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Dreams Cum True

"Lessons Learnt"

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"Wait, guys! I've got it, wait, I've got it!" Jack excitedly waved his arms to silence the other four boys - young men, really, eighteen, with their heads full of lust.

"We'll tie her down onto Eagle's desk," he started, “she’ll be bent over with her legs spread. Then! We circle the table and when it is your turn, you are allowed one push inside her cunt. Wearing a condom. And if you cum, you're out. The last one left, gets to fuck her properly... with no condom!" Jack had become quite verbose about his cunning plan and he was shushed by Garth during the ensuing laughter in the hostel dorm.

It was around eleven o’clock at night and the rural, farming town was asleep already. The village had been experiencing a heat wave that summer and temperatures soared to record highs. The heat was unbearable, and the boys had all five of their nineteenth-century, retractable bay windows opened to the maximum, desperate for some night-breeze relief.

The school hostel served local farmers, for whom daily traveling was a bridge too far, and kids from the cities, whose parents decided it best to have them as far away as possible. The school was, therefore, a mixed pot of conservatives and liberals, with most finding their way in the middle somewhere. The boys’ hostel slept about twenty in a renovated Victorian-style homestead, dating back to the mid-eighteen hundreds. Their hostel father was Mr. Mench, otherwise known as Eagle since he saw everything.

The hostel also housed a young primary school teacher, Miss Catherine Kently. She finished her teaching diploma the previous year and worked at the sister-primary school as a PhysEd teacher. She was, in eyes of most of the boys, the sexiest woman walking this earth.

Miss Kently’s beach-blonde hair shimmered in the sunlight like a Radox bubble bath TV advert and crowned her heavenly, perfect body. She boasted a rack that initiated more erections than a construction-scaffolding company. There wasn’t a boy (or man) in town who did not sport an unsuspecting semi due to Miss Kently's busty bosom at some point or another.

She was a regional tri-athlete and her body was lean, with defined muscles that accentuated her perfectly toned body. Due to her position (God's favour, if you'd bother to ask any boy), she wore tight lycra vests and short skirts which beautifully showcased her legs. Many a hostel boy was unable to exit the pool when she was on duty. She would walk around the pool in that short skirt, giving hard-ons to whoever would look up at her from inside the pool. She loved the attention and was certainly not naïve about the fact that she was a sex idol to these hormonal high school boys.

To the extent that she would, on many occasions, don her tiniest thong underneath those skirts when she was on pool duty. Jack and his mates would call her over to ask her for help with their strokes (yes, pun intended, and yes, she was well aware of this). She would turn her back to them, bend over slightly with her back straight, and demonstrate how their arms should crawl through the water. All the while the boys had a perfect view of her butt, and the small piece of material covering her apparent shaved pussy. She would glance back over her shoulder while giving instructions, and the eyes and open mouths of her sex-hungry audience would not go unnoticed. She never let on to anything though, nonchalantly carrying herself as just doing her job.

Miss Kently was a goddess and there was not a boy who did not worship the ground she walked on.

The boys would discuss her outfits, her beauty, or the interactions they had with her on a daily basis. Tonight was no different. Garth initiated the discussions with a recount of an incident earlier that evening in the dining room.

“You guys won’t believe what happened at dinner earlier,” he started, “Guess who rubbed her titties against me?” and he proceeded to give a detailed account of how Miss Kently brushed up against him on the way to the kitchen.

“I swear I could feel her nipples rubbing against my chest!” he exclaimed excitedly to other boys in their dorm.

“Ah, you’re talking shit, man,” countered Patrick, “you probably dreamt that while you were choking your dick in the shower earlier!”

There was a roar of laughter as they teased Garth but immediately joined in with their own stories.

“Fuck, she looked so hot today, I could have fucked her this morning at the breakfast table already,” Alan announced, “thank God for summer because those short skirts make my life worthwhile!” he added, again initiating a rupture of laughter and jesting.

“Fuck you all,” Wesley piped in, “the only one here to fuck her will be me! You are all a bunch of sissy boys who wouldn’t know what to do with her, even if she jumped naked on top of you.”

“Oh yeah, Wes, like you know what to do. You’d probably cum before she took off all her clothes!” Jack shot back at him, and another roar of laughter echoed through the otherwise quiet hostel corridors.

“Shush!” Patrick warned the others to keep it down, “you guys are going to wake Eagle, and then there’s going to be shit again. Keep it down, I want to have a siggie,” and got out of his bed to light a cigarette at the open window.

“I’ll say this boys, I’ll cum all over her. In her hair, over her face, on her tits. I won’t stop until I have coated her entire body with my cum!” Patrick conveyed his cock-sure proclamation to the group.

“She will suck the last drop from my cock!” he concluded.

