Things were just never the same anymore ever since that night. Each time I saw my parents, that particular scene replayed in my head like a clockwork. My Dad, not so much, my Mom, however, I could never see her in the same light ever again. Even as we were just quietly having our breakfast at the dining table, I could still hear her passionate lovemaking cries echoing at the back of my head in contrast to the eloquent table manner she was displaying.
It certainly did not help especially when the white nightie that she was wearing was loosely clinging to her body curves. From where I was seated, I could literally see her nipples poking at the thin fabric from within. The facial expression of a slut in heat that I saw had replaced the serene look that she had on.
Was it because of that one incident that made me look at her in that light? I’m not too sure either. But after that incident, I started to notice her a lot more. Since her usual attire at home was nothing short of a tease, it was hard to avert your eyes away from her. Clad in just either a one-piece nightie in which you are able to easily see her panties and her pokies or a skimpy two-piece one where you can see down her entire breasts to her stomach each time she bent forward. Either way, it was far too enticing not to notice.
But afterward, the air conditioning in my room finally got fixed and so I had to move back to my room and I sort of never got the chance that I had got that night ever again. Also, my Dad’s company gave him an irresistible offer that eventually altered the entire fate of our loving family.
Basically, our family wasn’t exactly the most well-off and Dad’s company had offered him a position as a general manager overseas in the newly opened Indonesia branch in exchange for better allowance and the promise of promoting him when he comes back home. However, if he was to accept the offer, that would mean that he would have to leave us behind for a good five years, only able to come back to visit during his holidays.
Of course, Mom wasn’t too keen on that idea, given that he has to be away for such a lengthy period of time. However, because of the recession that hit the economy, Dad wanted to give us a more comfortable life. As such, from the loving couple that they once were, their relationship degenerated to one full of squabbles and such.
But eventually Mom gave in and Dad compromised as well, promising to call back home every night and things like that. And with that, our family of three became two as Dad flew off to Indonesia, leaving the two of us behind. Sometimes, I do wonder, what would have happened if he had not accepted the job offer? Would our loving family of three still be intact?
Long story short, at first it was really rough. Both of us couldn’t really accustom ourselves to living without Dad. Other than the menial tasks that both of us found challenging to do due to our small stature, the role of the father figure in the family was missing as well. Perhaps it was because of that that my results began slipping, causing Mom an additional headache.
There was one night I sort of overheard her having a phone call with one of my aunts. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but hearing the topic that they were rambling on about, I stopped myself from leaving my room and just stood there and listened in on their conversation. They were talking about Dad.
Apparently, Mom was worried and didn’t want Dad to go over to Indonesia because he was quite a playboy back in the days and she didn’t like the idea of him being alone overseas, citing that he was bound to cheat. An understandable reason I guess. Perhaps it was because of this insecurity of hers that the sweet phone calls every night slowly and gradually turned sour.
My failing grades did nothing to help the situation and things got worse. Angry outbursts became a common thing in their phone calls. Dad tried to pacify and reassure her that he was doing nothing of the sort but her insecurities overwhelmed her as she hurled accusations at him. Eventually, the phone calls that usually lasted at least thirty minutes became ten minutes and then three minutes and sometimes, there were nights where Dad wouldn’t even call anymore, probably not wanting to spark another argument.
Unfortunately, Mom did not take it that way but thought it of him not trying to spend time with us anymore. And based on that one misunderstanding and lack of communication, it became truly a downward spiral as my aunt then took her out to drink at the pubs and clubs, possibly to catch a breather and to de-stress.
But even then, I was still okay with it just because my Aunt was with her, so if Mom ever gets too drunk. She would carry her back home safely and such so there was really no need for me to get really concerned. It was then one night where everything started to change. They had an argument once more over the phone and in a fit of anger, Mom started changing into her evening outfit and told me that she was going out to drink and told me to have an early night.
At first, I thought nothing of it because I automatically assumed that my aunt would be with her. But an hour later, things felt amiss. I think I have heard Mom mention that my aunt wouldn’t be around this week because she was going on a cruise. I then tried calling her on her mobile repeatedly but no one picked up.
Even after an hour and there was still no reply from her, I got worried that something might have happened to her. Thankfully, I overheard my Mom talking to my Aunt sometimes so I roughly knew of the pub that they always go to. Taking matters into my own hands, I decided to change my clothes and head out and hopefully bring her back.
Flagging a cab to the designated location, I went to the pub to search for her but to no avail. I then asked around to see if there was anyone that saw a woman that fits the description that I gave them. One of them then told me that he saw a guy helping my Mom away and that she looked really drunk.
‘Oh god... ’ I thought to myself. I do hope that the guy in question was indeed her friend and not someone else as I pulled out my phone and repeatedly called her again but like before, there’s no reply.
I then checked the vicinity first but given that the place was huge and was right next to a shopping mall of all places, it was the equivalent of finding a needle in a haystack. I have checked all the obvious places she could have been in but there was simply no trace of her anywhere. Did she go home already? I tried calling her cellphone once more.

