The engine of my forty-five year old E-type growled smoothly as I pulled out of the garage, glancing down at the GPS on my phone to remind myself of the general directions to my destination. Since it was only about twenty minutes away, and it was a delightful evening, I had decided to take the convertible out for a spin. I trusted it would make the relatively short trip without mishap.
I was in a particularly good mood that evening. Comfortable enough to not worry about finances, in good health and looking a lot better than many of my contemporaries. I had a beautiful wife at home and a beautiful, hot young teenage girl who, for some reason that I couldn't figure out, wanted me to fuck her brains out at every opportunity.
My brow furrowed at that last thought. Perhaps Jennifer was just a huge tease and I was just another "notch in her belt" or an item on her bucket list? Well, she could certainly cross "Fuck a dirty old man" off that list! I knew that it wouldn't last, but I was determined to enjoy it and make the most of it.
Besides, she was amazing for my self-confidence. Obviously I wasn't able to enjoy her company in public and have men, young and old, wonder what "that old guy has got that I haven't?" Money, they'd be thinking. But self-confidence is an internal thing and, as long as I knew I was her "fuck-toy" (at least for the time being), then I was happy.
I smiled to myself as I slowed to a stop at a traffic light. Visions of Jennifer on my arm in a full length evening dress that clung to every curve in her body flashed through my mind.
"Nice." I heard the feminine voice and looked up to see two well-dressed young women walking down the street beside me.
"Thank you very much, Miss. Oh wait, you mean the car, don't you?"
They both giggled and looked at each other.
"No, we meant you, silly man," she winked, but they didn't stop walking.
As the light changed, I momentarily thought of gunning the engine, dropping the clutch and squealing the tyres - but I'm not a childish boy with penis issues so I didn't.
I glanced over at them as I slowly pulled away and gave them the coolest wave of the hand that I could muster. I probably looked like a real twit to them given our age difference, but I didn't care. What was important was the billboard advert behind them with a picture of a glass full of ice with alcohol being poured over it.
Fuck, I thought to myself, ICE! I need ice! For the sake of men everywhere, I didn't need another woman shaking her head and rolling her eyes mumbling "Men! Bloody useless creatures!"
Five minutes later, I pulled up to what I hoped was Anna's home. Damnit, why can't people put their damn house numbers where you can actually see them? Ahh, there it is... I grabbed the bag of ice and the small bouquet of colourful flowers I had picked up at the last minute, and climbed out of the low-slung car.
Nervously brushing my hand through my hair, I walked to the door and, just as I was about to ring the bell, the door swung open.
"Jerry!" she giggled as she mimicked the surprise in my voice. " If you're here to fuck me Jerry, I have bad news for you. It'll have to be a quickie, Mom had to nip out for a while and she asked me to hang around until she got back to drive me over to my friend's house. So, are you just going to stand there, or are you going to come in and make yourself comfortable?" The emphasis on her last word sent a tingle through my groin as she stepped back to let me in.
"Ohhh, you brought me ice, how thoughtful of you," she said, ignoring the flowers in my other hand.
I couldn't help but laugh at her mature sense of humour as my gaze travelled the length of her body. She was wearing a pair of white yoga pants that looked as if they had been painted on, with a tight white halter top that held her perfect young breasts above her flat stomach. A pair of strappy white gladiator sandals exposed her pretty painted toes, adding further to my state of growing arousal as I stared at them.
"You really do like my pretty feet, don't you Jerry? Most guys I know can't take their eyes of my tits," she giggled as she twitched her shoulders causing her breasts to jiggle deliciously under her top. "But, you're not like most guys, are you, Jerry? I've never met a guy with a foot fetish," she said softly as she wiggled her toes for me.
I dragged my eyes back to her face, conscious of the obvious state of my arousal which had caught her attention. Although we were still standing in the doorway, she moved closer to me and reached out to place her hand on the outline of my hard cock, stroking it slowly up and down.
"Oh fuck, stop it Jennifer," I moaned, but I couldn't pull away from that intense feeling. "You make me so hot," I mumbled. Her fingers and thumb moved to the sides of my shaft and she continued her slow massage as my penis twitched to her touch. I tore my eyes from her toes and glanced nervously over my shoulders to make sure we weren't being watched my an inquisitive neighbour.
"No, Jerry, keep looking at my pretty feet. Do you remember squirting your warm cum all over my foot the other night?"
I nodded. Then I felt her thumb rubbing against my sensitive frenulum.
"Oh Godddd!" I moaned, as I felt the first signs of an approaching orgasm. She smiled at me, recognising the signs as my cock throbbed under her fingers.
