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The Lotus and the Flame - Part Five

"Anderson introduces Farida to Role Play"

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‘I’m not sure it’s a good idea for us to go out.’ Farida’s face was flooded with worry.

‘Why not?’ Anderson pushed his hands into his jeans pockets and tried to look casual but, inside, he felt a flurry of panic that his best-laid plans may be scuppered. ‘It will be good for us to get some air. Come on, we’ll take a walk into town. I’ll treat you to brunch at The Willows. It’s a beautiful vegetarian place; I promise you will love it.’

‘What if I see someone I know?’ Farida asked.

‘I very much doubt you will, and besides, who would recognize you when you’re wearing your niqab? Come on, don’t be a spoilsport. The alternative is I’ll make you a lousy breakfast of egg on toast and then tie you up and abuse your body relentlessly.’

Anderson raised his eyebrow playfully and immediately Farida jumped up off the sofa.

‘Right, you’ve convinced me,’ she teased.

‘I never said the latter would never happen,’ Anderson laughed.

Farida grabbed her handbag from the side of the sofa. ‘I hate egg on toast.’ She pulled the strap of her bag over her shoulder, pointedly ignoring Anderson’s reference to abusing her body again.

Anderson grinned at her and placed his hand on the small of her back, ‘You’ll love it.’

Farida wasn’t sure if he was referring to him abusing her or brunch at The Willows.

Anderson had been right: The Willows was a really beautiful place with a vibrant and comfortable ambiance. Having chosen a discreet corner in the restaurant, Farida plumped for gozleme bread stuffed with feta cheese, onions, mushrooms, and spinach. Anderson opted for the vegetable Moroccan stew with aromatic rice.

Throughout the brunch, Farida chatted about her university work and she almost forgot why they were here sitting together in the first instance. Anderson, on the other hand, could hardly concentrate, and he was on auto pilot when he answered Farida’s questions about his various lectures. A bubble of anticipation kept surfacing in his stomach while he anxiously waited for a text from Toby to tell him that everything was sorted.

As briefly as he could, Anderson had told Toby what he wanted him to do and rebuffed his questions about what was going on, saying that he would tell him everything the next time they met. For now, all he needed to do was fit the camera where there would be a good view from every angle.

When he’d been having a hard time with his missus a few months previous, Toby had stayed with Anderson for a short time and he still had a key to the apartment. The only issue was that Toby was about as reliable as a rich tea biscuit surviving being dunked in a hot, steaming brew. If his missus questioned where he was going, Toby would sag and melt rather than face her questioning. To be fair, Anderson couldn’t blame him.

Judy was the ferocious sort. Sometimes Anderson wondered how Toby trusted her sucking his dick because Anderson would not take that particular risk. Judy was like a Staffordshire bull terrier with a pulling toy once she was upset.

Finally, as Farida poured them another cup of tea from the large silver teapot, Anderson felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Pulling it out, he swiped the screen: ‘Job done mate, looking forward to the vid! The camera is above the curtain rail in the corner of the bedroom. It’s a nice piece of kit, remote control, and everything, very easy to use.’

Toby had ended the text with a laughing emoticon and Anderson smiled to himself. He owed Toby one and, if he wanted to watch the final offering, well, surely that was the least he could do?

It seemed an age to Anderson before Farida finished her cup of tea and they could finally embark on the walk home. Anderson’s impatient nature wasn’t doing him any favours and his mindfulness had disappeared completely as if he had never started that practice at all.

Eventually, they reached his apartment and Anderson felt his cock stiffen. He watched Farida walk inside ahead of him, still animated about some piece of work he’d set. Following her into the lounge, he knew exactly what he wanted Farida to do that afternoon.


Anderson lay on the top of his duvet completely naked, stroking his cock and waiting for Farida.

Farida was in the bathroom, naked under her jilbab and with her hijab still wrapped around her head. But she didn’t hide her face with her niqab. She could understand Anderson being fascinated by seeing her in underwear but to have a thing about her wearing her hijab over her nakedness seemed weird. But, at the end of the day, who was she to argue? Maybe it’s the forbidden fruit he enjoys so much?

Plus, even though it was strange, there was a sense of comfort beneath the familiarity of her covering.

During Farida’s absence, Anderson had already checked out the camera and made himself familiar with the remote control, currently hidden under his pillow. Now, he grew impatient, wishing Farida would hurry the fuck up; he was eager to get started.

Farida entered the bedroom and she looked at Anderson, his vast naked body spread out on the bed. His penis looked even larger than the day before.

‘You look great.’ Anderson shot her a broad smile. ‘I was thinking we could play a game of pretending. You know, like kids do, take us out of this moment into another realm.’