The never-changing annoying beeping sound rang continuously. Just as I was about to give up and end the call, I heard a click signifying that she had picked up the call. A turret of questions immediately fired upon her,
“Mom? Where are you right now? Do you know how worried I-- "
“Ahh... mm... Ha… Ahh... "
I stopped myself mid-sentence upon hearing the voice echo on the other side. Huh? Did I call the wrong person? I even checked the caller ID once more and verify. There shouldn’t be a mistake so I called out to her once more.
There weren’t any replies. All I could hear was moans and heavy breathing propagating through the speakers of my phone. The only reason to why she picked up the call that I could think of was that she had accidentally pressed it since it wasn’t a touch-screen era back then. Furthermore, the sexual sounds on the other side of the line were all too familiar to me.
Was she actually cheating on Dad? No. The person from earlier told me that she was drunk beyond belief so that would mean that the guy that helped her out was probably taking advantage of her drunken stupor to have sex with her. No, even then, I’m sure Mom would have pushed him away given that she was faithful to Dad and whatnot.
Regardless of whether was it consensual or not, I knew that I had to find her. And the only place that I had yet to look was back at home. Perhaps we had missed each other. If she wasn’t at home, that would mean that the guy had probably dragged her to a motel or his house and I wouldn’t have a chance of finding her at all.
Flagging a cab back home, the phone was still on my ear as I intently try to hear if I could get a clue to where they were like background noises or something like that, but all I could hear was the passionate lovemaking on the other side. And as much as it was morally wrong to continue listening, there was a part deep within me that grew hotter and hotter.
“Mm... Ahh... Haa... !! So hard... !! Feels so good... !!“ I could hear Mom utter in ecstasy.
While I wished that the guy would stop taking advantage of my Mom, there was yet another part of me that wanted him to do it even harder than what he was already doing. I wanted to hear her more, her passionate moans and exasperated breathing were nothing but music to my ears. But I shrugged off that thought.
Just as I reached the basement of our apartment, the phone had grown silent for a few minutes now. Exiting the lift to our floor, I saw a guy exiting our house as he donned his shoes before closing the gate behind him. Bingo. I didn’t know why but perhaps it was out of reflex or maybe even fear that I ducked to the side, away from his line of sight as he walked to the lift and went down, leaving.
I then returned back home. After locking the door, I could see her room door slightly ajar with light peeking out of it. Knowing full well what had already happened from within, curiosity still got the better of me as I sneaked across the corridor. As I closed in the distance between the room, the stench of alcohol punched me right in the nose. Yeah, she’s definitely drunk.
Not making a single sound to the extent of even holding my breath, I decided to peek inside. There wasn’t any movement within the lit room. All I could see was my Mom butt naked, laying on the bed seemingly unconscious. She was laying on her back and I could see her modest chest rising up and down each time she took a breath. Both her slender legs were plopped up just like the missionary position.
Was that the position where the stranger did her in? One minute, two minutes, three minutes. The clock in the living room ticked as I continued staring at her body. There wasn’t any response as I determined that she was completely knocked out cold. I then slowly pushed open the door but was met with a slight resistance as my eyes wandered downwards.
Her black bra was on the ground by the door. I pushed it aside as I slid into the room. There, I admired my defenseless Mom in her birthday suit in full glory. Her clothes were scattered everywhere and her black panties were on her right ankle. Other than the pungent smell of alcohol waffling about in the room, I could smell something else coming out from her crotch as well.
Amongst her black pubes that covered the majority of her entrance had she not been spread open, I could see a trail of white liquid flowing out from her brown slit. Oh my god, did that guy cum inside of Mom? Was today even a safe day? From what I knew, Mom had yet to menopause so that act in itself was dangerous. What if she becomes pregnant?
Should I clean her up to somehow minimize the chance of that? I pondered to myself. Yeah. That was what I was supposed to do and yet, something within me told me otherwise.
“Why clean up after her? Let her wake up to this state, let her realize her drunken folly. Let the guilt sink into her of what had transpired tonight,“ a voice within my head rang.
That’s right. She wanted this. I convinced myself despite the moral compass stating otherwise. I mean, if she was sober enough to direct the stranger to our home. Definitely she had consented to the sex, otherwise, I would have heard some form of resistance from the phone. Yeah, she wanted this. Being drunk is not an excuse for cheating on Dad despite her being the one accusing him of doing so.
In other words, she wanted affection. She craved for the attention that a guy can give her. She earnestly seeks for the pleasure of a man’s touch. She’s no more than just a slut.
Devious thoughts that should never cross my mind emerged as I stared at the spectacle before me. I then walked out of the room and went into my room to retrieve my camera. Taking photos of her vulnerable state, I then turned off the lights of her room without doing anything else. She will realize what has happened when she wakes up the next morning.
“Sweet dreams, Mom,“ I giggled. This was just the start of the nightmare.