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Stepdaughters Have Fun With Their Stepfathers

"Tess and Amber have naughty plans for their stepfathers."

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On a scorching hot day in July, the courtroom resounded with the final blow of the gavel. I sat there, relief overtook me as the realization of what just happened began sinking in. My now ex-wife stormed out with her lawyer, the judge had ruled in my favor and she walked out with nothing.

Elsa, my now ex-wife cheated on me with another woman, and tried to ruin my reputation along with my business by concocting an elaborate scheme. Here claims were unfounded, she accused me of being an adulterer and embezzling millions of dollars from my own company.

The two year battle was over and when I finished talking with my lawyer, Tess (my stepdaughter) ran up to me and threw her arms around me. She held me in a tight embrace and said, "Let's go home, Daddy."

"Are you sure, Tess? I know you told your mother shortly after this all began, that you no longer want her in your life."

"Yes, I'm eighteen and in the eyes of the court, an adult. I've made my decision."

"Okay then, let's go home, Tess."

"Sounds good, Daddy."

On the way home, I told Tess that it was time we had a barbeque. She was all for it and we made several stops to get what we needed. I reminded her for the umpteenth time to call me Al. She just gave me that okay look of yeah, okay. Tess asked if we could invite her friend Amber and her dad, Jerry. I told her to invite them over for tomorrow.

"Al, I don't think of you, just as my guardian, but as my Daddy. So I will continue calling you Daddy and thanks for letting me invite Amber and her dad over."

Before I had a chance to say anything, Tess was on the phone. When she finally hung up, we had pulled up the driveway. I felt it might be good for Jerry and Amber to join us, seeing he had gotten a divorce a few days ago because his wife cheated on him with another woman who turned out to be my now ex-wife.

"We're all set, Daddy."

"Good, now let's unload the car and get everything in the house."

I waited for Tess to get out of the car first, I didn't want her to see the large bulge straining against the inside of my pants. I couldn't help but look as she got out of the car, her skirt slid above mid-thigh and I felt my steel rod twitch.

Tess looked at me and asked if I was coming. She had that little devilish grin that just drives me nuts. Little did she know how much I needed to come at that moment.

She had been flirting with me in subtle ways for the past six months and I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out. Tess found every opportunity to accidentally bump into me and her choice of clothes she wore around the house was provocative, to say the least. I had told her on several occasions that her choices of clothing were not appropriate.

Tess would always say, "But Daddy, it's just the two of us," followed by that look which I can't seem to say no to.

Getting out of the car, I helped Tess with the items we bought for the barbeque. Once we had everything put away, Tess informed me that she was going for a swim. I went to my bedroom and changed into a white T-shirt and blue nylon athletic shorts.

I walked into the kitchen to get a couple of beers and chips for the game, Tess was standing there in a new bikini. She had poured herself a glass of ice tea.

"Hi Daddy, care to join me out at the pool?"

"Maybe later, Tess, I'm gonna watch the game right now," I said as I grabbed the beers from the fridge.

As I turned to leave the kitchen, Tess had this smile on her face that told me something was up and I knew what that something was, it was me! She didn't say a word and opened the French door leading out to the patio. Looking over her shoulder, Tess flexed her butt cheeks, smiled and closed the door.

I watched as she walked over and placed her drink on the table next to the chaise lounge. I knew this was so wrong on so many levels, I waited until she dove into the pool and began her laps. I had been jerking off at the thought of us together, her toned body and her perfect tits were driving me crazy.

Standing there at the door, I watched for several minutes and rubbed my hand over the hard steel in my shorts. Just as Tess got out of the pool, I quickly snatched the bag of chips from the counter top, headed to the living room and turned on the Cub game.

I sat on the couch and popped open a can of brewski. I took only a few gulps and the can was emptied. I tried watching the game, but my thoughts were elsewhere. I stared at the TV screen, reached into my shorts and pulled out my cock. With my eyes closed, I imagined what it would feel like to have my cock buried in Tess's tight pussy. The sound of the game filled the room and I  envisioned Tess naked on my bed. It was only when I heard, "Daddy, did I do that?" that I realized I wasn't alone. I opened my eyes and saw Tess kneeling in front of me.

Embarrassed, I quickly asked, "What do you think you're doing, young lady?"

"Seeing that I'm now the woman of the house, I'm going to finish what you started. Now be quiet and just enjoy."

Being too stunned to reply, I watched as she deftly pulled my shorts off, tossing them to the side. Tess placed her hands on my knees and pulled them apart. I tried to protest, but it was no use, deep down, we both knew this was bound to happen.

Tess held my cock upright and used soft, light strokes that brushed over my shaft. On the downward stroke, her hand would gently caress my scrotum. On the upward stroke, Tess turned her wrist and when she reached the circumcised head, her nails barely touched the skin as they danced briefly before they moved back down the shaft. Her hand and fingers alternated between strokes while her other hand massaged my inner thighs and tickled my anus.

