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The Gigolo Chronicles II - Elizabeth, Part 1

"Elizabeth had to come to Dallas on business. I made it a pleasure!"

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Author's Notes

"Elizabeth is the second of the women I feature in this series and she will have two chapters to her story. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you enjoy reading about her as much I enjoyed writing her story!"

Elizabeth is a beautiful, mature woman I have known for several years now. One of my regulars and one of my favorite lady friends, we have had some wonderful times together. I can always count on some hot sex when we hook up and even in between times, as Elizabeth also likes phone sex when we can't get together.

Elizabeth is a former model who now runs her own fashion line of clothes as well as makeup and perfumes, although as far as I'm concerned, she could still keep up with the best of them on any runway!

At 5'7" tall with long blonde hair to the small of her back, sparkling blue eyes, and a body that won't quit, she draws stares and whistles from men (and some women!) wherever she goes. I have literally seen men walk into light poles watching her instead of where they were going as she walked down the street with me!

I guess I had been home from Atlanta for a couple of weeks when I got a call from my answering service that Elizabeth had called them wanting me to call her, which I promptly did.

"Hello?" she said as she answered the phone.

"Hey gorgeous, it's Tony. You called me?" 

"Oh, yes Tony! Hi baby, I called because I am going to be flying into Dallas in a few days on business and I was wondering if I could mix a little pleasure with my business… if you're ‘up' for it that is!" 

"I'm always ‘up' for it for you darlin'… when are you coming to big D?"

"My meeting is the 29th. I will be flying in on the 28th and then I thought we could spend a couple of days together after the meeting–I will probably need to relax and you are sooo good at relaxing me, doll!"

"Well, I will make sure you are nice and relaxed before you head back to New Orleans, then!"

"I'm counting on it! This will probably be another dry, dull business meeting, so you will give me something to look forward to afterward and a reason to wind it up quickly!" 

"Well as soon as you firm up the details of when you'll be coming in and where you'll be staying, just give me a call. I'll be more than happy to give you a reason to leave the meeting early!" 

"Oooh, I can hardly wait! I so want to see you!" 


The afternoon of the 28th, just as she promised, Elizabeth called me. "Hey honey, Well I'm here in Dallas now."

"Hi, Elizabeth. I'm glad you made it."

"Well, it wasn't the best flight I have been on. First off, there was confusion over my ticket. I had my secretary get the ticket and she had trouble doing it so I wasn't sure until just yesterday that I was even coming! Then on my flight, I was crammed between two other businessmen who did nothing but talk and argue over their business deal the whole way.

"Our flight was delayed for some reason–we sat on the runway waiting for clearance to take off for a half hour before we were cleared to take off. I'll tell you, it would have been easier to just drive here, I think!"

"Oh, I'm sorry! But at least you are here."

"Yes but I am just frazzled. And I have the meeting first thing tomorrow. Tony, do you think you could help me relax? Just talk to me, baby, and help me unwind… please?" 

I knew what she was asking. She wanted me to get her off over the phone. Now, normally I charge for this service just like I charge for my other services. I am in the business of providing pleasure and this is just another way of accomplishing that. But this was a long time and very good client, and one that had already set up a "date" with me tomorrow anyway.

And I knew if she went to her meeting happy and stress-free, she would have a better meeting and thus, would make our time afterward easier and more pleasant as well… I wouldn't have to do as much to relax her and get her in the right frame of mind, and we could spend more time enjoying each other.

"Well, I'm sorry that your flight was so dreadful, Elizabeth, but you are here now and I'll help you to relax. Are you in your room right now?"

"Yes, I am. I've been thinking of you. Actually, I've been thinking of you making love to me. It's all I could think about all day!" she said. I could hear how excited she was. "I can actually feel your fingers deep inside me, slowly stroking my G spot. Mmmm! I'm so very wet, baby. I need you so badly right now!"

"Tell me what you're wearing now."

"I am wearing my little pink silk camisole and panties. I got out of my business clothes as soon as I got here so they wouldn't get too wrinkled. Besides, my nightie is so much more comfortable! And sexy - it reminds me that you will be here soon to take it off me!" she said. "I have missed you so much, baby!"

"Well, then, slide your hand down your belly and slip it under your panties. Are you playing with that pussy for me right now?"

"Yes," she breathed, "My fingers are rubbing my clit as I talk to you. I'm dripping for you. Make me cum, baby!" she begged, a desperate sound to her lusty voice. "Oh God, it feels so good! I want you to eat me, baby! I want to cum all over your tongue and face."

"Oh, beautiful, you're making me so hard!" I put the phone down to my crotch so she could hear the sound of my zipper opening, over the line. "Oh yes, that feels better! I have my cock in my hand and I'm stroking it while listening to you."

