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A Good Man's Just Reward pt1

"Husband wins, babysitter learns"

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My husband is the greatest man in the world.

I've had that thought many times over the last eight years. I know it's hyperbole but I believe it. The best father, the best husband and the best man there could ever be. He's a giver. He moves through life with quiet ease, always trusting in a kind word where others often resort to shouting and demands.

For example, he doesn't hustle and con at his work. As a site manager for a large construction firm, everyone trusts him implicitly. They go to my husband for straight answers and simple solutions. He wasn't promoted quickly but every step ahead he's made has come from pure merit when he was right for the job.

He's making pretty good money now. We were a two-income couple for a few years and that was great but we always knew we wanted a family and now we have one.

Motherhood agrees with me. There was a time I was afraid it wouldn't. When I was young, having children seemed like a scary burden. A way to ruin your life. It's certainly true for a lot of girls. After all, I had plans. I wanted to be independent and successful. Hell, as a CPA, I still get calls from recruiters several times a year.

I'll probably go back to that someday. It's good to have money, for lots of reasons. But for now, there are more important things.

I caught myself staring at my husband, unconsciously rubbing my expanding belly under my sweatshirt. He was just setting down the grilled cheese sandwich he'd made for Emma, our youngest. Youngest for now, at least. She was wiggling in her booster seat and reaching for it as he cut it in half, diagonally. She squealed when she got her hands on it. Apparently mashing the bread in her fists was the thrill of a lifetime.

Ben, a couple years older, was studiously taking bites from his own sandwich all around the outside. Around and around it went in his hands, getting smaller and smaller. I saw that he had also bitten each of his baby carrots in half. The little guy likes symmetry, a lot like his father.

Seeing my husband with them made all my womanly instincts dance with joy. To be loved and to love in return. To be safe and happy. To have another life growing in me, so close to joining our family.

He treats me like a queen when I deserve it and sometimes when I don't. He respects me as a partner in life and I trust him absolutely. And he drives the horny slut that lurks just beneath my skin wild on a regular basis.

Please excuse me. Like I said, all my womanly juices were flowing.

The kids were getting an early dinner because it was date night. Really, we were just going to dinner but we'd picked a pretty high-end place and planned to take our time. With my due date nearing, this was going to be our last time alone together for a while.

But right that second I had an urge to be alone with my man before dinner and before the babysitter arrived.

"Honey, come help me with my dress?" I asked as I tried not to waddle on my way to our bedroom. Ronald made one last attempt to salvage Emma's sandwich but had to just leave her to shove the wreckage in her mouth by the tiny fist-full.

He followed me into the bedroom, I hope unsuspecting. I let him pass me and shut the door behind him. And locked it.

He looked at me with a questioning tilt of the head but with a glint in his eye. Probably a reflection of the gleam in mine.

At 5'10", Ron's just a little taller than I. Skinny without trying to be, what he lacks in muscle tone he makes up for in clean lines. I've always loved the way he looks in flat-front slacks and a button-down shirt.

But at the moment, those pants are in the way.

We locked eyes while I loosened his belt and lowered his fly. I knew his hot package would be twitching and swelling already.

I pulled down his pants and shorts and there it was, growing before my eyes. I pushed him back to sit on the side of the bed. I braced myself on his knees as I eased myself down to the floor.

This is probably a little sick, but I caressed my belly as I knelt between his legs and peered up at him. "Baby needs some protein," I said.

Not sure he liked that. He made a face.

He liked it a lot more when I slid his stiff meat into my mouth and massaged his head with my throat.

In my life, I haven't always been a good girl. The forbidden and the inappropriate excites me. I may be a one-man girl these days but I've given a lot of head to a lot of guys and I'm pretty awesome at it.

It helps that Ron lets me practice on him whenever I want.

Ron fed me that protein probably more quickly than he'd ever want to admit to anyone but it made us both happy.

I was still on my knees and could still feel the warmth of his seed in my mouth when the doorbell rang. Laura the babysitter was here.