"We can't leave you like this for your evening with Mommy can we darling.
I was in a particularly good mood that evening. Comfortable enough to not worry about finances, in good health and looking a lot better than many of my contemporaries. I had a beautiful wife at home and a beautiful, hot young teenage girl who, for some reason that I couldn't figure out, wanted me to fuck her brains out at every opportunity.
My brow furrowed at that last thought. Perhaps Jennifer was just a huge tease and I was just another "notch in her belt" or an item on her bucket list? Well, she could certainly cross "Fuck a dirty old man" off that list! I knew that it wouldn't last, but I was determined to enjoy it and make the most of it.
Besides, she was amazing for my self-confidence. Obviously I wasn't able to enjoy her company in public and have men, young and old, wonder what "that old guy has got that I haven't?" Money, they'd be thinking. But self-confidence is an internal thing and, as long as I knew I was her "fuck-toy" (at least for the time being), then I was happy.
I smiled to myself as I slowed to a stop at a traffic light. Visions of Jennifer on my arm in a full length evening dress that clung to every curve in her body flashed through my mind.
"Nice." I heard the feminine voice and looked up to see two well-dressed young women walking down the street beside me.
"Thank you very much, Miss. Oh wait, you mean the car, don't you?"
They both giggled and looked at each other.
"No, we meant you, silly man," she winked, but they didn't stop walking.
As the light changed, I momentarily thought of gunning the engine, dropping the clutch and squealing the tyres - but I'm not a childish boy with penis issues so I didn't.
I glanced over at them as I slowly pulled away and gave them the coolest wave of the hand that I could muster. I probably looked like a real twit to them given our age difference, but I didn't care. What was important was the billboard advert behind them with a picture of a glass full of ice with alcohol being poured over it.
Fuck, I thought to myself, ICE! I need ice! For the sake of men everywhere, I didn't need another woman shaking her head and rolling her eyes mumbling "Men! Bloody useless creatures!"
Five minutes later, I pulled up to what I hoped was Anna's home. Damnit, why can't people put their damn house numbers where you can actually see them? Ahh, there it is... I grabbed the bag of ice and the small bouquet of colourful flowers I had picked up at the last minute, and climbed out of the low-slung car.
Nervously brushing my hand through my hair, I walked to the door and, just as I was about to ring the bell, the door swung open.
"Jerry!" she giggled as she mimicked the surprise in my voice. " If you're here to fuck me Jerry, I have bad news for you. It'll have to be a quickie, Mom had to nip out for a while and she asked me to hang around until she got back to drive me over to my friend's house. So, are you just going to stand there, or are you going to come in and make yourself comfortable?" The emphasis on her last word sent a tingle through my groin as she stepped back to let me in.
"Ohhh, you brought me ice, how thoughtful of you," she said, ignoring the flowers in my other hand.
I couldn't help but laugh at her mature sense of humour as my gaze travelled the length of her body. She was wearing a pair of white yoga pants that looked as if they had been painted on, with a tight white halter top that held her perfect young breasts above her flat stomach. A pair of strappy white gladiator sandals exposed her pretty painted toes, adding further to my state of growing arousal as I stared at them.
"You really do like my pretty feet, don't you Jerry? Most guys I know can't take their eyes of my tits," she giggled as she twitched her shoulders causing her breasts to jiggle deliciously under her top. "But, you're not like most guys, are you, Jerry? I've never met a guy with a foot fetish," she said softly as she wiggled her toes for me.
I dragged my eyes back to her face, conscious of the obvious state of my arousal which had caught her attention. Although we were still standing in the doorway, she moved closer to me and reached out to place her hand on the outline of my hard cock, stroking it slowly up and down.
"Oh fuck, stop it Jennifer," I moaned, but I couldn't pull away from that intense feeling. "You make me so hot," I mumbled. Her fingers and thumb moved to the sides of my shaft and she continued her slow massage as my penis twitched to her touch. I tore my eyes from her toes and glanced nervously over my shoulders to make sure we weren't being watched my an inquisitive neighbour.
"No, Jerry, keep looking at my pretty feet. Do you remember squirting your warm cum all over my foot the other night?"
I nodded. Then I felt her thumb rubbing against my sensitive frenulum.
"Oh Godddd!" I moaned, as I felt the first signs of an approaching orgasm. She smiled at me, recognising the signs as my cock throbbed under her fingers.
"We can't leave you like this for your evening with Mommy can we darling.