Elizabeth moaned louder, imagining the thought of her mouth wrapped around my cock and the feeling of my hardness against her tongue.

"I wish you were here sucking this, baby! It's so hard, and there's pre-cum oozing from the tip!" I said, encouraging her more.

"I wish I was there, baby, licking that up. I so love the way you taste," she whispered into the phone.

"Mmmm! Oh, baby, I can feel you deep inside me now!" she moaned, beginning to pant quickly. I could hear the soft whimpers and the wet squishing sounds as she finger-fucked herself in her quiet hotel room.

"I'm fucking you harder; so deep I can feel my cock strike your cervix. Your sweet glove is squeezing my cock as I buck against your hot tight cunt!"

"Ohhh, this is making me wild, love! I can feel your hard fat cock deep inside me, moving in and out, so hard and big!" she whimpered. Her breath was quick and I could hear her voice wavering as she spoke.

"God, baby, it's so hot inside your sweet pussy!" I said, "I love fucking you, you beautiful, sexy thing!"

Elizabeth moaned again. "Ohhh, Toneee!"

"Oh, I love to hear you moan, and the sound of your heavy breathing in my ear. It's so sexy and hot baby!"

"Oh, God, Tony… I'm cumming, baby, I'm cumming for you! Are you ready to cum with me?" she said, urgently.

"Yes! Cum for me! Cum for me, NOW!" I yelled, trying to spur her to her orgasm.

"OHHHH, FUUUCCKKK!!" she screamed as the orgasm claimed her. I could just picture in my mind her beautiful body writhing and convulsing on the bed as wave upon wave ripped through her. I heard her moaning and panting as she had dropped the phone in her orgasmic rapture.

Finally, she picked it up, panting heavily, "God I love what you, do to me, Sweetheart!" she said, totally relaxed and in a sexual high from her climax. "I love playing on the phone with you, it's so very exciting!"

"And I love hearing you cum. You have no idea how fucking sexy it is, Elizabeth. You should go into the phone sex business!" I told her.

She giggled, then I heard her licking her fingers. "I wish you were here to finish licking me clean," she purred deep in her throat.

"Well, there will be plenty of time for licking tomorrow my sweet." 

"Yes, there will be… until then, thank you for relaxing me," she said, giving me a kiss over the phone.

"Anytime sexy," I said and hung up the phone. Another satisfied customer! I thought to myself smiling. Tomorrow after her meeting, I would have a chance to satisfy her in other more substantial ways!


The next day at the agreed upon time, I walked into the lobby of the Fairmont Dallas hotel. She had told me what room she would be staying in, so I just bypassed the front counter and went right to the elevator. I went up to the 5th floor and found her room easily. I knocked on the door, and presently Elizabeth opened the door wearing the complimentary white plush bathrobe that the hotel gives you.

"Leave it to you, Tony, to be punctual!" she said, with a smile.

She took my arm and pulled me into the room, shutting the door behind me. As soon as the door clicked shut, Elizabeth pushed me up against the wall kissing me ferociously. Now I am usually the one in the lead and she knows this, so I suspect she was just hinting I should be more aggressive.

So I was. As soon as my shoulders hit the wall, I spun us 180 degrees so she was pinned against the wall instead. I slipped a knee between her legs, and pressed myself up against her as I kissed her back just as hard. She went to wrap her arms around my neck, but I took her wrists and held them up over her head as I continued to devour her.

"Oh fuck Tony," she gasped when I decided to let her have some air. "God, I have missed you so much!"

"Well, I'm here now, baby!" She led me by the hand into the room further and then turned around and dropped the robe. "This was what I was wearing last night when you and I talked on the phone. Do you like it?" 

"Babe you look stunning in it. But then you could make a gunny sack look good!" I said. At it wasn't far from the truth!

"You are so sweet! But you don't think it's a little ‘young' for me? I mean a woman my age should be wearing long flannel nightgowns and such, don't you think?" 

"No way! Baby, you have an awesome body–you always have. And it would be criminal for you to cover it up! If I ever catch you in a flannel nightgown, I will personally turn you over my knee and beat your ass!" I said, sounding angry.

"Oooh, that might be fun. I may have to get one just so you will!" she said, grinning, "But thank you for the compliment. If you think I still look sexy in this, then that's all I need to know."

"Elizabeth, that outfit makes you look beautiful and very hot, just like I know you are. You are a very sexy lady, and that outfit only makes you all the more so." 

She smiled then, feeling a little better and pulled her camisole up over her head, tossing it to me, and showing off her lovely tits with their big fat nipples that I know are highly sensitive. "You might say I'm beautiful, but come into the bedroom with me and prove it."

Eagerly, I followed her, removing my shirt on the way.

