto the sink and ate her out once again while gently teasing her tight little rear passage with his fingertips.

I don't care for anal but do like the outside of my hole teased... and Ron's very good at it. Laura creamed all over his face and they had another quick rinse and grope in the shower.

Once dry, they returned to Laura's parent's bed and spooned long into the night; they claim they actually got some sleep. It was Laura that woke Ron eventually after coaxing his cock hard while he slept and letting it wedge between her thighs. Sleepily, as he has done with me often, he woke enough to grab her firmly at the waist and tit and find her slick opening again.

They made love slowly and silently. Neither came until the very end, Laura's body going hot and stiff as her pussy drank its third load of the night.

That seemed to be a natural end to things for them. They sleepily murmured their goodbyes and thank you's, exchanging contented smiles and a couple of pecks on the lips as Ron dressed.

It was after 4am when Ron quietly crawled into bed next to me. I nestled back into his arms instinctively, still asleep. Being asleep, I didn't have any conscious thought of where he'd been or what he'd been doing. For a time, I was just sleeping with my husband.

But slowly, I became aware of a couple of scents. Coconut and strawberries of Laura's shampoo and cosmetics and a much earthier scent of sex. Spent semen and wet pussy. A pussy scent just slightly different from my own.

My eyes flew open in realization. I reached back and clasped his arm. "You're home."

"Umm-Hmmm," he hummed into the back of my neck. He rested his hand on my swollen belly. After a couple seconds, he asked in as casual a manner as he could manage. "What did you think of those pictures? Any regrets?"

I eased my body and curled up comfortably against my man. "You looked very sexy together. No, no regrets."

A couple of minutes passed. I doubted he'd fallen asleep. An idea had come to me. "Ron, I don't want you to tell me about Laura for a while. Wait until after the new baby. Wait until I'm ready to fuck your brains out."

His hand slid up to softly grasp my swollen breast and he pressed his hips to my ass meaningfully. "It's a date, dirty girl."


There is one final coda to this story. Laura came by the house the very next day. I was a little surprised to see her. It would be silly to exaggerate and say she'd been transformed into a whole new, mature woman. But she showed no shame or hesitancy in her posture. I think she was a little proud of what she'd done.

Ron, on the other hand, didn't know what to do with his eyes or hand or his voice for that matter. He kept looking from Laura to me with just a hint of fear, as if he thought there might be some kind of drama about to unfold.


Laura said she wanted two things but really I think she was there mostly for a third.

She was dressed in tight shorts and a football jersey, of all things. So I didn't think she was there for more seduction. She got me into our bedroom in private and asked for her bra. She gave me a very particular kind of look as she shrugged the jersey off, briefly showing me her little tits while she put the bra on and then swam back into the jersey.

She was probably also wondering if I had any regrets.

Then she asked if I had any condoms. As it happens, we did have some left over from before Ron's vasectomy... before the time we decided to try for a third and I subsequently got pregnant, actually. Still six months till they expired.

I no longer had a use for them so was happy to let Laura have the box. I think there were about eight in it.

She discarded the box and concealed them in her waistband. She made a face because the corners poked and scratched her a bit. Obviously, she didn't want to be seen walking home carrying a box of condoms.

Yes, I have now realized a bag of some kind would have fixed that. Sometimes a person's brain is just focused on other things.

Then we got to some girl talk and the biggest reason for Laura's visit (though those condoms were pretty critical).

Laura had the house to herself for one more day and night. She was inviting Tommy over. The kid had a curfew, but the two could spend an afternoon and evening alone together in Laura's house.

She was going to teach the teen a number of things. They were going to do things right and pretty much fuck all day.

Honestly, I don't think it's really what Ron taught her that matters. It was just a change in mindset. Laura was no longer going to treat sex as a reward for the boy or something that had to be done furtively. She now knew what was really at stake and how much she could get out of a meeting between bodies.

She was now ready to seize opportunities or to make them happen to suit her needs. No doubt Tommy was about to get an education but the real revelation will be the luxury of time and an eager, even demanding partner.

Good for them.

No, damn it, I am not a bad influence! Quite the contrary. I managed to spread a little extra happiness into the world.


Written by Boondocker42
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