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Traveling With Bryan - Ch. 6 - Our Big Date

"Bryan is my date"

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We hit the road early the next morning. I was anxious to get to Memphis for my date night with my stepson. Bryan and I both realized, this would be a rare opportunity for us to act as lovers in public, not just a proper stepmother and stepson.

We arrived at the hotel a little before four o'clock in the afternoon and checked into our room.

"Okay, lover boy, what are your plans for tonight? Where do you want to take me? And what do you want me to wear for our date?"

"There is a steakhouse across the street. Let's go there. And I want you to wear that yellow sun dress, and nothing else."

"Nothing else? Not even panties? No bra? Baby, I will feel so exposed. Honey, you need to understand that my nipples poke out like pebbles when I am aroused, and I will be aroused all night. It will be very obvious in that dress. I should wear a bra. And I will be leaking all night and I really should wear panties."

"Brenda, you said you would wear what I wanted."

"Are you sure? Are you sure you want to take me out dressed like that? We will get a lot of stares. There won't be any hiding the fact that I am naked under that flimsy little sun dress."

"I think it will be so sexy for people to see me with my hot, hot date. The guys will be so jealous."

My stepson wanted to expose me. After giving the matter some thought, I decided I would let him. I decided that tonight, I would do anything Bryan requested of me. No one we knew would see me; I figured, 'What's the harm?'

Bryan started the bath water, and then walked over to me and undressed me. After getting me naked, he stripped to his boxers, but for some reason, he left them on.

I grabbed a hair tie, and I put my hair up into a ponytail, and Bryan led me to the tub. He had an obvious hard-on already as he knelt beside the tub and soaped up the wash rag. 

Bryan proceeded to wash every part of me with a tan washcloth. He started on my back and shoulders, then washed my feet and legs, before moving to my breasts, arm pits, and my vagina. He even washed my backside. It was quite embarrassing when Bryan touched my anus with his fingers and the washcloth.

I blushed deeply. "Baby, you don't have to wash me there. I can wash myself there."

But Bryan continued to wash up my backside as he said, "Brenda, when I give you a bath, it is a complete bath. I want you clean all over for our date."

I realized that his touch on my anus felt strangely good. No one had ever tried to stimulate me there before. I was surprised to learn that I liked it when my stepson touched me there.

I glanced over and could see the head of Bryan's penis sticking straight up, about two inched above the waistband of his shorts. I smiled and remarked, "I see you are enjoying washing your stepmom, huh?"

"Oh yeah." 

Bryan drained the tub, dried me, led me to the bed, and had me lie on my back. "Where do you keep your nail polish?"

"It is in my purse, honey." 

Bryan returned and proceeded to apply the nail polish to each of my toes. I remember lying there, naked with my stepson applying polish to my nails. It so real even now, that it feels as if it is again happening as I write this.

Now if I am honest, I must admit that he did a pretty sloppy job; but god, was it sexy. He rubbed my feet, applied the polish while sitting between my legs, forcing my vagina to be pulled open slightly. He would look up at my wet and dilated vagina and remark, "Brenda, you are so beautiful. I love you so much."

I wanted to hug him, but with him holding my foot as he applied the polish, I was forced to remain on my back. I knew then, as I know now writing this a year and a half later, I would do anything for that boy... absolutely anything. 

Bryan finished applying the polish to my nails. I then got up and moved to the chair in front of the dressing table. I sat in front of the mirror, naked and applied my make-up. I wanted to look good for my date. I knew tonight was going to be special for both of us.

As requested, I put on the yellow print sun dress with no undergarments. My nipples were plainly visible under the thin material. I also knew that when I walked, the movement of my butt cheeks would reveal that I was not wearing any panties. I felt so wicked. But for some reason, I liked the feeling... I liked being naughty this way. I liked being 'bad' for my stepson. And considering that later I was going to let Bryan fuck me again and again and again, going braless seemed pretty harmless. 

Bryan still had a raging hard-on. "Baby, do I need to take care of that for you before we go out to dinner?"

He nodded. So I sat on the edge of the bed, brought him to me, lowered his boxers, and took him in my mouth again. He ejaculated quickly. And since it had only been a few hours since he came previously, the volume of his semen was not as overwhelming this time. And for only the second time in my life, I swallowed. (I have given Bryan many blow jobs since then, and I always swallow his semen. I love ingesting my stepson's sperm.)