Farida giggled, more from being so self-conscious, standing there in Anderson’s bedroom naked beneath her jilbab. It seemed to her so ludicrous she couldn’t hide her mirth but she saw a flash of pain cross Anderson's face.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said quietly, ‘it was just funny the way you described it.’

Anderson looked so put out, Farida almost felt sorry for him.

‘It was the only way I could think of describing it,’ Anderson said, a slight hint of petulance in his tone.

‘I know, sorry,’ Farida apologised again. ‘Don’t be offended but I do know what role play is; I did drama at school, you know.’

Anderson shrugged and looked away, feeling foolish. ‘I’m sorry for patronising you.’

Farida noticed that Anderson still appeared disgruntled and she suddenly felt a need to appease him. ‘It's fine. What did you have in mind?’ she asked, eager to move the subject forward because she was aware of more than a little tension between them.

‘I was thinking you could be a woman caught in a war conflict. I am a soldier and I help you to escape and now I’m hiding you in my tent.’

Farida bit her lip to stop herself from bursting out laughing. It all sounded so ridiculous. Yet, at the same time, she figured that the positive side to this role playing was that she could detach herself and become someone else.

‘I thought it might make things easier for you,’ Anderson suggested as if reading her mind, ‘considering that you’ve admitted that guilt and worries are stopping you from fully enjoying our sexual journey.’

Farida nodded. ’My thoughts exactly,’ she said and felt the tension dissolve as Anderson flashed her what she now saw as his characteristic happy smile.

‘Great! Right, well lie beside me on the bed, let’s pretend it's early evening and I’ve just saved you.’

Farida lay on the bed, aware that Anderson was lying rigid, looking up at the ceiling as if he was staring at the stars in some distant sky.

‘Remember, you can be whoever you want to be,’ Anderson murmured.

Farida copied Anderson, looked up at the ceiling and wondered who she would choose to be as her alter ego. ‘I can’t think of anyone,’ she finally confessed.

‘I’ll choose one for you then,” Anderson announced, determined not to be defeated. ‘How about you are a young virgin who has always wanted to be a doctor but, instead, you have decided to volunteer for some charity work in a worn torn country. You are a good girl, but lately, you have been having these raging horny thoughts that you find disturbing.’

Farida felt him squeeze her hand tightly. ’ What do you say?’ he asked as if her opinion really counted.

‘I doubt a virgin would be having such thoughts, to be honest.’

She felt Anderson's mouth press hard against hers. ‘It’s called a fantasy for that reason,’ he said when he stopped kissing her.

He rested his head back on his pillow and continued, ‘I think it’s a good one. So, you are running away from these crazy motherfuckers who are going to rape you and they are closing in on you and are inches away. One stands on your jilbab in a bid to trip you up and then I and the troop appear and shoot each and every one of them.’

Farida smiled at Anderson’s enthusiasm for his fantasy. ‘That sounds interesting,’ she finally managed.

‘I don’t want you to find it interesting; I want you to find it horny.’

Farida wriggled a little, side to side, and said, ’I do find it quite sexy.’

And she did. Already in her mind, she was adopting this persona: a young girl who is kind and wants to help others and then gets corrupted.

Farida wondered if what she’d said had actually been incorrect. Maybe other girls did have horny, forbidden thoughts. She knew that some of the guys in their community back home did because quite a few were renowned for doing forbidden things, like sleeping with white women for instance.

Anderson was probably horny because he knew that all this was taboo for her. Of course, it dawned on her, that is the reason. She felt stupid that she’d only realized it right now. At the same time, she felt quite empowered and - dare she say it? - attractive. After all, it was obvious that she is Anderson’s ultimate fantasy.

Farida squeezed Anderson’s hand like he’d squeezed hers minutes earlier. ‘I’m actually really horny right now, come to think about it.’

Anderson couldn’t believe his ears. Had Farida just admitted that she was horny? Wow, they had made groundbreaking progress.

‘Right, so I have rescued you and we are in the tent, laying there, and it is dark but then you suddenly feel anxious and say that you need light.’

Anderson congratulated himself on adding that into the fantasy for two reasons. First, he needed to get the bedroom light into the equation so the action could be filmed and, second, he needed to switch on the camera.

He snapped on the light before Farida could protest and he paused, waiting for her to complain, but to his surprise she didn’t. Instead, she nodded as if the suggestion made complete sense.

'I thought this role playing would make things easier for you.’ Anderson turned on his side, his head resting on his arm while he looked at her. God, she was beautiful and the fact that she had all her gear on was really doing things to him. He wondered if, at some point in their brief future, he would be able to encourage Farida to dress up in really slutty outfits below her religious garb and then go out with him for something to eat.

