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Re-discovering My Step-sister

"After reconnecting with my step-sister our relationship takes a hot turn"

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My dad divorced my mom when I was sixteen. My mom was a crazy bitch that treated him horribly. Luckily I didn't inherit anything from my mom other than my talent for writing and playing music. I inherited my good looks and charm from my dad though. My dad and I are both around five foot ten and good looking guys. I was over weight until I joined the Army. That didn't matter though. The girls always seemed to be attracted to my deep blue eyes, chiseled chin and soft blonde hair. I played guitar my whole life and that drove girls crazy. They love a rock star.

When I was eighteen, I joined the military. I was infantry in the Army. While away in Iraq, my dad got remarried to a woman named Hilda who had two children of her own. When I finally got home from duty, I met my "new" family.

Hilda was a forty something divorcee with short blonde hair. She was a real bitch and didn't seem to like me what soever. She had a son who was my age named Calvin and a daughter who was thirteen named Kara. She was a bitch like her mother and couldn't stand me or my father because we "broke up her family". Apparently my dad had started dating Hilda before she actually divorced her husband.

Calvin and I got along great. We were both musicians with similar interests in music. We like video games and guns. We were both the same age, so we could talk about things we did and remembered while we grew up. Calvin grew up in a rich town and had money growing up while I grew up middle class. We had different stories to share. Calvin became more of a friend to me than my step-brother.

Now Kara on the other hand, well, she was a little monster. I couldn't stand her. She treated me and my dad like dirt. One day she told me that she wished I had died in Iraq and that she hated me. This made it nearly impossible to have any kind of relationship with her.

The next couple of years went by with me visiting my father. Kara and I avoiding each other like the plague. I saw my father once every couple of weeks until I took a job three hours from where he lived and relocated.

The job I took payed well, but the hours were long. I didn't see my father at all and only got the occasional phone call and Christmas card. Calvin would send me Facebook messages from time to time or a Happy Birthday on my wall. However, I never heard from Kara or Hilda. I feel this was for the better. However, one day about three years after I moved, I received a call from a number I didn't know. It was an area code from up by my dad's house. I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I asked wondering who was calling.

"Hi, Zach. It's Kara," the other voice said.

"Oh, hi," I said curious to why she would be calling.

"How are you?" Kara asked.

"I'm fine. Is everything okay? Why did you call?"

"I'm fine. Well no I'm not. I mean I am but I... ugh," she stammered.

"Are you in some kind of trouble? Is dad okay?" I asked.

"He's fine. I just called to say I am sorry. I know it's been a while since I've seen you or even talked to you, but I am sorry," Kara said softly

"Sorry for what, Kara?" I asked.

"I'm sorry for treating you the way I did when I was younger. I'm sorry for saying the things I did and acting horrible towards you," Kara said with regret in her voice.

"It's okay, Kara," I assured her feeling somewhat confused.

"Ever since that day I told you I wished you had died in Iraq, I have felt horrible about it. I am so sorry," she said.

I could hear the tears in her voice.

"It's okay; that was a long time ago," I said. "I had forgotten about it."

The truth was I hadn't. I thought about it a lot over the years, as it was the worst thing any one had ever said to me.

"If I send you a friend request on Facebook, will you accept it?" she asked.

"Sure," I said.

"Okay, good. Any chance you will be coming back to visit any time soon?" Kara asked.

"Probably not. I am super busy here. I don't have time to myself, really,"  I replied.

"Okay, well then I'll just keep in touch on Facebook. I'll let you go. Love you, 'bye," Kara said.

"Love you, too," I said utterly confused.

Kara did send me a friend request, and I did accept. We started keeping in touch on Facebook.

Now there were a few things that changed since I had seen Kara last. First, she was a lot nicer and had a level head. Second, she was no longer a bratty fourteen year old; she was now nineteen. However, third, she was fucking hot! I never looked at Kara in a sexual way before. She was way to young and way too bitchy. However, now I did. She had really grown up. She had natural brown hair but added blonde highlights. Her eyes were green. She had a beautiful smile surrounded by a pouty pair of lips. I scrolled through some of her recent photos. I saw she wore some pretty sexy outfits. I could tell by her pictures she had a great ass, and judging by her cleavage, she had to have been a D or DD bra size.

We started to message each other online and form a growing relationship. We would talk about what we were up to and special days we had planned. She asked me if I had a girlfriend from time to time. The answer was almost always no. She would send me pictures from concerts she was at or parties. Sometimes just selfies. I would send her selfies, as well as pictures from work or even minor celebrities I would run into from performing my job.