We arrived at the restaurant about 6:30 p.m. We were seated at a booth where Bryan and I could sit next to each other, touching knees. The table had a tablecloth so we were not too obvious as we touched and flirted.

The waiter was very impressed with my erect, braless nipples, but did not seem to think anything about the age difference between my date and me. Perhaps Bryan was right. Perhaps I could pass for his girlfriend. I liked that thought.

I had a glass of merlot, but Bryan, who was only sixteen, could not drink. We decided that we did not want to risk trying to order alcohol for him since we really did not want anyone checking IDs and finding out he was my stepson! 

Bryan soon had his hand on my leg, caressing my inner thigh. I separated my knees slightly so Bryan could place his fingers on my inner thigh. As I opened my thighs, I warned him, "Now baby, don't get too frisky here in public. We really cannot attract too much attention."

I had a total of three glasses of wine with my meal, which is one more that I usually have. I could feel the effects of the alcohol already. I was feeling very amorous by the end of our dinner date.

I was so aroused already. I had not had an orgasm since before my father's funeral a week ago. I knew I was going to cum tonight. After the bath, the nail polish and foot massage, and giving Bryan a blow job, I was ready. It would not take much to get me there tonight.

We finished dinner, skipped desert, and Bryan paid the check and we left. I took Bryan's arm as we walked down the street, leaning on my tall handsome date.

"What now, lover boy? I am all yours tonight. What do you intend to do with me now?"

Suddenly, down the street about a block and a half, something caught Bryan's eye. There was a large neon sign: 'Cindi's Adult Gifts and Novelties'. 

"Brenda, have you ever used a vibrator?"

"Oh my, that is a personal question," I said as I felt my face flush at the prospect of disclosing my masturbation habits with my stepson.

"Well, have you?"

"Okay, yes, I have. I lead a very sheltered and unexciting life. At least my life was pretty sheltered and unexciting before this trip with you. It has picked up a bit recently." I paused before admitting the truth. "Yes, I have a vibrator at home."

"Brenda, let's go window shopping. I might want to buy you a present."

"Bryan, no! I would be mortified going in there with you. Let's go up to the room. I want to make love to you."

"Come on Brenda, you said you belong to me tonight."

Reluctantly, I said "Okay, tonight is your night. Do with me as you will." 

Bryan led me through the doors of Cindi's and immediately directed my attention to a large assortment of vibrators and dildos they had on display.

"What is the biggest vibrator you can accommodate, Brenda?"

"Bryan!" I admonished as I looked around to see if anyone heard the question. Several men were very interested in my presence in this adult novelty store.

I blushed at the question. I looked back at the display of phallic shaped dildos and vibrators. I saw a large vibrator that I recognized, it was the exact model of an eight inch long and two inch thick dildo that I had at home. I pointed at it and said, "Baby, I might be able to handle that monster. I just don't know."

For some reason I did not want to admit that I had such a huge toy in my nightstand at home. Silly, huh? It was a little white lie, but I did not want to admit that I had used that precise device to make myself cum previously.

We walked around the store for a few minutes. I quickly realized that I was the only female in the store. There were several middle aged men, the clerk behind the counter, Bryan and me.

I seemed to be attracting a lot of attention from the male patrons. With my nipples poking proudly and my panty-less ass barely hidden under the hem of my dress, I was both nervous and excited to be forced into this bizarre situation. I was scared being dressed like this with a room full of strange men, but it also aroused me. I felt so naughty.

We saw teddies, edible panties, hand cuffs and whips, and countless shapes, colors and sizes of vibrators. Bryan picked up the large red phallic shaped vibrator that I had pointed to earlier and said confidently, "We'll get this one" as he walked to the checkout counter.

The clerk smiled knowingly at both of us. "Will that be all?" 

Bryan answered, "Yes sir."

"Would you like some batteries with that, it takes 4 AA batteries."

"Yes, sir. That would be great."

The clerk then opened a package of 4 AA batteries, unscrewed the base, and put them in. "Let's make sure this works properly. I don't want you getting home to find out this doesn't work." He then twisted the base and the large red dildo buzzed to life.

The buzzing sound caused the other patrons to look up and stare at us. I was so embarrassed. Everyone in the place knew that tonight that huge red dildo would be buzzing inside my wet vagina. I could feel my neck and face burning crimson with humiliation.

But I also could feel my chest pounding and my vagina leaking. Being placed on display like this, in an adult novelty store, braless and panty-less, with these men staring at me, aroused me terribly. I do not know why, but it did. I could feel my vagina leaking, coating my inner thighs with juices.

