Her name was Jessica. She was tall with nice long red hair, She always had a smile for me, She was the sweetest girl u could ever find. its her birthday next week, I think she will be 17, Any way Jessica works in the shop next to me, We have spoken a few times, She is like every man's dream girl, Well some off us any way. She comes to work in little pleated skirts in summer, And every guy in town comes in to perve on her, Me being one off them, If only i was a few years younger, But as life goes I'm 35. I still chat to her and flirt with her, I think she likes me in some way.
This one day last month is when it all started, Well she came to work like normal but this day she was more flirty then normal, I didn't complain at all, She did things like bend over in such a way to show just a hint off skin, And then ask me if i like the view, We started to play this game.
Ok the game was played like this,
step one, get u' r players, In our case it was Jess and my self.
step two. try your hardest to embarrass the other person as best u can, or make them turn red, blushing etc.
The prize for winning, Well u can do any thing u like to the other, Or order them to do some thing to u.
So any way that is the game, It was her idea to play, And i was more then willing.
So back to the story, the first day we played, Was about a month ago, The first thing she did was bend over, And yell out kind off loud, "Do u like the view?".
I turned red pretty fast let me tell u loll.
It felt like every one looked right at me.
I had to get even that was for shore, But i had to see what Jessica would want me to do for her, Time when' t bye and soon enough she came over.
Petter, U lost round one very easy.
Yes i did, Well its time to pay up, Ow is it, And what do u want me to do for u.
Well i have bin on my feet all day so i want u to rub my feet, And with that she sat on my chair, I removed her shoes, Even they were cute.
She had cute little feet, Any way i started to rub her feet for her. I didn't mind rubbing her feet, But every now and then i got a good look up her skirt, How every i never blushed this time.
She had on cotton pantry's i think they were pink one's, Any way i thought maybe she was teasing me so i just let it go, How ever i did like seeing up this sexy little girls skirt, Seeing what every man wanted to see, To be so close i could touch her sweet soft lips, To taste her sweet nectar and make this pretty girl moan with pleasure.
But for today id have to be content with just a quick look, I rubbed her feet for a little while, Then i stopped and she just when' t back to work.
At the end off the day she came over and just gave me a kiss on the cheek, And wispier to me " i liked that foot rub, I hope u like u' r little show" And with that she walked off.
A few day's later, our game continued along, I made her rub my feet, I made her do a few things to just test the water' s.
To day she got me a good one.
I was helping a lady out, When from out off no were i herd, "Is that the girl u told me a bout, The one u want to take out on a date" I when' t so many shades off red, The lady i was helping out was 50 years pulse, she gave me the dirtiest looks,
Ow Now its pay back time, i Yelled out u just wait.
She came over to me, She could see i was mad. What is a matter hunnie, Was that to much 4 u, No i replied, Now what do i have to do for u this time, Ow just a foot rub she said, Fine then , And we start, I rub hard at first, fuming, But how can i stay mad at her, I just need to get even.
When i look up she is smiling at me, And with out a word she opens her legs , Just a little, but more then enough for me to see she is totally naked, nothing on at all under her skirt.
Fuck, She has a beautiful pussy, light pink lips, Shaved and glistening. My cock get' s hard strait away, Hard as a rock, Now i' m thinking about fucking this little girl.
She hopped up grabs my cock, Rubs it a few time' s, I see u like the show, And just walk' s off.
She wasn't at work for a few day's. Ow how i missed her. But when she came back to work our game continued.
When her friend was talking to her, simply walked up to her and slipped my hand up her skirt, gave her pussy a few rubs and walked off.
As i walked off i yelled out, are u red, She replied no but i was ready for that too,, i yelled back, Well my hand is, she when' t bright red.
Her friend had no clue what was going on, But it was now my turn.
After her friend left Jessica came over to see me. She told me i got her so good, Now what would i want. I could have two thing' s, as i got her twice, And it wasn't fear off her to lie, And she promised never to lie again.
I told her to come see me on her lunch brake.
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Se walks over, So baby what do u want from me, well i want to taste that pussy u have bin teasing me with, so sit down on my chair, if people come in, u must keep serving them, and ill keep going on your pussy. Do u accept, Yes she replies.
She sits on my chair and i slip under the counter, S no one can see me, I run my hands up her legs, They open to my touch right away,
I teas her pussy a few time' s by rubbing my finger' s along her slit, its all ready warmed up, She must like this.
Its not long be for i am moving my head up between her leg' s, I can smell her sent she is very worked up, Se lets out a moan when i first make contact with her pussy, I run my tongue up and down her yummy lips, dipping in her hole a few time' s.
