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Forbidden Delight

"Amber has fun at home after a hard day's work."

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Amber quietly opened the door to let herself in.  Her feet hurt so bad she could barely make it inside.  The kitchen was dark and empty.   It was nearly midnight, and she was late getting home from work.  It had been a long night at the restaurant, and it had taken forever to close.   When she had gotten done cleaning up, Gary, the new assistant manager, delayed her further.  She’d been hooking up with him in the break room on the nights she closed.   He was having marital problems and needed a quick fuck and Amber enjoyed the casual sex.  It relieved her tensions from the day and made him easier to get along with.  In fact, he did more of the work to close the store.  

Amber pulled her hairband out of her ponytail and shook her head.  Her long dark hair fell free around her shoulders.  She grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and drank it down.  The chilled water made her feel refreshed.  She sat down at the table and sighed with relief.  She pulled her shoes off and rubbed her sore feet.  All her muscles were sore.  Eight hours on her feet serving people was not easy, an then she had ended the night bent over the break table as Gary pounded his cock into her pussy.  She smiled at the sensual recollection.  

Amber heard something move behind her and she glanced over her shoulder.  She caught a glimpse of her cousin, Cliff.  “Hey.” She smiled at him.  He was tall, dark, and handsome as ever.   

“Hey.  Did I scare you?” He was leaning against the kitchen’s door jam.

“No.  I just didn’t expect to see you there.  It’s late.” 

“It’s not that late.  But a long night for you, huh?” He walked toward her.  His gorgeous blue eyes gleamed in the low lighting.  They reminded her a lot of her own.  They both had dark hair that made their bright blue eyes stand out.  His gaze traveled from her head to her toes.    

Amber sighed and nodded.  “Yes, way too long.  I really need a different job.”  She watched him approach the kitchen table.  His tall, muscular frame moved with ease.  He was in his early twenties, and they had lived together for eight years, since she was ten years old.  In many ways, he was like a brother to her.  She had moved in with her aunt’s family when her mother had decided she wanted to see the world.  

Amber watched him closely.  Recently, he had been acting differently toward her.  She’d catch him just watching her.  His long stares confused her.   

Amber was a late bloomer, but within the last year, she’d blossomed like a rose.  Her body developed full breasts and lovely feminine curves.  Suddenly men were constantly hitting on her.  When it had first happened, it had taken her by surprise.  She liked her new power over men.  A smile or the sway of her hips had them lining up to gain her attention.  She’d learned to display her beauty, but she’d never flirted with Cliff.  At times, she’d wanted to, but he was her cousin.  

“Is Aunt Di at work?” Amber asked. 

“Yep, she has an overnight shift at the hospital.” He sat down at the table with her.  His knee bumped her leg.  It seemed almost deliberate.   Cliff was dressed in tight Levi jeans and a muscle shirt.  His shirt really emphasized his strong well shaped arms.  It took everything Amber had to look away.  

“Where’s Uncle Ray?” 

“He’s at his mother’s house tonight. She wasn’t feeling well.” 

“That’s too bad.  So, it’s just you and me here tonight?” 

“No, Ken and Chip are in the family room.  We’ve been watching movies.  I think they’re going to crash on the sofas tonight.”  He studied her with his beautiful gaze.  

“Do you work tomorrow?” she asked.  

“Nope, construction is closed down on Sundays.” He drank down the last of his bottle of beer.  

“I don’t work either.  It’s my day off.” She rested her elbows on the table.  “I’m so happy to be off.  I just need some time at home before I start up my college classes.  Isn’t Ken going home to his wife?”

“No, she’s visiting her parents.  They had an argument and she left.  He’s all upset.” 

“That’s too bad, but I’m not surprised.  Gayle’s a spoiled bitch.” Amber grinned.  “They should have never gotten married.  She’s way too young.  I don’t like her.”  

“I can tell.” He winked.  “But I would agree.” He nodded.  “Are you still seeing Joel?” He leaned back in the chair.  

“No.  I broke up with him a month ago.  He was too clingy.”  Amber ran her fingers through her hair.  Cliff watched her closely.  She admired the beautiful Celtic tattoo bands that wrapped his biceps.  The physical labor he did every day for his work made him a perfect specimen of masculinity.  “Why do you ask?” 

“Just curious.” He shrugged.  “What happened between you two?” 

“I just decided I didn’t want to have a boyfriend. I like dating different guys, for now.  I’m only nineteen and a little freedom’s nice.”  

“I understand.” He nodded.  “Mom and Dad think you’re still innocent.  But I know you like to fuck around.” He smiled.  

“You think you know about me?” 

“I do.” He leaned toward her and looked her in the eyes.  

“I admit that’s true.  I know you do too.  You’re always with a new girl.”

“True.”  He nodded. “I don’t deny it.”  

“I like freedom to experience things and new men.”  She pushed back her chair and stood up.  “I’m going to go change my clothes.”  

“I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable?” He touched her arm before she walked away.  His touch sent a surge of energy through her.  She looked down at his hand on her arm.  He had large hands and it was warm.  Heat rushed through her, like he had ignited a fire deep inside of her.  “I didn’t mean to offend you.”  He stood up too.  He was very close to her.  She could feel the heat of his body.  “You know, I care about you, Amber.”  

