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Aunt Andi

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Having not long turned sixteen, Friday nights had developed into my favourite time of the week. Mom would invite Aunt Andi for an evening meal, invariably staying the night, which then extended to the entire weekend, sleeping in our spare bedroom. Andi and mom were best friends, having known each other since their school days. She was one of my god-parents and while not a blood relative I’d always called her Auntie.

I was a shy girl, I’d argue but once comfortable, was like the floodgates opened and all inhibitions disappear. For some time, I’d been fighting with my sexuality, never having kissed anybody. Having discovered masturbation, my mental turmoil really started. When nude and teasing my body, I tried to imagine having sex with a boy but the closer I got to orgasm the more I thought of lesbian sex. For months, that worried me and would try to fight my thoughts but eventually accepted my lesbian urges. Having relaxed mentally, I’d arrive home from school, race to my room, strip and masturbate until mom called, telling me tea was ready.

Masturbation was a time to experiment and to see how my body reacted. I graduated from fingers, to my hairbrush handle, tearing my hymen. A painful but exciting moment, despite no orgasm from that experiment. My deodorant roll-on was far thicker, filling and stretching my pussy but using my electric toothbrush on my g-spot or clit, oh my god those orgasms were so intense.

Dad had left mom, home and me before I was ten years old and if I’m honest, haven’t forgiven him, despite never knowing why he left. I remember the fights, the acrimony, and the tears. Mom was thirty-two (yes, she had me very young) and very pretty. Andi was twenty-nine and for as long as it me meant anything to me, openly gay. I was far from certain but had my suspicions that her and mom had sex on a regular basis. Andi was naturally flirtatious and overtly suggestive, which embarrassed me relentlessly but if I’m honest, turned me on in my moments of solitude.

On Monday, mom reminded me that Andi would be coming for tea on Friday evening but would be staying the whole weekend. I’ll be honest, I’d developed a massive crush on Andi. In my eyes, she was gorgeous and although her flirtatious and suggestive comments turned my face red every time. She was openly gay, so with my growing lesbian urges, I was very excited by the prospect, masturbating thinking about her and mom having sex.

The week seemed to drag by slowly but finally Friday arrived and I was home from school. Closing the front door, mom shouted from her bedroom upstairs.

“Put your clothes by the washing machine and lay the table, ready for tea!”

Dropping my bag at the foot of the stairs, I walked through the kitchen, into the utility room. I pulled my blue V neck jumper over my head and removed my school tie before dropping them on the floor. Bending down from my waist, I unfastened my shoes and pushed them off, before standing up. Reaching around, my knee length blue skirt was soon pooled around my ankles. One by one, I calmly undid the six buttons on my crisp white shirt and once off, my white lacey bra was on the floor, revealing my 34b cup breasts and erect dark sensitive nipples. Reaching either side of my hips, I slipped my fingers and thumbs into the waistband of my blue knickers and blue tights, easing them over my hips and down my legs and off my feet to leave me naked. As I eased my knickers and tights away from my pussy, the unmistakable scent of my arousal filled the air, which considering I’d been turned on all day was little surprise.

I felt so naughty being nude as I was, downstairs and couldn’t resist running fingertips up and down my pussy lips for a few seconds, moaning as juices began to flow. Regaining self-control, I picked up my shoes, taking them back to the front door, placing them on the shelf. For a second or two, I tried to decide what to do next. Once in my room and masturbating, I’d not stop until Aunt Andi arrived, so I’d be told off for not laying the dining room table as I’d been asked to do. That was it, decision made, despite being naked, I’d lay the table first.

As if trying to portray an air of calm, I walked slowly into the dining room but truth be told, my heart was racing, pussy throbbing as if I was about to orgasm and juices were dribbling steadily down my thighs. I loved the excitement, the sense of daring and was new territory for me. With the door open, moving chairs, I pulled the table to the centre of the room, opened the cupboard door, pulled out a white table cloth and spread it onto the table, doing my best to flatten out the creases.

Moving back to the cupboard, I bent over to find table mats and cutlery box, leaving my arse in the air, with my legs straight.

“Wait till I tell Andi you prepared the table while you were naked. She will be so hot and horny as hell!”

“Mom! Oh my god!“ I replied, a little shocked by mom’s candour, looking back to see her standing in the open doorway, wearing her tiny black silk dressing gown. It was so short that it was easy to see she was bottomless. Mom, or Chellie as Aunt Andi called her, was a 5’1 midget, two inches shorter than me, dark brown hair which just covered her neck and brown eyes. Even as my mom, I’d say she was very pretty and with her slim body and D cup boobs, would argue, sexy too.

