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The Girl from the Diner

"Jeff meets the new waitress at the diner."

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My name is Jeff. I am a 40 year old father of three beautiful daughters. Before you ask, I have never and never intend on having sexual relations with either of my daughters. I am Captain in my home towns Fire Department, on my off days, I run a pretty successful landscaping business, so my family and I live a pretty comfortable life. My wife left us a couple years back. She was destined to succeed in the big business world and my girls and I stood in her way. Although she didn’t completely abandon the girls, her time with them diminished each year. As a firefighter, I worked 24 hours on shift and 48 hours off, therefore my girls have pretty much learned to take care of themselves while I am on shift. I am very proud of the young ladies they have become.

Anyway, on to the purpose of this story, I was a creature of habit. Every morning, on my way to the firehouse, I would stop at this little diner and have breakfast, and the next morning on the way home I would stop again. It was a quaint little diner, nothing fancy, and the staff was very friendly. On this particular morning, I went in and sat at the bar just like I normally did, and took the menu from the napkin holder. I really didn’t need the menu, because I knew everything the diner served, but it was a habit.

“Hi there, what can I do you for?” A sweet voice with a Spanish accent said behind the menu.

I lowered the menu; the voice was unfamiliar to me. Standing smiling at me was a cute, young Latina girl, holding an order pad. Her dark brown eyes were staring at me. She was standing behind the bar, so I could only make out her upper body appearance, and I really liked what I could see. She had a beautiful smile, the top three buttons of her uniform were unbuttoned and her light brown skin was highlighted by the light pink uniform. Her breast were full, I would imagine a nice firm C cup, due to the cleavage she displayed. Her black hair was pulled into a pony tail and her slim brows were raised waiting for my answer.

“Hi there, you are new.” I said laying the menu down on the counter.

“Yes sir, I am Jen. My uncle, who owns this place, lets me work here during the summer. Would you like a cup of coffee?”

“Yeah, that would be nice, Jen. I will also have a stack of pancakes, two eggs over easy and a side of grits.”

“Wow,” she said writing my order, “Healthy appetite you have there, mister.”

“I am Jeff, no mister needed. I come in here a lot.”

“Okay, I will get this in to the kitchen.”

I watched Jen as she worked around the counter. She was very friendly and we talked while she worked and I waited for my food. I learned that she was 17 and attended the same high school as my girls. Although she knew who my daughters were, she didn’t really know them. She walked from behind the counter to fill the salt and pepper shakers. This was the first time I got to see the lower part of her body, and it was definitely worth the short wait.

The pink uniform skirt came down just above her knee. Her legs were long and toned. She walked with a graceful stride, almost like she was walking on air. Her full hips swayed like rippling water. It was not a flirty sway; to her, it seemed natural. As she leaned across the table, her left leg lifted up, giving me a nice view of her youthful thigh. I sipped my coffee as I admired her. She went to the kitchen, got my food and brought it to me. I ate, gave her a generous tip and went to work.

I kept my routine up every day. While at the diner, Jen and I would talk and over the next couple months, we got pretty comfortable around each other and would make flirtatious comments. On my part, everything was innocent. Although I thought Jen was a beautiful young lady, I kept my comments PG rated and never got out of line. I seen her as a young and innocent young lady and would do nothing to break the trust she had built for me.

In early August, my heart was broken when I stopped by the diner, and Jen was not there. I asked Donna, one of the other waitresses, where she was, and Donna informed me that Jen was signing up for classes. I had forgotten that today was sign up day, so I finished my meal and headed home to get my girls. They were waiting on me in the drive way when I pulled up and we quickly headed toward the school.

We pulled into the school parking lot and went inside. The girls seen some of their friends and were off with them. I followed with some distance behind them. I knew I cramped their style and had learned to stay back in the shadows. When they needed me, they would summon me, and I would assist them in whatever they needed. As I walked down the hall, I saw Jen a little ways in front of my girls. I swallowed hard as I watched her glide down the hall. She had on a pair of white shorts that would have been against the schools dress code if school had been in session. The legs of the shorts barely covered the fleshy round mounds of her ass. Her toned calf muscles tightened with each step she took. She wore a pink tank top, one of the ones that have the built in bra. When she turned I could see the impression of her ample breast pressing against the tight material. I wasn’t the only one to notice the young vixen. Every guy she passed turned to watch as she passed. My girls finished their activities and we started to walk toward the truck. As we approached my truck, I heard someone call my name. I turned, and it was Jen. She had seen me walking across the parking lot. She began to jog over to where I was. I wish that she hadn’t. As she jogged, her breast bounced with each step and by the time she got to where I was, she had to readjust her top to cover her assets properly.

