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The Missionary's Position

"A divinity student's missions trip takes a surprising turn."

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Author's Notes

"I think this is going to be an interesting series. I really enjoyed writing it, and I hope you enjoy reading it. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Please check out my other stories."

I'd spent my summer with a family in a small village that borders France and Italy. Luca, his wife Elka, and their son Luis lived in a modest home on the edge of the town with the Alps right outside their windows. I don't know if they realized how lovely it was here, but its beauty amazed me every morning. It was my last year of divinity school before going out into the real world. I still needed direction or a plan for the future.

I stared out the window of my tiny second-floor room, meditating about my future, when I heard the splash of water in the small courtyard. It was Elka. It was wash day. They were a simple family, not very well-to-do. Elka would fill a wash basin with hot water and do the wash by hand. She had been at it for a while by the time I had finished my afternoon meditations.

I stood at the window, taking in the view of the mountains, when I noticed the bed sheets neatly pinned to the clothesline blowing in the wind. There, tucked in behind them, was Elka bathing herself from the basin. She had tied her long blonde hair into a bun to keep it dry as she bathed. I watched her hit the sweet spots as we called them back home. Elka had never struck me as beautiful or really much to look at. She had been hiding it under frumpy clothes and shall. Modesty was definitely her virtue. I saw her full frontal as she turned to rinse herself. She had large, firm breasts, a flat stomach, and long legs. She had what I'd call an hourglass figure.

I watched her hands run over her breasts, down her torso to rinse the soap off of her golden bush and continue down her long legs. Elka then took a towel from the basket to wipe herself off before putting on a clean dress. It was then that she noticed me as I peered down at her. Elka blushed, holding up her hand and waving her finger at me like she was scolding me. She was saying something that I couldn't hear, but I imagined that she was cussing me out. I was embarrassed at being caught taking such liberties and even more ashamed that it had gotten me aroused. I knew I needed to apologize immediately.

I made my way down the stairs to find Elka. She was coming in the door to the kitchen carrying the clothes basket. Red-faced, I mumbled something of an apology. I don't even know what I said, but it made Elka giggle. She was beginning to say something in response when the back door burst open. It was their son Luis coming home from school. Soon, her husband Luca would arrive and be expecting dinner. Elka smiled at me and asked me to help her set the table.

At dinner, we listened as Luca talked about his day. I found myself thinking about Elka, naked, washing herself as Luca droned on about his day. I kept glancing at Elka, wondering about the treasures she kept hidden beneath her plain clothes. I felt a tingle in my cock and shifted closer to the table so no one would see my growing erection. I turned my attention to Luca's story to take my mind off of my newfound lust for his wife.

I woke the next morning with a massive erection. I had done my best to refrain from masturbation so I could focus on what my future held for me. This morning, however, I was in a state of pain. I know I had dreamt of Elka bathing, hidden in the midst of flowing bedsheets. I desperately needed a release.

I crept to the bathroom, silently closing the door so as not to wake anyone. I stepped into the shower area, which was basically a floor drain behind a curtain. I turned on the water, hoping the frigid temperature would quash my erection. I began to lather myself with soap when I heard the catch of the door click. It was Elka standing there, staring at me in her bedclothes. I had neglected to pull the curtain all the way, and she could see the state that I was in. Embarrassed, I turned back to her. I sensed her move toward me, and suddenly, I could feel her presence.

"Don't turn around, or I won't be able to contain myself," Elka whispered into my ear.

Wrapping her arms around me, she pressed her naked body against me, pressing her breasts to my back as she reached down to grab my throbbing cock. I began to protest.

"Shhh," Elka whispered, "I thought you would be in this state this morning after watching me like the naughty boy that you were yesterday."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean," I mumbled.

"Shhh," she said again.

She took the bar of soap from my hand and lathered my cock. She then started to stroke my cock, squeezing it hard every time she got to the tip. Elka reached for my hand and pulled it behind my back, placing it on her pussy.

"There, is this what you've been dreaming about all night to make you so hard?" she said softly.

She pushed my fingers inside of her vagina with a gasp, breathlessly, saying, "I've been dreaming about you all night too. That's why you can't turn around, or I will fuck you and never stop."

I fingered Elka's pussy while she stroked my shaft. She leaned closer to my ear, nibbling on it as she pumped my cock. Her breathing became erratic, and her body twitched. I could feel the warm gush of her climax as she came on my fingers. The sensation sent jolts of electricity through my balls, causing me to blow my wad all over the corner of the shower stall. Elka's hand released my cock and cupped my balls, squeezing them, coaxing me to come again.

