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Valerias Adventures Pt.1 - When Old Friends Reconnect

"Valeria experiences for the first time, what it means to have fun with a swinging couple."

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Author's Notes

"Hey guys, I hope you will enjoy my story, just as much as I experienced it at the time. Any type of constructive criticism is wanted. <p> [ADVERT] </p>As this is not only my very first story on lush, but also my very first story entirely. Have fun!"

I was twenty-three and just had a hard breakup with my boyfriend. I had decided to distract myself a bit and go on vacation for a few weeks at my aunt's place in the southern region of Germany. It was a peaceful time, but also, quite boring. There was nothing much to do. No clubs in the area, and no place to meet people my age. The days came and went until one interesting evening that turned my views completely around.

I had decided to buy some groceries, as I would like any other day. I threw on my white flowery summer dress, and put on my white pumps.

While I was strolling through the aisles, I noticed a familiar voice behind me. "Could it be? No, it couldn't." I thought to myself. So, I turned around and was genuinely surprised to see my old childhood friend, Rebecca, standing right before me. She looked marvelous in her gray tank top and blue hot pants. I hadn't seen her in at least ten years, and we rarely chatted, but still, we stayed friends. Everyone lived their own lives.

She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw me either, so we stood there for a few moments until I opened my arms, greeted her with a hug, and said, "Hey Rebecca! Long time, no see. What are you doing here?"

She hugged me tight and replied, "I haven't seen you in so long!"

We finally let go of the hug and started to talk a bit.

"So, Rebecca, tell me, why are you here, and who is that handsome man beside you?"

And he was indeed a handsome man, 6'4", bald, and a black full beard. A bit muscular with a small belly, but you couldn't notice it through his blue Hawaiian shirt. Overall, quite handsome for someone to be at least in his forties.

"This is Dave, my husband. We just had our fifth anniversary. We wanted to go on vacation to celebrate that and to get a weekend away from the kids as well. So here we are, but what are you doing here?" Rebecca replied.

So I told her a bit about what happened, about the breakup, and that I am here because of that.

"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry to hear that," Rebecca said as she gave me another hug. "Why don't you come over later, and we can have a few drinks together and talk about old times?"

I agreed hastily because I needed that so much. To get out and talk to people. "Absolutely! I'd love to come! Where are you staying?" I asked.

"We stay in the Sundown Hotel, right in the city center. Come over at 5, and we'll go to the bar downstairs!"

With a bright smile on each of our faces, we said our goodbyes and parted ways.

I was so happy to finally get out and meet people. When I got home, I quickly got under the shower, made myself ready, and shaved, because, who knows what might happen? Maybe I'd to meet a good-looking guy in the bar? Who knows! I would certainly need that kind of distraction. Now was just the question of what I should wear. Should I go with something more casual? More classy? I don't want to be overdressed, or underdressed. Many thoughts ran through my mind while I was in the shower, but I finally settled and decided that I should wear my black cocktail dress with black open-toe platform heels.

So, I got out of the shower, dried off, and put on some makeup. Nothing fancy, but I thought smoky eyes would best suit the dress. I put on my peach lipstick and started to slip into my dress. My aunt was helping me tie the knot on the back of my dress while I made my hair into my normal wavy hairstyle.

After I was finished, I had a final look in the mirror, and wow, I looked stunning. I called a taxi, and when it arrived, I got in, and he drove me to the hotel.

When I arrived, I paid my fare, and quickly got out and walked towards the entrance, eager to chat again with my old friend. I got into the lobby and headed straight towards the counter to ask the clerk in which room my friend was staying.

But before I could even say a word to the clerk, I felt a hard slap on my butt. I turned around angrily, only to see that it was Rebecca who slapped me. And she looked breathtaking in her red dress, and red pumps with her red lipstick on. I laughed, she laughed, and we greeted each other again with a hug.

"Finally, you're here! Dave is already waiting for us in the bar, and we reserved a booth just for this occasion!" Rebecca said.

I replied, "Great, lead the way!"

So, I followed her lead, and we arrived at the bar. The music was loud, and some electric songs were playing in the background. It smelled just like any bar would. It was what you would expect: the smell of booze, dimly lit, and normal rustic interior.

We arrived at the booth where Dave was waiting for us. He was scrolling through his phone, and when he noticed us, he put his phone down, got up, and greeted me with a hug as well. And I took that handsome man's scent in, and it drove me crazy.

We sat down and ordered our drinks, had an overall good time, and talked about normal stuff, how old their children were, and everything else. One glass became two, then three and four. And I was already quite tipsy, and so were they. Then the topic changed, and I asked them how and where they'd met because they seemed to fit together so well.

"Well," Rebecca said, running her finger over the edge of her glass, "the way we met, is not your good old romantic story."

