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Brother's Girlfriend's Rule

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Tom was happy that his older brother, Jake, was returning home from college for the summer. He missed hanging out with him. He practically idolized Jake. Jake taught him everything. Everything from sports to fishing and girls. He helped him with homework when he had trouble. He stood up for him when other kids picked on him.

The best thing that he taught him was how to masturbate. Jake was a year and a half older than Tom. When Jake started going through puberty, Tom was amazed at how Jake's dick got hard and much bigger when it did. He was even more shocked when Jake discovered masturbation and showed him. At the time, Tom was so jealous, because his dick wouldn't do that yet. Time after time, Tom watched Jake lay on his bed jacking off his cock and spurting out his cum.

It wasn't long after that Tom could jack off with his brother. It was one of the most fun things they did together for a few years. The most exciting was when Jake told him that his friend Todd and he also jacked off together. Jake told Tom that Todd's older sister caught him masturbating and then she jacked him off. Todd told him how much better it was when someone else did it.

The most amazing part was that Jake said that they jacked each other off and how much better it was. Naturally, that's when Jake suggested that they do that too. So for the last few months before Jake left for college, that's how they did it. Jake was right; it was much more pleasurable when Jake jacked him off.


The school was out for the summer before Tom's senior year. He was home alone, lying in his bed. He was naked with his hard cock in his hand. His hand stroked his cock up and down. He was thinking about Jake coming home the next day.

Tom wasn't gay and he had no sexual feelings for guys, but he still couldn't help thinking about how much he enjoyed Jake stroking his cock while he stroked Jake's cock. It was so much better than when he did it himself. He came so much harder when Jake did it for him.

He closed his eyes as he continued stroking his cock. His mind went to the last time that Jake and he jacked off together almost a year ago. They were both naked, sitting on the side of Jake's bed in their shared room. Jake had Tom's hard cock in his hand and vice versa. They were both stroking each other and moaning out.

What made it even hotter was that Jake kept talking about Lisa, the hottest cheerleader in the school. He was describing how Lisa was naked on her knees in front of them. How much she loved stroking both of their cocks together at the same time. How her big tits had erect nipples and bounced around as she jacked them off together. How Lisa was telling them how she couldn't wait until they both came all over her face and tits. After they came simultaneously, they both agreed that was the best cum that either of them had ever had.

That's what was in Tom's mind as he stroked his hard cock faster and faster. He moaned out his brother's name. He moaned out Lisa's name. When he finally came, he imagined how it was spurting out all over Lisa's face and tits.

As he opened his eyes and looked down at his cum covered naked body, his cock was still hard and flexing. He smiled at himself and wondered aloud what fantasy Jake might make up when they jacked off together when he came home.


It was during dinner when the phone rang. Sharon, Jake, and Tom's mother started to get up to answer the phone. Frank, their father, said not to get it, because it was probably some stupid telemarketer interrupting their meal.

"But, honey. What if it's Jake? You know he's supposed to come home tomorrow. What if there's an emergency or his car broke down or something like that?" Sharon said walking towards the phone on the wall.

"Yeah, true. It could be Jake. Go ahead and answer the phone, I guess. Don't yell at me, because it's a telemarketer though," Frank said and sighed.


"Mom? It's Jake."

"Oh, hi honey. I thought it might be you. Is everything okay? I can't wait to see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, mom. Everything's great and I can't wait to see all of you too, but... umm... I need to ask you something."

"Uh oh. What, honey? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. It's just that... well, you know I told you I started dating that girl, Tina?"

"Yeah, I remember," she said with a big smile taking over her face. "How's that going? Are you ready to propose?"

"What? No! Oh my God, Mom," he said and then laughed.

"Oh, then what is it, honey?"

"Well, her parents are on vacation and won't be home until next week. She doesn't even have a key to the house and... well... umm... she doesn't want to stay here at the school all by herself. Soooo, we thought that she could... umm... you know stay with us and then I can drive her home once her parents are back?"

"What? Well... I... Oh my goodness, I mean... She can't stay in your bedroom, you share that with your brother and well... Ummm... you know... we can't have any... umm... shenanigans. Hang on. Let me talk with your dad for a moment. Hang on," she said, flustered at this revelation.

"Frank, honey. It's Jake on the phone and everything's alright, but his girlfriend, Tina can't go home now. Her parents are away on vacation. He wants to know if she can stay with us for a few days. What do you think?" she asked her husband.

"What? I mean... we're not having a little whorehouse here. I don't know about that," he answered.

Tom didn't want anything to happen that would ruin Jake's visit home. Although it shocked him that Jake wanted to bring a girl home with him, it also excited him. He knew Jake's taste in girls.

He blurted out, "Why can't she stay in the guest room? I know you have all your crafts and stuff in there, but there's still a bed. I'll help move things and rearrange them. Plus, Jake's eighteen anyway. It's not like he's a kid anymore, right?"

