If Jenny Young thought that going to Further Education College after her O-levels would stop arguments about clothes, she was sadly mistaken. At sixteen, she considered herself quite the adult, and one September Saturday she had gone down to Carnaby Street to buy one of Mary Quant’s mini-skirts. The following Monday morning, she put it on prior to going to college.
“You’re not going out wearing that!” was her stepmother’s reaction.
“Why not? It’s not like I have to wear school uniform anymore!”
“It’s not decent! If you bend down, people will see your bottom!”
In Jenny’s experience the part of her body people – boys anyway – tended to notice and comment on was her relatively small breasts. Apparently, her thirty-inch breast measurement on her 5 foot 4 inch frame was too small to be attractive according to the more vocal boys. If the skirt made her curvaceous bottom and well-shaped legs more visible, that was all to the good in Jenny’s view.
She poured a cup of tea and buttered a slice of toast. “I won’t bend down, then!”
“Don’t be so lippy and go and change!”
Jenny chewed a mouthful of toast and drank some tea. “No time – I’ll be late for college if I change now.” She took another mouthful.
“You would have time if you weren’t eating so slowly!”
“You’re always telling me not to bolt my food. So I’m not!”
“Cheeky ha’p’orth!”
Jenny walked to the bus stop in a fine mood. She noticed a few men eyeing her up so she put a bit of a swing to her hips, which elicited a few wolf whistles. She grinned but didn’t acknowledge the whistles.
At college, the boys (and indeed many of the girls) commented on her skirt.
Unfortunately the staff, including her tutor Mrs Powell, also noticed it.
“What is that you are wearing, Miss Young?” she asked as Jenny entered the tutor room.
Jenny rolled her eyes. “A skirt, miss.”
“It’s indecent and in breach of the college dress code. You can’t wear it!”
“If I take it off, I’ll be even more indecent!”
“Don’t be impudent! Wait at the front.”
Jenny did so, wondering what was coming next. She did not have to wonder for long as Mrs Powell placed a chair at the front of the room.
“Bend over this, gripping the seat.”
Jenny did so and as her stepmom could have told her, gave her fellow tutees an excellent view of her thighs and lower bottom - her bare lower bottom, given the skimpy nature of her knickers. She watched as Mrs Powell opened a drawer in her desk and withdrew a foot-long broad wooden ruler and prepared to receive her first-ever dose of corporal punishment.
She felt a lightness and peculiar thrill in her abdomen as the ruler was placed against her bottom it was withdrawn and then …
Jenny felt and heard the impact and felt the burning band across her bottom, which strangely did not feel as unpleasant as she would have expected. Even stranger, she felt a pleasant tingling between her legs.
Jenny became aware of her clit against her knickers.
The pleasant tingling increased along with the burn in her bottom and she felt damp.
Oh god, I’m getting turned on!
Why is it having this effect on me?
I hope she’s not going to give me many more! I don’t want to cum in front of everybody!
“Stand up!”
Breathing hard, Jenny obeyed. Fortunately, the damp hadn’t come through her skirt. Let everybody think that her heavy breathing and flushed face were a reaction to the pain inflicted by the ruler.
“Now go home and change into something decent. You will be recorded as absent from classes you miss!”
“Yes, miss.”
As soon as she was out of the tutor room, the brunette dashed to a toilet, dived into a cubicle, bolted the door, pulled down her knickers and, with a few rubs, brought herself to climax.
Wow! I’m sure that’s not meant to happen! She smiled. And now I know I needn’t hold back for fear of getting spanked!
Her stepmother was surprised to see her. “What are you doing coming home so early?”
Jenny stamped upstairs to her bedroom. “Been sent home to change.”
Her stepmother followed her into her bedroom. “I’m not surprised! I told you that it was indecent! You should have listened!” She broke off. “What on earth happened to your bottom?”
Jenny examined herself in the mirror; her bottom was still mottled red from the punishment. “Mrs Powell walloped me with a ruler.”
“Did she now! I might have to follow her example and give you a good spanking! Might improve your behaviour!”
Jenny flushed as she stared at her stepmother.
“Finally I’ve shut you up! That’s made you think, hasn’t it?”
That lunchtime, she was approached rather diffidently by Jim Cole, one of the boys in her tutor group.
“Hello, Jenny. I was wondering if maybe you felt like meeting for a coffee sometime?”
Jim wasn’t really her type, but she was in a rather mellow mood from the fantastic cum that morning and was still enjoying the glow in her bottom, so she said, “Why not? Sure.”
“You would? Great! How about Saturday night at seven? Lyons Corner House on the Strand?”
Jenny had been thinking he meant a quick drink at the local café. Clearly, he was making a bit more of an effort. She smiled. “That would be great! I’ll look forward to it!”
“Super! Me too!”
She told her stepmother that evening that she had been asked out.
She frowned. “I suppose you’ll be wanting to wear that skirt.”
“Well, yes. If I can’t wear it at college, when can I wear it?”
“You don’t want to be giving that boy ideas.”
“Boys have ideas without any help from me. You’d like Jim; he’s polite. Doesn’t grab my breasts and tell me they’re too small, for a start.”
