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The Gigolo Chronicles VI - Tina, Part 1

"A casual coffee shop meeting turns into a more intimate meeting later on!"

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Tina is a very sexy woman who really loves the attention I give to her breasts when we get together. Like most of my other ladyfriends, she usually cums several times with me, but what makes Tina unique is that she can cum simply from stimulation of her large and lovely breasts, especially their very sensitive nipples.

She gets the most enjoyment from our love-making when her first climax is from my caressing, licking, and sucking her glorious tits so that is how we always start out. Of course, that isn't the only kind of sex she likes, she goes for all the usual things–oral sex, straight sex, even anal sex on occasion. She is pretty open-minded, so long as "the girls" get the first attention!

When she and I hook up, she always wants me to make the girls happy first, which always gives her the first orgasm. Then I will go down on her and she usually cums the second time from my eating her pussy, and then we decide from there what else we want to do until her last orgasm and she always has her own special way of taking care of that.

Tina and I met at this little coffee shop we both frequent when I'm in town. It was almost three years ago now, I guess. I was sitting at one of the tables reading the afternoon paper one day when this beautiful woman comes up to me.

"Um… excuse me… would you mind terribly if I joined you?" she asked, pointing to one of the chairs at my table. I looked up at her and then took a quick (and discrete) look around. The place didn't seem that busy, but she was attractive and I wasn't expecting anyone else…

"Of course, please," I said, standing up for her.

"Thank you. My name is Tina. This may sound strange and I feel a little like a junior high school girl, but I have seen you in here many times and always thought you might be someone I wanted to meet and get to know better. I have finally got the nerve up, sort of, to come and introduce myself," she said, blushing and looking at her fidgeting hands.

"Well, I am glad you did, Tina. My name is Tony. Would you like something to drink?" I asked.

"I would love something to drink - and help with this dry mouth! But I don't know much about the different kinds of drinks here. I don't know the difference between a latte, a cappuccino, or a mocha!" she admitted.

"Well let's see… do you like your coffee to grab you by the throat and slap you awake, or are you more the sit by the fireplace on a cold rainy day drinking your coffee while you read a book type?" I asked.

"I am the sit by the fireplace reading a book type. Strong coffee upsets my stomach actually," she said.

"Then might I suggest an Americano then. It is smoother and not a strong as some of the other drinks here," I said.

"Sounds delicious, thank you," she said. I motioned for the waitress to come over and I ordered our drinks. Once she headed off to put the order in, I turned to my unexpected guest.

"So tell me a little about Tina," I asked. I know that people, especially women, love to talk about themselves and if prompted, all I need to do is listen to them and I will find out a lot–many times I will find out more about them than they are realizing they are telling me.

Such was the case with Tina. She began with the basics; her age, her job, how long she had lived in Dallas. As she talked, though, I noticed she had the ambiance of a woman who has been repressed and subdued. I know this because it is a common thing in my work. A lot of my ladyfriends have the same comportment, at least at first.

Unfortunately, I make my living off of women who have, for one reason or another, had the wind taken out of their sails and need to be uplifted. Whether it's by their husbands, boyfriends, ex's, or parents, these women have been stifled and made to think their opinions and sometimes their whole worth is of no value. And Tina had that same demeanor about her.

After she had given me her basic biography, it was my turn. "Okay, that's enough about me. I came over here to learn about you. So what is Tony's story?" she asked.

So I began telling her about myself. She seemed fascinated and hung on my every word. I don't know how long she had been watching me at the coffee shop, but now that she had taken the step to make herself known to me, she wanted to learn more.

"What do you do for a living?" she asked. This was going to be a bit hard to say. I would have to be tactful and discrete–I couldn't tell her too much since my "job" wasn't exactly welcomed in social circles.

"Well, my job is a bit difficult to describe. I guess the best way to put it is that I am part entertainer and therapist," I said.

"That's rather an odd combination. What is it you do as this entertainment therapist?" she asked.

I thought about her question for a moment. I hadn't given her my last name yet. I hadn't given her any way to contact me. All she knew about me that I was Tony and I came to this coffee shop once in a while.

I looked around and there was no one sitting at any of the tables near us. And I thought this woman might just be a potential future client… she had the air about her of a woman unsatisfied with her life.

