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Hillbilly Teen Wife Whored Out by Father-In-Law

"My hillbilly father-in-law and his friends fuck me after my husband goes to prison."

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Growing up as the youngest of eight children in a poor family in the Blue Ridge foothills of Caldwell County, North Carolina certainly had its challenges. Most of my clothes were hand-me-downs from my three older sisters, and I remember getting only one pair of new shoes up until I started high school. My family is very religious, and my parents did the best they could to provide us with a clean, modest home, and my father worked hard for little pay at the sawmill.

My name is Peggy Sue, although most people call me Peggy. I'm pretty, but was a rather skinny and plain looking girl at five feet and four inches tall and weighing barely one hundred pounds, up until the late summer before my junior year in high school, when I turned sixteen. It had been hard for my pretty face to be noticed since I was dressed in old clothes and couldn’t afford makeup.

In only a few months, my body filled out and ripened to a voluptuous one hundred and thirty pounds, with a shapely ass and 34DD breasts. I suddenly began getting a lot of attention from the boys at school, and my parents became even stricter, only allowing me to socialize and date boys that they knew from church. They also didn’t let me start on any birth control since they wanted to discourage any thoughts that I might have about having sex.

I applied myself as a student and made good grades, so my parents approved of me getting a waitressing job at a small diner in town, working three nights a week and on the weekends. I wanted to lessen their financial burden by making money to buy my own clothes and other things, such as makeup, that they couldn’t afford. I rode one of my older brother’s old bicycles up and down the five miles of winding mountain roads to get to the diner.

I liked all of the attention I got from the boys and men, having lived a very sheltered life up until then, and I was surprised at how flirty the married men were with me. I made good tips, especially when considering how poor our part of the county is.

It was pretty clear that I was making good tips and getting all of that attention because of my looks and great body, although my personality is also very outgoing and bubbly and I tried to give good service. We got a few outsiders in the diner, who were traveling through the county on business. One older man who was very friendly with me, making it obvious that he was staring at my ass and tits, made a comment that my appearance is Rubenesque and that I look a lot like the singer Christina Aguilera during a time when she was especially voluptuous.

I didn’t know what that meant and looked it up at school the next day. I found that it meant I was ‘attractively plump, sensuous, and curvy; or a woman who is alluring and pretty, without the waif-like body that seems to be preferred in the media’. For still being so young, I was quickly learning the power of having a curvy body.

One of my regular customers was an eighteen-year-old boy, named Jessie, who I remembered from high school. He had graduated that year and was working for his father, Woody, who owns the combined hardware store and lumber yard in our town. He’s not rich by outside standards, but in our small corner of the world, they're one of the most well-to-do families in the county. Woody is also a county commissioner, and very well-connected with the power structure in our area.

Jessie is a good looking boy, and one of the few boys in the area to be able to afford a truck, and it was new. He had a reputation for being kind of wild, along with his best friends from high school, Cody, and Donny, and would’ve probably been sent to jail several times for driving drunk and other offenses, if it wasn’t for Woody’s connections with the police and sheriff. My parents knew about his reputation, and whenever I mentioned his name, they warned me to stay away from him. He was always flirting with me and asking me out, and I was able to resist him, at least for a while.

I was naive about boys and had never dated before. My only experience with boys was during church activities when there were plenty of chaperones around. Jessie came into the diner on most nights when I was there, and he always sat in my section. He usually came into the diner for coffee and pie at around 8:00 pm, knowing that we closed at 8:30 pm. We talked as much as we could with me working, and by December, I was comfortable enough with him that I would go out to sit in his truck with him after my shift.

We talked about everything we could think of, and I found myself becoming attracted to him, probably because he was so obviously attracted to me. It got to the point that we held hands and he would kiss me, before throwing my bicycle in his truck and taking me most of the way home. I didn’t want to disobey my parents, and up to that point, I didn’t consider any of our time together as dates.

We met that way until one Saturday night near the end of February when it was snowing. Instead of taking me straight home, he asked me to go for a ride with him after I got off, and I decided to go with him. We drove around for a while, and then he took me back to his apartment.

He lived in a two bedroom apartment on the second floor above the hardware store and lumber yard offices, where there is also an adjacent meeting room used by his father for what I guessed are mainly business purposes. There are outside stairs to the apartment and also inside stairs to the vestibule with access to the apartment and meeting room.