“You don’t want to be encouraging him to grab you anywhere else.”
Predictably, her stepmother resumed the argument as she prepared to go out. When Jenny refused to change, her stepmother said “I warned you!” then bundled her over her knee and began slapping the backs of her thighs.
“Ow! That hurts!” The burn was far worse than she had received from Mrs Powell’s ruler, and there were no feelings of pleasure.
“That’s the idea!” The spanking only lasted a couple of minutes but was hard and rapid. When Jenny was released, the backs of her thighs were bright red. Her stepmother looked at her in satisfaction. “If you want to show off your smacked legs, then be my guest!”
Jenny considered doing exactly that but reluctantly went back upstairs. She put on her thinnest pair of tights, then went out. She found Jim already waiting for her outside the Corner House.
She gave him a peck on the cheek. “Sorry about the tights, I’ll take them off in the Ladies. I needed to cover up ‘cos my step-mum spanked me for wearing the skirt.”
She did exactly that and examined her legs in the mirror; they were still a mottled red. Judging by the eyes that followed her as she walked back across the restaurant, other customers noticed too.
She gave Jim a twirl as she approached him. “See!”
He licked his lips. “Oh wow!”
Jenny sat down carefully.
“A bit.”
They ordered coffee and cakes. They were excellent, almost enough to take Jenny’s mind off her sore legs. “Thanks for the invite!”
“Thanks for coming, I wasn’t sure you would.”
“Why’s that?”
“There’s often loads of boys round you. I thought you must have a boyfriend but then I thought if I don’t ask, I’ll never know.”
“Mostly the boys are grabbing me and telling me my breasts are too small. Which you don’t.”
“No. For one thing, I think they’re nice, for another I prefer bums to ti- er breasts.”
“You must have enjoyed the view on Monday, then!”
He grinned. “I did!”
“Shame Mrs Powell’s ruler got in the way.”
He paused. “Er – yes. It was. A shame.”
They left the Corner House and headed to the Tube station.
“Shall I walk you home?”
“You shall.”
He put his arm round her shoulders but it soon slid down to her hip and rested on her bottom. Jenny didn’t mind; she rather enjoyed the sensations though they did remind her she had forgotten to put her tights back on.
They parted at her front gate where she gave him a considerably more passionate kiss than she had at the beginning of the evening.
The sound of the front door opening brought her stepmother out of the kitchen.
“Where are your tights?”
“In my bag. I decided to show off my smacked legs.”
Her stepmother grabbed her arm, dragged her upstairs and pushed her face down onto the bed. She pulled off one of her slippers and whacked each of Jenny’s thighs half a dozen times.
“Less of your lip, young lady!”
That night, she dreamt that she was back in the Corner House with Jim, but he was telling her she was a very cheeky girl and was going to get the slipper and the ruler to which she replied, “Only if it’s on my bottom.” He led her to the middle of the restaurant, whose customers were now their fellow students, and bent her over a chair.
She woke up tangled in the blankets with her nighty ridden up, baring her bottom.
“Just when it was getting interesting!”
She thought about the dream over the rest of the weekend and realised she really did want to have her bottom spanked again. She wondered how she could achieve that.
She wondered whether she should tell Jim she liked it and ask him to spank her, but she worried he might dismiss her as a weirdo. She decided that misbehaving, if she wasn’t too obvious about it, might be the best way to get her bottom warmed without anyone realising that was what she wanted.
She was still wondering how best to misbehave during Monday’s tutorial period when her reverie was interrupted by a stick of chalk bouncing off her nose.
“Huh? What?”
Mrs Powell was glaring at her. “Welcome back from wherever your mind was. Would you care to share with us what was more interesting than our discussion? And fetch my chalk back!”
“No!” With that, Jenny picked up the chalk and threw it through an open window.
Mrs Powell placed a chair at the front of the room. “Come here and get into position!”

Jenny walked to the front and bent over the chair. Her skirt came down to her knees but was fairly close-fitting, so in this position, the curves of her bottom were quite visible.
Tap, tap. THWAP!
Jenny felt the impact across the middle of her bottom. The protection afforded by her skirt meant it did not sting as much as previously but she still felt a tingle of pleasure.
Tap, tap THWAP! On top of the previous stroke.
Tap, tap. THWAP! In the same place again, she sucked in her breath at the sting.
The ruler was placed lower down, then she received three more strokes.
“Now go back to your seat!”
Jenny obeyed, squirming as her stinging bottom came into contact with the hard wooden chair.
“Ironically enough, Miss Young, we were discussing the effectiveness of corporal punishment in modifying behaviour. I would argue that it is very effective – you haven’t worn your mini skirt since your previous dose of the ruler.”
“Is that right? Maybe I’ll wear it tomorrow and prove you wrong!”
“If you do, you’ll find yourself in the Principal’s office!”
Jenny felt a tingling and fluttering in her stomach; Principal Roberts was known to keep an old-style cane in his office. She wondered what a caning would feel like.
As they were walking home that evening her friend Rebecca Long asked: “Are you really going to come in your mini-skirt tomorrow? Won’t your step-mum stop you?”