The juxtaposition of events in that moment sparked a positively diabolical idea in my dirty little head. Mr. Fantastic was going to really get a treat after dinner.


We've been in this house six years. I'm only thirty-three, but already I'm beginning to view the passage of time differently. Six years doesn't seem so terribly long to me anymore but in the life of someone like Laura, a lot can happen.

She was a little pixie of twelve when we moved into her neighborhood. The first time she babysat for us, she was fifteen. I can't say we're close, but we've kind of been on the periphery of each other's lives for a while now. And they have been formative years for Laura. She turned eighteen this year and has become quite the young woman.

She lives a couple blocks away and is the oldest of three. Because I'm younger (and so she assumes more hip) than her mother and not a family member necessarily obligated to blab her secrets, she has come to me a handful of times with the kinds of questions young women of her age have. I've tried to be open and supportive with her while not contributing to any kind of delinquent behavior. Of course, my personal bar for what is acceptable behavior isn't necessarily the same as everyone else's.

For the record, at her age, I was never reckless and I had high standards. But I liked attention and had virtually no shame so I managed to have a string of educational and exciting adventures with carefully selected partners.

I was slightly heavy as a teen but always carried it well. I started watching my diet in college and managed to reign in a slight over-abundance of curves. But when I had been heavier, it hadn't been an obstacle to gaining boys' interest. I had all the parts they were interested in and they stayed in the right places.

When I see Laura now, it almost frightens me what she must do to the young male libido. The girl was cute when she was younger; at eighteen she's exactly the kind of hard-body I used to hate.

I let Ron do up his pants and go greet the sitter while I dressed without help. After all, I wasn't exactly stuffing myself into something slinky.

When I returned to the kitchen, what I saw was very interesting. Ben was unwrapping a Little Debbie oatmeal cookie and Ron was trying to clean Emma up. There was cheese and grease everywhere.

Laura was watching my husband. There was a look on her face that was instantly recognizable. The naked appreciation of a female for a male.

Exactly what I wanted to see. In the last year or so, I'd seen that look in her eyes more than once and each time for my husband.

She didn't know I was there yet so while she stared at my man, I appraised her. She was in a light gray pull-over with a loose collar but it hugged her chest and waist closely. One red bra strap was visible and I think it was one of the thick, slightly padded bras. It made her look bigger than I knew she was but hid the actual form of her breasts. I always thought that style made a girl look unintentionally frumpy.

Her blue jeans with some rainbow stitching on the pockets and waistline looked like they were absolutely painted on. I could tell she was wearing bikini-cut panties with just a glance.

Laura's hair had been every color possible over the years we'd known her. She was currently wearing it straight, letting an old blond dye job fade at the tips while most of it was her natural mahogany color. Honestly, I thought it was a bit unfaltering; the two-tone look didn't work.

She noticed me with a start and smiled uncomfortably at me. She probably didn't realize just how lustfully she'd been looking at my man, but she knew she'd been staring. "Hey Christi!" she said, covering her fluster. "You look nice. Just a few weeks left, right?"

My third pregnancy was going well, and I felt pretty good. I was wearing the one nice maternity dress I had; I first bought it when I was carrying Emma and determined not to be a shut-in. It was eggshell blue with layered ruffles at the bodice and lots of room beneath. If there could ever be a combination between a cocktail dress and a muumuu, this dress approached it.

Ron was pretty focused on Emma still. I wandered across the kitchen and closed on Laura. She was relatively tiny; about 5'1" I think and trim like a gymnast. I happened to know the only athletics she'd ever been involved with was swimming several years ago but some people are just blessed genetically. Of course, lots of people looked good at her age; who knew what her future held. Laura's mom was no taller but quite a bit wider.

At any rate, I was almost a head taller with her in sneakers and I in two-inch heels. I got rather close to her, close enough to very definitely look down at her. I ran my gaze up and down her body. I'm not sure exactly what my eyes showed right then but Laura went very still and shrunk down just the tiniest bit.