I was nervous about being alone with him like that and didn’t quite know how to act. Jessie is very charming, though, and when he offered me a beer I felt so grown up and didn’t want to refuse him. That was my first time to drink any alcoholic beverages, and we sat on the couch and talked while I drank one, two, and then was working on my third beer. I wasn’t out of control or anything, just mildly inebriated, relaxed, and receptive to his advances, when he put his arm around me and kissed me more passionately than ever before.

He pushed his tongue into my mouth, and I did the same to him. I got more turned on from our long, wet kiss, and didn’t resist him when he dropped his arm that was behind me down to rub the top of my cushy ass, and then began rubbing the bulging side of my pendulous breast. It felt so good being hugged and caressed that way, and I could tell from the way Jessie was breathing and kissing me harder that he was working himself into a frenzy.

He broke our kiss and whispered breathlessly into my ear, “I’ve been wanting to touch you this way for months, and I love your luscious body. You’re the sexiest girl that I’ve ever known.”

Jessie started kissing me again before I could respond, and it was almost as if he didn’t want to risk having me tell him to stop. And when I didn’t struggle, as he began to fondle and rub both of my breasts from the front, he started unbuttoning my blouse. It was a little scary being touched that way by a boy for the first time in my life, but it was also very arousing being fondled that way by him. It took him less than a minute to get my blouse unbuttoned, and then he reached around and effortlessly unhooked my bra with one hand.

He pushed up my bra and then laid across my lap from my right side, sucking my left areola and nipple into his mouth, as he weighed, gripped, and fondled my big breasts in his left hand. Everything that was happening was a first for me, and I previously had no inkling that having my breasts sucked would be so arousing. I held his head to my breast with my left hand and kissed his forehead, as I unconsciously began rubbing his hip and thigh.

Jessie slowly pushed me down onto my back to my left on the couch, until my head was resting on the cushioned arm. He was then leaning partially over on me, still sucking my breasts, as he began to rub my bare legs between my knees, moving slowly up under my skirt.

As naïve as I was, it was clear to even me that he intended to fuck me, and there seemed to be a direct connection from the stimulation of my areolas and nipples, to my hairy, fat-lipped labia that was already soaking wet. I was still a virgin, but I knew that my hymen had been torn when I used to play sports and roughhouse with my brothers.

I was so turned on that I was anxious to be fucked for the first time, but I also knew that I was in the middle of my menstrual cycle and not on any kind of birth control. Looking back on it now, I’m ashamed to admit that in my hillbilly mind, I was thinking that if Jessie did fuck me without a condom and knocked me up, then I would end up being married to one of the few boys in our area who had the ability to support me.

He always seemed to have a lot of money, more than I would have guessed with him just working for his father, and he told me on several occasions that he had been saving a lot of cash to buy five acres of land in the hills where he was going to build a home. In fairness to him, though, I was going to tell him that I wasn’t protected, and he could make up his own mind about either wearing a condom, or fucking me bareback, or not fucking me at all.

Jessie was breathing hard and almost gasping as he continued sucking my breasts while rubbing my inner thighs farther and farther up towards my pussy, and I felt what had to have been his hard cock lump pressing against my thigh. He must have sensed that my unwillingness to stop him was a good sign that he would be able to fuck me. His probing fingers finally reached the soaked gusset of my panties, and he rubbed me there before pushing the fabric aside and began fingering my pussy.

It felt so good having him finger-fuck me that way, and I was breathing hard and humping against his hand as he pulled his mouth off of my breast and said, “Oh shit, Peggy, your pussy is so hairy and wet and the lips are so thick. I’ve just got to taste your honey pot while you get a taste of my meat.”

He got up for a moment and pulled me farther down to the center of the couch, before turning around the opposite way, lying on his side beside me, and lifting my skirt. He quickly pushed my panties down and off my legs and then began to suck and lick my pussy. At the same time, he pressed his crotch against my face, and I got the hint to unfasten his belt and jeans and then pull down his zipper.

He reached down and helped me push down his jeans and underwear, and I was staring at the first cock I had ever seen. It is what I found out later is uncircumcised and about half-hard, at maybe six and a half inches long, and very thick. I gripped his cock with my hand and began stroking it.

