Being top of my class has its disadvantages. Let me explain. I’m what some call a ‘plain Jane’, along with being a bit of an introvert. My clothing is far from stylish. Being a curvy girl, I cant wear the skin tight skirts and jeans they do.
I choose my clothing to covers my full hips and rounded butt, along with my 36D breast. So you see I’ not exactly a part of the ‘in crowd’.
As I said, I am at the top of my classes in college and some of the girls are jealous of my grades. Some of them are barely making it through their classes and they have shunned me, picked on me and really treated me poorly.
The story I am about to relate all started when Meg, one of the girls in my class, told me she wanted to be friends. Right there, I should have known something was wrong.
Meg sat with me at lunch and wanted to "hangout." I knew deep down there had to be an ulterior motive but, as time went on, we talked more. It was mostly about school and my grades and how good they were.
Well, this particular week we had a big test looming. Meg told me she was in trouble with poor grades and there was a chance of her being kicked out of college. I felt sorry for her and asked her what I could do to help. She was, after all, my only friend in school but her answer surprised me: she wanted me to give her a "cheat" sheet for the test.
I knew I couldn't do that and she shouldn’t have made that request. If I was caught, I would be thrown out of school. But, on the other hand, I didn't want to lose my one friend. It was a dilemma and I really didn't know what to do. Meg kept asking me and, finally and stupidly, I prepared a "cheat" sheet for her.
The day of the test, I saw Meg pull out the sheet and I looked around the room to make sure no one had noticed. Horrors! Other students pulled out a sheet of paper. No, surely Meg wouldn’t do that to me. But, yes, she had. And everyone appeared to have a copy.
My professor, Mr. Stevens is a foot taller than me at 6ft 4ins and I watched in trepidation as he walked around the test room that day.
If he sees the 'cheat' sheet, I am in big trouble. I will be thrown out of college. What can I do now?
Then it happened. Mr. Stevens stopped at a desk of a student who was reading the "cheat" sheet. She didn’t realize that Mr. Stevens was behind her until he reached over and snatched the paper from her hands.
He marched to the front of the class and sternly ordered, "Pencils down NOW!" He looked around the room.
"No one move."
Mr. Stevens walked around the room, collecting test papers and the many "cheat" sheets. My heart sank and I prayed he wouldn’t discover I had prepared the sheet. He came to my desk and took my test. Then, he stood there and looked at me for a few minutes. I knew I was in trouble.
He returned to the front of the class, dropped the papers on his desk and stood staring at us all for a few minutes. "All of you have failed," he boomed. "Now I want to know where did this sheet come from? Who is responsible?"
It seemed every head turned turned and looked at me! How could Meg do this to me? She used me. How stupid was I?
"Michelle! You stay. The rest of you, dismissed... get out of my sight."
After the class had shuffled out in silence, Mr. Stevens approached my desk. and said. "You’re in big trouble young lady. Do you realize what you have done?"
I shook my head.
"Answer me!"
"Yes Sir, Mr. Stevens," I managed to say and looked into his stern face. “What is gonna happen to me now?" In my panic, before I realized what I was saying, I begged him not to turn me into the Dean. I would be thrown out for sure. “I will do anything, anything you ask,” I blustered, fighting back tears.
He looked down at me, an expression on his face I’d never seen before. He glanced up and down my body as if he could see through my clothes. It made me uncomfortable but what was I to do, or say?
Finally he spoke. "Anything?" he asked. “You’d do anything?”
I couldn’t speak. I nodded.
"Michelle,” he said quietly, “you have one chance and one chance only or I will go to the Dean and you will be expelled. And you will never be allowed into another college."
He went to his desk, wrote something and then returned to hand me the slip of notepaper. "Be at this address at 7:00 pm tonight and don't be late! Do not discuss this with anyone. Understood?"
"Yes Mr. Stevens," I said and rose from my seat and walked out of his class on trembling legs. What was I to do now? What did he want? What was he gonna do?
I staggered out of school, crying. I couldn't lose everything I had worked so hard for. I just had to go along and find out what Mr. Stevens wanted. I couldn't eat any dinner: I was worried about what he wanted, what was happening to my future.
In a daze, I showered, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, pulled my hair back into the usual ponytail and left. It was nearly 7:00 pm when I arrived at Mr. Stevens house and I waited anxiously in my car. When it was time to go, I knocked on the door and Mr. Stevens opened it.
"Come in. I have been waiting for you."
I walked in and waited for him to tell me what he wanted.
"Michelle, come sit beside me and I will explain everything to you."
I sat beside him on the couch and listened to his deep voice.
"Cheating is a very bad thing, as you know. As I told you earlier, you will be expelled, never be allowed in another college.”
Tears gathered in my eyes and Mr. Stevens continued, “Also you can forget about ever getting a good job. This incident, this cheating, will follow you everywhere you go."