"Thanks, honey. You look good too. Seems like you've got a better body every time I see you." I don't think I've ever called her honey or dear or anything like that before.

Laura was looking very conflicted. I don't think Ron had heard my comment. He was gathering Emma up and carried her off to the bathroom with Ben following.

When I was sure Ron was out of earshot, I backed away just slightly. "Any new notches on your bedpost, sweetie?"

As I said, Laura had come to me with a few questions over the years and a couple of confidences. I knew she was no longer a virgin. In fact, I knew the name of the boy who had plucked her flower. And the name of another boy she'd allowed between her legs after that.

But I'd certainly never quizzed her about her sex life before. I knew my behavior was going to freak her out just a little; I wanted to see how much she'd squirm or if she would squirm at all.

She took a moment to gather herself but answered with a steady voice. "I've seen Tommy a couple more times. It's getting better I think. A little."

Laura was a bit let down by sex. She was sticking with boys her own age, sensibly enough, and they were failing to light off firecrackers. She'd come to me with some concerns. I'd told her she needed to be patient and that there was a bit of a learning curve for everyone. That her experience was typical.

"You know, I've been thinking," I began, leaning a hip against the kitchen counter. "If you're not too attached to Tommy, maybe you should find someone a little older. You know, just to make sure you're doing it right."

She blushed then. "I don't love Tommy or anything. But I trust him. I wouldn't be safe with just any guy."

It was practically the perfect answer. Both to show her own good sense and for my own purposes. "Yeah, trust is important. You can't open yourself to just anyone." I heard my husband and children returning. I passed Laura and walked into the living room, reaching for my bag and wrap. "Maybe try to think of someone a little older you've known for a while and trust. And who you're attracted too of course."

I looked up and down her body one more time. "It goes without saying, you can seduce any man you care to." I did place just the slightest emphasis on the word man. To differentiate it from boy.

Laura was a bit jittery for the rest of the short time before Ronald and I left. I saw her shy away from my husband twice and she kept wiping her hands on her thighs.

As we were leaving I asked her, "Your folks are out of town, right?"

She had Emma in her lap paging through the TV menu looking for a movie or something. "Yeah, they took the brats to the lake for the weekend. I'm just glad to get a break from them all."

I patted Ron's butt as he passed me out the door. I don't think Laura caught that, curse the luck. Don't think Ron knew what to make of it either. "Remind me to make sure Ron walks you home tonight. Don't want you entering a dark house alone."

Ron was lingering patiently on the porch. "Sorry to ruin your Friday with this. Really appreciate it." Laura made a dismissive wave with her hand. But still, I made her a promise. "We'll need to find a way for Ron to make it up to you."

They both gave me such odd looks as they puzzled through my wording.

A seed had been planted. I was already making plans on how to nurture it.


By this time, you probably have a notion of what I was planning. Especially if you're reading my tale in the kinds of places it's likely to show up. There's a few things I want to get out of the way.

Ron and I do not have an open marriage. We don't swing or share or live any kind of "lifestyle." We're comfortable with each other and trusting and we have shared many fantasies. We don't pretend to not notice other people of the opposite sex and will tease each other from time to time about who each of us has the hots for.

.... subject.... object. I guess that would be whom each of us has the hots for.

So, we don't have a history of spouse sharing but it's never been absolutely off the table. More of something we liked to joke with and get a little hotter thinking about.

I know that Ron can get just a little self-conscious about being attracted to teens. I have no problem with it but he doesn't want to be a leering creep. Well, I mean, I don't want him to be that either; if I thought anything about my husband made anyone uncomfortable he'd hear about it, I can assure you. But I have a hard time imagining the man I love ever doing anything to make another person feel unsafe or weird.

All that being said, Laura was a hot, tight piece of ass and I'm dead certain Ron had noticed. And though I may be a bit biased about my man's hunk-factor, there was no mistaking the looks Laura had been giving him.

So I didn't think the mission I had set myself for the night would be much of a challenge.


