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Looking Out for the Neighbors

"Neighbor plays matchmaker for a young man and his step-aunt."

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My tongue was planted firmly in his cheek as he banged me. I made it a rule that if his cock was in my cunt, his tongue was in my mouth. While I do like kissing and fucking and kissing while fucking, the rule was in place just to be a rule. I had different rules for the different men in the cul-de-sac. In Rick’s case, I set it up because he liked to talk during sex. If I wanted conversation, I’d be fucking his wife. 

I came, he came, yada-yada, he rocked my world, I sent him away. Rick wasn’t bad in bed, he wasn’t great either, but living next door made him convenient. 

I know I’m a common topic amongst the local gossips, but none of the women seem to think that I’m banging any of their husbands. That includes Linda, Rick’s wife. She tells people she’s forty-one and 'admits’ to breast lifts, but not breast implants. She’s actually forty-seven and up a cup. I know because sometimes I let Rick talk. 

Both of their kids had moved out, but Linda’s brother’s step-son was staying with them for the summer while he interned part-time at Rick’s firm. Brian was a lean six feet tall. He ran, he swam, and he rode a bicycle, which accounted for his runner-swimmer-cycler’s body. His body is why God gave us Speedos. I wondered how much it would hurt my hand to give that hard, tight ass of his a good swat. I hadn’t completely dismissed the notion of finding out, but it wasn’t worth the risk since, you know, I was banging Rick. Besides, nephew or not, I figured Linda had to have been fucking him while Rick was either at work or working me. 

I intended to find out. 

It was after ten in the morning, so I loaded a coffee carafe with margaritas and knocked on Linda’s back door. She was wearing a yellow floral bikini with her bottom half ‘covered up’ with a sheer black maxi-skirt. Her boobs were implausibly upright, but not comically so. Growing up, her skinny daughter was unmercifully compared to her mother, and her son had more than one fight with his friends over this MILF. I had watched Linda as she flirted with those boys, but as far as I knew (and I knew a lot) she had never followed through with any of them. Pity. 

I poured our ‘coffee’ into travel mugs and got right to the point. “That nephew of yours is pretty hot, isn’t he?” 

Step-nephew and I hadn’t noticed.” 

“Liar. Like you hadn’t noticed your son’s friends all those years? The neighborhood boys? I know you don’t wear bikinis for your husband’s sake. Honey, I have watched you watch them and I have watched you watch your nephew.” 

“There’s nothing wrong with looking.” 

I topped off her mug. “Of course not. But wouldn’t you like a closer look? Wouldn’t you like him to look a little closer at you? Although, God knows that dressed like that and with tits like yours, he wouldn’t need to get too close.” I pushed her some more. “The boys all think you’re a MILF.” 

She blushed. “Well, I would expect so.” 

“Of course, you would! So why wouldn’t Brian? Why would you think he doesn’t commit all this to memory, practically naked and all, and whack himself raw? ‘Oh, Aunt Linda! Yes, Aunt Linda!’” 

“He’s my nephew!” 

Step-nephew.” I pretended to sip my drink. “You’re not telling me that you don’t fantasize about him?” I expected more protests, but she surprised me. 

“Why wouldn’t I? Why wouldn’t I fantasize about any of them?” 

“Good girl! Now you need to do something about it.” 

“I can’t. What about Rick?” 

A number of sarcastic statements raced through my head, but I finally said, “I don’t think Rick likes boys.” 

“Ugh! You’re no help. I can’t. I won’t.” 

“You could, you would and you should. Now go get yourself a cup of coffee–real coffee–and think about how we’re going to do this.” 


At first, I was satisfied that I had pointed Linda in the right direction, but it occurred to me that Brian might be reluctant as well. Sure, I’d seen him give his aunt the once-over when he thought nobody was looking, but there was always a slim chance that he might, maybe, actually reject the idea of fucking an almost-relative. So, I decided to have a friendly chat with him the next morning after his run. He was already in the pool when I got there. I was hoping he’d be skinny dipping or at least in a Speedo, but he was wearing his running shorts – his wet, clinging running shorts. 

“Hi, Brian. I was just going to visit your aunt.” I held up a thermos. “Coffee?” 

“No, thanks.” 

I held up the other thermos. “Bloody Mary, then?” 

He laughed and turned that down as well. “You ladies! Mom gets with her friends for some morning drinking too.” 

“We alternate, but I couldn’t remember if this was a coffee morning or vodka morning.” I caught Linda watching us from her bedroom window, and waved. “Wave at your aunt, Brian!” He did, and then he pointed at my thermoses and made a cross-cross “no” motion with his arms. Linda smiled and waved back. 

“Attractive woman, your aunt.” 

“I suppose.” He looked back at the window where she was still standing. 

