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Close Teacher part 4

"Who knows what, when, how."

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Famous Story

           “Where’s Tiffany?” Amy asks.

            My head immediately perks up at the sound of her name.   I answer, “I’ll go look for her.”

            “Thanks Bree.   You know where she is?”

            “I have an idea.”

            I know where she is:   she’s going to talk and flirt with Mr. Reynolds.   On my way to Mr. Reynolds’ class, I pass by our principal.   “Hi, Ms. Powers.”

            “Hello… there.”

            “It’s Bree.”

            “Yes, hi Bree.   How’s the cheer coming along for tomorrow’s assembly?”

            “Going good, would be going better with our captain showing up on time.   Have you seen Tiffany?”

            “Nope, haven’t seen her.   If you do run into her, could you let her know I want to give her a schedule for tomorrow’s assembly?”

            Oh sure, Tiffany you remember.   “Or you could give it to me, and I’ll make sure she gets it.”

            “Actually, I wanted her to stop by my office as well.”

            “Okay, Ms. Powers.   I’ll let her know.”

            “Thank you … Bree is it?”

            “Bree it is.”   Eh, she’ll forget it by tomorrow.

            I approach Mr. Reynolds’ door when I hear a tapping, like moving furniture.   I slowly turn the doorknob and I couldn’t believe my eyes.   There was Tiffany in her cheerleader uniform, her skirt lifted to her lower back, her cotton whites hanging round her ankles, her legs in between Mr. Reynolds’ legs while he was thrusting into her ass, with his pants hanging around his hips, his belt buckle, buttons and zipper all undone.   They were fucking on his desk at school.   I pulled the door slightly back and kept watching as Mr. Reynolds continues pounding into Tiffany.   I hear her trying to hold back her moans and in viewing all of this, I feel myself starting to get a little wet.   I start to rub myself over my own cotton whites and thought my goodness, the thrill they must be going through to be fucking at school, a teacher and a student.   A bit careless of them however, cause here I am watching them… but maybe that risk is adding to the thrill of it all.   I see Mr. Reynolds cumming as his final thrust lifts Tiffany’s legs underneath him, his desk had moved about three feet from where it usually was.   I watched them both twitching from what must have been an amazing orgasm and wish I had one of my own.   Tiffany’s legs find the ground again, and she stands vertical with Mr. Reynolds still inside of her.   He slowly pulls out unable to prevent a big droop of his cum from landing on her panties.   I want to make myself cum right there, but I might get too loud myself and I decide that I should go back to practice and wait for Tiffany there.

            When Tiffany arrives, I watch as she tries to straighten her uniform and look even more presentable, but Tiffany is always beautiful.   I love a cock in me as much as the next straight girl, but sometimes I wish I could explore Tiffany’s body with my own.   I admit to wanting Tiffany, with her long blonde hair, and me with my long black hair from my mom’s side (Chinese).   I imagine both our fair skins rubbing against each other because my father’s side (White).   Looking at Tiffany, I felt what most other boys must feel when they look at her: I’m so fucking horny right now.

            “Sorry I’m late girls,” Tiffany said out of breath, “had a long talk with Mr. Reynolds.”

            “He’s so hot,” Amy tells us, “you think he’s married?”

            “No ring,” I chime in, “but Amy, you’re only sixteen.   What is he, like twenty-six, twenty-seven?”

            “A girl can dream, can’t she?   What I wouldn’t do to that man….”

            “I’m sure he has a girlfriend or something.” Tiffany interrupts trying to end the conversation, “C’mon girls, we have to practice for tomorrow.”

            A few times during practice, in our squad of five girls, I would stare at Tiffany, knowing her little secret.   And I would arouse myself looking at her stained cotton whites every time she did a twirl or a kick.   It was hardly noticeable unless you were looking for it, but I was still so horny and unsatisfied that I couldn’t help but remind myself of Mr. Reynolds and Tiffany fucking away at school.   And I couldn’t wait for Matt to pick me up after practice, so I could fuck him and finally get my orgasm.   But after practice, like always, my boyfriend was late again.

            “Still waiting for Matt?”   Tiffany finds me in the parking lot.

            “Yeah, the prick is always late.”

            “It’s dark out, I’ll wait with you.”

            “Thanks Tiffany.”

            “Why are you still with that jerk?”

            “Well, he’s a football player… it’s not like I can have any boy in school like you can, Tiffany.”

            “Bree, you’re so hot.   You know how attractive a mixed race girl looks? You’re half white, half Asian; it’s a very good combination.   You have no idea how many guys want you.”

            “I doubt it; maybe after you’ve turned them down.   You keep turning them down though.”

            “Yeah, I guess that’s why they start those rumors.”

            “Matt says he never spread anything about you, but I know he probably has cause he couldn’t get you either.”

            “Matt is a jerk.”

            “He is a jerk; a self-centered, immature, stupid, and late jerk.”

            “Bree… sorry I keep insisting you break up with him.   I just think you deserve better.”