Ron and I tease each other about sex and hot members of the opposite sex quite a bit. I won't say I don't have a jealous bone in my body but I have no trouble separating the abstract from the immanent.

On the other hand, I already mentioned how touchy Ron is about "jailbait" and I usually bite my tongue when it comes to things like the neighborhood teens spending all summer in bikini tops and short shorts.

Tonight though, I was going to make him squirm in the best way possible.

"My god, wasn't Laura's little ass amazing in those jeans? I swear I could see her pores. And read the label on those little panties."

That definitely made Ron uncomfortable. He didn't deny noticing said attributes but he sidestepped the subject. "Something like that can't be comfortable. You ladies really don't have to do that you know. Men are going to notice no matter what a girl wears."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh please, you all drool over that stuff. Right, I know, you don't think you do but you don't see the look in your own eyes. We see the looks and we get off on it when we're the target."

Ron drove silently, probably trying not to think of the babysitter's fine ass. I went on. "I've tried to explain to you before what makes a girl feel sexy. We wear the clothes for you but that's just a means to an end. What I get out of it is the thrill of knowing I'm the sole focus of someone's attention."

"We love to be admired and wanted. We know it means you're hard for us and that makes us so wet and so jumbled feeling inside."

Ron's hands were tight on the wheel. "It's a good thing you already swallowed my load, dirty girl. Talk like that can make us late for our reservations."

I smiled at him innocently and let a couple more minutes pass in silence. But then I piped up again. "Shame about the bra though. I need to have a talk with that girl. The padding does nothing for her; she needs to show her shape."

I gently stroked my husband's thigh. "But you know what they look like, don't you? I don't think she put on a shirt all last summer. She'd outgrown half the tops she kept on wearing. Fuck, and those hard little nipples?" I made tasty sounds.

I sighed. "It's a wonderful time in a girl's life when the apricots become peaches."

One more minute passed in silence. "She only got her cherry popped, what, three months ago? Such an exciting time for her."

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The car literally swerved. Ron looked at me aghast, "What the hell are you trying to do? Kill us? And that's not the kind of information you should share with me!"

He focused on the road. "Seriously, what's got into you?"

I shrugged but chose to dial back the pressure for now. "Hormones, I guess."

By the way, I know that "time in a young woman's life" is actually rife with stress and fear and every kind of pressure in the world. Nevertheless, later, when you look back on it, it still seems magical.


I am happy to say my husband and I aren't terribly attached to our phones. Status updates and browsing memes or Pinterest just aren't things that suck us in. We don't need rules about phones at the table or anything like that because it just doesn't come up.

The meal was fantastic. We were both taking our time. My salmon was in a delicate butter and cream sauce that didn't actually carry strong flavors but made the salmon feel divine on my tongue. Ron was also enjoying his crab legs and clams.

It wasn't a big deal when I took out my phone and texted Laura to check on the kids. Perfectly normal "mom" behavior.

~Everything under control?

I set the phone aside. Two bites of pilaf later it buzzed.

~Of course. The fire department almost has the fire out.

I deserved that. But she was feeling sassy. That was good.

~Just as long as you don't have a boy over. Or boys.

I sipped my iced tea. It was the only downer of the meal. It tasted just a bit off and I was missing wine.

~Who says I don't?

~Oh, well then I hope they're treating you right. Any of your boy toys ever give YOU head?

There was something of a delay before the next response. Ron had started giving me a look. Not unhappy. Curious.

~No. But they always expect me to do it for them.


~And it's not the most disgusting thing in the world but sometimes they... finish.

I smiled at that. ~I told you, that's how they are when they're young. As it happens, I enjoy giving head. And getting, of course.

I sent that but continued typing.~In fact, I was blowing Ron in the bedroom just, like, a minute before you got there.

I caught Ron trying to read the texts. I have him an enigmatic smile and angled it away from him. Laura answered ~Bull-ony

~I'm serious. Gotta keep him interested even when I'm the size of a house.

~Do you actually enjoy it?