I snuffled, wiped tears from my cheeks with the back of my hands. "Mr. Stevens, please, I will do anything you ask. Please, don't report me. I’ll never do anything like it again. I swear."
"Again, Michelle, you say you’ll do anything? Is that right?"
"Yes Mr. Stevens, I’ll do anything. I cannot be expelled."
"Michelle understand this. You do not have to continue any further. However, you know what the consequence will be. Are you sure you want to continue?
"Mr. Stevens, I cannot be expelled. I am here of my my own free will."
He sat in silence, just staring into my face. It seemed he was considering something very important. Finally he spoke. "Okay, Michelle you have one chance to prove that you mean it. And that chance is right now. Come with me and no arguments. Remember, you said you’d do anything."
He took my hand and walked me to his bedroom. It was a male domain, a master suite: a four poster bed, large closet and dressers. On the bed, some clothes were laid out. My eyes skimmed over them and Mr. Stevens surprised me when he told me to undress.
“What?” I stammered.
“Take everything off,” he commanded. “And then put on those clothes,” he said, pointing to the bed.
I didn’t move.
"You said you’d do anything, Michelle. Should I make the phone call now?"
Those words, that threat, stunned me into action. "No Mr. Stevens... I will do what you’ve told me to do."
Without another word, he walked to the door where he paused and turned. "Don't touch anything and come out to the living room when you are dressed. And take her your hair down, let it hang loose."
He left the room, shutting the door. I picked up the clothes and realized there was very little to them: a see-through teddy and a thong. But there was nothing I could do but follow his instructions unless I was prepared to lose everything. I undressed and put on the flimsy outfit before releasing my hair from the pony tail.
Mr. Stevens had also left some make-up for me although I didn’t wear the stuff and wasn't really sure what to do. But I did my best with the eye-liner and lipstick and was staring into the mirror when the door opened. Mr. Stevens walked in and came up to me. He stroked my hair, twirled it around his fingers and said,
"You’ve taken a long time to get ready, Michelle so I’ve come to see what’s delayed you.” He smiled. “But I like what I see. I knew you were beautiful. Why do you always cover yourself up?"
I gave a nervous smile and he led me to the bed, told me to sit. "From now, you will be my personal slut to use in any way I choose to. Do you understand?"
I was stunned and he took my face between his hands face. “Answer me, do you understand?”
"Yes," I whispered.
"I will use your body for my pleasure. And, in return, you will have my silence. But you will not tell anyone of our arrangement. Is that understood?"
'Yes, Sir"
“Are you taking birth control pills?”
I shook my head. “I’m a virgin.”
Mr. Stevens inhaled sharply. ”A virgin? Perhaps I should’ve known.”
For a moment I thought he was about to let me go. But no!
“At least you don’t have any bad habits to break or any problems about diseases,” he said, smiling. “But, then again, have you any idea about how to please a man?”
He moved my hair off a shoulder and leaned in for a kiss. I drew back but he pulled me to him and pressed his lips hard on mine.
“Stand,” he ordered and then raised the hem of the teddy. I didn’t want him to remove it and so I backed away. “Be still,” he barked. “This is your last chance.”
I froze. Afraid.
Swiftly, he removed the pieces of clothing and his eyes scanned my body. “You are amazing,” he said, “truly beautiful. Right, lay down on the bed.”
I clambered onto the bed and lay back, arms stiff by my sides. I squeezed my eyelids shut and my body tensed as Mr. Stevens’ fingers roamed up and down my flesh.

“You are beautiful,” he murmured, leaving a trail of wet kisses over my tummy and then cupping my breasts. He fondled them, sucked and kissed my nipples which felt strangely hard.
I didn’t know what to do. I lay there, letting this man feast on my body. I was frightened and ashamed to be used like this and tears trickled from the corners of my eyes. I squeezed my lids tighter, trying to stop the flow.
Mr. Stevens didn’t appear to notice that I was upset. If he did, he ignored it as a hand found my pussy, his fingers tickling among my hair. I held my breath when a finger slid along my slit and then he was pushing my legs open.
I gasped and cried out when he pushed a finger inside. Deeper and deeper he went, in and out, finger-fucking my virgin pussy.
The mattress rocked beneath me and the finger was withdrawn. I opened my eyes, praying and hoping that the ordeal was over. But I was horribly wrong. Mr. Stevens undid a silver-foil wrapper and slipped out a condom. Now I saw his cock, swaying and bobbing as he sat back on his haunches. It was massive and he rolled the condom over the purple dome and down his bulging shaft. I’d never seen anything like it.
“Open your legs wide,” he commanded.
I closed my eyes again and felt his hands on my knees, pushing them sideways. He was between my open thighs now and I felt his cock pushing at my pussy entrance. “I am going to take your virginity, Michelle. Don’t fight it. Relax and you’ll be fine.”
