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East Coast, West Coast - Part Three

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It had been a week since I’d spent the night – or a large proportion of the night – with Scott. I hadn’t heard from him since his parting text message. He was back in LA and I was back to real life. Well, not exactly. I found myself thinking of him all the time. It was a struggle to get through the days. The bruises he’d left on my ass were a constant reminder of the time we’d spent together. At night, I brought myself to orgasm, over and over, replaying the sex in my head. I never came as hard as I did for him.

I tried to forget him. Each morning, I’d tell myself it was a one night stand and nothing else. He was too old, too unsuitable, and besides, he lived on the other side of the country. It wasn’t as if we would ever have any kind of relationship. It had been sex. Incredible sex, but still, just sex. Nothing more. We’d used each other’s bodies, had an earth-shattering time and now it was over. The end. Finito.

I made myself work late, only so I’d have something other than Scott to focus on. My parents were planning a vow renewal for their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary and I poured all my spare time into helping with the preparations. My days were filled. But my nights weren’t. Before I went to bed, I would watch myself brush my teeth in the mirror, telling myself that I was categorically banned from thinking about him. It didn’t help. Every night, my hand moved between my legs. Every time I came, I gasped his name.

Then, I got a text. I was in a meeting at work when my cell phone buzzed quietly. I stole a glance at it under the table.

I’m in the city tomorrow. Call me. Scott.

I blanched. My mouth felt dry. I gulped down a glass of water. My boss eyed me.

“You okay, Ally?”

I swallowed. “Yes! Fine!”

He raised an eyebrow and continued talking about KPI’s not being a box-ticking exercise. I crossed my legs. As soon as the meeting was over, I hurried back to my desk. Should I call him? How could I? What would I say? I put my phone deep into my purse and didn’t let myself touch it all day. He called me four times. I didn’t pick up.
What did he want? Sex? What else? And I wanted it too, didn’t I? On his fourth attempt to call, he’d left a voicemail. I told myself to delete it but when the cold night set in and I was alone in my apartment, I found myself playing it over and over.

If you’re not up for it, let me know. Or else, I’ll presume you’re just waiting for me to find you.

The words themselves were mild enough but the voice in which he’d said them was anything but. It sounded like sex. Like languorous, taunting sex. I didn’t call him back. For a few minutes, I considered it. I could have told him I didn’t want him. I could have made up excuses, lies. My finger hovered over the green call button. In the end, I threw my cell phone onto the couch and went to bed.


I awoke late the next morning, having had a restless night and rushed through my morning ritual as if on fast-forward. Shower, teeth, clothes, bag, fruit to eat on the way. I made it onto the train and the doors swooshed shut behind me, almost trapping my coat. Self-consciously, I tamed my long, dark hair with my fingers, before securing it into a no-nonsense ponytail. The train moved fast, carriages lurching, buildings rushing by.

I got to work with a few minutes to spare before the weekly staff meeting (which was known around the office as ‘the weekly waste of time’). The elevator area looked crowded so I ran up the stairs to divest of my coat and bag before sauntering into the meeting room as though I’d been around for hours.

“Morning everyone.”

There were a few muted responses. I sat down and helped myself to black coffee. The meeting was as boring and as pointless as usual, with everyone too afraid to admit if they were behind with their schedules, and plenty of snide remarks, inside jokes and barely-concealed gossiping. The most pressing issue seemed to be that Sarah Peck had been promised a nameplate for her office door and it hadn’t arrived.

With the meeting over, my twenty-odd co-workers scattered to different areas of the building. I had a report to write, a couple of phone calls to make and a mountain of filing to do which I planned to offload onto one of the many interns. At any one time, there were about ten interns in the building and as far as any of us knew, they spent their time on the top floor, using the free WiFi and hiding from any kind of responsibility.

I rang up to the top floor. No one picked up. I went to glean information on the interns’ whereabouts from my colleagues. They were clueless and uninterested. I headed for the elevator. The morning rush was over and it was thankfully empty.

I pushed the button for the top floor and the doors began to close but then they opened again. I glanced up from the letter I was proofreading and my mouth dropped open. Scott Banks stepped into the elevator. He smiled at me.

“Hi, Ally.”

The elevator door slid shut behind him, shutting us off from the world. I stared. He was wearing a suit jacket over a dark t-shirt and jeans. Somehow, he managed to look smart.

“What are you doing here?” I asked weakly.

“Well. You never replied to my messages. I had to see if you were alive.”


My voice sounded strange.

“Yep.” Scott turned to me, his expression unreadable. “I mean, I can’t imagine a decent reason for you ignoring me, other than your untimely demise.”

I stared at him open-mouthed. He pushed the button for the top floor.

“I’m fine,” I said cautiously.

“Yes. I can see that.”

The elevator began to move.

“What do you want?” I asked, trying to sound casual.

He smiled. His eyes creased at the corners.

“Well, originally, I wanted to arrange some kind of – get-together. But right now, I just wanted to ask why you’ve been, well - disregarding me.”

