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Master of The House - Chapter Three - Maria and Gwen

"Stepsister gets lessons on how to fuck her stepbrother."

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Man, it's cold outside. Temp feels like zero, and Christmas is still three days away. Maria and I have been snuggling in front of the fireplace for more than a month now. It seems that most of our love making sessions lately, start there.

For my nineteenth birthday Maria arranged for a weekend away at a neighboring city hotel. It was probably the best present I could be given. If we weren't in bed having sex, we were either at the restaurant or in the public pool. Maria, myself, and sex, seems to be my life now. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy. I must admit that a forty-five year old woman can bring a nineteen year old man to his knees. The sex is fantastic and abundant. Maria has an almost insatiable appetite for sex.

Maria and I had just finished dinner when her cell beeped. Maria had just received a text from Gwen. "no ride needed, have 1, will explain."

Maria texted back, "who".

"marsha traxler from westport".

Westport is a town that is about fifteen miles from here. Maria and I have been there a few times ourselves. Maria quickly looked up the name and town on the internet. There was a Harvey Traxler along with his wife Celia and a daughter Marsha. Everything looked legit and Maria was satisfied.

Maria texted Gwen back, "Okay, let me know when you leave, keep me posted. luv mom."

Maria and I finished the dishes and sat down to watch our favorite TV program. It was the season finale. The program went all out, making sure we would be back for the next season. I shut the TV off and we listened to some romantic music. We were laying on the couch with our arms around each other. Maria was in a warm kissyface mood tonight. We kissed and hugged for awhile before we decided to head for the bedroom. My hand down the front of her panties probably didn't have anything to do with that. She was wet, but then, Maria was always wet around me.

We stood by the bed and hugged, and kissed some more. I pulled away and unbuttoned her blouse. Maria has taken up the habit of not wearing a bra at home. I'm sure she uses her beasts to tease me, and it works. I lifted her left tit and kissed her nipple. Maria's nipples are large, almost as round as a dime. They protrude at least a half an inch. Sometimes I latch onto one of them when she is sitting and I'm laying across her lap. She wants me to, so why not? I've sucked on her for a half an hour or more. She sure gets wet when I do that. The sex is always great after those sessions.

I stripped her of all her clothes and she reciprocated with mine. Maria lay back and pulled me on top of her. Her legs spread, she took my cock and aimed it at her vagina. I simply thrust my hips forward and my cock sunk into her wet pussy. Maria put her heels on my buttocks and pulled me forward. I was in her as deep as my cock was long. I started to fuck her, and she held me close to her body. We enjoyed a very loving fuck that night. Maria climaxed at least once, and when I came, I pumped a lot of cum into her. Maria likes the way my cock throbs inside her. She says, "It makes her feel good that she can make my cock throb so hard. It makes her feel more like a sexy woman."

The next two days were kind of hectic. Maria did her last minute grocery shopping. She is an outstanding cook, and I knew Christmas dinner would be a real feast. Gwen would be home today and Maria was so looking forward to seeing and being with her daughter again. I was looking forward to Gwen's arrival too, I like my step-sister.

It was late afternoon when Gwen arrived home. The sun was just setting. Maria ran out to greet Gwen. Maria was hugging and kissing her daughter. I helped Gwen carry in her suitcases. The one I carried felt like it had an engine block in it, it was so heavy.

When we were all in the house, Gwen asked for a cup of tea.

"I'll make you one," I said. "What kind?"

"Green, please and thank you, Justin."

I made the tea while Maria and Gwen chatted. They were in Gwen's bedroom unpacking Gwen's suitcases. I overheard Maria say, "My god, that is a big dildo! Why so big? Does it hurt?"

I could hear that Gwen responded, but I couldn't make out the words. The two women returned to the kitchen. Maria poured herself a cup of coffee and I handed Gwen her fresh brewed tea. Maria made a light supper of sandwiches and chips. Gwen finished her tea and said, "She was tired, from the ride, and wanted to sleep."

After Gwen left, I helped clear the dishes while Maria filled the dishwasher. I left for the livingroom to watch TV. Maria came and sat with me awhile before we went to bed.

We made love again that night. A quiet love session this time. Maria masturbated while I fucked her and as she cum, I did also. My cock was deep in her as it throbbed and that set her off again. She milked my cock dry before I rolled off of her. Maria put her hand in her crotch and raced for the bathroom. Usually I went and cleaned up first and brought her a warm washcloth. She did the honors this time.

"Man, you cum a lot. Your cum filled up my hand."