“Hi girl, I missed you at the diner this morning.” I said, trying to bring my eyes up to her face.

“You did, did you?”

“Yep, the service wasn’t nearly what I have been used to.”

“Well, I am sure Mrs. Donna treated you right, I know she was glad that I wasn’t there.”

I stopped my flirting before I made a fool of myself in front of my girls. I introduced Jen to my girls and they talked about the classes they had signed up for and exchanged stories of their potential instructors. After ten minutes or so, we said our good byes and Jen walked to her car as we pulled out of the parking lot and headed home. The drive home was pretty quiet. My mind drifted back to Jen trotting across the parking lot. For the first time, my thoughts became sexual. I imagined her running topless and her breast bouncing free from the tank top. My daughter brought me back to earth.

“Dad, can we go ahead and go get our supplies?”

“Sure.” I replied.

We went to Wal-Mart, purchased all their supplies and some groceries and headed home. As the girls packed their supplies into their back packs, I prepared dinner. When it was ready we sat at the table and ate. The conversation was about school and the friends they had seen while at school, and the ones that they hadn’t seen, then the conversation took a big turn.

“You know Dad, that Jen girl has the hots for you.” Shyanne said while cutting her steak.

“Don’t be silly Shy, I am old enough to be her father.”

“In her culture, there is nothing wrong with a young girl being with an older man. Actually, if she were in Mexico, she would probably be married with a couple of kids by now.”

“Well, we are not in Mexico, and she is just a year older than you. It would not be appropriate, even if I was interested.”

“She is pretty, don’t you think Daddy.”

 “Yes she is very pretty, but not as pretty as my girls, now eat your dinner so we can get cleaned up and you two can get to bed, 6 am will come early in the morning.”

We continued our dinner with out another mention of Jen. We cleaned the kitchen and the girls began to prepare for bed. I sit back on the sofa and watched some TV until both were in bed, then I retired for the night. The next few weeks went by uneventful. I landed a big landscaping job and without the extra hands, due to the girls being in school, I had to work late on my days off from the firehouse to get it done on schedule. With my work and the busy schedule the girls kept, I had all but forgotten about Jen. I had reverted back to be regular life of making sure my girls were happy and working.

Luckily for me, the weather cooperated with me on the big job. The days were still long, and even though autumn was approaching, it was still hot. I had worked hard and was ahead of schedule. My long weekend was approaching and I wanted to finish the job before it arrived so I could relax around the pool and maybe take the girls to a football game or something. I was pleased when the last plant was planted, and the last sprinkler head was covered on the Thursday before my long weekend began. I got home, covered in dirt. I pulled my t-shirt off as I got out of my truck. I went inside and heard laughter coming from the back yard where the pool was. I did not follow the sounds because it was nothing unusual for the girls to have friends over after school and swim. I went upstairs to take a shower. I stepped into my bathroom and was surprised to see a pair of red thongs lying in the floor. I reached down to pick them up, realizing that they were too big to be one of my girls. I laid the panties on the counter and stripped down.

At 40, I consider myself in pretty good shape. At the fire house, when not fighting fires and doing paper work, the guys and I work out a lot. My landscaping job allows me to remain tanned, except for my buttocks and upper thighs which are very pale in comparison to the rest of my body. I am not ripped, but my abs is tight and my biceps are very developed as well as my pecks. My only flaw, in my opinion, was my manhood. Like all men, I wish I had an eight inch thick love pole, but what life dealt me was just average. My soft cock barely hung passed my scrotum. When hard, it was barely six inches. I looked back at the thong on my bathroom counter. I reached over and picked them up, bringing them to my nose. I inhaled and closed my eyes. The scent coming from the crotch of the thong was intoxicating. I felt my cock begin to stiffen. I leaned into the shower, got the bottle of conditioner and squeezed a large amount in my hand. Lowering my hand, I wrapped my fingers around my hard cock and began to stroke. I knew what I was doing was wrong. This pair of panties belonged to one of my daughters’ friends, but I had not pulled off a load in over a week, and I needed this. I continued to stroke my hard slippery cock while bringing the panties to my lips, sucking the fabric of the salty sweetness. It was not very long until ropes of cum were shooting out my cock into the shower. I continued to pump until I felt my prostrate relax and the last drop hit the floor. I laid the thong back on the counter and got in the shower, washing the evidence of my naughty deed down the drain.