~Sure. Making another person feel that good is inherently rewarding. Makes me feel, I don't know, powerful in a way.

I turned the phone over. When it didn't buzz again for a few minutes, Ron asked. "Everything fine at home?

"Of course. Laura was just asking me about blowjobs." I didn't time my response quite right... if I had waited two seconds I probably could have gotten a genuine spit-take. Ron set his drink down and gritted his teeth. "What?"

I shrugged. "The girl's at that age and I'm a worldly older woman. She has questions." I think Ron chose to believe I was joking.

I needed to move the process forward. I texted Laura, ~I don't think I told you about it when Ron got a vasectomy a few months ago, did I?

~No, you didn't. Did it go ok? Why are you telling me now?

~It went perfectly. He's firing blanks now but let me tell you, he's always loaded.

I continued before she could respond, if she even would have.~You've probably never felt a man cum in your pussy, have you? It feels so much better than with a condom or pulling out.

~Those pregnancy hormones must be some crazy shit, Christi. I don't think I want to talk about this.

~Yeah, it's probably the hormones talking. Thinking about you seducing an older man and letting him cream in you probably shouldn't make me wet like it is.

She didn't respond to that one and I let it drop for the rest of the meal.

When the bill came, I grabbed our copy of the receipt and the pen and wrote two words on the back in big letters and added my signature. Then I folded it up and stuck it in my bra.

As we were leaving, Ron asked, "So are you feeling better?"

"I'm feeling fine. What do you mean?"

"Well, you were flushed earlier and they way you were holding your phone... what was going on?"

"I was giving Laura pointers on seducing older men. Made me a little horny."

He looked at me bug-eyed. "Chris.... seriously, are you okay? Mood swings are one thing but you may be losing it."

I kissed him on the nose and patted his ass. "Don't worry, honey. I'm just the right amount of crazy."


During the car ride home, I texted the babysitter again. We've started for home. You looked so hot tonight but there's one thing you should change.

While I waited for her to respond I asked Ron, "Which do you like better; Laura's tight little ass or those perky tits?" It was a rhetorical question. My man is a breast man.

Ron was getting a little peeved now. "You're walking her home tonight, Chris. This is getting weird and now I don't feel like I should be anywhere near her."

A message arrived. Change what?

"What's wrong, dear? Don't think you can control yourself? I trust you. I'm sure Laura does too."

~That padded bra isn't flattering at all. Forget size. Men will want to see your natural shape.

Ron didn't answer me. While I was waiting again for Laura I went on. "I mean, if she tries to seduce you, that would be a different story I guess. Do you dream of hot little teens seducing you, love?"

"I'm fantasizing about pulling over and letting you walk home. But since you don't currently seem to be in a right state of mind, that would be really irresponsible."

Laura hadn't answered. I pushed. I think maybe I had cracked in the brain just a little. I almost felt like I was past the point of no return even though obviously I wasn't. ~Take it off now. Take your bra off before we get there. I guarantee Ron will notice.

"Yes. Please don't shove me out the door." I said distractedly. "Then I won't be there to protect you from the babysitter's urges."

I squeezed his thigh tightly and felt his whole right side twitch. "Oh wait, I'm not going to do that anyway. As far as I'm concerned, it's open season."

The final couple miles rolled by, Ron jumpy and shooting me confused scowls. Laura took her damn time responding too.

~Chris? Are you saying you want something to happen between me and Ron?

~Do you have the bra off yet? We're pulling in. YES. Ron doesn't know yet but I've been teasing him. Hold on, he's already getting out of the car.

In my rush, I struggled to pull myself up out of the car. My pregnancy doesn't usually slow me down much but haste makes waste. I hustled up the walk behind my husband.

Laura opened the door as he reached the steps. He was stuck, forced to face her.

That clingy gray top was pulled tight in all the right places. Ron's eyes froze on her hard little nipples. My heart pounded in my ears. Laura's mouth hung slack, her soft lips unintentionally inviting. She flushed under my husband's helpless, trapped gaze.