Relax? I was terrified. I wanted to scream as tears rolled down my cheeks.
Then it happened. Mr. Stevens pushed his cock’s head between my lips and I felt the hardness at my entrance. He pushed harder, grunted and pushed again. Suddenly he pierced me, forcing his way inside my tight tunnel. I cried out as a searing, hot pain ripped through me.
Mr. Stevens thrust back and forth, his hard length ripping deep inside me. Up and down, in and out... he was relentless, not caring that I was crying and sobbing. He just fucked me, on and on, and I thought the torture would never end. Finally, I felt his cock swelling even more and Mr. Stevens grunted loudly, slammed his pubis hard against mine and he muttered, “Fucking hell, fucking hell” and collapsed down on top of me.
He was heavy, crushing my chest and ribs, and I struggled to breath. After a minute or so, I couldn’t stand it any longer. “Please, Sir,” I gasped, “I can’t breathe.”
Mr. Stevens said nothing, just grunted and rolled off me. His cock slid out of my sore hole and he sighed and lay on his back, eyes closed.
I swung my legs off the bed and quickly dressed. I didn’t stop to clean myself but raced out into the street, got in my car and drove home. There, I undressed again and got into the shower. I washed and scrubbed all over but was gentle between my legs. I was so tender.
“God, what have I done,” I cried aloud as the water cascaded over me. I leaned, head bowed and hands on the tiles as the warm water and my tears mingled. I shook my head, barely understanding what I had let Mr. Stevens do to me.
Out of the shower, I dried my aching body and rubbed the towel over my hair. I left it damp as I climbed into bed. I couldn’t stop thinking about my ordeal. What a way to lose my virginity! I shed more tears, sobbing into the pillow, until, eventually, somehow, I cried myself to sleep.
The next day in school, I was aware of other students looking at me. I guess my body language and the unsmiling face suggested something was not quite right with me. Obviously, they knew about the test cheat and wondered what punishment would be handed out.
As the days went by, I became more introverted than ever and I barely talked to anyone.
Surprisingly, it was Meg who finally got me alone in the restroom and talked about the test and what was happening. I could sense she was amazed I was still in college but I didn’t want to talk to her. She was, after all, responsible for getting me into trouble in the first place. Some friend! But, cornered in the restroom, she asked what was happening to me. What had Mr. Stevens decided to do with me?
Meg seemed sincere and, honestly, I was so broken, so hurt and so worried, that I needed someone to listen to me, to hear what had happened. But was Meg a person I could trust?
Meg insisted that I told her. “You’re not going out of here until you tell me what is happening to you, Michelle,” she said, gripping my wrists. I broke down then and, between sobs and sniffles, I told her everything that had happened with Mr. Stevens.
“I’m terribly sorry,” Meg said and put her arms around me. “It’s all my fault but I’m gonna make it up to you.”
I didn’t have a clue what Meg could do about the situation but she asked me when I was next visiting Mr. Stevens. ”Friday night. And I’m dreading it,” I whispered.
“Okay,” said Meg, “leave it to me.”
What did that mean? Leave it to her? I suddenly wondered if I’d put myself in line for more trouble. Could I trust Meg at all?
On Friday afternoon, Meg told me to make sure that the door to Mr. Stevens house was unlocked when I was inside. “Why? What for?” I asked.
“Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Just go into his house but leave the door unlocked.”
That evening I showered and dressed ready to visit the despicable Mr. Stevens. Oh how I loathed the man but I couldn’t see a way out of his clutches. I had messed up and all I could think of was to finish college and then I’d be rid of him.
At 7:00pm I arrived. He was waiting inside and had left the door unlocked. I made sure it stayed ajar before I went to the bedroom as I had been instructed. The silk teddy was on the bed - but no thong this time. I changed my clothes and applied some make-up and waited, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Mr. Stevens strode into the room. I inhaled sharply. He was naked with his cock already semi-erect. “You are beautiful, Michelle,” he said, raising me to my feet and kissing me hard on the lips. As he pressed against me, his arms enfolding me in a strong embrace, I could feel his erection getting firmer and hotter.
Swiftly he raised the teddy above my head and tossed it to one side, leaving me naked. “Lay down,” he ordered.
Eagerly and a little roughly, he rubbed his hands over my body, bending to lick and kiss my tummy and then moving on upwards to my tits.
He was so absorbed, fondling and clawing at me, he didn’t hear the bedroom door creak open. I slightly turned my head and saw Meg and some of her friends creeping into the room. Stealthily they came up behind him and then pounced, using the advantage of surprise and numbers to overpower him.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing,” he shouted as they tied rope around his wrists and ankles.
I rolled away as they bundled him on to the...