Anderson’s loins started to burn at the thought and he slipped off his boxers, turned onto his back and took hold of Farida’s hand and placed it on his cock. Farida pulled it away quickly and Anderson frowned. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘I don’t do things like that. I’m glad you rescued me but I really can’t do this.’

‘Ahh,’ Anderson couldn’t help but grin and nod his approval at Farida; she was into this role playing and the thought excited him.

‘I don’t want you to do this as a reward for rescuing you,” he said, getting into his role. ‘That is my duty, after all. But I want you to do it so you know exactly what a dick feels like and, to be honest, either I am going to fuck you, or one of my mates will, sooner or later.’

Farida frowned. ‘What makes you say that?’

‘You will be offered so much money you won’t be able to turn it down,’ Anderson said.

‘I’m not a prostitute,’ Farida shrieked and then thought, Damn I’m good at this. She was actually enjoying herself.

Anderson put a hand tightly over her mouth, ‘Shush, don’t make any noise or things could get pretty serious. The last time a girl like you made a fuss she didn’t get paid and was gang banged within an inch of her life. You don’t want that do you?’

Farida felt her stomach turn slightly at the threat as if she was actually that person. Faced with that predicament, she probably would do exactly what Anderson suggested.

Anderson took hold of Farida’s hand and again placed it on his cock. Slowly, he moved her hand up and down his length and his cock quickly responded to her touch. ‘Close your eyes,’ Anderson commanded. ‘When white women are doing sexy shit they like closing their eyes.’

That was a lie, but Anderson had to be inventive. If Farida kept her eyes open, he would not be able to get the video camera working.

Farida concentrated on the feel of Anderson's cock. With her eyes closed, it felt like a banana, admittedly a rubbery large banana. Farida hadn’t thought it feasible that one man could possess such a massive cock. Her pussy was still sore from their previous encounters and she didn’t know if she would be able to take much more.

She could have really done with something to soothe her pussy. She would ask Anderson for something afterward. After all, if he ever carried out his fantasy and deflowered a virgin, she would be very sore indeed.

Anderson took his hands off Farida’s. ‘See if you can do it yourself now.’

Farida did as she was told and bit her lip in concentration like she imagined the girl whose role she was playing would do. Anderson impressed that Farida managed to maintain the rhythm, fumbled under his pillow for the remote control. He found it, quickly pressed the green button and slid it back under his pillow.

What was he going to do to Farida? What could he get away with? Could he really incorporate everything he wanted to do to her in one sitting under the premise of a fantasy? He might not have this chance again to record her.

A trickle of icy dread slid down Anderson’s chest. What if, after this weekend, Farida said fuck off to their little arrangement? Hell, by tomorrow, she might decide she isn’t even bothered about a First anymore. That wouldn’t do; no, that wouldn’t do at all.

‘I want you to spit on my cock.’ Anderson looked at Farida and watched as her eyes opened at his suggestion.

‘That sounds revolting,’ she said, wrinkling her nose in suitable disgust.

‘It doesn’t matter how it sounds; it’s what I want you to do. I have money I can transfer to your family back home that will keep them fed for two years. There must be some siblings that need education or something.’

Farida turned on her side and spat on Anderson's cock. Watching her white saliva dribble from the tip of his cock and down the shaft, despite the fact she knew she shouldn’t, Farida felt a thrill tickling between her legs.

Anderson nodded towards his huge erection. ‘Wank it now that it’s nicely lubricated.’

Farida did as she was asked and Anderson imagined how good that looked on video. Her hands were tiny and his black against her paler skin was turning him on. Interracial was definitely his thing but this had to better than being wanked off by any white girl.

Anderson closed his eyes. ‘Faster,’ he commanded.

Farida watched her hand move rapidly up and down his cock and Anderson groaned, ‘Yeah that’s right, look at it while you do it. Imagine that pushing against your tight little pussy.’

Farida saw a small tear of juice appear from the end of Anderson's cock. So that was the natural lubrication Allah had produced in a man to ensure that sex was possible with a woman. It really was amazing how great his wisdom is.

‘Move round,’ Anderson ordered, ‘so that I’m looking at your back.’

‘Why, what are you going to do?’ Farida whispered, imagining she was this frightened girl in a worn-torn country doing things she had never done before.

‘It doesn’t matter what I’m going to do,’ Anderson snapped. He, too, was getting into his role as a soldier who was paying good money for this privilege. ‘You never know you might like it.’

Farida shifted her body into position. She felt his...

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Written by NancyAllbright
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