            “When is ‘better’ going to come along?   College?”

            “I’m so glad we’re graduating in two months.   I’m so ready to leave high school.”

“I guess I am too.”

“Here you go.”   Tiffany says handing me a wrapped rectangular box out of her bag.

“What’s this?”

“An early birthday present.   Congrats on being the first legal ‘adult’ among us.”

“It’s still almost a week away.”

“I know, just open it.”

“Oh my god, you didn’t.”   I start breaking out into laughter.       

“It’s silly, I know.”

“A vibrator?   Is it real?”

“Batteries included yeah.”

“Hmm, I guess I won’t need Matt anymore.”   We laughed together for a little bit and sat in silence for a while.   Tiffany was a good person, and a thoughtful friend, so I didn’t want to hurt her. I decide that I should let her know.   “Speaking of turning legal… I have to be honest with you, Tiffany, I saw you and Mr. Reynolds before practice.”   I start to wonder if it was a good idea now seeing Tiffany turn beet red.

“Bree… shit, I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t worry, Tiffany, you can trust me.”

“I know it sounds lame, but I don’t know how it happened.   One minute he was consoling me about the rumors and holding me.   Then I felt his… you know….”


“Yes, his cock, hardening… and something else took over me.   I’ve fantasized about fucking Mr. Reynolds, but I never thought he’d be my first.   I wanted him to be my first, right then, and there.”

“You’re seventeen, Tiffany.   I’m not one to talk about saving yourself, but weren’t you waiting for the right guy: the guy you were going to marry”

“I was.   But I don’t feel any regrets at the moment… you didn’t tell me having a real cock in you feels so good.   I don’t think my vibrator will be enough for me anymore.”

“Depends on the cock, really.”

“Matt doesn’t do it for you?”

“He’s gotten me close a few times, but … he’s a little… how should I put it: for himself only.”

“Mr. Reynolds made me cum so much more intensely than my vibrator.”

“I saw.   You’re lucky, it usually doesn’t happen the first time.”

“And when he shot his cum in me, to feel that hot glob hit my walls inside, to feel his throbbing cockhead rubbing all that cum deep in me….”

Tiffany actually started shaking again.   I started getting a little wet again too.   “So does this open the door for possible sex with boys our own age for you now?”

“I don’t know.   I want Mr. Reynolds still.   I think I’m going to see him again before practice tomorrow.”

“Tiffany… he can get into real trouble though… especially at school.”

“Bree… his cock… sooooo good.”

“You’ll need a look out.”

“You’re the best!”

Tiffany kisses me on the cheek and we hug.   I feel her chest pressed up against mine, and I can smell her hair … it’s so sweet even after practice.   I was so horny now that I almost went to suck on her neck.   Then a pair of headlights shines on us and makes us break up our hug.  

“Now that is hot.”   Matt says out the window.

“Shut up, Matt!” I yell at him.

“What the hell are you holding?    Is that a fucking vibrator?   Haha, she doesn’t need that.    She’s got me!   Unless… you two were going to use it on each other just now before I interrupted.   Please … go on.”

“It’s a gag present, Matt.   Grow up.”   Tiffany said getting into her car, “I’ll see you tomorrow Bree, we can plan our little plans.   Yeah?”

“Yeah,” I said reluctantly but then again, it might give me a chance to see Tiffany naked again.   I climb into the shotgun seat and looked at Matt who was carrying a smirk on his face.   He was pretty cute … but I think that’s all he has going for him.   Fortunately for him, my panties were drenched and I needed to get my orgasm.   “You’re late.”

“I was too early.   You were about to get it on with Tiffany and your new plastic friend.”

“You don’t deserve this.”   I say lowering my head and unzipping his pants.   I pull out his erect cock.   I wonder it if was for me or if it was erect because of the thought of Tiffany and I together.   I start sucking on his cock-head as he drives out of the parking lot.

“Shit, Bree, yes, shove that cock in your mouth.”   He places both hands off the wheel and on top of my head to force his cock down my throat.   I react negatively, getting even more pissed.

“I don’t like that!   Keep your hands on the steering wheel.”

“Take me in deeper then.”

“Just shut up and drive carefully.”   I start to rub my pussy to try and enjoy sucking his cock.   It was salty and I realize he hasn’t showered after his football practice.   I spit on his cock.  

“Don’t do that!   Just keep it in your mouth.   You’re getting my car seat dirty.”

“Well, you taste gross.   You didn’t even shower after practice.”

“Bitch, how was I supposed to know you were going to suck on my cock.   Well… don’t stop now.   I’m about to cum”

“I don’t want you to cum in my mouth… not with you tasting like that.   Pull over here, to that parking lot.   I want you to fuck me.”

Matt pulls over to a busy parking lot, but with his tinted windows, I didn’t care much; I just needed to get off.   He pulls his pants all the way down.

“Come sit on this cock, bitch.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“Hot bitch?”