Crickets chirped and the tableau lingered far beyond what was comfortable.

Finally, I brushed past my husband and took Laura by the arm. "Kids all tucked in?" I asked as if nothing were amiss.

Laura made an indecipherable reply as I led her through the living room and into the kitchen.

I turned her to face me and I appraised her. She was nubile and vulnerable looking. Her breasts were just as delicious looking as I knew they'd be, the shirt virtually molded to them. Perhaps I should give Laura some credit; that bra was probably intentional camouflage. Without it, she was just too damn sexy. "Okay Laura, this is it. It's up to you to make the move."

She was shrinking in on herself. "What, here? With you?"

"No, but save that thought. Ron will walk you home. If you want to find out what good sex is like, seduce him."

She looked ready to bolt. Obviously, I wasn't going to force her but I felt a pep talk was in order. A quiet pep talk. "Laura, if you don't make love to my husband tonight, you'll always wonder what you missed. Ron's good and being with you will make him so horny, he'll be like a teenager himself except he'll really know what he's doing."

I leaned close. "Keep him all night. Let him cum inside you. Demand that he eat you out until your brain fries. Taste him. Make love to him."

She swallowed and schooled herself. And she nodded. I swear her little nipples grew in front of my eyes.

I hugged her close for a moment. "When you get him to the point that the only thing stopping him is that fact that he's married, tell him to check his shirt pocket. I'm going to leave him a note to let him know I want this."

I turned and led her back toward the living room. I called out, "Do you have Laura's money?"

He seemed to be half hiding in the corner. He patted his pants pockets and pulled out his billfold. "Right, yes. I have it right here." He didn't quite stammer.

I stepped close to him and straightened his collar and brushed back his hair. Gestures I'd made a million times. I plucked his shirt straight and slid my hand down his chest, smiling at him.

I was very proud of myself that he hadn't noticed me slip the note into his pocket.

"Laura's house is completely empty. Her entire family is out of town and she'll be alone tonight." I held his gaze. I didn't leer or wink, I just made sure he was listening. "Walk her home and make sure she gets in safe. Maybe check out the house for her."

"Chris..." he said, pleading. Did he think I was testing him? Just teasing him? Did he suspect the extent of what I wanted to happen?

I ushered them out the door. I think Laura was really warming to the idea. She had eyes only for my man. Ron, on the other hand, was looking everywhere but at the hot little babysitter.

I watched them make their way down the sidewalk and turn right. Her house was only about three blocks away. I was already fantasizing about what she might say to him along the way. What she might do.

Turning back to the living room, a thought occurred to me. I scanned the room, looking and thinking. If I were a hot-to-trot babysitter, where would I...

Of course. I pulled the cushion from the couch and found Laura's red bra. Smiling, I fingered the little gel inserts in the cups. They were still warm.


I wasn't present for any of the amazing things that came next of course. But I made Ron tell me everything that happened and got Laura to fill in some details as well. And of course, I have the pictures.

But that's getting ahead of the story.

At any rate, here's the way they say it happened. At least, how I envision what they described and maybe a little bit how I fantasize about it.

The first block passed in silence, aside from crickets and chuch-swish of sprinklers. Laura broke the tension innocently enough. "Thanks for walking me. I really don't like going into an empty house at night."

"No problem," Ron answered. They passed a couple more houses in silence.

"Can I ask you something? I need advice and I think I need to hear it from a man."

Ron's steps slowed. "I suppose," he said uncertainly.

"Every time I'm with my boyfriend he wants me to suck him. And that's fine, I'm willing to do it. But he never goes down on me. Not once."

This brought Ron to a halt, momentarily at a loss for words. Laura went on, "Guys do really do that though, right? Eating pussy isn't just a porn thing, is it?" Laura told me she was proud her voice remained steady. I like to imagine that she was just as poised and mature as she tells me she was.

Ron, not so much. "Woha, no. Laura, I'm not going to talk to you about that stuff. No, completely inappropriate."

