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"Matty enters college, shares apartment with older step-brother"

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Matty was really excited when she got her acceptance letter into University of Wisconsin. Best of all, she was going to get to live off campus with her step-brother, who was entering his junior year. She had always been very close to her brother, Marty…or, as she had called him since she was a baby, Bubby. The whole family thought it was cute, and the Bubby name had stuck. Their parents decided that it made more sense financially to move Bubby into a two bedroom apartment and let Matty live with him. Plus, he could keep an eye on her. It would be her first time living away from her parents.

The huge campus was daunting during their campus visit; Matty had always lived in a small town in Minnesota. The student enrollment was much larger than the town she had grown up in. But with Bubby to help her get acclimated, she was certain that she would be fine. And several of her friends from high school were attending U of W.

The weekend before classes began, the whole family drove up. Matty rode with Bubby, while her parents followed. Her parents didn’t feel they needed separate cars, so they would share a car while at school. Everything you could possibly want was on campus. When their parents left the next day, amid admonishments to study hard and stay out of trouble, she finally felt that she was really on her own.

The next month was a whirlwind; college was so much different than high school, and Matty had always had to work hard to make the grades. Everything always seemed to come so easy for Bubby. Fortunately, he checked her homework, helped her study, and lent moral support when she was feeling overwhelmed. By her second month, she really was beginning to feel that she was getting it.

As an upperclassman, Bubby had gotten priority registration and didn’t have to take any early courses. But in order to get the pre-requisites that she needed, Matty had to sign up for eight o’clock courses. One Tuesday, she quietly left early, trying not to wake her brother, who was still in bed. Tiptoeing past his closed bedroom door, she grabbed her backpack and left.

Halfway to class, she realized that her homework was still on her desk, where she had been reviewing it with Bubby the night before. She figured she might just have time to hurry back, pick it up and still make class on time. Slipping the key into the lock of her front door, she quietly entered the apartment, making sure to keep the door from slamming.

She tiptoed to her room, noticing that Bubby’s door was cracked a bit. Figuring he probably got up to pee, then went back to bed, she quietly got her homework and began to leave. When she got to Bubby’s doorway, she could see in his room. His bedroom window had eastern exposure, so though the blinds were drawn, enough light shone between the slats to allow her to clearly see him on his bed.

He was lying on his back, totally nude, holding a pair of Matty’s panties to his face while holding his very erect dick. Her heart sunk in her chest; she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. He was smelling the scent of her used panties while jerking himself off. Her heart raced in her chest, the seconds seeming like hours. Frozen like a deer in headlights, she was unable to rouse herself to get out of there for a moment.
Bubby grunted, and a wad of sperm shot out of his dick onto his chest before he could cover it with a wash cloth that he had. Writhing in the bed, his legs outstretched in front of him, he groaned as the rest of his load oozed into the wash cloth.

Matty stepped away from the door, a million feelings and thoughts racing through her mind. She left as quickly and quietly as she could. She didn’t remember anything discussed in class that day; she couldn’t concentrate on anything. All she could think of was the sight of her brother smelling her soiled panties while playing with that hard, large dick.

The dick had seemed impossibly large, but Matty had no basis for comparison. She had never seen one before. She had accidentally walked in on Bubby or her father in the bathroom a couple of times, but not when they were erect. Maybe all boys were that large when it was hard. She didn’t understand how that tool would be able to fit in a girl’s vagina; perhaps that was why she had heard that it was painful.

She dreaded going back to her apartment that afternoon. Had Bubby heard her leave, and realized that she had seen him? She didn’t think she could overcome the embarrassment if he knew that she had seen him sniffing her panties. And why would he do so anyway; especially his own step-sister’s?

Realizing that she couldn’t stay gone forever, she returned to the apartment. After eating a bite of lunch, she went into her bathroom and looked in the hamper. There, on top of the pile, were the blue panties that Bubby had fondled. Picking them up, she sniffed the crotch. The smell wasn’t overpowering, but they had definitely been worn for a day. She couldn’t understand why anyone would want to smell them.

Looking in Bubby’s hamper, she found the used wash cloth on top of the pile. Unfolding it, she felt the stickiness and held it to her nose. It was a smell unlike any she had smelled. It had a unique scent, almost like chlorine but without burning the nose like chlorine.

She tried to concentrate on completing her homework that she had been assigned that day. By the time Bubby came home an hour and a half later, she was almost done. He seemed in an especially good mood, and greeted her warmly before offering to check her homework.

