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My Best Friend's Daughter: Part I-Temptation

"John is tempted by the teasing and flirtatious behavior of his best friend's daughter"

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Legendary Story
My Best Friend’s Daughter-Part One: Temptation

John lived in Nottingham, between Manchester and Birmingham in the UK. At 43 John’s life was a bit of a mess and although he had a good legal practice and financial success he was just not very happy. There hadn’t been a serious woman for ages and John just didn’t seem to have the inclination or energy to go to clubs or anywhere and find “Mrs. Right”. Consequently it had been years since John had been on the receiving end of a wild fuckfest.

John’s best friend Patrick lived close by with his wonderful sexy wife Katherine and their two smoking hot daughters Emily and Gabby. While John had become a lawyer, Patrick had done accounting and become a successful actuary. Patrick had found his sultry wife at university and proceeded to impregnate her as soon as they got hitched.

The large home and backyard pool were a testament to Patrick’s success. While John had made even more money than Patrick he certainly didn’t have his own smoking hot wife like Katherine. Nor did John have two hot and very smart daughters (both admitted to top universities) to impress people with. John felt in comparison to Patrick’s life, his life was vacuous and empty.

Patrick’s daughters were like family to John. Emily, at nineteen, was already well into her university studies. Gabby, who turned sixteen a few weeks ago, had just graduated high school and would be starting a health and social work degree in the fall. Both girls were natural blonds with tight firm bodies. John couldn’t help it, but he often had sexual thoughts around the girls now that they were older and their bodies had changed.

Since both girls called him “Uncle John” he knew his lustful feelings were entirely wrong and John did his best to drive these thoughts away. Patrick felt he had to take John under his wing and his sexy wife Katherine was always trying to set him up with her single girlfriends. John invariably spent a lot of time at their house, as they felt somewhat protective of him.

This summer weekend was no different and John was again at Patrick’s house in the backyard for a barbeque. Katherine was in the house making a salad and Emily and Gabby were in the pool splashing about. John would casually cast glances at Emily and Gabby’s sexy bikini clad bodies from behind his dark sunglasses. Emily in her Pokka dot blue and white bikini looked very cute, but Gabby in her very tiny yellow bikini looked amazing and John’s eyes kept getting pulled in Gabby’s direction as if by a magnet. Patrick was trying to talk to John about taking a vacation.

“But what do you mean no vacation? You’ve got to go somewhere John and take a break.”

John looked at his friend and sighed. John had on a light blue polo shirt, tan shorts, sandals and wore his expensive sunglasses. He certainly looked slim and fit and much younger than his years as he sipped a Stella in the hot sun. John explained to Patrick that he just didn’t feel like going anywhere on his own anymore. He’d rather work. At least, he felt, work provides some distraction. Patrick discussed this further and then went into the house to talk with his wife. Later he came out and talked to John again.

“Look man. Katherine and I talked. Why don’t you come with us to Majorca? We have a little two-bedroom guesthouse beside our villa and you could chill out and relax. The beaches are gorgeous. Lots of nice single tourist girls too. Who knows you might get “lucky” if you know what I mean.“

John smiled and really appreciated his friend’s concern. He also chuckled to himself as like all men, they both always had sex on their minds. “Lucky” indeed--he wished. John argued with Patrick and their voices became a bit animated. John explained that he’d feel like a third-wheel hanging about on their family vacation. Patrick tried his best to convince his good friend.

“Look man, come along. You’ll be a big help actually. These two teenage girls are more than a handful now and Katherine and I barely have time alone. Especially Gabby, she’s a bit of a wild one. She’s in a rock band now. Did you know that? You could take over so Katherine and I can have a romantic night out. What do you say buddy?”

As John pondered the situation Gabby, who was now sunning her tight young body in her stunning and very revealing yellow bikini only a few feet away turned to look at him. John was bedazzled by her body and for some reason he just thought to himself, “mmm she looks so delicious”. John quickly tries to drive the image of his tongue between Gabby’s thighs from his mind. My god she’s so young! Before he really has time to collect himself properly Gabby jumps up and scampers over to John. Gabby plops her tight cute ass right in John’s lap and wraps her arms around his neck playfully while putting a faux pout on her face with a big fat curled bottom lip.

“Yussh! C’mon Uncle John? Don’t want to keep an eye on me while mom and dad sneak away to have some naughty “adult” fun?”

Her father looks at Gabby completely exasperated and thinks to him self “sixteen-year-old girls”.

“You see John? You see what I mean? This girl can look you straight in the eyes and lie. She’s intolerable! She uses words that don’t even exist in the English language.”

Patrick looks at John with an expression as if to say, “What can I do?” He talks sternly to his daughter,

“Gabby, you’re going get John all wet. Your suit is still wet. Get off his lap now! You see what I mean John, she’s uncontrollable.”