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I'm sure you'd be so embarrassed to have her see your erection wouldn't you? She moved closer, her fragrant scent filling my nostrils as my breathing deepened. I think you ought to let go right now and have a nice cum for me, don't you?"
Her fingers moved faster over my jeans as my pulse quickened.
"Can we move inside and close the door, please. I don't think we need your neighbours to see this, and I don't want to cum in my pants," I moaned.
"But, isn't exciting for you, Jerry? The danger of having someone see you being masturbated to orgasm by a sweet innocent young teenager at her front door?" Her fingers moved faster, her thumb caressing that oh so sensitive spot just under my glans. "You do like my feet, don't you? Or is it the thin straps of my gladiator sandals crossing over my feet and my ankles? Ooohh, do you have a shoe fetish too, Jerry?"
I glanced down again, and then it happened. My cock jerked once or twice and flooded my white silk thong with my warm cum, shooting several spurts from it's tip. I moaned again as I felt the warm wetness slowly dripping down my shaft, soaking the flimsy material of my thong.
"Mmmm, it feels so good to hold you when you cum like that, baby. I could almost feel your cum shooting up your cock under my hand." She pressed her palm at the base of my shrinking penis and moved it slowly upwards to expel any residual cum, which only added to the warm wet mess under my jeans.
"Next time I want to do that without your jeans on so I can watch you messing your sexy panties."
"They're not panties, Jennifer. Men don't wear panties, they wear boxers or briefs or underwear."
She tried to look serious, but failed miserably. "Of course, I'm sorry. But I read somewhere that some men like to wear women's panties under their jeans, something about the feeling of the lace or silk over their cocks," she said innocently. Have you ever worn sexy girl's panties, Jerry."
I blushed profusely at her question and looked down at the ground. Well, more accurately, looked down at her pretty feet.
"OMG, Jerry! You have, haven't you? Is that why you shave down there, so you can feel the material against your smooth skin?"
"Jennifer, don't be silly! Now, can we please go inside, this ice won't be ice any longer if we don't put it in the freezer."
She moved aside and let me inside, closing the door behind her.
"Kitchen to your left, baby" she pointed in the general direction. "You'd better hurry, you're dripping all over the floor," she giggled, which reminded me of my cum-filled silk underwear, which had by now been soaked all the way down to my balls.
I put the ice bag in the freezer and asked for further directions to a bathroom, planning to wipe myself dry and remove my wet thong to hide it in the glovebox of my car.
She guessed my motive and smiled at me.
"Oh no, Jerry," she smirked at me, "we can't have you visiting with my sexy Mom without any panties on under your jeans, can we. That wouldn't be proper and besides, I'm not sure I can trust her to keep her hands of you once she hears that accent of yours and sees how handsome you are. And I know you wouldn't want to let Mommy know you went around with fresh cum-stained panties, so you wouldn't let her touch you there. I want you to keep them on to remind you of your sexy young girlfriend."
"Jennifer, I promise I won't let your Mommy get anywhere near my panties....I mean, underwear." I blushed again as I realised what I had just said.
Suddenly, the front door opened and Jennifer's mother came in. She smiled and walked up with her hand extended. "Hello, you must be Jerry."
I shook her hand and replied, "Guilty as charged, it's nice to meet you Anna."
Noticing my flushed cheeks, she looked across at her daughter. "Jennifer, have you been embarrassing Kenny's dad?" Then she turned to me, "Whatever Jennifer did or said, Jerry, I apologise on her behalf."
"Your daughter has been the perfect hostess, Anna," I saw Jennifer blush and she bit her lower lip.
"I have to run Jennifer over to her friends house but it'll only take about ten minutes. You can either come with us, or fix yourself a drink and watch TV until I get back."
"Yes, come with us please Jerry." Jennifer put on her innocent pleading look, but I knew she wanted to avoid leaving me alone for even a moment to fix my embarrassing underwear problem.
I gave her a stern look, then remembered the flowers in my hand. "Oh, these are for you, Anna," I said, holding out the bouquet for her. I hoped she didn't notice that the stems had been crushed a little due to my recent exertions at their front door.
"Oh, how sweet of you, Jerry. There are some vases over the sink. Would you be a darling and take care of that while I make a quick stop to powder my nose, and you, young lady, grab your overnight bag."
A couple of minutes later, we were all in her Mercedes heading over to Jennifer's friend's house.
I sat quietly in the expansive back seat trying to figure out a satisfactory resolution to my problem. Even with nothing inappropriate taking place, I was sure that the scent of my cum would eventually come to Anna's attention.
"Mind if I open the window a crack, Anna?" I desperately hoped that I smelled the rich, heady scent of fresh Connolly leather, but didn't want to take any chances...