I cleaned myself, and stepped out of the shower. I dried off, and used the towel to clean the fog off of the mirror, before wrapping the towel around my waist. I squeezed some shaving cream into my hand and spread it on my face. I was just about to bring the razor down the side of my face when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

The razor started sliding down my face, when the door opened. My hand jerked, causing the razor to knick my chin when I saw the owner of the knock. It was Jen. She was wearing one of my daughters bikini, which was at least two sizes too small, top and bottom. Her light brown breasts were barely covered by the small cups of the bikini. I could feel my towel begin to loosen as my cock began to grow, as my eyes wandered down. The tight bottoms clung to her pubic area like a second skin. I could very clearly see the outline of her pouty lips.

“Sorry, Jeff, I left my panties in here.”

“They are lying on the counter there.”

She reached to get them then noticed the blood trickling down my face and neck.

“Oh Jeff, you cut yourself.”

She turned and bent over to pull some tissue off the roll. The bikini bottom slipped into the crack of her round ass giving me full view of her plump bottom. I caught the towel before it fell as my cock was throbbing. She stood back up and stepped closer. Her breast grazed my chest as she reached and wiped the blood with the tissue. She smiled at me as she patted the small knick. Then she moved her head closer, giving me a small peck on the cut.

“There, all better now.”

She turned, picked up the panties and left, pulling the door closed. I looked into the mirror. My cock was hard as granite. When reality sunk in, I had sniffed and sucked Jen’s panties during my self-service session. The remembrance of the aroma and taste of her crotch intoxicated me. I stepped out of the bathroom, slipped on my boxers and a pair of shorts and headed to the kitchen. My two daughters and Jen were sitting at the counter and were working on what seemed like homework. I got a beer from the fridge and walked over to see what was going on. When I neared, Jen looked up at me, smiled and winked at me. I saw her eyes fall to my chest and abs before she turned back to the studies.

As the girls completed their homework, I had dinner ready. We invited Jen, but she graciously denied saying her aunt was waiting on her.

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She left and we ate without incident. While cleaning up I told the girls of my plans for the weekend, unfortunately, their mother was going to be in town and wanted to take them shopping, to buy their forgiveness for the last three months of no contact. Not one to cause trouble I shook my head and pretended I was not disappointed.

Not having to work the next day, I drove the girls to school, and went to the firehouse to work out. Afterwards, I stopped by the diner and had some food, before going back home. I showered, and sat in the couch and drifted off to sleep. I was awakened by the doorbell. I shook myself to consciousness and looked at my watch. Damn, I thought as my watch read 3:30pm. I struggled to the door and opened it. There in front of me was Jen. She was wearing a black skirt that was barely long enough to comply with the schools dress code, a white undershirt with a red vest over her shoulders. I shook my head to make sure I was still not dreaming.

“Hi Jeff, is Shy home?”

“Sorry, Jen, she and Madison are with their mother this weekend.”

“Oh, okay. Well I was hoping to go for a swim. Shy told me I could come over anytime I wanted, but if she is not here, I guess I had better go.”

“Nonsense, go ahead. Make yourself at home. I have some work to do, so the pool is all yours.”


She bounced into the house and into the bathroom. I sat at my desk and began to work on invoices. I caught a glimpse of Jen as she moved across the kitchen. I turned slightly. She was wearing a solid white bikini. The top barely covered her nipples. The bottom was a G-string. I watched as she walked across the floor and her meaty ass shook like a big bowl of jell-o. My eyes followed her until she was out of sight. My male instinct was to get up, follow her and rip the thin material from her young body, but my fatherly instinct held strong and I lost myself in my work. After a while I got so intrigued in the numbers that I almost forgot that the sexy Latino teen was present. After about an hour and a half, I pushed back from the desk, walked over to the fridge and pulled out a beer. I twisted the top...

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Written by alliet14
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