"Oh come on, which relationship is it? Spit it out! There is nothing that could shock me!" I stated.

Rebecca looked over to Dave and wanted to see if he approved that she would tell it, and he just smiled back at her. That was enough approval for her, and she turned back to me, took a deep breath, and said, "You see, we met each other first eight years ago in a swinger club."

I gasped and looked at her in disbelief.

She continued: "My friend pressured me to go with her to one of their parties, and I agreed to come with her. I mostly sat there at the bar, drank something and chatted with a few people, until Dave finally approached me. We just sat there for a couple of hours and just chatted, it kind of clicked between us. We were already planning on when and where to meet next. So the next date came and went, and we always had great fun together. Then after 3 years of dating, I was pregnant and we quickly married. The rest is history."

I had to take a moment for that all to take in, surely it was no romantic, or rather normal way for anyone, but if it works for them, who am I to judge?

"What do you think about it?" Rebecca looked at me with a concerned face.

"Well," I took a deep breath and said, "it didn't bother you at all, on where you guys first met?"

"A bit at first," Rebecca replied, "but I've gotten over it because you see, after we had our two wonderful children, I had thought about the idea of swinging as well. It was nothing new for him, and I was intrigued by the idea, we tried it out and I loved it every time!"

"So there is no form of jealousy between you two?" I asked.

"No absolutely not. Not even a little bit, since it's just sex that we are seeking from there, and he is the only one I love, and he thinks about it the same way." Rebecca answered.
This was honestly a lot of information, but I was curious about their whole ordeal and wanted to learn more. Either it was my curiosity, or the booze that uttered the next words from my mouth.

"So that means, for example, if I were to sleep with your husband, you'd happily allow it?"

Only after I said what I said, my brain started to realize what I said. And I took a big gulp from my glass.

Rebecca looked over to Dave, and they both smiled and then looked back at me, which made me feel a bit uncomfortable. They both said in unison with that cheeky grin on their faces, "Would you want to join us?"
I just looked back at them and thought about how to respond. I excused myself for a moment and went to the bathroom, to think about it, and to freshen up a bit. I just said to myself, that I am only young once, and if they are fine with it, so am I. So I returned to the table and before I even sat down I said, "Fuck it, I have nothing to lose." My face had to be as red as a tomato. And they were both so happy to hear these words out of my mouth.

"When would you want to do it?" I followed up quickly.

Rebecca replied, "Well, if you don't have anything else to do today, we could do it later in our hotel room?"

"Sounds like a plan!" I laughed and continued with my drink.

We sat there for maybe thirty minutes and chatted casually and drank a bit more, had quite good fun until Dave decided to scoot closer to me. I completely forgot until then, that I agreed to a threesome. And when he scooted closer to me I looked over to Rebecca who just grinned and took a small sip from her glass.

My hand wandered down onto my thigh and I continued to talk with Rebecca about our favorite bands, and after a few sentences, I found my hand resting on Dave's thigh, caressing it. The Bar was pretty empty at this point, and we sat way back, so if nobody paid attention to us, no one would've seen what we were up to.

My hand wandered up north until I felt something meaty at the side of my hand. I looked down, and it was his exposed penis. From what I saw in that dimly lit bar, it looked great! Had to be at least twice the width of my hand, and he was fully erect. I couldn't stop looking down at it, and I felt that heat rising between my legs. I just wanted him to take me then and there on the table. I didn't care if anybody would see us.

Doubts started to arise in my mind, on whether she was fine with it, or not. My eyes wandered up towards Rebecca who sat there, with her elbows on the table and the back of her hands under her chin, and she grinningly said, "What's mine is yours for today!"

No more words were needed for me. Enough of approval, here goes nothing!

With a bright smile on my face, I tucked my hair behind my ear and moved quickly down to his crotch. I needed to taste him, to feel him in my mouth, to feel his warmth, and to take in his scent from his manhood.

My left hand was wrapped around the base of his tasty-looking cock, and my mouth quickly followed suit. I had to open my jaw wide to compensate for his width, but I quickly got his head between my lips. My tongue danced around its head, and I could already taste his precum leaking out. This salty goodness was now mixed with my saliva. My tongue continued to dance around it a bit until I felt Dave's hand on the back of my head. I heard him moan as he was pushing me down on his member.

His cock slid in deeper into my mouth, until he hit the back of my throat. Tears were forming in my eyes, and I had to concentrate on my gag reflex, but I soldiered on. My head was bobbing up and down as he was using my mouth as his fucktoy.

I found my right hand between my legs, and I could feel how wet I was at that very moment. My hand slid inside my panties and I circled my clit with my middle finger. This very moment, to feel his length going in and out of my mouth, to think that the husband of my childhood friend is using my mouth as his fucktoy, in that public bar, made me moan around his shaft - until Rebecca broke the silence at the table.