“I’ve known her a long time Jo, I know what makes her tick. She thinks you’re seriously hot. When she knows you were naked, she’ll want to masturbate. “

I wasn’t used to mom being so open. If it was Aunt Andi, well, then I’d expect it. Trying to act nonchalant, I attempted to carry on laying the table, making as little eye contact with mom as possible but she was on a roll, seemingly intent on telling me things.

We had countless sleepovers as you call them and I’ve seen her masturbate many times. “

By then, I’d finished the table, mom encouraging me to sit beside her on a dining room chair. My eyes widened, mom seemingly reading my mind.

“Yes, she saw me do it too.

Seeing another girl touching herself be beside you, in your bed, oh my god Jo!

Andi is so sexy, especially naked, I had to touch myself too. “

I know I was turned on before but mom had planted a seed, or placed a powerful image in my head, my breathing had turned very erratic and sensations radiating from my pussy incredibly intense. I bit my bottom lip, attempting to prevent moaning. Clamping my thighs together didn’t help at all and I came.

“I’ve heard you moan Andi’s name. It’s ok Jo, don’t be embarrassed. It’s ok to have lesbian feelings. But you must promise me something. If you’re gay stay true to your sexuality. I’m so glad I had you, it was the best thing I ever did. I was gay and marrying your dad was a massive mistake. Don’t do what I did. There’s no need to hide being turned on Jo, I am too! “

With that admission, mom looked into my eyes, smiled as she slipped the dressing gown off her shoulders to leave her naked. Of course, I’d seen her nude before but this time was totally different, I was looking at her body with a clear vision. Like mine, her nipples were very dark, with large areola. Despite being D cup, there was no sag at all. Her belly button looked invitingly deep, ready to be licked and sucked. As if wanting me to look, mom opened her legs. She was shaved, with swollen wet pussy lips, reddened clit between them and juices trickling onto the chair.

At that moment, as I opened my legs a little, comparing my unshaved pussy to mom’s hair free pubic region, I’ll admit to feelings of inferiority or shame.

“Do you like my body Jo? See how wet I am. I want to cum. I know you tried to hide you did but now I need to carry on cooking tea, But I’ll stay naked and dress before Andi arrives! “

I didn’t reply to moms’ questions, my eyes making my answers obvious. To my surprise, as we stood up, mom hugged me and told me to wear something sexy for Andi.

Picking up my school bag, I hurried upstairs to my room, not bothering to shut my door, mind full of images and scenarios planted there since arriving home from school. Taking my laptop from my school bag, I plugged it in and after turning it on, placed it on the dressing room table. Clicking on the webcam, I adjusted the laptop position so the camera viewed all of my bed and with a deep but excited breath, set it to record.

Standing up, I stood in front of the laptop and looked how my pussy filled the screen. As I saw the tip of my clit quivering, I thought wow but quickly moved to sit on the centre of the bed.

Watching my laptop screen, oddly it felt different to looking at myself in the mirror, I thought I appeared sexy and more grown up. Sat with my knees up, in front of my chest, arms wrapped around them, as if overly self-conscious of the webcam. My state of arousal began to consume my urges, knees spreading, hands caressing my breast and moving down to my thighs. My pussy lips were dribbling as my fingertips began to tease them, glancing at my laptop screen, I watched as I slid two fingers slowly into my pussy.

Mom was right, it did look hot, with my feet on the bed, two feet apart, I could easily see how my pussy lips enveloped my invading fingers and how the fingers were coated by juices while moving in and out.

I was finger fucking myself steadily, controlled but desperation soon kicked in, soon I was on my back, knees either side of my chest, two fingers pounding my pussy furiously, moaning in pleasure as my orgasm neared. I’d forgotten the camera, fuelled by self-pleasuring lust. With each thrust of fingers into my pussy, it throbbed with increasing intensity, until with an incredible rush, I came.

Relaxing for a few seconds, I reached for a pillow, placing it under my head and straightening my legs. Firstly, rolling onto my side, hands explored my naked lust filled body, then continuing onto my front. Contacting the duvet, my sexually sensitised clit encouraged me to instinctively begin to grind slowly.

Taking the pillow, I placed it between my legs. Closing my eyes, I imagined humping mom, enjoying my new incestuous urges. Finding a steady rhythm, grinding hard against my pillow, I moaned, “oh god mom, yes! Let me fuck you. “ With my door open, I must have been heard, especially as I moaned several times. It took longer to orgasm, masturbating this way but as my back arched and thighs clamped together, for me the satisfaction was far greater.

Suddenly, I remembered the webcam and curiosity was added to my feelings of lust. I pushed up onto my knees, moving to face my laptop. I smiled seeing the large wet patch from where I’d cum. Opening my legs, I eased the pillow between them, lowering my pussy onto it. Electricity radiated through my body as I ground down onto the pillow as I rested on my elbows, while looking at my laptop screen. For the second time, I started humping the pillow but, on this occasion, watching myself on the screen. Grinding slowly and deliberately, the look of pleasure on my face turning me on further. Controlled fucking of my pillow, quickly turned desperate, frenetic, made crazy by watching myself on my laptop screen. My back arched, thighs clamped tight against my pillow as I gasped and began to cum, collapsing in satisfaction onto the bed.