I loved the feeling of his thick, hardening cock in my hand, and in a sudden rush of desire, I leaned in and took it into my mouth. Jessie immediately began to thrust into me when he felt my warm, wet, sucking mouth on his cock, and he also began sucking and licking my pussy harder. I loved the taste of his cock and what I found out later was precum, and just the idea that I was sucking him was a huge turn on for me.

His cock soon reached full harness, and I’m guessing that it's about seven and a half inches long, and even thicker than before. I also loved the way his big, hairy balls slapped up against my face as he fucked into me.

We had been sucking one another for only about five minutes when he got up and turned around, climbing on top of me on the couch. His big cock was poised at my pussy, and I was surprised that he was respectful enough to say, “Peggy, I just love your pussy, and I want to fuck you so badly. Do I have your permission, and are you on birth control?”

I was squirming under him, and pushing my pussy up against the head of his cock, as I kissed him again before saying, “Yes please, Jessie, fuck me. But I’ve never done this before and I’m not on any kind of birth control. I’m also right in the middle of my cycle. Do you have a condom you can use?”

The anguish on his face was apparent as he looked down at me and said, “Oh shit, Peggy Sue, I never thought I’d get this far with you and I don’t have any condoms. And shit, I can’t stop now.”

Jessie kissed me again as he pushed his big cock into my pussy. I felt a lot of pressure at first, but no real pain, as inch after inch of his thick meat pushed into me. He fucked me slowly at first, taking deeper and deeper strokes until I felt him pressing up against my cervix. Then he began thrusting faster and faster as I had my first ever orgasm from being fucked.

I hugged him tightly and wrapped my legs around his ass as he struggled weakly to pull away as he said, “Damn, I planned on pulling out, but I can’t stop now. Oooooh, aah, fuck, here it comes.”

His thick cock flexed in my pussy and I felt his cum shooting into me. We kissed and sucked one another’s tongues hard as he kept his cock inside of me. He finally pulled out of me and lay down in the sixty-nine position again, pushing his soft, slimy cock to my mouth, as he sucked my pussy. I loved his musky smell and the aroma of his semen and I took his spent cock into my mouth and sucked and licked it for about ten minutes until it was hard again.

Then he turned around on top of me and we fucked again, but that time for over fifteen minutes. I was amazed that he sucked his cum from my pussy while I sucked his cock clean, and I learned that not all hillbilly men are afraid of a little cum.

I loved sucking Jessie’s cock and fucking him, and it was so erotic when he sucked my tits and pussy. We had sex of one kind or another every time we were together after that first night. When we were short on time he would just suck my tits and I would suck him off, and I loved the taste and texture of his cum and the feeling of it shooting into my mouth. When we had more time, he would eat me out and fuck me, and he always sucked my tits.

Jessie loved the feeling of my wet, hairy pussy wrapped around his bare cock, and neither of us mentioned him using condoms after that first time. So, it wasn’t a surprise when I missed my period in mid-March, and I told him that I was knocked up. I wasn’t sure what his reaction would be, and I was pleasantly surprised when he professed his love for me and asked me to marry him. I knew that I’d be able to finish the eleventh grade since I would only be a little over three months pregnant at the end of the school year.

My parents were devasted and very disappointed in me when I told them the news. And in addition to giving their parental consent to marry Jessie, which was needed in North Carolina since I was only sixteen years old, they shunned and disowned me. We were married by a justice of the peace in a small ceremony, and I went to live with Jessie in the apartment. He bought me an older used car that I drove to school and work.

We had sex all of the time when we were home together, even though after the first month I think I was wearing Jessie out with my constant demands for sex. I couldn’t seem to get enough of him sucking me and us fucking. Jessie was sometimes out late with his friends Cody and Donny, though, and I soon found out why.

He told me, what later turned out to be only partially true, that all the extra money he had coming in was from making and selling moonshine, which isn’t that unusual in our area. And on many nights his friends would hang out at the apartment before and after they went out in the woods to work their still.

I was getting to know his friends very well, and I really like them. They're always teasing me about one thing or another, and of course staring at my ass and tits in my tight shorts and t-shirts, since I'm usually braless. I wasn’t able to drink then due to...

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Written by edlangston
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