“You can’t even cum in the fucking toilet properly,” Wesley laughed, “how the fuck will you shoot into her hair?” The guys heckled him, followed by loud laughter and jousting.

This continued for a good half an hour, each one elevating the sexual nature of how they would do Miss Kently. When Jack offered his master plan of how to tie her to a desk and take turns on her, the boys were once again excitedly making quite a ruckus, each trying to talk over the other. Patrick eventually called it and told the others to “shut the fuck up and go to sleep”.

It was nearly midnight and the dorm had become silent, some sleeping already. Jack just finished his last cigarette at the window above his bed, dropped it into his tin ashtray, and left the dorm room, heading for the toilet down the passage.

The hostel was eerily quiet and dark this time of the night, and only the light from the street lights shining through the windows provided some light. After he urinated, he brushed his teeth and was about to return to his bed when he heard a loud noise downstairs, like a vase or glass that fell on the floor. There had been an attempted break-in at the hostel a couple of months back and Jack thought he should go have a look.

He slowly tip-toed down the wooden staircase, knowing from experience where to step to minimise the creaks the old woodwork would make. The senior boys regularly snuck out at night to get up to mischief and knowing how to silently traverse the staircase was a crucial skill to be inconspicuous. When he reached the ground floor, he heard a muffled voice cursing. It sounded like it came from Miss Kently’s room. He slowly approached her door and carefully placed his ear against it.

“Dammit, where are the plasters,” he could just make out her voice

‘Maybe she’s hurt,’ he thought and deliberated with himself whether he should knock on her door. He was still building up the courage when the door suddenly opened and Miss Kently cried out when Jack fell into her room, due to him leaning against the door.

“Are you ok?” he muttered as he regained his balance, “I heard something break and just wanted to see if you were ok,” he blurted out nervously.

Miss Kently was holding her hand, blood seeping through a dishcloth she had wrapped around it.

“Jack, you startled me,” she gasped, clearly shaken by his unexpected presence at her door, but quickly added, “but I am so glad to see you. I was doing my dishes and a plate slipped out of my hand. It seems I have a deep gash on my one finger and I can’t find any plasters.”

“Hold on, I’ll be back in a second,” Jack offered immediately and dashed to the sick room to check the medical kit. He was careful not to make a noise when he opened the kit, looking for plasters. While scratching around it, his mind’s eye suddenly returned to the image he was met with when the door swung open. Miss Kently was in her nighty!

A white cotton, summer night dress with a red Tasmanian Devil print on the front, and the words ‘EAT ME!’ above it. She was definitely not wearing a bra because he could clearly see her hard, dark nipples through the thin material. ‘Fuck dude, her nipples are the shit!’ rushed through his mind. He found a box of plasters, disinfectant, and an anti-bacterial ointment which he quickly gathered and made his way back to Miss Kently’s room.

When he arrived back, the door was still ajar and he closed it behind him when he entered her room. It was more of a large bachelor flat and had a little kitchenette area on the left, adjacent to her lounge area, and her bed in the far right-hand corner, behind a small toilet and shower unit which was on his right side.

“Oh thank God, Jack,” she sighed when she saw him walk in. She was pale and visibly shaken.

"Here, come sit down here." Jack held her arm and guided her to the couch in the middle of the room. He put his arm around her shoulder to assist her in sitting down. Her body was hot, and Jack felt a stir in his jogger shorts. He looked down and realized that this was all he was wearing.

'Shit!' He cursed himself silently, knowing full well that the thin polyester material was not going to afford him any lenience with an erection. But he was focused on Miss Kently, and started unwrapping the dishtowel from her injured hand. The cloth was quite soaked and Jack braced himself before lifting it off the wound, expecting a nasty gash pulsing blood out of it.

Fortunately, it wasn't bleeding badly anymore, and he sprayed disinfectant on a deep cut underneath her middle finger. "This is going to sting, so hold on," he told her. She cringed when the spray hit her finger.

"Aaa-wow! Shit that burns like fire!" she cried out, slapping Jack on his bare back in agony.

"Sorry, Jack," she apologized immediately when she realised he was not wearing a shirt. She leaned back to look at his back and saw her handprint swell red against his muscular back.

She looked back at him and pulled a 'sorry' face, which only made Jack giggle.

"Sorry, I didn't realize you were topless, I mean, your naked back, no. What I meant to say is, I didn't realize," she fumbled her words.

"No worries, Miss, it burns like hell. I know,” he said and looked up at her and smiled, before returning his attention to her wound. He was applying pressure with the cloth, then gently wiped the surrounding area clean and used the ointment to coat the open cut. Lastly, he strapped two big plasters around the finger, holding her hand gently in his when he was done.

"There we go, that should help for now but you should probably go to the doctor tomorrow," he said to her.