"If you want, I'll pull out next time and shoot my cum on your tits and belly."

"Fuck no! Your cum belongs in my cunt, got that?"

I didn't answer her, I just kissed her goodnight and we dropped off to sleep. Tomorrow was Christmas and we all were looking forward to being the little family unit that we were.

Christmas was great. My gifts to Maria and Gwen made a big hit with them. They both gave me gifts that I not only liked, but needed. Maria and Gwen spent the morning preparing dinner. Maria served a big ham for dinner. Along with all the other veggies that Gwen and I like. We were stuffed and I fell asleep in the chair while watching TV.

I woke up from all the giggling that was coming from the kitchen. Gwen was telling Maria about some college kid she went to bed with. He was a virgin, and came all over her before he even fucked her. She gave him a pity-fuck, in the end, it turned out good. He was a fast learner and did what felt good to him. Turned out it was good for Gwen also, and she had some very good orgasms.

They talked awhile longer before calling it a night. Before going to bed, we thanked each other for the nice gifts we received. Gwen went to her bedroom and Maria and I went to our bedroom.

We undressed each other and crawled into bed. Our love making was quiet, Maria didn't want Gwen to hear us. Maria was getting close to having an orgasm, and she started talking dirty. When she came, she let out quiet little sounds, somewhat like squeaks. Her orgasm must have been good because it lasted longer than normal. I climaxed also, my cock was just inside of her. I watched my cock move as I pumped my cum, spurt after spurt. Some was leaking out of Maria's pussy, just the tip of my cockhead was in her.

I think I heard our bedroom door close, I couldn't be sure though, the door was closed tight when I looked. I wondered if Gwen was watching us fuck again. I might set up the nanny cam next time. I wanted to know if she really was watching us.

The next morning Maria was happily frying sausages when I came into the kitchen. Gwen was already drinking coffee.

"Want some coffee, Hon?" Maria asked me.

Gwen didn't wait for me to answer, she was already pouring me a cup. Gwen smiled when she handed me the cup. "Hmmm." Could it be she was watching us fuck last night?

Maria's back was to us when Gwen whispered, "Nice job last night. Keep it up, she's very happy."

I whispered that I would. Gwen was watching us make love, she had just confirmed it. I also wondered why Gwen was so interested in watching us. The next chance I get, I will have to ask her.

Maria set plates for all three of us on the table. Gwen started talking with her mom about how happy her mom seemed. Maria told her that she was over her last marriage. So long and good riddance to him. When they started talking about Maria and I, I downed my breakfast, bundled up, and headed outside.

I shoveled last night's snow from the sidewalks, and cleaned up the stoops at the same time. It was cold out, so I didn't stay out any longer than I had to. I think I'm going to move to a warmer climate after college. I'll pack up Maria and take her along. Gwen can come too if she wants.

I stayed out of the ladies way the rest of the morning. I read my email and looked for new swim trunks for next summer. Maybe I could talk Maria into getting a hot tub, our backyard was fairly private. There was a high fence all around the lot. If anyone wanted to see into our backyard, they would have to use a ladder. High fence and ranch houses all around made for real privacy.

Gwen made us roast beef sandwiches for lunch. They were very good along with the homemade soup. I have to be careful what I eat or I'll be getting fat, these two women know how to cook and feed a guy. I don't know how the conversation came about, but we started talking about the coming summer. I thought this might be a good time to bring up a subject that I had been thinking about for a long time.

"Maria, what do you think about getting a hot tub? It would be nice for next summer. I'm sure Gwen and you both would like to relax in it. I know I would."

"Never thought of it, Justin. Do some research and show me what you think would be nice. I kinda of like the idea myself."

"Oh good, Mom, that would be so cool. It would be a lot less expensive to buy and operate in comparison to a in-ground pool."

"We will look at Justin's research and make a decision then."

Gwen jumped up and kissed her mom and then laid a wet one on my lips. With Gwen on my side, it will be easy to convince her mother to go along with me.

I went back to my room and started my research. I googled a lot of tub images and looked at the websites of many. I run into some interesting reading about how people use their hot tub for sex parties. I narrowed my selection down to three tubs that I thought all of us would be satisfied with. Maria would make the final selection, that was something Gwen and I learned a long time ago.

Gwen came into my bedroom and asked, "Find anything interesting?"

"A few, call your mom and have her take a look along with you."

Gwen called her mother into my bedroom and we looked at the choices I had. Gwen liked one that was more like a pool spa. There was a bench around the outside edge and everyone's feet were in the middle. I liked that one also, it had a lot of possibilities for a swing party. My dirty mind was working overtime. Maria wanted to look at the others before making up her mind.