“You suppose?” I touched his arm and conspired, “Are you gay? Because it’s okay if you are.” 

“What? No!” 

“Okay, okay. I was just a little confused because she’s obviously a hot woman and you’re obviously…,” I took a deep breath and made a show of scanning him up and down, “...a healthy boy, sorry, a young man. I just expected, I don’t know, a more enthusiastic answer.” He shrugged and picked up his shirt and shoes. 

“Well, I should be bringing your aunt her beverage, whichever one it is today.” I took a step and turned back. “But you do think she’s hot, right? I mean, if she wasn’t your aunt.” 

“Well, yeah, if she wasn’t my aunt.” 

“That’s what I figured.” I took a couple more steps and turned around again. “Not that she’s really your aunt-aunt, right? She’s very pretty and quite passionate, actually. I wouldn’t blame you for a second if you thought about her while you, you know….” I made a wanking motion with my hand. I spun around before I could see how he reacted, and headed for the house. I called out over my shoulder, “she thinks you’re hot too!” 


Over the next week, I felt like I was back in middle school passing I-like-you-do-you-like-me notes. I advised Brian that he needed to be the assertive one here and that even though she’s the same age as his mother, he had to treat her like he would if she was an eighteen-year-old. I also pointed out that since his aunt was a married woman, she’s more than a little anxious about cheating.  I drew a circle in the air in front of his crotch. “Doesn’t this get all hard whenever you think about her? Yes? Well, you need to get her thinking,” - I redrew the circle - “a lot about that!” I glanced and was confident that at least his penis knew what I was talking about. 

I coached my skittish neighbor as well. “Linda, it’s helpful that you flaunt your body like you do, and that’s a good start, but you need to show interest in him and take charge. He’s just a boy. Honey, to be blunt, you really need to figuratively and literally take his cock in hand the first chance you get.” 

I saw my best opportunity one afternoon when she was sunbathing. I sent him out with some lotion and encouragement. I watched them from Brian’s bedroom window, which had a better view of their back yard than most of the windows in my house. I should mention that I was in their house, and his room, to install some of my cameras. I had put a lot of work into this and didn’t want to miss the denouement. I hoped I wouldn’t forget to tell them about those cameras. 

I was worried at first because Brian spent a lot of time simply wiping on the lotion. It wasn’t too long, though, before he was giving her back and legs a proper massage. I brought my binoculars up for a closer look. I could tell that they were chatting, but I don’t know how to read lips. I made a mental note that a skill like that could come in handy. 

His hand went under her bikini top band, and he pushed it up a little towards her shoulders. He said something close to her ear and she sat up, keeping her back towards him. She stripped her top up over her head and lay back down on her front. He resumed his lotion massage in earnest as she writhed under his obviously-skilled hands. His thumbs came together as he drew them along her ass cheeks. Then his fingertips caressed the sides of her breasts, but it didn’t look like he reached under far enough to find her nipples. One of them must have said something because she turned herself over. 

Linda’s partially-processed tits stayed upright a little more than nature had intended, but that didn’t bother Brian as he threaded those huge nipples between his fingers, and kneaded in more lotion than was necessary. Her satisfied grin was almost as big as the oversized sunglasses covering half of her face. 

He shifted his attentions away from her torso and down to her feet. I swear I could hear her toes crack from up there. He slowly, deliberately worked his way up, squeezing the tendons in her ankles and massaging her calves and thighs until he reached her snatch. He slid his fingers up under her bikini bottom and stroked his thumbs across the dampening cloth, up and down her slit and clit. I was transfixed as she gripped the sides of the lounge, raised her ass up, and shook.  

I had not expected that and cursed myself for not bringing my good camera. 

They stood up and Brian tried to kiss her, but Linda nervously stopped him as she looked around. She pressed her breasts into his back and reached around to massage the bulge in his shorts. The crafty girl knew I was watching, and raised her sunglasses to look right up at me. She replaced her shades and put both hands to work on his front side as she ground herself against his firm backside. 

Linda clawed at his swelling like a cat kneads its blanket, and Brian thrust out his hips to place himself firmly into her hands. She slid both hands into his shorts, shoving them down a bit. She caressed his ball sack with one hand while the other buffed the underside of his semi-exposed shaft until he jetted his seed up to his chest, and down onto his belly and her hand. She collected his cum and smeared it across his stomach and down through the hairs in his shorts. Linda released him, scooped up her top and sashayed towards the house. I think she said something, because Brian pulled his shorts up and jumped back into the pool. 

I ran downstairs and met her as she was coming inside. “Tonight?” 

She shook her head. “Rick will be home tonight.” 

I brushed some stray hairs behind her ears. “Do it tonight. I’ll find some way to occupy Rick.” 