Once in the bedroom, Elizabeth climbed into bed and lay, smiling, in the middle of the queen-sized bed. Her head was propped up on some pillows, and she held her arms out to me in an invitation. After getting out of my shirt, pants, shoes, and socks, I answered that invitation and lay next to her.

One arm was around her with the other hand cupping her lovely breast that was waiting for my mouth. Before kissing her nipple, I kissed her lips, and then her eyes and down her throat. By the time I reached her nipples, Elizabeth was murmuring happily, and she was even happier when I started licking her there.

As I licked the stiff fat nubs with broad strokes, I was happy also because her nipples feel almost as good to my tongue as my tongue feels to them. I enjoy licking and sucking and chewing on the tender, firm nipples, and both deserve my attention so I switched from one to the other, licking first with broad strokes and then with short jabs of the tip of my tongue. Elizabeth purred happily as I switched back and forth, from one of her lovely twins to the other. Hopefully, she was convinced that she is indeed beautiful.

She placed her hands under her breasts, offering them to me and said "Okay, Tony. I will admit that you think my boobies are pretty enough to lick but do you think they are pretty enough to suck?" A rhetorical question, of course, and I didn't answer, except to pull one of her succulent mounds into my mouth and start licking the nipple and tracing the areola while I sucked on the luscious, creamy flesh.

Many years ago when Elizabeth first started modeling, she was a mere B cup and she didn't get a lot of work except for the young adult market. She wasn't taken seriously as a real model. So she took all of her savings and got her boobs enhanced to a D cup.

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The gamble with the only savings she had paid off, and she began getting a lot more work and made a pretty good name for herself. Now laying there on the bed offering up her 36D tits, I was the beneficiary of her investment!

My lips formed a seal as my mouth expressed unspoken adoration of Elizabeth's breasts. Not just one of them, of course, because the twins are equally lovely, so my mouth moved back and forth between them. Elizabeth cooed and turned right and left, offering up each of her tits in turn. Then she pushed the two together so I could lick both nipples simultaneously.

"All right, Tony," Elizabeth panted to me. "I guess you do like my boobies. But what about my kitty? You have been ignoring her."

What most women would call their "pussies", Elizabeth calls her "kitty", but I had no problem understanding what she meant. Since actions speak louder than words, I didn't say anything. I just began licking my way down Elizabeth's soft belly toward her panty-clad pussy. When I reached that target, I looked up and saw her smiling at me. She took one pillow from under her head and handed it to me, while she snuggled her head into the other.

With the pillow in my hand, I moved down and in between Elizabeth's spread legs. While I knelt there, she raised her lovely ass off the bed. I took a moment to slip her panties down and at the same time slip the pillow under her ass. Then I pulled her skimpy pink panties off her completely and I brought them to my nose, inhaling her wonderful musky scent.

As with all my lady friends, this act always seems to make them moan and makes their pussies wet. With her legs spread her knees up and her feet, still in her heels, flat on the bed, I position myself at the apex of her long legs so her adorable pink pussy was presented right in front of me.

Elizabeth knew full well that I liked a shaved pussy and she had rid herself of any pubic hair before flying to Dallas. Now with her baby-smooth snatch right in front of me, I could see the swollen fat lips and the glistening drops of juice begging me to indulge myself. I leaned forward to enjoy the delightful fragrance of her pussy.

"You have the prettiest little pussy I have ever seen, do you know that? It's just beautiful, baby." 

"Ohh Tony…" She squirmed a little knowing what was about to happen.

When I first met Elizabeth and we had sex, she told me it was very hard for her to cum from oral sex, and in fact, she had only cum twice in her life from oral sex. But I was determined to show her I could take as long as she needed and, after just over an hour of very pleasurable licking and lapping, Elizabeth came, and came hard. She was amazed at my endurance and desire to spend that much time eating her "kitty", but I had enjoyed every minute of it, and I always want my lady friends to enjoy making love with me.

To tell you the truth, the longer I spend eating a woman's pussy, the more I like it. As always, I started by savoring the taste of fresh juices from Elizabeth's sweet pussy and after that, I slowly worked my way along her outer pussy lip. My tongue traveled slowly up the surface, enjoying the smooth moistness until I reached the point where her outer and inner labia are close together. After that, I licked her inner lip from where it started and then between the two, probing the seam with my tongue and licking both surfaces.

Elizabeth's pussy felt really great to my mouth and I must have felt good to her too because I could hear her cooing her pleasure and her pussy was humping and grinding into my face.

"Oh, God, I really love that Tony," she said. "I just love the way you eat me. Keep doing that. It may take some time, but I know you'll make me cum, baby… you always do!"

When I reached the end of her inner lip, where it meets her other inner lip to form her clit hood, I kept my tongue moving slowly up the outer lip until I...

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Written by Master_Jonathan
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