Matty was really relieved. Apparently he didn’t know that she had seen him, or at least he was going to act like nothing happened. Either way, she wouldn’t have to deal with the embarrassment of talking about it. Still, she couldn’t believe that her Bubby would do such a thing.

That night, as she lay in bed, she could think of nothing but Bubby's erection. It was so large, and when it convulsed, shooting a wad of sperm, it surprised and shocked her. It was the first time she had ever seen a man cum; or seen a hard dick, for that matter. The more she thought about it, the more aroused she became. She replayed the mental image of the dick shooting a wad of cum over and over.

She had never had such strong feelings of arousal, and had no idea how to act on them, since she had never had an orgasm. Her strict, Lutheran upbringing made her too ashamed to touch herself, and she was still a virgin at eighteen. She lay awake for hours, tossing and turning, hormones raging through her young body.

Over the next couple of weeks, Matty kept an eye on her hamper for any signs of intrusion. Sure enough, she noticed that the panties weren’t always in the same exact position in her hamper when she returned from class, and there would be a damp washcloth in his hamper or a folded up paper towel in his trashcan with that unique smell.

She didn’t know what to do about it; she tried hiding all her panties at the bottom of the hamper. She tried doing laundry more often. But she couldn’t keep all her panties laundered every day, and she had to leave to go to class. Though she knew he was doing it, she couldn’t do anything about it unless she confronted him, and she couldn’t bring herself to do that.

She couldn’t discuss it with her friends, it was too embarrassing. Her friends talked about boys all the time. They were all on the pill; she felt she was the only person in the world that was still a virgin. When they found out she wasn’t using birth control, they talked her into going to the free clinic in town and getting a prescription. Better safe than sorry, they told her.

They were right; she wasn’t going to be a virgin forever, and when the time came, she couldn’t risk an unwanted pregnancy. She winced when she thought about filling the prescription, thinking of all the promises she had made to her parents to go to church every week. She had been one time in the first two months.

One Saturday morning, she woke up at eight, since she was accustomed to getting up early for class. She didn’t bother to put on her robe when she went to pee, since Bubby was a late sleeper, especially on weekends. Surprisingly, he was already awake and saw her come out of her room in nothing but a plain white tee shirt and a skimpy pair of panties, her usual sleepwear when it wasn’t cold.

Blushing, she rushed past him into the bathroom, regretting that she had left her robe in her room. She peed, then brushed her teeth and her hair. Coming out of the bathroom, she went to her room and put on a pair of running shorts.

Like many of the girls in Minnesota, her northern European lineage exhibited itself in blond hair, blue eyes and straight, white teeth. People told her she was very pretty, but she had always wished she was more shapely. Her hips were a little too narrow for her liking and her breasts were way smaller than the popular girls at her high school had. She didn’t love her body, and had never been inclined to show it off.

“What are you doing up so early?” she asked nonchalantly as she came out of her room.

“I want to get the housework done early, so I can watch the football game with friends this afternoon. The tailgate party starts at noon. You want to come?”

“Sure,” she said.

They had made an agreement the very first week that they would share the housework every Saturday before doing anything else. That meant vacuuming, laundry, mopping, dusting, ironing, and cleaning the bathtub and toilet. It took them a couple of hours, but then they were done for the week. Their apartment certainly wasn’t immaculate, but at least it wasn’t a sty either. They had stuck to the arrangement every week so far.

Matty separated the laundry while Bubby loaded the dishwasher, then she sent him to the laundry room with some quarters. They spent the morning cleaning, occasionally going to the laundry room to take care of the loads. When Matty began folding the cleaned laundry, she noticed that one of her pair of panties was missing. She had counted them before sending them with Bubby, so she was certain he had taken a pair.

While Bubby was a very attractive young man, and had always been good at sports and academics, he was painfully shy around girls. So he was as inexperienced with the opposite sex as Matty was. But at twenty, he was in his sexual prime, his hormones controlling his thoughts.

A twenty year old male is basically a dick with a life support system attached. When the dick has been recently tended to, it can receive messages from a brain far away within the life support system. Messages such as, You shouldn’t think about her that way. She’s your sister. Or messages such as, Don’t take her panties, she’s your sister, you pervert.

But when the dick is hungry, it gets angry and hard, and loses the ability to process those messages. It can only think about its needs, and its needs are to be rubbed until it spews its load. At such times, a used pair of panties that recently covered a female’s pussy is too tempting to resist. The fresh scent of pussy, combined with the mental image of Matty bouncing around the apartment in her t-shirt without a bra was a powerful intoxicant. Sometimes, when he was in the right position, he was able to see down her top as she leaned over.