Both Tom's parents looked at him a little shocked. His father's eyes cocked and one brow arched upward.

His mother looked shocked for a second, but then what Tom said seemed to make sense as a smile came over her face.

"Well, that makes sense, Frank. We do have a spare room and if Tom's willing to help get it ready, why not? I mean, what harm is there? The poor girl is on vacation with no place to stay. Come on, Frank. Let's help her and our Jake out. Why not, dear?"

"What? Well, I..." Frank tried to object, but couldn't think of any genuine reason to object. He sighed heavily and said, "I guess so, but if this blows up in our faces, don't go blaming me!"

"Honey, it's okay. I can't wait to see you, sweetheart, and meet Tina. Oh, this is exciting. What time do you think you'll get here?" Sharon asked.

"I'm not sure, like exactly, mom. We still have to pack up everything and all. We'll probably leave in the morning, but I'm not sure when. I don't know. Maybe three or four... could even be as late as six or seven," he replied.

She heard a girl's voice, "Thanks, Jake's mom. I can't wait to meet all of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much."

Sharon couldn't help it as her smile grew from ear to ear as she heard Jake's girlfriend's genuine, thankful, and sweet voice.

"Ahhhh, tell Tina that she's more than welcome. She sounds so nice and sweet. I'll bet she's very pretty too. I can tell just by her voice."

"Mom! Well, yeah. She's really, really pretty. I have to go and start packing. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Thanks, Mom. Bye."

"Bye, honey!" Sharon said with a huge smile still on her face as she hung up the phone and rejoined her husband and son at the dinner table.

Frank was shaking his head back and forth, grumbling as he chewed another forkful of the spaghetti.

"I wonder if she has a younger sister?" Tom said, smiling and chuckling.

"Tommy!" Sharon said, but laughed along with him.

"That's my boy," Frank said, chuckling too. "Now, on that note, I'm going to be depending on you to make sure no shenanigans are going on while we're at work during the day," he added, looking at Tom directly.

Tom rolled his eyes and replied, "Umm, yeah. Sure, Dad. I'm on it," and laughed.


Tom woke up as usual Saturday morning with a raging boner. He immediately got to work stroking himself. His thoughts were imagining what this Tina looked like. He imagined a buxom blonde with blue eyes and big tits on her knees jacking both he and his brother off.

Then he imagined a brunette with soft curly hair doing the same thing. He was getting close to cuming as he imagined this sexy hot brunette holding both of their hard cocks switching from sucking one to the other while stroking the other.

Sharon knocked on Tom's bedroom door. "Time to get up, honey, and work on the spare bedroom. Remember that you said you'd help," his mother said through the door, interrupting his fantasy.

Tom quickly let go of himself and yanked the sheet up over his naked body, scared his mom would come on in as she often did.

"I'm up, mom. Yeah, I remember," he replied as the door opened.

"Good morning, honey. I'm so glad you're up already," she said as she walked to the side of his bed. She leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. As she straightened herself up and looked down at him, she couldn't help but notice the big tent under the sheet.

She giggled and said, "Oh my, you really are up," looking right at his hard cock sticking up under the sheets.

"MOM!" he said, turning red from embarrassment.

"Oh honey, you're the second man I've raised. It's okay. I know what happens with growing young men and what that is. Besides, remember I have two kids," she said, laughing. "It's only natural. I'll give you some time to take care of it, before putting you to work," she said, laughing more.

"Oh my God, Mom. I, I don't...," he started to say.

"Oh bullshit you don't. Everyone does. It's only natural. Even your dad still does. It's okay. Just don't take too long or your breakfast will get cold. I made eggs and bacon. Just come when...," she said and laughed. "I mean, I'll be waiting when you're ready," she laughed even harder as she looked at his cock flexing under the sheet as she left and closed the door.

"MOM!" he yelled and turned even more red as his cock flexed even harder at her comments.

He stroked his cock furiously as soon as the door closed and came within seconds.


Tom sat on the couch, staring at the TV. He was trying to be patient, waiting for his brother to come home with his new girlfriend. He sat in his shorts and t-shirt as his cock kept going from semi-erect to fully hard.

Everything had been taken care of. Tom had helped his mom for almost three hours preparing the spare bedroom. After that, she helped Tom clean up his and Jake's room. She changed the sheets on both beds. Some comments were made on the number of stains on Tom's sheets. Although it was embarrassing, his mother seemed fine with it. She made light of it in her loving, motherly way.

Tom recognized the sound of Jake's Dodge Charger as it pulled up and parked in the driveway, yelling out, "They're here. They're here!" as he jumped off the couch to the front door.

Sharon was in the kitchen making dinner as it was quarter to five. She was elbows deep, mixing up the meatloaf.

