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Who Wants to Play Pin the Tail on the Ho?

"Melanie gets herself into a tight spot with some local heavyweights..."

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Melanie stepped out of the shower and wrapped her shoulder length brown hair in a towel. She turned her music down a bit, dried her slim toned body, brushed her teeth and slipped on a pair of white cotton panties. She slinked around her small apartment picking up her laundry, straightening her bed, feeding her cat and finally serving herself a bowl of cereal. She finished and stared out the window at the busy beach street for a while before grabbing her cell phone and dialing Roberto's number. She tapped her long, fake, silver painted fingernails on the kitchen counter impatiently, waiting for him to answer. Come on man... I know you're home... Mommy needs some candy...

"Yo," Roberto answered after what seemed like 15 rings, sounding high.

"What's up? It's Melanie."

"Hey girl, just hitting la caspa del diablo, what you up to?"

"I ain't doing shit... Listen, I was looking to see if you had anything you can part with. My friends want to get a little party going on tomorrow and I wanted to bring some favors."

"Yeah, no problem. Cruise by, I'm just hanging out."

"Cool... But, um... I don't have any money, you can front me, yeah?" Say yes! I know you fucking want me... Be a gentleman...

"Are you kidding? I don't front broke ass bitches like you. You're too pretty to hurt if you don't pay me."

"Oh come on! I'll pay you next week..." No I won't...

"Call the fellas down the street, I don't think they're giving away drugs for free either, but try them out. Maybe it's broke bitch day over there... Talk to you later girl."

"WAIT! I'll stop by the ATM."

"See? Already you're bullshitting me. I should just cut your worthless ass off, but I won't. We have some real good shit right now so you better not come with just a twenty."


"Charlez and Crystal are hanging out, we're just getting fucked up, talking shit. Same old same old."

"Alright, I'm just going to put my clothes on and come over."

"You're naked right now?"

"Almost, I have some panties on."

"Fuck girl, when you gonna stop teasing me and finally let me get a piece?"

You want a piece for free but you give me shit about a little gram... Cheap ass beaner... With the damn heads I bring over to help you get rid of your shit I should get some commission... "Is the beast home?"

"Yeah... The beast is home... Crystal and Charlez are getting married so Jill (the beast) and crystal been going over wedding shit all day."

"No ass for you then I guess..." Unless you unclench your asshole first, stingy fuck...

"Text me when you get here girl."

"Text you? The beast isn't going to allow me inside now?"

"You can come inside. Just text me when you get here, damn!"

"Sure thing jefe, late."


Melanie held her phone out in front of her chest and took a picture of her perfectly perky breasts and texted it to Roberto, a sly grin creeping onto her face. She put her phone down, wiggled into a pair of skin tight jean shorts and a white spaghetti strapped tank top. Melanie made her way to the bathroom to fix her hair just right and applied some makeup. She was just about finished when she heard her phone chime.

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Roberto: Bitch, you trying to get me killed? If Jill sees your tits on my shit she'll shoot my ass!

Melanie laughed and started typing back. I know she will gangster...

Melanie: You better delete it quick then, puto.

Roberto: Yeah I better, puta.

Melanie: I'll be over in 20.

Roberto: 20 20? Or Cali 20?

Melanie: 20! Okay maybe 25 :D

I'll get there when I get there... What? You got to catch a helicopter ride downtown to go to your big CEO's meeting? Retard... Melanie smiled, finished getting ready, looked herself over in the bathroom mirror one more time and walked back out to her kitchen. It didn't take long for her other hunger to begin to make her belly rumble and her mouth water. Fuck I really wanted to hold off until noon but oh well... I'm about to hook up anyway... Melanie thought as she padded her toned belly to the beat of her music playing in the background.

Melanie grabbed her pack of Newport's out of her jacket that she had left slumped on her breakfast table after stumbling home last night in a drunken haze. She flipped the top open to reveal a single bent cigarette... Perfect, how are you my little sexy friend? I thought I had smoked your ass last night... Melanie pulled out the last stick and pinched the tobacco end between her fingers over her trash. She gently rolled her fingers emptying the tip of the cigarette of it's tobacco. Sorry baby, but I gotta make room for my other friends too. You understand right? It's not you, it's me... She opened a small tupperware full of fresh fragrant pre-ground marijuana. She scooped the weed with the hollow end of the cigarette, carefully held it upright and packed it tight with her nail. You comfy in there boy? Now it's time to pick up your beautiful bride candy... She looks so good in white, she's been waiting for you... Melanie fished out a tiny black baggie out of her empty Newport box and flicked the seam. Looks like you barely made it home last night slut, your groom awaits... At least there's enough for a little morning quickie... Melanie put the loaded tip of the cigarette in the baggie and sucked up the last of her powdered cocaine into the weed. I know baby... There isn't much left of you... I passed you around too much last night... But I do love you candy... Even a little bit of you is enough to steal my heart... Let's go over to Roberto's and buy you a new dress yeah?