The moans came from deep inside me as I watched and that inspired Tess. She changed to a tighter grip as she turned her wrist on the upward stroke and downward stroke. Her hand moved faster, her grip tightened and the precum flowed freely onto the head. On the upward stroke, her palm smeared the fluid all around the enlarged head and down the now throbbing shaft. Her other hand massaged my inner thighs and tickled my anus.

 I was about orgasm, Tess squeezed the base of the shaft and waited until I had calmed down. She leaned forward and gently exhaled over my enlarged scrotum, up the shaft, and over the head. She then leaned over the head, dribbled saliva over the head and down the shaft.

She took my cock in both hands and pumped my shaft as if she was milking a cow. My hips moved up and down in time with her strokes. I couldn't hold back any longer and Tess smiled as she watched me tremble while my orgasm shot through me.

With one final stroke of Tess's hands, the first thick strand of cum landed on my stomach followed by four more. Tess had not stopped pumping her hands along the throbbing shaft until the final load erupted, covering her hands. She looked right at me and licked her hand clean.

"Mmm, Daddy, you taste so good and I love your big fat cock."

"I'll be right back, stay right where you are." Tess rose to her feet and headed toward the bathroom.

She returned moments later with a hand towel, knelt between my splayed legs and wiped my stomach clean. She then licked my scrotum and up the underside of my softening cock. When she reached the head, Tess kissed and licked it clean.

"God Tess, where did you learn to do that? This has been by far the best hand job ever."

"I watched a few videos and read up on some techniques. Now drink your other beer and finish watching the game, I'm going to bed and tomorrow I just might give you a blow job."

Standing up, she leaned down to give me a kiss on the cheek. I watched as she sashayed toward her room and without looking back, said, "From now on, I will take care of all your needs, Daddy."

I mumbled to myself, "I should have never let this happen." I popped open the second can of beer and drank it down.

I sat there and thought of everything that had happened over the last half year, especially today. I felt relieved that the divorce was finally official, and at the same time, exhausted from the stress it caused. I needed to think over what Tess had just done, but I was too tired and needed to get some sleep.




I awoke, felt revitalized and stress-free. After showering and shaving, I decided to wear a pair of coral colored swim trunks with a white T-shirt. As I headed toward the kitchen, I decided not to say anything about yesterday at this point. I heard Tess talking to someone, but couldn't make out what was being said.

“Good morning, Tess.”

She ended the phone call and looked over at me, "Good morning, Daddy. Would you like some coffee?"

“Yes, please and what was that about."

"Oh, I just called Amber to remind her that she and her dad should wear their swim suits when they come over."

After pouring a cup for each of us, Tess handed me a cup and said, "Let's go sit out on the patio, Daddy."

Tess was wearing her bikini with the multicolored bottoms and flower print top. We both looked forward to having Jerry and Amber over later this afternoon. We were sitting next to each other, enjoying the peace and quiet of the early morning when Tess spoke up.

"Daddy, I want you to just listen. For the last half year, you weren't really yourself and I understood why. I wanted to make you feel appreciated, so I flirted with you and dressed somewhat provocatively around the house. What happened between us yesterday was inevitable. I mean, one can masturbate just so much."

"Y-you have seen me doing that?"

"Oh yes, Daddy, and I'd go to my room and masturbate afterward. So until you decide when to start dating, I'm taking care of your special needs."

Tess stood up, walked to the edge of the pool and dove in. I got up and went back in the house to make preparations for the barbecue. When Tess was finished with her laps, she set the table on the patio.

The rest of the morning, Tess made sure the house looked presentable and every time I offered to help, she would tell me to just chill out and kick back. When she had finished, she came to the study and informed me that Jerry and Amber would be arriving soon.

I got up and went to the kitchen while Tess went to freshen up. Just as I had finished taking everything outside, the doorbell rang. Tess went to open the door and escorted our guests out to the patio and announced she would be right out.

“Hey Jerry, it’s good to see you. How are you doing?”

“Better, now that the divorce is final.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“Can I get you a beer, Jerry?”

“Thanks, Al.”

Amber came over, “Hi Amber, care for some ice tea?”

“Why, thank you, Al”

I handed her the glass of tea, she kissed me on the cheek and made sure to lean against me. I found it hard not to look at her for too long. She had on a bikini similar to Tess’s except her top was multicolored stripes with matching bottoms. What really caught my eye was that the bottoms were a thong and when she turned to walk away, the thin strip of material was barely covering her ass crack. She made her way down to the pool and stretched out on the chaise lounge.

Tess walked over and I watched Jerry’s reaction which was similar to mine, watching Amber.

Jerry greeted her, “Hi Tess, care for some ice tea?”