"Right, so what do you say, Valeria? Shall we go to our room?"

I slowly arose and let go of this magnificent cock, caught my breath, and simply replied, "I'd love nothing more than that!"

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Dave paid our bill while Rebecca and I just giggled behind him.

There was an awkward silence between us during our walk to the elevator until we reached their room. I had butterflies in my stomach until we arrived at their room.

Dave got his key out of his pocket, unlocked it, opened the door, and turned on the lights. It was nothing too fancy, just what you'd expect from a hotel. Queen-size bed, TV, small bathroom, a couch, and a dressing table. But I was not there for the room, so I couldn't care less.

Rebecca and I decided that she and I should freshen up before, and Dave stated that he would set the mood, and prepare everything.

While Rebecca and I were in the bathroom, we heard from the outside how Dave put up some romantic music, and I just became red again.

We fixed our makeup and decided that we should go out of the bathroom in our underwear. So there we two stood. Rebecca with her almost perfect body, 36D's, and a nice apple-shaped round butt. I was a bit jealous because you could see that she had two kids, but it was nothing worth mentioning. She had a fit body. She wore her white laced bra with the matching panties, and I wore my plain old black bra with my black, now completely soaked, panties. Nothing too fancy. But I noticed that her underwear was expensive, and I couldn't help but ask, "Were you planning on inviting me?"

She giggled and said, "To be honest with you, we talked about that all day after we met you at the grocery store. And we decided to shoot our shot when we had a few drinks. Luckily, you agreed. I still know you well enough!"

I just laughed at that and thought nothing more of it. I was eager to enjoy this.

After a couple of minutes, we were ready. We got out and I was speechless. Sweet sounds of Ben E. King hit my ears, the entire room was only lit by candles, and Dave stood there in the middle of it, still wearing what he wore in the bar, opening a champagne bottle.

"Ladies," he exclaimed, "come, have a seat and a drink!"

We two sat down, Dave gave each of us a champagne flute and poured us a bit of champagne in. He filled a third flute that was standing on the table. After he put the bottle back in the ice bucket, he took his flute and squeezed in between us on the couch.

He lifted his glass, looked at me, and said, "Here's to us, may our love life always be filled with adventures and excitement!"

"Cheers!" we three said in unison, and clinked our glasses together and took a sip. Dave put his flute down on the table and turned his head to me. I looked back at him, and he leaned in for a kiss, which I returned eagerly.

Soon I found his hand caressing my breast, and with the other, he slid behind my back, and within a second he opened up my bra with only one hand and we let go from the kiss. While I was taking off my bra and placing my flute back on the table, I looked at both of them, exchanging kisses, and moaning into each other's mouths.

My hands were now on his belt and I quickly opened it up, while Rebecca was pulling his shirt over his head. As I pulled his pants down, expecting to see his boxers, his meaty stick jumped straight toward my face. Dave wasn't wearing any underwear. That caught me off guard. But while I was pulling his pants further down, I saw that Rebecca was leaning down with me as well. We exchanged looks and began our work.

I ran my mouth up and down his lengthy shaft while his wife was already sucking hard on his cockhead. My mouth found its way further down, and I placed a gentle kiss on each of his balls. I heard him moan, he truly enjoyed this, and that made me happy. So I began to take one of his testes into my mouth and suck on it. My eyes looked up and I saw and heard how Rebecca moaned with his cock in her mouth while she watched me. Dave was leaning towards Rebecca's behind, and I could imagine that he was playing around with his hands on her pussy.

Rebecca stood up and slowly took off her panties, and I continued in her place to suck on his big member. Tasting her saliva on his cock made it even more erotic than it already was. I was feeling so much heat rising between my legs. I wanted to feel him inside me, I needed that so badly.

Rebecca took his hand, I let go of his member and she led him towards the bed. I followed suit. She pushed him down onto the bed, and she slowly crawled up to his face, planting a kiss on it, while slowly lowering her hips, until his member finally found her opening. She leaned back and moaned loudly.

Up until then, I was just lying on their side and watching it while playing around with my clit. Rebecca heard me moan as well and said, "Don't be shy, he knows how to multitask, have a seat," and gestured towards his face.

I didn't need to hear that twice and quickly crawled up to him, lifted my leg over his head, and lowered myself onto his face, while I faced Rebecca. He grabbed my butt cheeks, and hold onto them with his firm grip, and his tongue found its way towards my clit.

As his tongue first touched my clit, an electric shock wave went through my body, I threw my head back and began to moan. After the initial shock wave, I looked back at Rebecca, who was already bouncing up and down on his rock-hard member. His tongue knew exactly where to put pressure and how much pressure was needed. Never in my life had I ever experienced that kind of cunnilingus before. Each time he flicked his tongue to my clit, an electric shock wave went through my body, and my mind was just in bliss.