Miss Kently nodded at Jack, but her thoughts were still floating around her head. When she looked at her slap on his back, she couldn't help but appreciate the fine, muscular specimen. Maybe she was in shock, she thought, because suddenly she could smell his musky body. He must have showered, as he didn't smell like the perspiring kids she normally interacted with.

His dark brown hair was dishevelled and while he was busy looking down at her injury, she studied his face. She noticed his neck muscle bulge when he turned his head, and how his forearms flexed when he applied pressure on the wound. His legs were shaved and she gazed down along his deep-cut quadriceps. 'Nice!' she thought and smirked quietly.

When he looked up at her, he caught her looking at his legs. She quickly looked back at him.

"I don't know how to thank you, Jack, I was a little frazzled there for a while, it was bleeding so badly and I couldn't do much with one hand. You are, like, my hero in the night," she earnestly thanked him.

"Can I offer you something to drink," she suddenly said and shot up from the couch.

"Wohaah!" she blurted out, as she flopped back into the seat, "I feel a little dizzy, what the hell," she said holding her head in her hands.

Her wide-neck nighty had slipped off her one shoulder and hung open, her one breast exposed to just above her areola. Jack's eyes were fixated on the half-naked boob, silently praying the nighty would drop, ‘Please dear God, just a little further down’. He put his hand on her naked shoulder and squeezed her softly.

"You might be in shock, he told her, "stay right here, let me make you some sugar water," and got up to make his way to the kitchenette. He took a glass from the sink and mixed a couple of spoons of sugar with water for her. He quickly walked back to her

"Here, take a couple of sips, you'll feel better soon," he said as he stood in front of her, holding out the glass for her. She still had her head in her hands and when she looked up to take the glass, noticed the outline of Jack's semi pushing against his joggers. She took the glass without moving her eyes, prompting Jack to glance down too. When he saw the bulge in his shorts, his first instinct was to cover himself and run from his embarrassment. But he suddenly felt confident in his stature and brought his shoulders back to straighten out his stance, pulling the shorts even tighter.

He looked down at Miss Kently, who brought the glass up to her mouth and sipped from it. But she did not blink, staring straight at his crotch. Time seemed to slow down before she suddenly snapped out of it, looked up at Jack, and smiled sheepishly at him.

"Wow, felt dizzy there for a moment, but you're right, I am feeling better. Thank you," she tried speaking with her teacher's voice, but her intended commanding tone sounded more timid and subservient. She felt herself blush when she saw Jack's lip lift as he smirked. He clearly enjoyed the attention. She took another gulp and looked away.

"Ok, you sit down let me make you a cup of tea, it’s the least I can do," she announced as she got up again. Jack slipped his hands under her arms and helped lift her back to her feet. She pulled her nighty back onto her shoulder and hastily made her way to the kitchenette. Jack did not sit down and walked behind her, just in case she faints or something, he thought. But his eyes were on her ass, which swished against the nighty as moved. He could make out the strap of what must be, one of her tiny thongs, he milled in his mind.

'Fucking delicious Miss Kently,' he thought silently.

"Did you say something?" she asked, turning her head back to him, catching him staring at her ass.

"Uhm, no, no, nothing," he stuttered meeting her eyes when he looked up.

She turned around to turn the kettle on and then bent over to get a cup from a cupboard underneath the sink. It seemed to happen in slow motion for Jack, his jaw falling open when her nighty crawled higher up her back and exposed the bottom part of her ass cheeks. And the puffy pussy stuffed tightly inside the tiny triangle patch of her thong.

Jack jerked as he felt precum spurt out of his swelling erection, the liquid feeling cold against the polyester material.  He quickly shoved his hand in his shorts, trying to position his dick under the elastic band of the shorts, but he wasn't wearing a shirt so his dick stuck out the top of the shorts. He agonisingly fumbled with his obvious protrusion by which time she had taken a cup and came upright again.

She looked back over her shoulder again and caught a glimpse of him trying to hide his, rather large, excitement. She turned back before he saw her looking and she grinned at the awkwardness of his situation. And she was somewhat enjoying it all. The tea bag was already in the cup but she purposefully reached up to a higher cupboard, scratching around and making it look like she was searching for something. This time the nighty lifted to above her panty line, giving Jack a full view of her backside.

Jack let out an involuntary, audible groan as he pushed his cock down again. He knew she heard him and decided sitting down would be his best option to hide his erection. When she turned around, he was on the couch already, leaning back into the seat and crossing his legs. And still adjusting his poly-shorts. Much to her amusement, because she giggled loudly.

"I can’t seem to reach this bloody biscuit tin. Would you be a doll and get it for me?" She was still on her toes, stretching up at the cupboard when she turned around to face him, watching his gaze lift from her ass to her face.

"Uhm, yes sure," he replied but kept still in his seat, waiting for her to turn around again.

Which she did...

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Written by WetWalter
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