Things had changed for me also during the years that I was apart from my family. I hit the gym regularly and began taking some supplements. I never got a wash board stomach or pecks, but my arms, legs and neck were well defined. From time to time I would send her pictures from the gym. She would always comment how good I looked. I never really thought anything of it.

After about a year of growing our friendship on Facebook, I decided to take a vacation and see my dad. I would take a week off in the month of July and spend it at my dad's in the guest bedroom. Kara found out and called me.

"Are you really coming to visit for a week?" she asked.

"I am. I'll be there for a week in July,"  I replied.

"Cool. We are going to have a pool party while you are here. Be sure to bring your swim trunks," Kara told me.

"I will. I'll see you in a few weeks," I said.

"Okay. 'bye," Kara said as she hung up the phone.

A few weeks went by and I received a text message from Kara. It was a picture of her in a bikini. She typed the words "the new bikini I bought for the pool party". The picture was taken in what looked like a dressing room at a store. The picture was just of the midriff up and showed only the top. It was pink and white striped. I began to close the text message, when something caught my eye. I looked closely at the picture and saw a reflection in the dressing room mirror.

"Holy shit," I said to myself.

I expanded the picture and realized she wasn't wearing any bottoms. I could see the reflection of her bare ass in the mirror. Her ass was round and tan. I made it bigger to see the best I could. It got a little blurry from blowing it up. I thought to myself, why would she take a picture without bottoms. Was she just not wanting to put the bottoms on and knew they would fit?

I stopped and thought for a minute. I thought maybe just maybe she did it on purpose and knew her ass was in the picture.

As I thought of her ass, I started to get a hard on. I started to have naughty thoughts about spanking her while she gave me a blow job. I looked at the picture again and saw her cleavage in the bikini. I started to imagine her wearing it and her tits falling out, as she rode me. I had never had these thoughts about my step-sister before, but they were exciting.

The day finally came when it was time to drive to my dad's for a week. I was excited to see my family, and after the last picture Kara sent me, I was especially excited to see her. I had mulled in my head whether to bring up the picture and her lack of bottoms or just let it be. I considered if Kara did that because she was in to me. I figured I had a whole week to mull it over.

I drove the three hours to my dad's. When I got there, I parked in the driveway and noticed about five cars there. As I parked, my dad came out and gave me a hug. He asked if he could take my suitcase. I told him I would get it.

I looked over to the house and saw the door was open; Kara was standing in the door way. I don't think she knew that I was watching. She was wearing her new bikini. I couldn't see how revealing it was from where I was standing. I watched as she looked into the foyer mirror and adjusted her top and bottoms. I figured she wanted to make sure she wasn't hanging out of her top or bottoms when she came out to meet me. She finally stepped out to greet me.

"Hey, Zach," Kara said with a smile.

As she walked towards me, I realized what she was doing in the mirror was the polar opposite of what I had guessed. She had fixed her top so that she was about ready to fall out of it. She swayed while she walked, making sure her breasts bounce ever so slightly.

"Hey, Kara," I said with a big smile.

She approached me and gave me a hug. It didn't feel like a normal 'hey there' hug. She was only five foot four, so when she hugged me she buried her face in my chest and wrapped her hands around my waist. She hugged me more like a long lost lover than a family member. I decided to take a chance. When we both pulled away, I let my hand slide down and brush against her ass. I tried to make it seem like an accident and a purposeful act at the same time. She just looked at me and smiled.

"I grabbed your bag for you anyway, son," my dad said.

"Thanks, dad," I said as I brushed my hair from my face.

"I'll see you inside, Zach," Kara said. "It's so good to see you."

As she turned to walk away, I noticed what she had done to her bottoms in the mirror. She had hiked up the bottom to reveal a more thong like look and lowered the top to reveal a bit of her ass crack. She swayed her hips as she walked.

"I've told that girl she should put more clothes on," my dad said.

"Yeah," I stated, as I started to realize what Kara's intentions this week may be.

I went inside the house to say hi to Hilda and Calvin. Calvin gave me a big hug but Hilda was as cold to me as she had always been. I looked out the patio door to see Kara on the deck, laying on her stomach on a lounger sun bathing. I caught up with Calvin. We talked music and work. After about twenty minutes, I went outside to spend some time with Kara.

"Hey there, girl," I said.

She leaned up from the lounger.

"Hey there step-brother, how are you doing?" Kara asked.

I looked down to see her breasts basically falling out of her top. I could see a hint of aereola.