"Are you empty now?" she asked quietly. "If not, I will be doing wash again today."

Then she was gone. I stood there wondering if I had fantasized about the whole thing. I turned on the hot water slightly to finish my shower and shake the cold off.

I had arrived home after spending most of the next day at the church. Elka was already in the courtyard with the wash. I knelt at the window, trying to pray that I could refrain from peaking at Elka. It wasn't long before I found that I had little control over my lustful desires. I peered out the side of the curtains, hoping to see Elka bathing herself again. She was doing the laundry, nothing else but laundry. I wondered if this morning really had been a dream. I watched, waiting, hoping that something would happen. The longer I watched, the more the clothesline filled in around her. Elka finished hanging the last sheet and looked around her, then up at my window with a smile.

Elka slowly unbuttoned her dress, shrugging it off of her shoulders. Next, she bent forward as she removed her slip. Her large tits heaved at the material of her brassiere. She then stepped out of her panties and removed her bra. She faced my window as she washed herself. I stood in full view of the window so she could see me as she bathed. Elka smiled up at me as her hands washed her tits.

She had a devilish grin on her face while she washed her pussy. Elka rinsed her bush and slipped her fingers into her cunt. Elka started to finger herself as she stared into my eyes. Her fingers rubbed over her clit and plunged into her pussy, then back out over her clit. Her body flinched as she approached climax, and her knees buckled slightly. She grabbed for the table but missed and fell to the ground.

Elka lay there on wet grass pleasuring herself. Her body convulsed on the ground as she writhed from the strength of her orgasm. She lay there for countless minutes, panting, gasping for air. I found myself in the same state as this morning, but I fought the urge to masturbate. Secretly, I hoped she would visit me in the bathroom again tomorrow.

The next morning, I did indeed wake with a raging hard-on. I crept to the bathroom as I had done yesterday. As I began to undress, I heard the soft steps of Elka's approach. I knew it was her by the absence of the heavy-footed thud of Lica or Luis. I stepped into the cold water of the shower that I'd become accustomed to. Their small water heater didn't provide enough for full-length showers.

I stood with my back to the door, waiting to hear the click of the catch. It seemed like forever, and I looked over my shoulder to check if I had inadvertently locked the door. Elka was there standing in the nude. Barely audible, she again told me not to turn around. Her body pressed against me, repeating yesterday morning. I reached behind me, searching for the warmth between her legs. Elka's hand stroked me from behind while I fingered her to orgasm. Elka's hand was magic, sending exquisite sensations through the length of my shaft. She pumped and squeezed me closer and closer to climax, but I held off, not wanting it ever to end. I grunted and groaned as the pressure built inside my balls.

Elka leaned in closer, whispering, "Finish in my mouth."

She knelt before me as I turned. Still pumping her hand on my cock, she gasped at seeing its entirety of its length for the first time. Elka took the tip of my nine inches between her lips as she continued to pump her fist. She sucked gently on the head of my cock and slid its length into her mouth and back out to the tip. Elka did this a few more times, making me week-kneed. I grabbed her head and began to fuck her mouth.

She pressed her tongue to the vein of my shaft, pressing it against the roof of her mouth, making it incredibly tight. I let out a groan as I filled her mouth with cum. I kept thrusting into her mouth even after I had emptied my balls. Elka silently stood and kissed me sweetly on the lips. "No wash today," she said as she left.

It was the weekend, and Luca and Luis were home, leaving little time for Elka to do anything but attend to them. My entire weekend would be spent at the church anyway. Sunday, the priest handed me a letter telling me of my next place of assignment. I would be leaving at the end of the month to go back to Paris and then home. It saddened me that my time was coming to an end here.

I would miss the mountains, the people, and most of all, Elka. It's too bad we hadn't found each other earlier in my visit. I would tell the family the news at dinner that evening. I am certain that Luca and Luis would be happy to have their house back to themselves, but Elka's eyes teared up. She was not pleased at the news.

After Luca and Luis left the house on Monday morning, Elka and I sat at the kitchen table, making small talk. She expressed her disappointment in my departure and said they would have to do something special for me before we left. I assured her that being here in such a beautiful place was special enough. I fought the urge to take her in my arms and madly, passionately make love to her.

I thanked her for everything that she'd done for me while I was here. Elka smiled up at me, "You mean wash day?" she said with a twinkle in her eye.

"Don't you mean the morning after wash day?" I smiled back.

"Yes. The morning after wash day," Elka replied

"It doesn't always have to be wash day. Does it?" I asked softly, reaching for her hand.

"But it's not morning," Elka said as she slid off her chair to between my knees.