I crooked a finger at her indicating I wanted her to lean in closer. When she did, I dropped the news on her. "Tina, I am a male escort. A gigolo. Women pay me to have sex with them. My ladyfriends call me up when they are feeling down or neglected, and I come over and make them feel better–make them feel they are important, that they matter.

"And yes, I take care of their sexual needs, too. But mostly, these women need validation. For whatever reason, they feel that they have been dismissed and ignored–that they are just decorations and their opinions, ideas, feelings, and needs are of no consequence. I show them that they do matter. I make them feel like they are valuable and important and needed. Because they are.

"My job may seem on the surface to be one of taking advantage of a woman in a fragile state, but when I leave them, they are feeling much more empowered, much more self-confident and much happier. I find them broken and glue them back together again–at least for a while" I said.

Tina looked at me in silence as I told her about my work. I wasn't sure if she was shocked speechless or just trying to understand, but when I was finished she sat there for a couple more moments, digesting what I had said.

"I-I see," she said finally, "Can I ask… how much does something like that… cost?"

It was a question I can honestly say I wasn't quite expecting from her. But she was already in this far so I told her. "Well it depends on what is involved and what she wants," I said. I gave her a range of costs for the average date.

"Oh my goodness, that's kind of pricey–you must be very good at your job!" she said, wide-eyed.

"Well, unlike most of the 'entertainers' in my field, I don't get paid by the hour. I get paid by the experience. In other words, it's a set price we decide on, and I don't leave until the client is happy with what they got. Sometimes that can take a day, sometimes it takes two or three. But I don't leave until they feel they got full value for their money. I very rarely go out for a two-hour date," I explained.

"Well, I don't know you very well, Tony, but I can see that in you. Just by the way you explained your work to me, I can see you do care about your 'client' and want them to have the best time possible.

"It is a rather unorthodox way to make a living, that much is true. But there is a need for your services–I know that personally. And it's good to see that there are still a few men out there that value women as people not as objects or trophies," she said.

It was that statement "But there is a need for your services–I know that personally." that caught my attention.

"Do I detect something in that statement, Tina?" I asked.

She paused for a moment. I don't think she expected me to see through her. Evidently, she had been ignored for so long that she thought it was standard practice. Then it dawned on her that I had noticed and she hung her head."Yes," she said softly.

"Tina, if you aren't doing anything really important, would you like to go for a little drive?" I asked her.

Her head raised up a bit. "A drive? Where to?" she asked.

"Oh, I don't know, just a drive. That way we can get to know each other better. Just a simple drive is all," I said.

"I suppose it would be all right," she said. I got up and helped her with her chair and offered her my arm. She smiled and wrapped her arm in mine and we walked out of the coffee shop to where my car was parked.

Once we were in the car and we left the parking lot of the coffee shop I spoke up. "Tina, do you believe friends should be able to talk freely between each other?" I asked.

"Sure. I mean if you can't talk to a friend, who can you talk to?" she answered.

"That's the way I feel too. Do you think you and I are friends? Would you like to be friends?" I asked.

"Um… yeah. I would like to be friends…" she said, not sure where this line of questioning was leading.

"Well then, Tina, as your friend, tell me what it is that you were hinting at back at the coffee shop," I said.

"Oh, it was nothing. I was just… oh never mind, please, it's okay," she said.

Just at that moment, we were passing a shopping mall so I quickly pulled into the parking lot and into a parking spot in the middle of the lot with no cars anywhere close to us. I stopped and turned off the car.

"W-what are you doing, Tony?" Tina said, a bit alarmed at my sudden move.

"Relax Tina, it's okay. It's just that in my line of work I have to be able to read my ladyfriend's silent language as well as her spoken one. And right now my senses are telling me that there is more to this than just 'nothing'. I could sense from the moment you approached me that there was a reserved and timid quality about you–which was directly opposite of someone who just wanted to get to know me as you claimed.

"Now, I want to be your friend, Tina. I want to get to know you. But I need to know what has you so guarded. I can't get in if I don't know where the door is, now can I?" I said.

That was too much for her. She broke down sobbing, "Oh Tony! I don't know what to do! I love my husband, I really do. He's a good man and he works hard to support me and my daughter and give us nice things.

"But in doing it, he's forgotten who he is working for! He works late into the evenings and goes to work early in the mornings. Sometimes he doesn't come home for dinner. My little girl hardly knows who her Daddy is anymore.

