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"Pete struggles to ask his stepmom for a spanking"

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The cliché hot stepmom fantasy was real life for Pete. He had just graduated high school and was living at his parents's house, trying to save up money for college. His dad got remarried a couple of months ago to a beautiful woman in her mid-forties. She was very sweet and kind to Pete. He found it awkward to call this bombshell mom, but she insisted, and he became more comfortable with it over time. She always wore skimpy clothing around the house, teasing him constantly. Pete didn't bother trying to hide his erections anymore.

She knew he was attracted to her from the start and didn't mind the attention. In fact, she enjoyed the power she held over him and leaned into it, wearing her various revealing tanks and shorts when he was home. Not only that, she exemplified the sweet, loving maternal role that Pete never received as a child. He loved her and yearned to be loved by her.

Pete's strict religious background offered no room for emotional connection. Broken rules were met with anger and swift punishment. Pete learned how to perform to keep everyone in his life happy, or at least temporarily satisfied. This underdeveloped part of him created an emptiness that evolved into an emotional need. His stepmom's kind, loving nature and availability opened up this deep desire for maternal connection within him.

He had a curiosity towards spanking, and naturally, he eroticized his stepmom as a disciplinarian who would take him over her knee for bare bottom spankings. His desire grew and over time, turned into an obsession as he jacked off constantly to being spanked by his stepmom. Every time he saw her holding a wooden spoon or hairbrush, it drove him crazy. He tried telling her in subtle ways so that he could back out if needed, but the hints never landed. He couldn't bring himself to tell her straight up.

He had to do something, so he devised a plan. Dad was gone for the day, and his stepmom was doing household chores. Pete pulled up his favorite spanking video on his phone, showing a boy his age over a woman's knee getting his bare ass spanked with a hairbrush. He left the video paused with his phone unlocked and set it face down on the kitchen counter. He went to his room and flipped on his Xbox. His body was filled with jitters as he waited.

A couple of hours later, his stepmom knocked on his door.

"Hi honey, I'm just dropping off your phone. You left it on the counter," she said, handing him his phone. He looked up at her and locked eyes for a second. Her knowing look sent chills through his body. She left the room, and he checked his phone. Sure enough, the video was not paused where he'd left it. It was paused on the credits at the end. She had seen the whole thing. Nervous excitement filled his chest, not knowing what to do next. He hadn't thought out his plan past this point.

It had all come together for her. While clearing the counter, she picked up the phone and noticed what was on the screen. She watched the video with her hand to her mouth in surprise and concern. She was reminded of some of the out-of-place comments that Pete had made, referencing spanking. The comments didn't really make sense to her at the time, but they all made sense now. She wondered if he purposely left the video on for her to see, but it didn't really matter if he did or not. She was going to give him what he so desperately wanted.

The following week, Pete came home from work. He passed his stepmom in the kitchen on his way to his room. "Hi honey," she greeted sweetly, holding her gaze for an extended period of time. She looked extra fine today in a low-cut tank top and shorts, her dark hair pulled back in a cute ponytail. He had a hard time even meeting her eyes. He entered his room and immediately noticed a handwritten note sitting on his computer keyboard. He quickly closed the door and picked up the piece of paper.

"Hi Petey, I saw a video on your phone the other day when you left it on the counter. It was a video of a young man your age being spanked on his bare bottom over the lap of a woman. I wouldn't have thought twice about it, except you've been hinting to me that this is something you want. Don't bother trying to deny it. I searched your internet history today and found some very interesting content... and ideas. Honey, if you wanted a spanking, you should've asked me. I'd be more than happy to give you a spanking. Dad won't be home until tomorrow. If you truly want this, I want you to come back downstairs and ask me properly for a spanking like you should've in the first place. Love, Mom."

Pete set the note down, his hands shaking nervously. He took a quick shower and got dressed in a loose-fitting shirt and shorts. He slowly made his way downstairs to find his stepmom leaning against the counter with a wooden spoon in her hand.

"Hi, Mom," he said timidly.

"Hi, hon," she said sweetly, holding his gaze with her stunning smile.

There was a long pause as she patiently waited for him to gather himself.

"Would - um - can you please give me a spanking?"

"Yes, dear," she replied softly and lovingly. "I would be honored to give you a spanking."