“I’ve been – busy.” I said lamely.

“Too busy to send a message?” He shook his head. “I think I need to teach you some manners.”

I pressed my legs together hard. He stepped closer to me. I felt the world drop out of my stomach.

“You remember your safe word, don’t you?”

I swallowed hard, my mouth dry.

“Scott – for god’s sake!”

“It was surrender,” he said, ignoring me. “Now, bend over.”

The elevator seemed small. I felt trapped, almost overpowered, even though he wasn’t touching me.

“Scott, it’s fucking ten in the morning! Anyone could come in!”

“Then we’d better be quick. And watch your mouth, princess.”

I squared my small shoulders, wishing I hadn’t worn a sleeveless blouse.

“You can’t just – come in here, start telling me what to do! It was a one time thing!”

“But you can’t stop thinking about it, can you?” he asked. “I bet you’ve thought of me every night.”

The elevator reached the top floor and the doors pinged opened. Two interns were wrestling on a desk. They froze, guiltily. Scott ignored them. He punched the button for the ground floor.

“Turn around, Ally.”

I didn’t move. The doors slid shut and the elevator began its descent. He grasped my arm, pulling me towards him.

“For god’s sake, Scott!”

“You know how to stop me,” he breathed, pushing on the small of my back. “But you don’t really want to, do you?”

He lifted my skirt up, exposing my panties.

“I think five for every missed call,” he mused. “That’s what – twenty? An even number.”

His palm cracked down against my ass before I could protest. The first slap didn’t sting much but as he got into it, each stroke felt more painful. His hand moved fast. Once he’d delivered twenty blows, he cupped my ass, squeezing it so the heat radiated through my body. I couldn’t help moaning.

“I know you, Ally.” His mouth brushed my ear. I could smell mint, soap and coffee. It was like the most addictive drug in the world. “I know every inch of you. I’m coming by your place this evening. I want you to open the door wearing the clothes in your bag. No underwear.”

He pulled my skirt back over my ass just as the elevator doors slid open. Then he was gone.


I spent the day in a state of constant arousal. My ass smarted every time I sat down. I worked through lunch, trying to distract myself from what had happened. Why hadn’t I stopped him? What was it about him? Thinking about it without him in the equation, made the whole thing seem absurd. I’d just let a man spank me in an elevator. Ridiculous. But that man was Scott. All of a sudden, it wasn’t ridiculous. It was hot. It was deliciously forbidden. It made my snatch wet and my stomach ache with need.

As I was on the train, heading home, he sent me a text.

I’ll be there at nine.

My insides clenched. The clothes he’d mentioned were still in my bag. I hadn’t dared look at them. How had he even got them in there? The bizarreness of the whole situation, only added to the anticipation. He was chasing me and I wasn’t running. Maybe half-heartedly, but not really. It was so wrong. What would my father think?

As soon as I got through my apartment door, I pulled the plastic bag out of my purse and emptied it onto the floor. T-shirt. Shorts. Both were new, tags attached. I held them up uncertainly. They looked small, even for my slender body. What was his game? Maybe I shouldn’t open the door. Maybe I should go out, so I couldn’t open the door. Yes, I wanted him but it wasn’t sensible. You can’t just give into your desires, can you?

I went into the kitchen, ate some fruit. I turned on the news. The apartment looked too tidy. I sat on the arm of the couch, eating a pomegranate and watching the Pope meet a bunch of poor kids. My grandmother once told me that one seed in each pomegranate is from heaven. I thought about this as I sat there in my cosy, safe apartment. Scott couldn’t come over. He’d be out of place. Maybe he was bluffing. The clock read five to eight. One hour five minutes.

I considered calling a friend, going out for drinks. It was a Saturday, after all. It would be easy. So easy. An escape. Scott wasn’t meant to come back. He was meant to be in LA, a distant memory. I didn’t want to think about how I’d come with his cock in my ass. I was a good girl! I’d already done my allotted amount of rebelling in my teenage years and even then, none of it had involved actual sex. Maybe porn, but not sex, and definitely not the kind of sex I’d had with Scott goddamn Banks.

I didn’t call anyone. I didn’t go out. I couldn’t sit still.

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I took a shower. I looked at the clothes, cut off the tags and slipped into them. I say ‘slipped’, but I mean ‘squeezed’. I’d never had trouble fitting into clothes before but these were something else. The t-shirt was tight around even my small tits and ended just under my navel. The shorts were so short that the bottoms of my ass cheeks were visible. The denim crotch pulled tight against my snatch. I couldn’t bring myself to look in the mirror.

It was almost nine. I tugged at the t-shirt pulling it down to cover the inch of flat stomach it left exposed. My snatch was surely soaking into the shorts. I sucked in a breath and closed my eyes. I was a twenty-three year old graduate with a first in business. I was smart, independent. My boss regularly told me I was ‘going places’. What the damn hell was I doing?