Jim looked concerned. “I think Powell meant what she said, you know.”
Jenny put her arm around his waist and pressed herself against him. “It’s good that you care about me but if I let people push me around, I wouldn’t be me.” She felt a thrill as his hand stroked her bottom. “I’ll bring it in my bag and change in the loo.”
Rebeca nodded. “Good idea. I’ve got one too. I think I’ll do the same.”
Jenny smiled at Rebecca as they emerged from the washroom. “Thanks for the support. Let’s hope Powell doesn’t give you the ruler.”
“You got it for cheeking her, not for wearing the skirt. I’ll be nice and polite and my bottom will be unscathed. You’re being very brave risking the cane.”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” Let’s hope it does!
Mrs Powell stared in surprise as they entered the tutor room. “Miss Young! And Miss Long! Remain at the front!” She began writing a note. “Rebecca Long, I’m really surprised at you, why are you wearing that?”
Rebecca swallowed nervously. “Moral support, miss.”
“Is that so? Well, if you are supporting your friend in her defiance, you can share in the consequences. Go with her to the Principal. And take this!”
Rebecca paled but, hand shaking, she took the note.
“Get a move on!”
Both girls quickly left the room. Jenny took her friend’s hand. “God, I’m sorry, Rebecca.”
Rebecca blinked. “My choice.”
“Let’s go to the ice-cream parlour when they send us home to change. My treat.”
Rebecca nodded. “Thanks.”
They reached the administration corridor and Rebecca handed the note to the Principal’s secretary in the outer office. She instructed them to wait and went through into the inner sanctum. Jenny squeezed her friend’s hand.
The secretary returned. “Go through, Miss Long.” Trembling, Rebecca released Jenny’s hand, stood and entered the inner office. The door was closed behind her but Jenny could still hear the Principal’s voice. Then she heard a swish, a sound that could only be a cane striking Rebecca’s bottom, followed immediately by a yelp of pain and surprise. Jenny squirmed in her seat. Two more strokes followed, then after further scolding, Rebecca returned, blinking back tears and rubbing her bottom. “You’re to go through, Jenny.”
Jenny did so. She felt a fluttering in her stomach as her eyes fell on the three foot, crook-handled cane Roberts was holding in his right hand.
“Bend over the desk!”
Jenny lay her torso on the desk with her hips on the edge and her hands gripping the opposite edge. Her lower bottom was exposed.
“I understand you are being persistently defiant of the rules and now you’re leading others astray. What have you got to say for yourself?”
“I’m sorry Rebecca got caned.”
“Due to following your bad example. Well as a persistent offender and ring leader, you will receive more severe consequences. You will receive double the penalty she did.” With that the cane tapped on her bottom, invoking a peculiar mixture of dread and anticipation.
Jenny gasped at the streak of fire across her bottom.
She gasped again. The pain was far more intense than the ruler.
The cane lines burned, yet she felt the beginnings of pleasure too. She squirmed.
“Keep still, girl.”
Jenny did her best to obey as three more strokes landed on her defenceless bottom.
“Now go home and change into something respectable.”
Jenny stood and rubbed her bottom. Already the sting from the fiery lines was spreading into a more pleasant glow.
She smiled at Rebecca as they left the building and headed for the ice cream parlour.
Both girls squirmed as they ate their ice cream.
Jenny was in a thoughtful mood for the rest of the day. She didn’t enjoy getting the cane as much as the ruler but she certainly enjoyed the sensations of having been caned and thought she would quite like to repeat the experience in the future but she did not want to risk involving friends who did not share her unusual desires. Not to mention that if she misbehaved too often, she risked expulsion.
Jim noticed her silent pondering but mistook the cause. “Was it really painful?” he asked when they found themselves walking home alone.
She squeezed his hand. “It wasn’t so bad. I just feel rotten about Rebecca getting it as well.”
“But you don’t mind getting it yourself? Anyone would think you liked it.”
Jenny did not know what to say as her face flushed with embarrassment.
Jim stared at her. “My God! You do like it!”
She pulled her hand from his grip and waved her finger under his nose. “If you dare tell anyone, Jim Cole, we’re through!”
“I promise I won’t breathe a word!”
“How do I know I can trust you?”
“Apart from the fact I don’t want you to break up with me?” He paused. “You could … “ He paused again.
“I could what?”
He looked away from her, then the words came out in a rush. “If I said anything, you could tell people I liked watching you get it and wanted to do it myself.”
Now it was her turn to be lost for words. Eventually, she said, “Is that true?”
He nodded.
“How long have you thought about whacking girls’ bottoms? And what started it? Was it seeing me get it?”
He shook his head. “No. I was helping set up a church jumble sale a few months back. I was setting up the bookstall and was looking through the donations. One was really old. Published in 1890. I had a look through it – involved a girl called Arabella getting spanked rather a lot. And enjoying it. Made me hard. So I put a tanner in the bowl and the book in my bag. I couldn’t wait to get home to read it.”
“Do you still have it?”
“Yes. Would you like to read it?”
She nodded. “Might be interesting. And do...