The second tub was more individualised, everyone had a certain place molded for their body to lay back in. Not as much freedom as tub one. Tub three was small and would only seat four people. Maria crossed that one off right away. The other two were available at the pool store in nearby Westport.

"Let's go to the store and check them out tomorrow," Maria said. "That way we can make a more informed decision. Let's write down our wants and the salesman can try to fit a tub to all our wants."

"Sounds like a plan," Gwen said as she stood up. "I'm going to my room to take a nap."

I looked at Maria and the look in her eyes said, "SEX." I was ready for some real good sex. Maria followed me into the bedroom and didn't close the door. I wondered if she had changed her mind about having sex. She stripped nude and crawled under the sheet. I did the same and we started making out. Maria is a very good kisser. It wasn't long and my hand was in her crotch. She was already very wet.

"Fuck me, Justin, I'm ready for your cock."

I slid my body between her legs and she guided my cock into her vagina. I slid right in, she was so wet. I wasn't in a "Slam, Bam, Thank you Ma'am" mood this afternoon. I wanted too really enjoy the warm wetness of Maria's pussy. I withdrew my cock until only the tip was in and then I slowly went back in until I ran out of cock length. Over and over, minute after minute, Maria was getting wetter and wetter. Her juices were making a big puddle on the sheets. It wasn't too much longer, and Maria had her first orgasm.

"Ohhh myyy goddd!", she exclaimed, as her pussy muscles tightened. Maria's whole body stiffened beneath me, as she shook with orgasmic tremors. Maria stayed in this orgasmic state for quite some time. I continued to fuck her just like I was doing before, except she was now holding me tight to her.

I had to lift myself up, I wanted the long strokes, and her holding me stopped that. Maria relaxed her arms and I continued. Only she was much wetter, I was losing some of the friction sensations I had enjoyed earlier. But just the thought that I could make her that wet, put me over the edge and I filled her with my cum. I stayed deep in her so she could feel my throbbing cock. That is one of the great sensations that she always wanted from me.

I glanced up and saw Gwen in Maria's dresser mirror. The side mirror was angled just right, and I could see her standing in the doorway, watching us. Her fingers were twisting her nipple while her other hand was down the front of her panties. She was rubbing her clit. When she saw that I was watching her, she stopped. Gwen smiled, but only for a second or two, before she continued her rubbing. I could see that she was close to climaxing, her eyes glazed over as her body shook. Gwen had a great orgasm.

I got off the bed and walked over to Gwen. "Did you enjoy watching?" I asked her.

"Oh god yes," she replied. "That was the best fucking ever. Maybe me next?"

Gwen went to her room, and I stayed with Maria. Maria was done for the afternoon, she was so relaxed that she fell asleep almost immediately. I sat on the edge of our bed, thinking about the open door.

I'm beginning to wonder if she left the door open on purpose? Did she want Gwen to see us making love? Is Maria an exhibitionist? There were now doubts in my mind that Maria wanted privacy while we fucked. But for what purpose? I'm sure that Gwen doesn't need instructions on fucking. She did very well the one and only time I fucked her. Maria must like to have sex in public. That's the only logical conclusion I could come to.

I lay back on the bed, but I could not fall asleep. I tossed and turned for some time before I decided to get up. Gwen would be in her room, so I walked to the kitchen nude. I saw light beneath her bedroom door, she must still be awake.

It was 5:00 PM, so I made myself a ham sandwich and poured a glass of cold milk. I was eating my sandwich when Gwen sneaked up behind me, and put her arms around my neck.

I jumped, "Damn, Girl, you scared the shit out of me."

She sat down in the chair opposite me. Gwen had a tank top on, nothing else.

"All your clothes dirty?" I asked her.

"Fuck you, I want to be comfortable," she snottily replied. "Since when don't you want to see a hot girl almost naked? My mom have you that tightly wound to her?"

"What hot girl?" I asked.

"Me asshole. You didn't mind fucking me the last time you were in my bed. Did you forget already?"

"Nope, you're a fine piece of ass. I wouldn't mind tapping that pussy of yours again."

"Sorry, not in the mood now."

Gwen must have been hungry, because she stood up and went to the refrigerator. After opening the door, she bent slightly, and I had a great view of her ass. Gwen has a fine ass that is topped by a narrow waist. Just made for fucking. What she wanted wasn't on the top shelf so she bent over to look on the bottom shelves.

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Written by NVMii
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