Melanie walked out into the bright warm southern California day and hopped on her light blue beach cruiser. I shouldn't of worn flip-flops... She peddled the chunky bicycle down the bustling beach street, stopped by an ATM, just in case... bought a new pack of Newport's and cruised all the way down the boulevard until reaching the ocean. She found her favorite bench to prop her bike on and pulled out her mini primo. No, it's not base if I smoke you like this silly girl... You're so funny sometimes candy, now quiet down and let mommy smoke your fine ass... Melanie sparked the tip, closed her eyes and inhaled deeply making the cherry pass through the entire tip of the cigarette until she could taste the tobacco smoke. She slowly let the
smoke out as she stared out at the ocean... You're so pretty... So big... I should learn to surf... Fuck it, who am I kidding... Did I feed Jack today? My poor kitty cat, I think I did... I gotta get a new bike, these cruisers are cool but they kinda suck... I should get a tattoo, maybe I should get 'Melanie loves candy' on my back or maybe a portrait of my kitty... no that would be so stupid... My hands are cold... Melanie's pocket vibrated.

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Roberto: Bitch, it's been an hour. WTF?

Oh god, shut the fuck up, it hasn't been no hour... Has it?

Melanie: I'll be there in 5.

23 minutes later...

Melanie: I'm here. Is it cool to come in?

Roberto: I forgot your ass was coming. Yeah, come in.

Melanie dropped her cruiser on the lawn and walked into the house.

"Waddup fella's? How are San Diego's least wanted doing today?" Melanie said as she strutted onto Roberto's avocado green shag carpet.

"Sup girl, it's been a while, what you doing nowadays?" Charlez asked making room for Melanie on the beat up futon he and Roberto were lounging on.

You guys are snorting right off of roberto's nasty ass coffee table? Sick... "You know man, a little of this, a little of that... But not much of anything," Melanie smiled and went to sit on the couch.

"Not here bitch," Roberto put his hand out catching Melanie before her ass hit the futon and propped her back up. "Jill hates when we smoke in the living room. Let's go to the bathroom. Go make sure the girls don't come in Charlie. Make them a drink or some shit. There's alcohol in the tiki hut, some joints too."

Charlez grinned at Melanie and stood up. "Sure thing jefe, how much time you need?"

"I'll have this little bitch out of here in fifteen, I'll come out when I'm done, just gonna fire some shit up. Follow me into my office Melanie, business time."

Follow me into my office, business time... Wow, you're such a kingpin... Melanie rolled her eyes as she followed Roberto into the tiny bathroom. They entered and she sat on the toilet to text a friend while Roberto chipped a small gram sized rock off onto his small, pocket sized scale.

Melanie: I'm hooking up right now girl! :)

Christine: Fuck yeah! Let's get together later!!!

"I'm giving you 1.1 because... Well I don't know why, but I am."

Wow, baller... "Thanks man, that's cool of you."

Roberto finished weighing out the cocaine and rubbed a small amount into his gums. He turned to face Melanie, cocked his head and eyed the young girl over. What the fuck are you looking at man, give me my gram... Roberto got real close, placed his hand under Melanie's chin and pulled down his grey sweatpants flopping out his thick semi-hard dick.

"Forty-five or una chupadita... Your choice girl."

Thank god... I was just about to bend over the sink and ask if you wanted to trade for some quick morning pussy but just a blow-job? Today is gonna be a good day... "I don't know Roberto, a blow-job for a gram? Seems kinda pricy... I know how much you get your shit for."

"It doesn't matter what I get my shit for, who's your hook-up? Oh that's right... It's me. So what matters is what you get your shit for and right now that's forty-five. You know how things are with this economic crisis, tough times. Maybe I should hang on to this gram. I can probably get sixty at the beach for it... Good shit right here. We both know those college kids are just itchin' to give me their parent's money."

"2.0... And I'll swallow."

"1.5 and you'll swallow."

Goddamn... Fucking haggling mother... Melanie reached up and grabbed Roberto's dick by the base and began to stroke it until she could feel it come to life in her hand. She looked up into Roberto's dark brown eyes with her light brown eyes and licked the head of his cock.

"1.8 big boy?"

"1.7, and you're swallowing, no more bullshit girl." Roberto grabbed hold of most of Melanie's hair and cocked her head back. "Deal?"

Melanie stared up at Roberto for a couple of seconds before closing her eyes, leaning forward and wrapping her glossed lips around his shaft. She slowly slid down his cock and tightened her lips as she slid his cock back out of her mouth until she reached the head and repeated. She stroked the base in rhythm to her sucking and reached up to massage his balls with her other hand. After only several minutes Roberto felt the urge to blow and had to pull his dick out to avoid cumming.

"Wooo fuck! It's not gonna be that easy girl. I need to get my shit's worth."