Tom opened the door and dashed outside, running to the driver's door of the Charger. "Hey Jake!" he yelled.

Jake opened the door, smiling broadly as he saw Tom running towards him. He got out and embraced his brother, and they slapped each other's back in their brotherly fashion. As they pulled away from the hug, Tom turned his head, hearing the passenger door open.

"OH MY GOD!" he screamed in his head as his eyes widened and his cock started to harden at what he saw.

Jake rushed around the front of the car to open the door as Tina stepped out and stood up.

"Oh thank God," she said as she stretched her arms out to the side and over her head.

Tom stood frozen as he stared at her in disbelief. His cock is now at full attention, his mouth open wide. If he were a character in a cartoon, his jaw would've dropped on the driveway.

"Dude, pick up your jaw and pull your tongue back in your mouth and come and meet Tina," Jake said laughing as Tina giggled.

"Oh, what? Yeah," Tom said, broken from his trance, and ran over beside them. He didn't even know where to look as his eyes roamed up and down Tina's sexy body.

She was about 5' 3" tall and had perfectly straight black hair that went down her back to the top of her sexy bubble butt. She had on the shortest white shorts that he'd ever seen in his life. Her sexy ass cheeks were quite visible. She had a pink top like none that Tom had ever seen before. It was like a long silk scarf. It wrapped around her body just below her huge tits. It snuggly wrapped each of her breasts barely covering her nipples. Then the ends went around her neck and tied there. Her tanned skin was visible from just below her breasts down to her short shorts. A diamond was embedded in her belly button.

"You must be Tom. Jake's told me all about you," she said, smiling at him and then winked. Her eyes scanned him and stopped at the prominent bulge in the front of his shorts.

Tom saw where she was looking and turned red. He quickly covered his crotch with his hands making Tina giggle.

"It's great to finally meet you," she said as she pulled him into a warm embrace.

He quickly pulled his hands from between them and hugged her back. He could feel her big tits pressing against his chest. His cock flexed hard between them. He swore that she was wiggling herself into it. He thought he might cum in his shorts if she didn't stop it.

"Geez, get a room. NO! Wait. What the hell am I saying," Jake said laughing.

Tom laughed too as he and Tina pulled apart. He noticed that she took another look down at his cock when they pulled away.

"Speaking of rooms," Tom said and smiled at Tina, "My mom and I have worked all day to get the spare room ready for you. I hope you like it, but if there's anything we missed or you need anything, just let me know. Okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, Romeo. Just remember, she's my girlfriend," Jake said, still laughing as Tina punched him in the shoulder, but laughed as well.

"Do you need help getting your things?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, buddy. Everything's in the trunk. Come on. There's a lot. You know how women are when they pack!" Jake said, laughing as he looked Tina in the eyes.

Tina stuck her tongue out at him but still giggled.

"Hey, you know better than that. Don't stick your tongue out at me unless you're gonna use it!"

She giggled and said, "Oh, you know I will," and stuck her tongue out again and winked at Tom.

Jake opened the trunk.

As the trunk lid now hid them from Tina's view, Tom said, "Holy shit, dude. Tina's hot as fuck. My God. She's sooooo fucking sexy. How the hell did you land her?" and laughed.

"Well, you know how it is when you're hung like a horse. It's all about the cock," Jake said laughing.

Tom rolled his eyes and said, "No really, how'd you get her, dude?"

"I just met her at a frat party. We just hit it off, I guess. I don't know, but damn. I love it! Now grab some things and let's go inside. It's hot out here," Jake said as he pulled out his large duffle bag.

"Well, it's hot as hell wherever Tina is. Inside, outside... anywhere. I mean... DAMN!" Tom said.

"True that, brother."

They grabbed everything between them and carried them inside, with Tina walking behind them. Once they got inside and set the things down, their mother walked into the living room from the kitchen.

"There you are. Jake! I'm so glad you're home," she said and ran to him, hugging him tightly and kissing him all over his face.

"Mom. Mom. Stop it. You're embarrassing me," Jake said, struggling to pull away from her grasp.

She finally let him go and turned and saw Tina standing there grinning from ear to ear and laughing at Jake's embarrassment.

"Oh, my goodness. You must be Tina," she said, her eyes going wide. "You're so pretty. Welcome. I can't wait to talk with you. Jake hasn't told us anything about you," she said, giving her eldest son the evil eye and then hugging Tina.

Tina laughed as she hugged Jake's mother back and then pulled away from the hug. Sharon held her shoulders and looked her up and down. "You're so beautiful. Wow," she said.

"Hey, son. You're home," Frank said, also joining them.

"Hey Dad," he said as his father stepped up and hugged him, slapping his back with his head turned to look at Tina. "My goodness. Who is this?" he said as he quickly pulled away from his son and stood next to his wife as his cock started to feel the blood rushing to it.

Tina turned red...

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Written by PA_Mike
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