Elka's hands slid up my thighs to my belt buckle. She hurriedly undid my pants, pulling them down and exposing my growing shaft. She grabbed my cock with both hands, squeezing the length of my shaft. A bubble of precum oozed from my slit. Elka's eyes locked on mine as she hungrily licked it off. She slowly lowered her mouth onto my cock. Elka's tongue swirled around my shaft as her head bobbed repeatedly along its length.

She saw me staring at her wiggling cleavage as she sucked my dick. A devilishly wicked smile curled the corners of her lips as she unbuttoned her blouse. She arched her back as she reached for the clasp of her bra. Her breasts were massive up close, and she grinned as she slipped my cock between her tits. Elka bobbed her titties up and down on my cock, giving me my first-ever tit fuck.

I watched as the head of my cock appeared randomly out the top of her cleavage. She would suck the tip into her mouth and swirl her tongue around the head of my cock. I couldn't fight the urge to fuck her mouth. I stood, letting my pants fall to the floor, thrusting my cock into her mouth, trying to slip it down her throat.

Elka gagged and pulled away to catch her breath. She tilted her head when she took me back into her mouth, allowing my cock to go deeper. She held me there until her gag reflex gave in to the intrusion of my long cock. Elka took a couple of long strokes on my cock, allowing it to plunge past her epiglottis and down her throat. She slipped my cock out just long enough to say, "Now you can fuck my throat."

She took my steely rod in hand, guiding me down her throat. Elka then released my cock and placed her hands on my ass cheeks. I held her head as I took long, deep thrusts, fucking her face slowly. She moaned on my shaft, sending vibrations throughout my body. Oh my god, it felt incredible. I could sense the pressure building inside me. My knees trembled, and my body jerked as I fought off the desire to fill her mouth with my seed as I had a few mornings ago.

My lust got the better of me, and I urged her to let me fuck her. I pleaded, begging just this once, to let me be inside of her. Elka shook her head No, pulling my hips harder to her mouth, trying to finish me before she would give in to her own desires. She cupped my balls with one hand and slid the index finger up my ass. Suddenly, I had no control over my cock, and I blasted my load down her throat. Her finger kept rubbing against my prostrate, milking me for every ounce of my cum, until I went limp in her mouth.

I slumped to the floor in front of her, kissing her wildly. My hands groped her bosom, and I tweaked at her nipples, hoping to entice her into intercourse. I slid my hand under her skirt, slipping my fingers under her panties and into her dripping hole. Elka moaned as my fingers entered her. She weekly pushed me away as if feigning her rejection of my advances.

"No, no, no. We can't. We mustn't," Elka moaned as she stood to get away.

I grabbed her by the waistband of her skirt, preventing her escape. My fingers were still thrusting into her pussy. I lifted her skirt with my other hand, ducking my head under her skirt and kissing the wet crotch of her panties. I mouthed her mound with my lips as I slid my fingers out of her pussy to pull the fabric aside. She gasped as my lips and tongue made contact with her blood-engorged pussy lips. I thrust my tongue between them and into her drooling cunt hole. Elka grabbed the back of my head, thrusting her hips forward, humping my face, whimpering, "No. No. We mustn't," even as she succumbed to her pleasure, humping her cunt onto my mouth.

I slid two fingers back inside her as my tongue continued to tantalize her clitoris, sucking it between my lips and flicking it with my tongue. I was being driven forward by years of pent-up desires that she had awoken. Elka's pleas of No, we mustn't fell on deaf ears as the beast of my sinful nature had been unleashed, and I ravaged her with my mouth. Elka fell to the floor with a thud as she pushed my mouth away, only to pull it back to her cunt.

She was conflicted, and the fight or flight reflex disappeared as her resolve weakened. Elka spread her legs, allowing me to pleasure her through countless orgasms. Then, when I thought she'd given in to her lust, I tried to mount her. In a flurry of arms and legs, Elka was out from under me, standing in front of me, scolding me in three different languages. She stormed from the room, leaving me on the floor with my dick still in my hand.

Elka busied herself with cleaning and cooking for the rest of the day. At dinner, she avoided eye contact with me altogether. Even when I tried to help wash the dishes, Elka insisted I sit and talk with Luca. I did as she commanded and left the room. At the end of the night, I took Luca's coffee cup to the kitchen as he and Luis were heading off to bed. My finger grazed Elka's finger as she took it from my hand.

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Our touch lingered. Elka brought her eyes up to mine. That was all it took, and she was in my arms, kissing me passionately. Her hand slid down to my crotch, squeezing my cock through the fabric. I grew instantly hard....

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Written by Trios
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