“Ugh…. no I don’t want to be on top, fuck me from behind.”   In truth, I wanted it that way so I don’t have to stare at him and can imagine someone else behind me.

I climb into his back seat and he follows.   I stick my ass in the air to him, and he can see that I’m leaking down my thighs.

“Don’t stain my car.”   He pulls off my cheerleading skirt with my cotton white panties and places them underneath my knees protecting his seats.

“You’re such an asshole, just fuck me already.”  

He sticks his cock in me… and I felt a release of tension in my pussy.   I knew I was horny, but I didn’t know how much until I felt a hot cock inside of me.   I needed a cock, any cock… even his.   He starts spanking me while fucking me, which is one thing I didn’t mind too much… but just as I was giving him credit in bringing me towards my long awaited orgasm, he yells, “Fuck, I’m going to cum.”

“Don’t you fucking dare, I’m not close yet…”   I say too late, as he quickens his less frequent thrust and finishing his orgasm.   “Damn it, Matt, I said not yet.”

“You shouldn’t have sucked on me first.”

“Fuck, I really wanted to cum.”

“Why?   Cause Tiffany was making you all hot and horny.   Are you a lesbo?”

“That’s … don’t change the subject.”

“What is the subject?”

“You’re selfish.”

“I can’t help but cum; first of all, you were sucking me right before, and second of all, with all that female hugging fresh in my mind?”

“Why am I even with you, you can’t even get me off.”

“Bitch, that’s harsh.”

“Bitch, it’s true.”

“Fucking Bitch.   Look, just suck on me a little bit, get me all hard again, and I’ll be able to fuck you longer, all right?”

As much as I didn’t want to, I still need to cum, “You better make me cum this time.”  

  “Yeah, yeah, just wipe your pussy first, you’re going to leak on my seat.”

I actually listened to him, I don’t know why, but I did wipe my pussy with my underwear and proceeded to suck on his cock.   He was only semi-erect and was having trouble getting himself hard again.   He continues to leak a little cum out and it was still salty, but at least I can taste a bit of my pussy on him.   That made me wonder how it would taste to eat out Tiffany’s pussy.    Wow… maybe I am bisexual.   Thoughts of exploring Tiffany’s pink pussy lips with my mouth made going down on Matt again bearable and he was finally starting to get hard again.   I started to work his dick faster and a bit rougher trying to get him harder and ready to fuck me again, all the while images of Tiffany’s perfect body rubbing up against mine dance in my head.    He must have been thinking something similar to me because he yells out, “Yes, yeah… just like that… yeah, keep going…. Yes, Tiffany, fuck yes!”    But before I could pull back and yell my reaction to him, he grabs the back of my head (again!) and pushes, with greater force, my throat on his cock and he cums a second time.   I gag on his cum, but keeping it all in my mouth so that when he releases my head I could do this: spit his cum all over his seats.

“Bitch, what did I say about my seats!”

“We’re so over, Matt.”   I say putting my clothes back on.   I grab his pants, his car- keys, open the doors and I toss them about as far as I could into the parking lot.   It lands on a car of a customer coming out of a store.  

I start to walk home and Matt is yelling at me from his car creating more of a scene, “You bitch!”   He gets out of his car, with people looking at him.   “It’s okay.   We just fucked.   That’s why I’m naked. ‘Scuse me, sir, could you hand me those?”  


Damn it all, I thought on my way home, the tension in my pussy is still there.   I have my new present, and since it was from Tiffany, it just might do.   I went straight towards the shower.   I was rinsing myself clean of Matt and readying myself for a long night of self- pleasuring, but, with the right images in my head, I’ll be fine.   I grab a towel and went straight to my room noticing that my brother and my parents were in their rooms.   On my bed, I noticed my little nightie on top of my bed and I knew it was my dad who put it there.  

So here was my little secret that I had with my dad.   Every now and then, dad would get really horny and mom would not give him any… so when he goes into my room and takes a nightie and places it on my bed, it’s my signal to sneak in his room and release his tension.   There are times where I’m not up to it and he’ll understand, but more often than not, especially after unsatisfactory nights with Matt, I would count on my dad.  

I know it’s a little fucked up, but when I was younger my dad watched “Taboo II,” the 80’s porn film about incest, and he had it in his head to show me one day.   I was younger and he must have sensed my curiosity.   It was my first sexual experience with another man; my father taught me about sex.  His movies provided me for the first time visions of the explicit act of sex (not just the soft core scenes in “R” rated movies).   The sight of an actual intercourse; to see a hard cock burrowing its way into a wet pussy is an image I constantly see in my daydreams from then on.   The sex scenes with the brother and sister were pretty hot, and while it did make me curious about my own brother, really it was the very last scene with Dorothy LeMay, playing the daughter fucking her dad while the mom was asleep next to them that really turned both of us on to this arrangement we both indulge in to this very day… and fortunately for me, this very tonight.

So I put on the nightie, which hung right below my ass, and slowly open the door into...

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Written by mmster
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