Its when she tell' s me some one is Cumming i take my cue, When she starts talking to a customer i lick her clit, I lick her clit like there is no tomorrow, She is fighting back her moans, And as soon as that customer leaves she lets e' m flow out, owl fuck that's so good, But its not to long and some one else is asking her 4 help, This time how ever i lick her clit harder, flicking it and sending bolts through her little body, Its when i push two finger' s deep in her pussy and keep licking her clit that she loses it.

I slowly remove my fingers from her bum and pussy, For now i am done, But u still ow me one .
When i pop my head out, Her face is red, She has this big smile and i can see she is happy, So petter what is the second thing u want from me.
Well Jessica that's easy, All i want is a head job, Same as i just gave u.
On my lunch brake i when' t over to see her, I sat in her spot ad dropped my pants, She soon slipped down under her counter, And with in seconds she was working on my cock, I have an ok size one, it's about 7 inches, kind off thick, Any way she soon has my cock in her lip's, Ow how nice that first bit feel' s, When the tip off your cock is just passed her lips, She works my cock in an out her mouth, Every now and then she will take my hole member in, its not long before i have pre cum.
A customer comes in on me, As i' m serving her Jess plays with my ball' s, hat is a hard think to keep to u' r self, having the soft hands off a young women , Rubbing your ball' s and sucking your cock deep in her soft warm mouth, Any way its not long before i' m reading to cum.
I'll warn her off this but she just keeps on going, Shit, A customer walks in, And i' m just on the verge off Cumming too.
As this guy is asking me for sum crap, Jess takes this as time to work her magic, She holds my cock deep in her mouth and rubs my nut's. But she dose sum thing with her tongue, That's all i can take, I start to explode, the first one was that power full my leg' s felt week, 4 or 5 squirts later, and the customer walks away, I cant even remember what he got. Jess still has my cock in her mouth, When she pops her head up and sakes did i do good baby, She has some off my cum on her lips, I wipe it off her lip and she sucks it right off my finger, Ow u did good baby, U are amazing at that, Why thank you, Its time u when' t back to work now, Even my legs felt giddy walking back,
she was all i could think about now.
So any way its bin a few weeks now, and our game has continued, the other day i finely got to fuck her tight pussy, It was after work one night, I walked up to her and just grabbed her, I told her it was time to enjoy the game on a hole new level.
She said its about time u fucked me, Iv bin waiting for so long now, I slipped my hand up her skirt to find out she was dripping wet, i have to eat her pussy out, its so nice and sweet, I cant say no to her, Its not long before i have her laye 'd out on the table, My cock just Mir inches from her hot little pussy. I teas her by rubbing it along her slit, When with out warning i lunge right in her, Holy shit i cant remember the last time i felt a pussy so tight, But yet so wet and warm, I hold my cock deep in her, I could feel her contracting on my cock, Its not long before she is begging to be fucked, And how can i say no, I start to pump in her, Thrusting deep and pulling out all the way, Then thrust right back in, She is rubbing her clit, And i' m pumping my cock in as deep as i can go, and really building up a good pace.
Its not long before she is screaming, I finely pull out her boobs, She only has little one's, But i love to suck on her nipples, I pinch e' m, as i thrust in and out off her pussy, She starts to cum , and i hold my self in her, I want to make her cum all over me, And it don't take long, She cum' s every way u can imgen.
I slow my pumping to a soft pump , I asked her to roll over.
She gets on all for' s, Her ass up in my face, I just had to have a taste off her bum, She seams to like that which makes two of us, its not long before i' m deep in her pussy once more, Only this time its my turn to cum.
I grab her hair and pull her head back to me as i thrust my cock in her pussy, I rub her bum hole a few times with my thumb, Just to teas her, As i' m fucking her sweet pussy and pulling her hair she is pinching her nipples, its when my finger slips in her ass that's she goes off, She likes a bit off bum action, I would love to get my cock in her ass, but i don't think it will fit, It only just gets in her pussy.
After a few minute' s off fucking her I'm getting ready to cum, Baby are u on the pill, Yes i am, but please don't cum yet, Fuck my ass first please.
Ow i don't think i can baby, Please try, Just push your cock in my ass, please push it in me, Hold u' r cock head at my entrance, And she pushes back on me, As she is pushing back i push my cock in her, Its so tight, Iv never fucked a girl in that spot before.
pop, My head is in, ouch she tells me it hurt' s, But don't pull out, Baby I'm going to cum, I'm Cumming, Its to much for me to handle, the tightness off her bum hole wrapped around my cock head is way to much, And i fill her ass with my cum, Me Cumming is more then she need' s and she starts Cumming with me, Her orgasm is so intense, I love watching a women cum, Even better when she is only 17. I cal laps on top off her, But as i fall down my cock run' s right up her ass hole, Now my cock is deep in her bum, And yes we did have round two that night.
So we have bin fucking each other for a month or so now, we still play our game, Every day.
Some of the things we have done to each other, I'm getting her a cordless vibrator, With a remote this week............................................. So let the game' s go on JESSICA