Rolling onto my back, breathing heavily, coming down from that physical, sexual and mental high, I knew I was far from finished. I loved the sensation of having a sensitive clit and pussy, it made me even more horny and had to keep masturbating. Each extra orgasm built in intensity, even though teasing my clit or g-spot was excruciatingly painful, I simply couldn’t resist continuing. For the next forty minutes, I masturbated, lost in my own world, enjoying three more orgasms but with a fourth rapidly approaching, I heard mom calling from downstairs.

“Jo, Aunt Andi is here!”

I tried to bring on my orgasm but it wouldn’t happen. Reluctantly, I sat up and attempted to regain my senses. Looking down between my legs, I smiled with a sense of pride, my clit sat swollen, visibly twitching between my pussy lips and thighs glistened, covered by my juices. I’d no time to wash, so decided to hope mom or Andi didn’t notice or maybe, I hoped they would.

Standing, thighs week as I moved to my wardrobe. Fortunately, I’d long since decided what I’d wear. I pulled on a pink thong and black mini-skirt, which mom had previously referred to as a belt as it barely covered my arse or pussy but to me, it showed off my legs, especially with bare feet. Finally, I pulled on a vest crop top, which fell just below my breasts, leaving my toned flat stomach uncovered. I gave my hair a quick brush, then showed off in front of the laptop, before shutting it down.

Nervously, I went downstairs and walked down the hallway into the kitchen. Nearing the open doorway. For an instant, I froze seeing Andi with her back to me, mom’s hands caressing Andi’s arse, the two of them clearly sharing a moment of passion. As they heard me approach, they pulled away from the other.

“Wow Jo, look at you. Oh my god and look at those headlights."

Of course, I blushed, glancing down to see my nipples fully erect and clearly visible through the thin white fabric of my white top.

Andi was a tall lady at 5’8, with short blonde hair, arguably like an arco typical lesbian but that’s where the stereotype ended because she was the most feminine woman I knew. She had piercing blue eyes, with deep dimples on each of her cheeks and killer smile. She was wearing a light blue sleeveless blouse, unbuttoned to reveal the cleavage of her D cup breasts, with no bra. She had on a pleated knee length flowered skirt, which every time she moved, swished adding to her seductive personality. Her height made Andi appear quite domineering and when you consider she could give you a look and make you do as she wanted; you might describe her as a dominant lesbian.

Mom was wearing a short dress with spaghetti cross over straps, with a very low cut back. She was braless and I assumed she had on a thong.

Andi stepped towards me, she’d always greet me with a hug, kiss to my lips and playful squeeze of my bum, while telling me how cute and irresistible it was.

“You smell divine little Jo. And you look as hot as Chellie and that’s saying something. She’s the hottest woman alive.“

She’d done it again; my cheeks were burning red from embarrassment but then as she kissed me, she sucked my bottom lip between hers and gave it a gentle nibble.

“Andi has bought us some flowers Jo. Go and put them in a vase and put them on the dining room table."

I was on a high as I pulled away from Andi and took the bouquet of flowers off mom and headed purposefully to the dining room, immediately finding a crystal vase from a cabinet. I hadn’t heard Andi follow me into the room and stepped back as she filled the vase with water.

Andi moved behind me, pushing me against the table as her arms wrapped around me and putting her mouth to my left ear, whispered, “How many times did you orgasm?"

“Six and you stopped number seven."

“That smell is so se so sexy Jo. I noticed how wet your thighs were. Chellie told me you were naked laying the table too. I want to fuck you Jo."

I was unsure how to reply. If I was honest, I’d wanted her to take me for so long but then there was mom and seeing them kiss confirmed my long-time suspicion that they were lovers. I couldn’t come between them.

Andi took over arranging the flowers in the vase, placing them to present an explosion of colour in the centre of the table. A few minutes later, we were sat at the table eating. With mom opposite, as normal Andi sat to my left.

We chatted as we ate taking the occasional mouthful of wine. It was developing into our usual relaxed Friday evening meal. Suddenly, out of the blue, I felt the toes of Andi’s right foot run softly up my left foot. Turning my head, Andi smiled, eyes full of mischief. Her toes running up and down my foot was enough to re-awaken my pussy, my arousal soaking my thong. With the tablecloth as cover, the fingers of her right hand rested on my inner left thigh as Andi’s toes continued to tease seductively. With the meal eaten, I attempted to contain or hide my arousal but Andi wasn’t giving up.

I looked at her sternly but...

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Written by Joanna86
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