"And as for me… well, he has forgotten me too. I hope you don't think I'm a terrible person, but I haven't felt like a woman in so long. Tony, our sex life is non-existent. I can't even remember the last time I was properly kissed! It's just a peck on the cheek as he goes off to work and…" she said, as I cut her off. I'd moved closer to her and gently turned her face towards me as she talked, and then I put my mouth over hers.

At first, her kiss was stiff and hard as if she was trying to resist me, trying to be a "good girl" and maintain her virtue. But it only took a couple of moments before her walls came tumbling down and she melted into my kiss. She moaned soft and low and put her arm around my neck, pulling me closer. This woman hasn't been properly kissed in a long time, I thought to myself, then proceeded to remind her that some of us still knew what a proper kiss meant and how to give one.

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After a few heated moments of kissing, I let her up and she sat there with her head on the headrest of her seat, gasping for air. "We should probably be getting back so you can get home. Wouldn't want hubby to start worrying and come looking for you," I said.

"Yeah," she said, sounding a little disappointed that this had to end so soon. She straightened herself up a bit and checked herself in the mirror on her visor. I drove her back to the coffee shop and walked her up to her car.

"It was very nice meeting you, Tina. I hope we can get together for coffee or something again soon. Here is my card. If you ever want more than just a kiss, give me a call," I said, pressing the card into her hand. She put it in her purse, then looked up to me.

I could see in her face she didn't want to go but knew she had to. She looked into my eyes for a long moment, flicking back and forth between them. She wanted me to give her a reason - an excuse not to go home just yet. Then she turned and glumly got in her car and drove off.

I had a feeling this wasn't the last I would see of Tina.

I was right in my assessment. It took about a week, but one day when I got home there was a message from my answering service. I called them up and they told me a woman named Tina called and said to call her sometime before 4:30 that afternoon.

Since it was only 3:00 at the time, I called the number they gave me. "Hello?" the woman on the other end said.

"Hello, is this Tina?" I asked.

"Yes it is, who is this?" she said.

"Tina this is Tony, you called my service?" I said.

There was a long pause on the other end. "Yes," she said in a softer tone as if she didn't want to be overheard.

"Is this a bad time? Is your husband home?" I asked, not wanting to cause trouble.

"No, he's at work. I'm here by myself," she said, still speaking quietly. Then I knew she was being quiet for her own benefit… she didn't want to admit to herself what she was doing.

"Well, what is it I can do for you, Tina? Why did you call?" I asked.

"I was wondering… um… could I… Oh god, could I see you? You know… what you were talking about the other day," she said. She didn't want to say it directly, or she didn't know how to properly ask for it, so I helped her.

"You need my services, Tina? Is that what you are asking?" I said.

"Yes please," she said.

"Of course. But I don't discuss business over the phone. Can you meet me at the coffee shop in say a half hour and we can talk more about this?" I asked.

"Okay," she said.

"All right, I will see you there," I said and hung up. I smiled to myself a little bit and then got ready to go to the coffee shop.

The coffee shop has this little room on the side where you can sit at the table and the waitress can close the sliding glass doors to give you some privacy. They use it for business deals, private parties, and so on. I was sitting in the little side room when the waitress brought Tina in. After she showed Tina to my table, she shut the doors quietly so we could talk.

"Hello, Tina. I was hoping I would hear from you again," I said.

"Thank you for seeing me," she said.

"Of course, it's my pleasure," I said, "Can I get you something?"

"No, thanks. I can't stay long right now. I just wanted to meet with you and talk about… hiring you, is that the right term?" she asked.

"Well, I prefer dating… it sounds more romantic and intimate," I said.

"Oh, well then I would like to talk about our date then," she said, blushing a little.

"I like to see you blush, Tina… it looks good on you," I said.

Which made her blush more. "You are good for a girl's ego Tony," she said.

There was a pause in the conversation and then she got down to business. "My husband is going out of town on business next week. He will be leaving Sunday evening and be gone until Wednesday or Thursday. Could we get together… for a date… while he's gone?"

"I'd be more than happy to, Tina. Just give me a call when your husband leaves and I will tell you where I'm staying. I will get a hotel room so your neighbors won't see a strange car in the driveway and ask too many embarrassing questions. There are a few hotels here in Dallas with their own private parking areas," I said.

"That would be fine. Um… how much will...

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Written by Master_Jonathan
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