“Yes, thank you.”

Tess leaned against Jerry, kissed him on the cheek and went to join Amber down by the pool.

“Hey dude, that’s my stepdaughter you’re ogling.”

“The same can be said about you, Al.”

“We need to talk, let’s go inside so they can’t hear us.”

Once in the house, I looked at Jerry and said, “What the hell is going on?”

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“Yeah, I’d like to know too. I wasn’t keen on the way Amber leaned on you.”

“Well, I wasn’t too happy that Tess did the same to you.”

We talked and found out that last night, we both received hand jobs from our stepdaughters. There was one other thing, they both dressed provocatively around the house for the past six months.

“I gotta ask you, Al. Did Tess say she was going to give you a blow job?”

“Yeah, don’t tell me that Amber told you the same thing.”

“Yes, she did.”

“How would you feel if Amber gave me a blow job, Jerry? Because I’m not sure how I’d feel if Tess gave you one.”

“Damn, I’m not sure how I’d feel.”

“Well, let’s see what those two have in mind, Jerry.”

“I’m all for it.”

While Jerry and I were in the house, comparing notes so to speak, the girls were having their own discussion…

“Tess, I can’t believe I jerked off my stepdad. It was mind blowing.”

“Yeah, I even licked my hands clean after my stepdad came, Amber.”

“I did too, Tess.”

“Now remember, Amber, we are going to tease them until their cocks get nice and hard and that’s when we give our daddies a blowjob. When our Daddies get excited from watching, you’re going to suck my Daddy’s cocks dry and I’m going to suck your Daddy’s cock dry.”

“Sounds good, Amber. Let the fun begin.”

When Jerry and I came back out, the girls stood up and walked over to us. As they came closer, their eyes were focused on our already hard cocks pushing out against our swim trunks.

“Girls, is there something you’d like?” Jerry asked while looking at the two pairs of hard nipples begging for attention.

“Why yes, Tess and I would like some more ice tea,” Amber said, handing both our glasses to her stepdad.

Once the glasses were filled, Amber kissed Jerry on the cheek while pressing herself against him and Tess did the same to me. As if on cue, the girls accidentally spilled their ice tea on our trunks.

“Daddy, I’m so sorry. Let me clean you up.” Amber and Tess said as they went on their knees.

Jerry and I looked at each other, “You okay with this Jer?”

“I am if you are, Al.”

The girls looked up at us, smiled and yanked our trunks down to our feet. Looking down, Tess was already licking my scrotum and gently rubbed her fingertips along my stiff shaft. When she reached the enlarged head, Tess ran her finger around and under the ridge as she licked the underside of the shaft up to the head.

She sucked the head into her mouth, swirled her tongue all around the hot and throbbing flesh. The suction of her cheeks, Tess's  hand squeezed the nut sac. She deep throated me, her nose bumped against my belly.

I looked over and caught Jerry as he watched Tess and he caught me as I watched Amber. We looked at each other and smiled.

Tess held still for a moment, the feeling of my steel rod deep down her throat as she sucked in her cheeks had me cumming. The initial explosion of cum hit the back of her throat, Tess then pulled back and opened her mouth. She looked up at me with her hazel eyes and pumped my shaft with her hand. Strand after thick strand landed on her outstretched tongue and filled her mouth. When I had finished cumming, Tess swallowed every last bit of my cream.

“Mmm, yummy, Daddy.”

Meanwhile, Amber parted her full, luscious lips and the head of Jerry’s cock disappeared. Slowly, inch by inch was swallowed up until the tip of her nose touched his belly. I could only imagine what he was feeling as she sucked and licked his rock hard cock. It wasn’t long after I came, that Jerry spewed forth his semen. Amber looked up at her Daddy with her emerald eyes as she swallowed every drop.

“Mmm, delicious, Daddy.”

The girls looked at each other and before Jerry and I could say anything, they switched places. Amber licked and sucked my cock clean and Tess did the same for Jerry. When they were done, they both stood up and kissed us on the lips. The girls switched places and Tess kissed me on the lips as Amber kissed Jerry on the lips.

Tess looked at us and told Jerry and me to go relax in the pool, that she and Amber would do the grilling. Amber came over with a couple of beers for Jerry and I. The two of us headed down to the pool au natural. Once in the pool, we opened a can and downed it in a couple of gulps.

Tess called out, “Oh Guys, here’s a little something to pique your interest.”

We watched and to our surprise, they embraced one another and shared a passionate kiss. Jerry and I were speechless as the girls ran their hands over one another. Tess grabbed Amber’s ass cheeks and gave them a good squeeze.

“That’s all for now guys.” The girls said in unison, followed by giggles as they went about putting the burgers on the grill and setting the potato salad, chips, and coleslaw on the table.


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Written by Banes1
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