Gabby smirks a flirtatious smirk and bats her long eyelashes at John. She smiles and turns to look John right in the eyes.

“Come with us on vacation. I promise you it will be fun. A lot of exciting things to do in Majorca you know.”

John feels Gabby’s sixteen-year-old tight ass pressing on his crotch and tries gallantly not to get hard, but is failing. John’s cock is swelling a little despite his valiant attempts to keep it down. He’s afraid if it gets any harder Gabby is certain to feel it’s hardness against her ass and who knows what the little vixen will say out loud to her dad if that happened. It could be very embarrassing. He can’t help it but he just keeps thinking she’s just so damn delicious.

While John loved both girls, it was Gabby who really was able to pull his heartstrings. For some reason the two of them had always gotten along really well and Gabby had confided many of her troubles and secrets to John over the years. John still remembered the day Gabby had pulled him aside to the family room and talked to him about her first crush. Gabby was almost trembling with nervousness and so cute and adorable as she talked to “uncle John” about her growing interest in boys. John knew at that point that Gabby’s sixteen-year-old hormones were in full gear and things were bound to happen soon.

John had talked to Gabby about how boys should treat girls and she had listened eagerly. They had talked for hours that day and John still remembered Gabby’s sweet teenage tears as she talked about her need and desire for love from a perfect boy. At one point Gabby got very emotional with tears pouring from her eyes she clung to John in a tight hug and the words had slipped out. Trembling in John’s arms Gabby admitted in a soft whisper that she really fantasized about being loved by a man, not a boy like the ones at school.

John had been confused that day by what Gabby said, but again he pushed it to the far reaches of his mind knowing his thoughts were so, so wrong. John had gently spoken to Gabby about how to make sure a man respects you, treats you like a princess, but also adores your mind and your personality and treats you like an equal. John had talked about how men like to buy flowers, give little gifts, write poems and exchange little touches and glances during the day to convey their love and desire for the girl they are besotted with. Most importantly John had impressed on Gabby that her “first time” should be with someone she really truly wanted to share it with and not because some pimply boy was pressuring her for sex.

Gabby turns and looks back at her father.

“Yussh! I don’t think Uncle John minds me sitting in his lap. Do you Uncle John?”

Gabby looks at John with sparkling laughter and a lilting flirtatious mirth in her eyes. Gabby’s words are almost like a challenge and for some reason John feels a sexual tension and undercurrent he can’t quite explain. His mind is a-swirl and he is quite sure his face looks confused. John attempts to laugh off her comment and retorts,

“Oh, of course not, doesn’t matter about these old shorts Patrick, I’d never complain about my little Gabby sitting in my lap. Well I don’t know….”

John’s voice trails off, but after a little more prodding from the beguiling Gabby John relents and agrees to accompany them on their two-week family holiday to Majorca. Gabby becomes extremely giddy and animated and without warning she leans in and kisses John on the cheek, but so close to his lips he feels his body tremor with excitement, he sexual interest more than a little piqued. Gabby then snuggles her head right in the crook of his neck and whispers,

“Okilly Dokilly then, it’s all set. John you won’t regret coming for one second. You are going to have more fun than you could ever dream of.”

The feel of Gabby’s soft warm lips touching his ear and the confusing softly spoken words with what seems like a sexual innuendo turn John’s heart upside down and sideways. Was she implying what I think she’s implying John wonders to himself? No, that’s ridiculous he says to him self. Again John tries to dismiss his sexual speculation and drive his “bad thoughts” away? John’s cock, however, is not cooperating and grows much thicker and harder. Gabby wiggles her tight ass in his lap and pulls away looking deep into John’s eyes.

“Spend lots of time with me ok John? I don’t want you running away at night to the clubs and chasing those hot bikini bodied tourist girls from Sweden. Every day with me, ok? You promise?”

John chuckled and promised Gabby that he certainly would spend everyday with her. This elicited another kiss that missed his lips by perhaps a millimeter? John felt so guilty, but he loved having Gabby on his lap and holding her in his arms. She leaned in and whispered in his ear again so her dad couldn’t hear.

“Thanks John, you sure know how to give a girl lots and lots of tingles. I love you so much.”

A bolt shot through John like lightning. The word “love” spoken like that, softly, Gabby’s moist warm lips touching his ear, her warm moist breath caressing his skin, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. John couldn’t help it, but his cock thumped up against Gabby’s ass pulsing with a flood of blood. Gabby pulled back upon feeling the pulse against her bum and her eyes widened in surprise and she grinned looking right in John’s eyes with what John thought might be a hint of teenage lust? He must be going crazy John thought to himself. John was transported by Gabby’s words and the look in Gabby’s eyes and without thinking, in a daze almost; he put his lips to Gabby’s ear and softly whispered so his friend Patrick could not hear.