“You didn’t offend me.” She shook her head.  “I’m just not going to feel guilty for being sexual.” 

“Don’t be.  I want you to be guilt free.” He grinned.  “I’m not my parents and they don’t know anything.  They think you’re still a virgin.” 

“That ship sailed years ago.  If they think that."   

“I know.  You can play the part very well.  I just am more in the know about your activities, so to speak.  Guys talk.” He grinned.  His eyes sparkled with mischief.  “I know some of the guys you’ve hooked up with. Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.” 

She tilted her head and looked at him.  “Okay, thanks.”  She couldn’t help but admire how cute he was with his bangs hanging down on his forehead.   “I think your parents would kick me out if they thought I was like my mother.”

“Are you?” 

“In some ways.  I like men.” She nodded.  “I know premarital sex goes against the rules of this house.  I’m supposed to be a virgin until I marry.” She rolled her eyes.  "The truth is, I like being a slut."

“In today’s world, they’re unrealistic to think you'd still be a virgin.  But you can’t convince my mom of that.” He shrugged.  “I fuck around all the time and have since I was sixteen.” 

“Your parents are just too strict.  But they have different standards for girls.”

“You mean my mother is too strict.” He chuckled.  “My dad is more realistic.  He really doesn’t care.  He just agrees with her.”

“But don’t tell him what you know about me.  He’ll tell your mom.”  

“I won’t.” He touched her hair and played with one of the curls.  “You don’t have to worry, honey.”  The way he looked at her sent another jolt of electricity through her.  “I would never hurt you and I certainly don’t want you to be kicked out.” 

She cleared her throat.  “Okay, well goodnight.” She pulled away from him and headed for the kitchen door.   He followed her out of the kitchen.  The house was dark except the light from the large television in the family room.  

“Hey Amber.” Ken waved.  He was relaxing back on the sofa.  

“Hey guys.  I’m sorry you and your wife are arguing.” Amber walked closer to where they were stretched out on two sofas.  Cliff was close behind her.

“We’re always arguing.”  He shrugged. 

 “What are you guys watching?” 

“Just some old movies,” Chip answered.  “Why don’t you watch with us,” he suggested.  “We’d love your company.  Ken’s sad his wife’s a bitch.”  He glanced at Ken.  “He needs a woman to cheer him up.” 

“It’s late.” Amber sighed.  “I’ve had a long night already.”  

“Your company would be uplifting,” Cliff added. 

“For sure.   And in truth, we’ve been watching porn.  Do you like porn?” Chip asked.

Amber realized he was just trying to shock her.   

“Yes, I love porn.  I was going to watch some in my room to help me fall asleep,” she replied, to shock him.   

“Well damn, girl.”  Chip got up and walked toward her.  “Watch it with us.  It’s always better in mixed company and we can fool around too.”  

“Cliff’s my cousin.”  She glanced around at Cliff.

“So.” Chip shrugged. “Be kissin’ cousins and all.”  He grinned. 

Cliff just watched her.  He was standing unnecessarily close to her.     

“Not tonight.” She shook her head.”

“Okay, some other night.”  Chip winked. 

Cliff still said nothing.  

“I’m going to go to bed.” 

“Well, you’re always welcome to spend time with us,” Cliff told her.   

“I’m not really going to watch porn in my room either.  I need to sleep. Goodnight, boys.” She turned and moved past Cliff.  When she went past him, he softly bumped her with his body.  He had done that too on purpose.  She ignored him and made her way up the stairs to her room.  

When she reached her room, she hurried inside and shut her door.  She took in a shaky breath.  “What was that about?”  Her uncertain emotions made her feel dazed.  She leaned against the door and replayed what had just transpired downstairs.  It had been surprising and surreal.   Especially, Cliff’s behavior.  

She flipped the switch on the wall and turned on the lamp.  The room filled with a warm glow.   Amber gazed at herself in the mirror over her dresser.  For several moments she studied her reflection.  What’s happening to me?  She mentally questioned herself.  When she blossomed into adulthood her personality had changed too.  Gone was the timid girl who only quietly had sex with her steady boyfriends.  That girl had sex because she thought she cared about the boys.  Now she fucked for the sheer pleasure of it.  

Amber stood up straight and turned around to examine her reflection in the mirror.  She was sexy in her tight jeans and snug t-shirt.  It was obvious why men came on to her.  She oozed sensuality.  It was fun being a siren, beckoning men to her side.  Her power over men was exhilarating and she embraced it fully.  

 “I’m a bad girl.” She chuckled as she admired how her long dark hair fell beautifully around her heart shaped face.  It hung down her back like a silk curtain.  Her dark hair in contrast with her blue eyes was an exotic combination.  It was something she shared with Cliff.  They truly looked more like siblings than cousins.   