As if to answer my question, the doorbell rang. For a few seconds, I didn’t move. Then, as if mechanically, I was walking towards the door, undoing the chain, turning the key, and pulling it open.

“Hey,” Scott said brazenly. “Miss me?”

I stepped back to let him in. Absurdly, he seemed taller, more attractive. My legs felt so weak, it was a wonder I could stand. His eyes moved hungrily down my body and back up again.

Fuck.” He drew the word out, lingering on it as he let out a long breath.

I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to act nonchalant.

“What are you doing in New York, anyway?”

He shut the door behind himself and leaned against it.

“Conrad, I mean, your dad invited me,” he said distractedly. “For the vow renewal tomorrow?”

He stepped closer to me, his eyes still moving over my body.

“And you just – flew out?”

“Well. I thought the two of us could get together,” His eyes moved to my face and the corner of his mouth lifted. “And here we are. Nice outfit, kitten.”

My stomach clenched at the word.

“I look ridiculous,” I said.

“No. You look like you need to be fucked. Hard.”

I swallowed, my mouth dry.

“Scott, if my dad knew what -”

He cut me off. “You gonna tell him? ‘Cause I’m not. So how would he know? This is between us. Me and you. So quit stalling.” He still hadn’t touched me. “Now how about you turn around and let me see your ass in those shorts?”


He exhaled slowly. I could see the unmistakeable bulge in his jeans.

“Turn. Around.”

I didn’t move. I leaned against the wall and looked at him, a little anxious, a little defiant. There was silence between us. I could hear the thump of music from another apartment, a song by The Chainsmokers, and then someone running down the stairs above us, the footsteps getting louder before they passed by and faded.

“You know, I’ve jacked off every night thinking of you,” Scott breathed. “And now we’re here and you wanna play this game?”

I met his gaze. “What game?”

He reached out and ran his fingertip across the inch of skin where my t-shirt ended. I tried not to squirm. His finger hooked into the waistband of the shorts and he pulled me forward sharply. I couldn’t help my startled gasp.

“So long as we’re doing this, I make the rules,” he murmured firmly. “You want this, you follow them. Got it? Or else you can tell me to get the fuck outta here and I’ll never touch you again. Is that what you want, kitten?”

I didn’t say anything. He pulled me closer, his free hand going to my waist and pulling me around so my back was to him. I heard him suck in a breath.

“Let’s play a game,” he said. “What do you say, princess?”

“What kind of game?” My voice shook a little as his hand squeezed my ass.

“Well, I’m in New York for the weekend. How about you being my fucktoy for tomorrow?”

I tried to speak dispassionately. “What, so you just – fuck me?”

“You do as I say, when I say. Obviously, nothing crazy. But then, that depends on your definition of crazy. Basically, we have a load of kinky fun. You up for it?”

I stared at the wall. “I don’t think-”

“You have a safe word, don’t you?” he interrupted.

“Scott, aren’t we -”

“Aren’t we what? Having too much fun?” His hand slapped my ass and he groaned appreciatively. “Just me and you, princess. Who cares what we do?”

“If my dad were to - ”

Scott laughed. “For fuck’s sake! He doesn’t have a damn clue and why would he? Besides, what’s he gonna do? Send you to bed? Make you stand in the corner? Not give you any dessert?”

I bit my lip. All three punishments were familiar from my childhood.

“You’re not funny.” I said. “And besides - ”

“Just stop it, Ally,” he said, cutting me off again. “Stop trying to make excuses when we both want the same thing. You know how to stop me and you’re not doing it. Do you know what that tells me?” His hand slid between my legs and curled around my snatch. “It tells me that you’re fucking dripping for me. You want this as much as I do.”

“Tomorrow is the anniversary,” I said nervously, trying not to focus on his groping hand. “I have a lot of stuff to do.”

“So won’t it be good to have a little fun when no-one’s looking?”

His hand drew back and slapped my snatch lightly before he ground his palm against it hard.

“I – I don’t know.” I whispered.

“You do. You’re just too uptight to admit it. You love the way we are together, don’t you, princess?”

He caught my ponytail in his hand and pulled my head back, leaning down to kiss my neck. I felt his teeth graze across my skin.

“You smell so fucking good,” he breathed. “If only I had all night.”

I wanted to ask him why he didn’t have all night, but surely that would mean I wasn’t averse to spending the night with him and I knew he’d start asking all kinds of unanswerable questions that I wouldn’t be able to answer and then maybe he might end up spanking me for bad manners and my ass was still sore form the elevator incident. Besides, he was biting my neck and kind of sucking on it and it felt so goddamn good, I didn’t want to ruin the moment.

“You want me to fuck you?” His tongue flicked inside my ear and then his teeth caught the lobe. “Is that what you want, Ally?”

I didn’t answer. I leaned back into his body, aware of his hard, denim-constrained cock pressing against my lower back.

“’Cause you have to be mine tomorrow. I won’t get through all that fucking anniversary...

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Written by browncoffee
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