He knew it was wrong, and he felt terrible about it after he shot his load, but he got so overpoweringly horny he just couldn’t help himself. It just isn’t natural for a sexually frustrated twenty year old male to cohabitate with an eighteen year old, nubile young female and not take her, even if it is his step-sister. He had an erection constantly, unless he had taken care of himself within the last twelve hours. Sometimes he masturbated more than once in a day, but almost always at least once. He desperately wanted to feel a girls breasts and feel her pussy wrapped around his dick while he pounded her, but he just didn’t know how to go about it.

Matty was aware that he was masturbating frequently. She often noticed that his dick was hard, even though he wore baggy basketball shorts around the apartment. Alone in her bed at night, she thought about that hard dick all the time. In her fantasies, a man with Bubby’s body and dick took her virginity, but she never envisioned a face attached to the body. She thought only of the feeling of being entered by that hard dick while held in a man’s powerful arms.

After they finished cleaning the apartment, they went to the stadium for the tailgate party, then sat in the student section to root on their team. That night, back in their apartment, Bubby was lying on the couch watching TV, dressed in his normal outfit; a baggy pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Matty was sitting at the end of the couch, Bubby’s feet in her lap. She wore a short pair of running shorts and a t-shirt without a bra, as was customary when she was at the apartment. Her small breasts jiggled noticeably within the clingy material when she leaned forward or got up.

When Bubby got up to get a drink, she could tell that he had an erection. On his way to the kitchen, he adjusted his dick within his underwear. The rest of the evening she stole glances at his crotch. She feared it would be another restless night. She longed to meet a man. She was desperately horny all the time.
Sure enough, she lay in bed, unable to sleep, thinking about a man taking her. Her fantasies were more graphic than they had ever been before. Her need was so great, she didn’t think she could stand it. Her pussy was almost painfully aroused. She lightly brushed against her nipples through the t-shirt. They were stiff and erect, and very sensitive.

Unable to restrain herself any longer, she reached inside her panties and touched herself. Dipping two fingers inside her moist, warm cunt, she held them to her nose; it was the same scent, only stronger, that Bubby smelled on her panties. Dipping her fingers back inside her, she pulled them out and ran them up her slit.

When she touched her clit, she jumped, a bit startled. It was as though she had been shocked by a jolt of electricity that ran through her entire body. After the initial surprise, she tried it again…and again. She ran her fingers up and down her slit, dipping them into her soggy vagina, then running them up to her clit.
She had never felt anything so deliciously wicked. Lying flat on her back, her knees bent and spread apart, she dipped her fingers into her pussy time and again, rubbing up and down her slit, playing with her clit.
She stopped only long enough to frantically strip her panties off, kicking them aside. Now she could spread her legs and play with herself without any obstructions. She had never before felt the feelings that rubbing her pussy brought. She knew nothing of the female anatomy, but it didn’t take her long to become proficient at pleasing herself.

She imagined herself being held in the arms of a faceless man with a body that looked exactly like Bubby’s while he penetrated her deeply with a dick that looked exactly like Bubby’s, ready to squirt its load of sperm as she had seen Bubby’s squirt. The man was groaning, just as Bubby had done before she saw a wad of cum shoot out of his dick.

The image of the dick was so keen, she forgot for a moment she was all alone in her bed. Her climax hit her unexpectedly and crashed over her intensely. She cried out, then growled a low, long growl.

“Awww, she cried, then, “Ohhhh, myyyy, aww”.

Catching herself suddenly, she stifled further impulses to groan or moan. She lay perfectly still, her heart pounding in her chest, the waves of her first orgasm still washing over her, and listened intently to see if Bubby had heard her. Had she really groaned out loud? She couldn’t tell.

In his room, Bubby heard her cry out, then had heard her muffled moaning. Was something wrong? He listened attentively. Perhaps it was only a dream. Should he check on her? Was it what it sounded like it might be? Did girls do that too? He had never thought about it. How could they? They don’t have a dick. Maybe they have their own, unique way to masturbate.

Thinking of Matty lying in bed, playing with herself, just as he often did, he began to get aroused. He had already squirted in the shower that very morning, but when he reached into his underwear and held himself, it felt so good that he knew he would get no sleep until he took care of it.

He reached down onto the floor and picked up one of his socks, then quietly peeled off his underwear. He reached into his pillowcase and pulled out the pair of...

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Written by Sweetdreemz
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