Her pussy throbbed as she remembered what she had done with Gary earlier that night.  He’d fucked her good with his long, thick cock.  They’d fucked twice, once before they cleaned and once before he walked her to her car.  Unfortunately, she was still horny.  She blamed it on her rampant promiscuity.  She’d been going to too many parties and allowing guys to run train on her.  She’d fucked ten guys at the last party she attended.  The more she indulged the more she loved fucking.  She also loved fucking married men.  It gave her a naughty thrill, especially if she knew their wives.  “I’m a thrill seeker.” 

Her blood pounded in her veins as she thought about the many men, she’d been with in the last seven months.  She’d been sexually active since she turned sixteen, but when she turned eighteen all her inhibitions fell away.    

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She thought about how odd Cliff and Chip had been.  Chip had been bold asking her to watch porn with them, and while in front of her cousin too.  It was clear, he was inviting something more.  Cliff apparently had no objection.  “Oh well, boys will be boys.”  She pulled her shirt over her head and unlatched her bra.  Her breasts bounced free.  They were full and round with large pink nipples.  They were tender from Gary squeezing them hard as he exploded inside of her.  He liked it rough.     

She pushed off her jeans and panties.  Her pussy juices and Gary’s semen coated her panties and she kicked them off.   She knew fucking without a condom was risky, but she loved it; again, proving she was a thrill junkie.  However, she mostly used condoms when with the complete strangers.    

Completely nude, she walked to the dresser.  She examined herself closely.   She opened a drawer and dug for her vibrator.  She was going to need it tonight.  She sat down in her chair.  For several moments she stared at the vibrator.  “Why do I need this when I have three warm cocks downstairs?”  Longing washed over her.  She licked her lips and contemplated what she should do.  Then she put her vibrator back in the drawer and covered it up.   She pulled out one of her night t-shirts and put it on.  

She stood up and headed for the door.  “Should I?” She hesitated.  Then she opened the door and headed downstairs.  Her pussy dampened in preparation as she approached the family room.  Her breasts tingled and grew heavier.  

The guys did not hear her approach.  They were watching group sex porn on the large screen.  She slowly and quietly walked closer to them from behind.  All three of men were pumping their cocks with their hands.  Her gaze fell on Cliff and his huge cock.  He pumped his cock hard as he relaxed back against the sofa.  She wanted to help him find release.  

Amber’s heart thumped in her chest as she boldly made her way toward him.  When he caught sight of her, there was no turning back.  He immediately pushed his jeans all the way off.  He opened his arms to her.  She rushed to him and embraced him in return as she climbed on top of him. She positioned her wet pussy over his cock and slowly pressed down, allowing his rigid thickness to fill her.  Pleasure of the feel of his thickness expanding her vaginal muscles encompassed her fully.  Her womb quivered with satisfaction at the feeling of fullness pressing deep into her core. 

There was simply nothing better than taking cock into her body.   As she impaled his cock and withdrew to sink down over him again, they stared in each other’s eyes.  The intimacy between them was nice and something she did not typically spend the time to appreciate.  He hugged her and they kissed.   Amber skillfully moved her hips, pumping his cock. 

He moaned loudly.  “That’s right, baby, fuck me.”  He lifted her up and put on the sofa, flat on her back.   The feelings of tenderness toward him were gone and the siren had returned.  She had a drive to add him to the list of her conquests, as well as the other men in the room.  

He helped her pull her shirt over her head.  Her tits bounced free, and he kissed them and fondled them.  All the while his cock was moving in and out of her hole.  She ran her hands over his muscular chest, admiring his physique.  

The thrill of the moment raced through her and she pumped her hips to meet his thrusts.  She could see his desire for her in his eyes.  He, like so many males, was under her spell.   “I like this.”  She rubbed his back and bounced her hips.  Cliff’s hips worked hard, plunging his cock deeper and deeper.  Her womb quivered with acceptance of his intimate invasion.  Warmth flooded her system as she surrendered to his taking of her.  In response, she caressed his arms and chest encouraging him.  “This feels so good.” She wrapped her legs around his back.  

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ken and Chip. They had pushed off their jeans and moved closer to them.  They too were eager to be with her and she enjoyed the knowledge.  They held their large cocks in their hands.  She reached for Ken’s cock and pumped it with her hand.  He sighed and trembled under her touch.  Chip ran his hands over her breasts while Cliff continued to move his cock inside of her. 

“Such a beautiful slut," Chip smiled down at her.   

Amber tensed her vaginal muscles around Cliff’s cock, and he moaned.  Both rejoiced in the ecstasy of their sexual pleasure.  “So nice.” Amber grinned.

Cliff increased his pounding.  Amber moved her hips to match his thrusts.  They moved together in a perfect unison of well-practiced expertise.  The sound of their fucking rang out in the room.  It was their flesh slapping together and her wet pussy hugging his cock and releasing it.  

“Oh, damn I can’t wait to fuck that.”  Ken groaned.  

The tension built between her and Cliff.  “So good.” She caressed his buttocks.  They were rock hard and strong.  She lifted her legs higher to alter the angle of Cliff’s penetration. It increased the friction in just the right way, increasing the delightful pleasure.  Amber knew how to find pleasure and give it.   

“Damn, you’re good.  I’ve...

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Written by ClaraWinters
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