Relief washed over him, and with his lip quivering, he ran into her arms, hugging her tightly. She directed his head to her chest, and he buried his face between her breasts with tears flowing. His body shuddered at the release of tension that had built up for so long. She held him for a few minutes, rubbing his head and neck. "It's ok, hon. Your spanking hasn't even started," she joked. She wiped his tears with her shirt. "Let's go to your bedroom." He followed her up to his room, watching her hips move and eyeing the spoon she held loosely by her side.

They entered the room, and she sat down on the edge of his bed. Setting the spoon aside, she motioned for him to come close. He stood in front of her silently, the bulge in his shorts on full display. He didn't bother covering it up.

"How long have you wanted this, dear?" she asked.

"A very long time."

"And when did you start desiring me?"

"When I first saw you in our house."

"Did you purposely leave your phone out for me to see that video?" she asked curiously.

"Yes, ma'am," he admitted.

"Well, I'm flattered to be the one to put such a handsome young man over my knee," she said, grinning up at him.

He laughed a little and shyly looked down, his heart filled with desire for her.

"Come here," she said, patting her bare leg. "Lay across my lap."

He carefully laid himself over her legs. She pulled him snugly to her, adjusting him so his penis pressed against her left leg, her right hand rubbing his clothed bottom. Her left hand curled around his outside hip, holding him close to her. She began lightly smacking his bottom, alternating cheeks. He slowly ground himself on her leg as she continued with the soft spanks.

She began increasing the speed and intensity until she was consistently smacking him pretty hard. He was incredibly aroused as soft moans escaped his mouth after each spank. She tugged on his hips, directing him to lift them, and slid his shorts halfway down his thighs. She pushed him back down to her thighs and lightly rubbed his ass in a circular motion.

He pushed his ass up into her hand, encouraging her to keep going. She continued to massage his ass, slapping it occasionally. She ran her fingers between his legs, making him moan and open up his legs. She pressed her fingers against his balls, gently prodding as he moved with her hand. She felt very powerful, being able to move his entire body by just applying pressure with her fingers.

She started slapping his ass with her hand a little harder this time. The sound was much crisper over his underwear, and her hand eventually began to produce a wonderful, consistent sting. He lay there quietly, enjoying the mild pain and listening to the hypnotic cadence of the smacks. After a couple of minutes, she stopped spanking and started massaging his bottom. She lightly brushed her hand up and down his back, going lower and lower with each downstroke, until she slipped her hand under the band of his underwear. She ran her hand under the band around his hips and back, her hands playing and teasing him. He raised his hips as she reached around him again, brushing his rock-hard penis with her hand. Hooking her fingers on the band, she slowly slipped his underwear down to meet his shorts.

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She firmly pushed him back down on her lap, his penis making contact with her bare thigh. The feeling was incredible as her hand explored his bare ass. She once again rubbed him all over with occasional hard spanks at random, making him flinch. She traced her finger down his crack and said, "Good boy," when he opened his legs for her. She gently massaged his balls as he moved and moaned in pleasure. She lifted him up just enough to grab his penis and stroke it while holding him in place. "Do you like that, Petey?"

"Yes, ma'am," he moaned softly.

"Yes, ma'am? I kinda like that," she chuckled as she continued stroking him. "You're such a good boy," she said tenderly as his body shuddered with pleasure. She removed her hand from his penis and placed it back on his bare bottom. "Are you ready for some more spanking?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am," he said as he arched his bottom high to give her an easy target. She smacked his right cheek hard, causing him to let out a small groan. She landed another smack on his left cheek, causing another groan. It went like this, back and forth as she alternated cheeks, slowly increasing the intensity and speed. The sharp sound filled the room, each smack followed by a mix between a groan and a moan. He was starting to feel the pain a lot more now, but it was overpowered by immense pleasure. He eagerly stuck his ass in the air as she spanked him over and over again.

His ass was now painted pink and stung deliciously. She smacked him as hard as she could for an extended time, then stopped just as he started squirming a bit. She gave him time to catch his breath, then grabbed the wooden spoon and rubbed his stinging ass with it. The spoon suddenly left his ass and just as quickly came down on it. Whap! The spoon connecting with his bare skin made a high-pitched sound and left a red circle where it landed. The sting was much sharper and more intense than her hand. Whap! Whap! His ass flexed hard over her lap. She smiled to herself, loving his reaction. She was getting very turned on as she continued striking his cheeks with the spoon.

Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap!

Ignoring his squirming, she focused the circular head of the spoon on his sit spot, landing a few random spanks directly on his crack. Loving the reaction she got with those especially, she spread his right cheek and spanked the inner part of it right next to his hole. His jumping and flinching only encouraged her more. She gave the left cheek the same attention. "Darling, please spread your cheeks for me."

"Yes, ma'am," He reached back and spread his cheeks for her. The spoon was shaped perfectly to reach his most sensitive areas. She spanked his asshole five times.

Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap!

She continued spanking his inner cheeks, even going between his legs and spanking him at the base of his balls. "Do you like that, dear?"

"Yes, ma'am, it hurts, but I like it a lot."

"Mmm, good, because I love how your beautiful body flinches with each spank." She rubbed and tapped his exposed balls, increasing the intensity of the taps until he was crying out. "Mmm, good boy," she said warmly.

She softly caressed his stinging bottom, calming him down. "You can stand up now," she said softly. He carefully climbed off her lap. "Please take off your clothes." She watched as he obediently stripped completely naked. "You're so handsome," she exclaimed happily as he stood in front of her. She reached up and grabbed his penis and slowly stroked it. "And you're also so much bigger than I imagined," she said, looking up at him seductively.

"I'd love to keep doing this, but we're not done. Please go get my hairbrush from my dresser."

He walked, completely naked, to her room, quickly found her wooden hairbrush, and brought it back to her. "Thank you, honey," she said as she took the hairbrush. "Now, bend over my knee," she said sternly, just as she saw the woman in the video say it. He once again laid his naked ass over her bare legs, this time a bit nervous. He knew it was going to hurt much more than the spoon.

She briefly circled his ass with the hairbrush and swiftly brought it down to the center of his right cheek.

"Ohhh," he breathed out in surprise at the pain.

She landed another on his left cheek, hard enough to make him cry out. He adjusted himself to take more. This was going to be harder than he thought. She wasted no time spanking him over and over again, peppering his cheeks.

Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Right. Right. Left. Left. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Left. Left. Left. Left. Left. Right. Left.

She loved hearing his sweet, boyish cries as she repainted his pink bottom crimson. In most of the videos she saw on his computer, the disciplinarian did not stop until the sub was bawling. So that was exactly her goal for Pete as she continued to spank his bare ass hard. By now, he was flailing all over her lap but not crying yet. She couldn't target her spots very well because he was moving so much, so she shifted him onto her left thigh, put her right leg over his legs, and locked him in place. She placed her left hand on the back of his neck, firmly shoving his face into his comforter. Showing no mercy, she spanked his ass as hard as she could. Finally, after howling louder and louder, the tears finally broke through. His tears flowed freely, soaking into the bed covers.

She set the hairbrush down and comforted him, rubbing his back and bending over to hug him. She held him for several minutes, rocking him back and forth. "It's ok, honey. It's all over." His body shook in her grasp as he cried profusely. She held him and comforted him for several minutes.

"Come on, hon, off my lap. You can sit next to me," she said, patting the bed next to her. He raised himself off her lap and sat next to her, his seat still burning. "Come here, sweetheart." She took him in her arms again, placing his cheek on her breast. "Is that what you've dreamed so long about?" He nodded, his face pressed against her.

He kissed her breast softly through her shirt. "Oh, honey, I think I know what you want." She slid her tank top and bra strap off her shoulder and took her breast out of its cup. She held his chin and gently directed his lips to her nipple.

He took her nipple in his mouth and sucked deeply as she supported his head, rocking him back and forth as he sucked. She let him suckle while her hands explored his naked body. She let her hand travel down to his erect penis and began to slowly stroke him. "There you go. You're such a good boy for me," she said as she pleasured him. His body moved with her strokes as she rubbed him faster and faster, his mouth fixed on her nipple. She squeezed his balls and the base of his cock before continuing to stroke him. His moans became more frequent as he sucked harder until, finally, he erupted in an explosive orgasm.

He continued to suck away as she held him for a few more minutes until his breathing was back to normal. She cleaned him up and tucked him into bed. "Goodnight, honey. From now on, if you ever need another spanking, you tell me right away. You understand me?"

"Yes, ma'am," he replied softly.

"Good boy." She smiled and left the room. He fell asleep, having never felt so satisfied in his entire life.

Written by Petesandman
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