Laura continued walking, forcing Ron to follow. "Oh, come on. Who else can I ask? I know Chris is a very happy woman. Do you ever go down on her?"

"That is both private and inappropriate to discuss with someone your age."

Laura rolled her eyes. "I'm eighteen, Ron. I've had sex. I just want to know if I could be doing it better."

Ron didn't answer. I'm proud of little Laura. She kept pushing. "So, do you do it? Did you do it with girls before Christie?"

Ron finally gave a clipped, "Yes."

"Cool. I knew it. Does it matter if the girl's shaved? I only trim my bush a bit."

"Laura, that's enough."

"Awww, don't be like that. Does Christi shave or wax or anything?"

They were very near her house by this point. She turned and looked up at my husband with a raised eyebrow. Her sudden halt brought them close. "Does she orgasm when you eat her?" she asked quietly.

"Go in the house, Laura. I know Chris had something to do with this so I'm not angry at you. But I'm leaving."

She grabbed my man's hand. The poor girl had gotten herself excited and didn't want to lose this opportunity. She pressed his hand to her perky little peach and lowered her voice. "Don't go, please. Come inside so I feel safe."

Ron completely rebuffed her. He felt the tautness of her nipple and the perky pliancy of her breast but it didn't sway him. I guess I should be glad. No, let me be clear. I am very glad Ron is who he is and I would expect nothing else from him. Both because of his devotion to me and because Laura was, in reality, an innocent girl seemingly acting foolishly.

He pulled his hand away from her thinly covered breast and stepped away. Laura followed and grabbed his arm, this time just to slow him. "Please, Ron. I've been thinking about you all night. I really want you to... I want you. I want to learn what's like like to be with a full-grown man that knows how to treat a full-grown woman."

He shrugged her off again. "Laura, that can't happen."

"Check your shirt pocket."

"Huh?" The request didn't make sense.

"Christi left a note for you in your shirt pocket."

Ron fished for it for a moment, feeling the receipt. He pulled it out and looked at it. Seeing only our bill, he turned it over.

There were just two words and my familiar signature.

*Hall Pass*

He knew what it meant of course. We've teased each other about an open marriage and things like which people in our lives we might get a chance at but never discussed it as a serious possibility.

Now for the first time, he knew he had my blessing. Fortunately, he didn't have to worry about this being some kind of trap or test. We simply would never jerk each other around like that. He knew I was legitimately giving him permission to make love to Laura.

That left just one hangup. Laura could see the conflict still in his eyes. She got close to him again, the fingers of one hand softly at his waste. "I'm not a virgin Ron. And Christi told me about your operation." Her fingers brushed his stomach. He couldn't help but stare down at her clinging shirt.

"I want to feel your naked cock inside me. Please."

That girl has some skill, let me tell you. She knew how to set the hook without chasing the prey away. She turned from my husband then and climbed the porch steps, fishing her keys out. She'd made her request; now she let it sit with him a bit. And coincidently gave him a great look at her ass.

The porch light was on as were the lights in the front room. She opened the door and stood just inside, looking back at him. Her gaze spoke volumes but she wasn't going to beg him. She knew she was freely offering him a treasure. She did have just one thing more to say.

"You can stay all night if you want. There must be so much you can teach me."

Ron was of course very turned on by this seduction but was still only half-convinced it was anything but a bad idea.

It was her silhouette in the door that broke the barrier. She was, in his words as he later told the story, "Too fucking perfect to say no to."

The best part is, once Ron decided to go through with it, he took command.

I fucking love it when my husband takes command.

He neatly folded up the hall pass note and tucked it back into his pocket. Then he strode up the stairs and stopped just short of Laura, both standing in the doorway. He looked down at her, eyes hot. I know a chill ran up Laura's body and she flushed. He put a hand under her arm, his thumb resting on her breast. It was a firm touch signifying control.

"Say it again Laura. This is your chance to back out. Ask me to fuck you."


Written by Boondocker42
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