Her fingers moved faster over my jeans as my pulse quickened.
"Can we move inside and close the door, please. I don't think we need your neighbours to see this, and I don't want to cum in my pants," I moaned.
"But, isn't exciting for you, Jerry? The danger of having someone see you being masturbated to orgasm by a sweet innocent young teenager at her front door?" Her fingers moved faster, her thumb caressing that oh so sensitive spot just under my glans. "You do like my feet, don't you? Or is it the thin straps of my gladiator sandals crossing over my feet and my ankles? Ooohh, do you have a shoe fetish too, Jerry?"
I glanced down again, and then it happened. My cock jerked once or twice and flooded my white silk thong with my warm cum, shooting several spurts from it's tip. I moaned again as I felt the warm wetness slowly dripping down my shaft, soaking the flimsy material of my thong.
"Mmmm, it feels so good to hold you when you cum like that, baby. I could almost feel your cum shooting up your cock under my hand." She pressed her palm at the base of my shrinking penis and moved it slowly upwards to expel any residual cum, which only added to the warm wet mess under my jeans.
"Next time I want to do that without your jeans on so I can watch you messing your sexy panties."
"They're not panties, Jennifer. Men don't wear panties, they wear boxers or briefs or underwear."
She tried to look serious, but failed miserably. "Of course, I'm sorry. But I read somewhere that some men like to wear women's panties under their jeans, something about the feeling of the lace or silk over their cocks," she said innocently. Have you ever worn sexy girl's panties, Jerry."
I blushed profusely at her question and looked down at the ground. Well, more accurately, looked down at her pretty feet.
"OMG, Jerry! You have, haven't you? Is that why you shave down there, so you can feel the material against your smooth skin?"
"Jennifer, don't be silly! Now, can we please go inside, this ice won't be ice any longer if we don't put it in the freezer."
She moved aside and let me inside, closing the door behind her.
"Kitchen to your left, baby" she pointed in the general direction. "You'd better hurry, you're dripping all over the floor," she giggled, which reminded me of my cum-filled silk underwear, which had by now been soaked all the way down to my balls.
I put the ice bag in the freezer and asked for further directions to a bathroom, planning to wipe myself dry and remove my wet thong to hide it in the glovebox of my car.
She guessed my motive and smiled at me.
"Oh no, Jerry," she smirked at me, "we can't have you visiting with my sexy Mom without any panties on under your jeans, can we. That wouldn't be proper and besides, I'm not sure I can trust her to keep her hands of you once she hears that accent of yours and sees how handsome you are. And I know you wouldn't want to let Mommy know you went around with fresh cum-stained panties, so you wouldn't let her touch you there. I want you to keep them on to remind you of your sexy young girlfriend."
"Jennifer, I promise I won't let your Mommy get anywhere near my panties....I mean, underwear." I blushed again as I realised what I had just said.
Suddenly, the front door opened and Jennifer's mother came in. She smiled and walked up with her hand extended. "Hello, you must be Jerry."
I shook her hand and replied, "Guilty as charged, it's nice to meet you Anna."
Noticing my flushed cheeks, she looked across at her daughter. "Jennifer, have you been embarrassing Kenny's dad?" Then she turned to me, "Whatever Jennifer did or said, Jerry, I apologise on her behalf."
"Your daughter has been the perfect hostess, Anna," I saw Jennifer blush and she bit her lower lip.
"I have to run Jennifer over to her friends house but it'll only take about ten minutes. You can either come with us, or fix yourself a drink and watch TV until I get back."
"Yes, come with us please Jerry." Jennifer put on her innocent pleading look, but I knew she wanted to avoid leaving me alone for even a moment to fix my embarrassing underwear problem.
I gave her a stern look, then remembered the flowers in my hand. "Oh, these are for you, Anna," I said, holding out the bouquet for her. I hoped she didn't notice that the stems had been crushed a little due to my recent exertions at their front door.
"Oh, how sweet of you, Jerry. There are some vases over the sink. Would you be a darling and take care of that while I make a quick stop to powder my nose, and you, young lady, grab your overnight bag."
A couple of minutes later, we were all in her Mercedes heading over to Jennifer's friend's house.
I sat quietly in the expansive back seat trying to figure out a satisfactory resolution to my problem. Even with nothing inappropriate taking place, I was sure that the scent of my cum would eventually come to Anna's attention.
"Mind if I open the window a crack, Anna?" I desperately hoped that I smelled the rich, heady scent of fresh Connolly leather, but didn't want to take any chances...