I let Rick in through the door in back, which was, by my design, not visible to my nosey neighbors. I might have led him to believe that we were going to my bedroom, which would explain why he looked so confused when I sat him down on my double-wide chair in front of the TV. 

I started with, “What would you say if I was to tell you that your nephew was going to get laid and we were going to watch?” He seemed okay with that, albeit surprised, so I followed that up with, “And what would you say if I told you that Linda was about to get laid and we were going to watch?” 

I handed him the remote and unzipped his fly. The initial confusion and eventual conflict crossing his face was priceless. I pulled his dick out and gave it a lick. “You can go home and confront your cheating whore of a wife and your ungrateful houseguest, or you can stay here and we can watch them and fuck.” I unbuckled his belt and swirled the bead of pre-cum around the tip of his quickly-hardening cock. “It’s totally up to you.” 

Rick pointed the remote and pressed the button. On the screen, Brian was sitting alone on his bed, still dressed and looking nervous. 

“This is really live?” Rick asked. 

“Really live,” I said, “and it should get livelier soon.” I lifted my top up over my head and unlatched my bra, then tossed them both across the room. I straddled him on the chair and sat on his lap with my back to the TV. I took his face in my hands, gave him a kiss that said I was somewhat fond of him and stuffed a tit into his mouth. I ground on his lap as I enjoyed the tingling that started at the nipple and ended at that spot right behind my ear. He kept checking to see if his wife had joined their nephew, though. That got to be annoying, but it wasn’t unexpected. I climbed down onto the floor and tugged his pants and underwear off. I gave his cock a slurpy suck just because it was there, then shoved him over to sit next to him. I wrapped my arm in his, and rested my head on his shoulder. 

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Rick absentmindedly fondled himself as we watched Brian stand, sit, stand again and sit again. “So, Linda’s really supposed to show up?” 

“Any minute.” 

“How do you know that?” 

“Well, she’s already jerked him off today, so I’m guessing this is the logical next step.” 

“You don’t guess about anything. You set this up.” 

He had me, so the only thing I could do was admit that I set it up, but lie about why and how and everything else. 

Finally, the show was about to begin. We heard her knock on his door and watched as she let herself in. Rick took his hands off his crotch and leaned in towards the TV screen. I took over the fondling duties since I wanted to be sure he had as little opportunity as possible to think clearly. 

Brian stood when she entered. Linda was almost completely covered with a white, furry robe. I found that to be disappointing, but it all worked out later.  Brian said, “Hi,” and Linda threw her arms around his neck and fiercely kissed him. That, I thought, was a fantastic first kiss. I imagine they also discovered whether or not the other one still had their tonsils. 

Hey, medical history is important in a relationship. 

They stopped long enough for Linda to say hi, then they continued making out. They were so cute I almost neglected Rick’s cock. 

“C'mon take the robe off!” Rick commanded the tiny woman on the big screen. 

I reminded him that he’s seen her naked before, but he rightfully looked at me like I was stupid. I tweaked his nuts as punishment anyway. 

Linda started fumbling with Brian’s belt and fly while Brian tried to pull Linda’s robe up over her head. Linda laughed and took a couple of steps back. Still smiling, she made a show of untying the sash and letting the robe flow open, making it far sexier than it had any right to be. She s-l-o-w-l-y lowered it from her shoulders to her waist, then let it fall from her arms and onto the floor. She covered her pussy and tits with her hands and arms, knowing full well that at this point it really didn’t matter. She nodded towards the bulge in his jeans. 

Brian took the hint and yanked off his shirt and pulled down his pants. Bikinis. He was wearing even-better-than-speedos men’s bikini underwear, with the tip of his cock poking over the band. I’m not a religious woman, but I said a short, quiet prayer of thanks, just in case. I put Rick’s hand back on his cock and shimmied out of my leggings. 

Linda ran her hands up along Brian's ribs and lightly touched his shoulders. She brushed his lips with hers, and then kissed his chin, his neck and his chest. 

All four of us knew where this was going. It had been a while since I last watched porn, but apparently, I remembered what I was supposed to be doing at this point. Rick also acted by instinct, so much so that I had to put my hand on his to get him to slow down. “No need to hold it so tight, dear, nobody’s going to take it away from you.” 

Linda eventually knelt in front of the boy and pulled his underwear down. I could tell how fast his heart was beating by the way his cock pulsed. She opened her mouth wide and dipped her face over, taking in most of it. 

“Oh, Aunt Linda!” 

“Oh, shit!” Rick said as he jerked faster. 

Step-aunt,” I panted. “It’s not that big a deal,” I lied. 

I could not get a good look at his cock because it was either covered with Linda’s mouth or her hands, as her head bobbed up and down. Brian couldn’t look away, and she smiled up at him between bobs. Linda had to put her hands on his hips to hold...

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Written by dronette56
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