I left Cindi's carrying a small bag with an eight inch phallus inside. We walked back to the hotel with me clutching Bryan's arm. My head was spinning from the excitement of being placed on display like that and the three glasses of wine I had at dinner.

Once we got back to the room, Bryan took the large red phallus out of the bag and studied it. "Brenda, this thing is bigger than I am!"

"I know baby, and you are a very big man. That thing may be too big for your stepmom." I do not know why I felt compelled to hide the fact that I had inserted that exact model of dildo in my vagina at home previously. For some reason, I was embarrassed to let my stepson know that I masturbated with such a large toy.

"Are you going to try to put that inside me tonight?"

"Yes, I am," Bryan responded as he arranged the pillows on the bed and instructed me to straddle them. I started to remove my dress, but Bryan told me to keep it on. I was not wearing any panties, so the dress did not present any obstruction to accessing my pussy.

As instructed, I climbed astride two pillows, facing the foot of he bed, my feet at the head. I was facing the mirror which was over the dresser. I looked at myself, the yellow dress came down across my thighs, my nipples were plainly visible as they poked through the pale yellow material. The darkness of my areolas were obvious. I must admit, I was a sexy woman in a sexy position. 

Bryan turned on the vibrator and handed it to me. "Put this inside yourself, Brenda. Use the pillows to hold it in place when it is inside you."

The buzzing was somewhat distracting.

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I raised up and slid the red dildo under my skirt, placing the vibrating head on my clitoris. "You want to see me fuck myself with this toy, don't you? You want to see me ride this huge red dick? Does that turn you on baby? Does thinking about your stepmom riding this huge red dildo arouse you?" 

Bryan just nodded as he slowly stripped out of his clothes. His erection removed any doubt about how much this scene aroused him.

"Okay, honey, I am working the head inside me now. Oh my, it is so thick. I need to go slow." 

Bryan sat on the bed next to me, slightly behind me. He raised the hem of my skirt up so my bottom was now exposed and he studied the gradual insertion from behind.

"Brenda, you have more than half of it inside you. How does it feel?"

"Very big, baby. Your stepmom is very full. The vibrations feel good though."

I was able to prop the base against the pillows, and move myself up and down slightly, wedging the giant red device inside me a little further each cycle.

"Oh god, Bryan, it is so deep. I feel so full. Baby, I am not going to last long. I haven't had an orgasm since before the funeral. Oh baby, I won't last long at all tonight." 

Bryan grabbed my left butt cheek and started to massage my ass.

"Oh that feels good, baby."

Then I felt Bryan's fingers inching closer to my anus. I tensed up a bit, not sure that I wanted him to touch me there. But I said noting. Gently, I felt the tip of one of his fingers resting on my tightly clenched asshole.

It felt so very naughty, but it felt strangely good. I allowed a moan to escape as the tip of his finger started edging inside my tight little sphincter. No one had ever touched me there before. And I discovered I liked it.

"Oh baby, I'm going to cum... Bryan, oh fuck... I am going to cum!" 

Bryan inserted his finger into my ass, which triggered my orgasm.

"Oh fuck, I am cumming. Oh fuck, baby..." I screeched.

Quake upon quake of orgasmic pleasure rocked across my core as I fucked the large vibrating phallus while my son fingered my virgin ass. I collapsed on the pillows and Bryan, ever so slowly, removed his finger.

"Honey, that was wonderful. No one has ever touched me back there before. I feel so naughty, but I liked it. And I am glad that you are the only person to ever do that to me. Now, you need to go and wash your hands really good now, and hurry back."

I lay there panting, trying to recover as I listened to Bryan scrubbing his finger, which moments before had been in my ass. I just shook my head and said to myself, 'Girl, you ought to ashamed of yourself.' But I am ashamed to admit, I wasn't. I felt content and fulfilled. 

Bryan returned to the bed, his large, erect cock swaying proudly in front of him as he walked. I got up from the bed and said, "Would you like make love to me now? You seem to be ready."

"Yes, I would like that a lot," Bryan replied. I love the way my stepson, who would soon be fucking me, was so respectful.

I took a step toward him and said, "Baby, would you take your stepmom's clothes off for her?" 

Bryan unzipped the dress and the dress fell to the floor. I reached out and held his erect cock to stabilize me as I stepped out of my yellow sun dress. I stood naked in front of my stepson.


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Written by submissivemom72
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