I leaned towards Rebecca, who was leaning back and used her hands on his knees as leverage. My hands were massaging her breasts, while my mouth was sucking on her left nipple. My tongue circled it and occasionally flicked it.

She was enjoying it, and so was I. Rebecca leaned down, pulled my head up, and planted a kiss on me, which I passionately returned. Our tongues were dancing and fighting with each other.

Then, it became more than kisses, I found myself scooting lower to her, and we both got off him. She was now lying on her back, while I kissed her face, and I moved further south. I kissed her throat, both of her breasts, her tummy, and her pelvis, moved onto her thighs, and kissed my way inwards while making eye contact with her.

My mouth was eager to taste her as well. I slowly kissed my way towards her beautiful pink vulva, until I finally reached her clit. My mouth was switching between licking and circling her clit to sucking on it lightly, and it drove her crazy. She ran her fingers through my hair and pushed me down onto her vulva. I started to use my fingers on her, and I shoved my middle and ring finger inside her and began to massage her from the inside as well.

While I was doing that, I was lying on my belly, until I felt Dave's hands on both sides of my hip, which he lifted up. I knew what he wanted to do, and I was ready to finally feel him inside me, so I lifted my ass, and exposed my privates towards him. I felt the weight on the mattress shift behind me as he positioned himself. His strong hands were holding onto my hip, and he pushed his member slowly at my opening. He teased me a bit with it, as he circled my opening with his cockhead. Until he finally slowly shoved it inside.

As I felt his head slowly entering me, I had to gasp and moan a bit onto Rebecca's vulva. I had to get used to his width, and somehow he knew that, he didn't push any further for a few moments. Then finally he slowly pushed himself deeper inside me, and he hit every right spot, I almost came then and there. As my lovetunnel slowly adjusted to his width and length he started to thrust in and out of me. Slow at first, and quickly picked up the pace.

All you could hear in that room were Rebecca's moans and Dave's balls smacking against my clit. Rebecca's moans grew louder and louder, her grip on my head was tighter and tighter and she held onto the blanket with her other hand, gripped it tightly until she froze up and didn't make a sound for a few moments. I had done it, for the first time I had made another girl cum, with only my mouth and fingers.

Rebecca was seemingly out of breath. She was just lying there panting, and watching us, while I continued to play around with her vulva. Dave's pace became quicker and quicker, and I was so close to cumming as well, until he flipped me over, shoved his hands under my butt, and lifted me from the bed.

He carried me to the wall next to the couch and pinned me against it. I was now kissing him passionately, and ran my fingers over his back, while he pushed his member back into me. And I moaned into his mouth as he penetrated me again. He fucked me a few minutes like that against the wall, and I came so hard, like never before. I screamed out and I only saw stars at that moment. After the orgasm went away, I returned to kissing him.

As I was kissing him, and being pounded by him, I didn't realize that Rebecca moved to the couch, to watch us, and play with herself during it. Again Dave was picking up the pace, and his head was already red. I knew he was close, and he said, completely out of breath, "I'm about to cum."

I looked into his eyes and whispered, "Do it, fill me with your cream!"

Not long after I whispered these words, I felt his cock pulsate inside me, and I knew that he was pushing his cum deep into my fertile womb. During that I made eye contact with Rebecca. That thought made me cum again. To think about that he filled me with his cum, from which their children were made out of, while his wife, my childhood friend, was watching us.

Dave was out of breath, and he had to sit me down on the edge of the couch. I felt his seed slowly running out of me. But before even a drop would see daylight, Rebecca was already between my legs, and sucking everything out and licking me completely clean.

While she was doing that, I grabbed Dave's cock, and guided it to my mouth. To suck it dry, and milk it for every last drop.

When Rebecca sucked every drop of cum out of my pussy, she came up to me and started to kiss me, and I tasted his juices that were mixed with mine in her mouth. We played around with it in our mouths, until we finally settled and both of us had enough in their mouths to swallow. So we showed our work to Dave, who was still trying to catch his breath, stuck our tongues out, and swallowed his load. I will never forget this salty and kind of sweet taste of his semen, mixed with my juices, and the saliva of my friend.

After that, we three got into the shower together and cleaned ourselves up. Finally, we fell into the bed. It didn't take long for us to fall asleep, as it was a really good day. Had to be the best of my life so far.

The next morning we had breakfast in their bedroom. After we were done, we said our goodbyes and I went home.

During the commute back to my aunt's house, I was still reminiscing about what we had done yesterday. I learned something new about myself, I had never thought that I would enjoy that, but I did. I hope to have many more exciting adventures like that in the future!

Written by Rosiex369
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