"I'm good. That bikini looks better in person," I stated.

"Thanks," she said. "Do you think it covers me alright?"

"It's perfect," I said.

"Are you sure? I feel like I am falling out of it," she said looking down at her breasts.

"No, you look great," I said, trying not to sound creepy.

Kara laughed and took off her sunglasses. She looked me up and down while I stood over her.

"You look pretty good yourself. How old are you now? Twenty-six, right?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, twenty-six," I said with my hands in my pockets. "You're what, nineteen now?" I replied.

"Yep, nineteen," Kara said, still checking out my body. "I'm old enough to buy cigarettes, buy a gun and legal age to fuck whoever I want."

Kara saying this caught me off guard. I had to think of what to say next, as my brain processed what she had just said.

"Well, look who is a brazen young adult now. I see we aren't shy," I said jokingly.

"Nope, not shy at all. Hey will you do me a favor?" Kara asked.

"Sure. what's up?" I replied

"Well, I feel it's too creepy to ask your dad or Calvin, but uh, would you put some lotion on my back? I don't want to burn," Kara said as she reached for the sunscreen.

In my head I heard funky music, as I felt this was a scene straight out of a porno movie. It was like, well, the pool boy better take his pants off. I looked at her before I answered and realized she was serious.

"Um, sure," I said as if asking a question.

"Well, you don't sound sure," Kara said as she laughed. "Do you mind? Yes or no."

"Yes, that's fine," I said.

Kara handed me the bottle of lotion. She moved over on the lounger so that I could sit down. She reached behind her back and undid her bikini top and let the straps fall.

"I don't want any tan lines," Kara said.

"Okay," I replied.

"Make sure you get everywhere," Kara stated.

"Okay," was all I could say.

I sat down next to Kara and opened the lotion bottle. I shook the bottle and squirted some in my hand. As I looked over Kara's body, I noticed a couple of things. First, her bottoms were still pulled down a little and I could see the top of her ass. Second, her large breasts spilled out her sides as she lay flat on her stomach.

I was really turned on. It was becoming clearer that Kara had the idea that we were going to do more than hang out this week. I was a little hesitant because she was seven years younger than me. However I was more hesitant because she was my step-sister. I started thinking to myself. We aren't related and we were never that close so she isn't like family. Then the thought entered my head. Kara straddling my lap, top off, tits bouncing, her lips and mine locked as we fucked like animals.

My concentration on the thought broke.

"Are you gonna put some lotion on me or just sit there?" Kara asked through lowered sun glasses.

"Sorry," I said.

I began to rub the lotion on her shoulders. I massaged her shoulders as I rubbed in the lotion. I tried not to make it too obvious. If my thinking was wrong, I would come off like a total creep.

"Mmmm, that feels good; keep rubbing. I don't ever get massages. Does your girlfriend massage you, Zach?" Kara asked.

"I don't have a girlfriend right now," I replied.

"Boyfriend?" Kara asked jokingly.

"Nope, Steve left me a few months ago," I said in my best gay voice.

Kara laughed and sighed as she continued to enjoy my massage.

I rubbed her shoulders for a good five minutes. I finally reached for the bottle and squeezed more lotion into my hand. I began to work on her middle and lower back. I was applauded by Kara's occasional sigh or moan. However, after about another three minutes of rubbing, I came up with a plan. Her bottoms were pulled down. I was about to do her lower back. I figured I could test the waters by coyly rubbing her ass as I put sunscreen on her lower back. If I was wrong about how Kara felt about me, I could just claim what I was doing was a total accident.

I reached for the bottle of lotion and squeezed another glob into my hand. I began to apply it to her lower back. I rubbed width ways along the small of her back and massaged her sides. This was it, I was about to reach her ass. I slowly worked back and forth between the top of her ass and her back. I didn't want to just reach down and take a handful of her booty, even though I really wanted to. I took a deep breath inside my mind. I worked my way down to the edge of her bottoms and rubbed her ass from left to right. I was holding my breath inside, waiting for her to ask what the hell I was doing.

"Mmmm, that feels good. Just like that," Kara cooed.

I kept rubbing her ass and lower back, as I felt my dick grow harder and harder. All I could think about was pulling her bottoms down, crawling on top of her and asking her which hole I could put it in, hoping she would say both.

"Where you are now, can you move to my sides and really rub and squeeze?" Kara asked.

"Like this?" I said.

I placed my hands on the sides of her lower back.

"A little lower," she told me.

I put my hands down a bit. Now my hands were on her hips and my thumbs...

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Written by rangerstud101
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