“I love you too Gabby.”

John is almost shocked by what he has just said to his little Gabby. His heart is beating wildly and he hopes that Gabby will understand he means “love” in an “uncle” sort of way. But does he? John is more than confused and his hard cock does not help remedy his confusion. Nor do his eyes, which wander down Gabby’s front to gaze at her firm little breasts barely covered only by the small yellow triangles of fabric, her nipples slightly protruding.

Gabby pulls back, her face radiant. John has never seen her look this happy or beautiful before. Gabby grabs John’s hand and pops up from his lap, bouncing on the spot like a cute little bunny.

“John! John! It’s only a few days. Come help me pick out which bikinis and clothes I should bring.”

Gabby looks excitedly at her dad.

“Daddy can I steal your best friend for a few minutes to help me with my packing? Please daddy? Please daddy? Just a few minutes.”

Her father again looks at Gabby with total confusion and exasperation. How in hell does any father deal with a sixteen-year-old girl he wonders? Patrick chuckles and laughs at his cute daughter.

“Well honey I’m sure it’s the last thing Uncle John wants to do. But if he’s willing to assist you in this clothing crisis then by all means drag him away from a good chat with your daddy and a cold Stella.”

Gabby looks excitedly at John, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. She grabs his hand and doesn’t give John a chance to make a choice pulling him eagerly towards the house. Gabby pulls John into the house and drags him towards her room. Inside her room John can’t help gazing at Gabby’s body as she turns towards her large walk-in closet, his cock getting harder and harder looking at her flared hips and tight sexy ass.

Gabby proceeds to pull out several bikinis and they discuss the relative merits of each. Gabby seems focused on how “sexy” or “hot” John thinks each bikini is. John finally throws up his arms and says,

“Look Gabby, you can wear any of those bikinis and look sexy and hot. It’s you and your body, your cute bum, that are sexy and hot.”

Gabby stops dead in her tracks and looks at John deeply in the eyes. She glides across the three steps that separate them and without giving him any chance to retreat leans in and kisses him softly on the lips.

“How come you always know exactly the right thing to say to make me feel wonderful? Do you really think my bum is cute?”

Gabby giggles and smirks pushing her bum out and wiggling it teasingly in combination with her flirtatious question. John’s body tingles from Gabby’s kiss. Is that strawberry he tastes? His eyes dance across Gabby’s face, which is lit up with the most wonderful smile. John stammers and attempts some form of retort that will put the relationship back on its old footing, but fails to find any words, his tongue all a-tangle. Gabby doesn’t seem at all interested in John’s inner struggles and does a rapid pirouette and exclaims,

“Okilly dokilly, let’s pick dresses now John! Mommy says I’m old enough to go to a club this trip, so we need to be prepared. Mommy thinks I’m old enough for a lot of things now.”

The ensuing display of the shortest and sexiest mini skirts and dresses, short boy shorts and assorted sexy clothes are enough to make John’s cock pulse and throb like it hasn’t in years. Finally Gabby pulls out an incredibly sexy and short red club dress. She announces she will try it on and show John.

“Mom and I bought it the other day. She thinks it’s perfect for what I have planned for Majorca. But mom’s a girl, you’re a man; I want a man’s opinion.”

Gabby turns her back to John and he could swear she sticks her ass out a little to tease him some more. Gabby cranes her neck around and asks,

“Yussh, John, will you be a sweetheart and unhook my bikini top?”

John’s fingers fumble and his hands tremble slightly as he gently pulls and twists to separate the silver latch on her bikini top. The touch of Gabby’s warm silky soft skin on his finger tips is so tantalizing he wants to glide them over her shoulders, touch her neck, stroke her hair. John restrains himself with the greatest willpower he can muster. Gabby giggles as the latch springs free and she holds the bikini in the front against her breasts so it doesn’t completely fall away and quickly retreats into the walk-in closet to change.

“No peaking John.

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Close your eyes. I’m naked now.”

John’s brain is swirling with images of Gabby’s slim, firm, tight young sixteen-year-old body naked. John especially imagines Gabby’s small and firmly rounded “B” breasts and what he imagines are light pink nipples that he can suck and turn into little hard pellets in his mouth. John’s mouth waters and he closes his eyes as Gabby has requested. Visions of Gabby’s firm naked rounded ass push past his feeble mental resistance and play with his mind and play with his cock.

John hears Gabby moving and she calls out,

“Okie dokie! Open your eyes John and tell me what you think.”

John opens his eyes and before him is a new Gabby. This Gabby does not look sixteen at all! This is a more mature looking Gabby in the most stunning spaghetti strap red club dress; all he can think is “wow”! The beautiful dress has bare shoulders with a tight bodice around her firm beautiful breasts and is cut teasingly low enough to show the tops of her softly swelling little mounds.


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Written by flytoomuch
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