I give you another three minutes tops jefe... Melanie took her hands off Roberto's penis and placed them on his hips allowing him to work her head up and down his long hard cock. She looked up at him and once again noticed his eyes start to roll to the back of his head and sucked even harder and deeper. She felt him stop moving her head, tense up his body and start moaning loudly as she felt the cum start to fill her mouth. Roberto pushed his cock in Melanie's mouth a little deeper and shot the rest of his load down her throat. Melanie tried to back off and standup but Roberto held her head for a while longer until his dick began to get soft.

"That's right girl, polish me off nice... Earn that 1.5 rock."

Melanie quickly pushed Roberto off and stood up. "Fuck that! One point fucking five? You fucking said 1.7! You better fucking come through or I might have to go take a swim too! Haven't seen Crystal and Jill in a long time, we have some catchi--"

"CHILL! I was just fucking with you. You'll get your drugs," Roberto laughed.

You don't fuck around with that shit bitch... Melanie stood quietly waiting for him to finish weighing out her product, placing it in a small baggie and leaving it on the counter.

"You're not gonna give me some smoke? What kind of a dealer are you?"

"Hold on, I left the pipe 'n' shit on the coffee table. You want a coco puff or just some straight candy, white girl?"

"Coco puff."

Roberto left the bathroom leaving Melanie alone with his open stash box just sitting there... She looked inside and saw multiple baggies of coke, pills, weed and heroin. Fuck... Look at your big puppy dog eyes... You can't find your owner can you? You cute little white puppy, I think I'll take you home with me... Your little brother too... Melanie quickly peaked out into the living room and saw Roberto packing a small pipe and shaving off some coke to sprinkle on top of the weed. She retreated back into the bathroom and grabbed one bag of coke and one bag of ecstasy. Hmmm... He won't notice if I take just one more... Melanie grabbed another bag of coke and slipped it all into her panties.

Roberto came back into the bathroom and handed her the small glass pipe. "Smoke up and get the fuck out girl, before Jill notices you're here. It'll save me some aggravation."

"Look at you, big bad drug dealer scared of some little girl."

Roberto smiled and lit up the coco puff while Melanie inhaled. "Yeah bitch, suck it all down... Suck suck suck... Hahaha! You're good at that, trust me I know! Remember girl, anytime you need some shit you know the drill now. It ain't gonna be no 1.7 next time either. One blow, one gram."

"I'll see how desperate I get... I got other hookups."

"My dick is sweeter, you know that."

Your dick is about as sweet as a bitter jalapeño... "Yeah baby, you're the best..." Melanie said as she let out a large cloud of smoke.

"Get outta here girl."

Melanie quickly walked through the living room and out of the house while the coast was still clear. Fuck yes... I have enough for one dope ass party... I can probably make a thousand bucks with this shit! Good job girl... Melanie hopped on her cruiser and made her way back to her favorite bench on the beach. It was busier now, surfers, college kids, a few bums and some joggers. It's such a beautiful day... I gotta tell Christine about this come up... She pulled out her phone and began typing.

Melanie: Roses are white

Violets are blue

I like it tight

That means where you poo

I hope you see the light

The way I do

It may not be right

To fuck in the no. 2

I hope you don't lose sight

That if I had a dick, I'd fuck you

I know you'd try to fight

I would too

If you try, then you just might

See that I, Melanie, have a gram just for you.

Christine: LOL! Are you fucking high already? Thanks for my sweet sweet poem! I can't wait girl, how much?

Melanie: That's right girl, I'm a fucking poet now. And the gram will cost you your ass.

Christine: Is that all girl? Shit, I'm down.

Melanie: You hussy! Lol, it's free gram day at my place today and today only!

Christine: really!?!? When can I come over?

Melanie was just about to type back when she felt a big black hand squeeze her arm tightly and stand her right off the bench causing her to drop her phone.

"WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?" Melanie screamed causing a young nearby surfer to turn and look.

"Go catch a wave, brah," Charlez glared at the young blonde kid.

Roberto stood in front of Melanie and unbuttoned her shorts. "You steal from me and you come to this stupid bench where you always get high, are you that dumb girl? You think I wasn't gonna notice that my shit was a little lighter after you left?"

"I didn't steal anything Roberto, I promise! Charlez, please let me go, you're hurting me." Fuck fuck fuck...

Roberto reached into her panties and pulled out the three baggies. "Didn't steal anything? What the fuck is this bitch? A coincidence?" He smacked Melanie on the forehead with the baggies. "Take a whiff of that Charlie," Roberto said as he placed the baggies under Charlez' nose.

"That smells real nice boss... Real fucking nice."

"Crystal letting you have a bachelor party Charlie?"

"Nah man, she said we don't have a budget for that right now."

"Isn't the best man supposed to throw the party for the groom?"

"I think that's how it works boss, but you know... You don't got to do that."

"No man, I want to. How about tonight? You don't have any plans right Charlie?"

"Not a damn thing."

"What about the crew? What they up to?"

"They're up to what you tell...

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Written by Magical_felix
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